00:00:10 Matt Welcome back everyone to the Xamarin podcast, keeping you up to date with the latest and greatest in mobile development. For Xamarin developers covering the world, the xamarin.net, Azure and more, I'm Matt Soucoup 00:00:22 James Up and I'm James montemagno. Oh my goodness. Last podcast of 2020 Can you believe? 00:00:28 Matt It, I know we made it through 2020. 00:00:30 Matt Over and next year is going to be glorious. It's going to get better next year. James, right. 00:00:34 James I hope so. I'm ready. I'm ready for the the winter season. Ready for some time off. I'm imagining our January podcast maybe a little, maybe a little sleepy, but maybe we'll talk about some holiday projects we worked on. I actually have been thinking about live streaming, doing some app creation, but like design wise you know, normally. 00:00:57 James Live stream, I'm a twitch just like me creating apps or working on libraries, but I've been thinking about. 00:01:02 James Doing a design challenge for myself and see kind of what the new capabilities are in Xamarin forms 5, so that's what I've been thinking about doing for the Holidays. Or maybe Matt I should actually update my applications and push out the updates that have been waiting for six months. I can't decide one or the other. 00:01:21 Matt Now, what about just taking some time off and refreshing? James has that crossed your mind. 00:01:25 James That has where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do? Your coach? My gosh, we do. We do that every night. I don't know. That's right we I've been I did put together a do-it-yourself spin bike this last month, which was pretty exciting. I put that on my Twitters instead of buying an expensive peleton. 00:01:46 James I've been excited for Apple Fitness Plus so you know, you kind of bring your own. Bring your own bike there. So I spent a few $100 and got, you know, a nice sort of basic spin bike. 00:02:01 James It doesn't have any gizmos or gadgets on it, but then I attached gizmos and gadgets and got that for under $400, which is pretty good compared to a $2500 pellet on, so I'm excited about that, but I've been doing that. I'm on as of day recording on day today will be day eight of eight, so I've had it up and operational for seven days. 00:02:21 James And I did seven days straight. And then today's day eight. And I'll do day eight. I'm going to keep going. It's been quite quite good. I love spin classes. A lot of people like when I posted photos. 00:02:33 James On on the Twitters you know there's different types of indoor cycling. Some people do sort of training which is more traditional like I'm going to be on a base by bicycle doing long distance training and then spin classes which are more aerobic in some way of. 00:02:53 James Getting up out of the saddle doing different speed intervals. Usually the music and that stuff. I I like all cycling, but that's the stuff I like on spin bikes an I'm actually only like a 10 minute walk. 00:03:04 James Wherever I live, my goal has always been to baby within 10 minute walk of of a spin class studio, but obviously all of them have been closed since March, so I decided to go all in and that's been my life update and that's what I'll be enjoying through there. So first spin for 3040 minutes. Get all sweaty. 00:03:26 James Then eat food, then sit on the couch and probably shower. At some point. Those are my evenings. 00:03:33 James Now that's my life update their good Now I know now. Now I can rest easy knowing that what what you're up to most likely spinning or on the couch, yes, well, I got jealous because you you know you had gone and done tons of running all this this this time and you know got all in shape and or do all this stuff. And I've been saying since the beginning of Quaranti I'm going to get in shape and I never do. 00:03:56 James And I got some pounds to go, but we'll see how it goes. 00:04:00 Matt Yeah, and I I just actually got a rower because it gets so dark here so early. And then just so early, right? And it's like kinda like running outside when it's dark out. So do we could get a headlamp but still it can also trip and yeah, so gotta rower. And that's. 00:04:16 Matt It's fun, right? But you're stuck, you're stuck inside, so yeah, maybe we'll have to get the music going and do the. 00:04:22 Matt I know you can't really stand up on a rower, though, but. 00:04:25 James When do they have? I think that I think I don't know if Apple Fitness plus as of appellate on may have rowing classes. I don't really know how that works with 'cause they have tread classes. They have like all sorts of stuff. They're running classes and hit classes and all this stuff in their in their subscription, but. 00:04:43 James That had to be fascinated by Trowing stuff that Apple Apple Fitness plus has. I'm excited because when this podcast comes out it'll be very soon. I've been waiting forever for the Apple Fitness, plus 'cause I got the Apple Watch. 00:04:56 James And I want this stuff and I don't know I just I don't know. Try to get in shape motivation. I don't know. I just couldn't go outside. You're right because it gets dark and that's another motivation for actually, you know. 00:05:07 James Being inside because it's dark, I don't want to go right now. I can't ride my bike in the dark. Well I could like I said, but it's. 00:05:13 Matt Fun and it's tough going during the daytime, and you know you got other people out and you want to social distance. And yeah, it's just. 00:05:19 Matt The welcome to the Xamarin Workout podcast. 00:05:23 James That's right, so they have rowing. They're going to have growing an Apple Fitness bosboom confirm, alright? Well, let's get into the news. What you got for us, man, yeah? 00:05:30 Matt Alright, so a couple days ago it this really cool app I didn't know existed until I saw the blog post about it. It's called sketch 360. 00:05:40 Matt And it does pretty much exactly what you would expect by the name is that it allows you to sketch and I really like sketching because if you can tell if you ever went to a conference talk of mine or read a blog post, I do a lot of stick figures. Yeah, and that's pretty much as good as I get. A lot of people might think. Oh, you might be able to draw, you know better. 00:05:58 Matt No no no, not even. I mean, that's as good as I get his stick figures. But the Sketch 360 app, it looks super cool and what it is is that it it used to be a you WP app just written in C sharp. So we'll just call it traditional UW P and it lets you draw in. Uh, like if you're panoramic. So let's say you're sitting in West Seattle and you see the Space Needle and you want to draw a panoramic. 00:06:21 Matt All the way over in Mount Rainier and so it's you know you could take a picture that way with your iPhone or your Android and kind of just drag it with the panoramic view. 00:06:30 Matt But to Draw Something like that, it's a little bit tougher. This app helps you do that, and So what it is is that as you drag your pen, it kind of reoriented dates itself for you so you can. You don't have to worry about all the curves and getting everything right. That way the app kind of takes care of it. Alright, I'm going along way to say. 00:06:51 Matt That Michael, the person who wrote this, has redone it for Xamarin forms. 00:06:56 Matt So specifically to make it work on the duo, the Surface duo, so you have two different screens. But yeah, salmon forms using a lot of skia. He actually wrote a special view for it. I think he's calling it the ink view or something like that, which the in view is actually super cool and that it supports a drawing an eraser. 00:07:16 Matt Strokes, pressure sensitive strokes and so we should actually maybe get that into the Community toolkit are in cabinets. That's that's the name for it. That's cool. Yeah, so that's really needed that you can actually draw now, like 360 degree. 00:07:32 Matt Panoramic drawings using Xamarin forms which you know that means iOS, Android Anywhere you want with a pen that's you know, touch, sensitive and everything else. And then there's a blog post that will post the that will post the blog to, or link to in the show notes and. 00:07:52 Matt Yeah, super cool C sharp XAML and Xamarin forms and skia and it's actually it's one of those cool things where you see an app and it's just like, yeah, that's that's that's neat. And yeah and for me I could do a stick figure and have to have like 360 stick figures and pretend they're all in a huge circle. 00:08:12 James Yeah, it's really cool because Michael is also, you know an instructor too and he does like sketching workshops and things and in the blog post he talks about it too, but it's cool because it is also optimized for the duo, right? And I think that's what's really, really cool motivation. You already have the dual screen two pane view. 00:08:30 James API that's built into Xamarin forms so you know he was able to leverage it and you get to use the top view in different ways. You get to zoom in on actually what you're drawing and get this different perspective. So it's a really, really cool use case of Xamarin forms to go cross platform. 00:08:51 James But a really cool way of optimizing your application for dual screen devices, which I think is really neat, yeah. 00:08:57 Matt And now yeah, everybody was like kind of wonders. What can you do with dual screens? Well, here's here's a great use case for that, and it just you know, people are pushing the edge and just kind of getting started. What dual screens can do? 00:09:09 James Yeah, now the next one is a little bit of a blast from the past. Matt, I'm pretty excited about it. I've been working and. 00:09:18 James The communicating pretty heavily with Adrian Hall over on the Azure SDK team. 00:09:23 James There is a few sort of internal baseball type of things going around without actually playing baseball, but we go into inside things. But basically what's cool about this Adrian's blog post is that they have a done a little a maintenance update to Azure mobile apps, which is the online offline data synchronization layer for SQL data in. 00:09:44 James In the cloud to your mobile devices. So we've in the past, you and I have talked about Azure mobile apps for years. At this point Adrian is working on kind of updating those libraries to keep developers going. You know what I mean? So as the. 00:10:04 James Platforms are advancing. He's also making sure that it works and changing the SDK's and the libraries accordingly. 00:10:12 James As it has changed, so what's nice about this is it brings higher compatibility for Android, iOS, you, WP and WPF applications, which is kind of cool framework, and on that core applications to use Azure mobile apps, and so if you already have it going you can now upgrade seamlessly. 00:10:33 James There's a new login flow which uses Xamarin Essentials, which is pretty awesome. That is using the new web Authenticator API, so kind of. 00:10:44 James He was able to rip out a lot of the old implementation, put in new modern implementation there. Now at this point it's really just an update to say, hey, listen if you're an existing Azure mobile app, so this is like your use case. You know you're going to be good, right? It's not like the here's our next generation version of it because the back end so hasn't been updated yet. It's still just the same old, same old. 00:11:10 James But I think he is working looking on doing that is he has a survey on the blog to to understand what features? 00:11:17 James Really, you need in your applications to help in the Azure mobile apps library, so it's not like a hey go use this thing. This is your thing going forward, but it is a an update. You know that is good to see that it is alive, it's thriving, it's open source. Of course you can go contribute to it, but I've used Azure mobile apps quite a lot in the past and it fit. 00:11:39 James My use case very well, which is I had a SQL database I wanted to manually sync some data out in real time data. Things like that and and boom. Now it's updated and good to go. 00:11:49 Matt Yeah, Azure mobile App Services is just one of those things that makes sense for like.net and Xamarin developers just like sqlserverandasp.net front or back ends. And like you said, this is the it's not. The next version is just the next iteration bringing it. I guess forward in a modern standards. 00:12:09 Matt And. 00:12:10 Matt Yeah, so we will put the notes or the end of show and also put the link to the blog post out there so you can go take the survey. Adrian is mean he loves, loves, loves this. He's listening to the surveys we see the the he'll write up the results and we will see the results every now and then come through and. 00:12:30 Matt Yeah, we which is all a point of saying that we listened so totally. Go take the take the survey so we can make. 00:12:37 Matt The next version, when this does come out eventually. 00:12:41 Matt Work for you and yeah, so it's next iteration, and even if you're not using it in an app right now, go give it a test spin like we spin up something maybe over a holiday hack and see how it does work. So I mean, it just has a ASP net back endasp.net, is it ASP net core right now? 00:13:01 Matt It must be. 00:13:02 James The back end is not is something that I think that he's looking for feedback on to update next. I think you might have a spike on it so OK, but it's there, yeah? 00:13:09 Matt Yeah, I mean so. It's just. It's just a bunch of controllers you'll be familiar with it if you've written an ASP. Net Web API before inherit from a control and you get a lot of cool functionality. And yeah. 00:13:22 Matt Give it a shot. It's pretty pretty neat, and yeah, it's nice to see this moving again. Yeah, and James, you know it's something that has never stopped moving since like. 00:13:36 Matt The early 90s, it seems like it's Visual Studio we keep on chugging along and there's a new preview out for version 16.9 an there's a couple of new features in it that are really for at least xamarinand.net developers that I found pretty neat. The one that really like. 00:13:55 Matt Is like Oh yeah, this is super cool and I at first when I saw is like oh this isn't there is I when you paste and I'll admit sometimes I just go out to like Stackoverflow or read a blog post and I'll just pay some code into the editor. Is that now there's the ability to add the missing using directives. 00:14:15 Matt On the paste. Oh cool, yeah isn't it isn't it cool and like that's just something like Oh yeah, that's super cool now you don't have to actually go in and find out which. 00:14:25 James You know, using directives that you're missing automatically. Yeah, Matically automatically does it, so yeah, it uses that Intellisense or whatever to figure it out for you. Yeah, I always I always mess that up 'cause I would paste the code and then there is there used to be a little gear that would come up and it was like do you want to add in? So yeah, I always want to add it, but if you don't do it right away then it goes away. So this is super nice right? Yeah and sometimes you miss the gear. 00:14:48 Matt And yeah, so yeah, super nice. You have to actually go in and enable it, but it's once we once you enable it, it's you're good to go and and of course you should go and enable it because it will make life so much easier. 00:15:00 Matt For you, yeah will make life so much easier. For me at least. 00:15:07 Matt Another especially for Xamarin forms developers, is that you could do binding property generation for your view models. When you're going in your XAML. So you're writing a property within your XAML, and you have the viewmodel already hooked up within the XAML. So you say, alright, I have my viewmodel. Here's what it is and you type in a property. It's going to. 00:15:27 Matt It kind of just put push that into the class for you and so it's just one of those nice little things that help you make more productivity. So a couple of different productivity enhancements that they put into. 00:15:40 Matt 16.9 preview 00:15:42 James Tool Oh my goodness, that's great. I yeah I need to try that out. I'm looking at it right now on the screen and that's really cool. I've seen some different plugins and extensions that do this, but it's really nice to see. I'm fascinated because the nice thing is that. 00:15:58 James The You WP and WPF editors. 00:16:01 James Aligned with Xamarin forms when it comes to the design time data like the I remember working with that team on design time data around the preview are in like how to enable the D colon to do stuff and there is different ways of sort of plugging that into UW P But they sort of work different and like those are really align now or you can use D colon on anything. 00:16:24 James And yeah, what they're doing is this like design instance type of thing, and then it it's able to inspect. 00:16:30 James You know where it's at in the code and then inject it. I'm going to try. This is really cool and I would not have noticed that because I think this is like how I want to sort of create all my UI going forward just like hey go and do this and it even implements. I notify property changed if you haven't yet, which I think is which is neat. It was really cool and I like that. 00:16:51 James The other thing that's in this release is on this blog post, but it's definitely there. Which is the XAML diagnostic tools I have Dmitry Liland on Xamarin show next week, week. After next week something like that. I think on the bubble Pop 17th. 00:17:06 James The episode should come out. It should have been out already, but there was some editing that was taking longer. I forgot to put a date my bad, I forgot to update DevOps but it should come out on the 17th. He walks you through this. This is a cool feature of what I like to call XAML 2.0 XAML Hot Reload 2.0 tooling XAML Everything 2.0. 00:17:26 James 5.0 twenty point now? Who cares? 00:17:29 James But what it does is it will. 00:17:32 James When you run your application, it will give you a error output of bindings that are missing or incorrect. So instead of, let's say you did a binding to width and you forgot the H at the end. It would tell you that you know the width thing is not that it's not spelled correctly, but hey, this thing doesn't exist and you can click on it and we'll go to the code. 00:17:54 James It's really, really neat, so he kind of shows off what's available today and what's available in the future of that and that works on an UW. P iOS, an Android, which is really neat, and if you are on Android and iOS, there's not a. 00:18:11 James You know an overlay like you know on you WPWP there's like an overlay like bar for all the hot reload stuff. What they do for iOS and Android is they integrate the little toolbar into the live visual tree, which is also now available for iOS and Android. So you get to see. 00:18:31 James How many errors are there if there is an error, even though obviously you know some of the advanced overlay stuff isn't on iOS and Android, it's still inside your IDE, so you can see it's in the in the pain. So it's all super neat. That's what I'm trying to say, Matt. 00:18:46 Matt Yeah, like it. So check out the salmon Show where Dmitry goes through it all for you. 00:18:52 James Exactly salmonshow.com boom awesome. Now the next thing as a blog that I wrote up, which is quite. 00:18:59 James Good, I think I'm excited about it. I wrote the blog but you know, I think that as as the youknow.net becomes more unified, all the frameworks and libraries and things all become unified under that brand. 00:19:14 James You know, I think also asking for help is something that we're trying to unify as well. So traditionally there's been a lot of different places on the Internet in which you can go. Ask your questions right? Whether it's a forum, other Stackoverflow, whether it's someone's blog, whether it's on a blog post, whether it's a bunch of in a Discord channel and a slack channel, so many places. 00:19:36 James But Microsoft rolled out Microsoft QA, which is part of documentation. So when you go to docs.microsoft.com, you see a big Q&A button, and when you go there, you'll actually see like tons of different products from Microsoft. So for example, you'll see. 00:19:57 James Azure you'll see Microsoft Edge. You'll see Windows Visual Studio, Microsoft 365, you know things for developers that you're developing. 00:20:09 James And now you will see Dot net boobam youllsee.net on there and net brings together traditionally, which would be all of these different forums and different communities, or sometimes things don't even have places to go to ask questions. You have a single place where all of the net products are there, so from runtime. 00:20:29 James 2 app and web development with Xamarin UW P Winforms Council apps androidiosasp.net, Blazor, classicasp.net, Right Languages, machine learning, data tooling. 00:20:45 James Acquisition and deployment, and even things like IoT. You can go in and you can ask questions. You know if I go into Xamarin forms, it only launched a few weeks ago. We have hundreds of posts from hundreds of users that are in their tagging their posts. You can follow a topic to give updates on them and it works like a Q&A system so. 00:21:06 James You can upvote questions. You can ask, add comments, submit answers that can be approved. 00:21:14 James You have a profile when you log in, that's tide to your documentation. An Microsoft Learn account so you can earn badges and awards and reputation that's on there. And this is just nice because everything is there because yeah, you may have a Xamarin question today, but maybe even asp.net question today one account gives you access to everything. No, you don't need to sign up for 20 things. 00:21:36 James You sign up for one thing and everything is integrated together. That's really just the beginning. 00:21:41 James Of where the the QA system is looking to go, so I think it's really nice. I'm excited about it. It does mean that overtime the existing existing forums like MSDN, asp.net, IIS, Xamarin, it will be migrated over to. 00:22:01 James The Q&A system and I already have a update on the forums.xamarin.com. I have an entire timeline for in which the forums will be available. Won't be available like what's going on there, but to summarize it in very short. 00:22:21 James For now you can post to both areas starting in March. You can post knew questions only on Q&A. You can continue to post existing questions on answers and questions on the forums and then in April the forums will be completely locked. 00:22:41 James And we will start a data migration like archive process, so all of the information and stuff is archived on a separate site already. And the MSDN forums have already gone through this as well, so there are there too, so there's a bunch of stuff that you can kind of look at there. But yeah, that's the outline, so my recommendation is just start posting on Q&A. That's the place to go. 00:23:03 James We already have tons of MVP S and Community moderators that have moved over there too, but it's definitely awesome because it is the start of kind of bringing everything together so it's exciting. 00:23:13 Matt Yeah, it's pretty cool. I mean it's super cool and that's where people should go and it is all like you said one. 00:23:19 Matt Log in for everything. So if you're doing any, learn courses or whatever, you just log it once and he can post. You know when you need help later with you know what you're doing, your development, and it's also moderated or looked after by people who do work with Microsoft or work for Microsoft. So I mean, yeah, people are it's being watched. I guess you know. So people are helping. 00:23:41 James Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, the one of the other big benefits that I think is there is that you know we have a entire customer success support success team like the entire support team does. Look over there and help answer questions and a lot of the top experts are from the support team, which makes sense and you'll see a Microsoft badge by all the Microsoft employees. 00:24:03 James So we have all these people that are looking over it. So now we have a great community helping out. But you also have official support. You know that is hanging out there. 00:24:10 Matt Another thing that we have's official support for. 00:24:14 Matt In the future, well is coming, is.net Maui, and so in that last December's community stand up? Is a Dave Ortenau went through and gave an update on Dot Net Maui both what it is an what's coming and where they happen to be on it, and so that I'm always a new. It's the hottest thing right now in Xamarin. 00:24:36 Matt Community people are asking, you know, what is it and when people somebody asked me what is it? I mean it. Can you kind of kind of go on about it. There's really just can't. I don't have my elevator pitch down. 00:24:47 Matt Forwhatis.net model because there's so many new features of it, you can just say it's the next iteration of Xamarin forms. Yeah, that doesn't really help though. I mean anybody who's listening to you, does it? 00:24:59 James Yeah, I mean a little bit. I like to say that. I mean, I think what you said is the next evolution of Xamarin forms. I think that's a one liner that's there. But you're right, it doesn't really describe the vision. I would say, and that's what. 00:25:11 James Matty David and John **** did on this stand up, which is going to put a big blog post together answering questions from the different feeds. 00:25:20 James But you know, it's definitely worth spending. You know some time going through it, but high level right? It is like you said, Madden Evolution of Xamarin forms. It is. Their goals are to officially support first class for desktop and mobile for iOS, Android, Mac OS. 00:25:41 James And Windows some of the cool things from this high level is, you know, they're really focused on stability, performance sub one second startup time removing all the cruft that was there for a long time. 00:25:54 James They are reengineering the entire rendering system to make it interface based compared to a renderer system, so everything is an interface like a I button and I carousel view and I whatever that enables easier. I would say extension of Maui which means. 00:26:15 James If you're a maintainer of, let's say reactive UI or fabulous or comment or these other types of different UI frameworks on top of it, it will make it so your layer is easier to implement an more performance which is. 00:26:32 Matt Cool should make it faster. 00:26:34 James Should make it faster. That's the goal. Goal, goal. So cool things on the platform. Support is Windows will be win UI 3 support out of the box which is cool. Which is the next kind of generation of. 00:26:50 James Windows development and then on Mac support it's actually going to be catalyst support that you get out of the box, so there is, you know, work that's going into catalyst, which is the ability to run iOS applications on a Mac. This is different from. 00:27:08 James Just M1 processors where that's literally just running your existing iOS application on a Mac. This enables you to integrate into the menu system to optimize different things and get your application running fully on both. 00:27:22 James Intel and M1 arm based Mac machines, so it's very little work, but from you as a developer, but a lot of work on the development team, but they've been working with the community on getting implementations of that going, which is cool to see that work. Actually the catalyst works should. 00:27:42 James Landing down at 6 and support everybody with iOS apps. 00:27:45 James But it's going to be how Mac OS is there, but I'm excited because. 00:27:51 James Coming from app Kit, it's not quite fun to work with and and just doing Catalyst makes so much sense. Less testing for your application. It's very beautiful and then they talk about the timelines they talk about this rendering system. They also talk about backwards compatibility with a nu get library that they're gonna call Xamarin Dot forms Dot Legacy. 00:28:11 James Our maybe it should be like dot compat. Actually I think is what they should call it, but I'll give that feedback now that I've come up with it in my mind, but this is. 00:28:20 James For all intents and purposes, a way of giving library creators and vendor component models and yourself a way of running your existing renderers and custom controls insideof.net Maui. So it is a backward compat Shim. 00:28:40 James If you will so. 00:28:41 James That means even though you'll have from the time of this recording, two years to to migrate, right? 'cause even Xamarin forms will be supported for even another year. Passed on Maui Gay, which is done at 6 timeframe, you'll have a lot of time to migrate and even longer technically with this stuff too, so it's definitely worth as a high level high level feature cell, I would say. 00:29:04 James But they do a good job of talking about not only the product sell, what's important about it, but some of these customer. 00:29:11 James Interviews and feedback loops that they've been doing time and time again right is. 00:29:15 Matt Awesome, and I mean you did a great job mean talking about the product. But there's also like the developer. I'll say productivity like you know, like this is the assimilation of Xamarin into net six, you know fully mean. Everybody's there. It's the one.net. 00:29:32 Matt When we hit that six and like there's tooling changes now like the one project is is here and there is VS code, you're going to examine forms probably won't have all the Intellisense there, but if you're a vis code, FX siano. 00:29:51 Matt You got it. If you. If you want it. And yeah, so I mean there's more when I think of Dot net Maui there's. It's just there's a whole set. It's like Maui is an island, right? We have a whole archipelago of little islands going on here, so there we go. 00:30:07 Matt Yeah, so it's pretty cool. And yeah, definitely check out the standup, it's they. Yeah they do a great job going over all the efforts that are going on and making this a. 00:30:18 Matt This is a huge effort going on. It's targeted for next November. 00:30:23 James I believe agreed, green cool. 00:30:26 Matt Alright, so we're moving in. We're going from Xamarin into the cloud were taken off James, and one thing I wanted to talk about is oh Hanselman and Jeff Holland went over and they did a little series on. 00:30:41 Matt Serverless APIs, so everybody knows everybody loves Azure functions, and. 00:30:47 Matt If you don't know what it is and when you say server list so well, you think well, how does something wrong without a server. It's not. You're not technically throwing a server out right? It is still a server running somewhere in the back end. It just kind of means you don't have to care so much about the infrastructure anymore, but you still have to worry about things like scaling and. 00:31:08 Matt And making sure that. 00:31:12 Matt It's up and running. They pick the right consumption or the right plan to run things on, like the right what they call the SKU. They run your function app service on stuff like that, so I mean there's still a little bit of stuff you have to think about and that's what they go over in this series is they think about that type of work. 00:31:32 Matt Um, so not so much to code per say, but the other things that go along with it. I guess that's at least the first part. And then the second part they go over is actually deploying your APIs into what we're calling the API management Azure Service, which I thought it was the Azure service of the month a couple of months ago. 00:31:54 Matt Well, what that does it gives you your consumers of your API is a nice interface to go into to actually consume the API. That way you can version everything really nicely and so on. So what they're talking about then is a way to kind of holistic Lee understand Azure functions as a serverless offering, and to how to build. 00:32:15 Matt A fully, I guess a fully baked API off of it so you just don't have a bunch of like HTTP triggers sitting all over the place, which you can actually unify all your HTTP triggers into a single. 00:32:29 Matt I holistic offering where it it mean it just makes sense like so you're building out something. 00:32:36 Matt That works for your whole company per southeast, because like if you were building outs, so API management works with swagger language, which is an OP Open API specification. 00:32:50 Matt And it's just you know when I say specification just a way for discovery essentially. But the thing with swagger, if you're doing with asp.net, you just kind of like add in a nu get package and it kind of just works. But with functions it's a little bit different. And what API management gives you is like a design time first where you can. 00:33:10 Matt Go into the user interface and say, alright, I have this git HTTP function happening and here's what I'm expecting for the inputs and the outputs, and then when I get at it, my client is actually calling API management. 00:33:25 Matt Which then kind of forwards over to functions and it works. So check out the series. It kind of gives you a way then to both understand functions and also how to make it a like a whole API management system or whole API system in API management. And so there are two quick. I think they're like 15 minute videos in there. 00:33:46 Matt Totally worth the time investment to understand the back end of how to write APIs with a serverless. 00:33:53 James Very cool, I like it. 00:33:55 James Yeah, well, I guess that brings us to your pick it a week of Azure. Yes, we last month was Event Grid which got for us this month. How about eventhubs? Oh my goodness, what's different? Yeah, I know we were talking about the pod beforehand that James goes. You did that one last month. I like. No this is totally different. Alright so eventgrid's. 00:34:16 Matt So they both deal with events right? Which is kind of like a xamarin forms messaging service. You send alright, something happened and you publisher says something happened and subscribers has to deal with it, right? So the event Hub or the event Grid is a thing in the middle that deals with this thing. 00:34:34 Matt So the event grid thing that we talked about last month that deals with discrete events. One thing happened, a blob was uploaded, one thing happened and now we're done with it. Event Hub deals with big data like Time series events. All these things happen in a row. So something like, let's say you had a. 00:34:56 Matt Like a nest thermostat or this thermostat that's constantly transmitting information thermostats up add button IoT device, sure. 00:35:03 James IoT smart scale, a scale of some sort, yeah? 00:35:06 Matt And it's constantly transmitting telemetry over to eventhubs and it's you have a. 00:35:12 Matt Tons of these deployed and they're all transferring telemetry over an event. Hubs can do this millions of millions of different events coming in. 00:35:21 Matt And then your subscriber on the other end is like just picking out, like looking for anomaly detection or doing different data archival or picking out so it can do different. 00:35:32 Matt Um, processing on that end and so what's neat about event hubs, is that it actually keeps these events around for a certain amount of days, so you can have different applications doing different things to these events. It's not like a queue where one picks it out and then it's gone. 00:35:49 Matt It like kind of sits there and so you can have like 1 looking for weird data coming in like trans fraud detection and then other ones like actually processing the transaction. If it's financial and actually like charging your credit card stuff like that. So that's what Eventhubs is for. Big data, millions of events coming in huge events at a time or. 00:36:10 Matt Event Grid is more discrete, you know something happened, let's handle it and then you know like Image got uploaded. Let's make it black and white. 00:36:18 Matt So. 00:36:20 Matt Yeah, that's the difference between the two there. They sound the same, but they're completely. They handle completely different things. 00:36:27 Matt Brings us to the final segment. 00:36:29 James Pick the pod pick of the pod dude. Oh my goodness, I mean, what is my pick of the pod? Well, I guess my pick of the pod is 5 pics of the pod I wrote a blog post. I got 2 pics of the pods. I wrote a blog post over on my blog on montemagno.com called 5 Must install Nu Get Packages for new Xamarin projects. 00:36:49 James Well, this is yeah it's a little click baity I know, but it's pretty good. 00:36:53 Matt You won't believe what happens next. 00:36:55 James And you won't believe, yeah, I called it. I originally called it essential new games, but I was like, well, really, there's tons of essential new goods. But I was thinking if I'm brand new too. 00:37:06 James Building an app. What should I actually look to install an outline in? I talk about many of the things that we've talked about on this podcast, but I talk about the why and the how with code samples and images, so I'll talk about MVVM helpers or just my library. I talk about Monkey Cache, which is my library. I'll talk about pancake view. I talk about Sharp NATO and all of the different things. 00:37:27 James There are sharp NATO like Sharknado tabs, carbonado shadows shop, Sharknado material frame. 00:37:32 James And then I talk about the Xamarin Community Toolkit as well as a here's what sort of looking forward. You should look to install into your application, which I think is cool. The other pick of the pod that I would recommend starting to follow is the net dev .2 account. So if you're looking if you're ready on Dev two, this is a. 00:37:54 James A good account to follow and get updates on what's nice about this dev .2 is that it's sort of new weekly updates from different members of the team on different sort of getting started. Ask intro topics and fun things so some people are writing original content. Some people are syndicating their feeds. 00:38:15 James But it's a pretty good place to look and it's dev .2 slash net so DOTNET and you will find it there. And there's a bunch of bloggers that are writing all sorts of cool stuff. 00:38:26 James On there, so definitely give that a look. 00:38:28 Matt Yeah, well what I like about the dev two, at least the.net portion of it. It's I consider it like lunchtime reading where you kind of go there and you get like a little snack size portions and. 00:38:39 Matt Yeah, you learn a lot an it's just it's there. So yeah, very cool and so my pick of the pod is I ripped it off. I so I always read the weekly Xamarin newsletter and if you don't I'll put a link in the in the show notes so you can go sign up and get it. And so last week Kim Phillip odds put it in this link for coding fonts. 00:39:03 Matt And So what it is is just this website where you can go out and view a bunch of different fonts that are great for coding. There are probably mono spaced and there. 00:39:13 Matt You could just spend hours in like just trying different fonts, put 'em in your IDE and see which ones work best for you and what this website does. It collects a bunch of different ones and you can see what they are. It tells you if they cost anything and it gives you samples and a lot of 'em have ligatures in there, and So what a ligature does. 00:39:34 Matt Is that it? Like if you do less than or you know. 00:39:37 Matt Left facing bracket equals a ligature. Will make that an actual like less than sign less than equals. If you are writing it out by hand, and yeah, so you can go in there and see how everything will look. So Chelsea how ones look different than lower case else for example so you can tell if you know. 00:39:59 Matt Just how they look differently so you don't get confused and it's actually just kind of a cool site, even if you're into really customizing your IDE. 00:40:06 Matt And yeah. 00:40:08 Matt It's just a nice neat thing, and yeah, I totally ripped it off from when Kim found it. 00:40:13 Matt I'm telling you about it an I'll give credit back to Kim Philpotts and a link to the Xamarin Weekly. 00:40:20 Matt Newsletter which you should totally read as well. 00:40:23 James So beautiful, I like it. I like it. Cool well alright well Matt we made it we made it through 2020. Hope everyone has a lovely holiday stay safe wear a mask do all the things socially distance we're staying. 00:40:37 James In home, in our in our. Our home here actually I have to go to Whole Foods in order my Christmas dinner. That's our next thing to do. Big fans of the Whole Foods. Premade meal, so big fan there so we'll do that. But that's going to do it. Yeah, stay safe. 00:40:50 Matt Alright, talk to you in 2021. James bye.