Unknown Speaker 0:01 This is for all the girls who grew up without strong deep role models to help them discover their geek dreams for everyone who's ever been quizzed about their video game knowledge because Unknown Speaker 0:11 geek Herring is working to bring female identifying geeks into their prime to be the role models dreams and voices not to show these boys how we do it. Unknown Speaker 0:21 For the faster they Unknown Speaker 0:23 deserve. Unknown Speaker 0:26 A girl has no name. There is something supernatural at work here. It's not what you believe. Moni 0:38 Are you ready for this ready for this? Welcome to Geek herring, a critical geek culture podcast where we talk the good and the bad parts of being a chick in a male dominated environments. Hi, my name is Monica and with me today is my lovely glorious pink sweater with a tiny shoulder ache turned into a massive shoulder ache, but still in good spirits co host Amanda. I Amanda. Hi, Monica. That was an introduction. I feel it was better than I thought it was gonna turn out for some reason. So I'm like almost almost six. Was it No, like other usually it just stumble over all of my words. And this time, I felt like it didn't even fit. Um, one. Oh, gosh, I don't know. Hello. Hi. How are you? Yeah, I'm, I'm fine. I'm doing how are you? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm doing Amanda 1:32 Yeah, that's yeah, life is life. Life is life and then then then. Unknown Speaker 1:39 Life phase. Do you know that song? No, but you don't know that. So why do you not know that song? It's like, what? And Austrian band bus it was super popular all around the world or whatever. Unknown Speaker 1:54 Is Unknown Speaker 1:56 definitely worse. They're popular. Everyone was really popular. The song? Life is life. Exactly. And it's by Opus, Opus, Opus. Life is life. Yes. I don't got you. It's also really old song. But fun facts about that song. Um, Unknown Speaker 2:17 there was this worry. What is it called? Facts facts, like no need to Google that real quick. That was this world's record attempt to what is it called to the biggest lip dub ever? Exactly. And they did it in the town that's right next to us. So basically, what they did is have locked down the entire city. And then they had like, all the different different organisations all over the city. And they failed throughout the song in one take so that they couldn't edit it, right. So head of one big lift up throughout the entire city. And they had three takes, so they locked down the safety for like a couple of hours. And I could hear it from the work where I was working back then. And it was all going on, like really close to me. And you all need to watch it. Because it's hilarious. But maybe not now maybe do that after, after you've actually listened to the podcast, we're going to put it in the show notes and whoever is in chat, Unknown Speaker 3:24 just do it later. It's 20 Minutes video, so don't do it now. Unknown Speaker 3:30 In a way, it's 20 minutes to be honest, maybe that just repeated over and over again. But it's basically where I live. So if you want to know, ish, what it looks like where I'm at, then this is the video. See you in 20. Thanks, Marcus. Let me do Unknown Speaker 3:46 anyway, this is not where we're here. It's not we're here to talk about something else. We are things that we're probably even less prepared for the talking about this 20 minute video about Opus, what do you mean, this fast? I have an article up and we talk about things. That's usually how we roll. And so I feel like this is just in general. And I mean, to bring it to the point. Today, we're going to talk about the recently announced Oscar nominees. And it's probably going to turn into something else as we go. But you know, like ghosts, you know us by now. Well, yeah, I said you notice by now, we might start talking about something but it probably isn't gonna stay on that subject. That is yeah, let me just quickly turn the shout out off so that Gemma can do the work and we don't listen to I don't have the shouted in my ear. Unknown Speaker 4:45 The bot isn't actually shutting people out. She is correct. Blue, stupid and the only half work. It's only half working. I don't know why it hates us, me. Whatever. Unknown Speaker 4:56 I can figure that out. Maybe Maybe it's just hired Unknown Speaker 5:00 doesn't want want anything to do with us or something? That's understandable, I guess. Unknown Speaker 5:06 But yeah, we're gonna talk about the Unknown Speaker 5:10 if we're not, we don't hate you, Rick, you know? And that's also the wrong window of facts like, today's not the day. You're as well. What do you mean? I have a mess? It's so cold for Unknown Speaker 5:25 I'm juggling a lot of plates. Okay. Unknown Speaker 5:30 Why do you say I said, Wow, I'm what? 20 twin timing ponies? We are more organised than 20. Whatever morning. Let's be honest. Is this shocking? How organised I am recently. Why are you turned off freaking cloud books? Let's try again. Gemma, just Yeah, go. What? Why is there a percentage sign there? I don't know. Because it's not modern anymore. I didn't do anything. Why breaking things anyway. I'm not breaking things. Stop breaking shit, Monica. There we go. It's already I don't know, let it have the fucking percentage sign there. If it's shit, then it shall be should continue to be. Nevermind. Okay, back to the topic that we're wanting to talk about, which is the Academy Awards and the nominees for 2022 Because that's the year we're in right now. Whoa, is the year we're in right now. And it's also the year that I have seen, like five films nominated, which is more than what more than usual, to be honest. That's what I'm saying. I'm usually I've never seen I've hardly ever seen most of the films because number one, they're probably not even aired here yet. They haven't aired here yet. So I couldn't have seen the menu way. And a lot of the times I just haven't seen them at all. And then I've just watched them because they won an Academy Award and just want to know what people think they're so amazing. Yeah, that happened to me last year with marriage story. And I was like, why did this win? Or was it just nominated? I don't know. And I was like, this was a very long movie about I wanted to watch it and then I fell asleep. And when I when I fall asleep films, then I'm really getting really annoyed. Yeah, I think that that was kind of worthy. Then I fell asleep. You mean Yeah. You didn't miss anything in my opinion. Obviously. Peep maybe people are just really hoped for Adam diver driver. Why I don't understand who they are. Also find yourself a bit awkward. I mean, he played in girls, and he was really weird there as well. And also he was like, he isn't he like an ex army person or something. I don't think I really heard about him that can kind of explain this, like, attraction that people seem to have for him is he has an I quote, big dick energy. There was a whole a whole debate on somebody's Instagram story that I was reading because I was like, I don't get the atom driver love. I just don't get it. And they basically concluded that has a big dip and exudes big dick energy. And I was like, does he though? I don't know. I haven't seen it. I mean, but I mean, there's a big energy mean people know like, I mean, not that it matters what size of coke you have on don't ever whatever, but at the same time, like like I don't know, I don't know. And then there was a poll and anyways, I'm pretty sure Rihanna actually went out as having bigger dick energy than Adam Driver and the public opinion. Exactly. The Gemma prefers big die kenergy have a big ace question mark on my head. So I'm just like, I don't know what Well, I don't I don't know. That's not my opinion. I just want to clarify like I'm not about this big dick energy Adam driver or whatever. It's I'm just repeating what was on Twitter Instagram story. He did have Biggie can he was a he was quite the taking in he was he was a dick in girls wasn't a as far as I can remember. He was like, quite wasn't he like a super asshole to her as well? I don't for a minute. No, he wasn't or was he just kinky? She was maybe I didn't finish it I had so long what's asleep? No, I didn't fault but it's like too long ago to be honest to give like proper feedback on girls now because it's like didn't happen last week and already last week would be an issue so is he a nice person? I don't know. I'm like, in the end we just don't really don't really don't really know anyway, because who the fuck no celebrities it's always like to pretend like we know them so well. And then in fact, we actually don't know the middle. So it's fine. He's probably a great guy and apparently very talented. And even though I know sure how LSE but also tastes differ to everyone. So for everyone. So anyway, finally, Tom says he's only seen Unknown Speaker 10:00 To nominated films, so let's go to the best picture less than immediately when Oh is already bringing it up right now it's true things. Tom getting us back on the subject. Perfect. As per usual, somebody has to Yeah, we talk a load of shite. So I have seen one of the films nominated for Best Picture. I don't I haven't seen any a single one. I've seen don't look up. But don't look. It was a Leonardo DiCaprio film. Unknown Speaker 10:29 Oh, yeah, that's on Netflix. Hmm. It was good. Actually, I really enjoyed it. I thought that it was there was a lot of nuance in it, about the power that the media has to control the narrative, which, funnily enough, they seem to be doing with the amount of hatred that the media is giving the movie. So interesting. I just the only thing I know about the movie is that I wanted to watch it all the time. But I have issues committing to a movie for two hours, because I'm weird. I can watch six seasons of something on a weekend, but I can't watch a movie for two hours. Unknown Speaker 11:08 But I only feel like the general reaction for it was a bit that they all thought it was going to be this great comedy. And then it was like too real too, too. too accurate for real life touching too many points that are actually factual somehow that people were really surprised by for some reason, well priced by. Okay. Unknown Speaker 11:31 So yeah, you would think like, because Jonah Hill is in it, and Leo DiCaprio and it's like, oh, you know, maybe this will be funny, especially with Jonah Hill. It was not it was like a serious, really depressing social commentary. Really good. But yeah, it was serious. Yeah, I left it and I was like, I felt kind of hollow inside. And I was like, oh, oh, Unknown Speaker 11:56 I saw that Tom in chat said that the media didn't like the movie and no, they the media is like bashing the movie real hard. And saying as well that it's a I think I saw one one article that said that it was a role that will destroy Leonardo DiCaprio career. Wow. Like, wow, yeah. Wow. It wasn't like it was a very different roles for him. But also, cantata, I really need to watch it. Because I mean, let's be honest, DiCaprio was just it just turned into such an amazing freaking actor. Like and I mean, that doesn't mean that great cast is the essence for a good movie because look at freaking cats. Unknown Speaker 12:45 Thank you can't by making your movie. Great. So hasn't he always been a great accent? I mean, yeah, yeah, I feel Yeah. But he has like, improved on greatness with age like I yeah, he's he's getting a lot more Unknown Speaker 13:01 rolls. I don't know. I just, he's always been great right back from when he was a teenage heartthrob. And now he's like, serious concerns political man. Didn't he also like even before Basketball Diaries, which is interesting that they were called that and they just recently had to look it up. Because anyway, Unknown Speaker 13:22 wasn't he like in one movie that he also got like properly nominated for some stuff? Like what is it? Deal with great yeah, something maybe some cool but that was like one of his very first Yeah, on his first one. And he was really good in Basketball Diaries. I agree with that. I feel like maybe the because of the way he looked in his age after Titanic. I feel like everybody and Romeo and Juliet people probably thought he was kind of not Unknown Speaker 13:49 a seeker the actor. Yeah, but then when they see him and things like deception and yeah, and option you mean? Oh, deception. That's a different one. I absolutely meant inception. But these would Unknown Speaker 14:04 be called Unknown Speaker 14:07 the parted with Matt Damon right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was really good. Unknown Speaker 14:14 Were so we're so we're so well prepared. qualified to talk about moving. Unknown Speaker 14:23 Too slow. It's just people who know this shit does all the needs to be famous like us who can talk about stuff? Yeah. Unknown Speaker 14:33 The other the only other movie? Well, I mean, there's two other movies that have been nominated for West Side Story. That story. Oh my god, I can't talk and Unknown Speaker 14:44 I'm fine. There's two other movies nominated for best picture that I have heard of not seen. And the other ones I'm actually just like, I haven't even heard of these movies, which is not like totally standard for me when it comes to the Oscars because I'm like, which is shocking the Unknown Speaker 15:00 because one is called Belfast and you don't know Belfast, there's no no one that I do know. Oh, I just seen it yet. Okay, I keep thinking that it's going to be really, really serious. And apparently my mum has seen it and I don't know how she's like I've seen it. It's fantastic. And I'm like, It's brand new. How have you seen? Like, I've seen it and I'm like, okay, maybe it's a city. Like, yes, you have been developed. Unknown Speaker 15:26 But apparently, it's phenomenal. All a lot of my friends from Belfast are like praising it and saying, it's, it's such a good movie. So I really do need to get off my butt or actually get on my bike and watch it. Understandable. So okay, let's just talk through the list real quick. So it's Belfast colder. Don't look up drive my car, dune King Richard liquorice pizza. I have so many questions. Nightmare alley, the power of the Dog in western story. Haven't seen any of them also haven't heard of most. I haven't heard of most of them. I haven't even seen dune to be honest. Because never made it to the cinema while it was in Me neither. But I also haven't been in the cinema for like, Hell trillion years. Yeah, I was like, Yeah, where are the Marvel movies? Sit and Tom say there's a Marvel movie. Do some marvel marvel are not until, like the best cinematic I think no, I mean, okay. To their to to Marvel moves. But I'm surprised. Well, not in this actually. But I don't know. Has there ever been a Marvel movie not nominated for Best Picture? I don't think it's more they always get more money. So Best Picture. Unknown Speaker 16:39 They always just more the very serious kind of artsy one. Yeah. Like there was never like this. Never movie like them. Never a movie. That is like super mainstream movie that win, like mainstream movie to the green. And it has, as you say, Black Panther was was it nominated for Best Movie? Let me say I actually did read that somewhere. That Black Panther was nominated against an Anthony Hopkins movie, and the Hopkins one and the Hopkins movie one. It was nominated for Best Picture. It did win Best Costume Design, Best Original Score, Best Production Design, and it was also nominated for Best Original Song. Best Sound Editing and Best Sound Mixing that was that was that I do understand yesterday was really special. Yeah, I agree. So best director are also like from a couple of the movies that I mentioned before. So Kenneth, how do you spell that kind of Rana? Yeah, in Belfast reuse, Suki Hamaguchi. With drive my car Paul Thomas Anderson, licorice pizza chain champion said the only woman probably and Steven Spielberg for West Side Story. I didn't even know they made a movie. But besides Me neither. I also didn't know that Steven Spielberg was directing theme. But I think something that we do need to talk about is drive. My car is a Japanese film with the Japanese director. And it is not only like the director is not only nominated as a director, but the film is nominated as the best picture. And I'm somebody can absolutely fat check me on this. I'm just going from an article that I read earlier today. It's the first Japanese film that has been nominated for Best Picture. What the first I think so cool. I mean that would that would that would be totally down four. So I think fact checker Thank you very much Marcus. And Unknown Speaker 18:42 also is my ask if Wes has story The movie will be musical ended. Yes. It's going to be a screen musical with no pretence to perfection thing. So yes, it's going to be musical form, which I'm going to be like, that's something I probably want to see because I've also never seen Western stories. So give me all the musicals on television so I can watch them saying that I haven't even seen Hamilton. I have seen him Hamilton and it took me quite a couple of attempts to get a bit into it because it's just really really very obviously because it's American story very America heavy and feel like like I feel like there there is some lack of connection then if you're not American for some reason, and that needs is a step that you need to need to step over before you're like really enjoying it and it's fresh and stuff like different fresh. What did I just say? It's different with the wrapping everything so, but there are a couple of nice and then joined and enjoyed in the end. Best Actor. I'm excited about that. Because Javier Bardem bought them. This is how you pronounce him. I don't know. I haven't found Best Actor on I'm there now. No, sorry. Sorry. My list is different than money's list. It's laid out different and I'm like Unknown Speaker 20:00 scores for she talking about. Unknown Speaker 20:03 I'm there, um, for being the Ricardos isn't Javier? Isn't he the one who also played an Eat Pray Love? Yeah, yes. Look at me. Look at you. Yeah, I have heard a lot of hype about being the Ricardos and I know that Nicole Kidman has also been nominated for Lead Actress for her role in it. But Unknown Speaker 20:27 I would like to see it actually. But my mum is like she really hates Nicole convinced she wouldn't watch it. Unknown Speaker 20:36 And I didn't know what I think about Nicole Kidman. I don't mind her. She's i don't know I'm on the fence. I don't know if I always particularly liked her. I think it was very neutral to her and now I'm more on defence for Unknown Speaker 20:49 my mom does hate Australia and she loves Lucille Ball. So I think that there's gonna there I can I can see and understand her disconnect between her hatred of Nicole Kidman and Australian accents and her love of Lucille Ball. I have no idea what that is. I'm Lucille Ball and Ricky, Ricky Ricardo that was they were married back in like the 40s 50s or something. And they had a show called I Love Lucy. And that's what this movie being the Ricardos is based off of their life. Oh, okay, I get it. Well, that makes way more sense. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 21:29 That's what I would like to see. Maybe I can talk her into it. Maybe I'll just put it on Monday and be like, cool. I just need to wait until all those things come to a place where they're actually streamable for me to watch. Prime right now if you have prime, which I know. Yeah, but also they're also region locked with their shade. I'm like, you can't watch it anyway, but I'm gonna have a look for sure. Then Benedict Cumberbatch, Cumberbatch, Cumberbatch, the power of the dog. I mean, I like Benedict Cumberbatch. I have no idea but the movie but I like the guy. You don't like the guy? Oh, no. I like him. I don't know the movie. Yeah, I was agreeing with everything you said. Sorry. If it sounded like disagreement Unknown Speaker 22:08 managing come on my patch. What? Excuse me, Tom. Unknown Speaker 22:13 Awkward. And then Andrew Garfield was nominated for a leading role in tick tick. Boom. He gave give him the Oscar freaking immediately. Have you watched tick, tick, boom. It's good. I have no it's it's basically the story of the person who wrote Drent the musical. Oh, okay. So it's and the guy was like, a massive creative and whatever. And, and he pays, he basically plays. He also wrote some musical ish thing about himself. And Andrew Garfield plays the guy in his own musical anyway. So it's like very musically musical he and Andrew Garfield is just have a newfound love for Andrew Garfield. I do know that there has been a bit of controversy over the snub from ticktick boom with Lin Manuel Miranda not being nominated as Best Director, director, director, Director Director for it because people think you'd have been nominated maybe but there's also because people in general just lovely Miranda will never remember his name and know what we're talking about. Miranda Yeah, that one Unknown Speaker 23:32 track Unknown Speaker 23:36 you should really become best track so yeah, people just worship Him like everything he touches people like is made by Lin Miranda. And no there is some family something missing in between but you know, and so he can't do can't do wrong at all. So but he's also the one who wrote Hamilton so I feel like ends a lot of other stuff I suppose. So yeah, yeah, yeah having to just pave the rest of his path was Scott with gold Genesis and that is very true. And then Will Smith with King Richard and they'll Washington with the tragedy of Macbeth they both Shakespeare plays made interesting also to black men and one Latino men nominated this time for best actor that's pretty good this low could you go Academy off the fucking up for I don't know how many years? At least now you're like trying or something? Or something? Or I mean, I think that maybe this year might be better than past years, but I don't know that it's great terms of Yeah, I mean, it's also the first where I'm like, Oh, this sounds like something because otherwise that is true. Gemma says I will praise them when it's 100% by pokin a category that is true yeah until the end is always like you do it for so doesn't look shit right? That's why I'm Unknown Speaker 25:00 So that's why I said or stop or something. And I know like, we need to. Also good effort and all that equal pay. Unknown Speaker 25:09 Person. people of colour is more. Yeah best actresses. Jessica just saying in the eye of Tammy in the eyes of Tammy Faye never heard of the movie. Olivia Coleman. Love her. But in lost daughter, Penelope for love. You didn't love the movie? No mom and I turned it off actually, because it was so boring. We could not sit through it. We're like, oh, and just had enough of it and like, heard nothing but critical acclaim for it. Twitter was like this movie's amazing. I think we got about 40 minutes in and we were like we can't This is best. I watched a favourite which won the Oscars or which is the movie that Olivia Coleman won her Oscar for and that was also very confused by the movie for some reason. I don't didn't quite in the end didn't quite figure out what it wanted to sell me. Unknown Speaker 26:00 She played grades obviously. Yeah, she's fantastic. I just I just generally love her because she's always just so fucking she'll fucking not giving any facts. I just loved that about her when they sent her to. I'm so basic. I often find the critically acclaimed films just news fists later. Yeah. I am too mainstream for shit like that. Sometimes I'm just like, I'm a basic white bitch give me give me give me shit that everybody enjoyable. Marvel please. Unknown Speaker 26:35 Then Penelope Cruz. The last daughter was very boring flimsy. Penelope Cruz is parallel. Nominated for parallel mothers. Nicole Kidman for being the Ricardos is Amanda already said and crease this do it is nominated for Spencer. Yeah, I didn't even is that even out yet? To see because that's that is one that I would like to see. Because Kristen Stewart is surprisingly fantastic. Chief. I only she turned herself. Jesus fucking Christ, man. Yeah, she Yeah. Unknown Speaker 27:09 She has gotten so much shit during her career. I agree Marcus. And I 100% was one of the ones giving it to her back in the twilight days. Oh, me too. Unknown Speaker 27:19 I don't remember but I wasn't like I wasn't seeing her as someone with a lot of gravity tests if I can. No. And all of a sudden I don't know what shifted or I don't know. I'm just like Brenda once said, Well, I came out this clear that's what happened. Unknown Speaker 27:37 Yeah, maybe it was maybe it was um, has to do with her being more herself and her owning her shit Maura, something that just like that she's also not taking any sheets anymore. Yeah. And also probably has something to show yeah. Book Michael Woodman. Unknown Speaker 27:56 And Marcus says also curse and good nominated before Robert Pattinson, which is hilarious. Yeah, I think yeah. There's an article trending on Twitter today over patents in an interview he gave with GQ, where he admits I'm sorry, I lost so he admits that like almost 90% of the stuff that he says in interviews is just made up. Unknown Speaker 28:19 The guy also just gifts absolutely fear of his life. And he's probably smoking a lot of great weeds. Unknown Speaker 28:26 Just like, I love him. I can't I can't not like I keep sending money articles or tweets. Or I'm like, Why? Why do I love him so much? Like he's just he is it's his level of like, fucked up nails to, like, no fucks I weird as anything and like, whatever. And I can't get enough of it. Yeah, I can understand that to a degree. Like when it gets super intellectual. I'm like, It's too much for me. I can't get on board. And not It's not that I can't get on board with it. I'm just like, I can't level with you. You're like way spacing me out with your intelligence and that's fine. Nobody needs to be like super fucking smart or whatever. Unknown Speaker 29:08 But then but but it's just fascinating that he's just, I mean, he was Did he did a really really smart job with doing a couple of movies that were really like this money hogs for him. And that is true. As jinxes as I was going to war I was going going to get that that issue wishes we could all afford to be as weird as we actually are. Which is the thing right? He just made that really smart decision to make a couple of movies that bring him so incredibly much money that whatever he then does doesn't really fucking matter anymore. Right? It's like he can do whatever the fuck he wants and and still like live a great life and with a lot without a lot of issues anyway, right? So he's just done a really smart job with it to a degree. Yeah. I love this Daniel, right if it's just taking a piece with everything nice Unknown Speaker 30:00 difference is Gemma, Transcribed by https://otter.ai