00:00:10 Matt Welcome everyone to the.net Maui podcast. We're here to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest and.net client development. We'll talk about some Azure from visualstudioandofcourse.net Maui. 00:00:30 Matt I'm Matt Soucoup 00:00:31 James I'm James montemagno 00:00:33 David And I am David Ortinau 00:00:35 James Alright, we got it working. 00:00:36 James We only took 18 refreshes to Zencaster to get this podcast working, but we did it. 00:00:40 James Oh my goodness, uh, how many new iPhones did you order, David? 00:00:44 David I have queued up two. 00:00:46 David It's actually pretty sweet the the new Apple Store app has the ability to pre configure what it is you want to order. 00:00:53 David You can even go ahead and plug in your payment information. 00:00:56 David It'll create a calendar invite for you, and it's pretty funny. 00:01:00 David It's it gives you a 15 minute alert and a 5 minute alert by default, so they really want you to not miss out on buying new things. 00:01:09 David But I I kind of wonder, do I need to at 7:00 AM? 00:01:12 David My time have both my wife phone and my phone hand in hand? 00:01:16 David Push buttons to complete the order. 00:01:19 David I don't know. 00:01:21 James You'll find out what about you, Matt. 00:01:22 James How many new iPhones for? 00:01:23 Matt You I'm going to get two of them, but I had no idea you could actually pre configure and actually do all the pre ordering the pre pre-order. 00:01:30 Matt Oh man what color you gonna get David. 00:01:31 David Yeah, I guess you're your glue. 00:01:32 David It's the blue guy had to go for the the signature color of the year. 00:01:33 Matt Yeah so yeah. 00:01:36 David I got green for my last one 'cause that was the 11 color. 00:01:40 Matt I think I'm going to Bluetooth so we can be iPhone buddies nice. 00:01:44 David I feel. 00:01:46 David Yeah, it's time. 00:01:46 David It's time we we tend to pass phones down to the children and they've been holding out and you know, dealing with broken screens and cameras. 00:01:57 David And oh, I can't hear anybody on my phone that kind of stuff so. 00:02:00 David It's enough enough of that it's time to give them phones that work, especially when you want to be able to track them. 00:02:05 David You know, gotta watch those kids see what they're up to. 00:02:08 James Oh guess. 00:02:08 David I thought my parents didn't have this technology. 00:02:12 James I ordered zero, I'm on 0. I think we're going to keep it. I got the iPhone SE 2nd Gen. 00:02:17 James I will say I've dropped this phone so many times in the the back of it is shattered but not the front. 00:02:21 James So that's what's keeping it. 00:02:23 James I I I am a a mini believer so I I'm I'm I'm not sure though if they'll continue it for the iPhone. 00:02:30 James 14 though you know what I mean. 00:02:32 James So that's my little fear is like oh, should I get the 13 mini? 00:02:35 James Because that might be the last mini 'cause I heard it didn't sell very well, right? 00:02:38 James This was all the reports came out, but I like that form factor. 00:02:40 James That's why I like the SC, but my wife has an iPhone 11 pro. 00:02:44 James So I still think we're good until next year. 00:02:47 James On the essentially had the pro right, I think if she had the iPhone 11 maybe get a new one, but she's the photographer on the family, but I'll tell you that cinematic mode and the Pro Res. 00:02:57 James I was like, oh man, that's pretty sweet. 00:02:59 David Yeah, I mean you see the typical tweets, you know, I I saw that Apple released a new camera that can make phone calls kind of stuff and I'm sure we all had those thoughts we were looking at it and I, you know then the the thought you probably have after that is how many times am I actually going to do this rack focus thing like never once? 00:03:17 David And then never. 00:03:19 David Yeah, it's way too much, but it is cool it. 00:03:22 David Is there and. 00:03:22 David I'm I'm definitely looking forward to it. 00:03:24 David I've got the 11 pro also, if I didn't need to replenish the family stock of phones, I probably would just stick with this. 00:03:31 David 'cause it's been a great phone. 00:03:32 David I'm glad that technology is not. 00:03:35 David What is it obsoleting itself quite at the same pace? 00:03:38 David Yes, yeah. 00:03:39 James Yeah, I saw someone tweet earlier about they were kind of like disappointed. 00:03:43 James I've been disappointed with new phones forever, but you know, to me it's not about the phone or the form factors about some of the other stuff in there, but I actually appreciate that phones are lasting a lot longer 'cause it's better on the budget at the end of the day and they're still going to be people that upgrade every single year just 'cause they want the latest and greatest gadget. 00:03:59 James You know so. 00:04:01 David For sure, Speaking of latest and greatest, did you see that we shipped a new? 00:04:05 James Dot net six. 00:04:06 James Well my goodness holy cram, amazing. 00:04:11 David Well, let's talk for a little bit about. Net mauiandthe.net 6 release that went out just the other day. 00:04:18 David So so it was a kind of a big day for. 00:04:20 David Net Maui in general, first of all, it's a great release. 00:04:24 David I'm very excited about what we're able to do in it and share with everybody. 00:04:28 David Because up till now it's been kind of a kind of a little bit of a headache to get your environment set up. 00:04:33 David Get all the workloads installed and then get a Visual Studio that can see your templates yadda yadda yadda. 00:04:40 David So in this release, Visual Studio 2022 preview four, it comes prepackedwith.net Maui, so you end up checking actually the network load for mobile development. The old Xamarin workload still new, but we call it old I guess. 00:04:58 David And underneath it you have a checkbox for.net Maui preview. So you check that puppy. Make sure you've checked all the other dependencies that you need like.net for desktop and C++ and UWP. 00:05:10 David That'll give you all the tooling bits and everything for most things. 00:05:14 David The only thing outside of that you'll need. 00:05:17 David You'll need to install the Visual Studio extension for single project for Windows Development in a future release. 00:05:26 David Will reduce that and you'll you'll actually get that as part part of the package. 00:05:30 David And then for Android development we did bump to Android 12, which requires JDK 11. 00:05:36 David So you'll need to go grab an open JDK, which Microsoft so graciously provides and make sure that's on your environment so that you can do all the latest Android things. 00:05:47 David So on that note, you know iOS. 00:05:50 David We were just talking about new iPhones. 00:05:52 David IOS 15 is coming, Xcode 13. 00:05:55 David It's impending. 00:05:56 David They shipped to Apple, shipped a release candidate. 00:05:59 David And so we have the bindings for that. 00:06:01 David If you've been following, along with. 00:06:02 David Net six releases, you've been using those links. 00:06:05 David Code 13 and iOS 15 bindings all along. 00:06:08 David Thank you for your dog fooding of our stuff and and so that will come out for Xamarin developers. 00:06:13 David That is also what we're basing our.net six stuff on, and so we have the latest platform support. 00:06:20 David Even before it goes GA, so that's pretty sweet. 00:06:23 David A couple of other things that are pretty awesome here. 00:06:27 David Once you've done that installation, you've checked all those boxes you've installed. 00:06:30 David Those things that I just mentioned, you're good to go both for xamarindevelopmentandfor.net6.net Maui development. 00:06:36 David You get both the C sharp and the XAML hot reload and you combine that up with the new XAML live preview. 00:06:43 David Which mirrors your running application, whether it's desktop or mobile, right inside your IDE. 00:06:49 David And it's really a very cool magical experience. 00:06:52 David Have either of you been able to get that up and going on your machines and? 00:06:55 David Check that out. 00:06:57 James Oh yeah, I am all in on this thing. 00:07:00 James I think it's so cool. 00:07:01 James I saw not only the the IO or the Windows stuff work, but also the Android emulator being in there too. 00:07:08 David Yeah yeah, the I mean, it's just so sweet because it's not just like a one. 00:07:12 David For one you can zoom in on your UI. 00:07:14 David You can do horizontal and vertical guides. 00:07:17 David It's pretty awesome. In the future you'll be able to actually inspect and click through your UI and navigate to your code and do things like that, so it's going to be a really, really powerful experience when everything comes together, and so this is kind of, in my opinion, the first visualstudio.net six combined release where things are really starting to come together. 00:07:38 David And I'm, you know, I'm starting to get excited. 00:07:40 David I mean, I've always been pretty excited about what we're doing, but it's always been more in the hope. 00:07:45 David And you know, future stuff camp. 00:07:47 David Now that I'm getting my my grubby little fingers on things I'm like OK now I'm ready to start really pumping out some samples and updating some things. 00:07:57 David So that's really cool. 00:07:59 James Yeah, I think that I I see these comes together is is really awesome for like a lot of developers. 00:08:04 James I just have a single screen. 00:08:06 James You know the challenge. 00:08:07 James That a lot of people have, or even I have. 00:08:10 James Is is when you're doing the hot reload, right? 00:08:13 James XAML or now C sharp? 00:08:14 James How reload to like hot reload anywhere you have your emulator on top with your running application and I often force the Android emulator to be on top all the time, but now that doesn't have to be the case. 00:08:28 James Where if I'm on a single monitor or laptop I can just have? 00:08:30 James Everything inside the IDE and just go and navigate when I need to and bring up the UI so it's a very elegant. 00:08:36 James And and story there, and I think also there was like a web live Preview 2 for like that was released a while a few month or so back with doing web development with like webforms or whatever. 00:08:50 James So it's kind of cool to see you know live preview start to become a brand to just like hot reload starting to come. 00:08:57 James Everywhere and and that's that's really the one thing I love about. You know, done at 6 and VS 2022 coming together like this big unification where hey like all the features just kind of work everywhere like that's so cool. 00:09:09 David It is and you know it's called XAML Live Preview, which is kind of a misnomer because you could totally write all your UI in C sharp. 00:09:17 David I want to make sure that Brandon Minnick knows that this feature is for him. 00:09:21 David He can use this too with his C sharp UI coding skills. 00:09:24 David So because it's really just mirroring your app in there and now that you have. 00:09:29 David And that hot reload that works with C sharp. 00:09:32 David You can go to town on that and you'd never have to touch a lick of XAML if you don't really want to. 00:09:38 David But of course it all works together too, so. 00:09:41 David So that's all in there. It's a really great experience if you haven't yet, go grab the latest preview of Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4. 00:09:49 David Give that a run. 00:09:51 David Check all those boxes. 00:09:52 David Our instructions up on the docs website are up to date as of late yesterday. 00:09:57 David The blog that we have out, which will be linked in the show notes. 00:10:01 David We'll also give you some D. 00:10:02 David Details to cover. 00:10:04 David I also cover several of the changes in the SDK code, such as our host builder pattern. 00:10:11 David Some of those Android things so you can be aware of those, and if you're migrating code from one thing to another, you can do that by hand. 00:10:20 David The other really cool thing here is that. 00:10:22 David Our single project is actually now one project. 00:10:26 David That's no longer the one project plus the Windows project we've been able to bring that platform inside the platforms folder, so you now have a really clean, concise single project experience. 00:10:39 David It's all multi targeted and we have some additional multi targeted improvements that will be coming in the future. 00:10:45 David Optimizing our builds, allowing you to check and uncheck and add platforms as you need to. 00:10:53 David It's really sweet. 00:10:55 David Now there are other. 00:10:57 David You know things here and there. 00:10:59 David Absolute layout relative. 00:11:01 David Excuse me right to left. 00:11:02 David Flow direction is in there. 00:11:04 David The new button icon image support has landed for the mobile platforms and just tons of other, you know, improvements and changes and additions to the platform. 00:11:14 David But what we? 00:11:16 David You know the big news in the in the blog post is how are we going to get this to GA? 00:11:22 David What is the road between now and GA look like for Maui because it's pretty clear. 00:11:28 David As you look at our status page as you look at our project board, there's quite a bit of work left to be done. 00:11:33 David And we want to make sure that we do the right thing for customers, right? 00:11:37 David Because we know that you depend upon this, you want it to be production ready and we absolutely want that to. 00:11:42 David We want to make sure that we hit our goals for developer inner loop productivity for performance of the application at runtime for completeness of the control toolkit and when we do that. 00:11:53 David Assessment we realize we really need to spend a few more months polishing this up and making it ready so the new plan is that come this November. 00:12:02 David We're going to have a great solid preview of. Net maui.net six will GA with the runtime in the BCL, asp.net and. 00:12:10 David Blazer but the Maui piece. 00:12:12 David The Android iOS Mac OS piece that comes underneath that we're going to consider that preview at this point. 00:12:19 David Now some of that is, you know, a combination of our enough of the pieces in Visual Studio and enough of the pieces done in the SDK to really call it a full end to end GA experience. 00:12:30 David You may find for your projects that enough of it is there and you can go ahead and get up and running and even be shipping to production with it. 00:12:37 David But we wanted to be clear that to do the whole end to end experience on all four platforms, we really want to spend this additional time. 00:12:45 David So we will be shipping previews on a monthly case. 00:12:49 David And we will let you update as frequently really as you want to. 00:12:54 David 'cause we do have nightly builds. 00:12:56 David We do have PR builds and all that sort of. 00:12:59 David Thing and then come early. 00:13:01 David 2022 Around February, March time we we expect to have an RC, so that would be the release candidate version. 00:13:09 David That you can really depend upon, which would come with a go live life. 00:13:13 David And then, you know, by the very early part of Q2 again, we'll take as much time as we need to to make sure that we get this right for everybody. 00:13:23 David That's when we will ga.net Maui. For all four platforms, and so by that time we also anticipate that we will have all the tooling set up. 00:13:32 David Both on Windows and on the Mac. 00:13:34 David Back and we're really excited that you know everybody is invested so heavily in this to make it make it right to make sure that we have all the ducks in line and have a great product. 00:13:47 David So, as excited as I am about the preview we have now and as excited as I am that we will have a very solid preview come November. 00:13:55 David I'm super thrilled that we have this additional time to really Polish things up and finish the finish the story. 00:14:02 James Super awesome yeah, this is a great update. I am excited for where Maui is going. It will obviously continuously update you along the journey here as.net Maui continues and I was reading the comments sedan. 00:14:15 James A lot of positive ITI coming out and on on Twitter as well. 00:14:19 James You know, I think it's always important to be transparent of where the projects. 00:14:22 James That what the team is doing, how the community is involved and and and you know Donna sees the best policy. 00:14:29 David Yeah, I I feel like you know between the project boards that we have pull requests and issues. 00:14:34 David Any of the discussions that we engage with on GitHub we have the monthly you know Community standup. 00:14:41 David We also have a status page on our wiki on GitHub that tells you exactly where each property is on each platform for every control. 00:14:50 David Uh, that's a lot of transparency, but we certainly can always do more. 00:14:54 David So if anybody is listening and you're and you're like, hey, I didn't know this, that or the other, or why don't you try this? 00:15:00 David Let me know we we we definitely want to not overwhelm ourselves with over communicating, but we want to make sure that we are being transparent. 00:15:09 David I I think. 00:15:10 David I'm pretty well known as being pretty pretty blunt and open, so we want to continue that because we do know that folks are depending upon this, businesses are depending employments and you need to to do the right thing, and we want to make sure that we give you the information to guide you in. 00:15:24 David That so yeah, I but you know the the comments on Twitter have been quite supportive. 00:15:29 David You know, some disappointment, of course you know we're looking for November. 00:15:33 David We want it to be there and I certainly would love that as well, so there's plenty of disappointment to go around. 00:15:39 David But really this is the right thing for everybody. 00:15:42 David We're excited about it. 00:15:43 David I'm thank you for everybody who has. 00:15:45 David Expressed support to us that this is the right decision to get this right to make sure it's a complete end to end thing and you know we'll go out with great quality and we're looking forward to delighting developers with each preview. 00:15:58 David And of course, when we get to GA, we're super excited. 00:16:01 James Awesome, yeah. 00:16:02 James I can't wait to get this all up installed. 00:16:04 James I have a demo tomorrow so I'm not touching my machines, but by the time this podcast comes out I will be having all the latest and greatest bits and the one thing I had asked you. 00:16:13 James David was a recommended path if people have been following the journey and trying things at home with like Maui, check 'cause that was the default. 00:16:21 James Now it's just, uh. 00:16:21 James Check give a recommendation there. 00:16:24 David Yeah, so those of you who have been following along probably have run Maui check and or some CLI commands and you've got some dot net 6 bits on your machine. 00:16:32 David Means now that we're in the Visual Studio installer, we're reconciling kind of. 00:16:38 David You know what gets installed, where are we using all the same bits etc to avoid conflicts so that you know you can get up and running smoothly. 00:16:46 David As of right now, there are still a couple of conflicts and things that we need to resolve, so my recommendation is uninstall. 00:16:53 David All the net 6 preview stuff that you have previously done by going to your add remove programs on Windows, the net 6 Installation preview should all be listed there. 00:17:03 David Go ahead and clean those up if you feel like you've got other stuff around. There are some cleanup scripts that are on the Maui GitHub wiki if you go looking for installing.net six as a page, you'll find some additional deeper instructions. Hopefully you don't need to go that far, but as long as you've uninstalled everything. 00:17:23 David From add remove programs. 00:17:25 David And then you install Visual Studio Preview 4. 00:17:28 David You should be in good shape. 00:17:30 David You know, of course making sure you check all the boxes. 00:17:32 David I myself got into a situation where none of my Android showed up. 00:17:36 David I could run Windows stuff I could build and compile iOS stuff, but I wasn't getting my Android and I was like what the heck is going on and we determined that I indeed had a rogue. 00:17:45 David Android thing in my net program files folder and that was causing Visual Studio to think that I had a newer version already installed so it wasn't going to install. 00:17:55 David Hopefully most people aren't going to run into that because you're not. 00:17:59 David But you know, I'm testing stuff multiple times a day. 00:18:03 David I'm pulling from lots of different feeds, so more than likely not everybody is going to hit that. 00:18:09 David But if you do, this is the kind of stuff you want to do. 00:18:12 David There is also, by the way, James, a migration document that I put together. 00:18:18 David So if you're going from. 00:18:19 David Preview 7 to Preview 8 or RC. 00:18:22 David I noted the top like three or four things that I know have changed in the SDK for you to be aware of. 00:18:29 David If you're going to be migrating code so we haven't done that in previous releases version to version, but it seemed like this time around, it was a good call. 00:18:38 David So many things have changed. 00:18:40 James Awesome, that's awesome. 00:18:41 James Yeah definitely will link to all that stuff in the show notes. 00:18:44 James So definitely take a look at. 00:18:47 James That, and we also had a release of net six RC one, so so this is one thing is our net. 00:18:55 James Six itself has a go live license. 00:18:58 James David you want to explain a Go live license? 00:19:01 David Yeah, so it's a certain level of support that will provide it's not the same kind of long term support that we have, but you want to know that if you're going to take a bet on RC and you're going to go to production with it that you can at least depend upon Microsoft and our support teams to provide some. 00:19:16 David Reaction, you know, support for you in that. 00:19:19 David So that's the go live license. 00:19:21 David You can probably find it documented somewhere online. 00:19:24 David I don't know where the link is, but if we can find it we can share it. 00:19:27 David The difference between that and the in the long term support license is that you're going to get the three years with the long term support. 00:19:34 David So as soon as we do go GA then that. 00:19:36 David Go live license flips over to the the LTS support license and you get the broader covers. 00:19:41 David The longer term and all that sort of thing. 00:19:44 James Perfect, awesome and then the important part there is that since Dot net Maui you know is not part of that. 00:19:50 James Go live license 'cause it's different right? 00:19:52 David Yeah, yeah. 00:19:53 David So if you were to ring up our customer support engineering teams and say hey help me with this Maui stuff they would say. 00:20:00 David Well unfortunately we can't help you with the Maui stuff because it's not go live license. 00:20:05 David Yeah, but we can help you with. 00:20:05 David Alltheother.net six stuff. 00:20:08 David On the on that note, it does remind me. 00:20:11 David One of the main questions that I have seen pop up as people have been reacting to this online and on the comments is what does this mean for Xamarin iOS and Android and for in Xamarin forms for that matter, are we going to extend our support for those? 00:20:26 David Are we going to continue to support them et cetera? 00:20:28 David So yes, I we haven't published. 00:20:31 David Exactly how how much longer we will support them, but I I think it's safe to say we will continue to support them to cover the gap in the in the change. 00:20:40 David Visual we're not going to shorten them, and I can tell you that I was testing a service release for Xamarin forms just yesterday and that should be coming out to public feeds very soon. 00:20:53 David I just happen to find 1 issue so hey good good news dog fooding works. 00:20:58 David We got an issue. 00:21:00 David But that will be going out, and we're already planning the next service release. 00:21:03 David Those will be coming out much more frequently for Xamarin forms, and as I mentioned. 00:21:07 David For Xamarin iOS we have the Xcode 13 iOS 15 bindings. 00:21:11 David Once we get final bits from Apple we we re Rev our bindings. 00:21:15 David We'll get those out into a public shipping space with Visual Studio. 00:21:19 David Visual Studio for Mac and some independent installers if we need to do that so that everybody is unblocked. 00:21:25 David To be there for. 00:21:27 David Go live day for Apple and then we do have the Android 12 JDK 11 stuff and that is coming in a uh near Visual Studio 2019 update as well as Visual Studio 20. 00:21:39 David 22 00:21:40 James Real fantastic that is awesome. 00:21:43 David Lots of things happening and all the same teams working on it, so heroic efforts by all of our teams. 00:21:49 David I really appreciate the work they're doing. 00:21:50 James All happening I love it. Yeah so.net six RC one is out. You can go grab that and additionally honestly just head over to the dot net blog 'cause there's been some. 00:22:00 James Really astonishing updates, but I think now we think about Donna Maui like that is down at six. 00:22:04 James That is seizure up 10. 00:22:05 James That's all those good things. 00:22:07 James There's been really, really great blog posts on the performance improvements on new APIs that are coming in these releases. 00:22:15 James Recently, David Fowler put out one that was like all of. 00:22:20 James You know his newfavorite.net six APIs and this is just like a just a banger. I mean, it's so good like some of the new API's that. 00:22:28 James Or in it for just doing things like parallel foreach async. 00:22:34 James There's more link commands. 00:22:36 James There's new math things. 00:22:38 James There's this argument null exception dot throw if null, so you no longer have to check for nulls, then throw a null exception like so good just like get rid of those lines of code. 00:22:46 James Definitely take a look at that so and I think of these. 00:22:49 James Releasesof.net six it's it's kind of all this stuff. 00:22:51 James Bundled together so definitely take a look at that. It's just so good. So good Matt. We got a new VS 2022 preview. What's all up in there? 00:23:01 Matt Yeah James, this preview four. It seems like we just started talking about Visual Studio 2022 like 3 previews ago. Now it's all grown up in a Preview 4 can. 00:23:09 Matt You believe it? 00:23:10 Matt I can't happening, I know. 00:23:12 Matt So yeah, as part of preview four, we talked about one of the great things about VS. 2022 is it's 64 bit support, which makes it a lot more scalable and faster, and one of the things that they did with this on the 64 bit is that they worked on the fine. 00:23:28 Matt And functionality and so. Now when you actually try to find like a keyword in a file, it's up to three times faster in large projects, which is actually something really cool if you're working with these huge huge projects which the 64 bit supports now better, you'll be able to find things three times faster, which is very helpful. 00:23:49 Matt If you're in, if you're in a rush, right but here OK, so, but here's something that I was super impressed about when. 00:23:54 Matt Credit dependent breakpoints. 00:23:57 Matt Now what this means is, is that you can define a breakpoint. 00:24:01 Matt Now it's not a conditional breakpoint like say only hit this if X is greater than 10. 00:24:07 Matt What a dependent breakpoint says is only break if another breakpoint was hit before it. 00:24:15 Matt So you're saying, like I'm coming in from this code? 00:24:17 Matt Path but don't break if don't hit this, don't enable the breakpoint if you're coming in from code path. 00:24:23 Matt They only come in. 00:24:25 Matt Hit the breakpoint if you're coming in from code path B. 00:24:27 Matt So function a calls it. 00:24:29 Matt Don't break in function C, only break and function B or function. 00:24:33 Matt See if function be calls. 00:24:35 Matt It makes sense. 00:24:37 James That's crazy. 00:24:38 Matt Yeah, yeah isn't that kind of neat to be able to do so? 00:24:41 Matt I mean, it is be able you know. 00:24:43 Matt So if you have, you know function sees only doing something wrong at certain intervals, you can actually. 00:24:48 Matt You know, and you don't need to break every single time it gets called, especially if it functions CS inside a loop or something. 00:24:54 Matt Then you can set your dependent breakpoint and debug it quicker. 00:24:59 Matt So it's all this inner depth loop stuff that works out, and then there's a couple. 00:25:04 Matt Now what I'll? 00:25:05 Matt Call user interface stuff to make make come VS 22. Just work better for you. Is color coding of tabs which which would be useful. Let's say you have a bunch of tabs open from different projects. 00:25:19 Matt Color coding so you can just at a glance know which tab it is, specially if you have tabs that are files that are named the same, right? 00:25:27 Matt So you can figure out which one is just at a glance coming from which project and also. 00:25:31 David That's interesting. 00:25:33 David Hey, let me ask you a question about that, so I yeah I've known. 00:25:36 David I noticed it and I was like. 00:25:38 David What the heck is going on here? 00:25:39 David Why are my? 00:25:39 David Tabs colored so. 00:25:41 David Can I maybe you don't know the answer? 00:25:44 David Can I color code them by file type? 00:25:47 Matt I don't know the answer. 00:25:48 Matt I'm going to try. 00:25:49 David Like that would be pretty interesting to be like. 00:25:51 David OK, I can quickly scan my tabs and find. 00:25:54 David My CSS file, my XAML file, my JavaScript file, my whatever file, so that's what's going on. And interestingly, in the version that I have installed here, the release candidate for pre V4, my tabs are like a mustard color. But I swear the version I had before that they were like a like a plum color. 00:26:15 Matt So they were yellow and now they are. 00:26:17 Matt They are purple now, they're yeah. 00:26:18 David Well, yeah, but I didn't test anything, so I'm assuming that there is like something. 00:26:23 David I'm well not not like cheap mustard either. 00:26:26 David This is like the grey poop on color. 00:26:27 David OK, just want to be very clear about the color of mustard they were talking about. 00:26:31 David Not that cheap cheap ballpark stuff up. 00:26:35 David Half colors, searching my options all. 00:26:39 David Find it alright. 00:26:40 David Sorry I'm distracting you. 00:26:41 Matt Alright, yeah. 00:26:42 David This is why I don't typically hang around on these things because then I just make this whole thing go forever and ever and ever with my little random. 00:26:48 David Ooh, I wonder if I could do this. 00:26:49 James That's what the podcast is 4 though. 00:26:51 James That's why we're here to. 00:26:52 James Have a discussion. 00:26:53 David Yep, I see if I figured this out while I'm going, I'm totally. 00:26:56 David Gonna interrupt. 00:26:56 David You right? 00:26:57 Matt No, no problem you should. 00:26:59 Matt So David, you're probably old enough that you remember the grey poop on commercials. 00:27:02 Matt Right? 00:27:03 Matt Where they absolutely guy pulls up and part of me you have any grey poop on? 00:27:06 Matt Is that even a commercial anymore? 00:27:07 Matt I don't know it shouldn't. 00:27:08 David High on YouTube, it is for sure. 00:27:10 Matt I'm sure we'll link to it. 00:27:11 Matt Yeah, it might be the only thing we. 00:27:12 David They're selling, they're selling. 00:27:13 David It still exists. 00:27:13 Matt Link to yeah. 00:27:15 David You know it was always in the fridge and I'm pretty sure I always had to ask my mom or dad. 00:27:19 David Can I use this, you know, am I allowed to use this hoity toity mustard? 00:27:23 Matt You know, yeah, only if you behave David. 00:27:27 Matt Only if you behave. 00:27:29 Matt All right, and what else? 00:27:30 Matt Oh more is along with the color coding of the tabs on theming updates and what is pretty neat here is that the Visual Studio team is going to be partnering with some some of the community members who develop some of the themes for be as cool. 00:27:45 Matt So Visual Studio code has a bunch of different themes. 00:27:47 Matt Or you can just. 00:27:49 Matt Change everything in it and so they are bringing some of the themes over from there into Visual Studio. 00:27:55 Matt The first one it believe is his winter is coming and I think it's done by John Papa. 00:28:00 Matt When one of my teammates so. 00:28:03 Matt Yeah, that's pretty neat that they're bringing bringing those over as well. And then there's a whole host of other like get updates and like some asp.net updates. 00:28:14 Matt Hot reload works for ASP. 00:28:16 Matt Net now Blazer and Razor editor updates and stuff like that, but color coding etabs obviously is the. 00:28:24 Matt It's the ticket here. It's the reason why you would come to VS 2020. 00:28:28 David Two, yes, you can't. 00:28:30 David You can't get this mustard color just anywhere. 00:28:34 Matt All right, so James, what's coming on at Dot net comp? 00:28:38 Matt That's coming up when this November. 00:28:41 James Right around the corner. 00:28:43 James It's less than two months away yeah.netcomp.net. The submissions were all submitted. It's 54 days away when. 00:28:52 James You were here. 00:28:52 James This, if you're on the Friday 52 days. I guess this is gonna be the down at 6 launch. So I mean it's happening. 00:28:58 James It's gonna be another RC if I've done at 6. 00:29:00 James Andthen.net Conf and everyone going to be there. 00:29:02 James It's it's going to be 3 days day. One is allabout.net six and jointhe.net team there. 00:29:09 James Day 2 is deep dives. It's 24 hour broadcasting just keeps going more down that stuff and community speakers as well. 00:29:16 James And on day three, so there's all sorts of stuff happening. 00:29:19 James I've been in the planning meetings. 00:29:20 James You do not want to miss this. 00:29:22 James There's gonna be some. 00:29:22 James Awesome keynotes and justice. 00:29:25 James Just absolutely spectacular. 00:29:27 James Their stuff and additionally.net conf will have you know. 00:29:30 James Additional, you know? 00:29:31 James Viewing virtual events as well and and they do the local tour after that too. 00:29:36 James So definitely on the lookout, I go to netconf.net. The countdown is on save the data, it's free, it's free. Just go on there. 00:29:43 James Gonna be broadcasting everywhere on the Internet, Twitch YouTube, learn TV on the dot net conf website, go there, be there everyone gonna. 00:29:53 James Be there, David will be there. 00:29:54 James There I'll be there. 00:29:55 David I actually hope to be there in person. 00:29:57 David I may. 00:29:58 David I know that it's it's a studio event for us and and you know, not everybody is going to travel, but I'll, I'll mask up. 00:30:04 David I'll take all the precautions and I'll fly up there. 00:30:07 David Hopefully you can. 00:30:08 David You can make your way there too, and we can see see each other in in real life in. 00:30:13 James Real life, we'll see. 00:30:14 James So check out. 00:30:15 James And and tunein.com.net bamthatsallthe.net news which you got for us. 00:30:21 Matt Matt, all right. 00:30:22 Matt We got some cloud stuff coming up and what I'm going to do I'm gonna change it up a little bit. 00:30:26 Matt We're going to talk about the Azure service of the month Bird. 00:30:29 Matt Just because that will lead into some cloud news then. 00:30:32 James OK, got it. 00:30:33 Matt That way usually I talk about cloud news and say hey guess what the cloud news is the same as the Azure service a month. 00:30:38 Matt Well, we'll change it up. 00:30:39 Matt Make it a little more natural flow because we're all about the narrative here. 00:30:43 Matt Anyways, Long story short, Azure. 00:30:45 Matt Service through the month is. 00:30:47 Matt Azure monitor all right. 00:30:49 Matt So as you probably could guess, Azure monitor is use it to collect and analyze data from your various cloud services all over the place, right? 00:30:59 Matt So I mean you're analyzing data from your cloud apps and services. 00:31:04 Matt So that kind of sounds like application insights, right? 00:31:08 James Yes, yes. 00:31:09 Matt It is, it is, but it's not. 00:31:11 Matt Oh OK alright yeah. 00:31:13 Matt So what Azure monitor is? 00:31:14 Matt It's like an an abstraction of app insights and log analytics together so you can kind of think of Azure monitor as an abstraction over the top of it. 00:31:25 Matt So App Insights is still a thing which you can use app insights within. 00:31:30 Matt Azure monitor within with also like log analytics too. 00:31:33 Matt So like it's like a. 00:31:34 Matt One stop shop. 00:31:36 Matt For everything and the cool thing is, you probably already have it enabled 'cause it gets enabled when you create your subscription. 00:31:43 Matt Well, like I said, if it does come both App Insights which is logs and it's time series stuff. 00:31:50 Matt So I mean it's constant like alright, my app is, you know, collecting data you know user did a they hit a button. 00:31:57 Matt Anything you know time series of? 00:31:58 Matt What it did but also. 00:31:59 Matt Does metrics so you're saying alright, my app is using so many CPU's so different things that you can collect in all view through Azure monitor and you can query your data using on the cruise. 00:32:12 Matt Still language as well, so it's like a query language that you'd use to query metrics and so yeah, you can monitor your app data. 00:32:19 Matt You can monitor your Azure resources and it can also monitor data from any rest client as well, so it doesn't necessarily need to be sitting in Azure for Azure monitor to get it, so it's just. 00:32:32 Matt One stop shop to monitor everything. 00:32:36 Matt Pretty neat, right? Yeah? 00:32:37 James That's cool, that's cool. 00:32:39 Matt And so leads right into some cloud news is that there is a new azuremonitor.net SDK. 00:32:47 Speaker 2 So really. 00:32:48 Matt Yes now so I kinda why I said you can actually write queries with kusto query language to get at it. 00:32:55 Matt Well you can with the Azure monitor. 00:32:58 Matt Or the azure.net SDK? I'll just say Dot net SDK. You still could do that, but the dot net SDK makes it a little bit easier for us.net developers to go in and query Azure mono. 00:33:10 Matt There, so that's out mean it's out in preview. 00:33:13 Matt Right now they're going to be out in GA I believe mid October, so I'll put a link to the GitHub where you can actually go down and read all about it and eventually download with the new get. 00:33:24 Matt And so yeah, pretty cool, we can use it to do both logs and metrics. 00:33:28 Matt And what's neat about this, and it uses the Azure. 00:33:31 Matt Authentication SDK to automatically authenticate against Azure monitor. 00:33:38 Matt So in other words, you don't. 00:33:39 Matt Once you're authenticated once, you don't have to pass in your credentials any. 00:33:45 Matt Longer to go out and get everything. 00:33:48 Matt Yeah, that's coming out in mid October for GA and so another some cloud news. 00:33:55 Matt I want to talk about is the the Cosmos DB team put out and an end to end. 00:34:01 Matt Example of using Cosmos from the ground up so Cosmos is a document. 00:34:09 Matt Database no SQL. 00:34:11 Matt And a lot of times I come from a relational background, and so James and David I'm. 00:34:16 Matt I'm guessing you you guys both come from a relational background. 00:34:19 David Yeah I can. 00:34:20 David I can write a mean T SQL you know, in or out or join. 00:34:24 David Oh yeah. 00:34:26 Matt Right? 00:34:26 Matt 3rd Normalize easy 5th normalized like. 00:34:29 Matt Yeah we could do that too, right? 00:34:31 David In stored procedures we are. 00:34:33 David Right? 00:34:34 Matt Yes, but go to document databases or no SQL, it's like. 00:34:40 Matt How do you model relationships there? 00:34:45 Matt Exactly right, all the relationships are modeled right in the same document, which kind of seems weird, but So what? 00:34:51 Matt The Cosmos DB team did is that they wrote up this like. 00:34:55 Matt Step by step how you would actually take your. 00:34:58 Matt They come up with. 00:34:59 Matt They came up with a scenario and then they weighed it based on certain criteria. 00:35:05 Matt On whether. 00:35:07 Matt It's read or write heavy, how big the data payload is itself and how you want to access it. 00:35:13 Matt So you can decide alright, is this better for relational data or is it better for no SQL data? 00:35:18 Matt So then based off those answers you go through and you create a cosmos. 00:35:23 Matt DB for. 00:35:24 Matt So let's need to see a sample 'cause we mentioned Cosmos. 00:35:27 Matt Or I do all the time and so they actually see the criteria that you would use to. 00:35:33 Matt Whether it's worth it or not, or applicable for your situation or not. 00:35:38 Matt So yeah, we'll link to that sample. 00:35:40 Matt It's actually a two part blog series as I go through it, so that's. 00:35:45 Matt Nice to go through it kind of has a as a reference so you can see if you need to have when you evaluate your options. 00:35:54 Matt And then talking about relational database is a great way to sometimes access a relational database when you don't feel like using SQL. 00:36:05 Matt An object relational mapper and any framework, right? 00:36:09 Matt It works with SQL. 00:36:13 Matt It also works with Cosmos. 00:36:15 Speaker 2 No well. 00:36:16 Matt Yeah, it sure does. 00:36:18 Matt So Jeremy Likness, a good friend of this show, wrote up nice blog post about using the next version of any of the Framework 6. 00:36:25 Matt I believe it's six makes sense as dot next 6 E. 00:36:28 Matt Of course six with Cosmos and which which actually is kind of. 00:36:33 Matt I mean, it's really when you think about it. 00:36:35 Matt You know entity, framework, object, relational. 00:36:37 Matt Geared, I mean it's all geared towards relations relational database, but it now works nicely with documents where as I mentioned before, instead of having one table and then a. 00:36:50 Matt Trial table then for it's related records, everything usually for a document is in that same you have the parent and all those children is in the same document. 00:37:01 Matt And entity framework now works with it, don't even have to do the configuration works by. 00:37:06 Matt Works by default well. 00:37:07 Matt And you can even issue some raw raw SQL against it if you wanted to, with with in Cosmos. 00:37:12 Matt And yeah, a host of other improvements there as well. 00:37:16 Matt So yeah, Jeremy goes through that on the blog post. 00:37:18 Matt Will link to it. 00:37:19 Matt So if you're building some data on the background, maybe an API that works against Cosmos. 00:37:26 Matt I know entity Framework 6 and even framework or 6. 00:37:31 Matt Pretty cool. 00:37:32 David Forget the core. 00:37:33 Matt I know. 00:37:36 Matt So yeah, brings us to the pick of the pod. 00:37:39 Matt James, what she got? 00:37:41 James Alright, I got I got a library called stowage sto like storage, but stowage it's actually a next generation library from a next generation of a library called storage by. 00:37:56 James Kevin Garvey Luke. He's uh, he's on the Sarah log team as well his his GitHub is alone gued, but stowage is a cross cloud.net online offline storage kit. What does that mean? Great question. It means that. 00:37:59 Speaker 2 I think. 00:38:16 James You can do online, offline and streamable file storage like blob store. 00:38:20 James Which with a single cross platform API supports Azure, Google and AWS and local storage and in memory storage too. 00:38:30 James So you can do like a file from and you can say Azure blob storage passes some information. 00:38:36 James Boom, get it back. 00:38:37 James Uh, it's a I think it's there's no additional SDK's. 00:38:43 James That you need to install, I think. 00:38:45 James I, I think he's just using like the raw under the hood. 00:38:49 James You know HTTP stuff or whatever, but it's pretty cool. 00:38:52 James One that I stumbled across. 00:38:54 James They'd actually he submitted it to my newsletter for community stuff and I was like, well, this is pretty cool. 00:39:00 James It's a really simple API like I said, and if you're looking to. 00:39:04 James Downloads of files, upload or upload some files to blob storage. 00:39:08 James There's of course official SDK for all of these that are out there, but this is kind of a nice one to look at, especially if you have to target multi cloud in your app. 00:39:15 James You know, it's another big thing is you want to bring those all in. 00:39:18 James So definitely give it a look. 00:39:19 James It's my pick. 00:39:20 James Of the pod which you got Matt, all right, I got this. 00:39:24 Matt Tool called fig. 00:39:26 Matt It comes from like efijy like the fruit and it comes from a well a company called Fig Fig dot IO you can see it and what it does. 00:39:34 Matt It gives you autocomplete. 00:39:37 Matt To your terminal. 00:39:38 Matt Window, it's like all the. 00:39:39 Matt Cool kids are using terminals not right? 00:39:41 Matt I mean, that's where the cool kids are they using terminals. 00:39:44 Matt I guess you know, I guess coming. 00:39:46 Matt You know it's a cool kid thing you know I try to look cool and use a terminal I don't know so anyways, so let's say you're changing directories. 00:39:55 Matt What the fig do will do. 00:39:56 Matt It'll bring up your directory structure. 00:39:58 Matt So you just do CD and then you'll see the directories that are available in your current structure for you, including like the files or whatnot, so you can do CD users M sake. 00:40:12 Matt Up projects or something like that and it'll bring up all the autocomplete for you. 00:40:16 Matt It also works with things such as Git. 00:40:19 Matt I'm always looking up those git commands, don't remember what they are so you don't. 00:40:22 Matt Actually have to do Git dash. 00:40:24 Matt Dash help, they're there for you in autocomplete form. 00:40:28 Matt Totally nice. 00:40:29 Matt Also works with other things such as Kubernetes or Docker. 00:40:33 Matt It doesn't work with Azure CLI yet, but. 00:40:38 Matt There you can actually add it to it. 00:40:40 Matt It has it's, it's, uh, extensible, so you can add. 00:40:44 Matt All with Jason. 00:40:45 Matt You can add to it if you wanted to, so maybe that would be a project to do over the weekend as I add the Azure CLI to it. 00:40:51 Matt But yeah, it's pretty neat and that it's. 00:40:54 Matt Autocomplete pop up with your terminal, so yeah. 00:41:00 James That's cool, that's. 00:41:01 James How about you, David? 00:41:02 James What do you got? 00:41:03 David Well, I was just looking over the the two that you guys share. 00:41:07 David Those really cool. 00:41:08 David Yeah yeah that that terminal stuff looks pretty hot. 00:41:09 James You're welcome. 00:41:11 David I I if I had to pick one, I'll stop my head because my head's been buried in writing blog posts and documents. I would say the dot net mounted community toolkit. 00:41:23 David Come check that out because it's new, it's hot and it's out there and you should be using it. 00:41:29 David But in lieu of having a great community library to share, I wanted to go back to the tab colors because I feel. 00:41:39 David So this is a callback, so it turns out that it is auto picking colors by project and so if I open up I've got four projects in here, right? 00:41:50 David I've got my my forms project. 00:41:51 David I've got Android, iOS, and UWP. 00:41:54 David Each of them is assigned a different color, so my my class library. 00:41:58 David Is mustard and then Android is teal? 00:42:03 David I guess that's absolutely my least favorite color in the. 00:42:07 David World iOS is like a really muted red and then UWP is purple plum so that's what's going on there and you can't control the colors so it's just by project. 00:42:22 David I cannot find, maybe maybe there's a. 00:42:24 David Maybe there's a Jason file or an XML file. 00:42:27 David Somewhere you can get to it, but I like. 00:42:29 David I went into the themes and stuff and I didn't quite see it, so maybe it's a themeable thing. 00:42:33 David Probably is, I mean, come on. 00:42:35 David You know people are. 00:42:36 David Anytime you put a color into the ID, somebody is going to want to tweak it, but that's. 00:42:39 Matt Yeah, yeah. 00:42:40 David What's going on with tabs? 00:42:42 Matt Umm yeah it has to be has to be themeable, but you're right all these screens mean that's what I see too and I'm disappointed there's not aubergine in there. 00:42:52 Matt Maybe when you get to your 100th project it will be. 00:42:56 David Pull, pull a Kramer from Seinfeld and just see how far you can take this. 00:42:59 David Keep adding projects and see. 00:43:02 David See when that mustard comes back up because. 00:43:06 David Could happen, oh. 00:43:07 Matt It's 64 bit David I. We're going to be here forever. 00:43:10 David Right, yeah, that's true. 00:43:12 David That's true. 00:43:12 David There's a lot you can do with this thing. 00:43:16 James Alright, and with that that's going to do it for this month down in my podcast. Definitely make sure you subscribe and also if you're on one of those podcast apps or websites that you can leave a review that was super help out, let us know what you think of the new format, the new show and of course all the awesome stuff that interviews that Matt's been doing as well. There's also content just coming out all the time. 00:43:36 James Not only official ones, but also you know people use in Samardo mauistuffand.net. In general, let's give it a listen. 00:43:41 James Go to dot net mauipodcast.com, that's the URL. It's all updated everything there. Check it out until next time.