Welcome to Love, Joy, and Languages Podcast. My name is Heidi, and I’m so excited for you to join me here. So, what is Love, Joy, and Languages podcast? In this podcast, I want to get down to every aspect of our lives as adult language learners, parents raising multilingual children, expat experiences, successes, failures…any and everything that define our very unique language journeys. My journey officially began nearly five years ago when my family and I moved abroad to Italy, we put our two children in the local community schools, and I discovered a deep longing and passion for learning the Italian language. I’ve spent the last five years making so many mistakes as a language learner and parent, and learning how to continue moving forward and making progress became a lifeline as earlier this year we packed up our lives and moved, yet again, to a new country with a new language, enrolling our kids in a new school to immerse them in the community language. To say this journey has been challenging would be a major understatement, and while I firmly believe that everyone’s language story is unique, we find each other at various cross sections, and it’s imperative to the community that we voice our experiences in order to strengthen each individual member…to help each other along the way. I want to meet you at the intersection where I most often find myself -- as an adult language learner, parent, and perfectionist. In this Podcast, I will bring real, genuine, and perhaps very vulnerable insights, tips, and conversations to build confidence, community, and character in your language life. I hope you’ll join me biweekly for new episodes to boost your love of languages and bring out the joy of learning them.