00:00.43 Dave Hello everybody. My name is Dave Jackson and you're listening to tales from the backlog. This is a video games review podcast where each week I'm joined by a guest to bring a game out of the backlog, play it and discuss my guests today are friends of the show. Both hosts of half tone takes podcast, pilot and titan combo Adam Bucceri and Cory Revis guys welcome 00:27.47 Cory Hello Hello Hello hello. 00:27.75 Adam Hello. So good to be back. 00:29.27 Dave Um, yeah Adam it's good to have you back? Ah this is your fourth time on the show and Cory's first time lovely to have you guys here. 00:42.90 Adam Yes, absolutely and I'm so glad to have Cory here. Um, because Cory is significantly more qualified to talk about this game than I am. 00:49.26 Cory Yes, I am here, please be gentle. It's my first time. 00:54.88 Dave Ah, yeah, this is good ah past listeners of the show will recognize Adam from a shadow of the colossus with the first one then we did the resident evil 4 remake along with good friend Jala and we also did the how everyone got into horror games. 01:12.60 Dave Roundtable discussion with Jerry and dog faced gamer. Yeah, and that Adam you were the fourth I was like there were 4 people on that show who's the other person. Oh, I was the fourth person on that show. Okay, yeah. 01:24.48 Adam Ah, absolutely. 01:25.46 Dave And yeah, Cory's first time on the show and Cory's going to be our first person shooter expert today because we're talking about titanfall 2 which is a first person shooter developed by respawn entertainment and published by ea for ps 4 Xbox one and pc in 2016 want to give a quick shout out before we dig into this today titan fall two was the winner of one of the monthly patreon polls and this is kind of a special one I introduced a new perk for people at the tube producer tier where they can submit games for those monthly polls. Ah, every few months they can do that and this was submitted by Chris Quote spooky Jim shorts and a four t-shirt stiffy and quote Nelson. So. Thank you Chris quote spooky Jim shorts and a four excel t-shirt stiffy end quote Nelson great pick great pick Chris 02:18.68 Adam I Just want to say that for once I did not sabotage your poll historically I like to sabotage your polls and I did it this time. 02:27.86 Dave The polls are just a breeding ground for chaos and sabotage and shady dealings. 02:38.10 Adam Yeah I can ah manipulate your vote and so if you're really trying to I always tried to even them up because I like to do the Smash Brothers Tie breakers. 02:47.63 Dave Right? That's what people like? yeah um, so for once no sabotage we ended up with Titanfall 2 and if this is your first time and if this is your first time listening to the podcast the way we're going to handle spoilers in this episode is the same way. We usually do. 02:54.34 Adam Yep, yeah, this was a clean victory. 03:05.55 Dave Most of the episode will be non-spoiler, most of it will be focused on the campaign. We'll talk about multiplayer a little bit but spoilers me and Adam do not play multiplayer games. So we're going to get Cory's thoughts on multiplayer and then we'll have a hard spoiler wall after that full spoiler time. 03:24.94 Dave Again, talking about the campaign but like this is not a game with a story that can be spoiled really like I don't even really know what's going on in the story. It's just kind of like moving you from place to place with caricature villains every now and then but what we are going to talk about is some of the levels. Because 1 of the reasons I was interested in replaying this game is that this game has some really just cool creative levels that people should experience and that goes into my elevator pitch for titan fall 2 which is fps meets a plus movement. 04:02.14 Dave And level design. Um, what would you guys say? 04:22.71 Adam Sublime locomotion and exquisite level design Await you in the thrilling adventures of hand with gun and his robot dad. 04:33.72 Cory Hand with several guns and robots. Um, ah my elevator pitch campaign is very short, very sweet and straight to the point of greatness. 04:34.93 Adam He does have a couple of guns. 04:36.60 Dave That's right Cory what's your elevator pitch for Titanfall 2. 04:51.60 Cory Ah, and the multiplayer is one of the best in the industry even after 8 years so yeah 04:58.50 Dave Yeah, um, short and sweet campaign for sure. This took me just over 5 hours to play through the entire campaign. I played it on pc game pass this time they have a deal with ea. Ah, so I was able to play it on pc game pass. I played it the first time on ps 4 given away on Ps plus I think so if you're one of those people that just adds the Ps plus games every month and then forgets about them. You probably have Titanfall 2 and then. Again, no multiplayer for me just played the campaign 2 times. How about you guys? 05:34.49 Adam Um, I just want to just give a quick shout out to downloading free games on PS plus and then never ever playing them because I don't know if I've ever played a free cap I got from it I forget 100% of the time. 05:51.10 Cory You're not the only one, you're not the only one. 05:56.41 Adam Ah, ah yeah I played it on Pc Ah, just this week. 06:00.19 Dave Okay, yeah, short enough that you can play it in less than a week for sure. 06:01.48 Cory Hey yeah I forgot. 06:08.39 Adam Um, oh yeah, this was like ah good like 2 2 healthy play sessions for me. 06:11.28 Dave Yeah, sounds about right. 06:17.18 Cory Um, I am going to be once this is going to happen probably several times throughout this but I am the outlier. I've had this game for a very long time probably since it came out. Ah 06:31.40 Cory Actually yeah I did buy it like probably the week it came out but I also had titan fall one. So I was really looking forward to this game and ah then I did not have it because um I lost it because it was a disk. 06:50.85 Cory And then I saw but I still had all my information. So I re-bought it a while ago and then it was I got a PS5 and then I didn't have it but then I had it again because ah, um of the like the playstation like playstation plus thing. 07:09.82 Cory So I just re-downloaded it again and all those memories came back to me and I was like oh yeah, so I ended up playing it for a while and I've played this campaign probably close to 8 times all the way through and it and it takes me like. 07:15.45 Adam Nice. 07:29.61 Cory About 4 hours which is basic. This is the basic amount of time. So. 07:35.56 Adam This is like how I feel about the resident evil 3 remake which some people complain about being too short. But for me, it's like nah man I'll just sit down and beat it in three and a half hours and have a complete gaming experience and feel great about it. 07:45.59 Dave Yeah I can see this campaign at least becoming one of those like I don't really feel like playing any of these real long games I got going on like I'll just sit down and play Titanfall 2 straight through on like a Sunday or something like that I can see that happening for sure. 07:47.70 Cory Um, yeah, yep. 08:05.20 Dave Um, so we'll get into our personal histories with this and Cory you started into yours so we'll kick right back to you? Um, you said you had titan fall one so you were about Titanfall 2 when it was coming out. You were looking forward to it. 08:19.43 Cory Yes, um, a lot of the things that were in titan fall one that was iconic like the movement which is probably the most iconic thing but also just the gun play and stuff because. I did play the multiplayer but the multiplayer in TitanFall one was extremely janky and it had a way different system um about it where everybody had a single chassis like a single titan and you just customized it that way but it made it like. 08:56.25 Cory Super weird and unbalanced and everything like that. It was not fun to play the multiplayer that much. However, yeah, it was fun because the Titans made it fun but the outside of the Titans was kind of a little bit weird and not. It's like fun. Not as a movement. Ah based and everything like that. Um and it didn't have a campaign. It had what a lot of people like to say is it had a campaign quote unquote throughout the Multiplayer. So as you played Multiplayer. You had these middle cut scenes. 09:18.96 Dave And ah, right. 09:22.41 Adam Right? right. 09:34.75 Cory That basically explained what you were doing in each map which felt really lame which felt really lame and I was like yeah and apparently I was not alone a lot of people felt that way they're like where's a real campaign. Why can't you just make something short and sweet? Ah, we love this world. 09:54.80 Cory Um, because that's what basically the campaign in titan fall two is, it is a very specific story. That's a part of this world. It's not anything groundbreaking. It's just about 1 singular character. 10:14.36 Cory That's happening in this like just mish mass of a whole bunch of stuff that's happening in the larger world. Um, so but I dig the world and I always did. I Love sci-fi almost like Rebel military kind of. 10:31.90 Cory Stories and stuff like that. So I always like dug that so I was really looking forward to Titanfall 2 10:36.77 Dave Nice Adam how about you I think you're on the total opposite end of that spectrum right. 10:45.13 Adam I am actually ah here here's a short anecdote previous to playing Titanfall 2 this week my previous experience with the game ah with the franchise was. That was the last midnight launch for a video game that I went to a store in person to buy a physical game like a barbarian in the dark ages. Um, that was ah that was to pick up dark souls too and so I went to the midnight launch of dark souls too. 11:17.27 Adam And that was also the same day that titan fall launched so there was a separate midnight launch for titan fall and I was like the only dark souls guy and a bunch of titan fall guys and they're just like bro you excited about titan fall I'm just like I'm here for dark souls that they're like that's cool man and I was just like yeah that you think seems cool too. 11:34.83 Cory Ah, it's actually really funny. 11:34.83 Dave Ah, hell yeah, awesome. Very very heartwarming story. Yeah. 11:36.88 Adam Yeah, they were nice guys. Good representation of the fan base. Um, but yeah I played this for the first time for the show. Um I knew it had a great reputation. I've listened to people talk about it before um. 11:41.70 Dave Yeah. 11:52.38 Adam I am similar to Dave. I am similarly repelled by competitive multiplayer. I think it is a gene that I simply do not have. I have no real appetite for that kind of thing. Ah, this isn't the kind of game that I usually gravitate towards like I do like first person shooters. Um. It's just that it doesn't occur to me to play them that often. It's not what I went to first. Ah but playing this reinforced that I really do like this flavor of movement shooter and I really got to get around playing ultra kill one of these days. 12:23.37 Dave Yeah, yeah, kind of similar to you like I don't play multiplayer. So like when TitanFall one came out I heard about it but I was just kind of like well I hope other people have fun with that I'm not going anywhere near that because it's a multiplayer only game. 12:42.19 Dave Ah, so none of my business basically um so I also like first person shooters but I just don't play that many of them and we were talking a little bit before the show like a lot of the games that I like happen to be in first person and they have guns in them. But they're all immersive sims basically like prey and deathloop and redfall and deus ex and stuff like that and like the shooting is good but you can play those games and not shoot anybody you know, varying degrees of good I also did halflife 2 on the podcast. That's another first person shooter that's a good game. Um. 13:00.99 Adam Um, yeah. 13:19.15 Dave I played this for the first time probably in 2018 or 2019 and it was purely because I got it on ps plus and everyone on like Reddit or wherever I was hanging out at the time was freaking out like this game's really good if you haven't played this give it a try. It's really short and I was like. Say no more. It's free and it's short and it's good. Okay I will try it. Um, and to get into our kind of quick opening thoughts before we dive in all of those things. Ah free, good and short are true. This game. 13:52.95 Dave Seems like it has like universal praise out there as far as the campaign goes and then if you're into multiplayer like people seem to like that too and you know I think that this is one of those things that lives up to the praise like the campaign is really really fun. The level design is fantastic. 14:12.75 Dave Surprisingly fantastic. You would think that like okay, they're going to put a campaign in because they want to give people something to do while they learn how to play and then they go play the multiplayer like they could phone in the level design but they did not phone in the level design here. So it's just really awesome. Really fun game. 14:32.20 Dave Um, and you know sometimes things live up to the hype and it's really cool when that happens. 14:37.47 Adam Yeah, absolutely. 14:38.59 Cory yeah, this game is 100% my favorite fps of all time. Ah. 14:50.39 Dave Woo. 14:52.51 Cory I have played a lot of those types of games like ah I grew up on like Halo in you know, call of duty like the early call of duties and battlefield and stuff like that and I love Battlefield and everything that but when this game came out. 15:11.56 Cory Even TitanFall one was so much fun and so much of a breath of fresh air. Um, it felt like it felt a little bit like quake if you guys remember that back in the day. Um, yeah, but ah so just how you can run around just do stuff. 15:22.16 Adam Interesting touch point. 15:31.27 Cory And so I was like Wow This is just more refined and then TitanFall two came out and I was like yes this is exactly what I wanted this this is you know it's in you can be quite sweaty in the multiplayer but everybody's more or less chill like. 15:50.47 Cory You can be good at this game but the point is not to be good. The point is to be fun. So yeah I would put this game as top tier in the genre of especially like milsim type first person shooters where a lot of people do have that. Call of duty. Oh I don't, I don't want any of that. But yeah, it is because this is like some of the debs from Call of Duty from like infinity ward and stuff like that. But yeah. 16:10.59 Adam Yeah. 16:23.52 Adam Yeah, ah famously there is like kind of a schism and then they broke off to make this ah ah far more imaginative game than ah, the call of duty minds that they had been slaving away in. 16:34.88 Cory Yeah, yeah, like Respawn is ah is just like that and I appreciate them So it's not a perfect game by far. It's not a perfect game but this game exists in my head rent free. So. 16:50.48 Cory And I will allow it to do so. 16:54.16 Adam Ah, my opening thoughts are that through in the spoiler section of this, especially when we're talking about the narrative you are going to hear me clown on this game a little bit. Um that is. 17:09.26 Adam That is something that I am doing ah while being hugely affectionate for this I think that this is really fun and really good and everyone should definitely go play it. Ah despite the fact that like if you care about narrative and story like this is a ah screwball comedy. 17:28.65 Adam Ah, weird thing that they have created um I like this game a whole lot as far as that single player campaign goes you know I'm not going to play the multiplayer. But um, yeah, this is definitely memorable and I can definitely see myself replaying it as a. 17:45.80 Adam A palette cleanser game of just like I just game off of Balder's gate 3 and I need to do something that's not baldur's gate 3 right now you know that kind of thing. 19:45.74 Adam Um, so my opening thoughts um in the spoiler section you're going to hear me clown on the story a little bit because I do think that there is an inherent goofiness to the whole thing. Ah, but don't let that disguise my genuine affection for this. I think this is really fun. Ah pure entertainment and I definitely see myself coming back to it as a palette cleanser style of game where it's like I just beat disco elysium and that was 40 hours of hard politics and I need something. That's not that this is a great choice. 20:21.94 Dave Yeah, absolutely this is ah this is good dumb fun, especially in the campaign. So um, we are going to take a little music break and when we come back, We're going to set up what the story is in that campaign. 20:38.90 Dave In TitanFall two you play as rifleman jack cooper the name alone should give you an idea of what kind of character Jack Cooper is um I am going to take a couple of terms from friends of the show to describe Jack Cooper um poster child. For as watch out for fireballs describes them. Guy Whitey shoot good characters who's ah or alternatively as friend of the show Andre from fine time calls them the impossible white man which is basically a character who is a white soldier. 21:03.48 Adam Correct. 21:13.72 Dave Or guy doesn't even have to be a soldier, no distinguishing characteristics other than he's very good at shooting stuff. Basically yeah. 21:22.11 Cory Yeah, yeah. 21:24.18 Adam Um, he came default like yeah they they you got a character creation and then the person was just like Nah that's good. Yeah, no thank you. 21:27.74 Cory Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the whole impossible white man ah trope is something that yeah I hear quite a bit in video games. It's just starting to change. Um. 21:28.32 Dave Yeah, choose your backstory. I'd rather not. 21:42.28 Dave Yeah. 21:46.94 Cory And as a ah I guess resident black man. Ah I am definitely like I don't I always kind of roll my eyes at this kind of stuff. Um, but at the same time it all depends on how fun the character is too. 22:05.77 Cory Everybody seems to be in on the joke. Um, because I always find it really? Yeah I always find it really funny that these people are just trainees and somehow they're really good at shooting because you're really good at shooting so it doesn't even matter. 22:11.25 Adam And that's a good way to put it. 22:19.80 Dave Yeah, yeah, part of the thing with Cooper is that Cooper is just a regular soldier at the beginning of the game. He hopes to one day become a pilot that's a capital p that's a proper noun a pilot pilots partner with Titans Titans are the mechs in TitanFall 22:22.61 Adam Yeah, yeah. 22:39.73 Dave Um, they're Ai, they're sentient like they talk their partners basically um on their own. The pilots are like super soldiers. They're like parkouring around doing super human shit. They're the ultimate soldier and then they can also get inside the titans and control them in battle. Um. 22:58.39 Dave And kind of on that point that Cory just brought up there Cooper has like a bunch of self-doubts he wants to be a pilot but doesn't know if he's actually good enough to be a pilot. 23:14.28 Dave And yeah, so on the opening mission cooper's commanding officer and mentor gets killed and that guy has a Titan The Titan's name is bt 7274 23:14.85 Adam Spoiler. He's the greatest pilot of all time and he deserves treats for being such a very good boy. 23:15.13 Cory Um, yeah, yeah. 23:33.87 Dave We'll just call him Bt for the rest of the episode as they do in the game and Bt because Cooper is the only person there who gets transferred to him basically and so I think. This is probably people's most favorite part about the campaign. It is like the dynamic between Cooper and Bt like Bt's got the friendly robot thing going on the reason why people like drid's and star wars or transformers and stuff like that. It's. 23:54.76 Adam Yeah. 24:03.15 Dave Very similar here. 24:07.82 Adam Yeah, absolutely. 24:08.42 Cory Yeah, um, it's very much a boy in his bot feel for basically the entire campaign and I always like that I find that very cute. 24:12.84 Dave Um, yeah. 24:22.11 Cory And it is very cute. So. 24:28.22 Adam Yeah, um, people talk about Bt as if he is your robot son. Ah, however, he is your robot dad and is clearly the adult in the room. Ah between the 2 of you. You know your character will be like I don't know man I'm not sure I can do this. 24:28.99 Cory You have. 24:34.97 Dave Yeah, for sure. 24:45.46 Adam And then your robot dad will be like you can definitely do this. I believe in you activating the Apple slices protocol. 24:47.37 Dave Yeah. 24:49.17 Cory And also what's really funny just to add to that. They do always address Bt before they address you which is really funny. 24:59.39 Adam There are constantly military personnel negotiating with your robots while you are in the time out corner. 25:07.65 Dave Ah, ah, it's like ah is it's like that don't talk to me or my son ever again. Picture. 25:09.12 Cory Never get yeah I Never even thought about that and that's really funny. 25:15.62 Adam It's absolutely top to bottom. Um. 25:18.83 Dave Ah, yeah, um, this I mean this is like this setup for the game like sometimes you get in trouble and you save Bt sometimes Bt gets in trouble and you save him sometimes you team up to just kick the shit out of everybody in your way. Um. The story itself is like there's a militia There's a struggle between 2 factions going on like there's people that are clearly evil and they're trying to get like a weapon of mass destruction. Basically that's what the story turns into. Might be the last time I mentioned anything about the plot of this game unless it's something that directly happens to you cooper or to Bt. That's basically all that's going on here. 26:06.73 Cory Yeah I am C I Believe bad. Ah, which is the empire and you are part of the rebels. So that's basically all you kind of need to know. 26:18.94 Adam Yep, basically. 26:25.44 Adam Ah, that also just ah, this is a sci-fi story with all human characters. There are aliens but they are exclusively weird dogs. Ah, there's no like you know that there's no mass effect like different ah species trying to cooperate. 26:29.38 Cory Yeah, yeah. 26:31.37 Dave True. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, there are some Alien species you fight against but they're all animals for sure like they're They're not intelligent. So ah. 26:45.47 Dave Yeah, ah, that's really all I have to say about this story. This campaign is more about teaching you how to play the game and then getting you ready for you know, spending your life playing the multiplayer getting sweaty if you want to get sweaty. Apparently you don't have to. 26:58.75 Cory Yeah, if you want to get yeah you don't have to get sweaty. That's 1 big thing about this game and Titanfall 2 in general. It's always been about. We're not on call of duty. We are not at the call of duty everybody. We just want to shout. 28:01.16 Dave Um, it's also worth noting again that this campaign is really short and I think that there are like let's see one two 3 4 5 6 7 and then like an intomission so maybe 8 missions in four to five hours it moves by pretty quickly. Um, if you are not feeling a certain level. It will be over soon but spoiler we'll talk about these. There are very few levels that I wasn't feeling. Um. 28:25.52 Cory I Think yeah. 28:33.00 Dave But it is kind of like going to this place. Do some interesting gameplay which we'll get into um, meet this caricature of a villain and then they're gone and you move on to the next place it moves by pretty snappy. It's it's. 28:43.46 Adam Yeah, yeah. 28:49.18 Dave Easy to pick a spot to quit or it's easy to just go straight through the whole thing. 28:54.38 Cory Yes, the pacing of this campaign moves at breakneck speed on purpose and I think that's perfect. Um, yes, it is I believe um basically 1 pretty 1 big intro into howl. 28:55.69 Adam Yeah, okay. 29:12.35 Cory It's teaching you how to play the multiplayer and not even play it. Well just be able to press the button to do thing. Um, but it is 100% fun in my opinion due to the gameplay and level design and the set pieces. Um. 29:13.42 Dave Yeah. 29:29.51 Dave Um, yeah. 29:31.80 Cory I'm sure we're going to go into the set pieces in like a while. But yeah. 29:32.23 Adam Yeah, yeah. 29:32.99 Dave Yeah, that's that's part of it too like your breakdown like on the topic of pacing your breakdown of like story to gameplay is way on the side of gameplay here like I don't know that there's a cut scene longer than like 3 minutes 29:50.90 Adam Yeah. 29:52.98 Dave In this game like you're you might be watching something happen for a couple minutes but then you're right back into gameplay so that should kind of show you like what the point of the campaign is as we've talked about before. 29:57.62 Cory Yeah, yeah. 30:06.16 Cory Yeah, absolutely 100% 30:14.83 Adam I Also think it's worth noting that like ah this campaign is short but that and it's for a multiplayer game which often they're accused like this kind of game is accused of. 30:27.83 Adam Ah, just being a training ground for multiplayer right? Just introducing you to the mechanics and that's true and that does happen here but this is a game that's full of ideas and these levels are full of purpose and intention. Um, none of these feel like they are just. 30:46.23 Adam Recycled battle maps or ah, you know multiplayer stuff that has been converted or hastily smashed together. These are big, ambitious, cool intentional levels. Um, that is all really well designed and considered. 30:59.50 Cory Yeah. 31:01.43 Dave Yeah I Think that's a good hold on No I'm not going to say that um we're just going to skip into the gameplay section now I think this is a good time to get into it so cut that? Yeah, Absolutely like these are. Designed as playgrounds basically like this is not a game where the places you go are designed for realism in any way they're designed to facilitate your movement basically and that's kind of the point of this gameplay like I think the guns feel really good. 31:37.10 Dave To shoot and I think that I didn't know there was call of duty pedigree. But like you can shit all you want on call of duty but like the gameplay feels good. It feels good to play those games . I grew up playing those two. Um and I think that Dna is here too. I really like how it feels too. 31:49.52 Adam Yeah, definitely. 31:56.19 Dave Use the guns here. They feel really impactful which is a big pet peeve of mine to play shooters in general that have like bullet sponge enemies where maybe they got you on some kind of loot grind. 32:13.53 Dave Or some kind of level grind or whatever and they got to have bullet sponge enemies to basically make sure you never feel powerful. Um, that's why I am not really interested in playing highly acclaimed things like destiny or the division or something like that because I've heard that about both of those games. 32:32.42 Dave Ah, not here like enemy soldiers going down in a couple of hits, bosses are not like these tanky things that are going to take you 10 minutes to kill or you know longer than that. Um I think that this game is setting up like a real power fantasy both when you're on foot. 32:51.30 Dave And in the titans and I think this is like step 1 like nothing you fight is actually that tanky you feel good playing it. 33:00.28 Cory yes yes I 100% agree I think the one hit melee kill is also extremely well placed. Um. 33:08.70 Dave Yeah, yeah. 33:12.90 Adam Let me tell you this guy is so good at punching robots to death. 33:15.70 Cory Yeah. 33:17.82 Dave Yeah I forget I Forget what? what is the Melee Kill is it like ah is it like a gun bash or is it just a punch at just a punch Hell yeah. 33:23.48 Cory Um, it's just a punch. It's just your punch. It's a punch or a kick if you jump if you jump um or you know in the case of the Multiplayer Grapple You can just kick people in. 33:26.33 Adam It's just your fist. It's just your regular human Unarmed fist. 33:28.97 Dave Yeah. 33:38.88 Cory To death like 1 hit 1 kick to like the dome or like the stomach and they're up. They're out. They're gone, you disintegrate. 33:54.34 Adam Um I do want to give a special shout to the shotguns in this game. This game has some good shotguns man I pull it. I picked up that one auto shotgun and then just basically carried it the whole game and then there's um, the second shotgun. 34:09.48 Adam I Think it's called the mastiff which shoots a horizontal spread like a perfectly flat horizontal line almost like a dead space gun ah that one also rules ah quality shotguns in this game. 34:15.67 Dave Um, ah. 34:17.65 Cory Yeah, a famous one is the Kraber ah if you know you know it's it feels good. 34:25.63 Dave Ah, yeah I Yeah I don't know them by name but I was just running through in my head I was like I didn't really fuck with sniper rifles too much in this game because like you don't want to stand still and shoot you want to be running and you know wall running and shit like that. But everything else that I picked up feels great. 34:28.80 Adam I Don't know I know shit. Ah. 34:44.83 Dave Even like the pistols. The pistols are powerful. They're fun. You're in it. It all plays into that um like the movement. Basically it's facilitating you moving around and shooting at the same time. 35:00.83 Adam Yeah, and it's not quite um, like death loop levels of like wacky guns but like these are silly sci-fi weapons that don't make sense like the aforementioned horizontal line shotgun or there's a sniper rifle with twin barrels that shoots 2 bullets side. 35:18.34 Adam Side by side Why it's called like a bull take or something. It's very funny to me. 35:18.82 Cory I know what you're talking about. But I forget yeah imagine somebody doing imagine somebody doing that while like wall running and jumping in the air. It is the epitome of 360 Noscope 35:18.84 Dave Yeah, in case, you have 2 targets in case, you have 2 targets that are hugging each other or something like that. 35:27.77 Adam Exactly. 35:38.47 Cory Ah, that happens all the time. 35:40.17 Dave Ah, yeah. 35:41.83 Adam Yeah, absolutely yeah wall run three sixty no scope seventy feet in the air at moving out a hundred and twelve kilometers per hour ah bravo well done. Um. 35:46.80 Cory Yeah, yeah, wizards wizards I tell you wizards. 35:47.20 Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah. 36:00.30 Adam Going back to just the broad overview of the gameplay. Um, you talked about a low time to kill for most enemies. Enemies are not bullets. Spongy Conversely Yeah, that means that I feel like the boss fights were pretty underwhelming. 36:13.40 Adam Fighting a boss Titan never meaningfully felt different than fighting a regular titan. 36:17.31 Dave Yeah, like I think the thing with those is like some of the bosses have special moves and they're like I definitely felt like the bosses were more dangerous like they did more damage to me for sure. Um, but they don't. 36:33.44 Dave You're right? They don't have a lot more health than a regular Titan and like there isn't that much diversity in what their moves ultimately are versus a regular Titan Anyway, it's like they just there's only so many things that they can do like oh. 36:38.66 Adam Yeah. 36:51.66 Dave This one has a sword so they're gonna run at you with a sword or something like that. But there's other Melee Titans too or this one has like a barrage of rockets but like I have a barrage of rockets like it's the bosses are not super memorable in that way. But I would prefer them like this. 37:11.53 Dave Then you know these are like half hour drawn out fucking like armored core fights or something like that. 37:15.29 Cory Yeah. 37:19.42 Adam Oh for sure. Yeah I'm not asking for balteus in this. Ah, this game. Um, and also it's worth noting that I did play the game on normal difficulty. So maybe I would simply appreciate it at a slightly higher difficulty. 37:25.57 Dave Oh. Perhaps Cory has tried that if you played this on a higher difficulty. 37:32.70 Cory Yeah, yes, um I have not played it on the highest difficulty because it is kind of that one hit kill type thing is like don't get hit idiot and I'm like yeah okay, um, but ah it. 37:50.56 Cory I want to say in regards to the bosses the boss battles because they are the weakest part of the campaign but only for really 1 specific reason to me it is because they're Ai controlled. Um they would be a lot more strategic and fun like Adam. Mentioned earlier. You don't want Balteus. It's been 30 minutes and you know I'm still fighting this one Titan but it is a little bit more engaging. Um because I hate to keep going back to like the multiplayer but in the multiplayer when you are facing another titan. 38:29.15 Cory It's another person and they have the same type of movement. You excuse the movement that you do. They have like the dashes and everything because it is way more terrifying. Ah for the Titan with the sword um coming at you and it's like. 38:47.50 Cory Barreling towards you and that sword can tear you apart if it's constantly hitting you. Um, then you know the Ai who's staying back with the sword and you're like why are you doing this? I could just snipe you every time you like teleporting around or something like that. Um. 39:06.70 Cory And I think it's just kind of in my opinion. A showcase of the Titans Um, with one particular exception and I guess we'll get to that later but um for the most part I've never liked you're absolutely you. Both are absolutely right? It's like it doesn't take that much. 39:26.13 Cory Effort to take down the Titan especially when you fight it just long enough that it starts repeating its move set basically and you're like oh okay, um, and you are constantly bombarded with health. Um, it feels like everything is so much like. 39:38.31 Adam Yeah. 39:39.90 Dave Yeah. 39:45.20 Cory Weaker than you by default. So you know it. It is one of those things where you don't really have to think about outplaying your boss. You just have to kind of wear it down. 39:57.21 Dave Yeah, and I'm glad you mentioned how the Ai kind of reminded me why they're a little bit easier too is because you're often fighting them in places with lots of cover and the ai is just like it's not great. 40:01.28 Adam Me. 40:13.31 Dave On the bosses so you can just kind of like hang out on the other side of cover and they like they might slowly mosey around to try and find you they might not. They might just chill on the other side so you can kind of peek out and shoot and then pop back into cover. Um, which I don't really feel like is the intention with the Titan combat but it's. 40:22.10 Cory Yeah. 40:33.15 Dave Kind of how it can go. Um I think I played on the normal difficulty as well and there were some bosses that like would really fuck me up if I was just out in the open so I did kind of resort to that kind of like Guerrilla tactics every now and then. 40:43.30 Cory Ah. 40:46.69 Cory Yeah. 40:53.48 Adam Um I will also say for a game that trains you to do things like multiplayer and all this stuff. Ah, it's weird that they never force you to do a rodeo which Dave might not even know it is because you might because the game doesn't teach you it. 41:10.14 Adam But you can run up if you jump if you are in pilot mode. If you're outside of your titan and you jump up and land on the back of an enemy titan you can yank out 1 of their batteries and deal like a third of their health. 41:22.32 Dave Oh sick. Ah. 41:23.10 Cory Oh yeah, and not only that but you can roti through them again throw a ah a grenade down where the battery is and completely waste them. It's like a one hit kill. Yeah. 41:32.84 Dave Nice, interesting. Yeah, they don't teach you that and I from my memory. There's only 1 time when you're forced to fight a titan while you're on foot. Otherwise you'd have to make the decision to get out of your titan and go do it. You know? Um, we've. 41:50.13 Dave Talked about the movement quite a bit. So let's kind of focus on that. Um, and then we'll talk about fighting in the Titans So when you're on foot. This game has a big focus on movement, this parkour type like wall running and sliding and hopping over ledges and stuff like that. 42:09.60 Dave You have a double jump in this game like again, we're not really going for realism here your person can double jump. Um, you're incentivized to be moving around and while running and all of that stuff all the time. It's one of those games where you're just out in the open running. You can get tore up pretty quickly by enemy fire. But if you're wall running accuracy for the enemies goes way down so they want you to always be moving and they do a good job of teaching you this and kind of escalating to a point where like certain levels later in the game like. 42:47.19 Dave There's no ground like your wall running across bottomless pits basically all the time. Um and it feels great like this is a great flow state game on top of having really fun and satisfying gunplay the movement wall running double Jumping. This is a great game to run into a group of people and slide and shoot while you're sliding like it's really satisfying. Um I think this is great like they did such an awesome job of just making this feel really good to play. 43:21.66 Cory Yes, um, on top of on top to me to add to that there is you're incentivized to use um like to not just keep 1 43:37.98 Cory Gun with you even though it's really fun to do that like you just meant Adam mentioned like just having that shotgun. Bam Bam just all the time cause it's fun and it feels good cause it's very impactful but youre yeah, but you're incentivized to just use anything you pick up and just. 43:47.65 Adam Right? shotgun. 43:56.25 Cory As you're moving as you're sliding as you're jumping as you're like wall running and everything like that and then use it drop it pick up something Else. You know straight around like an enemy. You could literally run circles around groups of enemies and just kill them off and not even break a sweat type thing and they want you to. Continuously do that. 44:21.40 Adam Yeah, um I just want to just talk about some of the specifics of the movement real quick. So like when we talk about like you're incentivized to run like do wall running and and all this stuff. 44:22.21 Dave Um, yeah. 44:35.69 Adam What we mean by that is like not only does the enemy um accuracy go down when your wall running wall running is so effortless and so ah, it's It's a better way to move period. You are faster. You are able to get crazy height. 44:48.16 Dave Um. 44:54.70 Adam There's at 1 point where you're like in an enormous elevator shaft and you're just like I can just hop between these walls forever I could scale an infinite mountain as long as there are 2 walls in close proximity ah to each other. Ah, it is really empowering. Um, just how much. Speed and movement and height and distance that you can get when you really get up to speed. 45:14.24 Dave Yeah, yeah, absolutely. 45:15.89 Cory Yes, and um, a gameplay mechanic in. It's very slight but a gameplay mechanic about the wall running is you are always ascending whenever you start wall running you never just immediately start going down or something it always pushes you up. 45:33.81 Cory Because technically from a like ah you know a visual like world buildinging perspective. You have rockets on your back. So they push you up so you always have an arc whenever you wall run and that means you can ascend things a lot quicker if you're running in between walls and stuff like that and you always pick up speed. 45:56.91 Adam Yeah, as far as um, what kind of parkour you're doing. It's less mirrored and it's more like tribes. 46:00.71 Cory Yes, that is a good That's a good reference. 46:08.90 Adam Yeah, like you can, you can pick up some wild momentum. 46:08.80 Dave And the levels again are designed with this in mind like first and foremost you'll be going through a bunch of interior spaces like you're inside of buildings quite a bit and. 46:24.40 Dave They're not designed like a real building would be. They're designed like they would be designed if everyone in the building were a wall running and wall jumping professional and not just you. So even the outdoor spaces are designed like this too and all the places where you can wall run. 46:36.53 Adam Yeah, yeah. 46:42.17 Dave Because you can't do it everywhere but the places where you can are either perfectly flat or like let's say you're wall running on the side of a cliff or something like that. You'll take one look at and be like oh wall running spot. Okay I got you perfect. 46:58.17 Cory Yes. 47:01.46 Adam Yeah, ah even so there's a few things that you can't make work if you're just like I wonder if I could do this? Um and the fact that the multiplayer has a grappling hook and they even give us the grappling hook like. 47:13.22 Dave Oh yeah. 47:18.56 Cory um um I would say if there was the grappling hook in the campaign 90% of the level. You would never see because it would yeah um, all you would need is a is a. 47:19.10 Adam I Can only imagine how busted the movement gets in multiplayer. 47:26.94 Dave Yeah. 47:30.31 Adam Yeah, yeah, walls can't contain you. 47:36.52 Cory You wouldn't even need a wall, you would need just a pillar, just a flat pillar and you could just kick off of that swing . You know one of the levels that we're going to get into, like where there's constantly moving platforms. You could just, you know, go all you would need to do is touch that platform maybe twice. 47:54.36 Cory Just give yourself more momentum just to fling yourself across them. 47:56.95 Dave Okay, so the grappling hook like it's not like a thing where there are designated grapple points. You can just grapple on anything flat. Okay, yeah it oh hell yeah I can. 48:00.35 Adam Yeah, okay. 48:06.23 Cory Yeah, you can just grapple on anything, even other people, even other players. Yeah. 48:13.80 Adam other people. Hell yeah. 48:16.90 Dave It would be super fun if it was in the campaign but I I think it would trivialize a lot of the stuff that they set up like they probably tried and they were like we we want people to like engage with our our platforming challenges and instead of just skipping everything. 48:30.84 Cory Um, yeah, yeah. 48:35.32 Dave Um, also note like this um movement is not only for combat like there's lots of platforming in this game too like even outside of combat and special mechanics that are introduced in certain levels. 48:48.22 Adam Yeah. 48:53.86 Dave Might go away like only for that level and so there's a little bit of a puzzle aspect to a few of the levels that I think is really really well executed and um like the platforming in all the levels I think feels Good. It's really intuitive like there wasn't a lot of times when I would. Get halfway through and be like wait where do they want me to go like none of that really happened to me and then when they introduce other kind of puzzle esque mechanics to those just kind of added onto the fun rather than introducing any confusion or anything. 49:32.50 Dave Internet. 49:32.62 Adam Yeah I might describe them as challenges right? There are navigation challenges and there are like ah these unique yeah mechanics that they'll introduce in order to create new exciting situations. Ah but the game never. Asks you to stop and be like okay now use your brain and really think through the situation. It's always just like go go go feel it out just jump and you'll figure it out along the way. Um. 49:52.69 Cory Yeah, yeah, and I one hundred I will back that 100% ah because it wants you to keep moving and if you have to stop then you're probably going to get killed. Ah um, because you. 50:05.19 Dave Um, yeah, yeah. 50:12.75 Cory Enemies The one good thing that I like about this game in terms of enemy design is they'll gang up on you if you stop for too long so you gotta keep moving and usually when you keep moving and ah, but usually when you keep moving you get. 50:31.30 Cory Ah, better sense of oh I know where I'm going I know what to do next I you know I can keep I can keep this going. Um, there's very few times where that will stump you unless you are terrified of heights because sometimes you jump into it. 50:32.89 Dave Yeah, yeah. 50:37.53 Adam Yeah. 50:50.41 Cory Like God said before I just gotta jump and I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if this wall will hold me. I don't know anything but this game is about running and jumping. So I gotta just run and jump. 51:01.53 Adam Yeah, just just run and jump. Um, yeah, absolutely um, two two notes on the levels. Um, the levels are extremely linear. 51:13.36 Dave Yeah. 51:18.15 Adam Ah, but they do a fantastic job of making you feel like you're navigating hostile spaces and not only taking the only path forward that's available. Um I might even go as far as to compare it to something like half -life 2 which I think also achieves that feeling where it's like you're playing raven home and you're just like. Oh my god I can't believe that I found this secret path through this attic and now I'm on the rooftops and like am I even supposed to be here and it's like this is the only way that you could have possibly gone but they make it feel like it's your idea right? They make it feel like you're navigating it which is a. 51:43.57 Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 51:57.37 Adam I don't want that to be twisted into like that being a negative thing or me criticizing it for being linear. I think that these are really well crafted and again excellent signaling an excellent flow of the level design itself. 52:07.30 Dave Yeah I kind of gave what I remember in the half-life 2 episode I was talking about like the first level when you're on the rooftops and you're running away and it's like a really desperate sprint and you just take the. 52:22.00 Dave The first available door that you see and you're like shit why I'll try this and if it doesn't work out I'm dead but it works out every time because the developers are fucking good at this. They know what they're doing and this game has that exact same type of field to it because you're you're constantly pressured like Cory said like there are. 52:33.30 Adam Yeah, yeah. 52:40.40 Adam Yes. 52:40.99 Dave Like dozens of enemies in most open areas and those bomb spider tick looking things. Um, they will fuck you up. So like when you see them. They get you moving like you have to run away, jump up on a wall and get moving again and ah. 53:00.50 Dave It's just everything is designed in such a way that either when you're in combat and you're running and jumping around it like chains into other things that you can wall run on or jump off of or or you know double jump onto and stuff like that. You don't find yourself like that. Up in midair and you're like oh I ran out of platforms or walls or something and now I fall down into the group like I didn't have that happen. You know. 53:27.81 Adam Yeah I assure you that if you jump off of this thing and there isn't a vertical wall that you can wall run up against a vertical wall that you could wall run up against will be provided. 53:38.10 Cory Um, yeah. 53:39.16 Dave Ah, there are lots of ah like leap of faith type wall runs where you're like well this wall doesn't seem to go anywhere but something will show up. 53:51.80 Cory Yeah, yeah, yeah. 53:53.98 Adam Um, yeah, um I Also want to give a compliment for you if you are in a situation where either a new mechanic is introduced. Or you're looking at it and you're just like I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to navigate this if you slow down for a moment your helmet will start calibrating and then it will Present. It will. It will give you the option to use a quote unquote ghost which is a little hologram that will show you the path that you can take. 54:26.88 Adam So if you're in that flow state. You're never going to see them at all. You're just vibing, you're in the middle of it. But if you need a hint, slowing down will provide a hint for you. Ah , in a way that to me feels good. I appreciated them even though I only ended up using them like twice. 54:40.95 Dave Yeah, yeah, for sure the fact that you know it's not intrusive unless you want it to be there. It's a good addition. 54:50.89 Cory Yeah, yeah, that is absolutely um, you know the point of basically all of the movement and everything in this campaign is multiple ways to get everywhere. 54:51.94 Adam Yeah. 55:07.84 Cory And every that every possible angle and go fast. Keep moving, keep moving, go fast and I think that's 1 thing that a lot of people that are familiar with the game Titanfall 2 love it. They're veterans of the game. 55:09.20 Dave Yeah. 55:23.58 Cory Love to just go back in the campaign and see how fast they can go through the level in different ways and see if they can just that's like a you know a personal challenge um with a lot of ah lot of players where it's like I know this level pretty Well let's see if I can like. 55:29.88 Adam Yeah. 55:43.40 Cory Move through it without getting shot like once or without taking any damage or without touching the ground like it's very fun to play this game in ah like the Flora's lava type situation which I know quite a bit of people tend to do. 55:51.96 Dave Yeah. 55:57.49 Adam For sure as we are recording ah games done quick is happening right now. Ah, which I'm a big fan of and I tune in every time it is on. I can't wait to watch some Titanfall 2 speed runs now that I'm familiar with it but something that I'm also familiar with. 56:15.44 Adam There is a dedicated category just to the opening training course and the world record is like 18 seconds or something absurd. Yeah. 56:15.73 Cory Yes, there is yes there is. It's insane I've seen it and I'm like I am not nearly even close to being that good. That's wizard, that's wizard shit. 56:17.68 Dave Um, oh nice. 56:21.24 Dave Yeah. 56:33.11 Cory And I'm like yeah I yeah. 56:35.53 Dave Yeah, yeah, this this for sure would be a fun game to watch like ah, a glitchless speedrun and just watch someone master the ah the spaces for sure. Um, on every level. 56:43.19 Adam Okay. 56:48.30 Dave So we talked about the on foot combat a lot and we kind of touched on the titan combat when we talked about bosses but in every level there will be a section where either you get into the titan or there's some levels. That's just all titan combat so you get inside of Bt and it shifts into this. Much different, much slower. Um titan combat so you have much less mobility when you're inside the titan but it's a lot more powerful. So like you've got 2 different types of power fantasies in this game. You've got like the movement fantasy when you're on foot and then. 57:25.40 Dave You've got the titan combat where you can step on dudes and they splat or you've got your chain gun and you can just take out. You know an entire group of people in half a second um there are a bunch of different loadouts for the titans and they all have a bunch of different kinds of weapons. 57:43.25 Dave Ah, and defensive abilities and like evasive maneuvers and stuff like that a lot of variety I stuck with like this probably like the first 2 that you get seem to be the most fun to me like the 1 57:58.30 Cory Ah. 57:59.82 Dave You start with an ability where you just catch projectiles and throw them back at the enemies like with a magnet field or something infinitely satisfying. We talked a little bit about how the boss fights are like a little bit of a letdown but overall I had a lot of fun playing with them. 58:02.90 Cory Yeah. 58:10.74 Adam Yep, pretty cool. 58:18.16 Dave Ah, the Titans too. 58:20.62 Cory Yeah, um I don't know if you want to go first Adam or if you want me. 58:23.58 Adam Yeah, yeah. 58:29.90 Adam Yeah, yeah, um, like I think that the thing for the like I mixed it up fairly frequently. There was only one that I really didn't Jell with which was like the sniper one because I don't know I Just don't like that. Ah, ah. 58:46.56 Adam Archetype for that one? Um I think the one that I ended up having the most fun with is it was later down in the Unlockables list. But basically you have a main gun and as you hit them it builds up like little charges on a lock On. And then once you have a full lock on then you can send a missile barrage but like there's there. There's no cool down on the missile barrage. It's just establishing lock on and so you can um, get some cool combos with that. I had a lot of fun with that and I Also really liked the one with a shotgun and a sword. Ah. 59:10.11 Cory Yeah. 59:15.28 Cory Um, yeah yeah Ronan 59:20.32 Dave Um, yeah. 59:24.50 Adam Good combo. Yeah that one I melted a few bosses with that one for sure. Ah, if you're aggressive. You can put out a crazy amount of damage. 59:33.21 Cory Yeah, um I really like what you guys are saying about the titan ah combat and the titan basically levels and stuff because that's exactly how it is like. You know how I love how that's supposed to feel because that's basically how people are in the multiplayer where ah, you just like Adam he mentioned like I love like the shotgun with the sword and how it's hyper aggressive. That's how. Like that's how people play because they're archetypes in the multiplayer. They're not just bt in the multiplayer. It's like each one There's think 7 yeah. 01:00:14.22 Adam Right? If I can take it, take a moment like in the multiplayer probably at the start of a multiplayer match. You would choose one of these load outs which is like a different robot entirely and then you'd have to stick with that for. 01:00:31.20 Cory yeah um yeah I'll get into the I will get into the multiplayer in like a second. But yeah, it is kind of like that where it's not just one basic thing and you just outfit it with different things. Ah, it's true. 01:00:32.59 Adam But the multiplayer match I said. 01:00:45.84 Cory It's actually a class. It's more of like picking a class basically and maybe an Rpg Um, but yeah, the movement of what I like the most about Titan Play basically is the weight everything is weighty. 01:00:53.41 Adam Gotcha. 01:01:05.34 Cory Your movement is weighty. You have dashes like each titan has a dash um, but it all depends on how heavy you are. There's Ronan , the one with the sword is very tiny so it has multiple dashes on top of a teleport so it's kind of busted. Ah. 01:01:24.16 Cory But it's meant to get in your face and just hack you down and you know that's why it has a shotgun so very far away. It can get picked apart like the sniper. Um the sniper is not really like a weapon that I would use. Ah, sniper- like chassis. It's called North Star and it flies So You're really hard to hit sitting very far away in that railgun which the sniper is really powerful. Actually if you build it up all the way because it has a charge. 01:01:50.89 Dave Oh. 01:01:53.42 Adam Yeah, yeah. 01:02:03.20 Cory But um I do. I think one of the best feelings is going back. I think one of the best feelings is like just walking lumbering around in a titan because of the amount of weight that you have and you know it has a punch and like. You know melee and even shooting your guns. You can kind of see like the screen and the feel of the effects of it just jolting and everything and I I um I'm pretty sure that was 100 % intentional with ah. Them just building that up more than they had in titan fall one because they did have that in titan fall one but it wasn't as impactful in my opinion so they just over clocked it and now everybody's like oh man this is what I've been waiting for. They built the whole game up to get me into this thing. 01:02:59.93 Cory Yes, it's fun to run around as a pilot because that's really cool but they built it up so I need to get my Titan type situation so that it doesn't disappoint. 01:03:11.40 Adam Yeah, um, we're going to talk about aesthetics um in a moment so I don't want to spoil too much about that. But I do want to give a special shout out to the um getting into your titan. 01:03:26.96 Dave Um, ah yeah. 01:03:29.43 Adam Animation. First of all, there's like 30 of them, like the different angles that you approach if you approach from behind Bt will scoop you up from between his legs and shove them in your pit if you approach from the top. There's like another hatch that you can jump in. Ah there's all kinds of ways that Bt can grab you and stuff you into his robot mouth where you live and um and it's cool every time and then the panels slide in like ah in a way that is consistently really cool. 01:04:02.35 Adam Looking at me I love the overall presentation of the transition from a pilot to Titan and titan to pilot. 01:04:06.41 Dave Yeah, and those moments happen oftentimes like you'll start a mission and you'll be on foot for like the first 3 quarters of the mission and then you'll jump in the titan for like the end like there's a boss fight or there's like a gauntlet you gotta get through. And like maybe the situation's hairy and yeah, you get that animation where like you're making like a mad dash and like Bt opens up the like you said the pit where you live and and sleep and work and everything and your guy just like dives in the the things like closes behind him and then. It's time to go time. You're in that situation that maybe was Harry like 5 seconds ago, you're now in total control and it's like a really awesome pacing moment. Um, we'll talk about spectacle too and like this is part of it to like the feel. 01:04:51.13 Adam And okay. 01:05:02.26 Dave Ah, these Titan fights that you get into like the scale changes when you get in there and it's always cool. 01:05:07.87 Cory Yeah. 01:05:10.73 Adam Um, yeah, um, going back to ah mechanics though real quick I just want to talk a little bit more about the 2 modes of play pilot mode versus titan mode because that mechanically. 01:05:16.89 Dave Um, yeah, yeah. 01:05:26.71 Adam They're totally different. Um, they have different health systems between the 2 of them. Ah when you are on foot as the pilot. Um, you have a very generous auto region so closer to a um you know like a call of duty or whatever was popular at that time. Ah. 01:05:46.20 Adam And then for the titan itself that has a combination of a halo style regenerating shield as well as a health bar and this is important because of the way that it mechanically incentivizes you to interact with each of these 2 modes as a pilot. 01:05:48.50 Dave This is. 01:06:03.24 Adam You have a regenerating health. So if you get shot. The best thing that you can do is run and run fast and wall run and slide because that gives you space and that gives you ah time to recover and then make ah an approach back as a titan. You are mechanically incentivized to refill your health and the most consistent way to do that is by killing other titans so it's got a kind of doom Twenty Sixteen push forward combat um rhythm to it and. 01:06:28.66 Dave Ah, yeah. 01:06:36.48 Adam As a result, it's an additional layer of contrast between those 2 primary play modes. 01:06:39.71 Dave Yeah, and the fact that the two of them are so different but they're both really fun to play like there was never a time when I thought ah shit I gotta get out of the Titan now because. 01:06:56.45 Dave Playing on foot is really fun or you know you get to the end of the Mission. It's like oh there's a boss time to get in the Titan shit I don't like the Titan combat like none of that like both of these are Great. So It's ah yeah, like want to ask? Um, So Cory in multiplayer are you in the Titan. More often are you on foot or is it. Both. 01:07:18.31 Cory Okay, um, in multiplayer because that's I was going to lead right into this after you guys were talking because I was starting to get a little giddy I was like oh boy Um, because in multiplayer The reason why I would say this is my favorite type of. 01:07:21.70 Dave Yeah. 01:07:36.50 Cory Ah, you know in the fps genre is my favorite type of multiplayer because it works in Tandem Um, when you're out of your Titan as a pilot and when you're in your ah ah when you're in the. 01:07:54.62 Cory The titan so in multiplayer you start out as a pilot you just are. You're drop shipped in like your small team. It's not a huge team. It's like 6 on 6 Um, and you're just running around a wall jumping. You know sliding everybody's doing the same thing but it's also. 01:08:13.99 Cory You have grunts, you have Ai running around the map too, robots and you know enemy AI so it's about building up points. It's not about kills, it's about building up points for your team and that the more points you earn the faster you earn it. You basically charge ah like a. 01:08:33.50 Cory Like a bar to get your Titan to you know your Titan fall is ready. That's what they would like to say and then you would press a button and you can kind of point where you want it to drop anywhere on the map anywhere on the map. So it'll just see you coming out of the sky when it's ready. 01:08:51.34 Cory And it will just smash down and there'll be a shield around it that no enemy can go in except you and that is the whole point of you know each match is getting your Titan fall and getting it fast and getting to your Titan because that is another challenge. You have to get to it. 01:08:56.96 Adam Yeah. 01:09:10.99 Cory As soon as somebody sees that you have a titans out they'll camp your Titan sometimes because you got to get to it and if you don't get to it fast enough which is always cool Also cool is it will Auto like it will just turn itself on. 01:09:27.45 Cory Depending on the loadout you have it'll either have a very smart and aggressive Ai or it'll always try to just try to find you and just protect you. It'll run while it'll try to catch up to you and basically stick by your side. So you know you can fight in your touch if you like ah. 01:09:46.98 Cory You know, just running around as a pilot you can run around as a pilot and your Titan can just follow you and just be backed up like a giant backup or you can get in your Titan Now. What's cool about Multiplayer is what I've always thought was cool in terms of health. For example, Like because those little green batteries will drop. You know all over the Place. You can get out of your Titan and go grab that battery and just have it as a backup battery whenever you get back in your Titan.. It's actually faster to do that than to just chase after batteries while in your Titan you're encouraged to constantly get out of your titan. 01:10:25.13 Cory But then get back in when you need to um because um I know a lot of because I've talked with people before and they're like well what you just want to stay in your Titan especially if the power fantasy is I can't destroy other Titans unless I'm in my Titan myself. Um, like actually that's not True. It's actually the Opposite. You're more powerful as just a running around fly that's bothering other Titans um because you have anti Titan weapon rate like giant grenades and like big beams like rifles and stuff like that. 01:11:01.25 Dave This is. 01:11:03.53 Cory Be a menace to a Titan especially if it doesn't know where you are and you're just popping sliding in and out of buildings and you know around the map. So. 01:11:12.95 Dave Yeah, that was. That's one thing I really liked about the very few times when you fight a Titan in the campaign when you're on foot is like you have an advantage like you Both have an advantage on each other. Like you're much faster if you're good at wall running and sliding and all of that like a Titan might have a really hard time hitting you? Um, but if you do get hit it'll fuck you up. Real Bad. So I like that and it seems like in the multiplayer to like if it's you versus a Titan you still have options like you. 01:11:49.13 Dave It's not like you are less powerful. It's just you better, not get hit. 01:11:51.41 Cory Yeah, and also a big thing that I mean Adam mentioned it earlier is like rodeoing a titan it feels it nonstop feels the best whenever you rodeo and an enemy titan and multiplayer because it's another player and you take their battery which takes like a. 01:12:11.29 Cory Third of their health and it just chunks down and then you know obviously they know like they don't like to advertise this in the campaign cause it never happens. You never have enemy pilots flying around you but in the camp. 01:12:30.60 Cory In the multiplayer excuse me. Ah when an enemy pilot is on top of you like in your own Titan It'll beep and say yeah, you have an enemy pilot on you get it off like now and you have like a couple options you can spray some like electric smoke and stuff to basically get them off. 01:12:50.10 Cory But you only have like a couple of hits of that. They're almost like fighter pilot flares to get you know missiles off of your type situation but they can just easily rodeo you again if you don't have any help or you don't know where they are and they can like I said. 01:13:08.43 Cory Throw a grenade into your like little battery area and then just jump off and you're instantly dead unless you eject because that's 1 thing that ah the campaign also doesn't you know ah have in it is you can manually eject out of your titan and. 01:13:13.30 Dave Yeah, yeah. 01:13:26.78 Cory You have a couple of options load out with that you can have it like explode like a nuclear explosion and kill everything in ah like a you know a small radius while you shoot all the way up in the air. Um, it feels really good because it's basically you know you know if you know you're surrounded by other enemy titans. 01:13:31.12 Dave Oh. 01:13:35.94 Adam Oh geez. 01:13:45.89 Cory And you have no health and there's no way to get out. You can just basically nuclear eject and probably if they don't know any better you can kill all of them and get like some type of Multi Killer or something that feels really good when that happens. So. 01:14:00.62 Dave This ah sounds legit like not that I noticed that I was expecting it to you know, not be fun multiplayer but like I don't know you're you're kind of. You're kind of convincing me, especially earlier when you said that it's not as sweaty as online fps can typically get. That's um, you, you're doing a hell of a pitch for the yeah, the multiplayer here. 01:14:18.62 Cory Yeah I think I think a big reason why it's not as sweaty is because it's not based on kill count. It's based on points you can literally stand back and just farm all of the you know. 01:14:29.32 Dave Yeah. 01:14:37.26 Cory Enemy ai which aren't hard. It's the same thing as in the campaign where you know the only way they're going to really kill you is that they gang up on you but you can just slide around the map by yourself and do that and you know then even if you lose the match. 01:14:47.60 Dave Gotcha. 01:14:56.99 Cory There is an epilogue state that it goes into where um, you have to escape like on a ship. So everybody if you're still alive. You basically a ship an escape ship spawns somewhere on the map not in the same spot. It's somewhere if you get to that in enough time. 01:15:16.28 Cory You get extra points for your team and whatnot and that's used to level up and all kinds of stuff like that and because I do like the progression system and the multiplayer too. It seems very fair. There's no pay to win. It's just a whole bunch of decals and stuff that you can customize your titan. 01:15:35.29 Cory Everything like that and it just just everything feels very snappy and everything feels very smooth and good. Um and the batches are quick. They're never long. It's get in, get out. You can have a good time for a couple hours and then just be fine. 01:15:40.85 Dave Um, yeah. 01:15:51.61 Dave Nice, cool. Well ah that has been Cory's multiplayer corner for Titanfall 2 appreciate the explanation because you know Adam and I didn't try it. So um, I'm you know. Probably not going to play it. I just really don't like being competitive with people online but like this does sound like 1 you know I'll hop into rocket league every now and then and play online but this sounds like one that does sound like legit a lot of fun. So um. Let's listen to a bit of music. We've got some ah stuff to clean up and then we'll do our wrap up before the spoiler section so we haven't talked really much about how this game looks and sounds yet and this is going to be I think a pretty short section but I do want to just point out. Ah, graphically I think it looks pretty good. It's a really bright, colorful game for a lot of the levels even the inside spaces are not really like ah you know, dark and depressing or anything like that. It's got a stylized look to it. It's not really going to be like super photo realistic faces or anything like that and a long time ago. Cory you mentioned the spectacle so just want to reiterate some of the stages you're in and like maybe in the multiplayer 2 but definitely in the campaign. 01:17:14.56 Dave Some of these have an insane spectacle to them. There's a level where you're like on top of moving like airplanes in shit like how to like freighter flying freighters and stuff and you're jumping between them or being thrown by bt. 01:17:33.37 Dave Great distances in the air. So like spectacle I think is like 1 of the big things to take away from the visuals here. 01:17:43.30 Cory Yes, um, yeah. 01:17:45.67 Dave It is. Yeah yeah. 01:17:46.49 Adam Yeah, absolutely the game is consistently a party. Ah as far as the visuals in art direction. First of all I think Eddie Game from 2016 looks pretty good. 01:17:58.66 Dave Yeah, yeah. 01:18:03.99 Adam Ah, you know I understand that Graphics continue to get better but like this still looks exceedingly modern to my eyes. Um, I think that the art direction is consistently strong. It's maybe not my favorite. 01:18:20.91 Adam Ah, just in terms of like some of the shapes and stuff that they use for the mix compared to some other franchises. You know Ah but like it's it's really, it's got a high baseline everything looks good. Everything looks like it fits. And it really does um, largely avoid generic spaceship interiors generic corridors. Um, it's much closer to something like a James Cameron avatar where you know there's lots of beautiful sundrenched. 01:18:57.33 Adam Ah, Alien Landscapes Ah, beautiful skyboxes. Ah, even the Hostile Alien Flora and Fauna ah look great move. Ah, interestingly and like you know you'll be looking out across a thing and they'll just be Alien dragons. 01:19:14.54 Adam Like gently beating their wings in the distance and it's just like man videogames pretty good video games. Cool. 01:19:14.81 Dave Yeah, video games. Cool cool stuff. Yeah, and again like visual clarity is a plus so I think like there's a lot of busy stuff again. There's dozens of enemies in a given place you're trying to find a place to. 01:19:27.83 Adam Oh. 01:19:33.27 Dave To wall run and kick off and stuff like that. But it's never hard to find those things. Um, it's usually not hard to find enemies either, as everything stands out so well. You know I think you're right like stuff from this era. Generally looks good, especially if they're going for kind of a stylized look um it just you know doesn't feel like it's aged because they're not trying to make it look like real people and yeah, um, do the ah multiplayer maps Cory have the same. 01:20:00.98 Adam Um. 01:20:01.80 Cory Yeah, yeah. 01:20:09.70 Dave Like are they the same maps or do they have the same level of spectacle to them are they more kind of contained. 01:20:15.96 Cory Um I think it's I mean I hate to put out this answer. But I think it's a little bit of both. Um, it definitely has ah it has less spectacle I'm going to say that um because you are the spectacle of. 01:20:21.64 Dave Okay. 01:20:29.53 Dave Yeah, that's true. 01:20:32.14 Cory Like the matches are the spectacle but it definitely has very visually striking maps. The maps are usually 1 big loop um in a way if you really notice it if you want to break it down. Um, and that could be in a city. It could be in a manufactured city. Um, a very digital esque tron almost city in the desert in um, a kind of cavern like ah where everything looks wet almost like a jungle. Um. 01:21:08.28 Cory And you know it's almost like a hidden base in the jump jungle type situation. It feels really good but it feels really spacious. Um, everything is very spacious because you need a lot of room for the titans to exist and I think you mentioned it before Dave where um. 01:21:20.15 Dave Yeah. 01:21:27.27 Cory When you get in the Titan the scale changes and you kind of don't even notice until you're like Wow I'm huge and this place is huge because I'm moving around. It's not like I'm moving in a corridor and I'm kind of getting stuck. No, you can have like almost a fist fight with another titan. 01:21:32.19 Adam Yeah, yeah. 01:21:32.81 Dave Yeah. 01:21:47.30 Cory In these spaces there's just way a lot of room to maneuver. Um, because that is one I think big things about just going into like the visuals and Stuff. It looks like it would be claustrophobic but it's not um I think the most claustrophobic parts of the maps are for pilots only and even that you kind of don't notice because you're meant to just keep moving. 01:22:04.30 Dave Yeah, yeah. 01:22:22.10 Cory Um, you're meant to slide right through like right out of a window and then into another door and then the wall runs up like you know a staircase, a spiraling staircase. Why would you just take the stairs when you could just jump on the wall and then just jump on the other you know. 01:22:22.22 Dave Um, yeah. 01:22:41.80 Cory The other platform and um, you know and do that kind of stuff and then add on top of that like ah different power sets like you have like the grappling hook like we mentioned earlier you have a hollow which you can send out like a. Projection yourself one way and you can go another way and it'll put you invisible for maybe 2 seconds so you can literally fool people into shooting your hollow and then they just know where you are instantly and then you know shoot you and stuff like that and um, you know, just. 01:23:08.54 Adam Nice. 01:23:20.34 Cory Different things like that. There's all types of gravity weapons like there's gravity bombs that you can throw out that suck enemies in and this is everything including bullets. So imagine having a shotgun throwing out a gravity bomb just in the right spot and then shooting. 01:23:39.94 Cory Like just a little bit over that gravity bomb to curve the bullet and hit somebody in the face. It's while moving while moving and sliding and grappling around and it gets absolutely ridiculous and you think it's fast now. Add the stem which is another power you can. 01:23:59.50 Cory Put in your load out that gives you extra speed So you're going even faster. Yeah, and it's just it gets insane and that's you know it's really frantic. 01:24:06.45 Adam I was thinking that I felt a little too slow. 01:24:18.37 Cory Um, but in a good way because I can say the same thing about something like a call of duty where that's also really frantic. But I don't think that's in. I think that's kind of in a bad way. I don't normally play something like all of duty multiplayer because I think it's just too fast for me. Everything is running around like ever. 01:24:38.43 Cory Everything is twitch-based when you know in this game especially in this multiplayer you're moving fast but you're kind of planning ahead of time what you're doing and it's not necessarily Twitch -based um it's more of. 01:24:51.73 Adam Yeah. 01:24:56.50 Cory Okay, what is my route? What am I going to do? What do I want to accomplish here type situation rather than oh there's enemies everywhere I just got to point and click and how fast can I point and click type situation Now there are players like that that can do a triple no scope. 01:24:59.77 Dave Yeah. 01:25:09.40 Dave Um, yeah. 01:25:13.65 Cory Shoot and then just keep moving and grapple around another Titan and then just you know do all that kind of stuff because that's also another thing you can do. That's also really fun is if you're a pilot and you see another friendly Titan you can grapple onto them and just rodeo them and just be like a separate almost gatling gun on top of it. 01:25:33.10 Adam Oh I Just hang out. That's cool. 01:25:33.15 Cory Yeah, you can just hang out and protect them on top and give them extra health if you see one of your titans that have your friendly titans that have low health. You can grab a battery that you have on your backpack, Grapple onto them and then Put. You will physically actually see an animation of you putting the battery into them and giving them extra health so it incentivizes team play like the lone wolves are usually the ones that get ganged up on and killed really quickly. Um. 01:25:53.68 Dave Sick. 01:25:57.46 Adam I was pretty cool. 01:26:05.79 Cory Especially when it comes to like being tactical with other titans like there's all different types of other titans there's like 7 different types of titans so you want to if you see one titan that's good on with fire and you have the other titan that's good with like reflecting bullets or something you want to group up with them because they'll. 01:26:24.42 Adam Right? right. 01:26:25.46 Cory You know you know they're more about Aoe attacks so they'll group people together and you know you can reflect all that bullets. But right back at them and or missiles or whatever they're shooting at you and it really incentivizes more team play instead of like Lone wolf stuff and I. Really into teamplay. So. 01:26:44.97 Adam Yeah, but if you're fighting the fire Titan you have to worry if you've got the grass type Titan Yeah, the psychic psychic type is op but you know that's neither here nor there. 01:26:49.17 Cory Yeah, yeah, there are yeah ah you joke but you joke but but there is a like. 01:26:49.60 Dave Yeah. 01:26:57.32 Dave Um, yeah, yeah. 01:27:03.89 Adam Pray do joke twas a joke. 01:27:06.80 Cory Almost a psychic time. That's it . There is a monarch which is technically like the butterfly type. Ah, this is accurate. 01:27:07.69 Dave Now Week week to bug type titan. 01:27:13.63 Adam Yeah. 01:27:16.77 Dave Ah, how deep does this shit. Go. 01:27:22.58 Adam I'm good to keep making jokes until one of them is inaccurate. 01:27:25.71 Dave Ah, I think they go ahead. 01:27:30.86 Adam Um, the last thing that I want to say on the um like the presentation in the stages. The one sincere blemish that I feel on the whole thing I'm curious as if this bugs anyone else. Um I found the stage transitions to be really. 01:27:46.42 Cory Um, yeah, yeah. 01:27:49.40 Adam Jarring and bizarre where you would be having a conversation and then it feels like almost mid sentence it just fades to black loading screen and then it loads you back in like the same room and I'm just like what just happened. 01:28:02.75 Cory Yeah, ah I noticed that too and I think it is just to keep it rolling just to keep it moving and getting you back into the action as soon as possible but it is very jarring. It's just like oh we're here now. 01:28:20.27 Adam Yeah, that just felt slightly distracting to me compared to the high level of presentation everywhere else. 01:28:24.40 Dave I Guess I didn't notice that maybe I'm just kind of itching for these conversations to end so that I can get back to gameplay because we talked before like I don't care about the plot of the campaign like in the slightest bit. I Also don't really care about any of the characters like I don't want anything bad to happen to T because he's a good boy but like I'm not invested in anybody as a character or anything like that. Um part of it I think is the voice acting which is like. 01:28:42.71 Adam Yeah. 01:29:01.90 Dave Good and serviceable but like it's very straight you know voice acting by numbers basically like Jack Cooper is not a real character and thus does not have any distinguishing factors like from voice performance or anything like that. It's Matthew Mercer who does the voice for Cooper who I recently learned who Matthew Mercer is and apparently he's in everything that the other 3 famous male voice actors don't do and um, but you know. 01:29:23.59 Cory Ah, yeah. 01:29:26.51 Adam Ah. 01:29:27.20 Cory Yeah, yeah. 01:29:34.73 Adam Right. 01:29:36.25 Dave We said he's guy Whitey shoot good the impossible white man and he sounds like it basically too like he he doesn't even have the charisma of a Nathan Drake or something like that. He's just a guy. 01:29:45.69 Cory I was just about to mention that Nathan Drake and Nolan North as another one who does a lot of that but he doesn't have that kind of charisma. Yeah yeah, um, yeah, yeah. 01:29:50.29 Dave Yeah, another impossible white man Nathan Drake 01:29:59.67 Adam Yeah, oh yeah, the most impossible white man. 01:30:03.42 Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah, um Bt has a very like optimist prime type voice nothing more I can really say about bt there and the antagonists are all they all sound like anime villains from different. 01:30:03.56 Cory I Think that's kind of the fun of it though, but that's different gay. 01:30:20.69 Dave With basically a smorgasbord of foreign accents. That's how I would describe them. 01:30:28.55 Adam Yeah, it's like if you got like um ah the Pacific Rim has been teams and you're like what if they were more shallow. 01:30:35.45 Dave Ah, yeah, and then this one's Australian and this one's Russian and this one is you know you know this one's French and there we go. Those are our villains. 01:30:45.39 Cory Um, yeah, um, I'll go ahead now. Deova. 01:30:49.80 Adam Yeah, ah I feel like you know as much as this game isn't about the story like ah metal gear. Solid roster of villains would improve things you know if we had ah. 01:31:05.70 Adam Ah, the cobra team that's it from the metal gear solid 3 or even the metal gear rising dip shits ah I would have appreciated those. 01:31:14.31 Dave Ah, yeah, and there's no one who approaches Jet Stream Sam's level of Charisma in this game or sundown or someone like that. Yeah. 01:31:19.87 Cory Yeah, yeah, yeah, um, it's funny. You guys mentioned the characters and everything because that is 1 thing that I thought was very funny . I guess the spoiler wall is beyond the spoiler wall that's coming up. 01:31:36.89 Cory But um I know this world enough that this game is basically um, like just a snapshot of what's going on in the universe. I think this is more of a showcase of what's going on in the universe. 01:31:48.22 Dave Yeah, yeah. 01:31:53.60 Cory Because the universe is actually really cool and really fun and very stylized and all this kind of stuff as if you ever know of the game apex Legends This is basically a prequel to apex legends because the main bad guy. Um. 01:32:08.74 Adam Yeah. 01:32:11.18 Cory Bad guy quote unquote Ah, who is very Australian um and he's just like this old Gruff Mercenary in yeah, he's old Gruff Mercenary Guy. He's basically the start guy ah like the guy who starts apex legends which is why he kind of just. Yeah, So it's. It's really funny that a lot of these characters are just thrown away, especially the villains or just throw away because that's exactly what they are like they're never mentioned again or anything like that. Um, but there they are in this in a wider narrative. 01:32:50.57 Cory Um, like they're actually apex predators because they're like a small separate faction or something like that who are all mercenary shenaniganized guys. And yeah, you kill them very quickly. You're meant to kill them very quickly because it's not about them. It's about their Titans. Um. 01:32:57.98 Dave Yeah. 01:33:08.76 Cory All except like I said for one like towards the end and whatnot of but yeah, this all of like the story itself. The plot itself is kind of and it's kind of thrown away in my opinion because it's more about the world itself. 01:33:27.58 Cory You know it brings up so many you know other characters and random people. Um that sounds kind of interesting but they don't have enough screen time so they're like I guess this is just another throwaway guy unless you think he's really he or she or whatever it thinks. It's really cool. Um. 01:33:46.76 Cory And a lot of that which a lot of people like if you like playing multiplayer games you will check it out in apex legends because a lot of lore like environmental lore and everything is in apex legends. There's tons of it. Um, but only if you like multiplayer. Otherwise you will have. No idea and you won't necessarily care and it's just a It's just a fun romp like I said boy in its bot type romp and that's okay, too that is perfectly fine. Oh. 01:34:13.44 Dave Yeah, yeah, and I think that that kind of summation there for a lot of people is a good transition to get us into our kind of closing thoughts before we wrap up the non-spoiler part of this episode so in this section. We always just answer the question who would we recommend Titanfall 2 to Adam I'll kick over to you first. 01:34:45.41 Adam Ah I had a genuinely great time playing this almost exclusively in the wire frame Again. There will be clowning in the story. Ah but I don't care. Ah I don't you know I might not care about this world or these characters necessarily I'm glad that there is more to it. Um, but moving your guy around and piloting your metal dad is fantastic. Ah, the level design is world class and the brisk length makes this an easy recommendation to anyone who is inclined towards this genre. 01:35:19.14 Cory Yes, um I am well aware that people that are not fans of, you know, Competitive Generic sci-fi multiplayer shooter are going to steer clear of that mode and go straight to story mode only which in my opinion is a shame but I understand that you know. 01:35:36.96 Cory Ah, there you know proclivities towards such things. So um, like but beyond that like great level design movement and gun play that you seek. The campaign isn't you know. Small spurts and stuff like that utilizes this to great potential. So if you're looking for a quick like 4 hour boyying is a bot type game that doesn't take itself too seriously at all. But it's still a very fun adventure, so this is absolutely recommended for you. But also if you. Really like multiplayer, like 1 of the best if you're into that kind of stuff. This is probably the best 1 of the best on the market. So. 01:36:23.20 Dave Yeah I can see that um I will just echo what both of you have said you know as someone who's only really going to play the campaign. Um the campaign does live up to the hype. It is you know it has the reputation again of. 01:36:24.93 Adam How yeah. 01:36:36.72 Dave It feels like 1 of those hidden gems that's not actually hidden because everyone says it's a hidden gem but it is actually good enough for everyone to kind of put it on that pedestal I think like the movement the gameplay the gunplay. The level design is all so good. And it's so short too. It's like it's not ah you know it's not an immersive sim level commitment to play through this so it is a good dumb. Fun time. Um, just kind of going on the ride with the story and you know when a villain pops up, you go what a weird little asshole and then they're gone forever and you move on. 01:37:10.97 Cory Yeah. 01:37:13.49 Dave The next one. So Yeah I Echo the recommendation like if you have room for an fps in your heart like it might as well be this one I feel like for a pure fps. You want to talk about immersive sims or something like that. That's another podcast you know I'm here for those too. But yeah, so um, pretty unanimous recommendation from the 3 of us to jump into that campaign and then maybe the multiplayer if you're into that kind of thing. So Let's do our housekeeping before we get into spoiler time. 01:37:47.13 Dave We start out the housekeeping by having the guests talk about the stuff that they make so we've got both hosts from half tone takes podcast and then Adam also does some game designing too. So I'll turn the floor over to you guys and talk about the stuff you make. 01:38:06.14 Adam Yeah, ah Cory and I are the 2 hosts of the podcast half tone takes as previously mentioned it is a cool little interview show where we take turns picking topics and asking the other about media art and. I think that it's a lot of fun. Ah you can listen to the show wherever podcasts are found. You can join us on our discord and chat with us about it. I also am a game designer and you can find my games on. boocherry.itchdot I do that is boo like ghost cherry like fruit I make a bunch of tabletop games as well as other weird stuff. 01:38:46.66 Cory Yes. 01:38:50.27 Dave Hell yeah and um, halftone takes is something that I was happy with. You started a podcast Adam and I got Cory into it too and it's a podcast I listen to, basically every time 1 pops up on the feed. So if you guys were to point people to a certain episode that you think is either representative or just ah, you know it's a lot of fun. What would you say? where would you point people. 01:39:20.61 Adam Sure Ah I think that the goofy movie episode is often cited as a ah as a good onboarding episode. But also we recently um, a recent ah we that was our most recent one was me. 01:39:21.25 Cory I was just about to say that did the lord of the rings one Yeah I was about to say. 01:39:37.73 Adam Just being insufferable for like two and a half hours talking about Lord of the rings. Ah, but but um, the one that I wanted to shout out was that I had my friend ah voice actor Scott white as a guest on one of the episodes and he talked about his specific experiences being a. Grunt double which is to say a voice match impressionist for effort noises during action scenes which is like such a specific thing that you can ah make a living doing that like I just I'm so delighted. 01:40:12.84 Cory So yeah. 01:40:13.52 Adam By that and he's also a gem. He's absolutely ah, a delight. Ah his tail is wagging the entire episode. 01:40:16.97 Dave That is something I would describe like I would use that description for basically every episode of halftone takes someone is like that Because. Ah, kind of the setup of the show is one of you is super passionate about something and the other person interviews that person about that thing which is you know you get a lot of like you get deep into like the special interest in that particular episode. So that Lord of the rings episode. 01:40:39.31 Adam Yeah. 01:40:48.60 Dave I fucking love the lord of the rings and I get like two and a half hours of like absolute fucking nerd fest about lord of the rings is fantastic. 01:40:51.69 Adam Mean. 01:40:56.33 Cory Yeah. 01:41:00.24 Adam Ah, ah, very grateful that you appreciated that episode. 01:41:01.80 Cory I knew that was going to be a really good episode for a lot of people because you know it was just I saw the genuine joy that was radiating off of my Adam and I knew I hit something special. 01:41:22.56 Adam Cut you get to you get to listen to my Tom Bombadil tight 5 01:41:24.88 Dave That's right, yeah, you didn't convince me but I appreciated your side of it. So yeah, everyone can look down in the show notes and you'll find a link to halftone takes where you can subscribe to find an episode. That's interesting to you. 01:43:33.90 Dave And Cory I understand that you have a creative work of your own. 01:43:39.69 Cory Yes, um I have a webcomic on webtoons called Dawn of Time and it is really cool. It is about the first mother time. So um. 01:43:46.25 Dave Um, okay. 01:43:52.61 Cory That is an ongoing web comic on webtoons on the app and also on the internet on like a desktop So check. Yeah, go check that Out. It's really cool. It's very sci-fi fantasy if you're into that and yeah I. I Really like it. 01:44:14.72 Dave So everyone can look down in the show notes for a link to dawn of time and Adams games and halftone takes so y'all have a lot to click around and discover while I talk about myself for the next minute or so so. Ah, if you would like to support this podcast. The best thing to do to help juice the algorithm in my favor is to leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast app Apple podcasts Spotify and podcast addict support those types of things. 01:45:05.55 Dave So that when people look for titan fall 2 podcast episodes they might find this one and that's what we want, you can also join the discord server for this podcast. You can come in to talk about titan fall two this week, talk about the other games on the show and tell us what you're playing. We have a couple of cool things going on this year. We have a backlog resolutions challenge going on in the Discord server. If you have stuff in your backlog that you need a little peer pressure to actually play, come on in. We have a challenge going on. We also have. Our ah wonderful gaming log in the Discord server where people post the games that they finish and we have like a museum in there of all the games that people have finished It's really nice I'm ah I'm always happy to ah read through how everyone feels about the games they play. We also have a Patreon if you want to support monetarily patreon.com/realdavejackson is the place every month we have a poll for a game to appear on the show again. Titan fall two was the winner. So if you want a little influence on what games appear in the polls you can do that. All patrons can vote in those polls and also I have another podcast because I'm a maniac. It's called a top 3 podcast with a simple pitch. It's a top 3 list and who doesn't love a good list? So I think you'll enjoy that. 01:46:34.79 Dave And I think you'll enjoy listening to this music when we come back. It's going to be full spoiler time for Titanfall 2. 01:47:57.40 Dave All right. We're back Adam Cory and I are ready to dive in for full spoilers for titan fall two and I mentioned this at the top of the show. But this spoiler section is not really going to be plot focused. I just want to talk about how cool some of these levels are and um. We're not actually going to talk about every single level but I do want to shout out the cool ones along the way and some cool moments that happen. So the intro level just kind of teaches you how to play and then the next one called blood and rust is one where you get separated from bt. And so there's I just wanted to shout this out as like a cool well-paced level where like you're kind of running through this interior like sewer type level um trying to get back to Bt and. 01:48:50.11 Dave Just they really set up these moments where like you're fighting back to get to Bt like you can see him on the other side of a great but you can't reach him so you have to go around the long way and like when you finally get back and reunite with Bt. It's really cool when you like what we said. It's kind of tough. It's the second level. It's definitely harder than the first level, so when you get back into Bt and suddenly you're just mowing everybody down It's super cool. It's just a nice kind of level for that. 01:49:21.88 Cory I think it's a good way to establish. Basically the rhythm of the game itself you're gonna go be separated get back to Bt you're gonna go get separated or like leave bt for a little bit. 01:49:29.33 Dave Um, yeah, yeah. 01:49:40.86 Dave Yeah, fight a boss at the end. Yeah. 01:49:40.99 Cory Then come back and you know. 01:49:49.17 Adam And it's worth saying that like um, you are not Bt's original pilot. The original pilot dies and then Bt looks at you and is like engaging adoption protocol you are now my son. Um. 01:49:55.31 Cory Yeah, almost in exactly that fashion too. So. 01:49:57.41 Dave Um, yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:50:06.93 Adam Ah, would you like some Apple slices? Um I also have a note that says there is a person named Kane here he dies instantly and is not relevant. 01:50:13.89 Dave Yep, that's basically the story for all of the bosses. Ah, you go through the level here's the rhythm right? you go through the level you might hear the name or you might hear them on the radio. You don't know why they're important but they sound evil. 01:50:28.43 Adam Yeah, that's good. 01:50:31.90 Dave So then you fight them at the end of the level and they're never mentioned ever again. 01:50:33.13 Adam Correct. 01:50:41.95 Adam Yeah, ah, there's like 1 point where someone's like did that guy die and someone else is like yeah and it's like ah man that's about like the most you get. 01:50:48.51 Cory Um, yeah. 01:50:50.10 Dave Ah, yeah, if I were him I would just simply not die. Well it sucks to suck my turn next? Um, yeah, ah the next level is called into the abyss. 01:50:52.97 Cory Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:50:55.91 Adam Like yeah, try wall running next time dip shit. Do. 01:51:04.18 Dave And I forgot how early this level is. It's like the third level . They do the intro to teach you how to play, then they do blood and rust kind of like you'd like, yeah like ease you in but kind of raise the challenge a little bit. 01:51:13.72 Adam Yeah, easy win. 01:51:20.30 Dave And then they're like okay you ready for the cool shit because the cool shit's starting in level 3 so ah for people following who have played and don't know the levels by name. This is the one where you're on the assembly line where these houses are being mass produced. 01:51:26.62 Adam Yeah, yeah. 01:51:36.70 Dave And we talked about scale and spectacle earlier like these are full size houses being constructed over an abyss, a bottomless pit basically like this cavernous room that these houses in this assembly line. 01:51:47.96 Cory Yeah, basically. 01:51:49.86 Adam Yeah. 01:51:55.55 Dave Um, is ah working in basically so the scale is crazy and you're introduced. Yeah, exactly and so like you're in by this point you know that like the Imc. 01:52:03.85 Adam Yeah, it's an assembly line making like prefab neighborhoods. 01:52:04.73 Cory Yeah. 01:52:14.78 Dave They're evil right? and this is an imc factory and you don't know why they're making these houses at first and I was like oh okay so I don't know what are they colonizing planets and they need to just put up like the desperate housewives neighborhoods in every planet that they they take over or something like that or. Are they housing the homeless or something? Ah nope no ah they are making these houses for combat simulations and that is the only reason they're doing this. 01:52:36.40 Cory Not the empire, not the empire. 01:52:38.32 Adam Yeah. 01:52:49.68 Adam They need to get combat data for the Orphan crushing machine. 01:52:50.22 Dave Yes, yeah. 01:52:51.47 Cory Oh yeah, now that is too expensive. We don't have any Orphan, we'll just do it ourselves. 01:52:57.15 Dave Yeah. 01:53:02.24 Adam You cannot talk about anything in this game being expensive because the amount of property damage that is done is in the trillions. Um, that is a grotesque waste of resources. 01:53:05.46 Cory Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey I'm going to just like quick like really quick aside of like actual you know lore which is actually really funny. 01:53:08.14 Dave Um, yeah. 01:53:11.59 Dave Yeah. 01:53:23.36 Cory Um, yeah, the Imc is literally the empire they throw away tech like it's like paper cans or like I mean plastic like plastic bottles and everything. So it's really funny that you say that because they literally do that with giant planets and stuff they're like yeah we don't need this anymore. 01:53:39.30 Dave Ah, um, but I had written this down just like this is like your first like holy shit this movement system this combat like you're you go in and like. 01:53:41.28 Cory It's fine. 01:53:46.95 Adam Ah, ah. 01:53:59.28 Dave The house is just like 1 wall of a house right? and then maybe there's like ah a fucking shelf stuck on the wall and you you ride that for a bit and then you have to jump off and go into these like combat things on these. Um oh I don't know these platforms and there's a bunch of dudes' staircase walls. 01:54:17.70 Dave Walls to run on and stuff like that and you're just constantly moving from like combat Arena into like moving houses that are more constructed every time you jump in and it's got a really good flow state to the whole level. Basically I mean the whole game basically does. 01:54:29.90 Adam Yeah. 01:54:36.66 Dave But this one's really noteworthy because of the scale of the place and how it's all taking place over Bottomless pits and yeah, just super fun. 01:54:48.66 Cory Um, yeah. 01:54:52.99 Adam Yeah, um, for me this is a wonderful display of the developers really understanding what they've created and then finding the best possible way to showcase those strengths where they're just like hey. 01:55:09.34 Adam A fun verb is for you to move like this jump like this sequence. Do this little gauntlet then while you're in midair start shooting fools on the other side and then power slide down and then run up a staircase and then jump onto the next part of the conveyor belt and leave people behind and like all that is like 1 01:55:27.17 Dave Um, yeah. 01:55:29.32 Adam Seamless motion and the like there's a lot of games that you play that feel like they have some conflict in their central identity or they don't quite know how to express the strengths of what they've created and this like just totally. 01:55:45.85 Cory Yeah, and it showcases Also the level design of they're willing to play around with it at all cost type situations because you know how the assembly line is. 01:55:48.28 Dave Yeah. 01:55:48.89 Adam Is a show stopping moment. Um, and again in level 3 like awesome. 01:56:03.47 Cory It flips upside down. It makes that almost like a you know like a movement puzzle in itself where you have to like how am I supposed to get out of this in everything because it's being made throughout the entire level which I always I always dug that is like Wow if you stand kind of off. 01:56:05.30 Dave Um, yeah. 01:56:11.14 Adam Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:56:22.42 Cory Like at a distance you can see each part being made in these prefab -like almost neighborhoods and you can go and just play around in it. You can get killed by it slamming like a wall down and just to you know. 01:56:39.13 Adam Um, yeah, yeah, as it's. 01:56:39.55 Cory You know, just to see that or you could just run through it as it's being bolted down to like these platforms and stuff. 01:56:51.62 Adam Yeah, it's all very cool and then at the end. Um, yeah, they've fully assembled the neighborhood and then they rotate the entire neighborhood at ° and now you have to jump on the sides of buildings and cars and stuff in order to ah finish your navigation. 01:57:09.78 Adam Um, just super cool. Super playful, Super creative. Ah a plus plus plus level design as far as I'm concerned. 01:57:11.76 Dave Yeah, yeah, and Adam tells us about the villain of this level. 01:57:22.56 Adam I'd love to. There's a person named Ash here. She dies instantly and is not relevant. 01:57:23.45 Cory And I want to add. Yeah, she's not relevant in the campaign nobody cares about Story Mode Ash everybody cares about sexy competitive Multiplayer Mode Ash. So. 01:57:35.46 Dave Um, okay. 01:57:37.53 Adam So that's what's really fascinating to me are all the bosses like characters that you can play as in the multiplayer. 01:57:42.37 Cory No, no, they're in the multiplayer. There's factions. So like you know Ash is a part of an actual specific fashion faction like this whole premate like prefab like factory is hers. 01:57:49.62 Adam Right. 01:58:01.60 Cory So you know the bad guy. The ultimate bad guy gave her all this money to do all these things and do all these experiments with robotics and stuff like that and you know classic villain stuff. So it's like oh okay, so you can join her faction in the multiplayer and just be ah you know a. 01:58:16.52 Adam Right. 01:58:20.99 Cory Mustache twirling bad guy. You know it's just ah, another customization. Ah option. It doesn't necessarily mean anything except for law reasons, which is fun. Only one other one does everybody else is kind of like lame. 01:58:30.80 Adam Gotcha but like the other bosses don't show up as characters in the same way. How fascinating. 01:58:39.98 Cory And which is why I think it's really funny when like the previous thing you said like cain dies I'm like who's Kane I don't even remember him. So yeah, anyway, sexy mode ash sexy story mode ah you know. 01:58:46.86 Dave Um, yeah, that's kind of how it goes. 01:58:58.98 Cory Yeah, well no, no everybody hates sexy story mode Ash but everybody loves competitive Multiplayer mode ash. 01:59:00.44 Dave Yep. 01:59:07.74 Dave Right? Okay, ah next up is another very very cool level. Probably the most famous level I Think from this game is called effect and cause and this is a time warp game. 01:59:23.52 Dave You go to this place that I think there is like a time jump happening before you get the bracelet. I think right, like it's jumping between times or something like that. 01:59:39.58 Adam Yeah, it's like ambiently switching between the times ah uncontrolled by the player and then you get the ability to control it. 01:59:40.40 Dave Right? right? So at first you're kind of timing it a little bit or like you get into some combat and like the time will switch and then you switch into the future where there's no combat and then you're kind of feeling this out. 01:59:45.64 Cory Um. 01:59:59.10 Dave Um, eventually the person you're looking for Captain Anderson which there is a Captain Anderson in like 7 fucking video games. So um, you find him he unfortunately got stuck in a ceiling during one of the time jumps oops ah, and. 02:00:00.51 Adam Yeah. 02:00:06.72 Cory Yeah. 02:00:18.84 Dave You? Um, you get his bracelet where you can control the time jumps and it sets up both puzzles where you are like wall running and changing time while you're in midair and stuff like that and situations where you're fighting enemies like there's combat in both times. 02:00:38.33 Dave And so you can do it. It's so fucking fun to like switch the time fight for a bit but also maneuver behind where the enemies are in the other time then switch back shoot them in the back a few times switch back and like. 02:00:40.30 Adam Yeah. 02:00:54.80 Dave You're in total control of 2 different combat scenarios at the same time and it's really cool. 02:00:58.37 Cory Yeah. 02:01:02.69 Adam Yeah, so just to be clear in case like the way that we've described it is ah difficult to wrap your head around. There are 2 parallel versions of the same map happening simultaneously. 02:01:13.21 Dave Um, yeah. 02:01:19.80 Adam And with the push of a button you can switch between these 2 versions of the map. There is the version in the past which is pristine and the version in the present which is destroyed and I want to say post apocalyptic but I feel like it and it's trashed. Um. 02:01:30.00 Cory Agitate on fire. That's exactly why it's on fire. Yeah. 02:01:30.12 Dave It's on fire. It's on fire. Yeah yeah. 02:01:38.83 Adam And so yeah, you'll be in the past where there are animals locked in cages and then you'll go to the present where the animals have escaped and you know, but both those things are simultaneously true. Ah, really neat gimmick cool stuff. 02:01:44.95 Dave We have. 02:01:46.79 Cory Um, yeah. 02:01:51.57 Dave Yeah, and it's so cool and then it's gone like this is the only level that uses it like they could have done the whole campaign with this and I would have had fun with it. But it's just a 1 level thing. 02:01:54.66 Cory Um, yeah. 02:02:07.70 Adam Totally and this is what I talk about when it's like this is not a lazy campaign where they're just taking the multiplayer maps and recycling them. This is a unique idea that doesn't exist in the multiplayer or any other part. It's just this level. 02:02:25.86 Adam And they really like to make a statement with it. Do a bunch of cool stuff and then let it go and I find that really admirable. Um, maximum effort. Good job. 02:02:31.27 Cory Um, yeah, yeah, um I mean this is by far like the most famous level in the entire game. Um it is really fun. 02:02:34.58 Dave Yeah. 02:02:49.90 Cory Um, funnily enough. This is the only mission where I would die multiple times to enemies because they would constantly gang up on me because I would overestimate you know I would you know go in the one like the future and they would just you know I'd be fighting them but then I would get low health. 02:03:08.88 Cory So I would go into the other like I did in the past but um, an enemy in the past is ah well I mean enemy in the past is where like the people ah like actual soldiers are the future which is the present where you are. Security Bots that will explode if they get too close to you so I would constantly like oh yeah I could just go over here and hail my health. Oh yeah, they snuck up on me and now they will instantly explode and kill me. So. 02:03:42.24 Adam It was funny to throw a grenade in the past and then warp to the future and then just be like wondering how that went. Yeah. 02:03:48.40 Dave Yeah, it's ah it's cool to like them there was just like an I forget if it's an empty button on the controller that wasn't used for anything or if they took something that you never use away. 02:03:48.94 Cory Um, here. Yeah. 02:04:05.77 Dave For this but it's like seamless into your kit like it. It takes like 30 seconds then you're like oh yeah I get I get this. 02:04:11.72 Adam Um, yeah, it replaces your stealth cloaking function which is so important that we all forgot to mention it. 02:04:18.77 Cory Oh yeah, I You know what's funny I completely forgot it too because I never say. 02:04:19.59 Dave That's right? Yeah, yeah there we go? Um, yeah, um, yeah, and then like there are those fun platforming challenges where like. 02:04:26.80 Adam Yeah I never use it. 02:04:34.00 Dave You'll wall run on like the right side but the left side is on fire so you have to jump switch time when you're in midair then wall run on the left but like the one on the right's broken and you keep switching between times while you're doing the wall running and double jumping and I don't know it's just fucking cool and I read. 02:04:51.55 Adam Yeah, yeah. 02:04:52.63 Dave A little bit like Dev history for this level. Um, where they talked about how unsurprisingly this was hard to get to work but in the finished product. It works perfectly and it's awesome. 02:05:00.32 Cory Yeah, yeah, yeah, especially my favorite part in that is when you have to fall through like a shaft and in. 02:05:15.93 Cory You have to switch it really quickly or you will either run into a fan or you will run into fire and it's really funny. 02:05:17.71 Adam That's so cool. 02:05:24.00 Adam Yeah I saw that and I was like am I supposed to jump in there and I jumped in there and just instantly fucking died and I was like well that was stupid. They shouldn't make it look like I could jump down there and I was like oh wait. 02:05:30.56 Cory Um, yeah. 02:05:32.76 Dave Yeah, the fans are probably broken and that has to be 1 of the most video game ass things to do is all the times when you go in like fan shafts in video games and you have to deal with the fans somehow and in this one, you just. 02:05:47.37 Adam Oh yeah. 02:05:50.11 Dave Yeah time travel past it. 02:05:50.47 Cory Ah, yeah I. 02:05:53.34 Adam For sure titan fall is a world where sewers would have a forty foot ceiling 02:05:56.20 Dave Yes, because you got to fit a Titan down there. 02:05:59.18 Cory Sewers do have a 40 yeah, stewards do have a forty foot theory yeah Bt's got to get in there somehow. 02:06:07.56 Adam ah ah yeah ah switching between the time platforms that you wall run was specifically what I was thinking when I said if a vertical platform to wall run against is not available. 1 will be provided to you like. 02:06:18.41 Dave Yeah. 02:06:24.34 Dave Yeah, absolutely. Um so you know this level. I remembered it from the first time I played it. I remember how much people talk about how cool it is and I was wondering like oh I already know how this works will the shine still be there. Yes, it was this is. 02:06:25.26 Adam There will be something to wall run against worry. Not friends. 02:06:43.18 Dave Like I said I could have played the whole game with this gimmick but again like you said Adam made a really confident decision by them where they're like hey this took us a really long time and a lot of effort to make it work and we're never using it again. 02:06:59.30 Adam Yeah I can only imagine the technical challenges that had to be overcome to make it look so effortless. 02:06:59.52 Cory Oh yeah. 02:07:03.44 Dave Yeah, ah so the next mission is called the beacon and this is one where you have some kind of device that can remotely interact with these panels and. Move platforms into place for Yourself. You also are moving stuff that's on cranes to set up wall running stuff. This is emblematic of the thing I said earlier where I said these are not real places, these are playgrounds for your move set in this game. And like there's no way that this place would exist in any sci-fi universe if people were not able to wall-run. 02:07:38.83 Adam Yeah. 02:07:47.88 Dave Yeah, yeah. 02:07:48.35 Adam Yeah, no, it's definitely a situation where it's just like how they get to their jobs. Um, you know it's like imagining like what it feels like to work at the Spencer Mansion. It's just like well not not good. 02:07:49.39 Cory Yeah. 02:07:56.26 Dave Um, yeah, yeah, not great. Oh. 02:07:57.77 Cory I Mean it's very it's very it's almost ah Mirror's Edge Esque where you know if you really think about it. Mirror's Edge is like a city set up with a whole bunch of outside doors that lead to nowhere so you can but and they're only meant to. 02:08:15.84 Cory For you to bust into them and then run inside and then bust out of another door that leads straight to a roof that goes all the way down and has like a straight drop. It's like why is this here? Oh it's only for me. So yeah. 02:08:31.63 Dave Yep. 02:08:32.98 Adam Yeah, it's for me the player. Um, ah your rain world episode just came out in the Stark contrast between the cruel indifference of that game versus the everything is made for you. Ah, ah here is. 02:08:41.57 Cory Yeah. 02:08:43.25 Dave Yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah. Ah. 02:08:51.28 Adam Um, there's a neat gimmick that I enjoyed. There are these giant turbines which they're doing some kind of aerodynamics test. I Can only assume I can't even describe this facility. But basically it's like giant wind tunnels then you're. 02:09:07.78 Adam Moving these platforms in order to block the wind or create stuff. Um, there are some neat challenges there. But at 1 point ah you can activate it and you have to follow the wind. So it launches you down and then you do like a two hundred mile an hour wall run. 02:09:26.23 Adam Cross like all these curving surfaces. It's pretty cool when it comes to the giant turbines. I'm a huge fan. 02:09:27.83 Dave Is that right? That's in the indoor section before you go up on like the towers with the cranes and shit there's an indoor section I think that's the place where they're like. 02:09:43.73 Dave Ah, you can only be in there for like a really short time. The radiation will destroy you and then yeah or yeah, right? and then you go in there. You do your impossible white man shit in like 20 seconds and you come out and they're like whoa. 02:09:44.15 Cory Yeah, because really yeah, so it's hyper cooled. That's why there's a lot of turbines around because it's like cooling it like all the time or something. 02:10:01.16 Cory Yeah, they literally said that they're like Wow you did a really good job I didn't think you could do it. 02:10:03.30 Dave What the? yeah yeah. 02:10:04.37 Adam Yeah. Yeah, they're just like the last guy we sent in there didn't do so well and then it cuts to a solid snake crawling through the microwave tunnel and just being like come on man I'm doing the bus like add that your guy just likes stunts on him. 02:10:17.82 Cory I'm doing the best I can. 02:10:20.36 Dave Yeah, ah this so this level like when you're up on the tower has those platforming sections kind of similar to the last level where you're like in midair hacking panels to like. Bring up stuff for you to wall run or jump on top of and it also introduces something that will become a thing like in most of the later levels where Bt picks you up and throws you and I think they call it. They have a fastball. Yeah, thank you Adam for writing in the notes a fastball. Yeah, yeah, and it's cute. It's cool. 02:10:56.13 Cory Yeah, yeah. 02:10:56.91 Adam Yeah, yeah in universe it's called a fast fall. Yeah, pretty funny. Um I make a note here that um, at 1 point you go off and there's a satellite. And your character takes their knife out, presses a thing, turns it into a Usb and stabs it into the console in order to drive the console around and I was like I'm sorry video game. We're on level 5 and you just told me that I've got a hack knife. What the fuck. Yeah. 02:11:22.28 Cory Ah, yeah, the hack knife is really cool. Ah. 02:11:32.49 Adam What are you talking about? The handle of a pocket knife is like a Joystick Controller. It's so wild. 02:11:33.55 Dave Yeah, it's the same knife that you stab into people's necks but also it doubles as and they do this like several times in the campaign where you just open up a panel and jam the knife into it and it hacks it automatically. 02:11:38.95 Cory Yeah. 02:11:49.11 Cory Yeah, it hacks it? yeah. 02:11:52.87 Adam Um, it's very funny because that's like a press and hold input and I would always tap the button which means that I would just go up to the panel and stab it a couple times and then stop and then I'd be like oh wait I should do it the whole way. But like. 02:12:10.29 Dave Yeah, those are for those are for me I'll get to business in a minute. 02:12:12.54 Adam But he's yeah, he just has like a couple fun party stabs in him that he just has to get out of his system before those are for me. Um, yeah, so after calibrating this statue the satellite. Ah you get thrown off. 02:12:16.43 Cory I Thought it would work. That's why I did it. 02:12:21.99 Dave Ah, Adam ah. 02:12:31.55 Adam Bt dramatically catches you in midair at the last moment you give a thumbs up. He gives you a thumbs up and it's very cute. 02:12:33.13 Dave Adam tells us about the villain in this level. 02:12:40.58 Adam God I would love to there's a person named Richter here and he dies instantly is not relevant. He does sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger 02:12:46.40 Dave Yeah, it was his. 02:12:52.12 Dave Yeah, when they were drawing up characters. They basically were like well Okay, so here's what we're doing. We're making anime villains with different accents. They're all the same person generally, but okay so. 02:13:07.21 Adam Yeah. 02:13:09.11 Dave Accents for evil villains. Well we got to have an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent and then we'll figure out the rest. 02:13:16.56 Adam Yeah, that's almost exactly how the pitch meeting went. 02:13:22.15 Dave Ah, ah. 02:13:26.96 Adam Ah, ah, then at the end of the mission you meet up with ah a rebel person and they're just like oh you're not a real pilot. We'll get a real pilot in you Bt the actual adult in the room and then ah in the notes. 02:13:33.30 Dave I mean. 02:13:41.96 Cory I Thought that was on purpose. So just like good. 02:13:42.41 Adam In the notes I put but B B Eight assures her that he has adopted you. It was I. It was a joke that I wrote for myself I just forgot. Ah yeah. 02:13:43.24 Dave That's right? yeah. 02:13:51.52 Dave Ah, yeah, this is that scene where they basically are like yeah okay, you've had your fun cooper but it's time to get you know a real person in there and Bt sticks up for you. Um, if this game has anything going for it. Storywise. It's the dynamic between cooper and bt and so this is this mission. You know Bt picks you up and throws you and then there's a part where you get launched and he catches you and then sticks up for you at the end. So um, that's you know on display here too. And don't give a shit about like the actual story but it is cute. The bond between the 2 of you. 02:14:32.82 Cory Yeah, um, the idea that Bt is taking care of you basically is the whole heart of the whole campaign. Um, it could just be them to no other person. It could be all robots and it would still. 02:14:48.86 Cory You know it still works in my opinion. So. 02:14:52.12 Dave Yeah, taking care of you and you know the leaders or whatever the ah of the the army Whoever the fuck you work for doubting you despite as we said Cooper being the greatest pilot who's ever existed. 02:15:07.46 Dave Even though this is his second day on the job. Ah, the next mission's called trial by fire. This didn't really stand out to me except it's just a ton of gear combat and gear combat is fun. So this is cool. 02:15:28.28 Adam Agreed at the start of this that I did write a note. I'm just going to read the note. Verbatim Ah as you're getting ready to get deployed a maintenance Robot gives you a thumbs up completely sabotaging the emotional payoff of I G eighty eight giving you a thumbs up. Immersion Ruin Character Development Destroyed. It's just a thing that robots do I fucking hate this game. My day is ruined. They're just thumbs up bots. 02:15:45.47 Dave All the robots just give high fives all the time he doesn't even know how to clean, he just does thumbs up. 02:15:49.57 Cory Well, you know it's you guys who sound really racist to robots which is really funny because in a I think in the previous mission. 02:15:59.47 Adam Um, what is my purpose? You give thumbs up. Oh my god. 02:16:09.38 Cory When you take a certain gun like the art gun away from the robot he likes, does a sad face make you perfect? It's only he took his only thing from him. 02:16:21.10 Adam Ah, oh yeah I sniped to that robot from across the room. So. 02:16:24.14 Dave Um, ah that Robot can also do thumbs down very advanced. 02:16:25.91 Cory Ah, yeah, definitely racist? Yeah, yeah, exactly. 02:16:33.64 Adam Oh wow. Ah, ambiently, there's just a bunch of maintenance robots scattered all throughout the levels and I made sure to just kick a bunch of them for no reason. 02:16:41.17 Dave Um, ah this level's cool. Um, we said I said it's gear combat I kind of understood. It's like you have a team of gears and you're fighting another team of gears or Titans not gears with the fight. 02:16:41.86 Cory Wow. 02:16:59.30 Dave XenoGears I'm playing Xenogears. That's why I wrote years in the notes Titans you're fighting a bunch of Titans So it's kind of cool ah to be in like a big battle like that. 02:17:09.83 Cory This that's where the spectacle is. That's definitely a big spectacle moment in the campaign. yeah. 02:17:13.98 Dave Um, yeah, and it could be tough. 02:17:14.10 Adam Yeah. 02:17:26.58 Adam Yeah, for me this was probably the level that I died the most on um, just because I feel like I was less good at the Titan combat than the ah ah pilot combat. Um. 02:17:41.71 Adam But it is cool to just like here's a bunch of dudes and like have ah a big prolonged large scale battle. Um, there's a bunch of like Rando foot soldiers and if you've got like the multi lock missile thing. It's just like sorry guys. 02:17:53.90 Dave Yep, um. 02:17:55.33 Cory Ah, yeah. 02:17:58.63 Dave Yeah Cory you had a note I don't know if you want to talk about that. Yeah. 02:18:00.57 Cory Oh yeah, um yeah I thought you were gonna go but um, yeah, this is the only time where I would switch to another different loadout because you get different load outsets. You're playing through the campaign. Um, because of all of that you know. 02:18:02.19 Adam Boom. 02:18:19.25 Cory The insane amount of titans they throw out you all at once? Um, there is a lod out call it scorch which is a separate class in the game in the multiplayer. But here, it's just something that Bt could pick up and he's like well I could do all of this now. So I would just. 02:18:20.66 Dave Yeah. 02:18:38.69 Cory Constantly throwing fire everywhere throws like these little canisters that you get off like gas that you could just set ablaze and just you know the little like the little enemies that are running around the map that you can squish. I would just throw like a canister right near them and just. 02:18:58.52 Cory Light them all on fire and it's really funny and all that kind of stuff. So yeah. 02:19:03.75 Dave Yeah I had a great time doing that to other people except it was the exact opposite and that happened to me all the time just getting lit on fire by those ah those scorched titans yeah, um, all right the next level in the story. Basically the Imc has this. 02:19:16.58 Adam Yeah, yeah. 02:19:21.40 Dave Weapon of mass destruction called the Ark Um, because they pulled that out of the big handy list of sci-fi terms sci-fi proper nouns. So it's called the Ark Um, and they're about to get away with it. So you're chasing them. The next mission is called the Ark where they got it on a plane. 02:19:27.87 Cory No. 02:19:28.70 Adam Um, this is what they were doing in the time travel facility. 02:19:41.10 Dave And then you take off in a plane and you're chasing them also and wait for Adam to come back there. We go Adam's back okay this is the level I talked about earlier in the non-spoiler part but like you're. 02:19:49.20 Cory Yeah I think he's loading back in. Yeah. 02:20:00.64 Dave Going from ship to ship like Bt picks you up and throws you onto a ship and then you should be good at combat by now so when you go in you clear out the ship really quickly. Um, then you go to another ship. There's a part in here where like. A swat team basically clears out a command center in like half a second that's pretty cool to take part in and then you fight a villain named viper on top of the ship Adam tells us about viper. 02:20:35.23 Adam I'm so glad you asked viper. There's a person named viper here. He dies instantly and soke. Ah he doesn't die instantly. You think you kill him. But then he comes back and he fucks up Bt pretty good bt loses an arm in the scuffle. 02:20:45.40 Dave Um, yes, he does. 02:20:51.87 Adam Ah, there's a cool moment where ah viper is grappling with Bt while you have been ejected and you have to finish off ah viper the character by his pilot. Ah his cockpit is open and you just have to shoot bullets into the human being that's driving the big robot um, pretty neat moment. 02:21:06.99 Dave Um, which you never do basically like you never fight boss people in this game. It's always Titan bosses. So. 02:21:17.61 Adam Correct, Yeah, ah by by Default Viper is the best character that we have seen in the game so far. 02:21:22.99 Dave Right. 02:21:25.14 Cory Yeah, um I will 100% back up Viper is the best character in this campaign or at least bad Guy. He is a fan favorite. Um, just because he seems how I heard it described where. A lot of the villains, most of the villains in this campaign like the main boss, people are just kind of crazy and they're like whoo almost cackling crazy Viper's the only cool One. He's almost like a Boba fett s character which is why a lot of people kind of like Him. He's just like Nah This is my job. 02:21:47.71 Dave Yeah. 02:21:50.31 Adam Yeah, yeah, yeah. 02:22:01.66 Cory I'm gonna go do my job I can actually kill you type thing and you know I'm not gonna go crazy I'm gonna be just cool I'm gonna be ah cool as a cucumber the entire time I know I can kill you. It's just you know I'm gonna take my time with it. 02:22:19.27 Cory Yes, of course yeah, um, also I have 2 other things which I find really funny. Viper is the hardest boss in this game for me, but not because of him specifically it's because of where you fight him. 02:22:19.59 Dave Yeah, ah. 02:22:20.41 Adam Spoiler He can't spoiler I fucking killed him. 02:22:37.73 Cory Um, you fight him on top of the ship and he's flying around sniping at you and I don't know how many times I have lost my footing and just fallen off the ship and just been like oh guys like I had him and obviously I'm dead. 02:22:49.80 Dave Yep, that happened to me too. 02:22:55.69 Cory Falling damage of course. Um, also another big thing and this is for me personally um, the swat team faction that you take like the command centership from ah they are called the six four they are the best faction. Ah no cap. 02:23:14.42 Cory Don't at me. They are the most likable characters to me because they do have, like um, a lot of you know, different actual personalities which you don't get enough of. Obviously in this campaign you see them for 2 seconds and they're like hey have a good one. Look us up next time you like are around um and but in the you know in the multiplayer they're like expanded and like their leader is always talking a lot of shit and it's hilarious because he's like you know all for the six four and stuff and that's why it's like it's a huge meme. 02:23:51.92 Cory Um, because they are obviously the best like faction and if you choose anything else in the multiplayer kind of weird or scrub or what have you? it's just 1 big like obviously inside joke. But I'm glad they got the screen time that they did. 02:24:09.41 Cory In the campaign because they do the coolest thing and you participate in that and it's like because your role is what you were mentioning before Dave with you like jumping in between ships you will run in between on the side of ships and then jump back into other ones and stuff. 02:24:20.96 Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah. 02:24:28.93 Cory It's actually really high intensity and stuff like that and they're doing it with you. It's the only time you kind of see other pilots kind of wall running with you and say hey this way let's go and you know you see kind of the full potential If you're with another team and how effective you can be in a group and I think that's really funny. 02:24:38.44 Adam Correct. 02:24:44.79 Dave Yeah, it's. It's a really cool level visually the spectacle of it is like this group of ships chasing a group of other ships like flying through this canyon. 02:24:48.23 Cory Um, and just really cool. 02:25:00.25 Dave And then when like you said you're wall running jumping between these ships but below you you can see like you know thousands of feet below you the just the ground down there Bt when Bt throws you in this level. He talks about how. Like you're like oh just like last time and he's like nah that bro this is way harder than last time like and he kind of like he almost licks his finger and tests the wind before he throws you and it's pretty cool. Ah so the last level is called the fold weapon. 02:25:24.65 Cory Yeah. 02:25:35.52 Dave And this is you're trying to go get the Arc again. Ah, but at the end of the last mission. Ah, you may have killed viper but you got caught so they at the beginning of this they fuck up Bt Real Hard. He's basically just like you know, just I don't know a torso. Hang in there. Um, yeah, hang in there. Um, they kind of do what? All bad fictional villains do and they just kind of like they're like oh well, he's not shit without his Titan We can just leave him lying on the ground. He's Asleep. He's fine, but you wake up. 02:25:56.76 Cory Um, yeah, yeah. 02:25:58.91 Adam He's a torso in like 1 arm. Yeah. 02:26:15.00 Dave You talk to Bt um, he gives you this hidden like I don't know emergency kit like in his head. Basically that contains his Ai core, a pistol and a knife and I was like oh okay, this is a. Disempower the character but let me show off how good I am at the game type of thing which I was like okay I'm up for that. Ah, that's not how it is this is actually like 1 of the easiest sections in the whole game and you feel like a fucking badass. You have like a cyberpunk smart weapon that just auto aims at everything. 02:26:52.30 Cory Yeah. 02:26:53.71 Dave On the screen and you're just like wall running shooting like 6 dudes at the same time. It's awesome. 02:26:55.12 Adam Yeah. 02:27:03.32 Adam It instantly locks on to all enemies in the area, kills everything with one shot and it has a huge ammo capacity and infinite reload ammo. Ah so yeah, it's absolutely a victory lap. Um. 02:27:04.51 Dave Um, yeah, yeah, exactly yeah. 02:27:08.96 Cory Yeah, yeah, the smart pistol is op because it is what's funny is it's in the multiplayer too. You don't have as much ammo, but the smart pistol is very op and people. 02:27:20.90 Dave Oh shit. 02:27:28.18 Cory You know? Yes, oh yeah, it looks like you don't have very much ammo at all like you have 6 shots so you have to make them count and it's kind of like almost a super in a way like it's like an ultimate move. But really if anybody sees you. 02:27:29.77 Adam Does it lock on as fast as it does and because it's instant here. Got you? ah. 02:27:46.21 Cory Like using that in multiplayer they'll clown you to know one that they're like really bro, you've got to win that badly. So I'm glad about this mission. Obviously you're meant to be like this is the last resort thing so just go just go ham just go type thing. 02:28:05.23 Adam Yeah, um I want to go back in time and talk about the interrogation scene between the bad guy and ah but real fast because once again, they're talking to Bt like he's the adult in the room and you're just incidental. Um, but they're just like. 02:28:14.76 Dave Yeah. 02:28:22.44 Adam You give us what we want Robert ah, yeah, or we're going to kill your pilot and you like your pilot and then Bt turns to you and he's just like wink trust me bro and then he turns to the bad guy and he's like. I'm sorry I've dropped my reading glasses. Can you please move within punchable range and the bad guys like sure thing buddy. It's exactly like that. 02:28:41.71 Cory Yeah, it actually kind of goes down like that too which is really funny. Yeah, ah but. 02:28:57.90 Adam Engaging Anti stinker protocols. Yeah um, but yeah, ah you get to do this cool Victory lap level I like a victory lap in games I like a super gravity gun I Like a um you know letting you just stunt on. 02:28:57.18 Dave Ah, yeah, ah. 02:28:58.51 Cory Ah, yes. 02:29:14.66 Adam The final stretch of it. Um, it is kind of undercut to me by the fact that there's seemingly no reason that your robot didn't give you the Auto Murder gun that lives in his head right away. I don't know why he saved it. That fact that it lives in his face is weird to me. 02:29:23.70 Dave Yeah. Well, it's like yeah, it's like you could take it out I'll just take the pistol out and then I'll put your Ai core back in like we can just do that in the first level. 02:29:32.13 Adam But okay. 02:29:38.62 Adam The gun is not related to the a I core like if you like narrative like I'm going to think over think the narrative in a way but like what if the gun only works because you plugged Bt into it and Bt is your gun for the moment like that would be like make it feel. 02:29:50.40 Dave Right. 02:29:53.56 Cory Um, yeah. 02:29:58.14 Adam Better to me ah narratively speaking. But as it is it's still cool. So I'm not going to fuss about it. 02:29:58.49 Dave Yeah. 02:30:00.28 Cory Yeah, um, like I can I could speak a little bit on that. Ah narratively it is where it should work more like in the multiplayer. you only have like 6 shots and they're for a last resort thing but they don't miss and that's why it's called a smart pistol. It's not to. 02:30:17.33 Cory You're literally supposed to use it as a last resort if you really need to but you know in this level because it's very videogamy. You have infinite ammo. You don't run out and you don't need to run out so it's one of those things. But yeah, it doesn't necessarily matter because it moves too quick for you to even notice. 02:30:36.57 Cory If you've noticed that you're not moving fast enough, start running. 02:30:43.71 Adam But your best friend and dad gave you an infinite scroll of magic missiles very generously. Yeah. 02:30:45.24 Cory Yeah, and yet you choose not to run and yet you don't choose to run. 02:30:47.63 Dave Ah, yeah, ah. 02:30:55.54 Adam Yeah, um, ah I'm with I'm a I'm a run I'm a wo run. Ah, but yeah, after just a couple minutes of ah stunting on fools. Ah a brand New Bt drops out of orbit. 02:30:56.69 Dave Um, yeah, this. 02:31:09.62 Dave Um, yeah, yeah, you actually get to like to do the call in the Titan fall which you know Yeah, you're usually with your Titan the whole time. But you do get to do it this time. 02:31:12.15 Cory Yeah. 02:31:13.49 Adam And you get to put his brain in and then beaty's back baby. 02:31:18.00 Cory No. 02:31:20.99 Adam Happened surprisingly rarely in this game. Oh. 02:31:23.34 Cory Yeah. 02:31:27.28 Dave And yeah, you just get a ah shiny New Bt Um, you know I was thinking did either of you play Cyberpunk Twenty Seventy seven. Okay, okay, oh look at that. Awesome. 02:31:35.49 Cory I did Adam ah Adam got it for me for my birthday all yeah yeah I know. 02:31:37.24 Adam I Have not. I did it at the launch which wasn't great. Yeah did I get you the PS 4 version. Oh thank God Thank goodness. 02:31:51.93 Cory Oh you got me the computer you got me the screen version. Yeah, yeah, oh you're smart, you're you're very smart. You got me the one that I could just let it sit and just yeah. 02:31:54.71 Dave Um, oh yeah, there. Yeah, the one that works. Yeah, um, yeah, the reason I ask is because there is a. 02:32:05.57 Adam Yeah, yeah. 02:32:09.11 Dave Like smart pistol part kind of like fairly early on in that game too which is fucking awesome and I wonder if they took a little ah inspiration from Titan fall in that. So it's cool. Yeah. 02:32:17.59 Cory Yeah, it does feel like that. Actually so. 02:32:21.39 Adam Sure, also very fifth element. You know? Ah so I'm sure there's lots of ah instances that they're referencing. 02:32:27.58 Dave Yeah, probably. But yeah, the titan fall is cool again like that scale like Cory you talked about it when you're talking about the multiplayer but like it's it's like a coming down from space and shit and you can see it coming and like the scale of it is really cool. 02:32:29.78 Cory Um, yeah. 02:32:45.96 Dave And then you go fight another Titan boss. Um, yeah, no, no, the only thing that I remember is um, it's not blisk. It's not him. 02:32:52.15 Adam I didn't put down their name and I have no memory. 02:33:02.75 Cory Um, it's the girl with the laser. Yeah yeah. 02:33:03.10 Adam Yeah, it's some lady. 02:33:04.79 Dave Right? It's the girl. Please? Yes, she dies instantly and is no longer relevant after you kill and then Bliss has a little bit of character to him because ah you see the boss calls in and tells you to kill tells him to kill you and he's like. Nah. It's not my contract and needs. Yeah, um, and then after that So like the reactor core in the arc. 02:33:25.50 Cory Yeah, no, um, yeah, that was literally it. He's like yeah I'm not yeah now bro that's extra. 02:33:28.73 Adam Ah, you didn't say the magic word. 02:33:41.50 Dave Ah, can be destabilized or sorry the Ark can be destabilized but the only way to do It is a bit jumping into it basically and sacrificing himself and so ah, your robot dad in the emotional moment in the game. Sacrifices himself to destroy the weapon of Mass Destruction. You get this really cool visual thing where you like to dive in. I Forget why you dive in. I didn't write it down if you shoot yourself into it. 02:34:11.00 Adam You load yourself into a gun and you shoot yourself at it. 02:34:15.63 Cory Um, yeah, it is kind of like that. 02:34:16.91 Dave And then it's one of those things where like you are wall running and jumping and you're jumping out into empty space and then like a wall falls down in the perfect space for you to wall run on as you're trying to make your escape from this. 02:34:31.20 Adam Okay, g. 02:34:35.55 Dave I Don't know where the fuck you are like wherever you are. It's too dangerous for a human to be there. 02:34:39.52 Adam This is what it is . Ah sorry Cory did you want to take it. 02:34:39.94 Cory Yeah, well, what? Okay yeah yeah I yeah I was gonna explain Actually what it is because I actually do like this kind of spectacle like Escape Um, um because what it is is like the. 02:34:48.30 Dave Yeah, it's cool. 02:34:55.64 Cory Almost like it's like a black hole and you have to escape it um because what happens is you have to get to this certain area where the drop ship can beam itself in and pick you up and then beam itself right? back out into low orbit. So the. 02:35:11.20 Dave Me. 02:35:15.90 Cory You don't die with the collapse of the plan type situation which is really cool and like the spectacle of it because it does like hype you up and in its intensity is like no you got to get out of there because you know the whole plane is actually going to collapse and we can only hyper. Whatever. 02:35:17.63 Dave Oh. 02:35:22.11 Adam Ah. 02:35:26.23 Dave Yeah. 02:35:34.96 Cory Like light boost in for like 2 seconds you gotta be where we're gonna boost in and then we're just gonna boost out. So if you miss that window. You're dead and I'm like okay that's really cool that you're using all that you learn throughout the campaign to just kind of wall run jump slide down. You know. 02:35:42.63 Dave Yeah. 02:35:53.69 Cory Spiral and everything and you know and that's basically all it is I think it's really a really cool sense of like final spectacle I Guess um. 02:36:03.99 Dave Yeah. 02:36:07.21 Adam It is cool where basically like the chunks of the planet that are disintegrating under your feet like ah ah provide an ah wall running platform for you. Ah, it's neat. 02:36:14.87 Cory Boom. 02:36:15.40 Dave Yeah. 02:36:22.31 Adam If we we neglected to mention. However, after Bt loads himself into a gun and shoots himself at the core of the planet. Ah he engages his ah noble self-sacrifice protocol. Ah yanks you from his chest and then tosses you bodily out into the void so that he can go and um. Like punch the the planet I'll fucking know what happened look he he dies twice and a half an hour and that's more than I could handle um, his last words were Superman um. 02:36:43.54 Cory Um, the orbit being the orb thingy. 02:36:50.41 Cory Yeah, got me again. That's what got me the gear. 02:36:59.80 Adam Ah, ah, but yeah, so you do all this ah wall running on Debris Ah then the ship pops in catches you and then pops back out right before the planet blows up. 02:37:08.46 Cory Yeah. 02:37:11.00 Dave Yeah, and then ah yeah, there's like ah, an ending where Cooper is going to be promoted to a real pilot. Yeah, this is. 02:37:14.42 Cory Yeah, yeah, all that needs to be done is get promoted to a good job Pat on the back. 02:37:23.63 Dave Like ah it would have been kind of funny if he gets to the end they're like I don't know like we're we're going. Yeah, so yeah, if you were into the story. He's becoming he. He has become a real boy at the end of this. 02:37:29.11 Cory It's still not badass enough. You got to do that again. 02:37:33.62 Adam In. 02:37:40.87 Adam Yeah, yeah. 02:37:40.94 Dave And then they're going to erase his neural link with Bt and give him a new titan and that feels bad bts you're your robot dad and you're going to forget all about him. You're not forget, but they're not going to make a new one I suppose. 02:37:51.60 Cory Yeah I don't think so um, but you could always make a new friend because there's different Ai so you can just make a new friend. You could get a new dad. 02:37:56.75 Adam Yeah. 02:38:00.71 Dave So. 02:38:04.15 Adam I Guess it's weird. It's a weird note to end on. Um but but your main character um is cut fronted by like a guy and he's just like now know if we should. 02:38:19.78 Adam Promote you and then he's just like oh checking out I got this time travel device on my hand I went into the future. It turns out that um I'm your boss So you better promote me right now and he's like oh oh well Sir Yes, sir. 02:38:26.28 Dave Yeah, he didn't he didn't throw away the time travel thing he probably still has it. Ah, it broke. Yeah, at the end of the level. Yeah, you're right? yeah. 02:38:28.60 Cory Um I think it broke it broke that it broke. Yeah it broke. Yeah. 02:38:41.50 Adam Yeah. 02:38:41.68 Cory And then we and then we say yeah, that's it all cool. Let's go to multi what weight where are you going? Where are you guys going? 02:38:44.80 Dave Yeah I was going to say like this is the point where the campaign is over and everybody uninstalls the game. But 02:38:53.85 Cory Ah, or just goes to apex legends or uninstalls the game. 02:39:00.45 Adam Um, yeah I'll keep it installed. I'll play this again. 02:39:01.47 Dave Um, but yeah, but fun, fun game for sure and a really fun set of levels in the campaign. Um something again like I can see myself going back and replaying it every now and then just you know. 02:39:18.96 Dave I'm not sure that I've played another game like this that feels as good to play eight years later as this game does. Um, that being said I don't fuck with apex legends or you know anything. So if that game or overwatch or something like that feels this good to play I wouldn't know. 02:39:25.71 Cory Um. 02:39:38.11 Dave But as far as first person games or like single player games I still think this is pretty much unmatched as far as that goes and then like to throw in that level design on top of it. It's, you know, excellent, still. 02:39:55.17 Adam Yeah, the fact that this and Doom Twenty sixteen came out in the same year. Ah pretty pretty wild. 02:39:57.63 Dave Um, yeah, good year for a good year for fps fans that don't want to play multiplayer. Yeah, exactly. 02:40:05.93 Adam Good year for fps games that I want to play. 02:40:07.26 Cory Well um I was about to say good year for just fps sci-fi games. Um, because did it come out during the same year that doom came out I thought it was 2018 ah but I could be wrong. 02:40:25.32 Adam Do dooms 2016 oh this is a no this is twenty sixteen right 02:40:26.66 Cory But no I thought titan fall two was 2018 um 02:40:30.11 Dave Yeah I mean I had it in the notes for 2016 I could be wrong. But yeah. 02:40:35.79 Cory Is 2016? Okay because I also know the reason why it didn't do as well. Um, from a marketing standpoint I'm pretty sure Call of Duty Infinite. Came out like the same year too or very close to it and it just got Buried. It got buried by not only that but another mainline like Battlefield game as well. So It just got completely like oh this is kind of less important than the East Aaa games. 02:41:10.30 Dave Um, yeah. 02:41:11.28 Cory And in my opinion it stands out now mind you. I do all types of fps campaigns. A lot of them a lot of newer ones really suck, especially nowadays and like the Colla duty franchise. They've been creatively bankrupt for years. Um. 02:41:12.12 Adam Right. 02:41:30.86 Cory But call of duty ah like infinite warfare actually had a great sci-fi like campaign. Um I don't think it's about the same as ah length too. It's pretty quick than everything but it's a lot more obviously quite unquote serious. 02:41:46.57 Adam Yeah I mean. 02:41:50.12 Cory And stuff but I still like that so it was definitely competing with that too. But I think a lot of people gravitate to this one a lot more. It's because it's a lot more fun. It's a lot. There's a lot less gravitas in this campaign I suppose you won't like. 02:42:07.00 Adam Yeah I mean I mean I don't particularly have a horse in the race of like which and also like I'm not invested in like bullying call of duty like um, it's fine I'm sure it's It's simply not for me. But um. 02:42:22.76 Adam As far as like the things that appeal to me I'm of the opinion that like the perfect racing game is mario cart because it tells gravity to go fuck itself. Ah and you know just does not feel bound by realism like um. I know that people love realistic racing games. Ah, they're just not what I'm after. I'm after that unreality. I'm after the infinite possibility space that video games can provide me and same with shooters like I'm not that interested in a military simulator like an arma or something. I want something wacky. I want to be able to wall run. I want to have grappling hooks. I want to have weird weapons that don't make any sense that make that 1 guy on Youtube very frustrated. Ah, ah those are all virtues to be and therefore like this is a game that likes um. 02:43:12.24 Adam Really does appeal to me and is almost my ideal of what I would want from a game like this. 02:43:14.33 Dave Yeah, yeah for sure and like there are call of duty campaigns that are really good and as far as I know like the multiplayer gameplay in that series is still really fun. If that's what you like it's still they're still really well-made games. 02:43:32.92 Dave Um, but I agree like I'm not into multiplayer at all so give me a weird ass campaign or like doom 2016 is another just really non-standard kind of first person shooter like it's its own thing. There's not a whole lot of other games quite like that. That's another one I should. 02:43:51.28 Cory Hey the Boomer The Boomer shooter is coming back Apparently that's what it's going to be. Yeah. 02:43:52.55 Dave Replay sometime. The boomer shooters are here for sure. Yeah, um, so yeah, and respawn apparently wanted to do titan fall 3 but it got canceled because they are. 02:44:09.65 Dave In the apex legends and star wars minds forever now those star wars games are good though like ah no, no shade at that. But it's just a shame that they wanted apparently to do titan fall 3 02:44:12.87 Cory Yeah, um to be Yeah yeah. 02:44:23.88 Dave And market forces dictated that they do not do titan fall 3 02:44:28.19 Cory Yeah, um, yeah, much is coming from that side of the gaming space of like pretty much pretty enjoying you know Multiplayer Shooters kind of like that. Um. 02:44:28.96 Adam Yeah I think that's the right way to phrase it. 02:44:45.28 Cory Like at least casually, apex is actually a pretty good feeling. It feels like Titanfall. Um, the only difference is it's in a battle royale setting but the characters are actually cool and stylized and fun. 02:45:03.69 Cory It's not too serious. Of course people will be sweaty in these types of games but to me what always appealed to apex as opposed to something like overwatch or you know even fortnight or something like that is the characters in the world setting in everything like that it still holds up. 02:45:09.90 Adam Sure. 02:45:23.36 Cory And like I said it TitanFall is kind of a prequel to apex. So there's so many references and so many things and even I think the newest character is a reference to viper. So yeah, so it's really cool that you know the developers they know. 02:45:35.72 Adam How fun. 02:45:41.20 Cory Like people like fans have been clamoring for a titan fall 3 but they're like guys that's not happening but we at least acknowledge that this is if we could we would too. But there's no way that we're going back to that because it wouldn't narratively make any sense. 02:45:46.38 Dave Yeah. 02:45:59.32 Cory And unless it was a prequel and we're not going to do that. We don't want to go into that space. You guys are better. You guys deserve better than that. Um, yeah, yeah. 02:46:11.41 Adam They've got too much integrity to shit on the storytelling that they've worked tirelessly God I Love kane. 02:46:12.92 Dave Of Ash and viper and blisk and all of olive. Never yeah. 02:46:18.10 Cory Yeah, yeah I mean there's a reason why he doesn't show up is because he's late. So yeah, yeah. 02:46:25.98 Dave yeah um yeah I bet apex legends is good I mean I'm kind of of the opinion that if a multiplayer like live service game can survive for 5 years that means it's probably pretty damn good like. 02:46:42.82 Adam Yeah. 02:46:42.90 Dave Ah so many of these games come out and they're mediocre and they get shut off six months later so you know. 02:46:46.76 Cory Hey to me I make a comparison to like a fan favorite especially of the steam Era team Fortress to everybody loves team fortress 2. Yeah so ages. 02:46:55.71 Dave Yeah, there's a reason it's still going. Yep. 02:47:05.37 Adam I mean I haven't played that game in probably a decade but like I played the shit out of it in college and yeah, ah that that was my platonic ideal of being able to find people who weren't sweaty and just would tolerate me just being the demo man and just being like. 02:47:06.10 Cory Mean either. So. 02:47:21.10 Adam Look I don't really care about capture points I Just want to shoot my little sticky bombs and have a good time. 02:47:21.40 Cory And then you would find like minded people like I just want to be a soldier and Rocket jump everywhere I don't care. So yeah. 02:47:27.96 Dave Yeah, just. 02:47:29.95 Adam Yeah, because stairs don't exist in this universe. That's true. That's in the law. 02:47:35.93 Cory I blew them off. I'm the demo man. Yeah. 02:47:37.40 Dave Hell yeah, all right? well. 02:47:50.00 Dave That was Titanfall 2 guys. Thank you so much for taking the time and going through this game with me. The game is a blast. This podcast has been a blast again. I can't thank you guys enough. 02:48:02.82 Cory Oh yeah, this was a lot of fun. This was a lot of fun going down memory lane. Um I might actually boot it up like later on this week there's something is that just reminded me of how much I just enjoy it um and I just enjoy being 02:48:19.83 Cory Yeah, part of the community and stuff. So. 02:48:20.93 Adam Ah, a minor thing is that this game has level select which means that I can just boot it up and just go straight to the factory level. Ah anytime I want and that's great I'm just going to do that later. 02:48:36.75 Dave Kane's gonna miss you all right? Well well that'll be the yeah Kane who that is the way to end this episode and this ah. 02:48:37.26 Adam I Think oh God I Love Kane. 02:48:51.25 Dave Half -hearted discussion of the story of this game. So once again, thank you guys for coming on. Um I appreciate you guys I appreciate everyone who listens please as the music is playing us out in this episode go down click around. Ah for. Comics and video games and podcasts from Adam Adam Cory lots of good creative work coming from the 2 of them and as always thank you for listening to the tune in next week for the next game to come out of the backlog.