Unknown 0:08 Ladies and gentlemen, once again it is the mason and friends show featuring the black hand of mike aka the transporter as well as Red Star aka red mud. All right, what's happening, what's happening? As well as el juperino, aka that dude called ju. Hey, me I'm Mahoney aka Mason, welcome to the Mason and friends show Unknown 0:45 what's happening everybody with these hours combined we have to do an education takes on this question, what's your guy what you got? Unknown 1:01 Okay, so I'm scrolling Facebook and I have come across this meme that says the what you bring to the table question only applies to facially challenged in big women. It's deep already. The kids talking about what you bring to the table question only applies to facially challenged and big women. Ain't no one asked in a bad bitch what she brings to the table. They won the genetic lottery. They deserve to be taken care of. Someone responds underneath of it and says if a man asked you asked is asked you this question. He doesn't think you're beautiful. So he wants to know how you can compensate for that. I asked her what she brought to the table and she said you don't see how I look. I say yes, that's why I Unknown 1:55 don't get this twist. Pretty girls out there whatever. A lot of them bitches got issues and some of them are toxic, but you need to be bringing something to the table. So I always say go carry it was so half. Yeah, no matter who you say. Unknown 2:11 You gotta bring it you gotta bring this up. Okay, okay, Unknown 2:13 I can get away with a lot more. Unknown 2:18 She's got she's got more rope to work with. Unknown 2:23 Okay, let me ask you this. Okay, let's put it in perspective for each person individually, right? I'm not saying that this is true. 100% true or 100% False. But I think y'all are too worried about how people perceive y'all. So who's the vet who's the baddest brought in your mind? Unknown 2:42 Emma Watson. Unknown 2:43 Okay for you. Unknown 2:45 are so high for you? Unknown 2:47 Scarlett Johansson. Okay, we need to put up with a version of these Unknown 2:55 women more so than anybody else. Unknown 3:00 With no money is still getting some. I'm not worried. Yeah, I wouldn't be okay. So Unknown 3:03 the statement is actually true. Unknown 3:06 It's accurate. It's actually true. Unknown 3:10 To a degree just like Watson can be more of a cut to me than just some pitch at the bar. But even still, before I'm gonna be like looking at a lot longer for you to let go. Exactly. Exactly. She's got hooks in deeper just based on the way she looks and we suck as men. Right much. I don't disagree with that. I think you're absolutely subject to that sort of thing. Like if you're dating a five and a 10 comes at you you have a hard time turning her down. When you're dating THE NINE and an EIGHT comes at you or a six or a four and you're kind of into not from around 10 No, she just 10 Because Unknown 3:47 she's no but she's a 10 So you Unknown 3:53 broke ass Scarlett Johansson and rich Scarlett Johansson actual Scarlett Johansson is like let's go out you're gonna go with it. In all likelihood, Unknown 4:01 if original Brooklyn comes up Unknown 4:05 with the Brooklyn and the Richmond comes up to you, you leave them with one scene cooler No no no no. Okay, we have anything else is equal. To leave with the rich we Unknown 4:20 gotta leave with original because he brings more to the table Unknown 4:30 like your salary cheaper brings more to the table and the other ones have five you're gone with the 10 Unknown 4:36 Okay, so now what is the number what is the magic number no scale scale you with the limit of seven and a half for Small Giants. Like big G Scarlett Johansson, a seven and a half for a bitchy Brooks Unknown 5:01 but Scarlett Johansson versus Scott Ronny. Unknown 5:03 I'm not leaving a bye for no bitchy Unknown 5:06 Scarlett Johansson any any any that? Unknown 5:09 I can't deal with no big benches I can't deal with them. Like rich better than them dumb ass little 12 year old bar bitches I cannot I cannot lead a bomb. I can't do this anymore. I've Unknown 5:27 had a shorty that was like bragging and bragging but she just knowing Unknown 5:36 how important is Sex and the relationship? Unknown 5:38 I think it's pretty important that yeah, I'm having bad orgasms like I don't want to be in that. If I can't comment hard, then I'm more likely to stick around. It's like just like a five that makes you come hard. Who's going to be able to keep you more than attend that does. Unknown 5:54 It all depends on depends on visual. Well, it Unknown 5:57 depends on how much well it depends on how much you want to maybe be perceived as having a hottie with you for yourself so right right but there's there's there's elements that like who's the baddest join out? For me? Yeah, who's your girl man? We know everybody else's like we know. Like if you asked Mike who I would go out with if I would like to stop the show. Emma Watson was like we're gonna move to England I'd be like, okay, passing the podcast over the internet. I don't Unknown 6:27 know what she looks like now. But Garcelle Beauvoir, whatever and then check off the Jamie Foxx show. Gabby no fancy fancy fancy was here. She's still a bad. I'll just say 10 To me, her name again. Garcelle just type in fancy. Oh, Jamie. Unknown 6:49 Jamie Foxx Unknown 6:50 I got G AR C and Garcelle. Boo wha Haitian American actress TV personality. NYPD Blue Jamie Foxx show out of Unknown 6:59 this world beautiful. Like especially like that time. Unknown 7:03 Oh yeah, I can dig it. Unknown 7:05 You know what I'm saying? Like I'm just looking at her while I'm nothing is gonna make me come Unknown 7:12 out there's there's absolutely something to Unknown 7:15 say she wasn't worth no lag. If she didn't cut it. She wasn't able to fuck it. Unknown 7:20 She didn't do anything else. Unknown 7:23 Right like she can't cook so pay any bills. She gets ventually those things are going to override her beauty. Eventually. Unknown 7:40 You put up lasers but that may be Unknown 7:48 a goalpost. I feel like you're moving the goalposts Unknown 7:51 every goalposts Unknown 7:56 and she can be fucking goddamn I'll give Unknown 8:00 Scarlett Johansson laundry Unknown 8:09 beyond my one limit, Unknown 8:11 you know what I'm saying is true. Because we have to turn this woman into session to get to labor now. Unknown 8:21 I agreed at the beginning or the beginning. Do is a concert. Unknown 8:28 God goalpost we put the goalposts in the stands. And now the extra point is 90 yards away. Unknown 8:34 You're not gonna make but we also can't follow Unknown 8:41 Why does she have to turn out the Turner into the scourge of scorched earth in Italy because she's beautiful she doesn't Unknown 8:53 want Johnny Depp lost a finger dog because any Unknown 8:55 other beautiful and he got his bed she Unknown 8:59 got his bed Amber Heard it on Unknown 9:06 my experiences that I've had, I've had some banging shortages that just weren't worth the fuck and I'm like, you know, I know that headache and I don't want that headache. You know what I mean? Right? Like yes you are a fine piece of eye candy. But you got some problems that I came Unknown 9:21 up with Okay, so check this part of it. I'll also say you say you with a with a woman that you really really liked. Right? I'm not saying you're all in love. What are you gonna slide off and knock that 10 off every once in a while? Unknown 9:34 You meet cheater Unknown 9:37 guys, I don't I don't slide out. I did that one time to ensure he ain't never done to one sense. Unknown 9:45 Does it hurt you to do it? Unknown 9:49 committed and Unknown 9:52 you shouldn't last too much you really like it? But maybe you're not really established though. Maybe those relationships? Are we in a relationship or we not Unknown 10:02 like that's a situation where if we just wait waiting for the perfect time. Then you have to go do my thing. I'm gonna slide okay. So Unknown 10:10 so the desire to slot is still there. See? That's why I asked that trick question. But desire to slot is still there. You don't like a title doesn't determine your relationship. Unknown 10:23 Sex with attractive women is always there. So like whether your Unknown 10:27 relationship has to say, so why does she have to say why do we have to have meat on like that says we are in a relationship if you ain't fucking with nobody else is cheating fucking with nobody else. You are in a relationship whether there's this big title there or not. Unknown 10:43 Say How committed are you in a relationship Unknown 10:47 depends on how you want to make things what determines the title? The individuals are in a relationship with the buttons and wants to determine the title is this a boyfriend girlfriend, husband and wife situation is different. Unknown 11:07 We just don't know. Oh my god, you got no you said other people I'm saying no. But if y'all aren't seeing any any of y'all aren't seeing other people but y'all haven't really had the conversation. Is that a relationship to you? Unknown 11:19 Until you have the conversation Unknown 11:23 Henry dabbing me if you're hanging out to check like everyday Unknown 11:27 Russians picks up after like Unknown 11:29 two weeks I think you're aware that you kind of do it you almost in a relationship. Not not legit established. You're getting you're pretty goddamn close. So Unknown 11:40 are you slacking off until y'all have that talk? Unknown 11:43 If somebody else do Unknown 11:50 you feel me. Like if you've got to slide off their next two weeks and the visor good. Only thing is you don't have to put on a piece of paper. She hasn't checked yes in the box when you're in second grade. Would you be Margaret Eaton Come on man. To Space Unknown 12:08 like when when you are in that connect join like say, say two weeks got really good like like your mind. This depends on where you at what is Unknown 12:20 possible. I'm saying it depends on the individual relationship not there Unknown 12:23 within that two week period and I'm not there but did you ever go ahead and try this piece out of it? Because I'm still sorting out I'm trying to see I'm testing. Unknown 12:31 You still consider yourself single primarily. Unknown 12:35 Because So what just change it the words really change it if you make the commitment to someone. If you make the commitment to somebody works. How does the words change it? It depends like if I say Unknown 12:46 to you I'm not going to fuck nobody else then Unknown 12:49 I don't see what I'm saying is I don't say the respecting your word. Your word. Whether you say the words are not as the point that I'm making. So why is that two week window why you loved Why are you in your hand? Why can you justify it? In that two week window? It says that that Unknown 13:06 shows for me. I mean, they may not have to be around for it. Maybe just three days and they felt around the same day might be the title the Unknown 13:15 title of it doesn't matter because that means because to me when you say that when you say if we're not experts told me it's huge and I really really liked this brought it feels like she's the one but y'all have had the conversation so it's free game for you to go fuck somebody else. That's technically what you're saying. You see what I'm saying? Until we all have checked that box. But your actions are what check the box not the fucking conversation. If see if see if Unknown 13:38 the conversation is what dictates you to commit to those actions man Unknown 13:42 because words you can say anything or words. Unknown 13:45 Yes. Everything that your actions show what you really are made to go together if you say you're going to do something but you don't do that. You're clearly not someone to be trusted. Unknown 13:56 Right? What if you're doing something and you don't say anything about it but you are locking in with this woman? I'm asking why is it okay to slot off until y'all talk? We don't have to have a conversation but you could just feel the vibe and you know that neither one of y'all are doing so because you see Scarlett Johansson because Unknown 14:14 that's the most common social contract of the world these days is that until we have said to each other this is what we're doing. We're going steady. We're getting married. We're doing whatever we're committed. You know what I mean to each other nobody else then you can't expect the person that you're with to uphold that until you have actually looked them in the eye and said this is what I want isn't what you want. No, it's not okay, well, then we have to deal with that Unknown 14:38 statement. It's also known as there's always going to be a bitch out there that I'm putting in a slot. Unknown 14:44 That's that's the elephant in the room until you actually discuss that situation. Because if you just hang out with a chick on occasion, hey y'all get it on and whatever you maybe you meet at the bar, you have a drink, you go get it on it. You do that once or twice a year three, four times a year, six, seven times. If you're hanging out with someone on a regular basis, Unknown 15:03 he created a scenario he said of you. You meet meet a chicken you're two weeks in and she comes home from work to you every single day. You don't talk y'all check in with each other, but y'all haven't made a commitment. That is the commitment so of that two week window in your brain as a man says I can go fuck somebody else because we haven't checked like that's not a real commitment is what I'm saying. There's always gonna be somebody that's gonna tickle your face. Whether you go and do it or not. That's not a that's not a commitment and you're waiting for something to be written. That doesn't, to me that makes it that doesn't make it a commitment. Unknown 15:41 I'm not saying it is a commitment until you tell someone that you're committed to them. Why Unknown 15:44 do you? Why can't you just tell them through your actions like a lot of women just like to go with the flow. A lot of women don't even like to have that conversation. Unknown 15:53 With cowards. They don't want to deal with conversation. Well, they also think the title changes Unknown 15:57 or changes the way that Unknown 16:01 it takes away from not because it takes away from the natural flow in the natural progression. It's either that they're cowards, they want things to flow in body in a way what I mean Unknown 16:11 with organic, what you're talking about is like, Oh, I'm just gonna show up at McDonald's and start cooking fries. You know what I'm saying? Like, you can't just like be like, I work here. Now. You know what I mean? Like, Unknown 16:21 what a terrible analogy because you're talking about a place that you have to apply to Unknown 16:29 a relationship with the individual that have a relationship. Well, Unknown 16:32 they don't work because they're being viewed as contracts Unknown 16:35 are contracts. This is the base Unknown 16:44 relationship is a is a Unknown 16:48 marriage, between relationships and marriage, but not really much if you're in a real true relationship. I mean, like you're, you, Unknown 16:57 unless you think about what you're saying, unless you're Unknown 17:02 saying here's what I'm saying. Unknown 17:05 I'm not saying there isn't a difference. I'm simply saying that a committed relationship in one form or another is something that has to be discussed between the individuals that are involved. You can't just say alright, we're in this as we've been hanging out. I didn't say that. I didn't sense what you're implying. I Unknown 17:21 know what I'm saying. Okay to go and fuck this other broad in that window. Quote, unquote, that's what I'm saying. Unknown 17:31 For the individual whether or not it is or isn't for an individual but Unknown 17:35 it's okay to do what I'm saying this because I've been on this I've been in that scenario. I'm saying Unknown 17:40 it's because you haven't committed to not do that. Until you commit to someone that you're not going to do that. It's okay to do whatever you want to push it out and committed to do anything. And Unknown 17:49 I'm saying you have to commit to yourself, that you're not going to do that before you even think about committing to Unknown 17:54 someone else. I disagree with that. Unknown 17:58 Whether so if that means that you're not committed to yourself, whether you say it Unknown 18:03 or not, what is that? How do you How are you getting there? I'm always committed to Unknown 18:10 your fight. You're looking for the definition of Unknown 18:17 the word I can't deal with the level of conversation right now. Unknown 18:24 What it is, is like okay, so you're in this two week window, right? Let's say we're going back Unknown 18:29 three months, whatever. We'll see that Unknown 18:33 this is like theoretical, right? So like how are we supposed to any of this legacy? Unknown 18:39 Because it's relative to what certainly Unknown 18:44 open relationships it'll be married and go fuck other people. Let's get there without a conversation. Just like to introduce you to someone who's my girlfriend unless I've had a conversation with her that she is or is not my girlfriend. You know what I mean? Like everything that you're talking about is like, your actions are going to establish this thing that you feel so very clearly, and I don't agree with that. That like your actions do make statements, but they do not bind like contracts or relationships or feelings or something you know, I'm saying like that takes conversation and handshakes and agreements. And so Unknown 19:24 I'm gonna go back to something you said but earlier about how some women don't like having the conversation. And I think part of that is because if they don't have the conversation, they can do a slide out to you see on a man. Unknown 19:38 Absolutely. But that's how every individual is that like, that wasn't the Unknown 19:44 best. As man as it is for females, right for mash man and weed Unknown 19:52 same way people make their way to simplify since the level isn't right, right. So two people meet they they're kicking it on their own. Little inbox responses to other people just dwindle away. It's been about a month and a half. There's been a lot more time together. The vibe is there. They haven't had the conversation. Three months ago, you reached out to this one joint you want to dismiss so bad and as she reaches out to y'all are saying that it is okay to break that bond that y'all have already created because y'all haven't created a verbal bond. I think that's retarded. That's what I'm saying. Unknown 20:38 That's the narrative because you're looking at more timeline for using Unknown 20:43 that as an excuse not the timeline. You can find with some Unknown 20:48 given fuck about the timeline if I'm not in a committed relationship, but I've verbally agreed to be with them like so. So that's, I don't necessarily I don't necessarily, I still Unknown 20:57 can't really trust the vibe because because device will be there on your own little lab, do Vive and I guess Unknown 21:10 people are walking time and see Unknown 21:16 if some people can be to people because it's still represent. Unknown 21:21 That's not the scenario. Unknown 21:22 But I mean, I've seen all the scenarios. Unknown 21:27 So you feel like a wolf. So you feel like just because y'all sit down and have the conversation that we are in a committed relationship is somebody that's less likely to cheat if Unknown 21:36 after I've been if I've said That's crazy, man, if I'm sitting there chillin with a chick and I'm and I'm really vibing I'm not gonna slide out whether it's whether it's fucking day, a month, a year, whether you've had a conversation or not, whether or not Yeah, I mess with the same page. I'm not gonna I'm not arguing with Unknown 21:53 you. I've seen Unknown 21:56 them. And the fact that they're saying that that conversation is very, I'm not saying that. Conversation shouldn't be a determining factor whether you go fuck somebody that you really want to determine you Unknown 22:13 should just be the title that stops you or keeps you or starts on Unknown 22:17 one's own individual honor in a situation. individuals make their own decisions. I don't disagree with you. But individuals make their own decisions. So you know, somehow is going to be like, a lot, because we never decided that we were together. You know what I mean? And that, based on your honor, may or may not be something you're willing to put up with because your debtor did not. Unknown 22:36 And that's why you gotta go. That's why she has to go out. Quite quite probably. Absolutely. Unknown 22:42 But if it's Emma Watson, I might put up put it Unknown 22:47 back to the business man. Unknown 22:53 Credit bitch conversations. Tell me about these credit. Unknown 22:57 I'm trying to say if if Scarlett Johansson if our if our holiday, Scarlett let's say I run a banner at the bar whenever now come back in and I'm kicking winter all weekend and she ain't doing nothing. She cleaning up. cleaner looking beautiful. You got to put up last All right, my mother fucking harder than three days. When your dishes just gonna sit there and be worthless. I can't do it. Unknown 23:29 That was the point though. She was in order for you to do that. Unknown 23:33 She has got to she's on the table. They gotta do something. I can't I just can't have not just can't have that So Judy cook I can't do it. I can't I can't deal with it. Like them fuck you see all them fucking fancy as benches now that live around there up and like around here and in Ashburn that staying home and got like a fucking made in like a rubber band which CD but it brings them to the fucking cage. You just suck my dick immediately like what? Dude? Unknown 24:09 That's got to do stay pretty. Go to the gym. Stay looking good. Some kids later on, keep aside Unknown 24:16 make me come on and when I come Unknown 24:20 over now and we will swap over on dinner I need I need something Unknown 24:27 right. So now I think we were laying there. I mean, we're back I'm gonna do Unknown 24:36 a real relationship conversation but we've Unknown 24:38 moved into finance now though, because we've been Unknown 24:42 doing this effort Unknown 24:43 are cool with that. Usually it's meant to bring Unknown 24:49 in need to do nothing but suck dick and ride take naps. At least the first on Feb second. She she needs to bring something to the table lifescan need to bring some to the table with dark skin obviously didn't need nothing. You know what I'm saying? Unknown 25:06 Like she wanted she wanted to blow a bomb with the now later lottery Unknown 25:15 pretty sure that's disgusting. But yeah, that's fine. Unknown 25:20 Yeah, you're the best and that I don't need my truck. Unknown 25:25 Right I got everything. So goes back to what I was saying about individuals. certain individuals are willing to do this. And certain individuals are willing to do that some people are in relationships when they go into sex parties and everybody's bone on everybody and other people and relationships with age and sex before they got married. And they didn't go as anybody other than a person that they that they're married to. Because prints all day maybe it's all episode for the prints man left. Unknown 25:48 His birthday was on seven Unknown 25:50 do so I'm gonna say what's up to my man Prince purple King man what's happening Unknown 25:57 he was the Goat Man for Unknown 25:58 real no doubt he definitely beat Michael by a long way. Unknown 26:01 Nah man, different things when you're talking about Michael Jackson. Unknown 26:11 There was a time where they were like a hot topic and Unknown 26:15 that's one thing, but it's like LeBron and Jordan. Unknown 26:19 Were playing at the same time. They're playing at the same time. Unknown 26:22 Okay, I'll give you that aspect. But in the aspect of what they brought to it. They're like LeBron and Jordan, Unknown 26:29 Godzilla and King Kong Unknown 26:32 to a degree because they're definitely way different. Flavors. Yeah, exactly. That actually me and Michael is like apples like they're not the same thing. Yes, I Unknown 26:48 guess because like, Okay, first played all 27 instruments on his first album, right. His debut album couldn't get a band together. I was playing well. We Unknown 26:56 just got to know themselves. For instance, a bad motherfuckers was Unknown 26:59 very Unknown 27:00 Michael Jackson. could record Unknown 27:04 Michael Jackson couldn't play the instruments. He could stand in front of an instrumental guy and say I want you to do that like he could lay it out for somebody but he couldn't play the instrument Unknown 27:12 right but Michael Jackson had perfect pitch. He was no need for voice correction. Michael Jackson could record and send producers records all acapella. And they build music. That is phenomenal as a person raps, the person who sings tries. Unknown 27:33 Yeah, but Prince could do all that. By himself. Unknown 27:35 But the level that them to bounce. They were they were the kings of their rounds. They Unknown 27:42 were and then you have to throw in the entertainment factor. Both Unknown 27:46 of them are very great entertainers. Yeah, but Unknown 27:48 Michael had that production. Michael Jackson could come on stage and go like this and people want Unknown 27:55 to rent fucking hours that's a different leverage. Complain for five fucking hours. I saw a prince play for five hours. Michael Jackson they never played for two different things, man. Unknown 28:08 I guarantee you go to a jungle to some fucking indigenous tribe. They won't have prints posters that I have Michael Jackson posters before to have a prints posted there because my goal Unknown 28:17 if we could make it somehow somehow figured out the cameras to African tribes. Unknown 28:30 The Chinese army was Michael Jackson's security. Unknown 28:33 Yeah. Unknown 28:35 That's that's just being caught up with the Chinese Communist Party. Unknown 28:43 Land wherever and when he was dealing the world back then whenever whenever he dropped that job. Unknown 28:50 Was the human world it was seen by Michael losers because nobody has ever worried about Prince banging their kids they are worried about Prince banging their wife, Prince bugging Unknown 29:03 their wife Unknown 29:08 You do realize that Michael Jackson was walking away with ownership of Sony though, because of his contract, having Max install the machine and then all of a sudden all this shit comes out of Unknown 29:20 something that was put together, but you Unknown 29:22 can say with certainty but he was worried about Prince bugging your wife and not your little kids. You say that will certainly be the odd No, no, that's not to say that Unknown 29:30 is what is that's what they made up. You can you can say that. But we can't prove or disprove that because we're not we're not there. We don't have the evidence. We don't have any reason right to be able to prove Unknown 29:41 somebody new Michael Jackson was a very, very close friend. As a matter of fact, when I went to go record my album in New Jersey, I sat and listened to master recordings of Michael Jackson to do Matt Reed was a great friend to his Unknown 0:03 Ben told me that it was all a smear campaign because Michael Jackson was walking away with some Unknown 0:11 ownership because that was a part Unknown 0:14 time way back in the day and they didn't think that he would be achieved that level of greatness and make them that much fucking money walking away with it and then all of a sudden Unknown 0:23 allegations here's the difference between Michael and Prince now because Prince knew and that's not compressing had his masters right? This shit Unknown 0:31 because he had to wait for you said shut up. Better know. And then No, he didn't because then he all of a sudden he starts getting sick Unknown 0:43 and how he died from fentanyl because there was fentanyl in his pills. Because he had pain pills. He wouldn't do anything reasonable. They felt that a fentanyl quite frankly, I mean think about essentially killed. Will Prince had pain issues. Michael was way more out of whack. The Prince Prince had pain issues I think my my precious plastic Unknown 1:16 issues. How do we how do we how do we know that? How do we know that any of that's real, like looking at pictures of cocaine he puts his Michael fucking little kids know we've seen in pictures of him like laying down a little kids and shit like that. Unknown 1:34 I heard him talk about having sleepovers with little kids. Unknown 1:37 But about that but did you hear Macaulay Culkin said he said you guys had a thing. His bedroom is as big as someone's house. They've already he's Makoto Cogan said they weren't even sleeping in the same bed. Unknown 1:51 You got kids. You don't want to go sleep. Unknown 1:53 Anybody Michael Jackson or anybody but that's besides the point. That's completely besides the point. Unknown 2:00 You trust anybody let alone Michael Jackson. What your kids trusted what was out there before what had to be Michael Jackson was fake boneheads well if you had a kid I had kids Unknown 2:12 I wouldn't want to let them stay overnight anybody's house unless it was like I guess some kid they were friends with schools kids sleepover you're not gonna let your kid do that. Everyone's gonna fake kid friend at school is having a sleepover. I don't know. Like, I'm not gonna like let my kid just go off with anyone without like actually really vetting where, where they're going. Unknown 2:37 I gotta meet the parents Unknown 2:42 if you're staying with this exactly, I need to meet these little bastards parents before you're gonna go hang out with these little bastards know these people my man Zach's Unknown 2:53 he's pretty decent at the same thing to get over there. Unknown 2:56 He's right Prince never had kids over to sleep over at his house. Unknown 3:04 Nevertheless, simple fact it doesn't matter press had Prince's place but WhatsApp for kids is Michael Michael Che was out for kids. Really fucking creepy. Well, Unknown 3:14 let me just say I'm not defending the man. You know what I'm saying is I'm playing devil's advocate because I appreciate that you can throw in you can throw information out there to say if you say you're worried about personal or your wife and your kids that you're putting out by saying like you feel and that's perfectly fine. If you feel that Unknown 3:36 what I'm saying those are more. Those are more tangible things to be concerned about. Between the two of them. Nobody was worried that Michael Jackson was gonna bang their wife. Nobody was worried that Michael Jackson was banging Brooke Shields when they went to the fucking Oscars together. But he was he might have been what you think is like kissed on MTV that he was actually a Unknown 3:57 man who loved it was Unknown 3:58 he was trying to throw it up and he was just crying. He might not have heard Unknown 4:05 more tangible evidence that he was a closeted gay man and then he was a heterosexual males not true. Unknown 4:12 I've heard that he was all about women because fucking dying to talk about it's not Unknown 4:16 true. Like But see, where do you find the sources where you're like these are the they're smearing people's existence. Unknown 4:26 The guy that I heard talking about that was on Star and he had written a book and he started his books prove that Michael Jackson was raping little kids. And by the time he finished his research, he decided that Michael Jackson was a closeted gay man. Okay. About two hours and that sounded more feasible to me than anything else that I've heard. I'm not sitting here saying he did anything or didn't. I'm simply saying, like, so. So what because I listened to a talk and a he made reasonable sense and he sounded like he really did want to prove that he was a child rapist. You know what I mean? Like that was his intent when he started like, right write the book Unknown 5:04 and most kids when they got older came back and actually came out and say that Mike never did anything like that. It was a money grab. Let's go there. Unknown 5:11 I'm not denying that that sounds completely feasible to me. I'm simply saying no, Unknown 5:15 that's fact that's not feasible. That's something that actually happened. I do Unknown 5:19 not have these facts. That Unknown 5:24 the monsters against my when they actually got a guy, they said, died when he died. That's when all these people were like, Yo, that should never happen. He never fuck with us. He never touched us. They brought his money. And he said that Unknown 5:38 they played off of the fact that my first of all, Michael Jackson never had a childhood. Since the age of six, seven years old, he was forced to be an entertainer by his boss, so when he built the never Neverland problem he never had a childhood so why wouldn't I build a following Unknown 6:03 never had a childhood the same she put Janet. Janet says that in her bio. She's like, look, all she wanted was just to be a normal fucking teenage. normal kid, but she couldn't because of Joe. Joe was like, Look, Unknown 6:17 when he was fucking kids. I'm a big fuckup a desk that Unknown 6:20 I understand that. So how to handle that like Unknown 6:23 excuses anything other than excuses in politics to anything, Unknown 6:26 but none of it is anything that we can prove is factual and not factual. We're talking completely in the realm of hypothetical Unknown 6:33 but you're expressing it like it's real. And that's Unknown 6:39 that's what you're saying. These are facts know, that like Unknown 6:43 kids grew up they Unknown 6:45 that is a fact they came out and said Unknown 6:47 he never touched us. He never did anything. Unknown 6:54 I certainly hope that that's what happened. I don't know what happened. Unknown 6:58 When they smeared on being the kids accidentally. That was a whole smear smear worked. Yeah, exactly. That's because, Unknown 7:07 but none of us can prove it. True. We're not sure. Right? No, we just go with what we're hearing how you try to make Unknown 7:14 the bold statement is you worried about prints fucking your wife and not your kids? Exactly. Okay, but then I tell him hey, those kids actually came out and they admitted and all that shit was it like a money grab? For still not yours? You're fucking your wife. These are true two minutes about the fact that you are accepting the fact that he was a pedophile because of how much information they put out, smearing him sure it worked, man. Unknown 7:49 But that's not right. Unknown 7:51 I mean, that's not right. Unknown 7:52 Nobody's done enough to prove Michael Jackson not being a piece of shit. Nobody's done enough to Unknown 7:59 be done. The kids came out themselves and say that it wasn't true. I Unknown 8:02 don't know. They had that Neverland documentary just a couple of years ago that everybody was making a big fuss about where they were saying that it was true. So like Unknown 8:11 that happened even after that even after the Neverland join them kids came on set and again like none of that. It's just Unknown 8:17 it's it's certainly believable. Like this works. Yes. I'm saying I can't sit here and like, like the like eliminate my lifetime prejudice. Like it's Michael Jackson being more likely to bang my kids than then my wife. You know what I mean? That's like a culturally accepted thing. Like that's something that I have accepted about the two of them. That's why I said prints one. Because nobody is worried about France banging their kids. They might be worried about Prince Magan. Their wife will say they're not worried about their kids getting raped by Prince when I say Unknown 8:49 when I talk. I'm just talking about the art itself and their impact on her. Unknown 8:54 I prefer Prince's art to Michael's art to like Michael had some good albums, but I don't like like he Unknown 8:59 was though. Do you think parents had more impact on music than Michael Jackson? Unknown 9:03 I mean, it's really just Unknown 9:06 it's not even close. It's not even close. Unknown 9:09 thing I got what both the impact is? Is that Mike his impact not only touch, it touched more people versus where Prince was like, Unknown 9:22 Who are the two most famous male r&b singers right now. First brown and the weekend. Unknown 9:29 Chris breezy. I know. The weekend was Mike number two. I had no idea but Chris Brown. I can see Chris Brown the weekend. Unknown 9:35 Sent the weekend and Chris Brown both are very, very close. They weekend voice is close to Michael Jackson's Yes. Chris Brown always is similar. He's He's as far as like, effectiveness and efficiency doesn't sound like Mike but the dancing and the entertainment Michael Jackson was a combination of of those things. Unknown 9:59 They learned all for that they learned all the entertainers that you have in r&b and shit like it Mito all them cats. They all tell you they credit their shit to learn them imitate money. But they don't say nothing about Prince Prince is the one they talk about where they sit down with Prince and Prince taught them about owning their masters on their ship business. Yeah, the business partnership, whereas Mike showed him the entertainment part of same Unknown 10:25 should happen to Chris Brown, y'all remember a couple years ago and Franklin is trying to say he raped her or whatever. But she came out and said it was all closed off because in his contract, he started his contract and just got restructured and he was getting control of his masters. Like these record labels are doing this shit to people and it's wrong. Explain it just makes people put information out there like there's a lot Unknown 10:47 of dastardly deeds around things that people are doing to try to make money. And it's it's pretty unproductive trying to maintain money, trying to steal other people's money, trying to take advantage of artists. You know what I'm saying to the American people in general. All we've been doing Unknown 11:05 is the same money grab just in every different industry. Unknown 11:07 It's all a bunch of Grifters, man, like, like, who's Unknown 11:09 gonna win the finals this year. Unknown 11:12 I mean, I want the Celtics to win. They lose money, I think the smart money is on the Golden State Warriors was Atlanta Miami Unknown 11:39 if I recall correctly I said Miami and Bolson are very, very similar, but they just don't have a guy. That clutch guy at the end. I think Tatum might turn out to be that guy. That's what he is that guy and that's why Boston is Unknown 11:58 just the basketball no more Unknown 12:00 like it this is my favorite kind of basketball though because she's like, I don't really know. Like I think that smart money is with the Warriors. I think that it will be a whole lot cooler if Boston one Have you watched Unknown 12:10 them play Unknown 0:00 We have been watching the first game Unknown 0:06 offense team defense is out of this fucking Unknown 0:11 game. If they can keep it together and not not have too many fouls and knock it out of it and not lose their concentration, their race because they've got the potential. That's the Unknown 0:20 key because like, Golden State is so Unknown 0:22 good when trademark gets in their hand and they spiral off like they're not able to do it to Unknown 0:27 that part too. But I'm talking about technically. Oh, yeah, the Golden State is so good that it looks like that they're running around playing playground basketball, yes, but they're running through 456 different options and looks and 20 seconds, four seconds to get the ball across have four right and then they're setting their pick where they're making the pass to Draymond Nick looking at this option looking at this, is he showing or is he backing off? If he backs off from pulling up if he doesn't back off? I need you to sign I need your pull up I need to draw him back right there during all of this shit. And 24 seconds and for Boston to be on top of that shit, bro. Like the level Unknown 1:07 of lights really good basketball. It's Unknown 1:10 it's that's what you want in a 501 You can't Unknown 1:15 beat Golden State for 48 minutes with those shooters, bro. That's why That's why Golden State is so hard to beat four times in two weeks. It's just the they shoot the ball too well, and they run they basically running just a Unknown 1:33 perimeter try and they can catch it and they can catch you and pass you in a blink of an eye. Like they caught the the shoot the other day. Exactly. Unknown 1:41 So their ability to shoot. If you look at the old guy and his balls, Steve, he's smart. They play they pretty much run the same office to separate their tribalism beyond the 3.5. Unknown 1:52 Yeah, they weren't just Unknown 1:54 nice, because they got the three point shooters but what they're doing is they're that like a lot of times they're faking that pick on the guy who gets the ball pass to him and then it's a backdoor cut into clay. Like little snippets as soon as you turn it on, I'm gonna type shit and then you targeted or you watch for that attorney hit home. He's open and they're knocking down threes. They're so fucking efficient. Boston is written as A, they're going to be a force to be reckoned with for a while, as long as they can stay healthy. Unknown 2:20 If they pull this off. There'll be like the next probably team that will be in the finals a bunch for the next half a decade. If they pull it off. And if they don't, I don't think it's gonna happen like that. That's the Unknown 2:31 scariest thing we'll get rid of. Because you got to look at what they think they're even gonna stay. There was a little easy like, you know the dice roll in their favor. John Moran gets hurt. You know what I'm saying? Jamal Murray wasn't there for Chris Middleton in the East. He gets hurt. Unknown 2:52 Yeah, he was there that that series is great. Unknown 2:55 It's, you know, he's he's a big guy. He's issued the ball. He's got long arms. He's a great perimeter defender. He's a great team defender. He got he understands team defense. Like, that's how you have to beat Boston. Unknown 3:07 But Boston also has been like on the cusp for a while. I mean, they also seem to have the kind of like, like upper management that gets how to like make a team last Yes. And that's not common. It's not today's day. Not on today's right. So Unknown 3:24 these guys are working together. I mean it realistically the best the beauty of it though, because the old guys when you look at the old teams like Unknown 3:31 man, I love the 90s Fucking bowls the fucking Unknown 3:34 Lakers but it was easier. It was easier to build a dynasty than Yes. Why do you think it was because Unknown 3:40 there was less communication amongst the rest of the world? Where like they wouldn't have you wouldn't have had the guys that want to get together. Well, he wouldn't had the guys like, like the guy that got together in Brooklyn. You know what I mean? Like that sort of thing. That sort of thing doesn't happen with the without the Internet. It's I don't think it happens to the level that it happens with the internet and the social media and the connection with the people that the other towns. Back in the day they built an all star game they play and they wouldn't talk again. I mean, for six months or whatever, we're staying communication. Now. Unknown 4:17 It wasn't like that, like because they were talking and this is the reason why I see. It's more about like, in those days, it was easier to win. I'm not saying it wasn't hard to win a championship and have a dynasty right but player movement was less so like you knew that plan makes more what they weren't add you knew that they weren't changing for like the next four or five so she was you had what you had a you build what you're able to prepare for that and that says team gets to know itself. congeal whereas now you can be Golden State. Be down three, one against Oklahoma City Thunder, come back and beat them and then Kevin Durant leaves the City Thunder and goes to you. Yeah, it's I want to prepare for that year Unknown 5:10 if I was that that would never happen. It'd be like if Isaiah Thomas started playing for the bulls and like 90, like that Unknown 5:15 shouldn't just because the contracts would they were locked into longer contracts. Oh, it Unknown 5:21 was a totally different way to defense for so much more an ad. Unknown 5:26 Right. And those are long contracts. But those long contracts on the right and players getting fucked over for those extended periods of time is the reason why they signed shorter contracts now. So the blue so that is a little break the wing itself I'm gonna say hurting changed itself. I'm gonna say it hurt Unknown 5:46 I don't know man change fucking with the defense the way they fuck with the defense. Like, if if you go to take a shot and I brush your shirt while you're on your way up and they call a foul on it like that irks the fuck out of me, but they don't do that all they do in a lawsuit you're not really affecting the shot. I don't think it should be a foul if you're not really. And they call them all the time where it does not affect the shot at all. Unknown 6:11 was when they land the dumb fucking land Unknown 6:13 up under somebody while they're coming down. That's one thing but if I understand you, if you physically step on a need to do while they're looking at what you're shooting at, you can pretend that Unknown 6:21 you're not and still do it. That's that's a Unknown 6:25 that's a that's a bloody deevak Is the guy that really ruined the Unknown 6:32 last opportunity to do for Golden State did that to Kawhi Leonard when Kawhi was in San Antonio and Boston Golden State says he did that shit to Kawhi Leonard they put him out for the rest of the bucket series. A big flop Sure. No, like, wow. And he Unknown 6:50 rolled his shit and that irks me because I just want to see the best teams play each other and win based on not an injury not all somebody found that out like I want it looks like it's like back in the day when Steve Nash was driving on the on the on the Spurs and they hit him in the face they collided faces and his nose broke all open and they and Unknown 7:09 yeah Unknown 7:12 if that hadn't happened like that, at that point, Phoenix might have won that series. They might have won the championship that year. You know what I mean? Like anything can happen all sorts of stuff can go certain ways. And it's that's part of what makes it so Goddamnit interesting. Is that so much shit can happen on a basketball court in such a little amount of time. Yes, that's that's I think the reason why I like it so much is because I can watch it on TV. I can really get the full experience. I don't have to watch it in person. You know what I mean? Like, which Unknown 7:37 leads me to my final answer who's gonna win Las Vegas? Fuck these motherfuckers last game for I just watched them close to the most bogus fucking calls or loony that I could possibly like in a kid could see that that wasn't a foul. On the defender, I beat you to the spot, put my arm straight up. You run into me we're close to the basket. But when I'm not inside the circle and you call a foul, and then you look at and say okay, so moon is gonna stay totally big guy Boston is dominating on the class. Unknown 8:10 If you can last a lot better chance of winning that series. Unknown 8:14 They're so good that every little nuance at that level. They're able to capital Unknown 8:19 mercy, that's again, you know, back to that softening up the game. Like what they deal with football, they soften up football. You had to soften Unknown 8:27 up football and you had to Unknown 8:31 like, I mean, for safety sake, sure. By people dying a lot. People know what they're gonna bring. They know what you're getting into the game. I played football in high school for a little bit. I knew what I was getting into. I was like, You know what, I can't keep doing what you're signing up for you have so you know you're gonna get fucked up by like the way you went in boxes by getting brain damage. Like that's how you lose when you give brain damage the other person they dropped out of the box if you think you're going to be worth fuck after boxing match either the baddest Unknown 9:05 the way he fought right? Unknown 9:07 And that's why people hate him because he never got fucked up and he never seen ever put himself in that position because he was too fucking talented to let it happen to him. So that's why it would be really nice if he read books on occasion had a little more intellect and was able to articulate himself better than just like being the dumb fuck that he is. Because he's smart was money great. He sees he's Unknown 9:25 different forms of intelligence just because someone doesn't doesn't have the ability to speak well and have that type of understanding to connect with people. I think it's foolish to be a person who has those abilities. And view that person as a few for a while but Unknown 9:38 it's if you don't work hard to make yourself better, which Floyd does in every aspect except for his ability to communicate. So why would I not hold that against him when I'm a communicator? Like I come on here try to communicate, I try to communicate better, the smartest Unknown 9:51 thing for him to do was to spend time making sure he doesn't get his brain fogged up rather than communicating with you right but he's selfish as American Unknown 10:02 but he's had much time in his life to become better at communicating someone scientists really though, I mean, every day how do you not like how do you not like try to get better at everything every day. Unknown 10:11 That means you don't even understand the dedication that he's putting towards Unknown 10:15 that he doesn't have to worry about communicating to us. Here's my thing. Unknown 10:20 It's not a priority. It's not a priority. My priority is getting better at this craft. Unknown 10:25 Right but he's not a boxer anymore. He doesn't box anymore. And it's not like he has like done anything other than, hey, look at all my cars parked under my fucking private jet. Unknown 10:36 He promotes boxers. He teaches he's teaching boxers how to box and not get hurt, which is great with that I Unknown 10:42 certainly don't hold against him. Unknown 10:44 I think that's you know, way more reputable than being able to use big words. Unknown 10:54 Big words you need to words he doesn't have words. Unknown 10:56 Words, here's what he does. And he has a team, that he ain't worried about the words. He has people to do shit for him. But he'll do Unknown 11:03 interviews and I'll do an interview Unknown 11:07 his way through him. You know what I mean? And like if he was he was more articulate. If he spent time in different ways, like What else was there to challenge it? There's nothing else you can hold against him. He's fucking rich. He's played his cards right but his money and he never got his head fucked up like, my point is there's no excuse for him to be as poorly articulated as he is. There's no excuse. Unknown 11:26 He's just not that kind of person. Could be like us like this. Like if he was the top you'd like and there's absolutely no excuse that you can defend yourself to a supreme level. Like, at the end of the day, no people are people Unknown 11:41 there but they're very different things yourself on a supreme level and being able to speak on a very different Unknown 11:50 Marshawn Lynch. He's got a very great at communicating, you know what I mean? But they're both fucking brilliant when it comes to finances and everything else he knows how to get his point across. But he might not be the most articulate guy in the room. You know what I'm saying? Unknown 12:05 I've never I've never felt like Marshawn Lynch was harrowing. Whenever I saw him talking. Unknown 12:09 you've ever heard any interview I've never had a person to listen to he doesn't articulate what the fuck yeah, Unknown 12:16 I don't know. I've never witnessed him being bad at communication. He's always got Unknown 12:23 bad communication, just like he just doesn't articulate in the way that your brain is and your brain appreciates, because the way your neurons are firing. Unknown 12:32 I mean, maybe I just I just don't feel like he's trying to improve himself on his ability to communicate. And I feel like you've got everything else in life lined up. Why would you not try to better yourself on the one thing that you're clearly poor at? You know what I mean? And that's, that's what he's doing. Unknown 12:49 I think he's bettering himself. I think he's bettering. himself at something that's more important to him. Like, I think it's very, very unfair if Unknown 12:59 you need to better himself. He's talking about his ability to articulate Unknown 13:03 his legacy in the sport. He's trying to teach people how to box and not get your brain best and so you can still be a human being wouldn't help the rest of it wouldn't help them teach Unknown 13:14 people if he was better at communicating. Why would he want to do such a thing? Unknown 13:20 He's showing them physically. It's not even about the word right? Unknown 13:24 But if you can speak what you're doing, then you can also teach it to people better. Unknown 13:31 If you can't do it, Unknown 13:33 just do it. So he could do it better than anybody else ever. And he can't tell you how to do it without showing you he can tell me no do like me. Unknown 13:47 He tells other people how to do it. He shows other Unknown 13:49 people how to do it. If he was better at articulating themselves wants to train him better. Because I watched him this training I don't care because you have something that you're completely have no knowledge of I have an opinion on it, because I know how to communicate something you say if I use it, but if I know that it didn't know he doesn't know how to communicate things verbally, or in a way and it sounds like an ad. I'm telling to you. Right? To you. Yes. I'm the person making the judgment here. Right. But I'm telling you, because this is this how many of us but this is me and myself and you're making your judgments for you and your self. So but if you ask Freud since Floyd to me, is such an inarticulate person that I wouldn't want to try to learn from him. Then to me, if there's anyone else out there like me that wants to learn how to do the things that Floyd is good at doing. He's doing a disservice to those people. By not being articulate by not being able to communicate. He's limiting his reach by not expanding his abilities. And to me, it's a very sad thing since he's such a capable person. If he actually tried to get better at communicating. I'm sure he would be dynamite at it. You know, if he just picked up Dr. Seuss, and went from there through like Stephen King books and started trying to get better at articulating himself I think he could just like my mantra to unit is not good at communicating. He would be better if he tried to communicate these phonic he does all right, but he doesn't have the Unknown 15:13 It's okay. Unknown 15:16 No, it's just about a thing. Of like people being in their own head and feeling some in some way, shape or form that people have to do things the way that they do to a certain degree for you to understand. And that's crazy. Juliet's. I don't know. How do you not understand what he said? There's a lot of Unknown 15:39 people today it was better communicating that people would understand him better what I'm saying. Unknown 15:46 So the person receiving the information has nothing to do with the communication. That's fucking crazy. Unknown 15:51 That makes no sense your ability to communicate, the better you are at communicating, the better you're able to communicate. It's a Unknown 15:57 relationship though, this relationship between two objects. So that receiver has to have something in their brain to say, of desire to understand the person that okay I agree with that because it's like so so what I'm saying is so Freud is using different types of intelligence to communicate the goal of what he's trying to do because he doesn't do it in a way in a spectacular fashion. Doesn't mean that he doesn't articulate himself. Unknown 16:24 Like okay, so I worked with this guy that had a very strong Jamaican accent, and he spoke Korea, right? I was the only person that could actually have a conversation with this guy. Nobody else understood him, but I took the time to understand where he was coming from. Unknown 16:43 Because a person doesn't have an extensive vocabulary that they don't articulate themselves. Well, I think that that selfish and fucked up, Unknown 16:52 or I think it's been selfish and fucked up to not take the time to make yourself more understood to people that don't understand. And Floyd's not good. Unknown 17:01 by you, the people that he is training, they understand him, they are implementing what he is saying, and teaching Unknown 17:10 them a video series where he's teaching people how to watch Unknown 17:13 him training with people. Yes, he Unknown 17:16 does and how to work on your reflexes. No, Unknown 17:19 this is what you do turn when this happens in the moment like he's he'll use a couple of words. Unknown 17:25 All I'm saying is, all I'm trying to say is that he would be better off saying he would be better at doing what he's doing. If he got better at talking. He got better at communicating. How do you know that how to get worse at it if he got better communicate because you and I are sitting here saying the same thing and we're using a whole lot of words. We're using a whole lot of words, but how is he going to be worse at teaching people to Glocks by having a better by having a better vocabulary because boxing Unknown 17:49 is an instinctual thing. Unknown 17:51 That's gonna You're not talking about Unknown 17:55 and you're not really Unknown 17:56 thinking in the typical sense. Unknown 17:59 You know what I mean? Like you're teaching people to be in a zone you're not seeing neurons Unknown 18:02 to fire and remember certain things in certain moments right so the thoughts muscle memory Unknown 18:07 practice type shit, but like, the better you're able to understand things, the better you're able to understand things. I think, my only my only point with Floyd is that wants to talk better. I'd like him to be able to communicate more clearly. I'd like there's like anytime I hear him speak. I'm like, Boy, it sure would be nice if he was better at that. You know? That's my only point. I'm not saying he's bad or he's not even slurs just like to understand sort of Biden's different though because Biden has actual brain damage and Floyd does not Unknown 18:39 how do you even know he doesn't know he's been boxing since he was three. Unknown 18:47 He has some brain damage. But Biden has way more brain damage is really good. Biden has more brain damage when they have to like cut the top of his head. off and come to brain surgery on him. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's had a whole lot more. Unknown 18:59 Boys just younger. Boys, just younger. Unknown 19:02 Boys. You think when Floyd rolls by and he's going to be more bumbling or less bumbling? He's Unknown 19:05 already bumblebees or he has mental lapses. When? Unknown 19:12 Exactly. The shooting at the top of his head off, put it back together. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So that's our precedent. Exactly. Trying to bind them together. It's Unknown 19:31 gonna show Bob not a fight. Unknown 19:36 That said we're gonna have to bring this episode. Yeah, Joe's not gonna let that stand. Because not getting satisfied. We're gonna hit you with a red star. Oh, you want a red star tracker up? Unknown 19:50 joints on YouTube, bro. The restaurant. Focus. I think I was number 105 on Unknown 20:00 which way you want to go for what do you think? Unknown 20:01 What's your favorite Red Star Trek my shit. I don't even know. I listen to Unknown 20:05 those numbers. dream. Dreams dreams. Dreams of love. Ashes pretty dope Unknown 20:13 dreams because I heard them blast themselves like men have a chip on man's Unknown 20:19 nose you don't want matter of fact Plato reigns jungle killer priests are gonna feature we're Unknown 20:24 gonna breeze because fucking like I said, I've still got your one CD that you and fifth meeting Unknown 20:30 oh you used to but the four seasons. You get a copy of the emails and tracks the song Unknown 20:36 I'm gonna load it up so they get a new track called the brains by Redstar. With with killer priest, because I haven't done that. John has been put out some challenge has a whole bunch of different versions of it. Yes. Okay. All right. All right. So stay tuned for a Red Star Trek called reigns featuring killer priest produced by herbs. And, you know, remember be nice people that look like it'd be nice people that don't look like you don't be a dick. Unknown 21:02 Yes, little bits by little bit slaves and gentlemen. People can communicate. Even if they don't use a lot of words Unknown 21:09 or fine if they disagree. They can still have a conversation and not hate each other. Because I'm a big fan of all the people in this room right now all and I've disagreed with them for at least 20 minutes or maybe 30 minutes Unknown 21:20 look at dude like us. Unknown 21:23 Let's get some. That's because you're bad community. Unknown 21:28 He doesn't even want to deal with Unknown 21:34 turtles to go on the next one. Turtles to coming up. Stay tuned for turtles to check out this Red Star Trek and have a great rest of the day. Unknown 21:42 Joe Nice to be with you. sun still shines on the dark days. You can even change your heartless ways. To date a dark side sun still shines on the dark days. You can do to change your farm this ways you could even start to date her episode The blanks based on me to break me but it wakes me up from the slumber shake myself raindrops fall on my face Nice call. of sun still shines on the dark. even change your ways. You could even start your day yet. sun still shines on the dark days. You can even change your heart this way. You didn't even start to date Unknown 23:47 because the strangest we would need this now we major bugs in nature lover favors drugs betas. What's that wage have been on paper Undertaker's the other days but in the past? I was dogs and fell upon games you play selfish with my game. Stop follow my strings in Chicago. Look when I become strangers we would make that would make the danger of love and famous drugs from Vegas. Unknown 24:13 To the raindrops falling on my soul. Stars call sun still shines on the dark you can even change your avatar today. sun still shines on the dark just days. You can even change this way. You could even start the day Transcribed by https://otter.ai