00:00:10 Matt Welcome everyone to the.net Maui podcast. We're here to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest and. 00:00:23 Matt Net client development. We'll talk about some Azure, some Visual Studio, some blazer, and ofcourse.net Maui. 00:00:31 Matt I'm Matt Soucoup 00:00:32 James And I'm James Montemagno Matt. 00:00:34 James It has been a busy, busy, busy. 00:00:38 Matt This is the summerof.net Maui what? 00:00:39 James Did you expect or winterof.net Maui? 00:00:42 Matt That's true, depending on where you are, and that's true with the how hot it's been lately. 00:00:47 Matt I would appreciate the. 00:00:48 Matt Winterof.net 00:00:49 James Maui, I've been walking around campus and we're recording in person, which is pretty cool in the brand new dev REL studios here, Channel 9 studios. Whatever it's called something, but if you were an active watcherofthe.net community. 00:01:03 James Standups or other live stream shows at live dot dot net. 00:01:09 James Live dot dot dot net, la dot. 00:01:14 James Dot dot dot net. 00:01:16 Matt Yep, got it. 00:01:17 James Yep got it. 00:01:18 James Or when you go to dot net there's a live button you can go there now. 00:01:22 James This is the same room, so it's actually has all these amazons everywhere and has a bunch of cool stuff. 00:01:26 James They're redoing this room so it's not set up for live stream, but it is set up for podcasting on crazy Rd equipment. 00:01:33 James This is way more fancier. 00:01:34 James Then the podcasts after you get home. 00:01:35 Matt It's it's amazing. 00:01:36 Matt The colors that are coming off of this. 00:01:38 Matt What is that thing or I don't? 00:01:40 James Know I, I literally have no. 00:01:42 James Idea what this is, it's a. 00:01:43 James Road Servo based preamp onboard PROCASTER 5000 deluxe edition has all these colors and if I press them nothing happens. 00:01:54 Matt I don't care, it is so pretty. 00:01:55 Matt Nothing needs to happen. 00:01:56 James Yeah, it's it's very true. 00:01:58 James It was very pretty and I can move sliders up and down and be like, whoa, check that out. 00:02:02 James But yeah, it's been a crazy crazy August in general and we're back in the studio, which is quite fun. 00:02:09 James We'll be back probably at our normal houses, 'cause it's it's pretty much not fund across the 520 use this week. I don't know if you know. 00:02:15 James They shut down like all the I5 and the 405. 00:02:19 Matt I5 shut down going through southern downtown through Soto this weekend. The whole 520 connecting Seattle to the east side shut down. 00:02:27 Matt Oh my gosh, yeah, This is why I don't leave home unless I can take a bus or to come meet you James. 00:02:32 James To do the podcast, so I appreciate it and we have some really exciting events that we're doing in person here in Redmond, WA. 00:02:39 James But we're gonna talk about some of that later, 'cause you will be able to go in person as well with some really cool, exciting events that we'll talk about towards that in the podcast as well. 00:02:48 James But let's get into it Matt, because, well, David is not here, we're here and we're going to break stuff down. And before we get into the.net Maui craziness, that was focus event all these releases. 00:02:59 James All these really cool challenges and stickers that you can get. 00:03:03 James I want to talk about the release of the net Community Toolkit version 8.0. Now this is something that I've been talking about forever. 00:03:10 James In fact, I've had Sergio on on dot net on my YouTube channel. 00:03:14 James I've done a bunch of videos, did a new one on the pub sub messenger that's built into it's. 00:03:18 James Super cool although. 00:03:19 James I didn't know about like I don't map. 00:03:23 James Confession or no, I don't know. Every single nu get packagefor.net that's all I just. I don't know all of them. 00:03:30 Matt I quit, I'm done. 00:03:32 James Podcast over I. 00:03:33 James I don't know if you know but. 00:03:37 James Don't know everything, so apparently there are a bunch of messenger other you know new gets out there and there's one from Jimmy Bogard called Mediator. 00:03:46 James Do you know about mediator with an R at the end, not an ER. 00:03:48 Matt I've seen it. 00:03:49 Matt I've heard of it. 00:03:50 James I I think I didn't know about it because I'm assuming that it comes more from the web world. 00:03:54 James I could be wrong 'cause it's like, oh here's how you add in the one line of code in asp.net. So when it came to time out. 00:04:00 James I don't know. 00:04:01 James I'm going to do video on that too, 'cause it seems pretty cool and there's they do similar but also different stuff. 00:04:06 James But anyways, the.net Community toolkit has a whole bunch of stuff in there, mvme, diagnostics, performance stuff, all sorts of good stuff in there, and Sergio did a great blog post announcing the release of it on the net. 00:04:20 James Blog and this has a whole history. 00:04:22 James How it was a Windows community toolkit, how they broke it apart, how it's like, all Better Together. 00:04:26 James There's a bunch of community. 00:04:27 James Toolkitstheresa.net Maui community. Toolkittheresthis.net Community Toolkit and how it was inspired from MVVM Light and Lawrence who works at Microsoft and how it's sort of Ala carte. 00:04:37 James It's platform independent. It can run on anyversionof.net its.net standard 2O that has sort of the latest and greatest improvements if you're using. 00:04:47 James Modernruntimeslike.net, sixlikewith.net, Maui, and all sorts of stuff. So he goes through the source generators, which are my favorite thing in the entire. 00:04:55 James Oh my name is in this blog. 00:04:57 James You can just add an attribute to a method and say relay command and that turns it into a command you can put observable property. 00:05:05 James It turns it into an observable property you can do. 00:05:07 James Change fours, it's just source generation is like magic, so that's one of my favorite things in the entire. 00:05:13 James World, but also inside of here there's all sorts of other things that I was talking about too, like the Messenger API. 00:05:22 James There's an I messenger that you can do dependency injection. 00:05:25 James There's a weak reference, a strong reference if you don't want your stuff. 00:05:27 James To get garbage collected, you can add that in there too and there's all this performance stuff that's in here that's really, really cool. 00:05:34 James And then there's a whole sample application that you can download on the App Store. 00:05:39 James They SIM shipped it, which is really cool. 00:05:42 James And they have a this one built with win UI three. 00:05:45 James They have Xamarin forms. 00:05:46 James One they're going to donate Maui sample. 00:05:48 James So to show that it kind of works with everything, so there's all sorts of stuff in there. 00:05:53 James There's even more. 00:05:54 James It's bananas, it's super good. 00:05:56 James In fact, if you've done the workshop or the Beginner series or anything, or we're at the neck. 00:06:03 James You'll see that almost everybody was using this. 00:06:05 James Long Prairie Yep. 00:06:06 Matt I didn't get turned onto it, James until you started talking about it back for the workshop, and then I saw it in action. 00:06:12 Matt Was that two Fridays ago when you ran the workshop? 00:06:14 James How I am? 00:06:14 Matt 8 hours of James Montemagno up talking constantly half hour for lunch? 00:06:17 James I'm sorry, terrible. 00:06:19 Matt She takes a break, but then gets back going at it. 00:06:21 Matt But this toolkits awesome. 00:06:23 Matt I just thought it was like an mbed toolkit, right where you can just put the. 00:06:26 Matt Essentially, decorators or attributes. 00:06:28 Matt Around a property and just say observable property and put it. 00:06:31 Matt You're not even putting it around a. 00:06:32 Matt Property you're putting it. 00:06:33 Matt On a variable, yeah. 00:06:34 Matt And it the source generator scaffolds everything out for you. 00:06:38 Matt It's amazing, but like I said, has that whole messaging framework in there, which I haven't even dug into yet? 00:06:42 Matt I've learned about it from that blog post. 00:06:44 Matt Was like what doesn't this tool could not do? 00:06:47 Matt Does everything. 00:06:48 James It does do everything, and if people were coming from like the fodi world with IL weaving, this is source generator. 00:06:54 James So it's kind of it's similar where you can append attributes and it'll generate code. 00:06:59 James But instead of doing, I'll weaving and injection. 00:07:02 James It does a source generator, so as soon as you add the attribute your sources. 00:07:06 James Generated in real time, which is very very cool. 00:07:09 James It's very smart. 00:07:10 James I absolutely love it. 00:07:13 James So definitely give it a check out. 00:07:16 James And of course, we'll link to all this stuff I just talked about the beginner series, so we're just getting started with down in Maui. 00:07:21 James The workshop. 00:07:22 James All that stuff, bingo bango. 00:07:24 James You'll be good to go. 00:07:27 James Map nice. 00:07:29 Matt No, as we had along with thewhole.netstuff.netstuff.net, Maui stuffed, all the release was that last week, or is it week before? 00:07:36 James Two weeks ago, two weeks ago, yeah. 00:07:38 Matt Time just allthis.netstuff.net Maui stuff. Anyways, there's a whole slew of new Visual Studio releases that went out along with the.net focus on dot net Maui. I'm going to mess that up the whole time dot net con focus on dot net Maui, yes. 00:07:55 James Perfect now that. 00:07:57 Matt Along with that event, a whole bunch of Visual Studio releases came out with it, including 17.3 for Windows. 00:08:04 Matt We talked about the preview for that which we hit. 00:08:06 Matt Most of it. 00:08:07 Matt Most of it, you know. 00:08:08 Matt Like we could reopen closed tabs or it has a couple 2 new things. 00:08:13 Matt Two new things that I want to talk about that I missed the first time checks one on the installer. 00:08:15 James OK. 00:08:18 Matt The Visual Studio installer. 00:08:19 Matt Everything we know one love. 00:08:21 Matt You might have more than one Visual Studio installed at the time. 00:08:23 Matt I do. 00:08:24 Matt True, there's a new button on there. 00:08:27 Matt Update all. 00:08:28 James Oh, I did. 00:08:29 James See that it's a good button to button. 00:08:30 Matt Yep, Yep, it's like wow perfect. 00:08:33 Matt You can also drag and drop breakpoints so like if you have a conditional breakpoint that says you know just breakpoint when X is equal to 10. 00:08:40 Matt And let's say you want to move that around instead of having to redo all that typing. 00:08:45 Matt Or I can drop that breakpoint. 00:08:47 Matt Nice yeah, pretty neat, pretty neat stuff and then 1734 Mac also came out talked about this wells in previous already supports like Apple Dev accounts has new light bulb refactorings. 00:08:47 James No problem. 00:09:00 Matt Put into it also supports and. 00:09:02 Matt I ran into this the other day. 00:09:03 Matt Is user secrets. 00:09:05 Matt So yeah, that way you can put like your API connection strings and such so you don't accidentally check them into source control. 00:09:12 Matt They'll set off outside of your project path, which is nice. 00:09:16 Matt And then of course, whenever we release a stable version of Visual Studio, up comes to previews and preview one for both Windows and Mac or out and the big one that we'll talk about for Mac is. 00:09:28 Matt Dot net Maui support. 00:09:30 Matt It's in it. 00:09:32 Matt Go check it out. 00:09:33 Matt I mean, I'm not even sure what more to say other than it's there and it works and it's. 00:09:36 Matt Great I James I was just showing you I made a flight simulator not a flight simulator flight tracking app using signal R using net model using the map suey maps third party. 00:09:47 Matt Everybody should check that out map so we will put a link into the my pick of the pod early will. 00:09:52 Matt Put it into their show notes, but. 00:09:55 Matt It works great. Everything you know, all done in Visual Studio. Mac preview 17.431. Yeah, so super cool. 00:10:03 James And we should say that the. 00:10:06 James At the event when the new versions of Visual Studio were released on Windows Visual Studio 17.3, which is the current stable release, has. 00:10:17 James As Don Amaui support stable release built in 100%, so that is good to go now if you're automatic. 00:10:24 James Like you said, 17.4 preview one is where the support is there. I think it does kind of work in 17, three, but. 00:10:31 James The actual official. 00:10:32 James Support is there. 00:10:33 James I roll previews only. 00:10:36 James That's my jam so. 00:10:37 James I literally you know when you set update all like I don't even need that button 'cause I only need one. 00:10:42 James Just put all preview all the time preview now, why not? 00:10:45 James It's you know. 00:10:47 James For me, as is how is. 00:10:49 James How I roll man? 00:10:49 Matt In the edge. 00:10:51 James You may be wondering where was you know 17 one and 17 two of Visual Studio for Mac. 00:10:59 James No, I am wondering that no, they they were all rolled into 17, three to align version numbers. 00:11:04 James So if you remember Visual Studio for. 00:11:05 James Mac because of the. 00:11:07 James The the enhancements and the rewrite and and the UI that it was going through in the native arm support for Apple Silicon that was there they, you know John, who wrote the the blog was here. 00:11:19 James He says the minor version numbers were changed to 17 three to match Visual Studio on Windows, so it's not as confusing which because it would be very confusing. 00:11:28 James Now it's like, hey, they're they're there. 00:11:29 Matt Yep, and it makes total sense and it's something that I would complain about if it wasn't match lined up. 00:11:34 Matt So thank you, John, for. 00:11:37 Matt Taking that on and explaining it to me. 00:11:38 James And I will say this Visual Studio 17 three on Windows. 00:11:43 James Those whole bunch of also really cool stuff besides down at Maui support. So container app support is in there. A bunch of C++ and Microsoft Teams development with. 00:11:53 James Net is in there, but also there's a bunch of just new Visual Studio things such as like, uh, what's new dialogue? 00:11:59 James This is my favorite feature to feature. 00:12:01 James It tells you what's new. 00:12:03 James 'cause there's so much new all the time, it gives you a beautiful display so you can check that out, get line staging. 00:12:10 James That's really cool if you need to go line by line. 00:12:12 James But something controversial. 00:12:15 James Show tabs in multiple rows. 00:12:16 James Those anti I'm anti. 00:12:19 Matt You know, we we, we talked about this at now, James. 00:12:22 Matt You're going to be anti this to make him vertical. 00:12:25 James Cool now. 00:12:25 Matt Put him put him down. 00:12:26 Matt Yeah, see, you wouldn't have to put. 00:12:27 Matt Him in multiple rows 'cause. 00:12:28 Matt They would go all right down your screen on the left. 00:12:31 Matt Or right hand side? 00:12:32 James No horizontal, I recently saw somebody that had what was it? 00:12:37 James I think it was like the Windows menu. 00:12:39 James On the left side of the what is happening here, I don't. 00:12:41 James I don't like it and I don't know what's going on like goes on the bottom. 00:12:43 James Just goes here this good. 00:12:45 James It was something else and something else on the left side. 00:12:47 James Whatever it was, I was like no, this is not where it goes. 00:12:50 James Uh anyways single single row. 00:12:53 Matt In the room crossed the top. 00:12:54 James You shouldn't have that. 00:12:55 James You shouldn't have that many. 00:12:56 James Imagine what if edge or Chrome or Firefox do multiple? 00:13:02 James You see people, tabs or like, you can't, they're. 00:13:05 Matt Slivers right? 00:13:05 Matt I think people be very grateful if they could have multiple rows or tabs. 00:13:08 James It's it's just their entire screen at the end of it. 00:13:11 Matt Eventually their screen would just be a little sliver. 00:13:13 James Oh my goodness. 00:13:15 James One thing it's going to close, reopen closed documents. 00:13:17 James That's kind of neat. 00:13:17 James It kind of makes it feel. 00:13:22 James I don't know like a that's good. 00:13:23 James Web browser issue? 00:13:25 James Well, 'cause it's almost expected what's in what's in this new one? 00:13:29 James Oh, I think that yeah my God, what else is in here? 00:13:32 James Oh version 17. Four is the first version that has the native arm 64 stuff. Now that doesn't have down in Maui stuff in it yet, but there's a few workloads that do support ARM 64. So if you are on. 00:13:43 James Arm 64 Windows machine. Be on the lookout for that, but on Mac it is there. It's a whole bunch of stuff we've been talking around and dancing around. 00:13:50 James Yeah, whole bunch of stuff becausethe.net. Com focus on dot net Maui event took place in the beginning of August and it was gangbusters. Awesome I was here. 00:14:01 James I not only did I talk for 8 hours on that Friday at the. 00:14:04 James Workshop but on. 00:14:04 James Tuesday I helped host. 00:14:07 James The.com for which is almost here in studio, limit 10 feet away from where we're at right now. 00:14:12 James And I was going to the tag board hitting the button. 00:14:14 James The tweet tweet board tagged dinghy doing the stuff which was super fun and David. 00:14:21 James Maddie, we're here with a keynote. 00:14:22 James They talked about not only all of the amazing stuff that was released that we just talked about in down in Maui, but also the net. 00:14:29 James Seven road map. 00:14:30 James Which is going to include map support on mobile. 00:14:32 James Or you can check out, I call it it's you know what it is. 00:14:35 James It's not map suey, I think it's. 00:14:36 Matt Maps UI, you know what? 00:14:38 Matt It looks like maps UI, but in the documentation I think it does say map suey. 00:14:42 James That's what I thought I said I I called it Matsui to begin with and then I was like I looked down and I was like, oh, I bet it. 00:14:48 James Actually maps you, I'll get Matsui, Yep. 00:14:50 James Or maps UI, you're yeah, it's you know which one. 00:14:54 James A real focus on desktop. I love this. 'cause there's already great dustoff support. What your new stuff, but there's evenmore.net goodness for Donna McGinnis. For desktops down at 7 road map, they got context, menu cursors, hover gestures, right click gestures, title bar tool. 00:15:08 James Tips, and they're also working on channel integration for platform interop, which I don't even know that means, but I think that is going to bring, I assume, kind of like what react native or flutter or all the other ones do. 00:15:21 James Where if there's an API or like something that's in SWIFT or in Objective C or in Kotlin. 00:15:29 James Or something like that. 00:15:29 James You can like channel in. 00:15:30 James I don't know. 00:15:31 James I gotta talk to. 00:15:31 James Maybe it's not. 00:15:32 James I have no idea. 00:15:33 James I should probably talk about what? 00:15:34 James I don't know well. 00:15:35 James If you. 00:15:35 James Had David here, he would tell us, but I think what's? 00:15:38 James Really important is in the blog post will put a link to in. 00:15:40 James The show notes Maddie and David outlined the release schedule and support and patching throughout Oxford comma here. 00:15:47 James But I'll forgive them. 00:15:49 James And we put a link. We put a screenshot of it talking about how Dani mauishipswith.net. 00:15:55 James Someone was emailing me asking what's the support lifecycle like it's like it's the.net lifecycle, Yep, but he also outlined. 00:16:04 James How you minor versions and major versions? 00:16:07 James They'll also receive patches for so long and additionally make sure that the latest X codes and Android suffer supported in these different versions, because obviously iOS and Android don't always ship in November. 00:16:18 James There might need to be patches before that in general, and also clarified up. 00:16:24 James The Xamarin SDK and Xamarin forms received support until May 2024, but in his blog post. 00:16:32 James Jeff also goes through Jeff Fritz also goes through the entire session. 00:16:36 James Catalog is up on the net, YouTube and the Microsoft Docs events page, and there's also a bunch of pre records which is cool. 00:16:43 James My favorite performance improvements and now with the one the only Jonathan Peppers. 00:16:48 James Any other favorites on there on this list? 00:16:50 James Do you see the pre records that people may have missed? 00:16:52 You know? 00:16:52 Matt What I'm going through. 00:16:53 Matt I haven't watched it yet, but I see Ken faded binding native libraries for. 00:16:56 Matt Net Maui. 00:16:57 Matt Everybody always has trouble with binding like not OK. 00:17:00 Matt I always have trouble with binding native libraries. 00:17:03 Matt Hopefully Ken Fait teaches me everything I need to. 00:17:05 Matt Know I'll have to. 00:17:07 James Watch it also, it's a good one. 00:17:08 James Give that a look. 00:17:09 James The slides for all the sessions are available. 00:17:11 James The demo code. 00:17:12 James The point of sale demo application is cool and people brought my career full circle. 00:17:17 James They added Bluetooth printing. 00:17:21 James To a. 00:17:23 James You know a printer like a little POS printer to do receipts and credit cards. 00:17:28 James Signing someone added and they open source. 00:17:31 James The Bluetooth library. 00:17:33 James Which is pretty much my background. 00:17:34 James Printers for people are just joining. 00:17:36 James It's so much gets up and there's a bunch of events you want to talk about. 00:17:38 James The cool challenges and events that also. 00:17:40 Matt Happen, yeah, absolutely. 00:17:41 Matt So there's one. 00:17:42 Matt We're calling it the beautiful UI challenge. 00:17:47 Matt And because every time I go see what the community is doing with the UI is, I'm blown away like my user interface. 00:17:53 Matt Is there pretty much just text on a screen and? 00:17:56 Matt That's it. 00:17:56 Matt But you can do such great, great looking things and what we're calling for is people to go out to either the snippets that hey pronounce it. 00:18:02 Matt James snippets snippets. 00:18:04 James Yep, it's sniping. 00:18:04 Matt Snippets the snippets website orthe.net Maui. Good looking UI samples if you're not into the whole brevity thing, there's so there's two different websites snippets and then the net Maui. Good looking UI samples. 00:18:17 Matt They are essentially where you go you, me, James to go to get inspiration for various things like you want to figure out how to do a nice looking sign in screen or a nice looking collection view like a. 00:18:30 Matt I don't know like a ticket app like you're going to go to a concert and you want to have like a ticket application. 00:18:35 Matt Something like that. 00:18:36 Matt You go there to get inspiration on how to design things. 00:18:41 Matt Now you have the inspiration. 00:18:43 Matt Let's go and submit something new. 00:18:46 Matt Either go to submit it the snippets or good looking UI samples. 00:18:50 Matt You do it. 00:18:51 Matt Put in a PR, they'll get accepted and then James will personally stamp, sign, seal and deliver sticker stickers for you. 00:19:02 James It's true that I have thousands upon thousands of Donnie mauiblazer.net stickers at my House, Visual Studio stickers and they are shipping out around the globe. 00:19:12 James We've also shipped a bunch of them to a bunch of user groups around the globe. 00:19:19 James Two that are hosting events, but. 00:19:21 James There are also a bunch of really cool reactor events coming up as well. 00:19:26 I'm here. 00:19:27 James This is really, really neat. 00:19:28 James In fact, we're doing one literally in one hour here in Redmond, so you can't come to this one 'cause it's already done. 00:19:33 James However, we put a link to. This is on the the DEV 2 Dev dot TO forward slash uh. 00:19:40 James There is a local Dynamo events happening around the globe, and Katie points out there's one in upcoming in San Francisco on the 25th on the 27th in India on the 27th in Australia and then in September there's one in London and one in Tel Aviv where you can go and every event. 00:19:57 James Like local user. 00:19:58 James Groups and Microsoft folks are going to be there helping out. 00:20:01 James Each have a registration page. 00:20:02 James Most of them will have free foods. 00:20:03 James We're gonna have some pizza. 00:20:04 James Apparently that's cool. 00:20:05 James Well, I can't eat the pizza 'cause the Atkins, but you know, I can look at it. 00:20:09 James And smell it. 00:20:10 James That's all you need. 00:20:11 James Yep, half the battle and when when we get there everyone will be a little bit different. 00:20:17 James Most of them will be live streamed, so you can always TuneIn Online, which is great, but most of them will have an introduction to down at Maui with the architecture, product, road map, et cetera, et cetera. 00:20:26 James Some of them Azure sessions are going to do cool signal R session which will be rad and then some sort of workshop and Q&A along the way from the experts so. 00:20:35 James Definitely give those eight look. 00:20:37 James We'll put a link to that in the show notes, but Matt, there's more. 00:20:41 James There's more challenges there. 00:20:42 Matt Sure is there is the cloud skills challenge right, and so James I know you remember this 'cause we were just talking about it all the learn modules we did for.net moment. There's like seven of them. So what we did. 00:20:55 Matt Since we put together a cloud skill challenge where if you go through register for. 00:21:00 Matt Complete all seven learn modules which will take you from the beginning of just writingan.net Maui app all the way up through calling rest services for it and. 00:21:10 Matt SQL databases, what else can you do really make your UI shine with it as? 00:21:14 Matt Well, put all those together, guess what? 00:21:17 Matt Guess what you're going to. 00:21:18 Matt Get once you finish it. 00:21:22 Matt Going to get a sticker. 00:21:23 Matt Which is awesome. 00:21:23 Matt Me from James. 00:21:25 Matt Signed, sealed and delivered Yep. 00:21:27 James You got to do that by the end of the month, so head over into the show. 00:21:30 James Now I think it's AK dot Ms forward Slash Maui forward slash. 00:21:36 James Cloud challenge that would be my yeah, I think I made all those AK dot Ms so I want to see how many people are already doing at cloud. 00:21:37 Matt I guess. 00:21:42 James Yep forward slash cloud challenge. 00:21:44 James We have 400 people right now. Pretty cool, so it's definitely about the first. Not not the first. 00:21:47 Matt Wow, that's nice. 00:21:52 James The 500 is the maximum stick. I can only literally print so many, so get in there. There's stickers to be had. 00:21:59 James There's 88, well, 87. Whatever army is August 31st is when you gotta get it done. Go up, sign it up there's some forms to fill out there's some good stuff get. 00:22:07 James Those stickers we're. 00:22:09 James Shipping stickers around the globe. 00:22:11 James I cannot believe I signed myself up for this was a mistake. 00:22:15 James Now, beyond that, getting stickers with beautiful UI challenge classical sounds. 00:22:18 James Maybe you're like, hey I need some more interactive learning. 00:22:22 James We've got you covered. There's even more right like when you talk about summer, fall, winter springof.net 00:22:28 James Now it's happening nonstop because starting in September all the way through November, September, October, November. Yes, all those times we are going to have.net Maui learn live. Now this is a weekly series. So once. 00:22:42 James A week you can join Matt and me, James. 00:22:47 James And thank you for letting me sign you up for it. 00:22:49 James I was like that's. 00:22:50 James Going to do. 00:22:50 James It those learn modules that we wrote. 00:22:53 James Yep, we're going to learn and teach those live interactively now. 00:22:58 James What's cool about that is that John will be there. 00:23:01 James Kate will be there. 00:23:02 James I would pull from the product. 00:23:03 James Team will pop in to answer your questions live and it's sort of a follow along. 00:23:06 James At home, we're going to teach you everything that are in those learn modules. 00:23:10 James Answer your questions live, and we're going to go through all of the modules so you can do them yourself, which is really, really cool, so you can learn along with us. 00:23:19 James Get your questions answered live and that is at AK dot Ms forward Slash Maui forward Slash learn line. 00:23:24 James Of course, we'll put a link in the show notes. 00:23:26 James You can register for each of them. 00:23:29 James I think eventually are going to work on a button that like registers you for all of the events, but go through and register for every single one. 00:23:36 James Just do it, do it, do it. 00:23:38 James It's going to go through all of them. 00:23:39 James And yeah, the last one is November 16th. 00:23:41 James So boom, click be good to go. 00:23:43 Matt It's it's the shoulder season like we have the summer or winter of Net Maui. 00:23:47 Matt Now we have the shoulder season, a net Molly bringing you from summer in the fall or winter in the spring, yeah. 00:23:52 James That's right, yeah, then is Thanksgiving over here and then everybody just leaves on holidays, so that works. 00:23:57 James Done yes, local events online learning UI challenges, learning challenges. 00:24:03 James Get all those stickers. 00:24:04 James Do all this stuff. 00:24:05 James I don't want them. 00:24:05 James In my house. 00:24:06 James Get them out of here. 00:24:07 James We're totally good to have a bunch of. 00:24:08 James My backpack for you don't. 00:24:10 James Wow, yeah 'cause we're going to be this event and then reactor events. 00:24:12 Matt Yeah, gotta give em out. 00:24:13 James Going to give him out. 00:24:14 James Get all that. 00:24:15 James Stuff all right. 00:24:16 James Let's get to it. 00:24:16 James That's a dumb name avenues. 00:24:17 James What Azure? 00:24:18 James Goodness, do you have for us there? 00:24:18 Matt Alright, so this isn't news news as much as it's news to me. And if it's news to me, well I want to tell people about it, so Azure SQL, the good All Relational SQL database that we all know and love that word.net developers we've grew up with. We know how to use it. 00:24:33 Matt Did you know, though that it supports multi model meaning no SQL meaning graph, meaning key value pairs, whatever. 00:24:42 Matt It it doesn't. 00:24:43 Matt I had no idea it could do it, and evidently it's been in there for a while, and my good friend David Murray goes through it in Azure Friday and it tells us all about how it can do and how you can set up these various graph tables. 00:24:54 Matt And no SQL tables right in line with everything else and just pop them into your Azure SQL database. 00:24:59 Matt So you're not just limited to regular. 00:25:02 Matt Relational data any longer when you're using Azure SQL, so it kind of opens up that whole new world. 00:25:07 Matt You know the all the cool kids doing no SQL. 00:25:10 Matt Yeah, you're not just stuck in Azure SQL anymore, you can do. 00:25:13 Matt No SQL if you want to so. 00:25:14 Matt Yeah, totally cool. 00:25:15 James Wild yeah, but is it in a SQL? 00:25:17 Matt Database, well, Azure SQL still SQL right? 00:25:22 James All the while that's crazy. 00:25:23 Matt Yep, and there's also something called temporal tables, so temporal means time, and what this is going to do is it gives you an ability to track the full history of a role, how it changes over time, which is kind of interesting without you having to set up any fancy tracking. 00:25:38 Matt Or so you have one row of saying I registered for the learn live and then I registered for it again. 00:25:46 Matt I don't know, but let's say that row changes over time. 00:25:50 Matt Well, the temporal table, then it gives you an ability to track to see what state that role was in during any given time going backwards. 00:25:57 Matt So it kind of gives you this like. 00:25:58 Matt Change history to it and you just kind of set it up. 00:26:01 Matt You don't really have to. 00:26:04 Matt You let Azure SQL take care of it for you. 00:26:06 Matt Don't have to do all the hard work yourself. 00:26:08 Matt Pretty much a sync temporal table and there you go again. 00:26:11 Matt Davide goes through everything that's used for how to do it. 00:26:15 Matt Again, not a new feature, but new to me and so. 00:26:19 James Azure News, that's really cool because there just seems to be a whole bunch of stuff. 00:26:25 James You know, I guess that's the whole idea that that would be a. 00:26:28 James Is that a pass and? 00:26:30 James And infrastructure as a service. 00:26:32 Matt That's a platform as a service because it gives. 00:26:34 Matt You a little more. 00:26:36 James Stuff is we're letting Azure figure out the the craziness. 00:26:40 James You just you just access SQL right via SQL and it just does it. 00:26:45 James Yep, that's cool, I'm in. 00:26:48 James Yeah, which service of the month because? 00:26:51 Matt It's going to go. 00:26:53 Matt Azure signal R. 00:26:55 James Now how's that difference between signal R and Azure signal? 00:26:58 Matt Well, the difference is is that you put it on Azure and you don't have. 00:27:01 James To worry about hosting it yourself. 00:27:03 James Oh that makes sense. 00:27:03 James Yep yeah, 'cause that that now is that a is that of. 00:27:06 Matt That's a. 00:27:07 Matt As as a right. 00:27:08 James Platform of the service. 00:27:10 James What's in what's in? 00:27:12 Matt I as is infrastructure as a service. 00:27:14 Matt Now think of and I as as like a storage account where it's just. 00:27:19 Matt Virtual machine virtual network. 00:27:22 Matt So it's real. 00:27:23 Matt Yeah blobs, yeah, so it's the real basic stuff and you're really getting down to the metal of having to control it or even app service. 00:27:31 Matt Would be infrastructure as a service 'cause you're having to control everything, whereas the next level platform as a service is like more of a middleware. 00:27:39 Matt Things where there's more things on there, so Azure signal R service technically probably Wiz on top of Azure app service, but it gives you that middleware of having likely signal R goodness. 00:27:52 Matt Going on like. 00:27:52 James Functions functions is sits on top of app service and. 00:27:55 Matt Yep, exactly. 00:27:57 James And OK, that makes it so. 00:27:59 James Oh yeah, we were just going through a slide deck. 00:28:01 James Man I but we have. 00:28:03 James So my island tracker, my Animal Crossing app, right? 00:28:06 James I have Azure functions and those talk to table storage and BLOB storage. 00:28:13 James Those two things are infrastructure, but the function is. 00:28:16 Matt The function yeah, function names. 00:28:18 Matt Then people even talk about functions as a service or FAZ? 00:28:22 Matt Wow yeah, but could that be a pass? 00:28:25 Matt I don't know. 00:28:25 Matt It gets really crazy 'cause you can even say like I have identity as a service which is E as again. 00:28:31 James But isn't that isn't there anyway you arm? 00:28:33 Matt Azure signal alright. 00:28:34 Matt Azure signal R So what it gives you is a. 00:28:36 Matt Way to do. 00:28:38 Matt Instant communication between a bunch of different clients, right? 00:28:42 Matt So I can have my app check. 00:28:45 Matt The chat app is. 00:28:46 Matt The quintessential app that everybody thinks of when they're talking signal R. 00:28:49 James Yeah, which is like apparently you know voice actor Brady. 00:28:52 James About this, and he's like this is the worst demo demo 'cause it's like it's not exactly how you necessarily would do it, right? 00:28:58 Matt Exactly, but what it it's good for? 00:29:00 Matt It's really good for high frequency updates or things. 00:29:03 Matt So like maybe like a any type of dashboard or monitoring thing where you need. 00:29:07 Matt Like here's, here's a good one. 00:29:10 Matt You're waiting for your Lyft to come pick you up, and you're watching the driver go down the wrong St signal. 00:29:16 Matt R would be a great way to do that. 00:29:17 Matt Where they can broadcast their location, you can see where they're going. 00:29:22 Matt Targeted ads is another thing where you're somebody doing something on the screen. 00:29:25 Matt You get their information and you can change the ad right away. 00:29:28 Matt It's kind of an interesting use case scenario, or like stock information or even IoT stuff that has to go back and forth. 00:29:35 Matt It's a live real time communication going on so, but like like a chat app, you know there's there's a asynchronous stuff going like signal R is for fast. 00:29:46 Matt Everything going on very quickly. 00:29:48 Matt Where in the chat you know we've got a. 00:29:50 Matt There's a break in between, but it's kind of cool seeing that something happens, a chat, then it gets broadcast everywhere all at once. 00:29:57 Matt So anyway, signal R is like websockets. 00:30:01 Matt It's a live portal where one thing happens and everybody else can see it instantaneously without having to necessarily pull whatever web service you're looking to get the information from. 00:30:11 James Well, you know the cool thing about signal R is that signal R is smart because it will use. 00:30:18 James The specific technology that. 00:30:21 James This is for the device, so for example it may use web sockets. 00:30:26 Speaker 1 Get some. 00:30:27 James It may use server sent events or may use long polling based on the device. 00:30:32 James If you're like a really, really old client that can't support it, will it will figure it out and the cool thing is, I while I was hosting.net com focus on Maui. 00:30:42 James I did. 00:30:42 James I was part of a demo which. 00:30:44 James Was about Signal R nice in a real time drawing application which is kind of cool because in that case you are literally drawing kind of like if you were following your driver on the map, but you're drawing in real time. 00:30:55 James It is really. 00:30:55 James Cool to see that like scribble, type of game being. 00:30:59 Matt Produced, yeah, that's super cool. 00:31:01 Matt I mean the real time stuff is just. 00:31:03 Matt Kind of like a wow factor. 00:31:04 Matt And there's a lot of cool things like any type of dashboard, you know, like you like financial dashboard or this. 00:31:08 James Love dashboards love a good. 00:31:09 Matt Or how? 00:31:10 Matt Dashboard, you know there's a. 00:31:12 Matt But I saw a joke on Twitter the other day where they say dashboards or like astrology for PMS, which you know kind of is anyways, gotta have a dashboard, Yep, but yeah, any dashboard whether you're industry or if you're doing anything where you need real time data sales updates, even multiplayer games, you know stuff like that. 00:31:33 Matt Perfect real time information signal R Azure platform. 00:31:37 Matt As a service there you. 00:31:38 Matt Go there you. 00:31:39 James Go so you already mentioned your pick up. 00:31:41 James Do you want to talk about? 00:31:42 Matt It one more time, sure map sui. 00:31:44 Matt Now I'm going to try to get the. 00:31:48 Matt Name 4 Matsui it's on GitHub and what map suey does it say? 00:31:53 Matt Sketch it, it draws vamps does it draw whiskey? 00:31:56 Matt A sharp tell me if it does or not. 00:31:57 Matt I don't know. 00:31:58 Matt I don't know. 00:31:58 Matt It does. 00:31:59 Matt Yeah, it uses skia sharp though underneath so you can draw things on top of the maps with skia sharp for sure. 00:32:03 Matt But anyway, So what Matsui is? 00:32:06 Matt Is a map package for. 00:32:11 Matt Amongst other things, for your net Maui apps, and so you can use things like open St Maps and put those on there. 00:32:18 Matt You can do other maps as well for it, but. 00:32:23 Matt I have found it and I'm just learning about it right now. 00:32:25 Matt You can put different layers on there. 00:32:27 Matt You can draw on it very easily. 00:32:29 Matt You can zoom in, zoom out, you can put your. 00:32:33 Matt Location everything works really nicely. 00:32:36 Matt It's very powerful and. 00:32:39 Matt Yeah, so maps we go check it out. 00:32:41 Matt I will get the. 00:32:43 Matt Maps UI on get. 00:32:46 Matt And yeah, I'm looking for the pronunciation for it. 00:32:49 Matt As we go. 00:32:50 James Because I had gone. 00:32:51 Matt With its map Sewi, it's right there. 00:32:54 Matt On github's 00:32:54 James Absolutely, we interesting. 00:32:57 James That makes sense now. 00:32:59 James My pick of the pod is going to be a little bit different. 00:33:01 James It is going to be. 00:33:04 James Printer utility. 00:33:06 James No, I don't. 00:33:08 James Maybe it is actually printer utility. 00:33:09 James I'm not positive, but we're going to put some links to two different. 00:33:14 James Product says people ask me about this stuff all the time. 00:33:16 James About print printing stuff. 00:33:18 James But there is someone that that brought in this essay. 00:33:23 James Cspost.net, which is for a specific printer. There's a, there's a net library for, and they're printing to that. 00:33:32 James But then there's another one, a little bit more generic, which is connecting to any Bluetooth printer using this utility called. 00:33:39 James Printer utility now. Printer utility I. I'm not 100% sure I don't know thingslike.net framework, but I think it is compatiblewith.net standard 'cause it's like not using framework code at all and the magic of Nougat. If backwards compatibility just like makes it work, I don't really. 00:33:55 James Know but regardless. 00:33:58 James This allows you to easily. 00:34:01 James Get and set bytes from printers like Bluetooth printers, but I'm going. 00:34:06 James I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's amazing. 00:34:08 James So anyways, I'm going to put. 00:34:09 James In this. 00:34:10 James Into our show notes 2 specific GitHub links that were sent to me in projects. 00:34:17 James You can give it a check out if you're interested in printing. 00:34:20 James And doing fun stuff. 00:34:22 James I like it because the people literally sent me a video of a mobile app sitting in front of a printer, printing in real time. 00:34:30 James And that's really cool. 00:34:31 James And then the one this this. 00:34:35 James This specific printer is I kind of 1. 00:34:37 James Of those you see. 00:34:37 James The zebra scanners where, like it's an Android device inside of A and this is like a printer on Android. 00:34:44 James So if you're using one of these called uh sunmi, I think it is sunmi sunmi printer. 00:34:52 James And yeah, they just are printing from it, but there's more generic. 00:34:55 James One which is. 00:34:56 James Printing to generic Bluetooth printer. 00:34:58 James It's it's amazing. 00:35:00 James So shout out to Thomas who did that and that's really, really cool. 00:35:04 James And Santhosh, who also did the other one. 00:35:06 James I think it was funny because literally like after Thomas had done this and someone was like I'm also printing so I'm also doing Prince. 00:35:13 James There's a whole community around. 00:35:16 James Printers, so there you go, that's gonna that's really gonna do do it Matt we should go. 00:35:23 James Go talk more to people. 00:35:25 James Yep in real life. 00:35:26 So most times. 00:35:26 James Almost time it's almost time, of course. 00:35:29 James Check out local events, check out all. 00:35:31 James The good stuff. 00:35:32 James It's fun to be back in person. 00:35:33 James We'll see how this recording of this. 00:35:34 James Is first. 00:35:34 James Time on this? 00:35:35 James Setup, so we'll see how it goes. 00:35:37 James You know what? 00:35:37 Matt Just so the folks at home know the lights in this room went off and now this machine, this rode procaster 5000 White Nader. 00:35:46 Matt Is amazing it looks. 00:35:48 Matt Like a disco floor. 00:35:49 James Yeah, I'm going to tweet it. 00:35:52 James Right now, so if you go to my Twitter account, Twitter twitter.com/james montemagno, that's how you can find me everywhere on the Internet. 00:36:01 James I'm going to do a. 00:36:02 James I'm going to do a cool, attach a photo, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to say you only get to see one photo at a time because I don't like to give everyone. 00:36:11 James Access to the photos I'm going to say podcasting with. 00:36:17 James At code. 00:36:20 James Mil Mount Si shout out there. 00:36:24 James I just read that boom. 00:36:26 James I didn't spell it right though. 00:36:27 James Code mail, Matt. 00:36:30 James 02 else, OK, let's go do it. 00:36:33 Matt All right, very good. 00:36:35 James Thanks everyone for tuning in. 00:36:37 Matt See you later, James. 00:36:38 Matt See everybody. 00:36:38 Speaker 1 Bye bye.