Unknown 0:09 Ladies and gentlemen, once again it is the Mason and friends show featuring the pharmacist aka el pharmaciste. As well as big Steve aka el Stevie smalls, what it is, what it was, and what it shall be as well as the illustrious poet Trae X one time for your mind two times for your soul, Unknown 0:43 as well as the Black Hand of Mike aka sir chokes a lot as well as the ju unit aka Juno Mars aka El jupo I’m Mason, these are my friends. Welcome to the Mason and friends show Unknown 1:15 was having y'all was good on day to day. Unknown 1:19 This is the movie with the flying dog dragon, what;s that labyrinth.? No.Never ending story started flying dog dragging way. There is like a dog. Unknown 1:38 He was actually dragging a man shoe is what he thinks of a dog was a dragon Unknown 1:47 that grew for Unknown 1:52 just look up Luck dragon. Unknown 1:53 Yeah, that's what that's what he was like. Unknown 1:56 A hint about this current theme song that we're hearing that you're trying to guess on? I don't know. It was mentioned last episode. Unknown 2:03 Round midnight. Unknown 2:05 No, I'm sorry. No, that would have been the next thing I would have done. The Shining. Unknown 2:11 No Unknown 2:21 you said Jack Nicholson Faye. Dunaway. That was his guest Unknown 2:25 Steve, you referenced the name of this movie in reference to the Jew you said that you has Unknown 2:37 oh shoot wait a bit for me. Got it. I got it. I got it. It's a beautiful mind that David Unknown 2:54 just registered Unknown 2:56 I appreciate that Steve Unknown 3:03 sarcastic Unknown 3:08 sarcasm sarcasm or not man. He meant it from the heart so I know I'm breaking Unknown 3:13 my Do you got beautiful head of hair? TV we're gonna chat there Poconos got all this stuff going on up there beautiful now Johnson view with all that said with all that said I gotta ask you do you say off air? You got baby the Unknown 3:30 baby didn't cream I was telling pharmacies and got mission cream. For my eyes right because I got so so. Baby cream. She loves me and I gotta say Google never had a baby. Unknown 3:45 I will not Google it for the ball. If you're gonna try and make out with me don't have halfway through stop and say phrase baby there's a reason why Unknown 4:06 we break it down. We're why we call this baby they crave Okay. Sondra booger over uses cream that is made from the stem cells of Korea for scans from Korean baby grandbabies. Unknown 4:20 It's a baby for skin it's broken down and apparently turned into some sort of like for magic, man. I don't think it's a facial cream. I think it's like an injection. Unknown 4:29 I think it's a cream I think Unknown 4:32 we've been calling it a cream on here but I think it's technically an injection. My boats Unknown 4:35 were cute for looking young because you can actually Google the Ellen DeGeneres shows when it was on for Sandra Bullock and she says yes, she says Unknown 4:45 yes, I use that. Cream and a baby deck for any true thing. Unknown 4:52 If it takes your eyes look way better than they ever have known is that baby cream. But it could be fake baby kids think grandpa's Unknown 5:03 real baby be Korean Unknown 5:10 like to sell the tip yeah some dude on the boat just make straight baby cream the slang and the cross Unknown 5:15 because we've ever didn't find out that answer why's it got to be Korean baby they can. Unknown 5:19 Korean spray the only country salvaging their baby Unknown 5:23 I think things that would otherwise be wasted. Unknown 5:26 Right? Baby they throw this away. Yeah, sometimes they sell it to places as you could fry this and serve it to people Unknown 5:35 supplies baby the Unknown 5:46 baby makes poor crowns disgusting smack monkeys in the head need to breathe. The death I mean, that doesn't sound Unknown 6:05 like somebody that wants to slap Unknown 6:11 people with slanted eyes but I've seen a beam of a monkey just start eating Unknown 6:19 here's the thing. It wasn't it wasn't fucking any age right now. No. Was it it was wiping the table. That's what it was. It was wiping the table they put the little monkey through the fucking table markings here and little thing. They give him like a hammer like a crab hammer to crack crabs. And basically beat the shit out this monkeys in and eat the brains out of his mouth. Unknown 6:41 Yeah. Yeah, it sounds awful. Oh, we used to watch that shit brother fucking turn. Like all twisted sons of bitches. Unknown 6:48 I am he he's just fucked up Unknown 6:51 the Jewish pumped up. Man. Yeah, he might have seen that cracker there. He seems daddy's ball slapping against his Mama's booty pocket but we're gonna exercise you're looking at him like what's going on? Unknown 7:17 I was waiting from the stop talking. So like you pass me my beer. It's been too long now. It's been a long time that I've been waiting. Welcome to my world. Unknown 7:29 I was just thinking, like, do you know about whatever story we were just laughing about? I'm talking in our lobby. Like, like here next to you. His brother told him Oh, go see his parents. And they opened the door and it was fun. Unknown 7:47 I've seen something similar those parents fucking know. I came home one day and walked in my parents kitchen unannounced and pretty sure somebody was getting a blowjob and no, it was. It was my life. I went back outside I got my card. I just drove away. Yours is Unknown 8:08 old enough to hear what you heard. You know, I don't want to know who's Unknown 8:11 doing back home and they were like, small group stuff might happen. Awkward. My Unknown 8:15 ass. I know what I saw. Unknown 8:17 Let's never speak of it again. Today, nobody's ever talked about it. Unknown 8:22 I won't even know she like I don't know if I Unknown 8:24 was a child when this happened. You were clearly old enough to go oh all sex I'm leaving by sheerly as a sex for a minute heard something it was like cetera. No, that's not jerking off. Unknown 8:40 Right there as soon as I walked, right there Unknown 8:45 was a baby come in. Unknown 8:48 For real. You don't need to narrate the commentary trying to Unknown 8:56 highlight it. And make you think Unknown 8:59 I like no trauma. Unknown 9:03 On the agenda today, Unknown 9:06 funnily enough, there really is not really an agenda typically Triax brings us an agenda on occasion. I got so what do you got? When you when you drive it in fucking DC lap you know about this more lame sometimes turning the three lanes so what bucking lane is actually number one on the other side of that intersection or just whenever it turns feels like I mean when Unknown 9:28 Stretch, stretch and depends on the exit. Unknown 9:32 straightaway, they know tell him like fucking where's it like coming right out DC whatever that routed Unknown 9:39 over the bridge are in first off what is the bridge that comes for six six right DC is that key constitute so many bridges bro. Six all when DC is the Key Bridge. I think it's not the Unknown 9:54 key word is from x and 73 That's the Francis Scott Scott Lavery Francis Scott Key Bridge me and my cane bridges cost to M Street or has a good are the K Street Express misos that the Rust Belt is he's talking about fucking there was one that breaks off to constitution is Unknown 10:15 framed in the country. Is that concept constitution break? cost is very high. Why is that? Right right there. Okay, I got it right. Even though I don't know what that is as Ohio drive or maybe some shoe like that or whatever, Unknown 10:26 if you booked the right off of it. That's Eastery that's the left last Unknown 10:33 thing right. Yeah, right is right. I think it's like Ohio some bullshit like that or some but I drive it all the way around. And I go Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bridge. So I dropped back right into I guess it's independence. When is the Vermont when it turns into independence because I just keep driving straight. But right there that intersection after the intersection is four lanes, or is three lanes at an intersection after the intersection is fucking four lanes confusion of anyone trying to find a hold over in DC. I got. I got I got I'm in three lanes and it goes into four lanes. So I'm like alright, but the left lane should still be the left lane and then the right lane as they knew how to turn left. And now I just keep driving straight but Unknown 11:27 people have been honking at me. Like I like I'm in the motherfucking wrong stay in the middle. Unknown 11:32 You know I have to stay in my lane. I try to keep a lane on the other side of me if I don't know where I'm going I just gotta go straight up four blocks, make rash and then make less than a minute grace when I'm in DC I don't know partner will fuck them in the yard no lot because in my mind I'm like bro, I'm doing 72 miles an hour from DC any fuck away? You're waiting? Really? Either way please enlighten me in your fucking God. Rather. While they are now driving straight just this fancy land. Unknown 12:08 You drive your car for speed cameras and stoplight cameras there are in DC Yes, that's a 250 Unknown 12:17 DC last week. And I was at a stoplight. Unknown 12:20 Review your shit did Unknown 12:23 you go like through the easy fix the car the light in front of me turned green and the lights are so close together. I didn't realize the light I was at didn't I went so I don't know if I'm going to get a ticket or not. I did not see if he waves and ship when you're when you're driving waves and would tell you if there's red I can always okay well then I think I was new. Did they put a speed trap or are they put the speed trap in on 66 Right before Unknown 12:53 it has to be inside of DC limits. Unknown 12:56 This is this is this is something on if you're if I'm hauling ass at 66 at DC or 66 Right before the the tunnel no right before it hits up past the tunnel. This is right before you Alexandria and go that way to 495 Where's the bears right before the last age as Joe there's like a bunch of fucking cameras in red these red junks that flash whenever I drive pass over seven Unknown 13:27 on lookout in the mail for like a long time because I see like to make a motion to have the gun on my chair right here on fabric goddamn row and now now here's the things Ben CD is driving. Driving red man is now my phone if I was a cop, I flipped the light to go through the white because I'm 45 to 76 Unknown 14:04 It's 44 lanes, but they're not really Unknown 14:07 it's 65 when you get close to the city at 60 to 85 to Gainesville. Either way, it should be in my mind though it turned 60 between Centerville and Gainesville, yeah, you're on its way out all the way Unknown 14:21 through to DC from there that's a big going 72 You that's almost 20 miles an Unknown 14:27 hour trying to keep cycles like you've heard and people keep driving straight but I'm just going fast. I mean, I mean, a Unknown 14:42 great virgin land Unknown 14:48 he said that right in traffic court ladies and gentleman Unknown 15:00 driving me my phone I go Unknown 15:03 click next. Unknown 15:06 I'll get out my way then. Can I get a little flashlight? Unknown 15:09 This is why I take the backgrounds to go to places or I get on the verse. Unknown 15:14 We strip down background is definitely the guy up your back row. Back rows. You're Unknown 15:20 you weren't going backwards. You were okay on the back roads. I don't speed through back roads, you know, on double yellow. That's why Unknown 15:29 I mean he's the one riding down the back row. Done it and done in a long time Steve Unknown 15:33 just gives credence to the fact that you used to do it. Unknown 15:38 Yes, I promise. Yes. I used to make the right turn lane the passing lane area to I'm not gonna lie. Above y'all go do 35 Or then I got to appreciate I'm on the right time to signal your dropper mate take it off. He left her soon. Like oh, she hit the break real quick. Like you lost school. I gotta bring this around to the pharmacist because of the faces that she's making right now. You you ride the car with this fool. Yeah, a few times they have an even an act. Like that though, when he's in the hearing drives. All right. Unknown 16:14 I mean, he's not great. But the stories that I heard though, because I I love to drive. I'm all about it. But I don't like riding with people. I just don't trust people. And I told him, I've heard stories. Do not ride with Andrew. Just don't get this car. Unknown 16:29 Instincts Who told you that? Unknown 16:32 People who shall go unnamed of their privacy. Unknown 16:36 I can appreciate that. The names of the innocent Unknown 16:40 they're all apparently, but Unknown 16:43 it's absolutely true. I've been in a car with this dude. He's done stuff. I'm like why? Are you doing that Unknown 16:47 Robert? Pulled Over here. Unknown 16:51 And we always keep hearing about the problems that his cars are having. Unknown 16:56 Problem is him probably Unknown 16:59 down and I tried to tell him that I told him I said look, you got to stop hitting fucking holes in the highway. 98 miles an hour. He's like man, I have to drive and I tried. Unknown 17:08 If you have broken that many cars and had that many problems, you're the common denominator. Unknown 17:16 Right Wait, wait, wait, wait, I drive and go what's gonna happen now? Is that because she said it? It'll click. We say she don't click but as soon as a woman tells us Hey clicks I Unknown 17:27 don't know. Why is that JJ? JJ whisper whatever works for JJ whisper something that Unknown 17:37 make no difference to Unknown 17:39 make a little bit in my normal with me and Unknown 17:43 you're absolutely right quick. Way to work. He's still going. Oh, he's 95 headed to merit we might think about it like you know what, I gotta take it easy. When he laid some reason Unknown 18:00 why I'm in NASCAR going to Maryland some that just had to go to fucking branch or this guy. That's the American Legion by the way, not the way those roads drive 95 rides. Unknown 18:11 Once you get into Maryland roads, Maryland or fuck Unknown 18:15 I can't take the Acura up there. Mess El Camino territory based off driving all day. I can't take my car to Maryland at all. Yeah, did those roads are horrific, like on the side of the road? I was up in DC a couple of weeks ago. And it was horrific. The roads are absolutely fucked up. When they saw them shits mostly to do Unknown 18:36 that snow that's the reason why whenever I go to DC I only take the metro they got that Unknown 18:41 pothole. I don't drive down they do that should every fucking year come March. We're gonna fix potholes, y'all and him. Unknown 18:48 But she just got filled him they lit a little cold. And they knew potholes. Hey looky loo the pothole three live. Unknown 18:58 I got something for y'all. This is another rookie ship crew member I seen this month against the grand page and told him I was gonna bring it up. This is for you big Murph. He had a Murphy Murphy had a post on this joint that asked if to block ahead a human day or if he had a red rock and like a dog. What do you think Chewbacca is walking around with because whatever you want around he's probably unlikely someday. I think he's rad ragging you thank you Marcus red Rocky. Unknown 19:25 Baggins Red Dragon Yeah, I'm going right Roger showed him standing up and then showed like a non face like you've seen Unknown 19:42 he's trying to see if there's a job Unknown 19:50 that Star Wars are right shoot. Unknown 19:52 Yeah, I love Star Wars Unknown 19:57 look, he's got digs out a book. Unknown 20:01 sexual organs on the same I don't think what he's got. Unknown 20:03 Well, you remember that Star Trek with Kurt? Kick. The dude in the shins are in the knees. And that was that his knees started glowing and shit. And it was like not everybody keeps the genitals in their legs. That's a movie that was in one of the movies. Yeah, they're on a prison planet card or Kirk her Karkat bones. are on a prison planet and, and Klingon space and it's like Siberia prison planet. And this motherfuckers like give me your code and shit and starts pushing current around, doesn't want to ground he kicks the dude in the knees. The mob under start moaning and it's spike. was like one of those like moans is like echoing even shit and then his knees glowing? He's like, I'm glad that guy's got knees and then the shapeshifter says to him. Not everybody keeps the generals in the same place Unknown 20:57 to be blackballed. You walk around with that's all you face and you're wondering Unknown 21:11 what Chewbacca is Unknown 21:16 opposed to the giraffes a bed I would do this for you brought my hair up I gotta ask to shoot on the show and see what I've even come Unknown 21:22 up with to buckle been packing heat like that they want to let that happen he could imagine just flop down and then shit out there Unknown 21:31 in a bikini and fucking Unknown 21:35 these turns looking fine. Via demos hanging out. I highly, highly doubt he's got decked out when they needed it. That's why it's like a red rocket. just flop on out. It's like they've got like the thing where they keep their deck, but it's up in there. If you're gonna get an answer, but it's not gonna be right. It's gonna be the same thing with the three seashells bullshit, or Google it. Like it actually has some sort of Unknown 22:08 valid lap on it. Okay, Unknown 22:11 nevermind. Nevermind, I got to give a shout out as long as we're doing shout outs to Ricky the ship crew members. I gotta give a shout out to Ivan the wonderful. All right, Brandon Ivan the other day. He was a rookie ship crew member and he was working at a place I was trying to scoop some vehicle parts for Unknown 22:28 Oh homie. That was over here. I'm Unknown 22:32 gonna read Ivan the wonderful and he hooked me up. He looked me up at the the wholesale price so I gotta give him a shout out shout out. Unknown 22:40 What up there bro. Unknown 22:42 Just a Bresciano So Unknown 22:46 shout out to all the crew members is still be run with us any new ones come to appreciate the fuck out of y'all. Unknown 22:52 Absolutely. Hey, if you guys want to help out. I've been looking at a lot of different social medias lately, but if you want to help the show, I think the best thing to do to help the show is get a Twitter account. Search for podcast recommendations and link the podcast website WWW dot the Mason infringe show.com just copy that bitch and paste it into like 20 or 30 Fucking podcast recommendation requests Twitter. I think that'll help because Unknown 23:20 I think that'll helping. A lot of us have our own Twitter and Unknown 23:25 you block that is Unknown 23:30 everything is in stipulation. There's no That's right. Nobody has a fact first this was not rehearsed. But currently this thing right here, they're in the way gonna have Dong out. I mean, it's just a suit that really I mean, see, but that's the thing like if I'm a Furby outfit, right like if I take my Daffy Duck suit and go bang some chick that's wearing like a fucking Minnie Mouse outfit or what was like a hole where my junk Unknown 23:53 was working right. Unknown 23:57 He's a walker you want to see do bookies to do this? I continue to feel like some alien costume was absolutely Unknown 24:07 true, but we're talking about a real life thing. Unknown 24:11 This fake thing as if it was real. This fake real thing happens last Tina seen in more like a man one more guy watch foot forward all the fucking week no one walk around like Unknown 24:37 crazy or something? Unknown 24:40 So he's got a 12 and a half in South Kok man come over the weekend fucking every gonna greet Jack me was a real person deal with the restaurant that's god damn that's like fucking out of place for everybody has a not real Windies was real but windy doesn't have a dick but with everything buddy How big was bought by new girls the way the girls that go walking he's not gonna be they're not gonna be your meter Unknown 26:01 first remember he says man this verse Anna because I see voltage. Focus you Unknown 26:07 know that we're like yoga. Unknown 26:12 That's all you're saying man that was looking for Ric Flair sports. Ric Flair. Kick around like that. It better be made your payments on whatever freight for 75 to La Unknown 26:36 helicoptering up and down and out. Like I don't know. He did that for Unknown 26:42 me on here now, you see why I thought he was gonna come out in 2019 It might have been doing it for news because he was you know, Unknown 26:52 we read the article and that was something he would normally do. In front of a bunch of dudes and whipping around like a helicopter like Unknown 27:00 most dudes think their dick is like smaller than it actually is. Right? So like, maybe Ric Flair busted his stick out in front of a bunch of dudes whipping it around because he like believes it to be massive. And all the other duties where they're like Oh no, my big A that big. I can't Unknown 27:16 go Rick again. Dang. Unknown 27:19 You know what I mean? It's really like the mental the mental sickness of all the dudes that think they're fucking smaller than they actually are. Unknown 27:27 But this is also coming from the same man that says, you know, he's guessing on Xbox. I think they thought that he thought Pinocchio was actually a girl with a wooden Unknown 27:39 stick and weight depends on his lives. And it's true. If big things turn out to break flight in the air. Boy, thank you. Boy. Wait, wait. Let me turn back to the plane. Unknown 28:11 If you're if you're didn't you not see the original Pinocchio? Unknown 28:14 Briner is he talking to a little boy at the end? Like a real little boy becomes a real a little boy. So a real little boy who didn't Larry is going to grow up to be a real man. Right? In theory. Yeah, exactly. So like my only point in regard to like toys and shit and cartoons and shit. It's sort of like when, when Betty Boop isn't. Who Framed Roger Rabbit and shit. You sort of look at it like, well, she's she's an adult, right? They drew her as like young looking right? Or whoever. Like they're drawn. It's like the thing about the baby right? Think about the baby Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Oh. Let me grab you by a snatch. You know what I mean? Like, it's because he's drawn as a baby. But he's 47 years old. You know what I'm saying? He's a grown ass man and a baby's fucking cartoon body. Right. And that's the way all of these different characters are going to be in reality like a unless they're like, like think about it like Cartman right now is like a 40 year old. You know what I mean? At least that's what I'd say carpet was like, he's a little kid when the whole thing started. He's the same age. He's drawing the same way all the kids are but they've got 30 years plus of experience and shit. You know what I mean? So like, when you think about it, Who Framed Roger Rabbit style. We're like, droopy is just some old dude. You know? I mean, he's not really a dog. He just drawn like a dog. You know what I'm saying? Like, He's big. He's picking up what I put down and I'm saying bye. Unknown 29:54 Out is Chewbacca stakes. Unknown 0:14 How old is Chewbacca? Unknown 0:18 Chewbacca old as it means to be a he's a dangerous species you got endangered species that everybody should be talking him because he needs to create as much as possible well software different tip Unknown 0:36 on every other Wookie Unknown 0:37 you put in. There aren't any other wookies because they all die they all died and killed them all the genocide Unknown 0:46 because the Star Wars, genocide or some shit there was a fight on Cacique which is where they're from, and they were enslaved. Unknown 0:55 We're extinct for see their thought when I come back at Nigel that will be he's one of the five he's one of the few free wookies. Yeah, right. Yeah. So there's a whole enslaved group of wookies. In other Unknown 1:06 words when the Empire was in charge, I think the Empire no more just based on the last one was hard to really like think that they blew up the whole model how many of them were there? There was a planet of wookies Unknown 1:24 danger so much then fuck. That just seemed like the space she said. The Empire. People I'm not gonna watch a new episode of Star Wars trying to catch up to round movies. I can't keep up with this one. I love Disney. Thank you, Disney Do you think? Baseball's kind of guy? Unknown 1:49 Everything Yeah, David. ESPN to pickleball Unknown 1:57 yes Unknown 2:00 to jossi the pillow fighting League. Bye guys. This new sport. You could do Unknown 2:12 I get my hand slapped by a dude with a pillar. Shoulders back. That's right. Unknown 2:20 Shoulder the bad man below i'll take you you want to start the video Unknown 2:32 because I got to figure out a pharmacist versus a junior in armwrestling is going to be a mainstay of fringe Show special. It's going to be a short video that you can catch online. And so when this happens in July, I'm going to Zelo y'all gonna have to eat it. I don't think you wouldn't want it if you're if you're chopping around it. You don't have to eat it. I'm not gonna do that. What we're gonna do is make a big giant somebody out. We're gonna make a big giant square jello. That's like a foot and a half by like six feet by six feet. And then you got to get into that in wrestling and it'll break up as you wrestling Unknown 3:20 a wrestle this guy Unknown 3:24 you know, I don't know man, going this route a look big. I don't know what you're aspiring to create over there as far Unknown 3:30 as to donate to the Patreon account. Perfect entertainment that sounds amazing. Unknown 3:40 You'd have to do that right now. Unknown 3:42 Anyway to like the day Unknown 3:45 right now but like in the winter jello form. If we didn't put it in the fridge we're gonna fucking nine foot by four foot or whatever. Where God damn Joe you got to build a box and put it outside like 40 years so you make whatever frigerator is at you know what I love when the junior unit says something that proves he's not an idiot. I fucking love it. That is that that's what I that's what that statement is right? It's got to be 27 degrees outside so that we can put whatever right I mean, what's the frigerator staying above freezing? 30 frames under 40 are right around 40 You know anything under 40 I think we could probably make a reasonable jello. Unknown 4:28 You don't need that whole stack. That's all bad. Unknown 4:31 You just kind of dump I'd like to snack. Unknown 4:33 So both his shoulders are fucked up. Unknown 4:35 First Yeah. Now that's back to the reality of the situation. No, that's a lot of money. We're talking about overtime again a pound of fucking snack packs. Unknown 4:43 Yeah. We need to get to politics. How would they be? How about how about if we build an arm wrestling platform that we then fill with jello and you wrestle your arm wrestle inside the gel? That's what you got, dude, like so you like put your arm in the thing and it's full of jello and your arm is like jello. Unknown 5:04 Like man, radioactive right? Well, you'd have to mon E. That's right. didn't exactly have to put this whatever way you want to give b what happened? You got to hype your thoughts. And then Unknown 5:34 I got to feel it Unknown 5:48 over the top Unknown 5:55 I'm not gonna lie wherever. I'm like. Alright, whatever. quarter back some kind of like Unknown 6:06 effort. I mean, you see maybe Unknown 6:11 maybe, maybe 50 But I think we got some here. So so we're going to learn today to learn how to hack locker down for that fucking that damn Unknown 6:46 trophy. I don't know what that is. I'm gonna win. I'm nursing. I just saw Unknown 6:54 over the top is way deeper than just mainstream next to over the top. Straight up. Unknown 7:04 Sam Elliot for Sam Elliott. Set up for me. The guy has the room of all the taxidermied animals and the whole time of like, what is that a bear who would kill bear then I'm like looking penguins Unknown 7:26 are we walked into one dude, the second job or whatever? We want to do trek? Freaking out. Unknown 7:32 That's me. I'm like polar bear and also a really bad one had every animal because I kept mentioning him. He's like, No, he has every animal he has every animal just stopped saying it. Because yeah, you're gonna see every little finding but the painless. That's what did man. Unknown 7:54 You had a penguin in the room. Unknown 7:55 You had a penguin. I know. It's like lambs heads and a polar bear and a grizzly bear and then Unknown 8:02 purple. That's the thing right like hunt. It's only a good hunt. If this thing can kill you back. Unknown 8:07 That's what I'm saying and also if you don't have a gun Unknown 8:11 well I've said that. I've said that before. I've said that if I was going to hunt a deer really looking to kill a deer I would rather stand in the woods with like a samurai sword or a knife. And like wait for the deer to get close enough to me that I could just pick out. You know what I'm saying? Like you're 100 Unknown 8:31 right. If you're hungry. I'm using a gun. I'm gonna wait. I'm waiting. You know what? Unknown 8:40 I got my Samurai sword. I'm holding it attention. To deers walking up towards me. He gets real close. And I'm like drops Unknown 8:47 because like it's like how the Jews will fucking get get that alligator that he talked about. He's gonna jump on the back of the alligator. Yeah, exactly. I could do that myself or try to catch a shark with his bare hands. I was putting my hand in his mouth Unknown 9:00 out of the hand afterwards, but for some reason see for Joseph. I feel more intimidated Unknown 9:21 by her will be Unknown 9:24 on the list by own hooking unhooking a shark that I catch rather than jumping on the back of Gator. So we're waiting on the size of the Gator. Unknown 9:35 gators carefully turn around once you're up there, Unknown 9:37 so you're more intimidated by getting the fish up out of a shark's mouth and jumping on the back of alligator. Yeah, which that's gonna have an issue. Which one jumping on bag of alligator? Catching shark? Hold on. Are we talking deepwater, topsy turvy? Grabbing a Unknown 9:55 roller pan you need to remove the shark hook from it you need to remove the hook from his mouth to hook but he's gonna clip it off and then some divers gonna do it. Unknown 10:05 I guys I yelled at him and I told him I got catching sharks even catch and release you got to take the hook out special because they're predators they need their mouth dilate Unknown 10:16 Are you going deepwater for this? Are you going to try to be on the shore again? See we would Unknown 10:27 doubt anything overloaded is Brian please wait. While the great thing is I've got Unknown 10:36 a buffer in school. Unknown 10:37 I think I got to do both dammit. Unknown 10:41 Alligator HR. At the same time. It could be Unknown 10:47 my other issue. My other issue is like charter fishing if I go out there and I feel that the call for me. Even though I really didn't he found the spot now me he he got the boat. He just were yeah because he's really like this guy here. Listen man the dude on the boat. This job. His job is the last one ever seen before. He's hanging over the edge of the boat calling the shore and the shark comes up. Unknown 11:35 Okay, so because the captain of the charter boat takes you out to where he gets the shark to you is not right but he's got his farm you don't you don't know the ocean Unknown 11:48 I'm not that guy that he got all right here's where I get to sharpen that gonna get a bone go out there and just shut the fuck out the water and put a line in. It might not be that easy bro shark there's all kinds of shirts all over the fucking water I am picking on when I'm catching it heats up blood in the water and food demo funds will come around. If they ain't at least little ship fishes will come around because everything in ocean my partner our thing hunger to throw those scrip out the wind come in and then the music come in off the back and then you're like Yep, here come Unknown 12:27 work has nothing to do. Unknown 12:30 But comes in with the big daddy come on through the wind already know they don't start happening science might fly away and shit because big towers coming through. From the water boats hanging out. We're looking at because I'm charming the fuck out of here. Education. Tax dollars paid for. So did you read a book or two afterwards? Didn't you read all the books see? Freshwater response to you I've read a bunch of books comment I can't buy freshwater that's nothing much blood nasty. She doesn't want him to go film and I haven't read the book. Somebody has read a book or somebody Chum the water. He's got the body and you've got the brain. It's like that Freddie song. Fresh breasted you've got the body and I've got what a nightmare on my street nightmare my street fresh prints on my list. Unknown 13:35 It's classic. Like Fresh, fresh, Unknown 13:39 fresh Prince song of all time. Unknown 13:41 Yeah, exactly my feeling about it. Unknown 13:44 I don't know I'm not sure nightmare on my side mirror. My stream of Fresh Prince DJ Jazzy Jeff. Unknown 13:49 So do your plan is to get the shark this year. But not jump on alligators back now. You've been in Unknown 13:57 alligators back up to action as it presented itself. I think you Unknown 14:01 will though because he's in South cackalacky A lot. Unknown 14:05 To take his shirt off a drone over. Unknown 14:08 It doesn't mean that's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's right. That's what I'm saying. You're not gonna be at the house anymore. So you'll be at like a hotel that could possibly have a gator sign. And I can see you now be like, Yo, I got that done. Call management. Unknown 14:23 I got a hold on. That may pull your toddler out of his mouth Hold on. Unknown 14:28 do is take his blanket he throw it over his eyes like this right here right bam. We'll see that right there right there and he got to get on the back like this. Right on the back leg is rare. Unknown 14:40 What's gonna happen is is Unknown 14:42 that the fuck off is what's called fucking be like Unknown 14:44 our data about us. four foot Gator out there I got it, man. I got no problem. And then the France was a short later but he was actually about a 14 foot Gator and the Jews who we saved over like seven fingers. You know half a hand to turn around Unknown 15:04 real quick, my bed I was like, Unknown 15:07 I can't turn around. There's lava rocks. And then when my favorite is great and we go to yours see what happened was when he was standing there and again and I turned around he snapped back at my hand and shit and my fingers fell off. And then my buddies laugh. I don't have to like that scene. Yet further, my brother had a gator in your backyard. But it was just in and out of the little canals. Yeah, but you know you're going out there and fuck with it if that's my question. I told him I told my brother to lay here my father's dead Gator. pop his head up. I'm catching that. Bitch. You can bring your gun down here. How to hold a gun to his head was brave Unknown 16:04 enough you can at least have the tail off and it's worse than jumping on his back and ambushing him. Unknown 16:15 I don't know if you lop off a piece of his tail. If you if you act like a foot and a half of his tail off and he takes off and leaves me he's gonna be alright. It's 30 More calorie dense. When you when you attack this crocodile, and he rolls over and he lops off through your fingers with his fucking bear man. He No, no, no. Six years later, you're sitting there. Glad to be alive with your seven toe finger habitasse You know what I'm saying? That you're still alive. You got seven feet I got seven fingers when I'm alive. Or that alligator kills you which would you rather and when should you take the alligator rather than vice versa situation where the alligator he loses his fucking foot and a half off his tail that you go make a stew with or he's dead as fuck and you can make a story out of a foot and a half of his tale lose a foot however I mean I'm not I'm I'm a I'm a campus. I'm a cause tale the steel companies hold by Unknown 17:22 an alligator so me on the alligator dog journey where the alligator hurts. So much unbridled hate for no reason not Unknown 17:35 to be taken. He's taken his headphones off. He's leaving Junior doggy oh wait me on alligator. I gotta go find a doll. So I'm gonna show you where the guy Unknown 17:48 is getting an artifact girl Unknown 17:57 story baby like first grade you a gator? Since Unknown 18:07 we smashed on the ground, right? So no one's watching points here. Just wow you Unknown 18:19 got to say Unknown 18:22 How can you forget? Well, you know what you ought to do is just say which one you figure it might be because at least you got a 5050 shot to get my number one for later. Unknown 18:31 Because I mean, the name should be on it. You know what's crazy. I still got my mom from the joint that I made in kindergarten fucking high hot clay whatever they call that shit we put in the oven after you make it so I should still Yeah, the machine now you take he got it when he was like in kindergarten first grade you made this long fucking like they tell you here's some clay. Make this shit. Make whatever you want. And we'll put in the oven the painting. Yeah, but you know, I still got my drawing from when I first made my join like a turtle back in the day. The ashtray was because she asked me she goes how come you down to bigastro They told us we can make whatever the fuck we wanted. When I was there you know I mean on the one foot they tell y'all make ashtray forward. That was those Unknown 19:20 days easier, easier to teach. The reason that my animal the teacher smokes Unknown 19:25 a pack. Well that way you can grow up and smoke and ash in your own ashtray. Where'd you get that astronaut made it? Second grade. It's gonna be fucking nicotine had. You know what it is? Our mom has these old crystal things that are like sparkly and she little crystal bowls and she's like the sharp edges the heart Unknown 19:48 like the diamond pattern Unknown 19:49 Oh yeah, that's kind of just like display pieces but like they look like something that you might put like a like, I don't know, like an apple or something. Peaches and apples. This just kind of kind of, but like I was saying I'm like you're not actually it looks like an ashtray to me. She's like, No, no, no. It's not an ashtray. Look like that's what I'm saying. I said well look at your mom. When you're not around anymore. I'm going to use these as ashtrays I want to find smoke joint with my shooting the Chris Tao Mom Okay, he's right. I'm usually sparkly ash and Crystal Unknown 20:21 bench that's exactly what I'm doing. In the business. Unknown 20:26 I'm aristocrat with my med train. I'm high end with my mid July hand rolled marijuana cigarette and my mid July. Passion and crystal balls. Goddamn rank Damn. Waves Gemma with that said bring that this episode alleged infringement on clothes. I do think I might try to find me a true unit. So in the background, Unknown 20:52 I will archive the final unit classic here. Unknown 20:56 Do you guys want a fresher, classic or are more classic classic five favorite. What's your favorite Masons? You Unknown 21:03 record this right? That's why it sounds Slayer for everyone. Unknown 21:06 Yeah, yeah. I mean for everyone to Unknown 21:10 do. Awesome lyrics on the produce lanky. Unknown 21:14 I didn't write anything overnight in the producer right it's a matter Unknown 21:24 Biggie Jay Z Little Wayne Pappu shit I don't write them down just comes on time. Yeah, just make it up as aka as whatever the music files are me I just go and say what I got to say right? Sometimes it's fine. Yeah, yeah. Could use a ringtone rapid? Fire. He said rapid and chairman. Unknown 21:51 Rathnam. Chairman. Unknown 21:52 Well, this might be Unknown 21:53 Oh, that's a title right there bass wrapping and wrapping and shoving that is Unknown 22:01 how we trade Unknown 22:06 so I think I'm gonna go with this song because it's ridiculous. It's done to the tune of Stevie Wonder's superstition, and it is from last year. Unknown 22:18 I remember that laughing already. Unknown 22:20 I haven't even heard it. It's called Unknown 22:21 how you feel. And there's something about I remember to remember how you feel is the name but there's more to how you Unknown 22:31 feel. So the sound the children came out of the back like what's going on? They're freaking out Mike and I had to wait. Unknown 22:43 Because there was like, What the fuck is Unknown 22:46 that? Scale scares children. Unknown 22:48 This song is scaring children protected video scared more just children. Unknown 22:59 Normal people like God damn, kid. Unknown 23:05 Yeah, so I'm wrong and he's personally and his children. Apparently. One of these kids gonna be present. One day was my life. Around the world, a couple of people thinking this is fucking amazing. Unknown 23:22 is also true anymore. That is also true. Unknown 23:29 I agree. But I mean, my hang up here with Steve my biggest fan area, because it's really so yeah. Anyway. Thanks for listening. Be nice people that look like you be nice to people that don't look like you. Don't be a dick. Unknown 23:44 Move this ladies and gentlemen, keep moving forward. Invest in you Mental Welfare protection. Unknown 23:49 Slowly. And don't forget we love you very much. Stay tuned for the G unit song called how you feel about festen I will be back next week with more goodness for you. Don't forget we love you very much and Peace be with you. Unknown 24:08 We are here thanks so much for listening if you want to help support the show go to www.Patreon.com/MperfectEntertainment Transcribed by https://otter.ai