the Mason and friends show featuring a dude called ju aka Juno Mars Unknown 0:25 as well as Unknown 0:28 the leader of the congregation aka trae x Unknown 0:30 one time for your mind two Times for your soul Unknown 0:33 as well as el transporte aka the Black Hand. Me I'm Mason, these are my friends wanted to give myself a reminder to shout out Bruce Willis. Sorry oh Unknown 0:53 that's some crazy shit right there. So hey, the man won't be able to talk and Unknown 0:57 I'm playing the theme from the greatest Bruce Willis movie of all time. If you haven't seen 12 monkeys do yourself a favor. That's a trippy join. Block out a couple hours. Sit down and watch that shit. Turn off your device. Unknown 1:10 A lot of his movies man tons of Unknown 1:12 great stuff yards Unknown 1:13 I mean come on. Fucking one in three the second one not so much Unknown 1:17 the first diehard is like a must have it's like a must watch for me at Christmas. It's become tradition now Unknown 1:23 for six cents pretty good fuck with him in the six cents. For the thunder slap dig in there. Someone moving the chair will say like children about to bring the daylights like them in surrogates, because that's pretty much what's going on. Now. If you haven't seen surrogates check it out. It's fucking pretty cool to what's happening in the world with metaphors and all that shit now. Buddha says he's been an attic I fuck with me. He's been Unknown 1:53 the last Boy Scout he was my last Unknown 1:55 boy scout with Damon Wayans. Unknown 1:58 That movie had its moments. It was decent. Very was in that movie. I know. For a quick second Eddie Griffin was in there. Unknown 2:07 Yeah, I liked the jackal. When he was in the jackal. I like that Joker right there. He Unknown 2:12 was in a movie with Kevin Smith directed. Unknown 2:15 Either way. I like Bruce Willis even in Looper Looper I thought would have been like yo, yeah, read with what's her name? Well, Unknown 2:24 wasn't he liked the GI Joe and those GI Joe movies? I thought he was like the badass one. Unknown 2:30 Oh, you're talking about Expendables. He was in Expendables. He was in one of those. Now he was in a GI Joe movie. Unknown 2:35 I remember from the preview. I never watched the movie. I think it was in the section the back of an El Camino. Back when a machine he was in the second one Unknown 2:42 yeah, he was in that Unknown 2:46 there for those you haven't watched the Unknown 2:47 third diehard a long time I remember. Unknown 2:50 Zeus Yeah, same Hillels Symbio carry that movie makes that movie strikes a yay. Does he really come on Unknown 2:57 now the man gets paid to cuss in movies like if he doesn't say motherfucker. He ain't getting the check. Unknown 3:04 Well, you know what? I met him in person. Samuel Jackson is a cool motherfucker man. He's a real downer do shout out same. Unknown 3:12 That's why we got to bring him on the show. Yeah, that'll be cool. We need to bring those snakes around. Unknown 3:18 He gets tired of the snakes on this goddamn Unknown 3:20 podcast. Frogger there was some moves. I wish he wouldn't that's one of them. Like Snakes on a Plane I've ever watched. Because I couldn't the concept sounded. You couldn't watch. The concept was just not some developed way where this doesn't make sense. Unknown 3:36 Deep Blue Sea was garbage. Unknown 3:39 But his speech though before he got eaten. His mouth full of speech was like Yo this motherfucker really? He bought the carrier by you by the ocean every time I got Coach Carter. Yeah. Coach Carter. That was a good one right? There. My greatest fear, sir. Is fear itself. What? Okay, you asked the question I asked you Unknown 4:00 to shout out to Bruce Willis. Unknown 4:02 Yeah, definitely. Big Love Bruce. While we were off there, I think we were discussing like somebody had like kids outside of a bar with my Unknown 4:13 kid kids, they were old enough but anyway, like, Unknown 4:15 like kids sitting out like sitting in the car and I hope this never happens. Good sitting in the car while their mom's in the bar. It's kind of obvious like walking to the bar and you bypass a car with kids and somebody is asking, you know where my mom is. She got the little short dresses. Oh, shall we hungry? You should not assume that's what I'll do. Unknown 4:40 I'm normally your mom or your mom. Oh, yeah. Hey, Unknown 4:43 that's disgusting. My girl Santa children he'll mama throat Unknown 4:49 go get her as you get Unknown 4:53 the things that these people got away with. In the 80s and 90s You can't get a Unknown 4:59 whatever member beta we go to the store and getting fucking beer for a day or fucking remember that the cigarette machine we put the money in and pull the fucking cigarettes I remember getting some slips from a mom with Unknown 5:12 one of those cigarette machines in the Black Cat in DC. This was Unknown 5:17 probably 15 Unknown 5:18 years ago. Unknown 5:20 There was a place in Fairfax still had one about a decade ago, but they're really rare. And I think that that is definitely Unknown 5:30 a sign of the times. Definitely. Definitely. something from the past. You'll never see that again. Yeah, it's definitely not something that's really needed. Like you'll never see like a vending machine selling 50 cent sodas anymore. Unknown 5:41 No place they were selling cans for $1.75 The other day I was like this is out of control. Unknown 5:46 Remember fucking what was it up here to giant with the payphone had the soda machine right next to the head from sodas for 25 cents. Yeah, that was a joke because everybody who had a picture that's the payphone you use like Unknown 5:57 look out Mikey, date yourself. Come on now. Unknown 6:01 Look, I already put it out there. I unashamed people out here. Great times. Unknown 6:06 Some of y'all still got Scott pages. So we got Unknown 6:10 this guy Patriot would work. Unknown 6:12 Not today. It's like the Blackberry. The BlackBerry is long gone now. Unknown 6:17 But it was still the best. Unknown 6:20 Before a little bit I didn't have one of those. I didn't have Unknown 6:22 one but everybody said it was the best it had the best like like keyboard tactile on this you like really get in tuned with your BlackBerry keyboard and really like our model. Unknown 6:33 This man it was like a like a palm pilot kind of joint man back in the day before there was even really Palm Pilots and share with the stylus and everything and I went to I wouldn't even tops China was another Chinese takeout joint right? Go up into small fuckin and somebody called me and I was going over something with them. And fucking the lady was like, Yo Cassie, your phone. I was like yeah, now this was like the brand new top of the line phones you could get at that time right Bob and shit. And she's like, let me show you my so she shows me her phone. I should not now have like a block like his multifocal was like a block about the size of my palm in my hand. That was the phone I had just been no bigger than probably about an inch wide. And maybe maybe about five inches long. But the whole thing was flat. And the Giant was like, transparent. I could see through it because it was it was too little. It was a frame and a screen in the middle. Everything was touchscreen. To see through the side by purchase leadership as CEO. This is back in like the 90s late 90s And I'm talking to her and I'm like you're wearing a helmet you get that from she's I got it from my home. I said we mean we're home country like golf tech technology is way way behind us my way my Unknown 7:53 machine from China. Yeah. Unknown 7:55 She was showing me this shit. I'm like, What in the fuck like, Y'all got phones that look like this now? And all I could think about was how far advanced they were. past us that they had shit like this. You know what I'm saying? And you Unknown 8:09 said this was in the 90s late 90s Because I know Mike I think he's making shit up. Unknown 8:16 Because TCP was dog I don't believe she not because it fucked me was best yogurt Mitch. See that your Uber want to come out with these joint wasn't that like Unknown 8:30 that's where the the the athlete's foot was ATT John is Unknown 8:36 the Chinese spy used to be right there. That's the one that I'm talking about where I put that lady with that crazy look at files and now you never seen something like this. And it made me feel like damn, I spent this money on this fucking phone. A hardship is like what the fuck? I ain't got nothing nowhere near Unknown 8:51 this. I thought you were balling when you went into exactly like like humiliating? Yeah, like well, what Unknown 8:56 the fuck are we doing dinky basil Yeah cuz that's what made me really started looking into shit like technology like okay Unknown 9:04 it's like and even like yeah shot caller did walking into bands would spoil it was like, you see this phone right here. That's what I Unknown 9:15 would say you can't even get this is basically what she told me so that you can't get us here. I got this from old country. They sent it to me Unknown 9:21 and I'm just cutting holes in the floor of the train like James Bond. Oh, yeah, no, Unknown 9:25 I'm not sure fried rice. So I came here for anyway. Talk to you about my phone. Unknown 9:32 You're all upset for China. Fuck me a much much shit all Unknown 9:36 a bit of extra anyone to even still Unknown 9:41 around they're still around. Unknown 9:42 I haven't even seen people. You know what I'll hear a lot of best Chinese food I've had out here soon and cafe and that I'll know what it is that crispy beef is on point. Like a mouth hugger waiters cafes and in his in the giant shopping center out here. Unknown 10:00 Okay. In between giant. Yeah. Unknown 10:04 I don't keep up with a whole lot of work. Because I'm in Manassas ballpark every day, man like Unknown 10:09 I'm out there. Would you bro like hell? I'm Oliver fapy in Northern Virginia now. That microchip Unknown 10:15 shut down and getting getting hooked up with some stickers man because I've been bombing the fuck out of some gas pumps and shit like Unknown 10:23 that people have fucking like I got Miss Jhansi fucking one of my stocks man. She listens to the show. Unknown 10:29 What? Miss Johnson Thomas chassis you could check me out on a video wave and Unknown 10:35 I forgot whose videos Unknown 10:38 to record. Like that's the plan man. Unknown 10:40 We could be a reality TV because we don't even pay to do the cameras. Unknown 10:43 Well, we ain't never paid attention to the mic especially the Jews. You'd be like, like, can you talk? Unknown 10:50 He just didn't have the unit. That's his thing. Unknown 10:53 Don't worry. We'll be on reality TV next. Unknown 10:55 I'll tell you because you know why cuz we got people that you can't script but you couldn't write. Like the two of y'all. Nobody could write the two of y'all and be Oh, that's that's Yeah. Okay. Unknown 11:06 Oh, no, I do my own damn right. Unknown 11:10 Here go re whatever it was. No one's Unknown 11:12 gonna concede you guys like a sick. Unknown 11:14 I do my own writing. I'm a writer for fucksakes people. Unknown 11:17 There's no way somebody sitting at home thinking about a character like Judy, Judy. is an original. He's our original Unknown 11:27 productions like we might have to do a two unit sitcom. You know what I'm saying? Unknown 11:31 Oh my goodness, that would fuck it. Just a story or this motherfuckers like we do it like some one two years shit. And you would have have, you'd have to have me like narrating it for you because you're gonna need translation sometimes in one way Unknown 11:45 or another. Unknown 11:46 Well, the thing would be he would say something in the show and then you as the narrator would translate it. So no one on the show would hear your translator be Paul's Unknown 11:55 like the Dukes of Hazzard would do. Right here we go. The Jew unit has done it. Again. Now what he means what he means is this. Someone on the show? Unknown 12:05 Are you like if we're talking like Wonder Years ask kind of thing. Yeah, that would work because that new one is garbage Unknown 12:12 work. You know, I don't work the new one. Oh, brah like that joy. I thought it was good. That she was not Unknown 12:20 whatever. Suddenly, they brought this crap back for this. Unknown 12:23 I like to do that. I liked how they did Unknown 12:25 it. Like I saw the first episode, and they ended spoiler alert with the Martin Luther King shooting. Yeah, so there's this whole episode about this little black boy that's like learning to interact with, like racist people and not race people in all sorts of weird like 1960s culture, right? And then they ended with that. So it's like, to me it's like this little kid. It's like, just starting to think like, I can like be friends with anybody and then like this massive potential Yes, spot. Unknown 12:55 That happens. But yeah, I see where they were going. timewise because I think somebody was even saying like, they should have started it in 2001. I'm like, Unknown 13:04 wouldn't have worked in 2000. That time. Unknown 13:08 Like the show would be set in two. Unknown 13:10 They couldn't they couldn't have done that because I don't think it would have worked as well. Because, but it's paralleling Unknown 13:18 the original exactly, because that's what I like about it. It's like if you watch the first one of yours, you're gonna see a little white kid growing up and watch the newer one you're gonna see a black kid growing up in that exact same time period and Fred Savage is an executive producer. on it, which gives me hope for Unknown 13:31 I like to Unknown 13:32 do a credit to that. You know, I remember the original. Unknown 13:37 The original sketch show Unknown 13:38 we'll talk about this new Fresh Prince shit out there ball brella is what it's called. Now next thing Unknown 13:42 after Will Smith's Mac Chris Rock. I don't want to watch Pele I don't like I'm inclined to not support Will Smith see Unknown 13:48 his thing that Bel Air isn't like our first prince that we grew up with. I know that like cotton does coke Unknown 13:54 he looked but that's part of why I'm like you know what, fuck that shit. Unknown 13:59 I'm gonna take a look at Unknown 14:02 this. I can have like a Bel Air version of like, let's say like, Uncle selling drugs, or if Unknown 14:09 they did Steve or CAL will see Steve her hair will be so purple Urkel so it would take place I can see that. You did. I knew Unknown 14:20 I'm a good lord Winslow one way or the other. Unknown 14:22 Do you want that I'd be really Unknown 14:24 funny if Stefan or Cal selling drugs to get Unknown 14:28 because do something like entertaining because of the blog. Yeah, because like, again, like my TV night is Thursday night Unknown 14:36 or photo blog, or Uber blog, Unknown 14:39 the blog or Cal lay plug Unknown 14:43 whose work will be done don't but for her daddy trying to arrest him he's Unknown 14:48 called me really fun house we will try to find a blog is now your fucking talk. It's like a Walter White kind of thing. Yeah, he's trying to find that's always right there. Unknown 14:59 But he can't figure it out. Unknown 15:01 Winslow, can you tell me about No, that's the shit he pretends to be Urkel with the Winslow's but he's really Stefan or Cal selling drugs. And when he's hanging out with the cop, he's always talking like so what's going on with that investigation and Unknown 15:17 what's going on? Talk about this, but it's not going Unknown 15:21 like that's how he's moving. Meals and shit around. He walk around a circle for you to shut out. spenders. Unknown 15:30 He's got everything going down and shit. The neighborhood's getting rough email campaign. Lord, get us over here bench. Where's my bag? Where's your brother? Your brother supposed to have my money tied up motherfucker Eddie. If you ain't got my goddamn money. Fucking Unknown 15:51 phony phone when you slipped into back don't Unknown 15:52 tell him I Unknown 15:54 may still be watchable because again, my TV night is Thursday night when Law and Order is on and up Unknown 16:03 to snuff though Chris Maloney Unknown 16:05 long on organized crime. I tried to watch season two I couldn't. It was terrible. It just seemed like it was kind of wanted to be a movie and it wasn't Unknown 16:16 a spinoff. Original. Okay, okay. With Anthony. Okay, gotcha. Unknown 16:23 Anthony Anderson's in it. Yeah, the original line from an anti Manson like, like rape somebody or something like he did something horrible. He did something horrible like 15 years ago. I don't know if he ranked it was like sexual inappropriateness on set somewhere. And like it became a thing. And then I guess it went away because he's like, whew. It's kind of like, Marv Albert, like did that crazy shit got taken out of the NBA thing and now he's been back. Yeah. Like nobody gives a fuck. Just take a month Unknown 16:50 off. Well, yeah, that works for some people. I Unknown 16:53 mentioned that she didn't Mike is literally on his shit. Look at this. I understand sexual inappropriateness. Unknown 17:00 You know because that can happen for some people. For non Unknown 17:03 Chino XL had a rap where he said I'm harder to control than Anthony Anderson sex urges or assumption like the I don't remember Unknown 17:09 it might be a sex addict. If yes. Unknown 17:13 One of the stars of blackish technically was Unknown 17:17 Jay Anderson, Jennifer Lewis. Which one is that? That the skinny was the grandmother, Unknown 17:21 grandmother. Oh, yes. See that I can see that. Obviously her sex Unknown 17:25 life Mike. Mike is always able to interpret sex addition and a woman because she Unknown 17:30 looked like she looked like she was a monster like you remember. Number one earth a kid fucking came up Eddie Murphy and boomerang. Mark is I don't have any panties on me man panties. Mark is that's how it is. I can see her doing that she did somebody you know what I mean Unknown 17:48 that someone did a great job isn't wearing yep, yep. Yeah, Grace Jones isn't Unknown 17:54 trying to fuck I wouldn't have been scared Earth kit like fuck it was that's how it will be with Grace Jones Earth kit. My mike I don't have any CS Unknown 18:04 Lewis the one you're talking about. Fascinating. Yeah, I can see her being a free course. You know, I'm gonna knock Unknown 18:11 down who was a cute Okay, and Anderson was accused of sexual assault. On the film of Hustle and Flow 2004 30 seconds or so? That we'll see what they say because it knows to be hell who wasn't hustling flow. Yeah, the little white girls has arrived. Unknown 18:29 The Smashing means and Terrence Howard won the Academy Award for that Unknown 18:39 trick that's they worked for was whip that trick. Unknown 18:42 Whoop that trick? No, it was hard out here for a pimp for Unknown 18:45 that one. Okay, okay, but for me. I didn't want that trick. From people are looking around like what the hell happened? Hey, man, we've been trying to expand the culture for a long time. Bring it on. Unknown 19:01 That's like me being on 60 minutes. You could do it. It could happen. I mean to hell, I could record a spoken word album and win a Grammy for that Unknown 19:10 goddamn right bro. I can record it with imperfect productions you know one step at a time was to say Unknown 19:19 you know tree eggs ruined his own career because he went on Bravo and punched out Andy Cohen. Unknown 19:26 I would love to see you get in a sit down conversation with these people. Because I never understand why you want to find Andy Cohen. I just don't get there's just Unknown 19:34 something about him that just screams like obnoxious, annoying and just a pain in the ass. Have you watched him? New Year's Eve? No. He's terrible. Unknown 19:44 So is it literally that you want to watch Anderson Cooper and he's ruining your experience of watching Anderson. Yeah, I Unknown 19:49 mean, come on. Now you're making like you're making me soft here. Unknown 19:57 You arousal. Unknown 20:01 I said when I said like Nene said I said what I said Go ahead. Do you? Unknown 20:11 Sound like I'm gonna get a hold of this bank accounts and hit up Neiman Marcus or Unknown 20:16 nah, nah, that's Anderson. You want to do that with you're gonna I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna be like that scene and pretty woman. When they go to the store and buying all the shit. You're like Anderson, can I get one of these tunes like Unknown 20:31 for you like earlier in their movie where they're like, it's really expensive. You can't afford it. Please leave the mighty only one that's pretty woman in this room. Unknown 20:41 But I haven't seen it in a lot I've ever seen. I watched it Unknown 20:45 with an ex of mine. I've never seen and then also watched the leaves the same night. Unknown 20:51 So in pretty one way fucker. He buys a home and finds a home. Unknown 20:55 He gets he gets a hooker and he wants to take her to like business events Unknown 20:59 is basically that's Unknown 21:02 okay, okay. So he Unknown 21:05 doesn't want to fuck her. Or he actually does a photo. We don't want to bring him closer so girls don't want cancer because he didn't want it to be essential. Unknown 21:14 So he was in a relationship able to do before he will say he would have brought Unknown 21:24 him on or bringing bringing content he's you know what I think but he ain't no kissing Unknown 21:30 a beta icontec either. Unknown 21:34 It's like wait a minute, Richard. Gere was in a movie you know damn well she gave up quit Unknown 21:41 she was fine and Unknown 21:45 Robert Downey Julia Roberts. Some water tea. I Unknown 21:49 like to see that you got a weird mouth. It's a Unknown 21:51 it's a big ass the two front teeth and the bunny rabbit teeth to give me like she kept her mouth closed. Maybe she got the Cheshire Unknown 21:59 Cat smile magic. Unknown 22:02 I don't know why I don't mind is like why but it does. Like I will look past things. Like if she got a good personality. Maybe but like I said, Unknown 22:11 that's how I feel about Kim Kardashian. Like Like I'm not like wowed by her parents gonna look bad. Like Unknown 22:18 birthday Kim got one doll as personalities but she just looked like she Unknown 22:24 Yeah, I don't. I don't disagree with that. She does not seem like fun at all. Unknown 22:28 Like I'm not very lively dude. I'm not 100 live action the whole fucking day. You know? I mean, but I do some fucked up comedy shit. I get you laughing. I don't think she can make Unknown 22:38 you could keep the conversation. Unknown 22:41 Yeah, I don't think I don't think you made me laugh. I made a woman that makes me laugh like my girls who makes me laugh. Have a good time. We laugh that's one thing I really enjoy as much as he laughs in front of stupid shit. Most random is dumb shit, but we laugh about. Kim wouldn't do that. Unknown 22:59 She's taking it too serious. Unknown 23:01 They stick to serious things she might just be looking at you like are you just you're not on my level. I've been fun to tell you. Here's Unknown 23:10 the stupid shit that you've done on your show for all these years. I can't say that because I never seen the budget show. Neither. Yeah. I can't comment. I was talking to some people. The last time I was out in and around the Manassas area. I literally told this woman like I am the worst guy ever because I don't watch any of the Kardashians. He's the worst gay. I don't watch any of the Real Housewives shows. I cannot stand RuPaul drag race. Unknown 23:39 Is there anything cliche gay that you're a fan of? Unknown 23:41 No nothing. Nothing. Unknown 0:04 Don't say I'm trying to think of what is cliche again, Unknown 0:08 that's the thing, right? Like there is no real cliche of gay or straight or white or black or any of this stuff like, everybody puts all these like stereotypes. One gay guy Unknown 0:18 was just like what fucking crazy because Whitney Houston started playing like if you don't shut the fuck up, dude, it's like I was about ready to snatch you over this bar and throw you out the fucking window. Unknown 0:28 I went to my second gay marriage. And one of the one of the dudes who was getting married was mad because they were playing folk. Unknown 0:34 I would be mad too. Unknown 0:36 Because he said I don't want to be that cliche gay shit. Right like they were playing Vogue. I guess somebody recorded the other gays requested probably. Oh, like it was. That's really what it happened. Literally why? Dude out there just Unknown 0:51 honestly, I would like he was eating Vegas. He was doing it. That's what the plan is. If I get married, I'm getting married in Vegas period. Unknown 1:00 Ship now are you going to go to like, like a club chapel. Are you going to like try to do something like a little more? Like elaborate, like, like a nicer place than yourself shack on the side of the road. Unknown 1:10 I don't want to do the shot on the road. Or I could go the same route my parents did. They went to Mexico and got married. That's cool. I Unknown 1:21 think I would do a destination wedding. There's too many problem people. Why don't think that Unknown 1:25 what he's talking about is a small I don't mean like all my relatives there Unknown 1:30 will have a party when we get back. We're going to this we're going Unknown 1:33 to only do that man which was cool. It was difficult for him and his Eminence old lady. They went to just a piece right and then they had they sent out invitations for the party afterwards it was to add do barbecues a month later, man that joint was tight. Guys so fucked up about that big Unknown 1:51 shout out to my heart Mark did something similar Unknown 1:54 but the funny thing was like we're the homies right. We all work together. So he invited us to HK squad that we're together this these cats I go to the bistro with my food, my youth, my foods people, people that work in The Foos, man shout out the recognition crew members shout out regulation. So like we're sitting at our table because we had our table that we're at but you can clearly tell who tamale folks that work together. We're because our table has so much fucking between the beer bottles and jello shooters like we the old table was covered and we're looking at everybody else table like they actually got plates of food is getting trashed. We got fucked about that big man. I mean, we will store they had to go get more beer. Because as much we drink that day, man like Unknown 2:39 I almost got a buddy of mine. Father kicked out of a country club in Gainesville for stealing a bottle of wine. Unknown 2:46 See, we had to shout out Rob. The elderly ladies at my man's cookout. They came through with a fucking like cooler. You know average picnic cooler size. Full of fucking jello shooters. And they were just handing them to us by the handfuls. I hear here y'all go. Man, we were fucking them. They were the best job shooters ever had. You didn't take the liquor. Like Unknown 3:11 you never find in my wedding reception period. These No Unknown 3:16 look, I don't drink and can I break some animals and pass them out to those that are willing to see why not? I Unknown 3:20 mean, come on now even I got it. Unknown 3:23 Oh yeah, see your foot. We saw that frame. I Unknown 3:27 mean, I want to do it every so often not all the time. And if I do it's usually Unknown 3:34 Right on man moderate, be more moderate because you don't want to over Unknown 3:39 do it like a certain Unknown 3:40 word for everyone's looking down right there and then a break me into the animal conference. Unknown 3:48 So here's the thing like the place where I bought it from the cookies there and I really want to buy those I'll stick with the gummies let's just stick with this first. Unknown 3:56 I'm a big fan of gummies like I don't like chocolate edibles. They give me gas. Yeah. Unknown 4:01 Even my get this even my mother fucks with government. Healthcare Unknown 4:11 it's the wave of the future man like like putting out again Splinter come through sometime soon. Shout out Splinter teach us how to make edibles. We're probably gonna make an imperfect entertainment production and how to make edibles. Put on the web how to Unknown 4:24 you know everybody's getting into that. I mean wow, to Unknown 4:27 make some gummies splinters got some techniques you'd be talking about. He's got mad, different things you'd be doing. Unknown 4:33 I really think that I would never get into the whole gummy thing. At one point I'd Unknown 4:39 never thought you would or wouldn't I just figured like burgers was doing your thing but you're not big on the wheat stuff. So I'm really Unknown 4:46 not so sadly, folks you will not see Trey accept the cannabis festival won't Unknown 4:51 be with us at the Cannabis facts festival but you'll be there with us and holy shit. Unknown 4:54 These motherfuckers they really was the one the bad boys for Oh no, they really weren't but then they got the big I Unknown 5:02 get cancer got yeah got. We got canceled as Bill Smith's Mac arch rock. It's Unknown 5:05 not canceled. It's just put on hold. Sure How to get rid of that. Just go ahead and toss it. Get rid of bandwidth for Unknown 5:12 please don't do it. So three was bad. Three was Unknown 5:15 horrible, bro. Sick is two wasn't that bad? Unknown 5:20 What? Will you better off getting jazzy? Jeff back on the road do like one final Jazzy Jeff press prints tour. Unknown 5:26 You know what I wanted to say about this that I've forgotten until now. The reason Will Smith really mad at Chris Rock is because Chris Rock has been on more classic hip hop albums and Will Smith could ever hope to be Oh Chris Unknown 5:37 Rock on Busta Rhymes all day. Unknown 5:41 He's been on more Rap Albums than I can think of. Unknown 5:44 He was on Method Man's albums. He was on bastards. Unknown 5:47 He was on the prince Paul. record that he did. Prince a thieves. He was one of the many. Unknown 5:57 John on one of his records, telling Unknown 5:59 but go ahead and cancel that fucking bad Unknown 6:03 boys no no shout out Chris Unknown 6:05 Rock and fuck off. Will Smith Unknown 6:10 I don't even want to hang on what's meant that I need I want Will Smith. Middle LP So clearly needs for mental health a clearly needs they're Unknown 6:18 gonna have him on red table talk. I think they've already discussed Unknown 6:22 the stupid shiny damn Dr. Phil with them or something they need to have some kind of moderator up and that this keep things under control. Unknown 6:27 The red table talk like that. Will Smith and dinner not doing interviews Unknown 6:32 they need to meet Dr. Is there a current modern age Dr. Ruth? That's what they need. They need a real sexpert old lady, but they doubt Unknown 6:44 if Dr. Ruth was on rates and with them. Okay. Well Janet says you're not pleasuring her correctly. What exactly? Let me show you this vagina. What do you do will show me what is it that you do? What needs to be done in the clitoris will will will will just listen to me. Well, this is what you need to do. Unknown 7:07 I really think it's that simple development is missing the clitoris. Unknown 7:11 JTDs I thought like she needs her head like smack dab and she does she's like get rough. See, like Jenna looks like she likes that rough crazy shit. Like she likes to be spit on or some Unknown 7:25 like, like, like more foul than you would want to do. Yeah, you don't want to spit on a job. But you think Jada would be like, you'd be like, open your mouth that she'd open her mouth. You'd Unknown 7:34 be surprised. Surprised. Unknown 7:38 Do you think she makes him lay down and she stands above and spits on him for an hour? Unknown 7:44 I'm telling you some crazy shit you can see she's probably scratching his head so she probably got that fucking like fucking little barbs on it that month for good price smacking machine whip with the bar. Yeah, turn around. Well, that's probably why he went up. Unknown 8:04 There barbed wire around your left leg who want to get hit with that. Unknown 8:07 Okay, James. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm going to put right now. Unknown 8:12 Say man just retired from Hollywood to one last tour of Jazzy Jeff and then walk away. Unknown 8:16 That would be actually probably really smart. If he if he didn't have the fame. Bug. I think he wants to be famous. I think he wants the adulation. He wants the light because Unknown 8:30 he's not getting that at home. Unknown 8:32 That might be it but he's always wanted it before he was ever with her. He's always been amplified. He's always been chasing it now. Jada is somebody that isn't impressed. That's what the problem is. Is just a breast which is not what the desk like, you know, you can't date somebody that's been that far off. You know what I mean? Like, like you couldn't date a Julia Roberts like I couldn't date and Emma Watson without having like, although MLS has never been with anybody famous enough for me to be like, Oh man, Damn, that sucks. Like Kristen Stewart. She was with the Batman do and like, has big shoes to fill. You know what I mean? You try to step in to have a relationship with a famous woman who has been dating like all the most famous hottest dudes that all the women want like See, that's gonna be a problem. That's what he was dealing with riding his bike Unknown 9:28 Davidson get let the door open for any for Unknown 9:30 average guys now with the car there. So Unknown 9:32 Pete Davidson is not the average guy. He has the clout of at the very least SNL plus he been banging he banged enough famous hot chicks that all the other famous hot chicks are like, Hey, what's up? Ready to roll with this? Like, you must have something going for you. You know what I mean? Like they're gonna give it a whirl. Like you earn that clown like when you're out with that woman in fame world. Like all the other women are like, Oh, I guess maybe I called him too. Unknown 10:00 Because I mean, it's kind of how it goes with the women. It's like if I dated Unknown 10:03 him and Watson made it in the newspaper or something like I was on page six with her. I could date another Unknown 10:09 famous on like the cover of People magazine. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Unknown 10:13 Like if they had like Emma Watson and me coming out of like, you know, a club somewhere coming out of like Fargo or holding hands smiling. You know, I mean, laughing having a good ass time. Unknown 10:23 Wait a minute. Isn't that Mason on exact Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. That's Unknown 10:27 what it would say you would be like is Mason getting the Pretty Woman treatment from Emma Watson? Unknown 10:32 You know? She upgrade to him right now and she putting Unknown 10:37 him on a higher pedestal than he's ever thought possible. Unknown 10:40 Like, because he was because that's happened before. Unknown 10:44 You know you date somebody like that like for a while then you just jumped to somebody else you Pete Davidson it like you just keep for the iron hot. You know? You may Unknown 10:54 marry an unknown that's what Prince Harry did. Unknown 10:58 He found it he knows how to do who Megan Markel while he got where he found a sea level talent. And and we're known as well. It's kind of like look, you go in you know like you did all the really really hot ones for a while like it would be like if what's his nuts? Leo like it Leo married like sea level actress, but she's just beautiful. Like I think Megan Markel was very attractive. Like physically. I don't know her personally. She seems probably a little Unknown 11:25 like this. Prince Harry saw that. That booty. Yeah, that Tang Tang. Come on now. Unknown 11:30 He was like the chocolate. Yo is like blank with Prince Harry was gonna be the one that is invited to the cookout. already knew what to do was he going Unknown 11:43 on once he smelled that cocoa butter. Unknown 11:47 He's been hooked. Amen. He wasn't cocoa butter kisses. He Unknown 11:52 wants his cheek. He wants his chicken seasoned Unknown 11:55 likes all those foods. He's a good man the season is a little drive would Unknown 12:03 be like right they don't open like English bar. Pubs but they don't. They don't Unknown 12:10 open a new season and a bigger fish and chips. Basically it's battered fish. Unknown 12:14 It's beer. Yeah, we do. The biggest spice over the face of mayonnaise. I doubt that's what he would say. Unknown 12:29 Go get some Lowry seasoned salt and Unknown 12:32 Larrick. season salt beard foam. Unknown 12:36 Salt beer. Unknown 12:40 Come to a black logo. You'll find out what seasoning is. Unknown 12:44 There's a lot of seasons out there man. Unknown 12:46 Just don't let Bill Cosby make the barbecue sauce. Unknown 12:48 Don't do that. Don't let Bill Cosby anywhere near any of the things that you got to take Bill uplinked bill you sit your ass over here. Don't you get off this motherfucking bench. I'm a bring your plate Unknown 13:00 pocket. Regardless. Unknown 13:03 If you're a person that sits down next to Bill Cosby, you exact you got what coming to you saying I'll be able to get the bills on the fucking bench don't nobody talked to Bill unless you know what you're doing don't eat none bill offers you don't drink nothing he offers you don't touch nothing bill offers you Unknown 13:20 literally or do like someone myself. Hell Unknown 13:22 no. Unknown 13:24 He didn't feel like he's gonna get you like Putin. He just come in contact anyway. Here is the Cosby Unknown 13:29 Show thing for Obama. Give me a minute. Unknown 13:38 Prime for that. Like so. You want some songs with those ribs? Your ribs look a little dry. Here's some songs. sauce sauce I have for you care. Chicken at the party go to Bill Cosby. Unknown 14:04 You hear? The only thing you hear is that Unknown 14:08 what you hear those drums he's doing that Unknown 14:13 he can see where you're going. So you got to leave them the way see but Unknown 14:15 you know, Bill Cosby taught me about recessive and dominant genes. He's very dark. His wife is very dark. Their daughter's a very like, Unknown 14:24 what are the grandparents license? Unknown 14:27 Exactly. Exactly. And that's what my assumption always was. Unknown 14:30 Because I was trying to figure that she's like, okay, now I got it. Because the grandparents like that's how you got fucking the nice Unknown 14:39 the gene pool is wide. And there's this there's spectrums coming from everywhere. But I have Unknown 14:44 to ask you this question of the four Huxtable women which one you're going for. Unknown 14:51 Now you're talking like grown ass we're over there. We're like, is grown as Unknown 14:56 grown. grown really all day. Unknown 15:00 So that's Lisa. Buena buena Vinay nice. This Denise wasn't there one of the first season that wasn't there anymore. Unknown 15:08 So Andre was disappeared. She was there for like a solid Unknown 15:11 year was there then it was Denise then Vanessa then Rudy. Yep, yep, yep. Yeah. Vanessa is a little too wild. Because remember, this Unknown 15:19 really was one night man one night she got fucked. It was the best day of elevated news guy ever heard. To me. You hear that Unknown 15:32 sauce and the hell's going on? That's what Unknown 15:37 they did have the best theme. Unknown 15:41 So they changed it for every season. They had it. They would switch it up and do a different cover of Unknown 15:47 Absolutely. This was the season where they brought Raven Simone's old funky has Unknown 15:52 melt my body. Ah boy, Unknown 15:56 Raven Simone. That was the little girl Unknown 15:57 right? Yeah, that was trying to read it says husband and daughter because this is Unknown 16:03 when the Simpsons was kicking ass in the ratings. Unknown 16:06 Oh, that's hard Simpsons. Cosby. That was a big fucking there. For a while they were going back and forth. Raven Simone Unknown 16:16 came in and fucking just killed him with the family. Gosh, Unknown 16:19 what do the whole game have changed my time Family Guy came. I mean, I think in a sense, what Bill Cosby was doing that show was great show. Because your ad man clip ups were good man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, separation. Unknown 16:33 Just like fucking different world different world was fucking that that made me want to go to college just to experience HBCU fucking lifestyle. Unknown 16:42 You know, it's funny. I gave it a little consideration. Like HBCU Unknown 16:48 What's your name? Spider Man's aren't May was fucking Unknown 16:52 one of them. Yeah. Marissa was in she was. She was a Hillman. Unknown 16:57 She was at the first season. Then they wrote around the second season. Unknown 17:02 So they say that she would Denise. They tried to fucking like throw her in. There but she will at least been they wouldn't have that shit. Well, I think Unknown 17:09 that was like they after at least a bodega inappropriately accosted by Bill Cosby. They gave her a spin off and she left that shit to why maybe she Unknown 17:17 married Lenny Kravitz and got pregnant that's why she liked a different world. Is that what happened? Yes. Come on now. Unknown 17:24 And that's what Unknown 17:27 Yeah, and you don't want a woman after Lenny Kravitz? Unknown 17:31 No, I'm going with Zoe. Fuck the bullshit. Unknown 17:35 Probably because she was just like, Unknown 17:38 Nah, she better. She's better. Wherever I agree. Unknown 17:41 I think she's got she's got a very nice balance going on. Unknown 17:45 Lisa Bonet looks like she might suck your soul out. Unknown 17:48 Why do you think Jason Momoa got back with her? Oh, yeah. Unknown 17:54 Nobody doing like she did it. So. Unknown 17:55 So does she scare you in the same way that graduates Jones does not so great show still scary. Unknown 18:02 Just don't mention Cosby around Lisa Bonet. Unknown 18:06 That's true. Then she might fuck you up. Unknown 18:08 She might do some serious damage to my really fun Unknown 18:10 but then again like avoid Erykah Badu or go winter. I'm asking you avoid Unknown 18:15 her goodbye. No, Unknown 18:16 I think that's what I think it's worth worth. It's worth remembering. Unknown 18:23 You're gonna be wearing dashiki Unknown 18:26 willing to see how to evolve. Unknown 18:31 Watson five years from now adopting all of our world and Unknown 18:34 see what the evolution of is gonna beat you down. Cuz that's what a good change after you've been in air, you know, I mean, something Unknown 18:42 happened to me. You know what's gonna happen? Mike's gonna show up with a scarf and a tan jacket with a white flip furry collar on it you know Unknown 18:55 like common and he's gonna have one Unknown 18:56 of those. LL Samuel L. Jackson. Turner goes to the front side, just slightly to the side of Unknown 19:04 a turban on like Unknown 19:08 a little box here at O'Hare. Unknown 19:09 I don't know. I don't know what the upgrade would be. But no one's gonna be upgrading. Unknown 19:14 You think this is inevitably an upgrade? Everybody Unknown 19:17 just got an upgrade policy, I guess. It looks like it's like do Unknown 19:21 research into Erykah Badu and see if you could find anyone who she fucked that fell off afterwards. Like don't my boyfriend's you're aware of it did fucked up Unknown 19:33 Kirby hell but I didn't do she wouldn't now is like a billionaire assumption like it like small focus into some money. But he's on that same vibe. She has like all that natural shit and you know, like, he's on Unknown 19:47 that natural vibe shit. Like she doesn't like do like Western medicine and she like drinks water and Unknown 19:54 like she's been like that since the jump. Unknown 19:58 So I'm telling you she's opened up some so many of their noses like the the fucking evolution would be crazy Unknown 20:06 expand on it opened up their noses concept is now that we are going to have some video rocks Unknown 20:11 Yeah, okay, so like basically is like a fresh new you'd like you smell things and see things differently like the notion of the nostrils. Sits is have gone have been heightened your perspective has brought yes your third eye has explained right Unknown 20:31 what you're perceiving from hazard. Okay, yeah, I've ever I've usually refer to him a fucking painter said Unknown 20:45 Okay, imagine this your third eyes he knew it was gonna be Unknown 20:56 a brown eye. You got to bleach it. We've been over this. Unknown 21:00 So your third eye is basically like your soul what your what your essence sees in life and how high it takes it in. Now, if you have Erykah Badu through her mother fucking vajayjay on a Jew, the upgrade of this motherfucking head would be fucking outstanding. We wouldn't we wouldn't be able to do the show no more. Because he wouldn't be the same. Unknown 21:22 If he got every call. Just splash up. He would be so far elevated from us that we wouldn't be able to communicate with him on a reasonable level. Exactly. Because he would look at us be like when you feel like Dave Chappelle skits were Little John start speaking all proper like how you doing today to Unknown 21:42 finish since burn in extra Unknown 21:44 lovely actually, you would have this wall right here. Please don't miss a wall Unknown 21:48 behind the dashiki it'd be full of books like like real Yeah, even like man I thought they're brand new and the next thing you know I started talking like a normal civilized human being and Unknown 22:02 she'll put it on you you won't Unknown 22:04 even see the bad part is you wouldn't even think about fishing. You would never fishing here I probably would have tried to tell you I probably would have dropped that Joker on you. You probably wouldn't fish ever again. I'm gonna see why I was just can't Unknown 22:24 get him about like the case of Unknown 22:25 them. Is not what does the scent just helps you a little bit helps you get in shock resolution. You need the actual vajay Unknown 22:34 here's what changed. What you really need is you need just a little bit of action with that real vajayjay and then as you move on in life, you'll be able to fire up that instance candle on occasion and be like oh yeah, that's it. The browers that bringing it even revive it if she's not around. Unknown 22:49 Because common common hair Tiffany Haddish for a little bit not aim together. No more. Andre three stacks. I don't think he's with anybody right now. Like now they're all just for people. We don't know. Maybe But if not, they ain't been the same sense. Unknown 23:05 Think about where he got winter. When Andre 3000 got winter. How he was first versus Unknown 23:14 well he did make one of the Unknown 23:16 way we were actually do what I tried to get with this candle. Okay, what you get but stuff candles are what butts stuff as much stuff it does say but stuff What the fuck is this blood stuff Unknown 23:34 candle that smells like bad stuff. Unknown 23:36 I'ma try to read what it says on the fucking thing I clicked on it smells like what hold on shake. Smells like doing it in the bank and chocolate. What was I doing it in the bag? And chocolate. I don't think booty Whoa. Go ahead and chocolate. Unknown 23:58 I'm hearing that one scene and dialogue from the movie. Coke and neon sign I saw that one. Unknown 24:12 What's the sin of this one? Please don't do coke. That's a candle. Yeah, it's a candle citrus Jasmine and lavender. Unknown 24:22 At the very least Bobby Brown's tour bus So Unknown 24:24 Erica bad do plussing handles are not available is what you're telling me? Yeah that's their Shawn hair combat you pussy insects. Prayer. Unknown 24:34 I want a candle was that it? Or is there one way off? I don't know. Here's a new policy premium incense. There Unknown 24:40 you go look at it. Look at a policy Premium Unknown 24:43 Plus the premium premium incense Unknown 24:51 what you got how much $25 Unknown 24:54 It's worth it I Unknown 24:55 don't know about for one or if it's a five pack or I Unknown 24:57 don't know I need to have had the Unknown 24:58 real deal before and buying the fucking you know for buying the candle. Let's Unknown 25:03 see. How do you know that's what I don't have the proper Unknown 25:07 like, taste test side by side. You know the Pepsi Challenge if I can't Pepsi Challenge that shit. I'm not I'm not spending the money. Cuz that's the thing I see. Now you know this song right? Right. Here's the one. He wrote this apparently about her class by studying music by night just to get your parents was a mission and rate so you got to check that out. It's on the playlist. Make sure your friend showed me at the bottom of the Unknown 25:36 hallway you still average What do you Unknown 25:39 make candles wine down in 69 Unknown 25:42 Wine diamond 69. Unknown 25:44 That sounds like a shirt. Unknown 25:48 Like live laugh and love wine diamonds. Unknown 25:51 Like vanilla? caramel, chocolate and Bow chicka wow Unknown 25:58 was Bow chicka wow. How do you how do you Unknown 26:04 like firepush Basic Bitch Unknown 26:08 probably basic bits prior like the old she was a cucumber and what was that? shitbag melon. Cucumber brown that was what they were doing Unknown 26:17 bath and body were like Top 40 Unknown 26:20 Top 40 What the fuck was twice what the fuck is top 40 stole like Right? That's got a good description for me to buy something. Unknown 26:28 Please gentlemen with that same Unknown 26:29 as like fucking top 40 Unknown 26:31 We're gonna have to bring this episode of the ridiculous last show that we have to close the gap Joe was WEPs bro like what is this? Smells like well Unknown 26:51 remember be nice people that look like you that don't look like you don't be a dick. Unknown 26:55 Move bits by Little Bits ladies and gentlemen. Keep moving forward Unknown 26:59 energy and invest your mental wealth. That's right. Keep grinding Unknown 27:03 trying to get done because that's how it gets done. We believe in you we certainly do. We love you very much. Yes we do. Unknown 27:10 We wish you nothing but the best how your week Unknown 27:13 is your show. We'll Unknown 27:13 see you soon. We outta here. Unknown 27:19 dropped out of college and thanks so much for listening. If you want to help support the show, please go to letter M. Perfect entertainment. There's a link in the description of each show. At the bottom. If you just scroll down you'll see the imperfect patreon account link. If you're an Apple user, please take the time to give us a five star review on the purple podcast app on your Apple device. This conversation can serve no purpose anymore goodbye Transcribed by