Unknown 0:09 Ladies and gentlemen once again it is the Mason at Friends show featuring that dude called mike AKA Big Mike as well as that lady called Lady T. Hey guys, as well as that dude called ju Unknown 0:34 as the MiG maggot minute. Unknown 0:36 Alrighty then. Mason, welcome to the Mason and friends show. Unknown 0:42 What's happening y'all Nightmare on Elm Street? Unknown 0:46 Yep. I knew when you pass your mic Unknown 0:49 that Friday, yeah, Friday night, not on that Friday, Friday 13th. Unknown 0:53 Now, Jason's Friday night. That's what he says. Unknown 0:57 He says A Nightmare on Elm Street, which is Friday, Unknown 0:59 which is my parallel street. Jason's Unknown 1:01 Friday 13 And that's all he was. That's all his movies ever was nightmare on somewhere. Yeah, there's Nightmare Unknown 1:08 on Elm Street and you know, whatever the type of Dream Dream Dream Chaser dream catcher. was, I think his best one, the best one. I Unknown 1:15 mean, how many of them were there three or Freddie's? There's like seven of them. Goddamn. Unknown 1:20 How many Friday the 13th. Unknown 1:25 I think it's Unknown 1:26 what it is like Jason X and Jason. Whatever goes to space not Unknown 1:34 all of them. Has Jason binder space. Yeah, Unknown 1:37 that's the space Unknown 1:40 fiber network. Unknown 1:41 It was trash. She was such fun. Unknown 1:45 I'd like to see the left the leprechaun and Jason go I Unknown 1:50 could see leprechaun would have to fuck with like Chuck Unknown 1:54 What is Jason gonna do with the gold anyway, right. He's not he's not interested in a gold. Unknown 1:58 I don't think he mailed snacks last leprechaun to slip. him a Chucky want to be in origin. Unknown 2:03 Jason on prom Jason had was when my fuckers was at the camp. Camp Chris's Lake. Unknown 2:10 Out camp. I mean, Unknown 2:12 he's gonna show up at the camp like he's in somebody's rookie, Unknown 2:14 Chucky, Chucky, his issue was he just needed the body. You know, Unknown 2:18 Chucky, Chucky one tugging on on Jason Chuck and gotten on all LepreCon Chucky doing the home off aka Chucky could fuck up is probably is maybe probably not is slapping off goosebumps and slapping things Unknown 2:30 to me with Chuck. I think Chuck kept his grown man strength as the dog Unknown 2:39 but really how strong he went even higher. He won't even emitted I never ate 18 inch Unknown 2:45 chuck in the chin. Say you can definitely come upon him in the chin as he's running up. That's like uppercut afford Unknown 2:53 to stop him Tim you can do all things for Chuck isn't the last he wanted to see Unknown 2:57 Chuck seems comparable to a grown man. Unknown 2:59 Exactly. I can understand the little kids having issues trying to fight them but a grown asthma fucking man shenana issue in the first joint he whipped this bitches asni apartment I will check he's asked what she fucked he Unknown 3:14 did he beat up grown man like Unknown 3:18 that at least that's how it is in the movies. Now LepreCon Allamanda vice LepreCon The only problem with LepreCon was if you found this golden you took any part of his gold. That was your eyes because he wants his motherfucking gold back. He just wants to go that was it. You hit Miss coin. He was good. He fuck with you but you want to keep them off and go that's a motherfucking problem right there. All the candy man he said his name I'm coming DC SEC came in I seen him to Kenny man but I'm I'm gonna watch it and I gotta see what that's working with. Unknown 3:50 That's just some hood shit, right? Like, say my name five. Times on the fucking kill you. Unknown 3:55 I don't. Man he was he was the like, he was gonna keep coming up with some they're gonna come up with some with me where you had. I mean, we needed a blanket. None Unknown 4:05 of them here but none of them seem to make any sense to me. Like, I'm not like oh yeah, I can't even I get it. I don't like Oh yeah. Jason. I get it. I see it all makes sense. None of it ever makes sense. Unknown 4:14 Then head came around when you solve the puzzle box. You know that you summon him in the Hawker lots. Unknown 4:20 You just don't use and Candyman have a lot more in common than anybody gives them credit for Unknown 4:27 exactly. Except you got to say candy man's name two more times. Unknown 4:31 But Candyman doesn't come out and entice you to say his name. He's not like hey, look, man, and there's some candies just say candy man a bunch like all you do is say his name. He didn't say it Beetlejuice shows up and he's like, Hey dawg, Unknown 4:42 I need you to say my fetus beetle. Unknown 4:43 You see this juice, Senate shit three times. Come on, to say this guy because he's like they're trying to convince you to do it. Kenny man's like, leave me alone. Beetlejuice is like Unknown 4:54 and that's what a lot of the fucking horror movies like enjoys. It was pretty much just leave it alone and he was good. Michael Myers. Unknown 5:02 So is that like the moral of the story of most most Unknown 5:06 Mike Myers issue. Unknown 5:06 Michael Myers just wanted to kill his family. That's all he wanted to do. And if you got in the way he killed you so everybody that tried to stop he found guilty. Unknown 5:13 So he just stood back and let him go. He's like, not sweating you if you're not related during this Unknown 5:17 if he kills his family like you want to kill his family. He would have been cool that have been in the movie, Unknown 5:22 but he was brought up on just Jamie Lee Curtis right Unknown 5:24 because they were in the pathway. If you're in the pathway, this man's direction that he's going in, he doesn't move you He doesn't say get out the way he just kills you. Slice by steps that you go. Unknown 5:37 So everybody should could attempt to steps off the left when he was just walking by. Unknown 5:41 Step aside. Yes, the possibility as a possibility. Unknown 5:45 That is far fetched where you come up with that with Unknown 5:49 Jeepers Creepers came around for body parts he needed body parts so he had to eat the body part he needed me so that's that's the song they played for Zags but they only played it in the first one after that they didn't play Unknown 6:05 me whatever their three I think I knew about up to Unknown 6:11 like, I think all this shit I think my favorite shoes would Alfred Hitchcock joints are diverse. Hitchcock's because Hitchcock was the master when it came to suspense. You know what I mean? Like it wasn't all gorgeous. He led you into some and made you think this way. Birds was just a stupid ass movie. Unknown 6:33 Did he Did he fucking movies in the cover? It's Unknown 6:37 got he got a rack of them. I know. You got to rack up Unknown 6:42 a lot back in the day. They were like silent or very low. Unknown 6:46 dB Twilight. Unknown 6:48 Twilight Zone some different that was a wild shit. Twilight Zone. I still like Twilight. Zone. Fucking Unknown 6:54 rot Sterling did the twilight zone with like Unknown 6:58 the sea massacre. There's been a couple of those done. Unknown 7:01 But the movie. The movie was just taking excerpts from the TV show and redoing them. Yeah, like you know, we're John Lithgow was on the plane. In the movie. And there's the Gremlin thing out on the waiting on the wing. Yeah, that is Shatner in the TV show. There's a black and white Shatner episode where curtain you know, the captain from Star Trek is looking out the window like there's a thing on the Unknown 7:30 Twilight Zone episodes if you go back and look at all the old Twilight Zone episodes you'll see movies made after those episodes. Unknown 7:38 All of the episodes in the movie are from the TV show they're just read them a new new people in higher budget. Unknown 7:44 And you know you had Unknown 7:47 some fucked up shit in the movie man. When I do sing they're talking shit about the Jews and then he's almost when he's back at night. Unknown 7:51 Yeah. With the Nazis Yeah, stand up movies Farkle Unknown 7:57 psycho Norman Bates that was my dude. Unknown 8:01 Well North by Northwest the vertigo for it's Unknown 8:07 amazing some good shit but Unknown 8:08 he like broke ground you know, like he did, like visual effects and shit in ways that nobody had ever done Unknown 8:14 music and shit. He put it all together. Unknown 8:17 In vertigo, where he's like looking over the side of the building and national fucking wig out today. Just the way it shot. Unknown 8:24 Scene I think it's like Virgin shit. I don't think I've ever seen Unknown 8:27 you should like Alfred Hitchcock. Unknown 8:31 That's why you don't like the bird. I Unknown 8:32 mean, that was old school. Right? We're talking like 89 tickets wait Unknown 8:36 before then Scott was now making movies in the 30s when Unknown 8:39 we would like to say it was like black and white shift 90s and 80s I think is what I'm saying like versus black and white. I think Unknown 8:49 what was dubbed over and color which I mean even in color is still stupid articles like how you got seagulls flying backwards, coming at you through a door saying you had to grandma to Grandma was the thing that tripped me out and then hold on from the joint because she was still on the fucking couch ahead of birds that she started flipping bits staying in the house relaxed. Unknown 9:12 They clearly something to be scared. Unknown 9:14 Right but she never went outside. That's the whole thing. She was never attacked Unknown 9:18 by got no respect for trolls directly traumatize you see you get beat. Worried about not Unknown 9:23 outside with the birds. None of that she was in the house the entire time with the granddaughter. The grand granddaughter had to run from the school. You know saying the granddaughter and the kids they was running from the school getting attacked by fucking birds, the grandmas in the house looking at the mind fucking dude and they're like, girl, you need to go and get with him and that Unknown 9:43 smartphone like Unknown 9:44 if something were to stay in the house? Yes. Unknown 9:48 Isn't that like the right thing to do? Unknown 9:52 Then all sudden, everything just stops and fucking they go on to the car and drive off. Unknown 9:57 And he put it in neutral and roll away because that's quiet. And that was a TV show. Unknown 10:00 Now Alfred Hitchcock Presents that was a team house. All right. I think I've seen Unknown 10:11 that was like looking waiting for tails and encrypt and decrypt puberty Come on. Boys and girls got Unknown 10:21 chased into the graveyard so fast and he's like a puppet doesn't have legs but they the Jews dream so Unknown 10:32 phony fuck Mo Guys quick. Unknown 10:35 Look fucking I just watched this joint. And he Unknown 10:38 was probably just gonna tell you some scary shit because like the Cryptkeeper didn't kill people. He just the Jewish scared of the Cryptkeeper telling him scary. story Unknown 10:47 but he's scary himself. He's a decaying. He was old. Unknown 10:53 He wasn't scared his old he's like Unknown 10:54 a floating bag of bones he was well yeah, but he's like alive. He's talking to like, like, hold hands man. Looks like if the if the guy looked like to face and that Batman movie actually was talking like that that she would freak you the fuck out which one is the good one? The newer? Unknown 11:12 Male one now what Tommy Lee Jones is Unknown 11:15 now when he took the shot of liquor and you see the liquor come out the whole year. Yeah. And like run down his side of his face and you know that she burns? You know, it fucking birds. There's a scene in a movie called a Pan's Labyrinth where the motherfuckers mouth right so it's like his mouth is cut about two, two and a half inches or so. From his cheek like through his cheek. He sews his own shit up right. There's just seen he sews himself up. You see him sewn up his bucket stitching the stitching is cheap back together. He puts a bandage on it. Then he takes a shot of liquor and you see the blood just run through the fucking bandage. And he's like he's like, ah, like, it's it's like painful to watch. Unknown 11:56 It was a crazy one to get watch. It's an amazing movie with a great movie. I like to watch the show on mushrooms. Oh yeah, yeah, if you do that shit, yeah, you gotta be a fucked up. Show. Now. There's a good time. I just watched this show on Netflix called all of us are dead. It's like a Korean version of The Walking Dead except these motherfuckers they don't want like Koreans got some fat zombies in this model. They're like 28 Days Later zombies they're not Wars II fast but they 28 Days Later fans of zombies. Yeah, there's a fuck ton of zombie movies. Unknown 12:37 A number of different ways to considered zombies. They're quick, they're slow. And Unknown 12:41 some are intelligent like the legendary boss. Unknown 12:48 They weren't even a word zombie. Unknown 12:49 They were vampires actions or some shit. Unknown 12:52 Well, they were the new way the new breed Unknown 12:53 right because that little shit got up on it that little chemical as the city or whatever the fuck he did. It was a pandemic or something. Unknown 13:01 It was something that happened. Some spilled in a lab. Unknown 13:06 You know, like, what's the Ukraine? Corona? Unknown 13:08 All this crazy shit. Unknown 13:11 Not Corona was just the warm up. We're gonna see what comes out of the biological labs and Ukraine when Russia knocks one over. This is gonna be nuts to be it's gonna be a nice quick and it's gonna hop on a jet stream or Unknown 13:23 some shit. They're gonna say to take pills and get vaccinated at seven times. Soccer Unknown 13:30 pitches. Yeah, you're gonna need another booster. Or it's gonna be a whole new shot. That's my point. Like whatever comes out of that, like, that's gonna be the end one. Like, like, there's gonna be a nine out of 10 gets in and dives. We're gonna be up here like it's the Mason. Okay? There were other podcasts everything's done now. Hopefully not I mean hopefully they don't blow up the world over there in Russia in Ukraine anytime soon. Unknown 13:55 Now but they do some of this gas me shit were able to fork over all this goddamn money to send over there. You know saying what Unknown 14:02 you want taxpayer dollars to go towards taxpayers. She went you Mike Unknown 14:06 we're coming out the pocket for this show. Grant. I pray for the people over there hoping to get through this but Dan, are you able to forgive all that fucking money became new shit over here. Grant give me another STEMI yourself for being essential work of God has cheated, saying give me cut me a tax break Unknown 14:23 your taxes. Shut the fuck up. Drive your truck shut the fuck up. Unknown 14:28 Guess what they doing? They got you fucking bent over just ramming in the hands. Just 13 mile fucking saying take that. Take that family, baby. Do what they're saying. 13 you get the full 13 He they base and based on a break in the base what they know. Unknown 14:48 That's gonna be up in the fried chicken. Yeah, Unknown 14:51 exactly. You fill all of this shit. Unknown 14:55 Like you're disgusting person. This was scripted Unknown 15:01 things on the radio that day was relieving the gas tax of Merlin. But it tried to do was save like 36 cent on a gallon or Unknown 15:09 so but they still gonna get about you. Unknown 15:11 They can't make the gas owners. The gas station owners pass that savings on to you. They can't make that happen. There's nothing they could do to dictate that. So if they buy it for 36 cents cheaper and they sell it to you at the same old price. What the fuck do you know anyway? Unknown 15:29 Plus they're gonna get that out to air somewhere in some kind of way. They're gonna get that jazz because they're gonna get a cut. Unknown 15:38 Goddamn right. It's white man and prostitution and all that good shit. Taxis churches, Mesa 2024 or 28 or 32 Unknown 15:52 The world is crazy con me getting canceled off Instagram. Dude, for sure. A lot of other people do daily. You know what I mean? Unknown 16:01 I'm not even sure why he's getting canceled. But Kanye is definitely like setting an example as to how not to act. Unknown 16:07 But do you think Pete Davidson is really that gangster? Truck? No, no all that shit that he was talking Unknown 16:14 about is really talking all that shit. He's just like, come talk to me. Unknown 16:17 But he is telling him the truth though. Like, look, see? And that's the thing, right? Unknown 16:21 What is the just the truth matter? Unknown 16:23 At this point? I see. See, here's the whole fucking thing and a breakdown is Kanye was always butthurt to begin with any fucking way. He got upset because he lost him. Alright, that's cool. Coming up, everybody saw a comment as soon as that motherfucker say he gonna marry your bro. I wouldn't do that. Right? You should failure right there but you go ahead and do it anyway. Unknown 16:46 Maybe Kim is like Mega charming. And she like gets you in a relationship. And then she starts being weird, but like, still, what can you expect? What would you ever expect? I think they're both we were both Unknown 17:00 together. So why are so what is it? It's her. It's her ass. That is so mesmerized. Unknown 17:06 I don't know. I think it's got to be magical. Snapper. Look vaginas. The only thing ever make a motherfucker act that crazy. Like she's got like six extra muscles in her pussy. And she'd be doing shit with overtraining. She should have got like extra fingers. Unknown 17:19 She probably had like a surgery to tighten that joint. You know, that's what I'm saying. Unknown 17:26 She probably got maybe the cream to put on him to make him off to go back tight. Right? Unknown 17:30 Right. She got baby cream for her Virginia. See, but that's the thing, right? There's gotta be some. Hold on. What you know about it. Man. Unknown 17:43 Someday you some dirt. Check Unknown 17:45 this shit out though. Fucking what I heard was old ski. Got her name branded on him on his chest sliders about why the fuck you said you got to get to about her a demigod branded he got her name brands don't they haven't been together as long as we've been doing this show exact like I wouldn't. Here's another month for the set itself up for failure. Unknown 18:11 That's magical Bootsy it's got to be magical pussy that's doing that there was a brand right but that's the thing right you can get tattoos removed you can't get a brand removed. Oh Unknown 18:21 cuz that's a burn. Unknown 18:23 Scar you just burn something over well yeah. Like you got dude you got Asian burns obey was what? Unknown 18:31 I see fucking new man I won't believe that. She got magical puzzles on magical pussy I've seen and I can't vouch for it is Erykah Badu eating Erykah? Badu got Erykah Badu got the magical shit. That's Unknown 18:45 because it smells like she says the candle. No, no, definitely very Unknown 18:51 uncommon. They switch their whole game up after they've got what Erykah Badu and they came out fire fire like they was already good guy with Erykah Badu they got better. Unknown 19:02 Yeah. Unknown 19:05 Ma went back to that old them in a long time they just keep going that further that direction that Eric and and put them on that path. Unknown 19:12 Like they weren't they weren't wearing scarves before they hooked up. You know what I mean? Not a rock scarves. They got like, interesting winter attire and leather jackets. Unknown 19:25 chaps and it was talking to Busta Rhymes busted didn't know about the pussy instance. He was like oh word by May he sniff a couple of those inhale that smoke. You gonna be a different manufacturer? He said for a couple of days. I guarantee you albums be fire. Unknown 19:41 Some fuzzy instant candle. Unknown 19:43 Not just any Unknown 19:44 Erica bad duplicity instant candle sniff before you get on the mic and do Unknown 19:50 your thing it's got to be you might not the sniff might only last for like x Unknown 19:55 but he's got to do is have three candles burning around him. He said a pentagram on the ground wrap in the middle of it with five openings on the on the points the pentagram while he wraps inside of that joint and he's gonna have that air combat do pussy like booster shoot Unknown 20:11 like to craft Unknown 20:15 the spirit of Erykah Badu see maybe the air maybe Erica by news that kind of chicken I want to hook up with the world could burn around us and we could float above the beds and should Unknown 20:23 see that happening over there. Unknown 20:24 Maybe she's got it like that. I don't know. Maybe that's what happened to Andre in common. They would like I didn't know the world could be like this. Unknown 20:31 Exactly. She just opened a world of smooshy like wait a minute, hold on. This is what this is. Okay, okay. Okay. They all still cool with each other? Unknown 20:42 Man. You got to be kind of mature with the people you haven't sex with if you can be Unknown 20:46 he sent himself up for some real fucked up shit to happen Unknown 20:50 behind him everything's kind of hazy it's gonna be hopefully an example towards all men as to how to not treat women. Like okay, you're fucking somebody else will get sued out of work somebody else to me. I'm gonna go find someone to have sex with because Unknown 21:04 like he just found it look like he found the chemical cologne Unknown 21:07 Yeah. Unknown 21:09 Is that woman a cologne I've never seen it looks Unknown 21:11 like looks just like exactly like Unknown 21:17 that is kind of scary. I mean, years ago tasting this one chick and she totally fucking ghosted me and then I managed to hook up some other chick it was like somewhat similar this but it wasn't look like I'm saying yeah, it wasn't like a direct on down look like it was just like, Well, I was into like, this one chick that was like a little skinny a short and now there's this other chick the skinny a short is coming. Unknown 21:40 But this one's got all the same features they came in Kim got caught. Unknown 21:45 Clearly look alike. Yeah, I got to look her up. What's this pitches name? Was it that was the the one that was like the the dominatrix. Unknown 21:57 No, no, no. The Dominators was the white chick. Unknown 21:59 Okay, that one. Danny Jones Cheney Jones. Unknown 22:05 But look at this article here real quick to see if I can find her name real quick on this joint. Unknown 22:10 Yeah, I think it is this Chani Jones. He why it looks a lot like Kim Kardashian. I mean, she's does look like a Kim Kardashian clown. She's got two big giant ass Unknown 22:21 glasses and all that shit. Yeah CSE that's goes to kinase mental too. Unknown 22:27 It goes to his mental. Unknown 22:29 He can type you know Unknown 22:32 that she's bawling. Unknown 22:34 But like you can have a type. It's still not being the same type though. Like you can have a preferred type and still be with someone that's not inside of that category. Yeah, you know, like, those ones always catch my eye but hey girl you call me Unknown 22:49 for like a different reason right? Unknown 22:51 I like variety. You know? I don't I don't need all the same everything all the time. Unknown 22:56 But yeah, he just lately for some fucked up shit. But especially with fucking if he's got to do custody battles and shit like it he just fucking yourself He's toast on the carpet. You put Unknown 23:10 saw DL sets up but I didn't know why do you believe for the uninitiated? Unknown 23:16 Man I ain't gonna get my ass beat by somebody wearing the fucking I Know What You Did Last Summer boots. I get fucked up by the Gordon fisherman. Unknown 23:25 Before according fishermen look is rough. Get Wild Unknown 23:28 like that. But even still, like, out of all that shit. You just need to be there for your kids. That's the only thing you got to worry about. He thinks Unknown 23:35 that he's got enough money. They find the house across the street is the solve. You know what I'm saying? He's just trolling with Unknown 23:43 that. I think he was just like, Oh, you're gonna fuck somebody else? Well, I'm moving across the street and I want to hear I want to like be you know, like, just fuck laws. viba You know, like, Unknown 23:53 he wants to cause problems like look, I want to make sure you're uncomfortable in your new life. A woman Unknown 23:58 doesn't like his daughter on Tik Tok either there I don't blame him. I don't blame him for that Unknown 24:02 for that at all. Because I have my kids on so Unknown 24:04 if I can't get a cut, I ain't involved y'all ain't doing that should not like for for real like that. We'll see. Unknown 24:09 He also knows the inside workings of the Kardashian. Well, Unknown 24:12 he knows the exploitation sadly and how much they're going to exploit that kid. Exactly what you should have known that for you came in at pussy con yay, Zack stupid motherfucker. Unknown 24:23 Their pimp them the fuck out. As soon as you put that tape. You didn't Unknown 24:27 see it coming. Like you're literally hooked up with a chick who became famous from hanging out with Paris Hilton and getting Unknown 24:34 that. Yeah, she's telling my folks to get the ball fast and workbench. You laid on your ass and got fucked. But now she Unknown 24:41 works hard Unknown 24:42 in a fabulous sex worker is still a worker and Kim Kardashian sucks when Kim Kardashian was a sex worker, whatever. So? That's a sex worker, man. She just wanted you do you do porn? Oh, you're a sex worker. If you want to fuck Ray J. If you were able to record it did you're a sex worker if you put it out. Has $1 been made off of that sex? Workers sex workers rageous Unknown 25:04 sex worker. Unknown 25:05 Absolutely. Unknown 25:06 He's the one that put her on. He means right that's right. Jay me Kim. Was that she's doing I would Unknown 25:14 introduce myself to women as the diktat made. Kim Kardashian exactly. Unknown 25:18 You want to be famous? Fuck me. Unknown 25:20 You ever heard of Kardashian I made that I made her what she is just as my dad. That's your that's Unknown 25:27 his claim to fame. Unknown 25:29 Yeah, right girls. would be like I don't recognize your hold up. Let me show you the bottom half of my deck. Unknown 25:37 This raging rabbit He's famous. He was a saint. He was brave brother who was brave until he did but Kim Kardashian on camera was named Unknown 25:49 but he didn't do was in music or he was just he was music before that. Unknown 25:53 He was great brothers doing some music, but nobody really knew what I'm saying. Unknown 26:00 Yeah, that's good. That's good that make him exactly Unknown 26:04 so he should be getting the cut for everything he's doing the what kind Unknown 26:11 of contracts you'll be able to sign that says he should be good. Unknown 26:17 It's half his video. He's Unknown 26:18 getting royalties off the video. If there's money being made, Unknown 26:21 which I made you you don't mean Unknown 26:23 they should be splitting that benefit if you make if you make a porn and you put it out there. Unknown 26:27 That's the porn though Kim has done things post porn that makes her money she and that's not something that Rachel has access to financially. No Unknown 26:36 Kim Kardashian star kept rising after that table Ray J just stayed where the fuck he was He granted he got shipmates life rights but that's it. Unknown 26:46 He's on Love and Hip Hop and all that y'all love and he was traveling in his circle, you know, like he has learned to me either. I'm saying he's doing what Unknown 27:01 would you just say? Yeah, but the other one was definitely Unknown 27:07 loving hip hop and hip hop. That Unknown 27:09 was a TV show. Unknown 27:10 It is it is a TV show. It's probably semi current too. But my point is, like on air for Unknown 27:16 I mean like all the girls came to like date him and all that bullshit. Unknown 27:26 Everybody had to leave her alone Unknown 27:29 was the best Unknown 27:32 shading rate day floor. He did Unknown 0:07 As a tech company Unknown 0:09 what we range as making money that's not based on him being famous with a tech company that's based on hardware need a little bit of money to make money but Kim Kardashian has done nothing to make money that requires like that kind of work it she's done. I'm gonna put out this TV show where the cameras just follow me around and watch my ridiculous lifestyle and then they're going to edit it up and make me look ridiculous or whatever they're going to do. Unknown 0:30 She just pottered in listen on the one hill. She is hotter compared to the same thing was she just did a blowjob tape right Unknown 0:36 Well now there's a parents got fucked her her Unknown 0:39 video quality wasn't good enough. It was just fucking Unknown 0:44 fine at that point. Unknown 0:45 She rarely on camera sucking dick then it was night vision and his and whatnot. And it's like okay, well, there's a pussy getting fucked in. Okay, I guess that's 19 year old Paris Hilton. Unknown 0:54 Hotter than the fuck. Kim got to be I mean hotter theoretically than her. I think I just in my mind just because pears need heat. Unknown 1:04 Hopefully right cuz pears too skinny for years. Like I would rather fuck pears than the y'all all around the foot Kim, Unknown 1:11 I don't know. funfairs and me Unknown 1:12 man like you like this big. Mr. Ray, verbal comprehension suddenly. Unknown 1:23 Just because he was looking in my eyes My hair's lesson today with this angle down Unknown 1:32 stupid stupid stupid Jussie Smollett by holiday that stupid soccer. Unknown 1:39 So he got out for like six days and let them out to wait for Unknown 1:43 him to play this hole. Okay, so this idiot man, more fucking when a citizen to some bitch was like he's Unknown 1:49 like I'm not suicidal non suicidal people if he got suicide at his house, Unknown 1:56 but then the big fucking comes up and he's like, you know it's like our parents black lives matter in the face up and said you know the gay community motherfucker women. Wait Unknown 2:05 a minute, wait a minute slow that down. What did you just say? Unknown 2:07 He said he you know, it's like a you know, black lives matter in the face because they say that he's guilty. Right? Alright, Unknown 2:13 so if I did. Unknown 2:17 Black lives matter in the face, well fucked up the LGBT community and my mom Unknown 2:22 did all those things did exactly what should be done. Unknown 2:26 Like you did it your your your the anus is playing innocent. But then so he got out because he was an insight he was in sight. He was on suicide watch for psychiatric watch or some shit Unknown 2:37 after he said he's not suicidal going from a gin pop you notice some solid calm Unknown 2:45 is able to handle that. No way he'd antigen but Unknown 2:49 you ever watch us if he was on ours, he would be fucking happy as fucking Unknown 2:55 Bobby. Made it in Jim pop though. He was like oh you did dumb and sumbitch you had stupid motherfucker that off and got your hands and still went back and got your sandwich. He the fuck out. Unknown 3:08 He killed he kept the rope around. Unknown 3:11 stupid motherfucker. Unknown 3:13 Yeah, then put them in the protected Unknown 3:17 Yeah, because they don't want anything to happen. So they don't want to be like I went in and I came out with AIDS like yeah, it could happen to Unknown 3:25 possibility possibility. But she can't You can't be a celebrity and Jim pop unless you like Mike Tyson. You Unknown 3:34 want to eat where everybody's scared of you. Unknown 3:37 Like fuckin our Kelly. Yo his bites. Yeah, I want to get some of them like Unknown 3:45 they look like yours. Unknown 3:47 Is the perfect fucking mark. That that is fucking Amanda Holyfield. Unknown 3:52 Got to get a cut from that. Yes, yes. Unknown 3:55 Because what if it's the family holding? is modeled after Evander Holyfield's ear. I mean, it could be but that's not how you team up right? Unknown 4:07 I was Mike though he wouldn't begin to shift for me. I'd be like Sorry. Sorry, Evander. Unknown 4:11 Now I'm so and if I'm a vendor what Unknown 4:13 I would, what I would do is I would I wouldn't give him a cut but I would make an ad with him and we will be sitting there together eating edible Unknown 4:20 ears. So this is what it tastes like my this was this what he was doing when he says it's just the way Unknown 4:25 it felt. Is this the same kind of texture that my ear has, Unknown 4:28 like a chunk out of my ear? Unknown 4:32 Flavors as he Unknown 4:42 should if he had the Evander style ones with Unknown 4:46 a chunk out of it with the Unknown 4:49 can't even be the Unknown 4:51 shit right there if he did the mold of vendors he or host Unknown 4:55 Bite. Bite margarine. That junk in Unknown 4:59 my mouth look like in Unknown 5:05 my ear and I Unknown 5:06 will that's how I would work. Like look we're gonna do is make some mud gummy ear molds yeah to your ear. Every 1000 Unknown 5:12 bags is like, Do you know how Skittles had their special skill on the bag? You got this special event or gummy in a bag and get that bag they got their special event or gummy like some some kind of war some some free shit like a golden ticket kind of thing. Unknown 5:30 Vendors golden ticket agents Unknown 5:32 get lucky that they get to go they get to hear a lot you know 100 $100 Since you don't found the one Unknown 5:41 to be tight Moore's even get into gear too long with the marketing man like I got King special and fainting ear in my bags. Here Unknown 5:50 and Evander Holyfield dummy ears. Unknown 5:54 That would be the shit right there. The fact that he even did it man Mike Tyson. My head tips or just Unknown 6:00 an ear with a bite mark out of Unknown 6:05 it just be like, you know, like, Mike's bites, sour, we're gonna make bites berries. Unknown 6:13 Make the addition I'd make the bold and literally take a bite out of it and then be like now make a mold of that Unknown 6:20 there's one right here. If you came out with them all man, they've been sold. They have been sold out like, like that. Unknown 6:28 You know that shit sells hard though. When you walk into Mike Tyson's wheat store and they got edible ear bites. Unknown 6:34 Then right there it's just comedy comedic gold. And if you had to bite marketing, what collector's item Unknown 6:43 because you know how to do different gummy shapes. Students, you have different years and some of them have bites in them and some of them don't. Yeah, you know what I mean, Unknown 6:51 by you Unknown 6:55 guys, to man, that's wrong. Like you can't just make fun of the fact that that man's ear, Unknown 7:03 but that's like, but that's an inspiration Right? Like, do I have to give money to the people that inspire my whatever? You know what I mean? Like the laughter The laughter is inspired by the Howard Stern Show. Straight up. All this shit is inspired by the Stern show. So if we ever make money on this, am I gonna have to pay the Stern show? Unknown 7:22 Isn't that light? Like, you're making money off his his ears? Unknown 7:26 Ears. It's not like it's clearly his ear. Plus, the band's ears are weird. And they're little and like, they would probably make better edibles. If they were like literally Evander years. I think if Unknown 7:35 he could prove, like in court that it was related to him that he could get a cut. Unknown 7:42 Everybody knows it's related to him. Yeah, like you can't like you can't give him money. for that. Unknown 7:48 I want I want to cut look if I if I bought my thing in fiber that's I want Unknown 7:59 different things right. If you simply as a deal though, like then you get your cut when they buy that dildo and then they use that delta when a porno film you don't get a cut Unknown 8:09 on my ear? Because that's what he fucking did. He sealed his ear. He sell it Unknown 8:14 I sell your ear. That's like the idea. Unknown 8:18 If he's molded he I his hair. People. If he molded that man's ear Unknown 8:23 if he's using a Baader Holyfield's head, molded actual ear, that's just like Vader's ear. Absolutely. You should be giving Vander cutter that Yeah, but if he's making a generic ear gummy sorry, dog you'll get you'll get shut out of that. Yeah, sorry about it. Like you might have inspired it, but you're not getting a cut. You know, I Unknown 8:42 mean, he could do garments because he got more than just Tigers around his house. He could do all like his animals. Unknown 8:49 He's gonna He's made the factory Unknown 8:50 in the weed business for a minute now. Unknown 8:53 Yeah, but he Vegas. I think he's in Nevada. You need Unknown 8:56 something that's gonna catch somebody's attention when you market the thing that one of my Tyson's biggest stores was when he'd been a fan of all the fields, so why don't you make gummies you're not gonna make Mike Tyson's Tiger gummies and shit about that's Unknown 9:09 true. And all I'm saying is that what he's doing is as wise of a thing to do and not paying Evander wait you should be doing Unknown 9:18 I saw wanting to get famous using his Unknown 9:22 tiger team came out with a fucking series of tigers and Carol Baskins. You know over some shit. Unknown 9:29 Marshmallow tigers and care basket faces. Exactly. Exactly. Swing care baskets oat cereal faces with marshmallows of tigers as opposed to some tigers and rainbows, rainbows and tigers Unknown 9:41 something you might for? Like just school. You know what I mean? Sire have that and they give you a kind that's totally Unknown 9:51 different because when force gives Bubba's mama money that's because she was considered a family again, Baba. So he loves his family. You know what I'm saying? Like Unknown 10:03 they're right, because he gave Bubba's family the cut right well, here's your cut. I told this. What I was going to do. Here it is. Here's Bob's cut. Well, I Unknown 10:11 started this because above so I'm gonna give money to the people that fired Baba to be who Baba was, you know what I mean? Like it's done. I see that it's completely different. Like Evander is fine. If Anders children are fine, like, No, how do I know? Because the battery fight and still send them Unknown 10:33 is common on the hair there Unknown 10:37 are nobody that man live in Lord lead to get in touch with the Unknown 10:44 right types of prices. Unknown 10:45 You might have done that he might even like hanging out to your mailbox. Look out for check. Evander No, I know that you're doing okay fiscally. So I thought that maybe I would like you know, donate 5% to a charity for like, you know, hearing loss or something. I grabbed this last week, I think you've lost some ears but you're doing okay. Unknown 11:10 Tip of the top tip. Unknown 11:14 I know you hear from the inside of here a lot. Unknown 11:21 That's the world we're in Unknown 11:22 this old boxing. Unknown 11:24 Yeah, those school shit because man now it's just like UFC. Well, the parenting game now Unknown 11:30 the best talent is not in boxing anymore. No, no, they're going to UFC or NBA or NFL Unknown 11:35 and even even that though, like like MMA that switched up, you know, back when it was just rough and raw. It's completely different now because now my thing is like, you know what, I'm just gonna go for the scorecard. I'm not going for the big night. Some might but well, Unknown 11:49 but it's like to me MMA would be a game of strictly submission. If I was doing that shit. I'd be like, Yeah, I want to know how to do everything. But I'm going to be in here with the intent of getting this person to submit as quick as possible. Because like that, to me is like the best method. Like I go in there hit you, whatever. Maybe you can take it. But if I can get you in a position and make you give up, like that's way better, so I like MMA just fine. I prefer boxing though because of its limitations, like MMA. There's many, many, many different ways to go about the game. Boxing is like now we're standing here hitting each other. Who's the best at that? And that's why I do like to watch Floyd because Floyd is an amazing boxer, but I don't like Floyd, because he's no fun to watch. He's not box if you're boxing Floyd is an amazing thing to watch. So I can I can enjoy watching Floyd fight for the sheer the sheer fact of what it is that he's doing that the technique reality of what he's doing. Yeah, he's, he's boxing. He's amazing. He's talking about he's one of the greatest boxers of all time. But you know, it sucks because we can't put them up against Oscar Robinson. Or around Oscar. Oscar Sugar Ray Robinson. Oh, Sugar Ray Robinson would beat his ass with a beat his ass. And we can't see that fight. And that sucks. But like, yeah, there's not a lot of people out there that would have been able to work him. He's that's why he's one of the greatest of all times, which is also why he's no fun to watch and it's also part of why boxing is so popular these days. We did 15 years of Floyd being the biggest name of boxing and Floyd gets out there and fucking puts on a show but ain't really a show cuz ain't what anybody wants to see. So watch. Hit sort of like when these clips Koch brothers that are now fighting in Ukraine were like whooping everybody's asked and boxing for 15 years straight in the heavyweight division. Nobody watched the heavyweight division because it was just some European dude kicking everybody's ass and nobody really gave a shit. Unknown 13:50 See that's why I like boxing back then. When Mike was might go in there and he's like, we know Mike's I'm going to punish. Yeah, but Unknown 13:57 back in the day when though but Tyson was like the end of great boxing. Unknown 14:03 Like because he still had you had former silan there would have Unknown 14:07 been for then there were all these great fighters. There's all these great boxers Shannon Unknown 14:11 Ray. failed and Unknown 14:16 Roberto Duran and eralis. Unknown 14:19 For the end, like I said, was the evolution when it was coming to be like ISIS. Coming he's young kid powerful land cast down. Unknown 14:26 Well, he was a whole different thing though. All different be short in their clothes, hair. Unknown 14:34 strength with it? Unknown 14:35 Yeah, it was a whole different game. But I missed I missed all those when I was a kid my daddy's to order all the fight. Oh yes. Hey Unknown 14:42 man. I used to watch them all the fucking time. Unknown 14:47 We to cable system that was a microwave dish on top to the house. And it looked at some mountain and my dad bought a box so we got we got everything. So I watched I mean, for probably like 1993 to like 98 I probably watched like everything that was on pay per view Unknown 15:08 between boxing WWF on WWE, I saw Unknown 15:13 all the F and W WC stuff. ECW stuff all the boxes Unknown 15:18 where they would have the remote Unknown 15:22 recipes razor Mr. McCheese both Unknown 15:24 must have fucker. Man. That dude was a trip. Unknown 15:27 They said he had like fucking like four or five heart attacks. Yeah, it's just like two years some shit like that. Unknown 15:35 Well, he went hard dude. The drugs. Unknown 15:38 He was on cocaine hot heavy with fucking Ric Flair. I can't imagine the amount of cocaine he did with just with Ric Flair. I mean, shit. But I don't think Kevin Nash was really fucked when he was in with the NWA. I don't think he asked was really fucking doing that shit but that little excited by or whatever. You know, he was Unknown 16:01 he was because Xbox will getting fucked up with China. They was all under the same roof right Unknown 16:06 But China's Xbox on that fuck China in the video. I don't think time she made a porn Unknown 16:18 thing was the healthiest wrestler at all of them. I think I think he was the healthiest one at all. I think he hurt himself the least. I don't think he did as many hard as drugs as those when I think he just got high and drank a little bit. Unknown 16:32 I mean, everybody there was a lot of motherfuckers doing some cocaine. I Unknown 16:35 think he was I don't think he was in the cocaine world. Well, like, I don't think Hogan did much cocaine if he did, he would everybody when he had people, he probably had no choice. You know Unknown 16:47 he was a drinker. And fucking bitches. Unknown 16:51 But just now stop doing cocaine. Unknown 16:56 Back Why are you still doing work for America like, like a tolerance for cocaine to wake up wake up, wake up and go Unknown 17:13 take this May he pie one day and he drink the snake like he was a drinker. He's a drinker. Jimbo Jim Duggan was Unknown 17:21 but they were drinking and they were also doing pain pills for a lot Yeah, it Unknown 17:27 was a painful shoot Yeah, they're Unknown 17:28 all doing that pain pill shit. But like I was looking at something the other day and apparently Mr. Perfect died of a cocaine overdose. Yep. And I was thinking, you know, if I was president and cocaine was legal and pure and Mr. Perfect bought his cocaine at the at the store. He would have been fine. I bet a lot of people that Odede off the ship but they od off a dirty fentanyl and that's what's going on now but it's often been just stepped on shit like rivers should they because like the process right so like some guys cutting his cocaine and his fucking living room in 1994. He's not It's not like it's gonna be perfectly broken up. Like you might have a section that's really really potent and a section that's not very potent because it wasn't properly blended together. So you're when you're stepped on coke thinking that it's no good. Then you get to this last bit and it's really pure and you hit that and then you're fucking toast it's Unknown 18:18 also because of what they've been mixing a way to cut in with. Yes, that too. Because yeah, a lot of cats train. Oh, and also I work shoes man. These are hooking Latino cats, man. They fucking would do coke every day before they go to work. Then Mikey one bump at nah man. I'm good with green brought on do that shit. That's all but they will fucking hit that shit man a fucking take a couple bumps and then later on a shit. And I looked at it. I see yo y'all getting that fucked up. She y'all just mix with blacks. Right now man is good. I said No, it ain't man. Why do y'all think y'all go to the shitter all the fucking time? Y'all every time got hit a bump. Y'all are in that month fucking shitting blown that bitch up that motherfucker. She's running through you right now. Through you all day because you got that post nasal drip going on right now. Are you constantly getting the drip of your cocaine and a laxative at the same motherfucking time you stupid fucking one dude. That's what Unknown 19:19 appears it needs to be kept saying Unknown 19:20 he was getting a headache and show my man you should sound like you might be having some Excedrin or something. Because he is like having like he's caffeine, caffeine. Ephedrine. Yeah. And I'm like, look at you stupid as your job moving man. Like everybody knew when he was on the ship because his job would move on like bro you gotta control your shit all shit my job moving Yeah, motherfucker job, Unknown 19:40 man ain't don't even know. Unknown 19:42 He didn't even know you were that fucked up that you came for your job go side to side Unknown 19:51 you're hanging out. Talking. Unknown 19:53 He he talked to me Unknown 19:57 was gonna be fucked up Unknown 20:02 oh yes exactly. Unknown 20:04 He Unknown 20:08 see my eyes opened up right and we got them three and a half words Unknown 20:12 on the foot and get these one foot squared whether it be the job say that but for the job moving like bro you really hear right now like dumb it oh man. You can do the fuck down. Shit. is doing something like this No one asked somebody you just know like a broke Nutcracker toy. Bitches just yet. Alright, and with that said Unknown 20:42 biker I can't imagine Unknown 20:46 so we're gonna bring this up so that means refrigerator will close. He with the last shoe joint number 10 Unknown 20:54 malls juke joint number 10 zany with these last title. Titles. We don't know what Unknown 20:59 the fuck. I can't tell you. Maybe Steve knows closest as to what Unknown 21:06 a year. These are all. Well, I got to be all 2012 Yeah, they were linked 12 I think because there's pre switch over to the old. Unknown 21:14 I think this is when it was going. This is like here's a we're still seeing the system. This is a raw stuff I heard on this. It's like he didn't even know what he was doing. The early development of the junior girl but this is number 10. So it might be you know, later Am I edited number one who knows? I really no idea what we're getting here. No clue. Unknown 21:36 I've no clue. This surprise for all of us. Ladies and gentlemen. Unknown 21:39 I believe it's from March 2012. So do join number 10 coming up after this. Stay tuned. So the nice people that look like you'd be nice people that don't look like you. Don't be a dick Unknown 21:52 boo little bits by Little Bits ladies and gentlemen. Keep moving forward. Unknown 21:57 Protect your energy that Unknown 22:00 is right. Keep grinding machines trying to get dogs that's how it gets done. And believe in you don't forget we love you very much. Even if you hate us, we still love you. And you can do to stop that true so have a great rest of your day. Peace be with you. Unknown 22:21 Thanks so much for listening. If you want to help support the show, please go to www.patreon.com/the letter M. Perfect entertainment. There's a link in the description of each show. At the bottom. If you just scroll down you'll see the imperfect patreon account link. If you're an Apple user, please take the time to give us a five star review on the Apple podcast. App on your Apple device. This conversation concerned no purpose anymore Unknown 23:01 much production live action live action live action production getting getting in and out the bottom of the map which make the left come on with but can we make the left Unknown 23:17 maybe look at represent on the map like ready to rock Unknown 23:28 is more likely a mug man Greg goes to get the fuck out the bike late I gotta make no damn sense to my man every day out there, man waiting like check it out I got to live earlier today today did you dip your bucket grab when I say give us take our own reality makes a Captain America's man my background same drill feel difficult fake give me with a button to get to a Web Inspector Gadget Unknown 25:48 belt GOP your yellow belt seeing your face to fly down. Back and fall the same goddamn way apart from their maneuvers. Vegas back again. Back corny ass afternoon played on the eighth reporter every day got to go and get some themes because your eyes are bloodshot dragon nap cream. Yes sir. We had enough. I would drink a Coca Cola with no ice did a dirty glass. I can Unknown 27:04 take my brokenness oh we look into the eyes of my mama I'm gonna drop three drops each I live to say drama shit and get up at 330 and do it again. What live action all day long. Come on. Give me Sam Transcribed by https://otter.ai