Audio file January Pod_mixdown.mp3 Transcript 00:00:17 Matt Welcome everyone to Maui podcast. We're here to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest in .net client development. We'll talk about some Azure, some Visual Studio, some blazer, and 00:00:30 Matt Maui, I'm Matt Soucoup 00:00:32 James I'm James Montemagno, not on a terrible microphone, and with us as always the one and only. 00:00:38 David David Ortinau 00:00:41 James There you go. 00:00:41 James Also not on a terrible microphone. 00:00:42 Matt Look good, I was gonna say you guys don't like my microphone. 00:00:47 James It's good. 00:00:47 James How is it your laptop, you know? 00:00:48 David What gave you that idea? 00:00:49 David Matt, I don't. 00:00:50 Matt I don't know it's a I don't know it's a brand new one. 00:00:53 Matt I have it just cause I'm in the office now. 00:00:55 Matt Should we? It's. 00:00:56 David You held something up to your mouth. 00:00:58 David Was that a microphone? 00:00:59 David What was that? 00:00:59 Matt Yeah, yeah, it's what I. 00:01:01 Matt Have for being in the office. 00:01:02 James Hold OK, hold. 00:01:03 James It hold it closer to your mouth, alright. 00:01:05 Matt Alright, like this Oh my God that's. 00:01:07 James So much better you did it, there you go. 00:01:09 Matt Yeah, yeah, I'll just have to hold it. 00:01:11 James Yes, now you don't have to yell. 00:01:12 James You can just speak normally. 00:01:14 James OK, nice yeah, that's that's do you not see what people don't know? 00:01:20 James But we record on Zen Caster and we actually have a video feed that we can see each other. 00:01:26 James So like I pointed and then David came in like like on cue as brilliant just came. 00:01:30 James In there. 00:01:31 James But what you notice is David and I. 00:01:34 James We are literally just swallowing our microphones. 00:01:36 James We are so close. 00:01:37 James For microphones at any. 00:01:39 James Give a moment and that's what makes it sounds good because, well, here's here's the difference. 00:01:42 Matt He was here. 00:01:44 James Your microphones are on arms, right? 00:01:46 Matt This microphone is literally on my arm where I have to hold it. 00:01:50 Matt Now it's like I'm doing myself. 00:01:51 David Yeah, yeah you are pretty good. 00:01:54 James Yeah, you can turn down the gain a. 00:01:56 James Little bit on it too, right? 00:01:57 Matt Let's see, let's see if I can figure it out. 00:01:58 James We're doing this. 00:01:59 Matt I'll turn on. 00:01:59 James This is line. 00:01:59 David The attitude turn on the game. 00:02:01 James Yeah, nailed it perfect, sorry everybody. 00:02:01 David There you go. 00:02:02 David Alright, great perfect. 00:02:04 James For this we only had 45 minutes before the podcast to let Matt know that his microphone was terrible, but I actually didn't know it was sitting there. I thought you were using. 00:02:12 James Like your Bluetooth headphone. 00:02:13 Matt No, I was using the microphone the whole time, so it was working great until we actually started this. 00:02:18 James Yeah, about right. 00:02:20 James Yeah, now you you can get one of those you know arms and then just put. 00:02:24 James It on there. 00:02:24 Matt Would be good, but here's the thing. 00:02:26 Matt I'm losing this office then. 00:02:27 Matt I'm currently in. 00:02:29 Matt This is my last time here in this office, so I won't ever use this microphone again, yeah? 00:02:35 David Is that is that why there's nothing decorating? 00:02:37 David Your walls. 00:02:38 Matt That's why it's completely. 00:02:38 David Oh wait, it's always been like. 00:02:40 Matt That it's always been like that, but it's even. 00:02:42 Matt Yeah, it's. 00:02:44 Matt Oh my goodness, that's all I can say. 00:02:46 James Are you getting another office or are you just gonna work from home forever? 00:02:48 Matt Well, we have another office. 00:02:51 Matt One of those open floor plans though, so like there's 20 people in one room and we obviously can't. 00:02:56 Matt Do a podcast. 00:02:58 Matt And that type. 00:02:58 Matt Of card I guess yeah I can just yeah Yep so yeah would be the last time I'm doing the podcast from Microsoft campus unless we do it down in Dev REL studios. 00:03:00 James Be quiet for an hour. 00:03:11 Matt The old Channel 9 which I guess we could. 00:03:14 James So they got a. 00:03:14 James They got a good setup. 00:03:15 James They have like this road, remixer recorded a podcast live there, Me and Matt together. 00:03:21 David It was fantastic. 00:03:22 David Would have been much better than what he's got going on with that MIC right now. 00:03:26 David Literally literally they. 00:03:27 James No anything. 00:03:29 David They might even have. 00:03:29 David An arm. 00:03:32 Matt Maybe I should hold from my right arm my left arm. 00:03:34 Matt It's just I'm gonna have. 00:03:35 David Do we title? 00:03:35 Matt To switch it's. 00:03:36 Matt Gonna it's gonna get tired but. 00:03:38 David If we title these podcasts, this would be the one in which James and David pick on Matt. 00:03:43 David Well, I don't know if you know this, but we're shipping thing. 00:03:49 James Ship it Segway. 00:03:49 David There's my segue. 00:03:50 David Here's my segue. 00:03:51 David So we we shipped a a new version of Visual Studio for Mac with a beautiful Maui support at the end of last year, and we have been shipping service releases every month since, and something that I love hearing from. 00:04:09 David Customers that I talked to I probably talked to I don't know at least 5/6 customers a week in calls. 00:04:16 David And then of course all the interactions via e-mail and Twitter and whatnot is that I keep hearing people say things like hey, every release is getting better. 00:04:26 David I was gonna talk to you on this call about this issue I was having, but turns out I updated .net Maui in Visual Studio and it works now. It's like sweet. 00:04:36 David Turns out this whole shipping quickly thing works, so that was cool. So really that's kind of where we're at with .net Maui right now. 00:04:46 David Is shipping service releases. We do have some work underway in preparation for .net 8 Preview, One which will be coming. 00:04:55 David Out somewhat imminently, I think in a in a few weeks ish time, and really our focus there is going to be on improving. 00:05:05 David You know the overall installation experience and upgrade experience, so I we've heard loud and clear from folks that not everything needs to be a workload. 00:05:15 David In installer, we would prefer to be able to have nugets to be able to validate pull requests quickly and go back and forth, upgrade and downgrade between versions have multiple projects on different versions of .net Maui within. 00:05:32 David In the same .net release. So I say go back to to nugget packages if you don't know what I'm talking about. 00:05:39 David Xamarin forms and Xamarin shipped primarily as Nugent packages on top of installers. 00:05:46 David So you always had to install Android and iOS via some installer, usually in Visual Studio. 00:05:53 David So I think that would be nice. We'll need to get that out there in the previews and get everybody's feedback on that. If that doesn't alleviate some of the friction that workloads introduced. 00:06:03 David And then primarily it's bug fix, bug fix, bug fix, and let's keep incrementally improving the performance and we do have a few desktop things that we're looking at doing in .net 8, but once we have those plans locked in, then we'll we'll publish some information about that. 00:06:24 David That's kind of my whirlwind. Welcome to 2023 January edition of the .net Maui update. 00:06:32 James Yeah, we got a lot more goodness because there's stuff in the official SDK, but stuff happening outside of the official SDK as well, which I'm pretty excited about. 00:06:39 James We'll talk about that in a little bit, but yeah, there's more than. 00:06:44 James Just DS or Mac, isn't there, Matt? 00:06:46 Matt Well, there sure is. 00:06:47 Matt There's Visual Studio for Windows, but they're still on the same numbering, right? 00:06:52 Matt They're 17th floor and 17.5 preview 3, but since we last did the show, I think there's Preview 3 and Preview Preview 4. 00:07:00 Matt That's out now, but. 00:07:02 Matt I want to talk about the previews and there's a couple of. 00:07:04 Matt Productivity updates to them that are actually pretty cool. 00:07:08 Matt The ones that I like the best is. 00:07:09 Matt I think they're calling it sticky scroll. 00:07:12 Matt And that's actually it's super neat. 00:07:14 Matt So let's say you have a bunch of nested if statements. 00:07:17 Matt About what what's going on here? 00:07:19 David I said oxymoron. 00:07:21 David What smooth sticky scroll, sticky, scrolling, scrolling, hang? 00:07:25 Matt On you're right, you're right. But let's say David, so you're writing a. You're writing some C# code and you have a huge amount of nested. 00:07:34 Matt Of statements and there's within a for statement, right? 00:07:35 Speaker 3 OK. 00:07:37 Matt So what a sticky scroll is gonna do is that it's gonna stick your if statements to the top. 00:07:42 Matt That way you can see exactly where you are within them. 00:07:45 Speaker 3 OK. 00:07:45 David OK, all right. 00:07:46 Matt Yeah, so it's kind of like race highlighting except the whole thing sticks to. 00:07:47 David I can dig that. 00:07:50 Matt That hop, which is I don't know. 00:07:52 Matt It's kind of neat to see it happen. 00:07:54 David This has been 17-5 preview only on Windows. Or is this on Windows and Mac? 00:07:58 Matt I'm only talking Windows right now. 00:07:59 Matt I'm not talking OK Mac. 00:08:01 Matt Yeah, only windows and there is markdown. 00:08:06 Matt Finally in Visual Studio I used to always go to VS code to write my markdown, and now I can do that in visual. 00:08:12 Matt Video it seems like a small thing, but actually it's a big thing. 00:08:15 Matt Kind of keep you all in one spot, which you know is really neat. 00:08:18 Matt And then there's spell checking too, which is actually super cool. 00:08:22 Matt Now this spell checking what I really. 00:08:23 Matt Like about it. 00:08:24 Matt Is that it'll even like it'll do like you. 00:08:25 Matt Have your camel casing. 00:08:27 Matt So I would type out James Montemagno all one word you know, capital J Capital M. 00:08:31 Matt It picks up on that. 00:08:33 Matt So even though it's all one word, it knows that it's James space montemagno it doesn't flag it as a misspelling. 00:08:38 Matt Assuming I add that to my custom dictionary, which you can do that too. 00:08:42 Matt So yeah, you can do and it figures out like. 00:08:45 Matt I think if you put like dashes in there and everything else. 00:08:48 Matt So yeah, just some cool productivity things that you can put in there. 00:08:52 Matt Really like to spell checking, but that's sticky scroll the oxymoron. 00:08:57 Matt Come on, David, that's that's my favorite so. 00:08:59 David I almost wanted you said something about it. 00:09:02 David You know you can do your markdown now in Visual Studio so you can stay all in one place. 00:09:07 David It's like stick sticks you in one place. 00:09:10 James We got the in there. 00:09:11 David Very sticky release. 00:09:13 Matt Really sticky and you can do your spell checking your sticky and your markdown, can you? 00:09:18 Matt All in Visual Studio. 00:09:20 James Yeah, and I will say it also brings in Xcode 4.214 dot two support in there. That's fun. 00:09:28 James I just upgraded to 14.1 so time to install 14 that too now I use an application. I think we talked on the podcast before, but I did a video on X codes. Everyone used X codes, fantastic. 00:09:35 David Yeah, ex code. It's yeah. 00:09:39 David Now, do you use the GUI on it or you use the? 00:09:41 David CLI Ohhh GUI ohh day. 00:09:44 Speaker 3 I'm a good guy. 00:09:44 David OK, I had the gooey. 00:09:45 Speaker 3 I'm sticky, sticky, gooey. 00:09:46 David And then I. 00:09:48 David My machine and then I couldn't find the gooey, so I've been CLI. 00:09:52 James Ohhh no, I just download it from their GitHub so it's it's a great application you download from GitHub. 00:09:57 James You authenticate with your Apple developer account and it's the fastest way to install Xcode it installs. 00:10:04 James Way faster than selling from the store and you can make it the default as well, which is like. 00:10:08 James You can also do the terminal. 00:10:10 James What I've been doing is. 00:10:14 James But since it's not no longer like the default X code like it's, it'll say like the X code 14.1 dot app or whatever in Visual Studio on Windows, I'll go in and I'll manually added enter that in the tools options just to make sure, cuz I'm bad at command line. That's why I use the GUI. So there's a way to. 00:10:33 James Set the X code path and override stuff, but I'm just not great at stuff but X codes. 00:10:38 James That's that's the jam. 00:10:40 James In general, the sticky jam. 00:10:43 James Sticky Jam jam is sticky. 00:10:43 David Sticky, no doubt about it. 00:10:45 James There we go now talk talking about stuff that's absolutely delightful. 00:10:50 James The Community toolkit folks all have come up with a new Nugent package. 00:10:56 James The community toolkit dot Maui dot media element nugget package. 00:11:00 James It's a separate one because it's got a bunch of dependencies. 00:11:03 James On it, but this puppy, here is the evolution of the media element from the Xamarin Community toolkit. 00:11:09 James But then, retool and reengineer to play audio and video across I OS, Android, Mac, Windows and Tizen, all of them boom, all of. 00:11:19 James On it it's super easy. 00:11:20 James You can just add on to the builder, use the Maui Community Toolkit media element. 00:11:25 James You add a media element. You give it a source that starts going MP4MP3 all this good stuff. 00:11:33 James Gerald's got a blog post on the blog that'll be out. We'll put it in the show notes and he has a video as well. 00:11:39 James And his YouTube outlining it as well. 00:11:41 James It's great because it's thumbnail is him giving a a good James face. 00:11:45 James I called the James face, you know mouth open wow with him. 00:11:51 James With the video playing on the phone, it's very clever. 00:11:54 James Gerald good, good on you and it does live video too. 00:11:57 James That's kind of cool too. 00:11:59 James All sorts of good stuff. 00:12:00 James It's a good request and we are going to work. 00:12:03 James Gerald and I are going to work on putting it into. 00:12:04 James The podcast app. 00:12:06 James So boom, that would be good to go, so that'll be fun in general. 00:12:10 James That means we can also add video podcasts as well, which is just. 00:12:17 James YouTube basically, but. 00:12:18 David It's gonna say is that is that a thing? 00:12:19 James You know what I mean? 00:12:22 David OK. 00:12:23 James You know well. 00:12:23 James Basically anything that has an RSS feed. 00:12:25 James So like the channel 9 stuff or whatever, yeah anyways so media element go grab it, go start playing audio and video. 00:12:32 James That's been the big. 00:12:33 James I'm hoping they do. 00:12:35 James I don't know they gotta do next something but meet elements out there. 00:12:37 James It's good to go talk about the podcast app. 00:12:39 James I did a blog on the podcast app. 00:12:43 James And yeah, I did it last year. 00:12:45 James I know I was on there for January but. 00:12:46 James I guess we haven't done a. 00:12:47 James Podcast in a while since, yeah. 00:12:49 James Amber, Ohhh well I did a blog on the .net blog about the podcast app which we released at dot. 00:12:56 James Net comp 2021, but was updated for .net comp 2022. Have a bunch of 00:13:01 James 7 features. 00:13:03 James And the podcast app also Maui Blazer app all also updated to .net. 00:13:09 James 7 showing off all sorts of new cool stuff. 00:13:13 James seven and net Maui, so we've streamlined it into a few simple commands to get it up and running, but we are soon going to Azure Dev. CL ify it there's a pull request on that too. But give that blog. 00:13:29 James A look if you're looking to grab a cool thing for dot MI. 00:13:34 Matt Yeah, what I like, what you guys do with that. 00:13:35 Matt He put Orleans and there he made it nice distributed you have the yeah super easy to deploy and when you do the Azure Dev CLI for folks who haven't used the dev CLI yet, it's a command line tool James. 00:13:46 Matt I know how you like that. 00:13:48 Matt But all you would need to deploy everything change just gave a big thumb just thumbs down. 00:13:53 James Well, I mean the Azure Dev CLI. I love CLI's in general right? Right thumbs down, right? 00:13:53 But you need. 00:13:59 Matt But all you need to deploy all your Azure resources, not even deploy your Azure resources, provision it, deploy all the code you just would have to type AZD up and everything. 00:14:11 Matt That's you can handle that for CLI James that has to be a. 00:14:14 Matt Thumbs up so. 00:14:16 Matt Thumbs up from James. 00:14:18 Matt So yeah, looking forward to that. And like you said, everything's in net. 00:14:21 Matt Seven, so that's 00:14:22 Matt Great too. 00:14:23 Matt You know what you? 00:14:24 Matt Mentioned the Community toolkit previously. 00:14:26 Matt James for the net Molly one. 00:14:28 Matt The net community toolkit as the. 00:14:30 Matt New release too that's. 00:14:32 Matt Pretty cool, and now there is one feature in there that I was like. 00:14:34 Matt You introduced me to the net community toolkit. 00:14:37 Matt I think back when we had the. 00:14:38 Matt Maui workshop when you came up with that earlier this year and the one thing that's super cool about that that I like, was the observable. 00:14:46 Matt Properties for that, and in order to get observable property, you just define a variable and put an attribute above that variable observable property, and then when it goes through and compiles, it doesn't weave. 00:14:58 Matt What is it? 00:14:59 Matt What is? 00:14:59 Matt It doing to give you the. 00:15:00 David Code, Jen. 00:15:02 Matt Code generation and. 00:15:04 Matt You get a partial class. 00:15:06 Matt You have to find your classes partial and you get a property out of it that does essentially MVVM. 00:15:13 Matt But the problem is, if you want that property to have other attributes to it, how do you do it? 00:15:21 James I don't know how do you. 00:15:21 Matt Good question. 00:15:22 James Do it. 00:15:23 Matt Yeah, now you can now with the latest upgrade you update you. 00:15:28 Matt Can they have additional? 00:15:30 Matt Actually, additional attributes you can apply to the observable property 2. 00:15:36 Matt Put additional attributes for when it actually generates the property so that that's kind of neat and what else do we have? 00:15:44 Matt Or is more more code analyzers in there to give? 00:15:48 Matt If something doesn't like, you're not. 00:15:51 Matt If you're referring to a variable or a field instead of the property, it'll warn you telling you're doing it wrong, stuff like. 00:15:57 Matt That so yeah. 00:15:58 Matt Nice useful update with the .net community toolkit as well. 00:16:03 James I love. 00:16:04 David It I think it's it's, you know, the Maui Community toolkit in particular for me. I love the markup extensions for giving you better C# UI and then this MVVM piece of the .net community toolkit. They're essentials for me. I just like they go into. 00:16:23 David Every template that I start for the most part and they. 00:16:28 David Make they make it so you're writing less code, but they also provide that nice fluent structure for the code you are writing. 00:16:37 David I love it. Part of every app. I was disappointed when I was on the airplane two days ago and I could not get my new kit restore, but I almost bought the Wi-Fi. 00:16:49 David On the airplane, just to get my Nugent restore, turns out as soon as I tried to hit the PayPal button they were like, hey, we're landing. 00:16:57 David Put your seats and tray tables blah blah blah and I was like, uh, save me 8. 00:17:01 David Dollars alright, OK, well I guess I'll wait. 00:17:04 David But yeah, those are essentials in every app I'm building. 00:17:06 David I don't know how anybody would build an app without them, they're just awesome. 00:17:11 James Yeah, and to the point. 00:17:12 James The messaging center in Donahue was deprecated down at 7 and the preferred messenger is the one that's built into the MVVM toolkit and they actually added a new API in this one too, and I observable messenger extension, so this is actually really neat, so you can just say messenger. 00:17:29 James Create observable where you observe a message. 00:17:31 James You can have where clauses, and then you can subscribe to it. 00:17:34 James This is the reactive type. 00:17:36 James Programming this one makes sense to me. 00:17:38 James You know, you know, I know. 00:17:40 James The reactive and reactive extensions folks stonis Michael Stonis MVP has been trying to get me on the reactive train. 00:17:49 James This this makes sense to me. 00:17:50 James I think here where I can easily subscribe to different notifications and things coming and that's really neat. 00:17:55 James And of course tons of. 00:17:57 James Other optimizations too and talk about MVVM. 00:18:00 James What have I told you that win forms just got MVVM support? 00:18:04 David I deny it. 00:18:05 David I don't think it's true I I can't imagine. 00:18:08 James It's true, it's in there and down at 7 because clause just did an amazing one and this isn't done and valuated. Or is it because the H1 header says say goodbye to code? 00:18:17 James Behind Winforms meets MVVM and. 00:18:20 James Net Maui. 00:18:21 James What imagine a scenario where you have a winforms app. 00:18:27 James I have one I have plenty of them everyone to hear everyone listen to. 00:18:30 James This podcast has one imagine you could start architecting your code going forward in an MVVM way with models and view models and all of that MVVM community toolkit goodness. 00:18:42 James And then all that data binding commanding that I'll just worked. 00:18:47 James Inside of your win forms apps, mind blown, you put that in a little .net 7 class library and then what if you just shared that with the .net Maui app and now you got an iOS and Android and a Mac App? Boom, you gotta build a UI obviously, but you can reuse all that MVVM goodness. It's amazing. 00:19:04 James It's been great. 00:19:05 James So cool. 00:19:05 David No, it is. 00:19:06 James And then there's an example. 00:19:07 David That that is awesome. 00:19:09 David I you know one of the things that comes up very often when talking to customers is hey, I've got a winforms app, but I also have this web app and then I also have this mobile app. 00:19:21 David And how do we share more code and this gives. 00:19:25 David This gives you another opportunity to do that. 00:19:28 David For in the way that makes the most sense for what you're existing, you know I don't necessarily want to call it legacy, but you're existing. 00:19:35 David Technical investments are sometimes it's WPF and and a great glue for all of these things. 00:19:42 David For UI in particular is blazer hybrid because you can embed blazer hybrid in your winforms in your WPF. 00:19:48 David And of course it works in a in a Maui hybrid app, so this is cool to see just another way. 00:19:55 David Another beautiful way to share more code. 00:19:58 James Good stuff, it is good stuff. 00:20:02 James I love it well. 00:20:05 James You wanna get into some latest Azure news. 00:20:08 Matt Sure, let's do it. 00:20:09 Matt James, did you know that there's a new Azure developers YouTube channel? 00:20:13 James What get out of town? 00:20:15 Matt No, there is totally I'm gonna put that link in the show notes to it, but it's YouTube slash at symbol Azure developers. 00:20:22 Matt I think that's what it is. 00:20:22 Matt But anyways, it's going to be all the latest and greatest. 00:20:27 Matt Azure development stuff just kind of like we do for. 00:20:29 Matt 00:20:30 Matt YouTube Channel, but focused on Azure development. 00:20:33 Matt There's gonna be a ton ton of .net stuff on there, but focus on Azure development. So yeah, when did you kick that off? James? This was a couple of months old. Right now. It's kind of brand new. 00:20:43 James I didn't do anything, I just I click join and leave mostly all day. 00:20:49 James On teams, and that's usually what I do, but no, this is this is really cool. This is if you go to YouTube, right? 00:20:56 James One really cool thing is that the product group it's called PG's product groups. This is the groups that build the product. 00:21:01 James Dave is Dave's on a product group. I'm on, uh, I guess I. 00:21:04 James Don't create product community as a product. 00:21:08 James The product groups offer net they do the community stand. 00:21:12 James Oops, right Dave. 00:21:13 James And Maddie you see see them every single month. 00:21:15 James Talk about the latest and greatest. 00:21:16 James The hotness coming out and the Azure PM and engineers. 00:21:21 James They wanted to kind of replicate some of that goodness, so we're talking Azure Dev CLI. 00:21:26 James We're talking container apps, talking app service, logic apps. 00:21:29 James We're talking container apps, we're talking. 00:21:32 James Functions all those. 00:21:33 James Things that's all come into the Azure developers channel on both Twitch and YouTube, and there's an Instagram and TikTok and all that good stuff going on. 00:21:43 James And then beyond that kind of talking about some feature videos. 00:21:47 James What's new here and there? 00:21:48 James So I think we're kind. 00:21:49 James Of I would. 00:21:50 James Say that the the team all of us together we're soft launching this thing, kind of. 00:21:54 James At the beginning of the year, I would say there's that we trickled out some videos, did some stuff, but feeling good if you want to, you know, talk to the teams behind the Azure products that you're using every single day. 00:22:05 James That's where you go. 00:22:06 James Boom, we'll put. 00:22:07 James The show notes we're about to start to do some sweet events too, so I'm really excited about that. 00:22:12 James There's all sorts of events all the time, like the one you're about to talk to, but get ready. 00:22:15 James For even more events. 00:22:17 Matt Nice, Yep and the one I'm about to talk to is Azure Cosmos DB Conf which is gonna be kind of in the I guess in the spirit of net conf. 00:22:28 Matt But for all Azure Cosmos DB. 00:22:30 Matt So it's gonna be you know what this is actually gonna be in March, but the call for papers is ending soon. 00:22:37 Matt So if you want to talk at Azure, it's a community event. 00:22:41 Matt So if you wanna speak there, I'll put the link for the CFP in the show. 00:22:47 Matt And get it in. 00:22:48 Matt All right, I'll do the quick Azure service. 00:22:50 Matt Of the month. 00:22:51 Matt Azure open AI. 00:22:52 Matt It's out there. 00:22:52 Matt You want to do your own, build your own. 00:22:54 Matt Chat GPT, you can do it, you can do it. 00:22:55 David I do actually I do. 00:22:58 David Here's my idea. 00:22:59 David I'll just share this idea and then somebody can build it and tell me that it's available and I'll use it. 00:22:59 James Right? 00:23:04 David You know how on airplanes? 00:23:07 David Because I almost spent eight $8.00 to to Google, something I just want to be able to proxy through the free messaging service that you have on every freaking airline. 00:23:18 David You get a free service you can message right? 00:23:20 David Like I just want to send a message, a text message, whatever to an AI bot and be like, hey? 00:23:28 David How do I write such and such function or whatever and have it just spit back at me some? 00:23:32 David Code or or give me an answer right? That's all I want. I don't need to actually sign up for $8.00 of Wi-Fi to just to Google that. 00:23:41 David So that's my idea. 00:23:43 David Proxy me through a messaging service to an AI bot that will answer my question. 00:23:48 David All it needs to do is give me texts right? 00:23:51 David Doesn't that sound brilliant? 00:23:53 James I love it. 00:23:55 David I don't. 00:23:55 David I'm not convinced you do love it. 00:23:57 David I think I think you're blowing. 00:23:58 David Smoke yeah, OK. 00:23:59 James I I did do this on change PT the other day because I was thinking about creating a video for this. 00:24:06 James I said hey, Chad GPT I was like. 00:24:09 James You help me design A login screen for a .net Maui application and it was like. 00:24:15 James It like gave me directions. 00:24:16 James I was like alright, you're gonna open up you're gonna open up a create new project yeah file add a new page. 00:24:22 James Blog name it this login page dot XAML blah blah. 00:24:25 James Here's your XAML like go into your app dot XAML, replace, blah blah blah with this page I was like cool, that's pretty good. 00:24:32 James You had just had the buttons have the things, so it was pretty good. 00:24:35 James Had some you know hard wired the. 00:24:37 James Vents on it was like I. 00:24:38 James Was interested like what would the what? 00:24:39 James Would the code behind implementation look for this page? 00:24:41 James Yeah, gtsi. 00:24:43 James Here's a bunch of implementation I was like this. 00:24:45 James I was like just right, I was like. 00:24:46 James I don't mind boggling, right? 00:24:48 James I didn't go further. 00:24:48 James I'm ready to go further, like, uh, can you add a registration page? 00:24:51 James How about a profile page and then I'm like I wanna be like can you call M Sal? 00:24:55 James Can you call like and like do like I wanna see how far I can take it. 00:25:01 David I think I think what you should do is be like can you can you show me what this page would look like in the coding style of James Montemagno? 00:25:12 David And like see if it actually pulls something from your repo and uses that as the example that it gives you like. 00:25:19 David I would not be because we write so many of these samples right like. 00:25:22 David How much you know. 00:25:24 Matt Very energetic code, I know. 00:25:26 Matt I asked it recently that I wanted to do a health kit application to just report, you know, like how many miles I ran last year because I couldn't find any apps that would do that for. 00:25:30 James Oh yeah. 00:25:35 Matt Since though I have found it and it gave me completely wrong code because health gets kind of a, it's a weird API. 00:25:43 Matt Eventually I figured it out, but so I asked it for first in C#, then I asked it in SWIFT and both cases it was completely wrong and finally I had to go read the documentation which was. 00:25:53 Matt Even worse, but. 00:25:55 Matt Yeah, I eventually got it to work, but. 00:25:57 David Well, that's why GPT couldn't give it to you, because the documentation. 00:26:00 David She was obscure. 00:26:03 David Well, my pick of the pod which is not absolutely a real thing yet, but it's almost a real thing. 00:26:11 David FF image loading right? This is a extremely popular library in the Xamarin space for managing images, whether it's loading. 00:26:22 David SVG's at runtime. If it's for caching. If it's for all the different states of image loading, well, Jonathan **** of our .net Maui team, along with the help of Pedro, Jesus, and others, have been working on this. 00:26:41 David And I'm believe you can go clone this repo that's on Rets GitHub and you can run the sample on .net Maui and she works. It's beautiful. 00:26:54 James They should make this a community toolkit along with the barcode scanner. 00:26:57 David Stuff so and it's going to need to. 00:26:59 David It's going to need to live. 00:27:00 David Somewhere, right, yeah? 00:27:01 James OK. 00:27:02 David OK, and because because the original library is is, to my understanding, no longer maintained, so it's going to need to live somewhere. 00:27:11 David Maybe it's the community toolkit? 00:27:13 David But I'm super excited because in in terms of the list of Nugent packages that folks depend upon and they say, hey, we're upgrading, what do we do about this Nugent package? 00:27:24 David This one's on almost everybody's list. It certainly is a very popular one, so I'm excited to be able to share with everybody that there is a working. 00:27:33 David Repo out there, publishing artifacts and things like that will come soon, maybe by the time you're listening to this I don't know, but if you've been looking for how do I do FF image on .net seven, here it is. 00:27:48 James Yeah, and then uh. 00:27:48 David It's coming. 00:27:50 James There's also for Maui as well. That's that's a thing on John ***** repo. We'll we'll link to that. 00:27:56 James That's he's been doing some work there. 00:27:58 James Again, community toolkit, but also talking about another library that we talked about before. 00:28:03 James Maybe I already talked about this, been a while since we podcast it, but version 3.0 we must not have because it came out two months ago. 00:28:10 James Version 3.0. 00:28:11 James Of the Bluetooth low energy plug in that I did some pull request to is out too. 00:28:17 James There's a pre-release available with dot Donnelley support. 00:28:21 James All four platforms. 00:28:23 James I want a big give big shout out to the team that put up with all of my terrible code and pull requests. 00:28:31 James It took forever. 00:28:32 James It took like months because I you know I got just took forever for me to do day job back and forth, back and forth. 00:28:37 James All this stuff, but they're adding down at 7 support now doing some stuff here blah blah blah, they're still. 00:28:41 James Working on it, but I will say this that don't forget there's an amazing library called shiny that does all sorts of good stuff as well that you definitely want to take a look at that does like, you know your your background geolocation. 00:28:55 James Geofencing it does Bluetooth, it does notifications, it does push notifications. 00:29:00 James What doesn't it do authentication? 00:29:02 James All those things I missed something. 00:29:03 David I I saw today that today is Alan Ritchie's birthday Shiny happy birthday Alan. I think he's like 55 now 56. I mean he's getting up there. 00:29:09 James Happy birthday, Alan. 00:29:18 Matt Happy birthday happy birthday. 00:29:18 David I'm teasing, he's not. 00:29:19 David He's not at all. 00:29:21 James Well thanks everyone for tuning in to Maui podcast. You can go to .net if you find all of it, you can show us with your your friends, your colleagues, your coworkers or anyone else, and be sure to read all the show notes below and. 00:29:38 James Thanks for listening. 00:29:39 James Bye bye bye.