Hi, and welcome to Morgan Hazelwood's writing tips and writerly musings. I'm Morgan Hazelwood and I'm a, as of 2020, unpublished fantasy writer, blogger, vlogger, and now podcaster. I talk a lot about the writing process, beta-reading, querying agents, and more. I also love hitting fan-run science-fiction and fantasy conventions. Many of my episodes are based on notes from convention panels. You'll see a few special series on this podcast, outside of the writing tips and writerly musing. Besides some convention stuff, I run a couple of support groups for PitchWarrior hopefuls -- a mentorship contest that I've never actually won. Plus, I usually participate in NaNoWriMo, so I have a few tips and notes on that. And? A few essays or stories. I love sharing things I learn along my journey to becoming a published author (and hopefully beyond that). But who am I? Well, I live in my lair outside of Washington DC. My mother is a retired High school librarian, and my father is both an sf/fantasy fan, and an aspiring writer himself. My identical twin sister lives nearby and is a librarian, too. My other siblings are a bit further afield. For my dayjob, I'm a software engineer. Debugging code and editing a manuscript have a lot more in common than you might think -- except with code, you usually can know when you're done. I'm also a voice for the folk tale podcast Anansi Storytime -- Anansi, like the spider. I love taking pictures of the sky, learning to use my scroll saw, and ambiverting from my living room. I definitely have a social media addiction, and I've been known to alphabetize other people's bookshelves. I've been blogging since 2015, usually one to 2 times a week, vlogging weekly since 2017, and now podcasting, since August of 2020. Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy this podcast.