Daniel Andrlik (00:00:30): Welcome to Explorers Wanted. We are a weekly Numenera actual play podcast. I will be your humble GM, Daniel Andrlik. With me today is Sampson Davis. Sampson Davis (00:00:43): Hey, I remembered to eat before we started recording. Stace Babcock (00:00:45): What? Sampson Davis (00:00:45): You're welcome. Daniel Andrlik (00:00:47): Stace Babcock. Stace Babcock (00:00:48): I remembered to eat. Sampson Davis (00:00:50): Yay. Daniel Andrlik (00:00:51): You both get XP, not for the game, but just in real life. Stace Babcock (00:00:55): Yeah, feeding yourself is tough. Sampson Davis (00:00:57): How much? Daniel Andrlik (00:00:58): Two. Sampson Davis (00:00:59): Fuck yeah. Stace Babcock (00:01:01): I'm marking that. Daniel Andrlik (00:01:03): And Alex Finn. Alex Finn (00:01:04): I'm an adult and I am laying on my futon, which I have opened up so I'm laying on my belly an adult. Sampson Davis (00:01:11): Nice. Daniel Andrlik (00:01:12): That's fair, that's the totally legit. Who remembers what happened last time? I think I'm going to pick on Stace. Stace Babcock (00:01:22): Fuck. Oh, my God. There's nothing in here. Alex Finn (00:01:26): Oh, there was trees and surgery, that's what I remember. Stace Babcock (00:01:30): Yeah, yeah. We went down to the labyrinth underneath of Doc Taraz's house, actually in the previous episode but also sort of was the beginning of this episode. We found the dead butler, Doc Taraz's dead butler down in this labyrinth, stabbed many times. The group pressed on and went into a room that had a metallic red tree that appeared to be like a regular tree, except no leaves. And ChaCha made a connection with the tree, was talking to it and trying to be friends and the tree was having none of that. Alex Finn (00:02:07): Fucking tree. Stace Babcock (00:02:09): Until ChaCha offered to feed the tree a dead body and then the tree was like, "OK, yeah, I would be down with that." So ChaCha went, got the butler's body, dropped it on the roots of the tree and the tree roots wrapped into the body and started draining it. Stace Babcock (00:02:28): Dili was opening tons of doors at this point, opened one door and there was a room that had weird spores. We weren't really into that, spores are always bad news. There was another room with a crystal in it, I think it was screaming. Was crystal screaming? Alex Finn (00:02:45): Yes, or it was at least angry. It was not happy with its current situation. Stace Babcock (00:02:50): The crystal appeared to be unhappy and then there was another room with a cylinder that seemed to be a magnet or reverse magnet. Yeah, reverse magnet, that's science. And pushed like Synth and shit against the outer wall and so the crew had to- Daniel Andrlik (00:03:11): Magnets, how they work? Stace Babcock (00:03:17): Anyway so yeah, the crew had to skirt around the edge of the room to get around to the next area, which was a room with a ruby colored arch. And Nix and ChaCha introduced Dili to the arch game, which is you play rock, paper, scissors, and the person who loses goes through. But Dili was like, "I don't want rock, paper, scissors. I'm going to walk through the arch." And he did and it removed his spleen, and so you know what occurred to me much later? That the reset Cypher could have solved a lot of this problem but anyway. Alex Finn (00:03:56): Oh, fuck. God damn it. We could've done that. Shit, fuck. Stace Babcock (00:04:05): Anyway, so we didn't use that and Nix and ChaCha dragged Dili back through the arch. Dili had the spleen in hand and Nix punched Dili unconscious and ChaCha performed open Dili surgery and put the spleen back. And since then, Dili has been hindered. Dili is hindered for a pretty long period of time. Sampson Davis (00:04:28): 14 days. Stace Babcock (00:04:31): 14 days. Oh, my God, and we don't really skip a lot of time. Sampson Davis (00:04:38): We have not had a day off. Alex Finn (00:04:39): Yeah, we are your average American worker. We don't take time off. Stace Babcock (00:04:47): The crew figures out how to get around the arch, and then we get around the arch and then at the end of the episode, we come up on this console where there's the person standing in front of it, two muscular looking members of the criminal underground and Deuces facing off. That was Deuces, two goons we assume from the Knyxos and Doc Taraz facing off near a console. And yeah, that's where we ended it. Daniel Andrlik (00:05:11): There's one other important detail about where they were. Stace Babcock (00:05:13): Fuck. Alex Finn (00:05:14): They're in front of that panel? Stace Babcock (00:05:17): Yeah, console. Alex Finn (00:05:19): Wait. Sampson Davis (00:05:19): Can I say it? I want to say it, can I say it? Alex Finn (00:05:21): Yeah. Sampson Davis (00:05:22): This is where the jade eggs are made by fucking arm things. Alex Finn (00:05:27): Oh my God. Stace Babcock (00:05:30): That's what that was. Alex Finn (00:05:31): Is this a Slurm kind of situation? Stace Babcock (00:05:34): I didn't envision that at all. I was like, "Weird that there's a bunch of egg laying tubes in here." Oh my God, I didn't put it together at all. Alex Finn (00:05:42): I thought we were in an alien situation where they were going to hatch and face hugger us. Stace Babcock (00:05:50): I was imagining like fleshy eggs. Alex Finn (00:05:52): Yeah, like in Alien. Stace Babcock (00:05:54): Yeah, shit. Daniel Andrlik (00:05:57): They're at a distance. I mean, and they're covered in slime. You just know that they're green and egg shaped and about the right size. Stace Babcock (00:06:01): I didn't put that together. Alex Finn (00:06:02): I didn't either. Stace Babcock (00:06:03): ChaCha, not ChaCha. God damn it. Alex, what else have we missed? Alex Finn (00:06:07): Oh, God. No, like the implications now that they're addictive. This is Slurm all over again. Are the jade eggs her powers? That she makes with the batteries. Now I- Sampson Davis (00:06:24): There's a Voidstorm in all of us. Stace Babcock (00:06:26): Oh, God, that's amazing. God damn it. I'm just now thinking of the implications of the energy she could be harnessing. Is this a new side quest type deal? Alex Finn (00:06:43): What if the eggs transfer energy from their victims? Because we know Doc Taraz is into that. Stace Babcock (00:06:51): Yeah. Sampson Davis (00:06:51): Oh, shit. Well, we should ask those questions after we deal with Deuces. Alex Finn (00:06:57): Oh, my God. Daniel Andrlik (00:06:59): Yeah, so you guys are in egg central and there is Doc Taraz, who does not look particularly happy, and Deuces and two goons around her. And she is currently tapping on the panel and you hear Deuces say, "You're stalling." Sampson Davis (00:07:23): If they haven't noticed, Dili's going to throw up a quick illusion of an empty doorway. Stace Babcock (00:07:27): Throw out that wall you've been saving. Alex Finn (00:07:30): Crush them with the wall. Sampson Davis (00:07:32): It's made of hard light and I don't want to rely on the possibility that this cube is just going to be two pounds. Daniel Andrlik (00:07:39): That is what a cube of photons usually weighs, yeah. Sampson Davis (00:07:42): Always two pounds. Alex Finn (00:07:43): Somebody math this up, what would this weigh? But it would be solid so it's like getting hit with a beach ball, a giant beach ball. So it could still hurt, could still break a nose with force. Sampson Davis (00:07:57): If I get it with a corner edge, maybe but I don't know if it's going to work. Unless Nix fucking chucks it, that could be fun. Alex Finn (00:08:06): Large projectile weapons. Sampson Davis (00:08:08): Chucks just a big old block of hard light. Alex Finn (00:08:12): Or she could kick it real hard, like Sparta kick it at them. Stace Babcock (00:08:17): How big is this room Daniel, that they're in? Daniel Andrlik (00:08:19): It's actually a fairly large room. I would say it's a long distance across because there's the egg section, which is where you guys came in. There's a walkway and on either side there are these piles of slime covered eggs that are being laid there. Since we're talking about what the room looks like, you also noticed that there are near one of the slime piles, a simple wicker basket with a towel in it. And then that walkway goes for a short distance forward before the room opens up and starts going into this almost control room vibe but there's not walls or anything like that. It's just you reach the edge of where all these eggs are being laid in this depression zone, like a physical depression, not the fact that people are depressed and laying jade eggs. Stace Babcock (00:09:15): I would say I've been to the depressions and that's not what it looks like. Alex Finn (00:09:18): There are no jade eggs in my depression zone. Sampson Davis (00:09:21): Only jaded people. Daniel Andrlik (00:09:22): Depends on how much disposable income you have. Alex Finn (00:09:22): The listeners are going to stab us. Stace Babcock (00:09:34): Yo, we could disguise ourselves and get close, figure out what's going on. Sampson Davis (00:09:40): Disguise ourselves as what? Alex Finn (00:09:41): Large eggs? Stace Babcock (00:09:42): I don't know man, Minos. Alex Finn (00:09:44): Wait what? Sampson Davis (00:09:44): I don't have the raw charisma for that one. Stace Babcock (00:09:48): Oh, all right Dili, that's okay. I just thought if we were like their boss. First of all guys like whose side are we on? Are we pro Doc Taraz? Are we...? Alex Finn (00:09:57): I mean I think we could kill her and not feel bad about it the next day. Stace Babcock (00:10:01): That's good to know ChaCha. Yeah, good temperature check. Daniel Andrlik (00:10:05): Are you guys trying to be stealthy is you're having this conversation with each other, illusion or no? Alex Finn (00:10:10): Yes. Sampson Davis (00:10:10): Yes, God yes. Stace Babcock (00:10:11): Yes. Sampson Davis (00:10:12): Again Dili threw up an illusion of an empty doorway. Daniel Andrlik (00:10:15): Okay, and how exactly is that going to help up the sound of your voices? Sampson Davis (00:10:20): I assumed we were being quiet and whispery and we're just using stage whispers Daniel Andrlik (00:10:24): Okay, well then you guys can all give me stealth checks. Sampson Davis (00:10:26): Oh, shit. Daniel Andrlik (00:10:28): It will be an 18. Dili's trained. Sampson Davis (00:10:30): But I'm also hindered by two steps. Daniel Andrlik (00:10:34): Oh right, yeah. That's rough. So right now it's at- Stace Babcock (00:10:37): 17. Daniel Andrlik (00:10:38): ... 21 for you. Alex Finn (00:10:39): Oh, I got 17 as well, twinsies. Also, side note... Daniel Andrlik (00:10:43): But neither of you guys are trained? Alex Finn (00:10:45): No, why would ChaCha be trained in stealth? Stace Babcock (00:10:46): No. Alex Finn (00:10:48): Side question, what kind of roll would it be to check if the egg goo is flammable? Daniel Andrlik (00:10:55): It's probably going to be some nature check me, trying to tell something's flammable just by seeing it is going to be difficult, so probably a 15. This is definitely with a slime is not a chemical you've ever encountered before. Alex Finn (00:11:11): But adding in pyromaniac it would be a 12. Daniel Andrlik (00:11:14): Yeah, I'd give that to you. Alex Finn (00:11:16): I don't think I have anything else. Just going to roll it straight because that makes it way better because I feel like we're going to need our pools for some reason, some weird reason. Sampson Davis (00:11:27): We definitely are. Dan, I rolled a one on my stealth check. Alex Finn (00:11:30): Hey, Daniel...? Sampson Davis (00:11:31): Just want to take any other organs. Daniel Andrlik (00:11:34): So we need to resolve that before ChaCha's roll. Alex Finn (00:11:39): Because I got a one too on flammability. Sampson Davis (00:11:41): Oh my God. Stace Babcock (00:11:42): This was a really nice podcast. Alex Finn (00:11:43): It was so great knowing these characters. Daniel Andrlik (00:11:49): So it's definitely flammable, you think you could easily do a controlled burn. Stace Babcock (00:11:53): Oh, this is going to be brilliant. Daniel Andrlik (00:11:56): Dili, as you were talking, you suddenly start hiccuping and it is a very surprisingly high pitched squeaky hiccup. And Deuces turns his head and says, "I hear something." And the goons look at him and Deuces closes his eyes for a moment and he says, "Three heartbeats." Alex Finn (00:12:18): Jesus. Sampson Davis (00:12:18): Oh, fuck. Alex Finn (00:12:22): Also, thank you for proving ChaCha has a heart. Daniel Andrlik (00:12:25): "One's fast as a little rabbit. Dili, is that you out there?" Stace Babcock (00:12:30): Maintenance disguises Dili, maintenance disguises. Sampson Davis (00:12:32): I disguise us as fucking janitors. No, sewer maintenance peoples. Alex Finn (00:12:41): But we are already in that disguise aren't we? Oh wait, he passed out. Sampson Davis (00:12:44): Yeah I was in surgery. Stace Babcock (00:12:46): Yeah, surgery. Alex Finn (00:12:48): God, ChaCha's all covered with blood. Daniel Andrlik (00:12:49): So you are in your disguises but you still have this illusion of an empty door in front of you? Sampson Davis (00:12:56): Correct. Daniel Andrlik (00:12:57): Deuces turns to the other goons just like, "He likes to play tricks with the light." and he looks at Doc Taraz, and she's just stopped what she's doing, she's looked up. She might even perked up at the sound of Dili. And then Deuces says, "I didn't tell you you could stop working." Alex Finn (00:13:14): Just ChaCha start the fire. Daniel Andrlik (00:13:16): Yes. Alex Finn (00:13:18): ChaCha's starting that fire. Do, do, do. Daniel Andrlik (00:13:22): Okay, you start that fire. Can all three of you please... Stace Babcock (00:13:25): No. Alex Finn (00:13:25): Yes. Yes, yes. Daniel Andrlik (00:13:30): Make a might defense roll of 18 as this slime and eggs erupts in a fiery conflagration. Stace Babcock (00:13:41): I got a seven. Alex Finn (00:13:42): Can I use like pyromaniac on this? Sampson Davis (00:13:45): I also got a seven. Daniel Andrlik (00:13:47): No. Alex Finn (00:13:48): Oh, come on. You'd think she'd be good at dodging fire as a pyromaniac. Daniel Andrlik (00:13:52): Oh, this is not fire you can dodge. This fire that you're trying to resist the physical pain of being hit with. Stace Babcock (00:13:58): Fire pouring into the hallway. Daniel Andrlik (00:13:59): There's no dodging this fire. Alex Finn (00:14:01): Fine, I'm going to put a level of effort into it just because I feel fancy. Okay, Math, math, math. Math, math, math, math. Sorry, I'm mentally math. I'm not even drinking. Stace Babcock (00:14:15): That's your problem. Alex Finn (00:14:15): Yeah. Hire me as an accountant as I can math so good. Alex Finn (00:14:20): OK, I got it. Okay, and roll. I got 16. Daniel Andrlik (00:14:26): Okay. ChaCha, I don't know, maybe you could pull yourself up into a little ball and you let your clown costume take the majority of it. Alex Finn (00:14:36): I mean it's clearly flame retardant like all kids clothing. Daniel Andrlik (00:14:39): Yeah, it does burn even with that. You can feel the burning on fire on your back and you guys can see the bit of the costume melting there. ChaCha will take three might damage. Nix and Dili, Dili you failed your role as well didn't you? Sampson Davis (00:14:55): Oh yeah. Oh my God, yes. Daniel Andrlik (00:14:57): It's eight might damage. Alex Finn (00:14:58): Good thing I did that level of effort. Stace Babcock (00:15:01): God damn. Does armor help with fire? Daniel Andrlik (00:15:04): No. Well, okay fine. You can halve it. Alex Finn (00:15:12): You're being nice today. Daniel Andrlik (00:15:14): Only seven might damage for you. Alex Finn (00:15:15): We should have bought armor, that's what we should have bought. Daniel Andrlik (00:15:20): The flames also barrel out in both directions of this. One goes out the door, one shoots forward, past Dili's illusion and Deuces says, "That's what I told you." Because they can see the fire burst out but then it just looks like an empty illusion. And there's a long pause, and Deuces says, "How that work out for you Dili?" Sampson Davis (00:15:45): I don't know how to fake a hiccup, I don't know how to do that. Stace Babcock (00:15:52): You're trying. Sampson Davis (00:15:53): I can do a clown squeak. Stace Babcock (00:15:58): Yeah, you're going to give yourself the hiccups. Alex Finn (00:15:58): Mine are just like a weird squeak. It's like a squeak. That's how I hiccup, it's a weird squeak but most noises I make are squeaks. Sampson Davis (00:16:06): I don't squeak though, I just stop and I'll do my best for the listeners. Alex Finn (00:16:13): Just go see your child and record that Daniel. It's fine. Stace Babcock (00:16:15): So Nix pulls out her firewall Cypher. Sampson Davis (00:16:22): Oh, all right. Daniel Andrlik (00:16:25): Here's a question for Dili, is this a one way solution or not? Sampson Davis (00:16:30): I think Dili would always default to a one way. Daniel Andrlik (00:16:34): OK, in that case, you'll need to make a rule. Alex Finn (00:16:35): Uh oh. Sampson Davis (00:16:35): Oh, all right. Daniel Andrlik (00:16:38): So it's a 12, you have a free level of effort and you're trained in your solution so it's a six. Sampson Davis (00:16:43): Natural 20. Alex Finn (00:16:45): Fuck yes, that's the best illusion that he'll ever do. Daniel Andrlik (00:16:46): Okay, so it is definitely a one way illusion. What would you propose as a major effect for that natural 20? Sampson Davis (00:16:52): Oh, for a major effect, they're going to think that Nix throws out is a part of the illusion. Daniel Andrlik (00:16:57): Oh, I love that. That's good shit. So Nix, you're throwing out your fireball Cypher, is that what's happening? Stace Babcock (00:17:06): Yeah, but she definitely wants to get more the Knyxos, less Doc Taraz, if that's at all possible. Daniel Andrlik (00:17:11): You could probably get the two goons without getting Doc Taraz but you wouldn't it be able to get Deuce's without getting Doc Taraz? Sampson Davis (00:17:18): She'll be fine. She's a doctor, she can take care of it. Daniel Andrlik (00:17:21): Because armor helps with fire so there's trade offs. Stace Babcock (00:17:27): Yeah, Nix wants to get Deuces so whatever. Nix will try to place so she gets Deuces and the goons and, sorry, Doc. Daniel Andrlik (00:17:35): Okay, so this is not going to require much accuracy then. They're a short distance away from you so it is probably going to be six and then you trained in not unarmed but medium ranged. Stace Babcock (00:17:52): Is it sling sized? Daniel Andrlik (00:17:54): I give that to you for this, it's roughly sling size, you could use your sling to even throw throw it. That makes it a three for you to get it to where you want. Stace Babcock (00:18:00): 12. Daniel Andrlik (00:18:00): OK, so it lands where you expect. Refresh my memory, what level is that Cypher? Stace Babcock (00:18:09): Six. Daniel Andrlik (00:18:10): Okay. Sampson Davis (00:18:11): One of them was crazy overpowered. Alex Finn (00:18:14): I think it was the fireball one that was crazy over power. Stace Babcock (00:18:16): Yeah, I thought it was six and then it does eight damage. Alex Finn (00:18:18): Yeah, mine's a level three, the poison detonator. Sampson Davis (00:18:21): Yeah, yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:18:23): Okay, so they all scream and take eight damage. Deuces has looked happier with you in the past. Alex Finn (00:18:31): Oh, God. Stace Babcock (00:18:33): Well, Nix is still disguised, is she not? As a maintenance worker. Daniel Andrlik (00:18:37): Well, he's just glaring at the empty door because he didn't have a chance to prepare himself at all because Dili's illusion had tricked him into thinking that this thing you were throwing was an illusion as well. Now we're going to have to roll initiative folks. Stace Babcock (00:18:52): Yes. Alex Finn (00:18:52): 15. Stace Babcock (00:18:57): 10. Sampson Davis (00:18:57): 14. Alex Finn (00:18:58): Oh my. Daniel Andrlik (00:19:01): Very nice. Well, folks, problem is that Deuces has the best initiative of this crew. And he's very fast and he runs right through your illusion and he looks for the first person that you can see, which is of course Nix. And he swings his hand at Nix. Nix please make an 18 speed defense roll. Stace Babcock (00:19:31): Jesus. Well for me, are I to bother? Yeah, I'll bother with a level of effort. Daniel Andrlik (00:19:37): Nice. Stace Babcock (00:19:39): Six. Daniel Andrlik (00:19:40): You'll take seven might damage from his hand. He hits you with an open blade of his hand right in a nerve cluster. Alex Finn (00:19:51): Oh, he's mean. Daniel Andrlik (00:19:54): Next up would be ChaCha. Okay, so Doc Taraz and the two Knyxos goons are a short distance away from you beyond the illusion. Deuces is right here in immediate range and has just struck Nix very hard. Alex Finn (00:20:11): I think, knowing that Dili has recently had to open Dili surgery, ChaCha will not opt to leave the illusion and leave Nix with only a severely hindered Dili. She will... I'm trying to think if blunt force trauma is better than shooting him point blank? Stace Babcock (00:20:32): Well, if he's wearing armor, a dart throw doesn't do much. Alex Finn (00:20:36): OK, blunt force trauma from the Ace's leg. Daniel Andrlik (00:20:40): Although her pew pew gun ignores armor. Stace Babcock (00:20:41): Oh, pew pew gun. Alex Finn (00:20:42): Oh, yeah. Stace Babcock (00:20:44): Oh, pew pew gun. How did I forget about pew pew gun? Alex Finn (00:20:45): I know, it's the best present Nix ever gave ChaCha. I guess pew pew him, can she like stand behind him and try and do point blank range with pew pew. Daniel Andrlik (00:20:54): Okay, so normally it's an 18, because you're point blank range and as a group could be flanking him essentially, that would bring it down to a 12. Alex Finn (00:21:07): Nat 20, bitches. Daniel Andrlik (00:21:11): Extra damage or major effect? Alex Finn (00:21:13): Oh definitely extra damage. I wonder if he has any synthetic limbs we could harvest and then we could build Dili's son a new robot body. Daniel Andrlik (00:21:22): Deuces makes a pained grunt as your laser blasts through part of his body. Please roll depletion for me. Alex Finn (00:21:31): Watch, this is the time I roll a nat one and it dies. No, 19. Daniel Andrlik (00:21:35): Okay, so your pew pew gun is still online. Next up is Knyxos goons. Alex Finn (00:21:43): They got a 15? Daniel Andrlik (00:21:45): Yeah, the Knyxos are not low level bad guys. The one Knyxos goon comes running and can get past the plane of the illusion but it's not as fast as Deuces so he can't do anything after that. The other one positions himself to keep Doc Taraz working. And Doc Taraz has her turn and you see this strange glow in her body, a dark green glow. Alex Finn (00:22:18): Oh, no. Stace Babcock (00:22:18): Oh my God. Daniel Andrlik (00:22:24): And she sends a blast of this at the Knyxos goon. Stace, roll a die, tell me if you're even or odd. Stace Babcock (00:22:32): Odd. Daniel Andrlik (00:22:33): Okay, so she hits this guard and he shouts as he's like pushed me backwards a few feet by this blast of energy and now it is Dili's turn. Sampson Davis (00:22:45): All right, Dili drops the disguise illusion because that's not doing anything. I mean, physically plane illusion, the one that's hiding the door. Anyway, he drops that and throws up a black ball around Deuces' head with loud thrumming drum sounds. Daniel Andrlik (00:23:02): Oh, I love that. Alex Finn (00:23:05): Turns out Deuces is into death metal. Daniel Andrlik (00:23:08): Deuces is secretly Finnish, he's super into it all. Stace Babcock (00:23:11): I'm sure. Daniel Andrlik (00:23:12): Next up is Nix. Stace Babcock (00:23:15): Nix would like to throw her jar of acid in Deuces' face. Daniel Andrlik (00:23:22): Oh, your venom that you've been collecting? Stace Babcock (00:23:24): Yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:23:25): Okay, so he is currently hindered by two steps because of Dili's illusion because it's doing sight and sound so it is going to be a 12 to get him. Stace Babcock (00:23:39): Oh, Dili's already got sight going on. Sampson Davis (00:23:42): Yeah. Black ball with loud thrums so it's kind of like the- Alex Finn (00:23:45): But then there's going to be acid in it, it's jiggly acid in his face. Sampson Davis (00:23:50): Yeah, I'm not doing damage. I'm just blinding him to it. Alex Finn (00:23:54): Do it, do it. Stace Babcock (00:23:54): No, if he's hindered two steps Nix is going to try and bite him actually. Daniel Andrlik (00:24:01): Okay, so if he's hindered two steps. So because you're injured if he's not injured, so that ends up being a 15. Stace Babcock (00:24:12): Yeah. And Nix will spend two levels of effort. Daniel Andrlik (00:24:17): So, that makes it a nine. Stace Babcock (00:24:18): Is an armed attack, 13. Daniel Andrlik (00:24:21): OK, so you get in with your bite, he will take seven damage. Oh, that's right, because it's about an armed attack for you so he'll take seven damage from that bite and he is hindered even more. Sampson Davis (00:24:35): Hell yes. Stace Babcock (00:24:37): Nix makes eye contact with the Knyxos goon behind him as she unleashes her fangs and bites down. Alex Finn (00:24:43): A mental attack, it's fine. Daniel Andrlik (00:24:46): Okay, it is now Deuces' turn. Alex Finn (00:24:51): Angry. Daniel Andrlik (00:24:52): You have just bitten him, he is going to attempt to go after the direction that you can see if he gets you, he hindered now by three steps so this makes it a nine and then you have two levels of speed defense so that's a three for you to dodge. Stace Babcock (00:25:12): Wow. Sampson Davis (00:25:13): Fuck you Deuces. Stace Babcock (00:25:14): Seven. Alex Finn (00:25:15): Dili, how does it feel to have almost all your enemies die? Sampson Davis (00:25:19): It feels nice. Daniel Andrlik (00:25:24): The ones that Dili actually knows about, Samson gave me a list and you haven't met them all. Sampson Davis (00:25:28): I did. Very excited for one of them. Daniel Andrlik (00:25:35): You dodge his strike easily because he can't really see you. It is a little disconcerting how close he comes not being able to see or hear about though. Daniel Andrlik (00:25:45): Next up would be ChaCha. There is in intermediate range you have Deuces, you have Knyxos goon who just showed up and then a short distance away you have Doc Taraz and the other Knyxos goon. Alex Finn (00:26:01): What kind of roll would it be to just slit open Deuces' stomach? Sampson Davis (00:26:07): Shit. Daniel Andrlik (00:26:08): You could try that, I'm guessing you're using a dagger for that. Alex Finn (00:26:12): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Daniel Andrlik (00:26:14): OK, so he hindered by three steps. Dagger's a light weapon so that's a six to hit him with your dagger and it's might if you want to spend effort. Alex Finn (00:26:24): I'm trying to decide if it's be worth going after him or if we should start with the new guy. Daniel Andrlik (00:26:29): Don't know what to tell you. Stace Babcock (00:26:30): We should focus fire. Alex Finn (00:26:33): Yes, okay. Focus fire, we are going to try and pull Jima on Deuces. Daniel Andrlik (00:26:39): Okay. Alex Finn (00:26:40): 18. Daniel Andrlik (00:26:41): Okay, so that'll be plus two damage. Alex Finn (00:26:44): She is trying to gut him. Daniel Andrlik (00:26:46): He takes four damage from that. Yeah, you don't quite cut deep enough for that but you definitely get him in the side Alex Finn (00:26:54): Even with her surgery skills? Daniel Andrlik (00:26:56): Yeah. Alex Finn (00:26:57): Damn. Sampson Davis (00:26:58): I imagine a Deuces' abdomen is bit sturdier than Dili's. Alex Finn (00:27:03): True, he's got them abs. Daniel Andrlik (00:27:06): Yeah, and also just mechanically it's not easy for you guys to go for the... Alex Finn (00:27:12): Amazing shit kill? Daniel Andrlik (00:27:16): So next up is Knyxos goon and I'm going to get range and he is going to pull out a short sword and slash at Nix. Stace Babcock (00:27:29): Seems rude. Daniel Andrlik (00:27:31): This will be a 15 speed defense, so for you it is a nine. Stace Babcock (00:27:35): For me it is a nine, so two. Daniel Andrlik (00:27:39): That is a GM intrusion since you are a confident life. Sampson Davis (00:27:42): Oh shit. Stace Babcock (00:27:42): We are doing amazing you guys. Daniel Andrlik (00:27:44): Okay, so he will slash low at you, you try to dodge and he slices along the back of your knee and that your left leg completely goes out from under you. He has severed some sort of tendon. Sampson Davis (00:28:01): No. Stace Babcock (00:28:01): Good God. Alex Finn (00:28:02): They don't fuck around apparently. Daniel Andrlik (00:28:05): Other guy is going to attempt to attack Doc Taraz, he manages to hit Doc Taraz and she falls backwards against the console. He hits her right across the face. She starts glowing with green energy and Sampson roll a die, tell them if you get even or odd. Sampson Davis (00:28:26): Even. Daniel Andrlik (00:28:27): OK, so she manages to still hit this guy and knock him back a bit. And then it is Dili's turn. Sampson Davis (00:28:35): Dili is going to slash with his Jima dagger at unnamed thug that just attacked Nix. Daniel Andrlik (00:28:42): Okay, so that will be a dagger is eased so going to be a 12 to hit. Sampson Davis (00:28:48): I'm still with the surgery hindrance, that's 18. Daniel Andrlik (00:28:54): I literally cannot spend that might right now so I'll just roll it. Nope, six. Stace Babcock (00:28:58): Damn. Daniel Andrlik (00:29:00): Yeah, you miss him. You swing at him and you feel like a twinge in your side. There's no further injury but it's like your body warning you that there's a problem with this approach. Then it goes to Nix Stace Babcock (00:29:10): Yeah, so since that Nix low to the ground, Nix is going to punch straight up. Daniel Andrlik (00:29:17): At? Stace Babcock (00:29:18): Deuces. Daniel Andrlik (00:29:19): Okay, so making an armed attack against Deuces. Stace Babcock (00:29:23): Yeah, I'm going to punch him in the nuts. Daniel Andrlik (00:29:25): Okay, so Deuce's is hindered by three steps. You are hindered by two steps. Stace Babcock (00:29:32): Why is Nix hindered by two? Daniel Andrlik (00:29:34): Because one of your legs is not working at all and you still have to control the force of your hit. Stace Babcock (00:29:41): What's the first hindrance from? Daniel Andrlik (00:29:43): No, losing a leg is a hindrance of two steps. Stace Babcock (00:29:46): Oh, sweet. Gotcha. No, I like that. It's a good rule. Daniel Andrlik (00:29:51): It'll be a 15 to hit. You're trained in unarmed attacks. So it's a 12. Stace Babcock (00:29:59): I might spend a might effort, one might effort. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:02): Okay. Stace Babcock (00:30:03): 14. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:04): I told you how much damage you got from the leg, right? Stace Babcock (00:30:06): No. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:06): That would have been four might damage, after your armor. Stace Babcock (00:30:06): Okay, I'm going to... Oh, I got a 14. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:15): Okay, so you hit, right? Stace Babcock (00:30:17): I think so. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:18): Yeah, because you spent effort right? Stace Babcock (00:30:19): Yes. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:21): Okay, so you hit Deuces and I think it's for seven, is what your default unarmed attack is? He does not like that, he looks in bad shape. Alex Finn (00:30:28): Yay. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:29): You can't see his face but you would assume it's not feeling good. Stace Babcock (00:30:32): He's just not happy. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:34): Next up is Deuces. He is going to send a kick in the direction of where he was just hit from, so he is hindered by three steps, you are hindered by two steps so it's a 15 speed defense roll which makes it a nine for you. Stace Babcock (00:30:54): 19. Alex Finn (00:30:55): Nice. Daniel Andrlik (00:30:56): Okay, so you manage to dodge his strike and I would entertain a minor effect. Stace Babcock (00:31:01): Would Nix being able to grab his ankle be a minor effect? Like full hug his leg? Daniel Andrlik (00:31:06): Hugging his leg would be fine. Yeah, you could do that. Nix is holding on to Deuces' leg. Okay, next up it goes to ChaCha. Alex Finn (00:31:18): Okay, so I feel like we are at the point of no longer can we focus fire because Nix got hurt and that's not a... Fine, fine, we'll do what Nix wants to do. And ChaCha will try and stab Deuces in the neck. Daniel Andrlik (00:31:34): Okay, so Deuces is hindered by... Alex Finn (00:31:38): A lot. Daniel Andrlik (00:31:39): ... three steps. That's a nine, a knife is eased so it is a six. Alex Finn (00:31:46): Do I get an asset from Nix holding him? Daniel Andrlik (00:31:49): You would, so it's a three. Alex Finn (00:31:52): I don't believe you app, I'm re-rolling that. It was a nat 20 and I don't think that... Nine. Daniel Andrlik (00:31:57): Nine, okay so you hit Deuces. What does it look like when you kill Deuces with your dagger to his throat? Alex Finn (00:32:04): I think ChaCha rudely does a parkour off of Nix's head to get that nice little bending angle. You know in action movies when they're about to stab something from the air, and she just does that off of Nix's head and just rams it right into the side of his neck and you hear a little bit of gurgling. He gurgles. Daniel Andrlik (00:32:31): Okay, and I would say as an additional thing. As Dili is hiccuping, Deuces' arterial spray goes straight into his mouth. Sampson Davis (00:32:40): Oh, god. Alex Finn (00:32:42): Oh, man. Stace Babcock (00:32:43): Oh, man. Alex Finn (00:32:43): That's amazing. Stace Babcock (00:32:44): That's not OSHA. Alex Finn (00:32:47): That's amazing though. Daniel Andrlik (00:32:49): Yeah, so Deuces falls to the ground. Another Knyxos guy takes another swing at Nix. Nix you are hindered by two steps so this is going to be a 21 speed defense, you have two levels of speed defense so that brings it back down to a 15. Stace Babcock (00:33:06): One, roll with effort. Alex Finn (00:33:09): Oh, I though you said you got a one and I'm like, "No." Sampson Davis (00:33:11): I was very worried. Daniel Andrlik (00:33:14): Is this a 12. Stace Babcock (00:33:14): 17. Alex Finn (00:33:14): Oh, thank God. Daniel Andrlik (00:33:18): Okay, so you manage to just barely dodge as this blade comes down next to you. It's close, you have a feeling that that blow, he was putting some weight into it. It was going to be nasty. So, next up is other Knyxos guy. He is also going to swing at Doc Taraz again, he is going to hit Doc Taraz. Doc Taraz is not looking particularly great, she is going to start glowing with green energy and Alex roll a die and tell me if it's even or odd. Alex Finn (00:33:50): Do, do, do, do. Odd. Daniel Andrlik (00:33:53): She misses. Alex Finn (00:33:54): Oh, no. Daniel Andrlik (00:33:55): She's apparently too discombobulated, he blast goes off to the side and hits a part of the wall which just lights up in response to the blast and then it goes back to Nix. You have a dead Deuces in front of you, you have this other dude who just swung at you who's done the most damage to you so far actually. Stace Babcock (00:34:16): Nix is going to throw acid in his face. Alex Finn (00:34:18): Yeah. Stace Babcock (00:34:19): Venom, whatever. Sampson Davis (00:34:20): Quick question, don't I go after the thugs? Stace Babcock (00:34:22): Oh. Daniel Andrlik (00:34:25): You do, you do, sorry. You go before Nix. Sampson Davis (00:34:28): Dili spits a little bit and then shifts the black light ball to the thug. Daniel Andrlik (00:34:34): Okay, cool. Okay, so Nix, this thug is hindered by two steps which brings it down to a nine. You are hindered by two steps which brings it up to a 15. Stace Babcock (00:34:46): Yeah, Nix is still trying to splash him. Oh, so that's a 15. Do I want to spend any, no I don't want to spend any. Three. Daniel Andrlik (00:34:57): Okay, so you try to splash this acid at him and as you do it's like for a moment you forgot that you're leg wasn't there and you slip a little bit and so the acid goes quite wild and misses him completely and lands on the ground. Some of it spatters off and lands of one of the last bits of slime left on one of the eggs and starts sizzling. Stace Babcock (00:35:22): Damn it. Daniel Andrlik (00:35:23): And then you notice another flame starting to start and spark amongst the egg. So, meanwhile the egg laying devices have gone back to work, producing more eggs and more slime. Stace Babcock (00:35:37): Oh, no. Daniel Andrlik (00:35:38): Go ahead ChaCha. Alex Finn (00:35:39): How did we leave that conversation about Doc Taraz? Sampson Davis (00:35:43): Ambiguous, she seems to be on our side. Stace Babcock (00:35:45): Yeah, she's enemy of my enemy right now. Alex Finn (00:35:49): I guess ChaCha's going to shoot at the Knyxos guy attacking Doc Taraz. Daniel Andrlik (00:35:56): Okay, using your pew pew gun I assume? Alex Finn (00:35:58): Yes, only pew pews. Daniel Andrlik (00:36:01): So, that makes it a 12 to hit him. Alex Finn (00:36:06): 19. Daniel Andrlik (00:36:07): Extra damage or minor effect? Alex Finn (00:36:09): Extra damage because I can't think of a minor effect. Daniel Andrlik (00:36:11): Okay, he looks in really bad shape as this blast goes through him. Alex Finn (00:36:16): Oh, good, then we don't have to worry about him anymore. Daniel Andrlik (00:36:19): And then next up is Knyxos guy, the only person who he has any frame of reference for is Nix so he's going to swing his sword in the general direction of Nix. He's hindered by two steps, Nix is hindered by two steps so it's a 15 speed defense. Nix has two assets automatically from her training to it's a nine for Nix to dodge this sword. Stace Babcock (00:36:38): 11. Alex Finn (00:36:38): Yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:36:39): You dodge this sword, way to go. The one over by Doc Taraz is very unhappy and he turns and throws something from a pouch at his side in your guy's general direction. Can everybody make a might defense roll of 12. Alex Finn (00:37:01): Would running help as a skill? Daniel Andrlik (00:37:04): Mm-mm (negative) Stace Babcock (00:37:04): 10. Sampson Davis (00:37:07): Also 10. Alex Finn (00:37:07): 16. Daniel Andrlik (00:37:09): Okay, so everybody but ChaCha will take five might damage as an electrical burst comes out from this device. Stace Babcock (00:37:20): Holy shit, Nix is impaired. Sampson Davis (00:37:21): So it Dili. Alex Finn (00:37:22): Twinsies. Stace Babcock (00:37:23): Nix is impaired. Sampson Davis (00:37:25): And is Dili. Stace Babcock (00:37:26): Nix and Dili are impaired. Daniel Andrlik (00:37:28): Good times, good times. Okay, so next up is Doc Taraz. She starts charging her blast again. Stace roll a die, tell if you get even or odd. Stace Babcock (00:37:39): Even. Daniel Andrlik (00:37:40): She misses him. Next up is Dili. Both of Knyxos goons look in very bad shape. Doc Taraz is not looking good but she's not in bad shape and your friends, except for ChaCha, are not looking great. Alex Finn (00:37:54): I mean ChaCha's looking- Daniel Andrlik (00:37:55): By which I mean Nix. Nix is not looking good. Stace Babcock (00:37:58): Nix gives Dili a thumbs up, half slumped over on the ground. Sampson Davis (00:38:03): Dili gives one back, also almost slumped over on the ground. I don't think I can do anything so I... Daniel Andrlik (00:38:12): Have you learned nothing from Jima? Alex Finn (00:38:15): Go in for the kill. Sampson Davis (00:38:16): I'm fresh off surgery so... Daniel Andrlik (00:38:19): Okay, I was just mentioning it. Stace Babcock (00:38:22): Do you have any Cyphers? Sampson Davis (00:38:23): No, that would really help here. I think Dili is just going to go for another dagger attack on the one that's nearby. Daniel Andrlik (00:38:31): Okay, so you're hindered by three steps I believe. Sampson Davis (00:38:36): Two from surgery unless impaired gives me another one. Daniel Andrlik (00:38:39): No, you don't get impaired until the next level down. Sampson Davis (00:38:43): What? Daniel Andrlik (00:38:44): Debilitated. Sampson Davis (00:38:45): Debilitated, okay. Daniel Andrlik (00:38:47): Impaired just means effort costs you more. Sampson Davis (00:38:49): Right, okay. Got you. Daniel Andrlik (00:38:52): Okay, so you are hindered by two steps, your dagger eases it. He's hindered by two steps so that's a six to hit. Sampson Davis (00:38:59): All right, so that's four. Alex Finn (00:38:59): Yeah. Stace Babcock (00:39:03): Oh my God. Sampson Davis (00:39:04): Got him. Daniel Andrlik (00:39:05): So Dili you swing out and you just totally miss this guy. This guy is totally confused, it is not his skill at all. Dili just flat out misses. Okay, so then it's Nix's turn. Stace Babcock (00:39:20): Nix is going to attack, going to try to punch. Daniel Andrlik (00:39:26): The guy that's right in front of you I assume? Stace Babcock (00:39:28): Actually Nix is going to try and roll herself in his ankles, knock him over. Daniel Andrlik (00:39:32): Oh, as opposed on something that's focused on damage? Stace Babcock (00:39:36): Yeah, I'm trying to be realistic. Nix ain't go a good leg so unless he's right up on her, I don't... Daniel Andrlik (00:39:42): He's right there, I mean he's swinging at you and you've just been barely dodging out. Stace Babcock (00:39:47): Yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:39:48): I mean you can do whatever you want, I'm just trying to get clarity to what approach you're taking. I guess, are you trying to hurt or are you trying to do something that's going to create an advantage for somebody else? Stace Babcock (00:39:58): Create an advantage. Daniel Andrlik (00:39:59): Okay, so that will be might. Stace Babcock (00:40:05): Oh, eight. Daniel Andrlik (00:40:05): Okay, so you try to do that but you can't get enough leverage. You're trying to do it but you slump lazily against his shins. Although I will say this, Nix when you slump lazily against your shins you have this weird moment that you know it's physically impossible but a part of you is just thinking it would feel so good to just wrap myself around him several times and squeeze. Stace Babcock (00:40:31): Oh. Daniel Andrlik (00:40:36): Anyway, back to ChaCha. Alex Finn (00:40:38): I guess shoot that guy, who threw the thing. Shoot the other guy. Daniel Andrlik (00:40:43): Okay, that'll be a 12. Alex Finn (00:40:43): 11. Daniel Andrlik (00:40:43): So yeah, the blast goes wild and hits off against the wall back some. Next up is the guy in front of Nix. Because he can feel Nix, by his shins, he's just going to try and bring his sword straight down so he's hindered by two steps, which brings it down to... Doing all the math for you. Brings it down to a nine, you're hindered by two steps which brings it back up to a 15. He's just having to aim straight down, which brings it up to an 18 and then you have two things of speed defense which brings it down to a 12. Stace Babcock (00:41:19): 16. Daniel Andrlik (00:41:20): Okay, you manage to dodge. Stace Babcock (00:41:23): Nix doesn't dodge, she just slumps a little further. Daniel Andrlik (00:41:27): He was expecting you to be coming up into an attack position but Nix didn't have the strength to do that and so he misses and hits the ground. Next up is the one over by Doc Taraz. He is going to pull out a gun and shoot at ChaCha. Alex Finn (00:41:42): [Foreign Language 00:41:42]. Daniel Andrlik (00:41:42): ChaCha, honestly the gun looks very similar to your pew pew gun. Alex Finn (00:41:49): Dili, we can get you a pew pew gun. Sampson Davis (00:41:51): I could go for a pew pew gun. Daniel Andrlik (00:41:53): It is going to be a 12 speed defense roll. Alex Finn (00:41:58): Okay, so I do have speed. Cool. Daniel Andrlik (00:42:00): Wait, wait. It's actually an 18 because he's getting an advantage from his weapon. Alex Finn (00:42:08): I'm going to use two levels of effort. Daniel Andrlik (00:42:11): Okay, so that brings it down to a 12. Alex Finn (00:42:13): Nat 20, finally. Daniel Andrlik (00:42:16): Okay, so you manage to dodge this blast. What would you pose as a major effect? Alex Finn (00:42:20): I don't want his pew pew gun to break because we need that. Oh, it hits that other guy. Sampson Davis (00:42:26): Yes. Daniel Andrlik (00:42:27): Nice, so it hits that other guy. I like that. It blasts and you don't see what happens at first because the blast goes straight through the black bubble and there's a pause and then the body slumps forward and lands on top of Nix. Alex Finn (00:42:42): Yikes. Daniel Andrlik (00:42:46): Doc Taraz is going to start charging her ability again. Sampson, roll and tell me if you get even or odd. Sampson Davis (00:42:52): Odd. Daniel Andrlik (00:42:53): She hits him and blasts him against the wall and you see his skin split a bit and you hear bones crack and then we falls to the ground dead. And Dili, Doc Taraz has killed the last Knyxos person, it's up to you whether or not you want to consider yourself still in combat. Sampson Davis (00:43:15): Oh. Stace Babcock (00:43:15): That's a quandary. Sampson Davis (00:43:16): I think Dili is naïve enough to end combat and will start pulling the dead one off Nix, or at least helping. Daniel Andrlik (00:43:26): Okay, so you can spend your turn removing that dead body off of Nix. Nix what are you doing now that this dead body is off of you? Stace Babcock (00:43:33): Nix is like, "Ugh, thanks Dili. Have you ever had your hamstring roll up inside your leg?" Sampson Davis (00:43:38): No, but I have had my spleen taken in and out. Stace Babcock (00:43:42): Can you reach in there and pull it back down? No. Sampson Davis (00:43:45): I think ChaCha's hands are a bit smaller, I feel like she'd be better suited for that one. I got big old mechanic hands. Dili does have fucking ugly hands that look like they've been broken once or twice. Alex Finn (00:43:56): Oh. Stace Babcock (00:43:58): I guess actually first Nix will take an action roll. Alex Finn (00:44:02): Recovery? Stace Babcock (00:44:03): Yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:44:04): Okay, so then it goes to ChaCha. What you doing ChaCha? Alex Finn (00:44:09): Looting Deuces body. Daniel Andrlik (00:44:11): Okay, you start looting Deuces body. You don't find any Ciphers on him, but you do find 20 Shins. Doc Taraz looks back at her panel and presses several buttons and at this point, as I've been especially mean to her this episode. I'm going to offer Nix some XP. Stace Babcock (00:44:33): Yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:44:34): Who do you give the other XP to? Stace Babcock (00:44:35): I think Dili, or Sampson, whoever. One of those two. Sampson Davis (00:44:37): Who's Sampson. Stace Babcock (00:44:43): The road to tier three. Sampson Davis (00:44:46): So close. Stace Babcock (00:44:46): Are you? Sampson Davis (00:44:47): It's my next advancement. No, I'm at five more until tier three. Stace Babcock (00:44:52): Okay, I'm at seven more. Daniel Andrlik (00:44:55): Doc Taraz presses a couple of buttons on the panel and a field of energy springs forth in a perfect cylinder around her going all the way up to the ceiling. It's green in color. It's up to you guys what you want to do, there's not really combat rounds right now. Alex Finn (00:45:12): I think she's teleporting out. Sampson Davis (00:45:15): I feel like you should talk to her Nix, you got the better rapport. Stace Babcock (00:45:19): Yeah, are we still in our maintenance disguises. Sampson Davis (00:45:22): No, those have been fucking dropped. Daniel Andrlik (00:45:23): I don't think Dili could maintain that through all this. Stace Babcock (00:45:26): Nix will hop up, and hop over there to talk to Doc Taraz. Daniel Andrlik (00:45:29): You pretty much have to crawl for the most part unless someone is helping you. Just getting up is going to be a problem. Sampson Davis (00:45:36): Dili's already there. Dili will help. Stace Babcock (00:45:37): Nix is holding her leg up by the ankle with her hand. Alex Finn (00:45:40): I guess then ChaCha's just looting the other body to get that extra pew pew gun. Daniel Andrlik (00:45:46): Okay, so you get that extra pew pew gun. Dili, you help Nix hop over to the edge of this field where Doc Taraz is the middle and she is working at the panel. Stace Babcock (00:45:57): Hey Doc, what are you doing? Daniel Andrlik (00:45:59): I thought we weren't going to see each other again Nix. Stace Babcock (00:46:02): Well I mean, I would say that this worked out for you, did it not? That didn't look great, I'm going to be honest. Daniel Andrlik (00:46:09): Yeah, it did but kind of curious why you're down her in the first place. Stace Babcock (00:46:15): Oh, yeah legit. So there was a massive explosion, I don't know if you're aware of it and you could see down into the labyrinth from the surface so we were like, "You know what? We should check out the source of that explosion in Doc Taraz had a lab accident or something." Daniel Andrlik (00:46:33): Give me a deception roll. Stace Babcock (00:46:35): I don't know it's quite a lie. Alex Finn (00:46:38): I think we figured out it was actually the fire we set. Daniel Andrlik (00:46:41): I think you guys knew before you went down there what the issue was and you had every intention of going back to that artifact eventually anyway. Stace Babcock (00:46:49): I mean yeah, all right fine very well. Daniel Andrlik (00:46:53): Okay, so this is going to be a 15 deception. I'm only going to hinder you by one step with your leg because of pain, I suppose this isn't a physical activity that you're trying to do. You're specialized on socials so that's a nine and then hindered by one steps so that's a 12. Stace Babcock (00:47:15): Look at this intellects pool though. Definitely going to spend a level of effort. Daniel Andrlik (00:47:16): Your blood vessels just spin and your forehead just starts bulging. You're thinking blood vessel. Stace Babcock (00:47:21): Thinking super hard. 16. Daniel Andrlik (00:47:24): Okay, all right. It sounds odd but honestly Nix you've never been a good liar and so I trust you. Alex Finn (00:47:33): Oh, shit. Stace Babcock (00:47:33): Yeah, no for sure. Yeah, so cool so this is where you make your jade eggs? Daniel Andrlik (00:47:40): Yeah, I don't trust you enough to lower the field though. I'm going to keep it up until you go your way. Stace Babcock (00:47:47): Well, here's the problem. Is that going my way is a real hard thing to do with this leg situation. I was wondering if you could like help me out since you're a doc. Daniel Andrlik (00:48:01): She pauses at the console and comes over to the edge and you see her eye's glimmer a moment of green. Stace Babcock (00:48:10): Oh fuck, retract statement. Daniel Andrlik (00:48:15): She seems to pause for a moment. Anybody who wants to can make an intellectual six here. Sampson Davis (00:48:20): Oh, I would love to. Alex Finn (00:48:21): I got a three, I'm too entranced by double fisting pew pews. Sampson Davis (00:48:27): Dili's not distracted, he's got a 17. Daniel Andrlik (00:48:28): Okay, Doc Taraz is definitely scanning Nix is what's happening here but her scan is very subtle, you just see a flicker in her eyes but there's nothing else to indicate that she's doing it. And she looks at you and she looks at the leg and she says, "There's something on that sword." Stace Babcock (00:48:47): Oh, fuck. Sampson Davis (00:48:50): Dili calls back, "ChaCha, don't touch the swords." Daniel Andrlik (00:48:53): She says, "I can't save that leg Nix." Stace Babcock (00:48:57): What? That's not really an option for me. I need this for kicking, walking, running. Daniel Andrlik (00:49:06): Don't get me wrong, I could try to stitch back the tendon but there is something that was on that sword that is already engaging in necrosis of your nervous system down there. Sampson Davis (00:49:21): ChaCha does have that one robot leg. Hey Doc, how are you at attaching robot legs? If that's what you want Nix? I'm just... Daniel Andrlik (00:49:30): I don't know what you mean by robot leg? Alex Finn (00:49:32): Ace's leg. Daniel Andrlik (00:49:34): Aces? Stace Babcock (00:49:35): Killed him a while ago. Just, ChaCha? Alex Finn (00:49:38): ChaCha holds it up like the trophy it is. Daniel Andrlik (00:49:42): Oh wow, I mean I haven't seen Aces in a couple of years so I had no idea that he was using a prosthetic? Could you hold it up a little closer? Alex Finn (00:49:50): Deception check? Stace Babcock (00:49:52): I don't know if Daniel's being coy or if that was because he... Alex Finn (00:49:58): I mean I'm just sitting here like, "Mm-mm (negative)." ChaCha would also like to do a healing check on that leg, I feel like Doc Taraz is lying to us. Just wants to cut off Nix's leg. Daniel Andrlik (00:50:10): Which do you want to do first? Alex Finn (00:50:12): Healing check I guess because that's more important. Daniel Andrlik (00:50:15): Okay, so that'll be 15 healing check and it'll be a 12 for you since you have training in heal. Alex Finn (00:50:21): 16. Daniel Andrlik (00:50:22): Okay, Doc Taraz is not lying but you don't necessarily understand the ins and outs of it at the same level she does because she did a scan to help her with that initial start but this is bad, this is not just a nasty cut. Alex Finn (00:50:38): I guess then she's going to, I don't know what kind of roll it would be to make sure she's not trying to steal ChaCha's very favorite trophy. Daniel Andrlik (00:50:45): I mean you could roll like a social check or something like that. I guess the question I have is how upset is ChaCha right now because she is a passionate Nano and if she's passionate, she's hindered. Something I just remembered recently. Alex Finn (00:50:58): Yeah, no. I was reading her descriptors and I'm just like, "Okay shit." I keep forgetting that she's really bad at logic if she's angry. Daniel Andrlik (00:51:06): So to figure if Doc Taraz is on the level, just because of Doc Taraz's level is a 15. And you're probably hindered by one step because I would guess you're pretty emotional right now with this level of injury in Nix. Alex Finn (00:51:19): But could I use the asset of fire inside. Daniel Andrlik (00:51:25): What? Alex Finn (00:51:25): I read she had the descriptor of fire inside. You can gain one asset to an action when doing so can be justified by your passion. I feel like ChaCha's passionate is Nix. Daniel Andrlik (00:51:35): Yeah, I'd give that to you. So it's a 15 then. Alex Finn (00:51:37): Okay, well I got a two so fuck that. Daniel Andrlik (00:51:40): Yeah, you have no idea if she's telling the truth or not. She might be, she might not. You just cannot get a read on her. Alex Finn (00:51:46): Okay, ChaCha's going to slowly edge closer with the leg. She's keeping it in her arms, not holding it out. Daniel Andrlik (00:51:54): Doc Taraz's eyes flicker green again because scans don't cost her anything. Sampson Davis (00:51:59): Hell yeah. Daniel Andrlik (00:52:00): And she says, "That's impressive work, it would need some adjustments in order to be compatible with the way Nix is. We would have to take the other leg. We have to perform that surgery and amputation." Stace Babcock (00:52:15): Wait, both legs. This leg and the other leg? Daniel Andrlik (00:52:18): No, just the leg that's injured. Stace Babcock (00:52:20): All right. Daniel Andrlik (00:52:22): As long as we get to it within the next 30 minutes or so, we should only have to take the leg. Stace Babcock (00:52:29): Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah. Cut it off Doc, ChaCha is this legit right? Daniel Andrlik (00:52:35): So the adjustments are something that sketch out a rough plan for. If you want, you could either try to do something for it or, she waves at the console, I could fabricate something with this in exchange for a future favor. Sampson Davis (00:52:56): Hit me with your best shot. What are you play on? Daniel Andrlik (00:52:59): Okay, she presses a couple buttons on the console and you see this rough idea, a change to a couple of things but the joint when it connects in to make it compatible with Nix's skeleton structure as opposed to Ace's and as well as some adjustments to the control module to make it a more reliable to what Aces had. You could develop this into a plan, which components you develop into that plan will influence the difficulty of doing so. Sampson Davis (00:53:36): Which components I develop? Daniel Andrlik (00:53:39): So just getting it physically compatible with Nix is going to be a level 12 crafting Numenera. To make the improvements to the control interface to avoid any hindrance, is going to be an 18 crafting Numenera roll to develop this plan. Stace Babcock (00:54:00): The alternative being that Doc Taraz make something? Daniel Andrlik (00:54:03): Or Doc Taraz could make something using the machine to fabricate it. Presumably the machine, as far as from its reputation, could fabricate it without failure but you would owe Doc Taraz a favor of equal or great value. Stace Babcock (00:54:19): Nix is actually fine with that. Daniel Andrlik (00:54:21): But we're talking about Dili's pride here. Alex Finn (00:54:22): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Daniel Andrlik (00:54:22): It's the men time. Sampson Davis (00:54:24): Nix, I'm going to put so much cool shit in your leg. Stace Babcock (00:54:26): Dili, it is my leg so forgive me. Daniel Andrlik (00:54:32): Dili's already sketching out like a Swiss army knife of tools sticking. He's got a fake kaiju that's coming out of a little gate in the leg. Sampson Davis (00:54:45): You don't want a rocket shin? I was going to get you a rocket shin. Stace Babcock (00:54:46): Dili, I feel like once I have the leg, you're welcome to continue to make improvements. I just want to make sure that the base model is... Sampson Davis (00:54:52): Okay, all right. Stace Babcock (00:54:56): Okay, yeah. Okay, Doc I owe you one favor. Daniel Andrlik (00:54:58): All right. Sampson Davis (00:55:00): So wait, Dili's not doing the thing? Stace Babcock (00:55:02): With one addendum, I always have to say this Doc, and that is that it cannot conflict with my other obligations. Daniel Andrlik (00:55:11): Let's agree that not intentionally conflict. If the conflict is there because I don't know about it, that's you're problem. Stace Babcock (00:55:18): Tight. Sampson Davis (00:55:18): Do you want Doc Taraz to fabricate it? Because that 18 one with Dili's stuff, that goes down to a nine. Stace Babcock (00:55:25): Oh. Daniel Andrlik (00:55:25): Well not for crafting the plan, because your tools wouldn't help for crafting the plan. Sampson Davis (00:55:30): Oh, shit. Daniel Andrlik (00:55:31): Because there was going to be two rolls. There's going to be at least the initial roll to create the plan and then there will be the actual crafting rolls. Sampson Davis (00:55:38): Oh, okay. Daniel Andrlik (00:55:40): You could do it though, I mean this could be Dili's moment to shine. Alex Finn (00:55:42): Yeah, to take that away from Dili. Stace Babcock (00:55:44): Yeah. Sampson Davis (00:55:47): What would I add to that? Would I add my crafting skill? Daniel Andrlik (00:55:51): Yeah, it would your crafting skill and your few level of effort. Stace Babcock (00:55:55): I'm going to be honest right now... Daniel Andrlik (00:55:56): So basically for crafting the plan, the only thing you couldn't use is your tool for making the plan. You can use your tools during the actual crafting. Sampson Davis (00:56:04): Stace, your character's leg. Stace Babcock (00:56:05): Yeah, Dili, honestly. I'm going to take the pre-fab but we're going to trick it out all right? Sampson Davis (00:56:16): All right. Dili starts putting away all his stuff. Alex Finn (00:56:17): All grumpy. Daniel Andrlik (00:56:17): He'd already been getting out his tools. Alex Finn (00:56:21): From the secret measurement he's been taking. Daniel Andrlik (00:56:23): Okay, yeah. He was already looking at Nix's leg with his pliers figuring out how best detach it. Doc Taraz turns and she says very well. And she starts, you see one of those strange pseudopod that was laying the eggs suddenly stop laying eggs and it start glowing a strange green. And it moves a little bit right of where the eggs are and there is strange bulging along it's length that seems to move towards the end. And finally extruding in that same slimy mold there is a small replacement joint control system that Dili you would immediately recognize from what she was describing as something that you could easily slot into Ace's old leg. Sampson Davis (00:57:16): Can I do that right now? Should I try grab it. Daniel Andrlik (00:57:21): Sure, with your skills in crafting Numenera, this is actually just going to be a give me for you to insert it into the device because the fabrication is pretty much spot on. Doc Taraz turns and says, "Now the attaching process is relatively simple. We still need to get rid of that poisoned leg." Stace Babcock (00:57:39): Yeah, anyone got a saw or an ax? Alex Finn (00:57:42): ChaCha holds up her dagger. You can see a little glint in her eyes of yeah. Stace Babcock (00:57:47): Doc, you got anything? We did not come prepared for surgery and we already did it once today. Daniel Andrlik (00:57:53): Well I mean I didn't come with that kind of thing either. I mean I suppose I could fabricate something, like a simple saw but I think your Wright friend would probably have one of those in his tool kit anyway. Alex Finn (00:58:03): Covered in grease and shit. Stace Babcock (00:58:05): Dili can I cover your saw, no reason. Sampson Davis (00:58:08): I'm right here. Stace Babcock (00:58:09): Oh, Dili. Sampson Davis (00:58:13): Yeah, just wash it, I don't want rust on her. Stace Babcock (00:58:14): Are you going to do it? It's your saw. Daniel Andrlik (00:58:21): She brings up a hologram and it shows this very complex cutting pattern, this is where you need to cut because we don't want to hurt the bone connection here and we want to preserve these nerves but as long as you cut here and as long as you only go this deep, you shouldn't have to worry about hitting the wrong blood vessels. Alex Finn (00:58:42): ChaCha's ready. Daniel Andrlik (00:58:43): As long as we connect the device after you cut and we can get it done in about... She looks at the console again, within three seconds. Sampson Davis (00:58:52): Dili gives a look to ChaCha. Daniel Andrlik (00:58:54): It should automatically connect and Nix won't bleed out. Stace Babcock (00:58:57): I like that. I like not bleeding out. Alex Finn (00:59:00): ChaCha is ready. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:01): Nix, I don't have any painkillers on me. Stace Babcock (00:59:04): Oh, yeah. I mean whatever. Just give me something to chew on. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:08): I mean I guess I have the eggs but that's not exactly the same thing. Stace Babcock (00:59:13): And I know the truth about the eggs. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:16): Fair enough, fair enough. I was just saying they were there. Not that I would suggest them for use in this case. Stace Babcock (00:59:22): Nix would like to choose to be trained in amputation so that she can assist with her own. Alex Finn (00:59:26): Oh, shit. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:27): Oh, wow. You are hindered by two steps though. Stace Babcock (00:59:31): Fine, whatever. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:33): I'll tell you what I can do. You could be trained in pain resistance. Alex Finn (00:59:37): Oh. Stace Babcock (00:59:38): Okay. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:38): That would give you an asset to not impulsively striking out at Dili as he saws off one of your major limps. Sampson Davis (00:59:49): Oh, Dili is doing that? Okay. Stace Babcock (00:59:51): Yeah, okay. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:52): It's you're tool. Alex Finn (00:59:56): ChaCha could help. I don't know, maybe. Daniel Andrlik (00:59:57): ChaCha could help because she is trained in healing. You have a clear plan from Doc Taraz so you have another asset. That's two assets so it would a six to cleanly amputate Nix's leg. Sampson Davis (01:00:08): Three XP to spend if I fuck it up. Let's do it. Stace Babcock (01:00:12): Jesus Christ. Sampson Davis (01:00:13): Before he starts, Dili quickly gives just a scrap part to Nix. Put this in your mouth to bit on, I guess. Stace Babcock (01:00:19): To choke one. Sampson Davis (01:00:21): No, bit on. Stace Babcock (01:00:22): Oh, okay. Nix bites down. Daniel Andrlik (01:00:27): Okay. Sampson Davis (01:00:27): It's a natural 20. Alex Finn (01:00:28): Fuck yeah. Daniel Andrlik (01:00:32): Wow, okay. So Dili, you are definitely going to succeed. Nix, first give me a roll, you get an asset so it's going to be nine might roll too to resist the initial instinctual pain reaction. Stace Babcock (01:00:44): Nat 20. Alex Finn (01:00:45): Fuck yeah. Sampson Davis (01:00:47): Let's fucking go. Daniel Andrlik (01:00:49): Okay, fucking hell. So first of all, Nix, because it's you reacting to the pain of this, what would you propose as a major effect for your natural 20? Stace Babcock (01:00:59): Let's see. I think a reduction, because it's pain resistance that Nix is... a reduction in the discomfort of adapting to a new prosthetic. Alex Finn (01:01:10): Oh, yeah. Stace Babcock (01:01:11): So if it was going to cause a level of hindrance, maybe it does it for less time or... Daniel Andrlik (01:01:17): Okay. Okay, cool. And what does Dili want for major effect? I want to be clear that no matter what you propose, you're still going to get a spurt of Nix's blood. Stace Babcock (01:01:27): In your mouth. Sampson Davis (01:01:28): Part of me wants to say he's not poisoned by that blood because of Nix's snake bullshit. Daniel Andrlik (01:01:34): No, I'm not evil. Stace Babcock (01:01:36): Nix's venom sacs are in her mouth probably, I guess I don't know where snakes venom sacs are. Daniel Andrlik (01:01:40): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Alex Finn (01:01:43): It's in the roof of the mouth I believe. I've been watching Billy the Exterminator. Daniel Andrlik (01:01:48): I mean it's not like this decision has any consequences at all. Sampson Davis (01:01:51): Well, in my head all I imagine is that it goes so well, it's like a Lego part where it's like, "Pop that, pop that back in." Daniel Andrlik (01:01:58): Could be that. Sampson Davis (01:01:59): No, I want something better. Daniel Andrlik (01:02:01): I'll give you a little extra whipped cream on top of that. I have a suggestion. Sampson Davis (01:02:05): I'll take it because I can't think of anything besides you do it. Daniel Andrlik (01:02:10): The leg attachment is better than expected. Sampson Davis (01:02:12): Oh, you just say that? Yeah. Alex Finn (01:02:13): It's a better leg. Daniel Andrlik (01:02:16): So you connect it and Doc Taraz's eyes flash green again. And Nix, there was intense pain and there was intense pain as this thing started grabbing and grafting onto your flesh and you're only going to be hindered by one step for the next day as opposed to two from this and Doc Taraz says, "Huh, wasn't expecting that. I think you'll find that leg works better than expected. I don't know all the details but it seems in an optimization routine right now." Stace Babcock (01:02:48): Legit, it can shoot venom from it's foot. Daniel Andrlik (01:02:52): And it's about this time that where the wall had been lighting up green from Doc Taraz's glass before suddenly turns red and Doc Taraz looks at it and says, "Uh oh." And that's where we'll end this episode. Stace Babcock (01:03:07): Uh oh. Alex Finn (01:03:07): Uh oh. Daniel Andrlik (01:03:09): Alex, something from this episode. Alex Finn (01:03:10): I love that that surgery went so well. That was amazing, both the nat 20's on fixing Nix's leg and it's just going to be a better leg than ever. Sampson Davis (01:03:26): And that's before Dili gets to it. Dili is going to put such cool shit. Alex Finn (01:03:26): I know, he's going to trick that out. ChaCha is going to paint little flames on it. I did enjoy going with that nat one and lighting that fire though. I knew it was going to be bad. Stace Babcock (01:03:36): Yeah, it was terrible. Alex Finn (01:03:38): She thought it was going to be a controlled burn. Stace Babcock (01:03:41): Honestly, I was like, "Oh, it probably won't catch on fire." That's what I thought. Alex Finn (01:03:43): Oh, I knew it was going to explode. Stace Babcock (01:03:46): Foolish me. Alex Finn (01:03:47): I know Daniel and he would make all the explosions. Sampson Davis (01:03:52): No, I wouldn't be that simple. It'd be explosions and then it'd be like, "You're fine, roll on the mutation chart." And then... Daniel Andrlik (01:03:58): Oh, shit. I should've gone to the mutation chart. Alex Finn (01:04:02): And I guess ChaCha now has to get new clothes because her costume is half melted. Daniel Andrlik (01:04:08): Yeah, it's not great. So we have a segment that we do called player intrusions. That's where we offer you the listener XP to check out something we think you would really dig. This week it is Stace's turn. Stace Babcock (01:04:20): I would offer our listeners some XP to check out Nottingham: the True Story of Robyn Hood by Anna Burke. This is a really cool, it's not really a fantasy novel. It's a retelling of the Robin Hood myth except Robyn Hood is a woman. The merry band is just a representative group of LBGTQ young adults and honestly the one thing that I really enjoyed about this book is... So I was obsessed with the robin Hood myth and legend when I was a kid and Anna Burke makes Robyn feels like Robin Hood. There's the archery contest and all the little things that Robin Hood does and it's just really well told and the way that Robyn embodies that flair of Robin Hood. Stace Babcock (01:05:14): But it's a cool story of obviously the Sheriff's the bad guy and there's Maid Marian, whose Robyn's love interest and there's a couple of friendship and romance subplots throughout and the story I think was pretty creative as to it was the Robin Hood story but it wasn't completely predictable and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who reads it but there's a cast of supporting characters and how things would turn on their head was really creative and really good. It's an easy read so I just cannot recommend enough Nottingham: The True Story of Robyn Hood by Anna Burke, it is a fantastic book. It's one of my absolutely favorites, so yeah, check it out. Alex Finn (01:05:55): Nice. Daniel Andrlik (01:05:55): Pretty cool. I know you had mentioned this before, outside the podcast but this definitely sold me on it. Cool, well if people wanted to reach out to us to tell us about what they think of Nottingham or the podcast, how would they do that Sampson? Sampson Davis (01:06:12): First of all, it's very easy to find us at explorerwanted.fm, from there you can find all our socials and pretty much everything we have there. Specifically though, if you want to got to Twitter, you can find us at Explorer's Wanted. Instagram and Facebook we are @Explorer's Wanted Podcast. We are also pretty active on Discord which you can find my going to explorerswanted.fm/discord. Additionally, if what we have done here today is worth money in your eyes and it is within your means, you can support us at Patreon.com/explorers wanted. Daniel Andrlik (01:06:46): Awesome, and honestly if you like the show, the best thing you can do for us is to tell a friend and tell them why you like the show and tell them why they should listen. The second best thing you can do for us is leave a five star review on our podcast directories, specifically Apple Podcast, Stitcher or Podchaser. Those particular directories make a huge difference in people checking out the show when they're looking for a new one to try out. If you didn't like the show, or if you just thought it was meh, well I have a fun bit of trivia for you. The record for the fastest consumption of liquid was set by Tim Cocker at a rate of 500 milliliters of water in five seconds. Assuming a human can keep up that rate, which honestly you can't, they could consume 1.5 galleons in 19.83 seconds. Daniel Andrlik (01:07:39): Now that would be ideal for our purposes but sadly that doesn't solve for the real problem. You see the average adult human heart expels only about 1.25 galleons of blood per minute so even if you could keep the heart beating and drink right from the source, you wouldn't be able to beat that record no matter how hard you try. If you want to try and reach out to us individually on social media, you can. You can find me on Twitter, @andrlik. A-N-D-R-L-I-K. Stace Babcock (01:08:04): If you want to help me try to break the record, you can find me on Twitter @StaceWindu. Sampson Davis (01:08:09): Is anyone weirdly thirsty right now? I'm @SlamPotato. Alex Finn (01:08:14): If you want to join me and the fan girl club of cheering on Stace @realtyunicorn on Twitter or teawithaunicorn on Twitch. We're probably gearing up to do another fun monster prom stream. Daniel Andrlik (01:08:30): That's it for us, hope you enjoyed the show. We'll be back next as we will for every week for the foreseeable future. Have a good night, day weekend or whenever you're listening to this and bye. Sampson Davis (01:08:41): Bye. Stace Babcock (01:08:41): Bye. Alex Finn (01:08:41): Bye.