Unknown 0:00 Ladies and gentleman. Once again it is the Mason and Friends show featuring that dude called Ju as well as the Black Hand of Mike aka the transporter me I’m Mason. These are my friends. Welcome to the Mason and friends show Unknown 0:39 was that when y'all how the fuck y'all feeling today? Unknown 0:43 What's good my camera people are you watching a video or are you listening? Are you on rumble and you can do both. Unknown 0:50 Either way it was popping out there with Unknown 0:52 living the dream motherfucker living the dream. One thing at a time little bits by little bits is my man Mike says Unknown 0:59 you gotta do little bits by little bits of Man and Little Bits turn into big chunks later. Unknown 1:05 That is the thing. You know, you do a little here you do a little there. One day you look back and you go god damn I built the whole thing here. Unknown 1:12 Now I was listening to y'all last Thursday episode, which I should really send the Rockstar man because Rockstar I think missing out on GTA DMV, you know saying GTA six DMV would be that'd be just straight fire all day. But then I got the thing right I listen to y'all talk about the game and then I'm like, You know what game would be cool to be redone, or even made live action. Twisted Metal. Twisted Metal. Yeah, Twisted Metal if Rockstar did twist the metal over again. Fuck yeah, it'd be unbelievable Twisted Metal and road rage. Unknown 1:48 Oh my god. Unknown 1:50 Oh my god. Unknown 1:51 I'm gonna get off the stage. Unknown 1:52 You know, I'm saying I'd actually get back on the bus. For real I Unknown 1:55 haven't played the game in a long time. Unknown 1:57 I am sad like those two right did it and I liked Def Jam. Fight for New York where you can make your own fucking you felt like Snoop Dogg Fat Joe band ran man all that Unknown 2:10 shit right? Rappers instead of Mortal Kombat? Unknown 2:12 Yeah, that shit was on point right there. That was a hell of a good game right there. Unknown 2:17 But I could do road rage again. Crash ramp to not just motorcycles but cars like actually be chasing people. Unknown 2:25 I think you could do some really intense motorcycle road rash games. Got into it like hardcore. Like you Unknown 2:33 could do like, what's it What's that and listen to shows. My n or was that something? Because you could do like a road rash? Like red? Was the Red Dead red. Unknown 2:50 Dead Redemption Road Rash. Oh my god if they did, like instead of just Grand Theft Auto where you're just a random guy. Like they did like you're a bike rider. Unknown 3:00 Amazing shit like that. I should get a rock star with we're throwing shit out. Unknown 3:05 See that's the thing that what Rockstar really needs is to do the game like we're talking about but have instead of just one or two characters that you can be a Tim that you can choose from. And everyone has their own unique storylines. And if you play each storyline, then like you know interact with other people from the story. Unknown 3:23 But here's the kicker you wouldn't have to buy the fucking different individuals that are Unknown 3:28 that's what I'm talking about. You beat certain parts that's what I'm saying. Well, a lot like the you Right? Right. So what they do is they used to do you play as one character. And then when you achieve a certain level three more characters that you could turn into unlock, but they're not. They're not people that you have to be. So you can complete a storyline as one individual character and then you can start fresh as a different character. And if you complete all of everything as one character then all of the other characters are available to play exactly like if you do something specific like you beat set character in a race then that character because some of that you can be you beat that character. And like, you know, a fistfight in that set character then becomes a character that Unknown 4:04 you hope this character is some kind of heist telling you that you're more of like a wingman. The problem Unknown 4:09 with the majority of these places, they don't have creative people working on creative thoughts. Unknown 4:16 Like I would job redo the Oregon Trail would you fuck with The Oregon Trail again? Yo, let me tell you something like they made Oregon Trail into a movie. Unknown 4:24 I just want to watch a movie. You wanna watch this? Movie? Get Paramount plus, and watch 18 8380 episodes of The Oregon Trail. Really, I swear to god it's the it's the homie Taylor Sheridan that I love. That's like the greatest like filmmaker of our generation. Right now. You're making the best movies that have anything to do with guns. Like you've heard of that. Unknown 4:47 Yellowstone. Do a show everybody I talked to about Yellowstone. Love that shit. He Unknown 4:53 did that. And 1883 is a prequel to it. Gotcha. And it's about how the family that's running the ranch. Got there? On off Unknown 5:02 of the Oregon Trail. Gotcha. Gotcha. Unknown 5:04 So when you're watching it, they're like talking about being on the Oregon Trail. And it's just like the video game only way better. Gotcha. And I highly recommend it. I actually started the first episode we dropped at the Styria. No one dies of Styria, but they die of lots of other things. Yeah, it's very much like a cross between the Oregon Trail and Red Dead Redemption. Because like, or hell Red Dead Redemption one. Like it's like, you know, there's like the lady who killed herself because her child's dead and she's sitting next to this weekend and she shoots herself. You know what I mean? There's like stuff like that going on and that's directly like the video game Red Dead but it's also like Oregon Trail. But you know Oregon Trail the computer we played when we were kids wasn't going to be graphic like Unknown 5:54 they let you run around and get a bunny. Out of a bush. Yeah, yeah. Unknown 5:57 And that's that's nothing like what you're going on with it. They're like herding cattle in 1883 gun fights or Unknown 6:04 graphics we have now you know me versus the shit that we had to do things like Twisted Metal. That shit would be fucking sick with it. If you didn't read it, twisted metal on the new graphics man well even if you put it like as Unknown 6:20 a as a Yeah, I don't know if you could do the same characters you could keep this out add some more weapons I mean as well the more because you could do a lot more with it. More more levels. But don't change the concept at all you just graphics. More levels in a different car Unknown 6:35 but it would I mean, yeah, okay, like, just to me having like some sort of storyline to follow along with would be like the thing but those games never seem like they had a storyline. Unknown 6:45 It was always the same thing. It was different. It was different. You could play a different car. Unknown 6:51 The character that was the car was a different like it was a different ended like the story ended a different way for that person. Like rolls die screen truck, the motorcycle. The two sports cars. Now there was a big trucking average. I don't know what it was. I don't know if it was like a bus or a semi or something like yeah, there was a lot of weirdos. I used to fuck with that shit hard. Unknown 7:15 I didn't really fuck with it because I didn't have PlayStation. Like I didn't have PS 123 and four, but I never had a one. Unknown 7:21 C I started with like, I remember my very first consoles. Sorry. Yep. And then fucking mine was regular Nintendo got a Nintendo and then Unknown 7:31 we got regular Nintendo right as super came out. That's how behind the game we were. Unknown 7:37 So I got the tendo and then when I moved out here I gotta say I got a Sega CD remember to join the contest said that the old school whoever Unknown 7:43 my homie Jeff I mentioned going out west with Sega CD and 32 bit 32 Unknown 7:50 Yeah, and then I remember my cousin had I remember this console. She turbo graphics 16 Yep, got played that joined that shit that gave me get it. I Unknown 8:02 think right before it Atari was Unknown 8:05 terrible graphics team might have come out okay. It was a competitive of 16 bidders competitor with Genesis and superior because Unknown 8:12 he was it was a totally brand because after turbo graph is a steam didn't sell as well. They came up with Jaguar. Unknown 8:18 Yeah, but that was they were they were way off base. Yeah, Jaguar Unknown 8:21 really flipped over they should they should have kept with turbo graphics 16 Because that should look good. They had a game called bonkers on that joint. I remember playing this game called I think it was called bonkers. And I was obsessed with the smell because it was like a prehistoric Megaman like it's my father could go around and he would fuck shit up and get the powers of the person you beat basically you have this as a repertoire and certain shit that he wouldn't fucking eat absorb would fucking that be a shit. Now that the graph is one that was good for that time period. You know I went through a lot of fucking of the Unknown 8:55 turbo graphics 16 was supposed to be really good with its graphics. It Unknown 8:58 was it was at the time that was Unknown 9:02 Atari just fucked up consistently. They fucked up from that et game on. Unknown 9:07 Yeah, and the tendo was shit after TurboGrafx 16 I think I had a I had to I had to PlayStation more than the PlayStation two and then that's when I switched to x boxes after the PlayStation two because when x box came out, the controllers were better and a lot of little fucking PlayStation controllers man. They were just Unknown 9:30 PlayStation controllers took until PlayStation four to get the right size for controller yeah at least semi right sighs like they just never stepped up on that like full length hand size and look at Xbox was a banger their fucking triggers their the way that she fit like I remember. I went over to my buddy Brandon like let's go Brandon down in Roanoke. And he had an Xbox with some racing game and I remember playing and being so impressed because of the way I could control the throttle and brake. Were like full on and a little bit and it's going live and I gave it more and I'm giving it more like when it was like like brake pressure heavy brake pressure, like there was like an actual difference in the triggers. It wasn't just on and off Unknown 10:13 it was a thing that it was decided to throw in there when I played it. Remember when you know like Walmart never had the fucking thing Senator where you can play the game while he was in there. I think I'm gonna play like some knockout pins join. And I was like yo and yeah, knockout was able to move everything and I'm like, oh shit, I this this actually works this space here. I can fuck with this. Yeah, let's see. First get a full Christmas one. But I remember Unknown 10:39 playing somebody at one of those boxing games knockout kings and not being able to beat this guy, but rocking it and I was tying him up. You know what I mean? knock me down. I kept getting up almost. I almost rocketed like I went. We went 12 and he got me with like eight seconds to go. He finally knocked me out. And I was like human health workers. I wanted to be like you know, like, you didn't pay your ticket to the distance. Unknown 11:12 That was one of my games. I like playing was knockout. Knockout. Kansas was fucking tight as game right Unknown 11:18 there. Yeah. Because you have to, you're swinging with your right and your left and went through the trade pull the trigger and everything before you get to upper cutter you're going to hook all this stuff the ways to doing things like them. She Unknown 11:29 was cool. They made you practice on the bag. Get your hands right, you know, I mean, they actually put in some work and fucking to study. Unknown 11:37 It really did work like boxing, right? Like that cat was better than me at that. Game. But like I was better at tying him up and fucking up his because he come and I tie him up. And then we push off and I get him a few times. I get him some and I dodged a couple of things. And he hit me a few and then he hit me a few more than I time to bring his family. Right, right. Like it was. It was a hell of a good game man. Because it was one of those one of those rare occasions where a claim on a big screen back in the day wasn't many big screens. And there was like 20 people watching everybody's like, you can't get them. You can't get them. Why can't you pay them and I'm like, it's just not quite bad enough. Unknown 12:13 We moved down here. My dad got one of the big screen like projector TVs but Unknown 12:19 yeah, that's what we were playing on. You can put the TV in the bottom box the box we can't really see from the side. Unknown 12:25 Now we had to join where you put the TV in the bottom and as well fucker. But you mean the projector you put a projector in the face of it? No, it was a TV you put a TV inside the bottom of this pitch. Okay, you opened up the front end of it there was a mirror that will play the reflection off the TV onto this big ass fucking screen probably about why does that wall right there that needs to fish. I mean, this whole setup was you just shipped but that's what we had our game hooked up to. Yeah, I'm like, Man, fuck yeah. Because we moved the neighborhood where there were kids. So all I had was me into fucking video games for the first shit three, four years up here. And that began as my fucking projector screen and the basement just keep filling. Unknown 13:05 And if you were born 20 years later, you could have been a professional video gamer with that kind of life trajectory in demand. So living in a house by yourself Unknown 13:12 a high speed working people's asses NF T's stack the fuck up right over me like it's drawn time period. That's right. We missed it. But but our time period of growing up was fucking great. I ain't gonna knock because we got to see we got to see all the changes and shit and appreciate what's what we have. Man. Unknown 13:29 That is true. What we can do right now with this, like this kind of shit. Unknown 13:35 Like all the shit we got going on right now. Unknown 13:38 Yes, this never I never could have pulled this off in high Unknown 13:41 school. Yeah, had we had done this like when our 20s if we were 20s now doing this shit. What? Unknown 13:48 Quite possibly. Unknown 13:49 I mean murder in the game. Yeah. anywhere anyway, but I'm just saying coming atcha Unknown 13:55 worldwide. Unknown 13:58 Thursday episode so you got what two more days till you see us at RFK for a national cannabis festival. We are Unknown 14:06 you can see me and we rockin a white mesh cap with a white black pot leaf on the front of it. So Unknown 14:12 you will see me in the Mesa fresh shirt shirt with us with a QR code on the back. Nice. You see us give us give us a worldwide give us a year. Give us a vote for Mason. I know some Unknown 14:30 are planning to get I'm gonna rock my mason 24 Oh, rock enjoy. That's my plan. Unknown 14:35 Are you still got your shirts last year? All right, cool. We're going up and we squat up which Unknown 14:41 damn right we got more than just us. Hopefully Biggie Steve's gonna be there. You're gonna highlight this though. Unknown 14:49 I saw the man of the day. Forgot to ask. Unknown 14:57 I think early entries are sold all Unknown 14:58 early. And she's done. A general admission that's left. So if you haven't got your tickets, get your Unknown 15:03 tickets. Get your ticket. Come see us. We'll be out there. Unknown 15:07 I'm not sure I forgot to ask. I have to give them a call this week. As he was probably Unknown 15:13 shout out to pink Fox and then they got some stuff going on during the week. Yeah, shout out to DC exchange. Some stuff going on Unknown 15:21 the cannabis party I think it'd be a pretty good what's his name but I look at dude's name up again. I've been seeing his ads all over the place banned. Eazy E for na na na na easy for as the cannabis political party. Unknown 15:35 They got a NCP National Congress Party. Unknown 15:39 They got a guy that's gonna be out there or highlight him a little bit soon and see what he's talking about. A lot of people just want to run into a CBC was supposed to be out there. See running to the grocery bully highlight him Unknown 15:52 yeah Unknown 15:54 he's been just apparently a wild man. If we gotta you know we gotta just keep we got to run our game like we did last time. Unknown 16:03 warfare that shit out there. Unknown 16:04 We got stickers out the ass man. Keep your eyes out for the QR code stickers gonna be everywhere. So Unknown 16:10 you just pull your phone out. Take a snap. That's all you need to do. And you're already in there with us. Unknown 16:17 Yeah, if you're listening now, you don't need a QR code. Unknown 16:19 But that's true, but those that don't know. You will know. Unknown 16:24 Hopefully you'll be listening or watching. Unknown 16:27 We exactly we got smacked in the head was always man always come on with the ridiculous shit and see what's popping out that month Unknown 16:35 to constant increase the quality on the show bump my compression higher than ever before and I can I think Thanks for calling good man. Unknown 16:43 Have you ever heard these commercials with that some of this Jake from State Bar about how he's trying to tell people keep on spending your money on the shit that you want to spend your money on? Right right right. He's not fucking people pockets. Jake's fucking up the pockets. Yeah, if you can't afford certain shit, don't Unknown 17:00 buy shit. But Jake seems nice. Do your best and Unknown 17:03 he wants to get your buys insurance. Policy the grant I'm gonna stay from home appreciate State Farm. Thank you even looking out for motherfucker. But if I don't feel like spending money on some shit, Jake, fuck you. I spend the money on what I Unknown 17:18 don't like is the way that they act like with the video game system. The girl is gonna let it go out in the like wilderness like she's just like, cutting it loose like it's a dog like gonna get I don't like that. I think that's like, like I'm pro animal. You know what I mean? Like dogs and cats. I don't want to promote the concept of just dropping them off in the middle of fucking nowhere Unknown 17:45 Right? Like we already do nas computers this shit right man up Unknown 17:50 and get that moniker put down or go put it up for adoption or really man up and take care of creature that you like, adopted and brought home to take care of or spent money on to bring home and take care of like like don't do it if you don't want to pet Unknown 18:01 have been noticing a lot of my peoples man that I know begin animals Unknown 18:05 while sticking out with the dogs and cats and fish and whatnots like be nice to him. With animals. Yeah, good things, man. They're good things to have. I don't I don't want that because I don't want that level of responsibility. Like I don't have I don't want children. I don't want to talk I don't want to cat I don't want to fish Unknown 18:20 Jordan originally they grow up to be adults and make their own decisions or animal you have to take care of it's entirely up to buck Unknown 18:26 and we have to take it from from baby to old and and hold its hand while it dies. Take it from cradle to grave. It's hard man it's difficult and people people don't conceptualize it as that they just see like the little chicken in the fucking thing at the harvest place and they're like, oh, let's let's get the let's get the chicken and bring it home. He's so adorable. Real chicken or a rooster? Like she that was like I'm gonna eat them and you're like he's pretty nice and all but like we fry this month. Unknown 18:54 Yo son you would love these chickens. I've seen these mom fucking chickens I've seen the other day we're healthy. I mean, healthy, healthy. These mom functions look like they be delicious. Unknown 19:06 Where's it Unknown 19:08 for where was I at? Van going up towards the ray. Somewhere out that way man I just had to go by and you know you got people with these houses I'm looking at this dude is coming out of his house. And he's got all these chickens around them. I'm looking at my dad this healthy mom fucking yardbirds right there. Yeah, like he got the hand feeding. Oh, yeah. So the you know, to me our birth took care of right there. Unknown 19:36 Let me show you the kind of guy that could raise his own chickens that just chop the heads off and go fry him up in Nevada like that. I'm not. I wouldn't want to do that. You know what I mean? He Unknown 19:46 forgot a little he'd be like guns and remember Godzilla had chicken and cheese that wasn't there. Now Unknown 19:51 he was always dating the chickens. The chickens were as Unknown 19:56 he would bake the Unknown 19:58 The gods have on your shirt. Yeah. Unknown 20:01 Right here will be this guy right here. He'd be like, Lucille. Don't listen to him Lucile. They don't understand our relationship. That's the only bird he can tolerate waking them up in the morning. Chicken. You will be able to get on with a chicken awake Unknown 20:19 now he hates birds in general. He's in fucking hate and chickens. He's eaten fucking ostriches that you don't like birds. Bird type so I saw that's all there is to it. He'll pop up birds. Look, I'm laughing he's like yo, Unknown 20:31 ready to bird bath don't like birds and might be sold Unknown 20:36 over him. Somebody wants that bird bath. Whatever you want. And you said last week nobody wants to sexy motherfucker Unknown 20:47 isn't available. Yeah. And they don't hear enough from the war. Where to put it up. Unknown 20:51 You haven't. Margaret? Marketplace. Let me tell you something. Here's what we need to do. Because now that I got these cameras, and I'm fucking with the fucking shit, right? So what you need to do. And once you got yourself a nice big ass log, this nice and good and cured up. seasoned properly ready? You need to say Alright, I'm gonna take this afternoon and I'm gonna create a bit of birdbath. And I'm gonna come over videotape that shit. Clip it down in the light. 58 seconds and we're gonna put that little fucker on the on the on the Instagram and all that jazz and people going to eat it up. Because you know how ballparks just love those stupid videos like Murph they make a bird bath from a law Unknown 21:30 look like you got a nice little guy there right now. That's like setting up a little pile. He got something he's working with like you're sitting there just doing this thing right now seasoning. Unknown 21:39 Yeah, that long that there's a lot of there. That's gonna be bird bass last feeder feeder. How does that work? Because it's got to, it's got to load right here and then it's got to stick coming off of it like this. And that's gonna be the bird feeder and then bad's gonna be the steel still a big part. Unknown 21:56 Are you going to hang a feeder Are you going to cut a feed? Unknown 22:02 Off the Long's gonna hollow out that part just like you do the birdbath. And it's gonna be one hole. Unknown 22:07 You just gonna make a little cup to put birdseed in. Yeah. Okay. Hey, Unknown 22:13 I'll put a little soup. I love you. You don't like Unknown 22:17 these birds. Wait. Make them a bath and okay, but look, you don't want to help you sell it. We make one of them videos like my fingers be making a shit. You know how to like you know, wait till the end. You know, they got all the tables and it'd be like, you know, a goddamn person hammering on a piece of glass with a goddamn you know, with a hammer. And then they turned him into a picture of Tupac or some shit. Unknown 22:46 Or when they bring out the marble floors Right? and redo a perfectly good Unknown 22:51 cutting cut a chain that said I love you out of a fucking colored pencil lead. And I'm like, yo, I gotta stop looking at these funny Unknown 23:02 you go to You went too far to read too far and get this up right get you don't wait Unknown 23:07 for it because like I like shit like that. You saw like I see these things that like I could see making a video for did you come over with the iPad literally this one right here. And I fucking just set it up on a stand and record the first 45 seconds to use the fucking with that thing. And then an hour later, another 45 seconds and then an hour later, another 45 seconds and then you're like I'll put finishing touches on it now 20 minutes after that. Take another 40 seconds here another 40 seconds there. Then sit down on the Adobe Premiere Clip that motherfucker together into like a 58 second video would be Unknown 23:39 the least subtitles you'd have to type ourselves out because it's got to be like our debit Oh no, Unknown 23:43 it wouldn't even be able to just need some goofy ass music. Yeah, like it would just need to give you as many as you know what music I'd love to use but I don't know if I'd have to fucking permission is that music from from looney tunes with the factory? Unknown 23:54 Low when it when they when they first cut the intro to the Warner Brothers shit, or alluded to and so Unknown 24:02 I'm hoping to find it but it's like there's music that plays factory I think it's I think it's I think it's this. It's I played it before. Not that not that classic Looney Tunes like when like the elevator button is being manufactured out of the whole tree. And they're playing that music in the factory while it's doing factory things. I think it's this Come on now. Don't let me down. You too. This is classic Unknown 24:36 although it's exactly what's what you're talking about that Unknown 24:38 this is this is like when Jews Jack Rabbit and on a bit Unknown 24:45 yeah, yeah. Unknown 24:50 It's a real distinctive part. That I'm thinking of in my brain which is fire. This is Raven Scott powerhouse. Unknown 25:03 Is that what it's called? Unknown 25:04 That's what it's called Unknown 25:10 PLAY THE FUCK OUT SX down. Unknown 25:14 Because there's this clip that they use out of their song and Looney Tunes. I think it's out of their song. And if I find it in here, I'm going to actually clip it into my shifts. I don't have to play the song anymore Unknown 25:31 did better a year ago Fido Unknown 25:33 did really great music for the background this park oh yes park this partner that that appetite to sit right that's it. That's it. I don't remember why I'm talking about this right now. Working on Burberry. I'm gonna play this music in the background. filled a bird fast with a chainsaw. Yeah. People ate this shit up dog would work that would work. Played as well focus you eat when he's finishing up his thing. So you ever want to say this? This ship will fit you. This should fit you like instead of Martin Riggs theme because this comes back, there's a Strat again. He's up he's up the back. There you go. When the collage of him maybe catches the light like to get rid of sandlot pitchers make runs back out. Unknown 27:07 Speaker I see The Sandlot bear the other day I hadn't seen in years. We had a kid who's watching this shit with the kids but because my daughter was like, Yo, what's on the other side of the fence? And I'm I guess right yada you sit back and watch the Bugaboo. This is a good movie. We're gonna sit back and watch this shit as Unknown 27:28 you watch that ship as you can see there. Yeah, I've recently been enjoying Unknown 27:32 the fuck out, man. That's a great movie bro. Because fuck you wouldn't dog started running them off. I'm good. Damn, I thought it was like, Oh, it's just the big dog. Okay, that's not a problem. You know? We were just talking shit about the dogs like why they do dog like cat dog, the dog the dog had a ball and dog had a ball. Unknown 27:56 Good dog, man. He was a good dog. Well, James Unknown 27:59 gentleman's what I was gonna do was just come over knock on do I got the ball for Unknown 28:04 you. That was the best because the kid suggested that shit and Unknown 28:07 Yeah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah. Unknown 28:12 But that's how that's how being a kid is like you're unjustifiably scared of things because that Unknown 28:18 little girl from he was slick. No, he was smart. Was the specs. Specs. were smart. Because he was the one that had the lifeguard. Save and fucking went squirts. That's the squids that fucking Unknown 28:30 wanted married the lifeguard? Yeah. Yeah, he didn't just just make a move. Like that's that's a story. We'll talk about how do you meet story? Like how did you meet? Well, she was a lifeguard at the pool. Yeah. And I was young. I was completely infatuated with her because she was beautiful. So I pretended to drown even though I really didn't know how to swim so I actually kind of did drown. And is that the part right when he jumped in all other kids start freaking out. Like, like, that's that's how you know he's got like the wind. He's hooked like, but he looks right. Look at that little clip when he's underwater turns his head and looks like she covered because he takes his glasses off. Yeah, I got a fucking tool. Man. Oh, man. Yeah, I waved at her and she waved back and then I jumped in and almost drowned and she pulled me out. Then I guess. Unknown 29:18 We were never allowed to go back to that pool. Unknown 29:21 She gave me she gave me a look. though. Wait, wait right back like four Unknown 29:26 years later, got married. Unknown 29:29 nine kids. That's the movie that needs to be made. To the goddamn fucking sandlot. You need to have. She went as a grown up running around windy peppercorn Unknown 29:40 because they had to what they was talking about. Everybody had the one kid who was like ghetto. He looked he enjoyed the 60s It was never heard from again on my yard to say nice words but forgot cocaine THE FUCK OUT Unknown 29:52 NOW. He took too much acid and disappeared somewhere. Unknown 29:56 He didn't live at free loving and shit. When he got on that pay. Oh, that was down to nine babies. Winnie peppercorn is might as well just say nine kids. Barry married and had died through nine and a mindfuck little ones up in there. Some of them had to have a good job but she Unknown 0:00 I get a lot of free love and then said, well you got on that peyote that was gonna bring the nine babies when you prep record early is my answer to say nine kids bury their head dive through nine of them all fucking little ones up in there. Some of them had to have a good job but Unknown 0:32 that's not necessarily true and a lot of people that have nine kids do not necessarily have Unknown 0:38 Tyrese, he probably was working at a factory but Unknown 0:41 maybe back in those days he could have done 20 years at the same place to retire or Unknown 0:46 retired or something. You probably know Nike she knows she ain't working. She's gonna know you think? Oh yeah, she wasn't working. I Unknown 0:52 mean at that time, highly unlikely. We're at nine children are Unknown 0:56 they exactly? Because like it's probably a little bit bust. Unknown 0:59 If you don't have nine kids 10 months apart each. Like you're doing that your entire life. Exactly. You're dealing with children until you're like old and gray and can't do nothing for yourself at all Unknown 1:10 every year. Yeah. He basically shut it down off the bat. Right now. You ain't going nowhere. You stand up here by see you didn't. Unknown 1:20 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Steady, Unknown 1:22 steady, rolled around a little wheezing. Unknown 1:25 Like he was probably treating her like the woman in The Big Lebowski as if she has sex with The Big Lebowski, or the little of ASCII than the dude. She has sex with the dude. She's like, laying on her back, pulling her knees up to her chest, rocking around, Unknown 1:40 right like a little soul. Unknown 1:42 Comment or pussy essentially. And he's like, says something to Unknown 1:45 her sex versus letting the Murni What does she say I live in Santa Marta. My current band sees it. Unknown 1:56 Yeah, so. But yeah, she knows. It helps us conception and he likes pits is Drake across the room. Yeah. Currently, they go bathroom. But yeah, like that's what that's why I've seen like I see him telling her to do that. When you buy for corn, lay on your back, pull your knees to chest. Make sure we can see this little bastard. Unknown 2:24 You'll fuck was the other one we watched. Now we watched this other journey to hit the rock in somebody jungle. Jungle jungle Jungle Cruise. So uh, yeah, again. What Dubai was I want nothing spectacular. Yeah. You know what I mean? I thought it was like, because the rock he's kind of like he plays the same rock right movies are the same pretty much Jumanji and I wanted to see your journeys into Senator earlier. That's what reminded me I was actually except he's like a mortal in this bitch. Spoiler alert. I Batman supposed to be coming out on HBO tomorrow. Unknown 3:08 Yeah, I might have to get the HBO match for a couple of days. Guys. We'll see what that's worth. I really do want to see that Batman movie. Unknown 3:15 Yeah, that's a big yes. Yeah, man big losses. She's what I did not know that. Yes, sir. Drops looking Monday. Unknown 3:23 I've been watching Yellowstone. You mentioned that shit. I don't know dude, I haven't really had the urge to go see anything in theaters lately. Like the Batman. The Batman. I would have liked to have seen Unknown 3:36 but I definitely want to see this Doctor Strange. It's coming out. Yeah. Unknown 3:40 I also I want to see that spider man that's supposed to be so good. Because it looks like it's gonna be dope with all the other Spider Man in it and all that. Unknown 3:46 I got the DVD. I forgot to tell you guys Unknown 3:52 man, we're about to track that down. Unknown 3:56 But I still liked it. I liked it because it did follow the comic somewhat. You know, like, Unknown 4:03 it's true to some sort of comic. Unknown 4:05 Yeah, you know, I mean, Unknown 4:07 well, that that was like I've seen some clips of like the different Spider Man's talking to each other. And I'm like, Oh, this looks like it could be pretty awesome. Like, when they're asking him about how he makes his weapons. We don't do that. So we're just curious. Does it Unknown 4:22 only come out of there. Okay. Unknown 4:26 That would it be funny if there's like a perverted Spider Man? And another multiverse? And the only place that his sperm that his web comes out is his deck? Why? Yeah. Oh, that's Unknown 4:35 a crazy shit. Unknown 4:36 Like, can you really be swinging from your dick? Like from building to building by Unknown 4:40 the hour? He's thrown though. So Unknown 4:43 but like, Yeah, I mean, he's technically home, the home, the twine or the you know what's great about that if you if you come into a check, you can just pull it right out. It's all here. Especially if it's grippy. Do some real problematic shit days taking the wall. Unknown 5:02 really doing some nasty shit. She's like, it will fuck with you. We're here just to say like see the kitchen. Uh, you'll run outside the kitchen. Are you looking at it? You come out you feel it? Already? He just beat off. You know? Unknown 5:25 That was some chicks squirt. It was Spider Man Web. Oh, wow. Have a squirter touching the spider. Just where you gotta like cut out of it. You gotta like get a knife and cut your way. Unknown 5:36 Depends on how she's coming out now. Are you getting cocooned in Unknown 5:40 this motherfucker? Like if it's squirt or is this like your face with it? Are you able to breathe after work? Unknown 5:45 Is it like, you know ride your bike through the woods? You happen to run into a patch of fucking spiderweb because you sent a light or is it have you got it all depends because by that light sheet, the dense it's gonna be with you all day because it'd be fucking off and she hit me with our spider web. Unknown 6:03 Can you see it coming? Are you just constantly Unknown 6:06 like Oh man, what the fuck? God dammit you rub your moustache an hour later. Fuck god damn it is pitch. Yeah, fuck sheets problem. Dude. You got to come out of that mouth look like right? Oh fuck i dish is a heavy it's like that predator Web. Yeah. Like Bad Cat David beach night got to be over here incubating? Unknown 6:28 Yeah. That's scary stuff. You don't want to deal with a woman that's got so wet. Spider Web policy. Unknown 6:35 That's crazy shit. Unknown 6:37 Like, how do we get here? Like what's the point of this mic? How do we do this? Unknown 6:42 We just had it's just happened to direct to the ship with this way. Unknown 6:46 The way we were like we don't really have like a you know a or or a rudder motor ago with the current like, we just put the boat out in the water and see what happened. Unknown 6:56 That's exactly that's basically what it is. It's like, I guess I could just everything just shut off. You know, we're able to just survive every now and Unknown 7:06 again. We fire up our motor and push ourselves away from something that's ridiculous. But very rarely do we ever fire the boat motor up on this rickety ship. Try to get steer clear of a topic or something Unknown 7:18 there. There was I think how No, you might have said to the groups chat text or if I did about wanting to ride with the Muppets bad just roll with them someplace Trey pushed post I think you might have yeah that was held Unknown 7:31 that will be dealt that will be held harmless black men have posted that actually. Yeah, yes, Unknown 7:37 it was it was hard Instagram. Yeah, shout out to your harvester seeing your brother Keep doing your thing homie. But fuck again the mothers to roll with the mothers one time that would be cool as shit. That'd be cool about Unknown 7:50 like that. And Cheech and Chong. Like, I want to get picked up when I'm hitchhiking by the Muppets and that and Cheech and Chong because both of them are pulling out an owl like fires up, Unknown 7:59 Cobra. Arctic carbon would fucking be a little worried about it. Unknown 8:03 I don't think I think it's easy being green man. Is Easy Well, Unknown 8:05 we're roll far fuzzy fuzzy definitely would have got every animal would have that fire animal would have that should have blown your socks off lighter. All you got got Unknown 8:21 Hell Yeah Did you Unknown 8:22 like the blind? Like to block Unknown 8:33 out of RT each seven animals Unknown 8:36 who got cooking Unknown 8:37 animals animals like did you? Unknown 8:40 Yeah, he got proud. Unknown 8:44 Sleeping on a coat hanger? Like, no deal, man. Unknown 8:48 Java would have had that outer space it would have been a pain as Tiki is clearly a painting would have been the pain of that she just spurred me she's the one that ain't doing shit. She's Unknown 8:57 not worth the hassle. Like remember we were talking a little while Korea Unknown 9:00 was putting up what? She both had that good good. Unknown 9:03 I don't think so. I don't think she's got Erykah Badu per se. I don't think she does. That's correct. Never came up. Kermit never never was on the come up. It just never happened. Unknown 9:12 But Hubbard didn't have a little fro. Hi get a little frog. Unknown 9:15 Nephew son was his nephew. Can you get a frog got to pay let's say because that was gonna happen. That's the only good part about being Kermit a fucking pig is she can't get pregnant. You're a frog bro. That's how this works. It's not like they're not they're not creating a chimera Unknown 9:35 but that what it may shoot I got on Unknown 9:38 my fucking nerves to she got on my nerves and I wasn't even hooking up with her. Unknown 9:42 Yeah, she was the character I didn't like yeah, she's she's pretty unacceptable. Fucking beaker and Bunsen. What does that bigger because beaker was going to BBB BBB BBB we are a fact. checker. He just made this was me. Me Me. Me me that's a fucked up shit we had anyway. Unknown 10:06 But that's what the kids got. All the kids got fucked up shit. Like if I was drawing cartoons making cartoons. Like even if there were for kids, they'd still be fucked up. Unknown 10:16 Robot kids watches one joint. And he's fucking love and my focus is a man. And these little kids and the daycare. And the daycare do this is Brother Yeah. And it should be heavy rolling because man he'd been talking about What shit are they be fucking him up they go on some off the wall shit. The other day we was watching this show it's called fuck as she called Total Drama Drama assumption I think is what it's called. These little mom fuck is bad or ain't the fuck like But girl was talking. She was like, you know, I don't like a lot of these goddamn kid shows. But this month fuck here is so stupid. It's fucking funny. I was like, Yeah, I actually liked this one too. So they got another version of this show where they're teenagers. In debates. They got the version of the mentor kids and then as they grew up, like in the same fucking realm, that's cool. I'm like that's definitely tied to this shoot like, what Hey, oh, they took Hey Arnold. Remember that shit back in the day? Yeah, fucking just had another show where they're growing up there. Unknown 11:18 What if Doug grew up they had like, Doug grown up Unknown 11:23 skater would have been fucking like, he be in the hip hop Hall of Fame price Unknown 11:27 maybe skater would like to do, he'd been into hip hop. Unknown 11:32 But a DJ, you'd have been a hell of like beatboxers like, Doug would have wrote a book like that dude, and Unknown 11:38 nobody has been able to read it because wherever Doug wrote nobody can read it. Remember that? Was like how can I how can be worried about me? Putting this out it just looks like scribbles consistent with Odede Unknown 11:51 porkchop would have died because I fucking have love for Unknown 11:53 the dog die. That would have been dead by the time dog was grown. He just had like another dog named after some other animals some other Kratie Unknown 12:02 would probably have a sex tape out by somebody. Unknown 12:05 See now why is it always like you got to like fill in like the phallus to things for the individuals when you think I'm like the other week right? You got the trait. Talk about the kid out in the parking lot at the bar asking about if her mom was around and you're talking about how her mom has a throat go. Like you go Oh, you are the taker to take things too far and it's like what you do. There's got to be Unknown 12:29 at least one person does it I suppose. You there's always one somewhere. Unknown 12:35 We've got a plethora of personality here and someone's always willing to take something too far. You got to but you are the one that where there's no expectation for things going too far as Unknown 12:47 they're thinking about it right now. I'm not the only one. Somebody right now. Is thinking the same way I'm thinking. Unknown 12:58 If we get enough listeners, if we get enough viewers maybe Unknown 13:01 I'm telling you the truth. I don't know if we're there yet, because people still listening to us. Unknown 13:07 That's true. We haven't gone down we seem to be building now. Unknown 13:13 Write down like what was the what was the what was the bullying fucking Roger. Roger with the glove a jacket Roger would own the fucking place where he was getting the burgers. Unknown 13:25 And he's in the video with Patty. Unknown 13:27 Oh no. It wasn't him. It was Skeeter. Doug's homeboy. Unknown 13:34 So Doug and Skeeter don't hang out anymore because Skeeter bang Patti and put it out on video. Unknown 13:39 He didn't know about it after he got famous. Somebody released tape. It was porkchop portrait released tape Unknown 13:43 porkchop was the dog signing director Unknown 13:47 he had the video chats behind the camera behind the camera porkchop was always doing some Unknown 13:59 gets I guess so. Unknown 14:01 Right when I run one cartoon I used to like back in the day was Rocco's modern life. Unknown 14:06 I never watched Rocco's Rocco he likes Doug and Rugrats was like the last of my Nickelodeon cartoons. Unknown 14:12 Same area with them. Unknown 14:15 They were I think I feel like Rocco was right after after rock because he rocks with commercials but I wasn't Buyten Rocco was Unknown 14:22 little late night because funny. He had a neighbor that was a nip basically this bitch was always trying to fuck Rocco. She was he was avoiding it. Yeah, it's because she was marrying her name was Miss fatty. She will fucking since she like Rocco. I got your mail Rocco and fucking. He go through his mountain to be like a picture. Heard of Tao? He's like, Oh my God. That's fat. A little round though. I don't know how they got there, Rocco. Really? Yeah. Wow. Unknown 14:50 That sounds kind of fun. Actually, she would Unknown 14:51 throw see the disability was sitting there thinking like, Yo, I don't think I suppose this is supposed to be a kid. But I Unknown 15:00 caught on and feeling like this is inappropriate. Unknown 15:03 as fuck a frog trying to fuck the guy down Wallaby. What her husband's right did and it's just a Rocco Kabir Rocco is going out of town for a while. My light bulbs fixed. Unknown 15:20 Disgusting. Well, Unknown 15:21 you brought this shit, like, cartoons that we're all you know, we this is what happened fluids the way I think I have. Unknown 15:32 So you blaming Rocco's modern life for you sitting here thinking that Unknown 15:37 normally with all the shit that I've ever seen, I just Unknown 15:41 Nickelodeon a primary culprit and why you're so twisted. Unknown 15:45 Nice, probably a factor. Unknown 15:47 I'm saying like at what level of percentage do you give Nickelodeon is the reason why you're fucked up like, Unknown 15:52 because there's a 3% 3% of the stock and I give him 3% What Unknown 15:57 about horror movies? What percentage does horror movies get? Unknown 16:00 They get a good they get a good about 15% in there. Unknown 16:04 What's the percentage of your brother telling you to go see your parents when they were banging? Unknown 16:08 Dad that that's like a good 4545 Right there barefoot because once I realized what it was years later, that really just fucked me all up. I Unknown 16:26 think it's a post traumatic, bad, right? Unknown 16:29 Like I didn't know what time of day it was like us that a runaway? Oh my god. You gotta be Unknown 16:36 understand when you remember something he was what that was from your childhood that you didn't understand at the time. Unknown 16:43 You know, I remember telling my nephew this it was funny. My oldest nephew. I had a condom in my mouth like a trash can Unknown 16:57 I wasn't used. Yeah. He was like fucking I want to say maybe five or six. And I think he hit refresh it over here. Uncle Mike, what's this? Oh, shit. Look. Don't touch it. Give it a shot here. It's medical waste. But then I told him I said remember this moment. Okay. Remember what I tell you at this point in time. One day you're gonna ask me a question. And I'm gonna take you back to this day. Okay, that's all I said to him, right? He was like, okay, cool. No problem. Yours Yours go down the road right? About the House chillin. He comes in the house. He goes Hey, Mike. I'm about to start FL Lee. I'm like at school. That's what's up. FL Lee that's that's what sent me that's tight. And I'm like, I felt Lee I don't know what the fuck those letters stand for. What the fuck is SC Wait, what's FL LE family life? He said Family Life Education. I'm like, Oh, okay. Okay. Let's check this out. Do you remember that day? But you've kicked over by trash? Unknown 18:04 You've ruined it. You had to let him remember for himself. You know boring. I was demanding the memory. Yes, yes. Unknown 18:12 Because this I do this day was gonna come Unknown 18:15 later till he's going to help class at times. You might use Robin. Unknown 18:19 Remember that you had was asked me what it was. He goes yeah. I see his eyes. His eyes changed right then and there. And he was like, Ah, you have what? Always have one of those ones sat with us. Unknown 18:42 Whoever she was whatever nephew uncle guy Unknown 18:46 or somebody but you didn't know Unknown 18:48 she or he or she would have been like Otterbox just stay where are you? Yeah What's his eyes realize his eyes told me the truth. Yeah, I got I lost it I like so it's probably true but he's probably like, I think that probably fucked up by like seven 8% Unknown 19:06 You taking a lot of credit there. I do love that you give a solid 45% of your complete messed up Miss to the fact that your brother made you go well, I don't remember the story. Exactly. You he said go tell mom something Unknown 19:21 I just said open the door. Just let's just use their beer. I'll get apparel. Yeah. Trust your brother ever since that's the thing. I still trusted his eyes. He will do stupid shit. But I was always the one telling him that something wasn't right. That's what always freaked me out. Because I was the one like you when something's not right. And he was. Unknown 19:47 He'd be like, go do this and you'd be like, certainly right about this one. Okay. And then Unknown 19:50 it was the exact to that day he sent me the work that day. I think he might have got his answer. I don't know. Because I wouldn't back the plane. He brought the goddess answer. I don't even know I went back to what the fuck I was doing. And that's my dad. Okay. Unknown 20:14 That is seriously funny shit right there. My Unknown 20:17 brother would do dumb shit. And I'd be like, Yo, bro, I don't think it's a good idea. Yeah, like I remember one time when my sister was born. We had this credit because she stayed in the room with us. So it was my bed door. My sister's crib was in between me and my brother's beds, right? And he goes Hey, bruh I bet you I can land in that crib. And I'm like Landon, like now I don't think you want to do that bro. He's like, Nah, no, I can land and so he would rent he ran from the hallway, ran into the room, and he didn't have high jumpers jump over the bar backwards. That's exactly how he went in the air and landed in the crib. Right. He lands in it. Boom. looks at me. I got it at a chaise ah, I told you. My mom thought his stuff really broke. Yeah. I'm like, bro, I told you this shit wasn't gonna fucking work like sometimes you got to listen to me. I might be the younger brother but damn. Obviously you're not thinking shit through my brother was more like he is the doer. He'll do sit before he thinks about he just goes and does you know then be like, oh, man, you know what? Unknown 21:23 Like he told you to go say hi to mom or dad. Unknown 21:26 They probably got to see what the problem was worth the laugh to him. It probably wasn't worth to ask me later that he probably got you know, I mean, like I said, I don't know. I don't remember. I play with toys. What to Watch out for that? Unknown 21:42 Yeah, you were clearly just an innocent bystander getting fucked up for life. Unknown 21:46 Yeah, that's one of the horror movies and all that she came after that. Today played like Lost Boys Color Purple baby Unknown 21:56 and your dad banging him on the Unknown 21:59 top of my foot earlier Unknown 22:03 and here you are. Totally a total mess. The taker things too far. The Transporter Unknown 22:08 because there's people that think this way, man how clearly Unknown 22:11 you do like you do this right? Like you clearly think this way. Like I don't sit here and deny that someone thinks this way. I'm like, I know I work. We do a podcast together the guy's fucking Unknown 22:27 miserable for the better Abby over 20 years with this is I don't know how Unknown 22:31 he's not more messed up just coming up around you. The basement. Unknown 22:34 He's better because of the basement. He's just because of the care. He's been locked down. Yeah, being Unknown 22:40 locked down is a whole other reason. Like parents fuck your parents focus up there. So Unknown 22:45 it happens or we just pass down to our other ones. Yeah, little ones. Unknown 22:48 Pretty much. Yeah, it is what it is. But with that said, you were gonna have to bring this episode of the Mason of friendship with Clara. You know, Unknown 23:02 don't forget you can view us on rumble and for now YouTube, even though they keep hitting us with copyright infringement things so whatever we'll see. We're gonna keep trying to put it out there more places, not less. Yeah, yeah, see what happens. But check out rumble because it's dope. You can like watch and get out of the app and do other things and turn off the phone or whatever and still listen, it's really pretty dope. Sort of like what Rogan has on Spotify? Yep. So follow us. Follow us. Like Share, Subscribe, check it out. Unknown 23:32 Check out the email and Unknown 23:34 hit us up on all the links you can find when Jesus God you can find ways to communicate with us on the website. Yep, yep. And through social media accounts and such email links all that Yes. So anyway, be nice to people that look like you be nice people that look like you. Don't be a dick. Unknown 23:53 Little bits by little bits. Ladies and gentlemen. Keep moving forward. Unknown 23:58 Keep grinding on that shit. You're trying to get done because that's how things get done. We believe in you tried. We love you very much. We have a great rest of your week Unknown 24:06 tech energy and investing in mental wealth and health. That's right. Love y'all. Peace be with you. Transcribed by https://otter.ai