Explorers Wanted Trailer [00:00:17] Mysterious Woman: [00:00:17] Oh, it's, you. Might as well come in out of the rain. There. Now what brings you darkening my doorstep again so soon? Mysterious Man: [00:00:51] They died. Mysterious Woman: [00:00:53] All of them? Mysterious Man: [00:00:55] All. Mysterious Woman: [00:00:56] Pity. I liked them. The young woman with the extra arm had potential, I thought. Mysterious Man: [00:01:03] Apparently not. Mysterious Woman: [00:01:07] Well, no, use dwelling. I'll have a new group for you soon. Mysterious Man: [00:01:12] Are you sure this is the wisest course? Mysterious Woman: [00:01:15] As long as the proctors are [00:01:17] happy with it, you should be too. Mysterious Man: [00:01:19] Hmm. A back alley door with a sign that says, "Explorers Wanted". It seems… random. Mysterious Woman: [00:01:31] Only if you're looking too closely to see the big picture. I should know, I've had over a hundred years to think about it. Don't you worry. In fact, I have four little lost lambs in mind that will fit the job nicely. [00:02:17]