Unknown 0:26 Ladies and gentlemen, once again it is the Mason and fringe show. Featuring that dude called ju aka el jupirino aka Juno Mars as well as smoke dog aka to do to do don't smoke pull that mic close yourself and add note as well as featuring as well as the Black Hand of Mike Me I’m Mason aka Mahoney. Welcome to the mason and friends show Unknown 1:15 was was good all right. What Scott was was Unknown 1:22 almost a flat Earth Dave Okay. But I like when you think of things that flat Earth David and I were just out of there sold on the whole you know where I was not rammed by by you just keep Ryan straight they fall off and not really but so does the word does like when when the fucking tide when the river fucking freezes right? Okay, where does the water go like does the tide this task still got work? But it can't really work so much as it would without with fucking 12 inch thick but the thing is ice is the sea scene of movement of the water molecules. So I would think to get in on your salary, just say right there. Unknown 2:13 I've missed all that but it's all good. Unknown 2:17 Right there which will look like gas and liquid and an ice right like solid, liquid and gas. Right? Those are the different states right? So when it's gas because it's hot and it's evaporating it's turning to moisture. Yeah, I got that. So it's like the molecules are like breaking apart and going out into dispersed into the air. And then the molecules all get together and they're water right and they're hanging out. They're moving because they move together as one thing and then they slow down the colder it gets. And they get to a certain point where they cease to move right? So not all of the water in the lake or the ocean is going to be moving when some of it is frozen. Or parts that are frozen are not going to have the tide going on. So like if you go to Lake Erie and it's frozen from one side to the other. It's not like the ice is gonna rise up and go back down. It's gonna Unknown 3:10 stay the same seas right? It's not moving by the ocean is gonna constantly go through the tide effect. Because it's a Unknown 3:20 breeze but it gets slushy. I've never Unknown 3:22 it's flushing like you're on top but it's still gonna ride right Unknown 3:28 around DC. That's what I'm talking about, like the river. partners that when does that take away the river right there. But like Reagan said, Unknown 3:37 I don't know. Reagan said to Unknown 3:38 me, but I think even if the principal I think the principle applies the same that if like the entirety of the Chesapeake Bay was frozen solid. It wouldn't be moving up and down but then again, I'm totally fucking riffing on shit that I know nothing about, but she watched him fucking dumbass Alaskan Jones you know I mean, like last frontier shifts and they've showed a river and it's 12 inch thick ice but it's still flowing underneath right the waters moving ice. So I'm just thinking there's got to be some kind of access water that's got an edge and we're talking about tides though. The tide rises and comes down. frozen river isn't gonna come up, come up. When you're looking at like I say when I come over that. Theodore, the Theodore bridge, Theodore Roosevelt, right. Okay, I have six that sits on frozen, but I know that the surface is froze, but I'm saying but the ties still flows in and out like almost damn near a cup of feet products the correct though I don't think that's right. I don't think that qualifies as the tide because the tide rises and the tide goes out. Because you can see you could see it coming off the shop but that doesn't really happen in a river the same way it does off like the ocean. You see what I'm saying? Like your river if you live next to a river, you're not going to notice on a daily basis to foot a difference. We'll know the ocean you're going to notice that okay, there's a lot more beach right now the tides out and then six hours later you're like oh shit like that. There's a lot less beach now because the tide is in so like that's something that can be like viewed but then again, once again, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm riffing. Well, I'm totally making this up. I'm not a scientific, there's a tide and all those and all those like little rivers that come right up off of that like that four mile four, which is like fuck 395 And someone else fucking right around Reagan and all that shit. Yeah, and right there at fucking that theater rose the bridge. I see this shore I see the shoreline in it from on 66 You know, looking down it looks like it's coming back like 10 feet. You know? I mean, so it's probably we're seeing to two feet three feet drop. Maybe Am I kind of ocean it's it's right there. Unknown 5:53 I gotcha. All right here Mike Dunn Unknown 5:55 got on the Google. Unknown 5:56 It says in any case it says law effect on title differences. It says a body says so tidal water does not usually freeze high rain circumstances does exist notice breathing getting given the time should this is all fucked up the same. It says you can see the difference but a solid massive boom where it hasn't passed take away anything like bridges and tunnels. Okay, so it doesn't it doesn't affect the time frozen water does not affect the time mentally does Unknown 6:25 because the water doesn't Unknown 6:25 doubt the day when it was cold as fuck that water was rising at all. And I kept river doesn't qualify as tidal water. Tides don't know that. Anyway, because it does a tiny of every four hours, six hours, something like that. I think it's I think comes in and out two times a day or four times every six hours and got to high tides and too low tides in a day. Right? So it's gotta be six hours every six hours. Unknown 6:53 Sounds right sounds about feasible three every three days. I can do my math. Theoretically every three sometimes mid tide or whatever. Like you have mid tide fucking five 812 total. I Unknown 7:04 don't think it's forever. The Potomac River qualifies as tidal water but it should be because it rises and falls they call the Tidal Basin somewhere I've seen title basin is clear as one but that's where that's where the rivers so that's where the rivers depositing right so like there's all sorts of different like I don't know not see that on the metro map. You know, I mean when I'll just be walking okay. Unknown 7:26 It says underneath, it says underneath of the isotype has happened at a time still happens but underneath the ice it still happens. Okay causes the cracks in which ends up breaking up the ice eventually. And since Unknown 7:38 the ice doesn't move, like if Lake Erie freezes, the ice doesn't move but the tide continues to underneath. And that's what will eventually break it will break it up unless it freezes solid to the point where it's frozen. All the way to the bottom but that doesn't happen but that's like nuclear winter and we're all dead. Who cares right fuck like, bets are off I'm going to fucking wanting Unknown 7:55 to or 2021 whatever the book was what a big winter storm was the hottest storm hits. everything freezes in the high. Unknown 8:03 Well, I guess all the water makes sense. I guess I guess the next question is how much? Like what's the square foot of a gallon of water to ice like what would a gallon of water be in square footage advice if you put a gallon of water outside would have equivalent to how much volume? Or whatever. I mean, it's gonna expand like that's like, am I putting this in a six by six by six box and freezing it or do I need 12 by 12 Unknown 8:34 Whatever shape it's in. That's the thing right? Unknown 8:36 But it's going to expand or so essentially. Like I don't know do your asking questions and I'm not even sure how to find the answers for Mr. Intellectual over here. Unknown 8:46 Where does he come from? Unknown 8:47 Exactly. That's that's so new right here. Unknown 8:49 I just be looking at it because I've been wondering, I'm like, bro, that water got to directly go somewhere. I'm like that ice can't be that thick but the ice is lower but the rugby taken up more Unknown 9:01 water increases by 9% or freezing. That makes cubic feet of worse. Looking I'm looking at all the Unknown 9:08 cubic foot of waters gonna increase by 9% 09. Unknown 9:14 Don't try to do the math for and you're gonna hurt yourself. Unknown 9:17 gallon milk jugs. Unknown 9:19 I'm annoyed that the girl on Naked and Afraid has so much clothing on. Unknown 9:22 That's what I'm saying. Like, you don't want to watch it and I'm like yeah, naked. Unknown 9:26 That's your ad see the blurs? No, no like that. The whole point is that you're naked. The whole point is like I'm chasing the alligator. And my biggest you know what I'm saying? I'd like to get this motherfucker shoes as soon as I go over wherever I'm going. You're making shoes, making shoes. These bare feet ain't making enough and Brian Walker nowhere to bail me. I'm a bit lucky to come to Him barefoot Brown. Unknown 9:56 He needs boots. Yeah, and he says man got his ears burnt up blistering sandals. Like that might be my one item. If it's my turn around, leave me as a child you'd never walked around barefooted outside David It was half that's a hickey. Ooh, that's that's that's a Unknown 10:17 bit scattered flexions under a ship three months later. I definitely would have had to fucker if we were out there in fact, was 21 days and getting bugs and all caught up. In our skin and shit I was a negative and negative in a love that's not happened yesterday I've discovered plus or the other plus Joe you got to pay for that and as a regular TV but yeah, that's some serious alright. Unknown 10:49 Quick question for you what you got all based on? neutered, right. Unknown 10:56 discectomy Yeah, yeah. Unknown 11:01 I mean, do I understand the process? What's the question? Are they comfortable with one? Oh, were you are you Unknown 11:09 trying to have more children? Are you trying that much? Oh, no. Well, cuz you know you love your old lady. Right? Right. Well, it's a lot easier idea to explain. It's a lot easier process for you to get into sex to get everything taken out. And I got it. It is so really it's like ever but here's what the real question is. Do you want to have be able to have reckless abandon with your calm? Do you want to be able to be like garbage? I'll give a fuck warehouse. deal but toilet what I'm saying. I'm saying though you do the right because you don't want to knock your lady up again. Right? So like, you're being more careful with your comm than you could be in your relationship. If you get a vasectomy, you know you got to put you know, rub it out 30 or 40 times make sure you clear the chamber get some more residual you got to worry about their backlinks paying attention that's what I'm saying. Like it's like spackling without the fucking binding agent. Unknown 12:11 So you can sprinkle recklessly that's what I'm saying. Unknown 12:15 Really now and he gots what I'm saying. Unknown 12:18 Like he said, I'll record this now. Unknown 12:20 So here's the point though you don't want a child right? You want to have it on your reckless. Good, you're reckless currently. So you could in theory, knock your old lady up itself when she might be like, well, we're having another kid. Yeah, right. Exactly. So you don't want to do that anymore. Unknown 12:37 Because you can be 50 and all a sudden be like, Hey, we got another one. Come imagine Unknown 12:41 this is her idea. Okay, but she's she's all about me. And I'm like, What did I get? Unknown 12:47 That's because you go in you you get a little and then you come back out and you're on your way. Right? Like they typically do it while you're awake. They give you a logo. And Unknown 12:58 then I'll do we'll talk about the day. Yeah, I snots Unknown 13:01 and you hang out for vacation not to hang out for a couple days. Don't do much and most of the time it works out for everybody just fine. No big deal. You know, but I'm not noticing any differences in no way things are other than that one touch myself and everything you're gonna want to touch yourself. Right everything everything touching myself two days after I got my fucking hernia mesh removed. Like I was like fuck the bullshit. Right? You know, it was on a poppin falling because like, I didn't know my dick was gonna work after I got my surgery. I'm like, what should because when they were saying this, these are two separate things, though, right? The Secretary was no big deal. But when I got my hernia mesh removed, and they cut me from my belly button to just above my junk, and peel me all open and put me all back together. I wasn't too worried that my dig wouldn't work after that but I still want how it got me a hooker in Vegas before I fucking had that surgery done cuz I'm like I'm getting laid at least one more time, even if I can't even really feel it. And funny enough her vagina is so abnormally tight. That it hurt to come. Like yeah, I was like not really feeling it. But then it was like it was actually like painful. It was some weird shit. Or purpose. He was like mad, stupid tight. I'm like Jesus is crazy. I like to take months off and just get it all fixed. Unknown 14:19 Now I thought wow, totally. I need at least a week. to consider. No, no. Go ahead and get done. Unknown 14:27 Don't be a week like you got two kids like he didn't bring me food. I'm just gonna hang on the couch and refresh my piece every now and Unknown 14:34 yeah. I don't care if he did. It only takes two days for it to go away. Unknown 14:38 Hey honey, I'm taking I'm taking a week off you won't mean to not be making a person every day entertainer different. Some women What the fuck are you saying? St. Unknown 15:01 Area is different. Unknown 15:04 Everybody's damn near taint area is different. Unknown 15:07 Like his shit is damn near to taneous Coronavirus Damn. Unknown 15:12 He may need to there's no talent. I don't know I think that says she's brought this up to you. And this is something that you're considering. I would think Wait, I think that she owes you you get it done on like a Monday morning. And then you don't work that week. You say you sit at home and you play fucking video games, and you fucking take naps and you fucking sit around with ice and your balls and you and you're like, you know, I'm king, smoke dog. I'm going to sit here on the motherfucking couch this week. And in three weeks when I bang you you're not going to get pregnant. Yes. That's That's what I think you should do. That's why you should do Oh no. Wait three weeks. I think you need to wait as long as it takes you to be comfortable to do what you need to do being reckless now what's what's there for speeding reckless shoot the differences I gotta I gotta go with blank senator I gotta follow points in it. And I pointed at the wall and shift now though. Unknown 16:11 There's a chance now that I can be a fucking dead 51 With that bullshit. Unknown 16:19 That's what he's talking about. It's like Alex Vaughn was Unknown 16:24 like Alec Baldwin situation. So it's sort of like, here's the thing. It's like fucking what's his name? The guy from the Rolling Stones. Mick Jagger. Mick Jagger is 80 fucking years old. He's got like a one year old. Like, do you want to be that guy? Do you make money like that? Do you have Mick Jagger money? Because that's the thing. When I say that if Emma Watson wants to have my baby and wants to spend Harry Potter money to reverse my vasectomy, like okay, well, let's give it a whirl. Because you got enough money to take care of my child. I do not. I have no way of making a living on that level. And I am not willing to subject myself to dealing with having a child because I can't take care of little bastard I can't take care of myself. Unknown 17:04 Let's see the fucked up part is when I had my first two kids. I was not stable to have fun. You never know. You're never gonna be x. Right? Well, I'm better now. Unknown 17:15 You're more stable, you're doing okay. But if you want to be as careful as you can be getting the vasectomy. is the quickest, easiest, simplest way for you and your old lady to be able to have sex without worrying about having another kid. Yeah. Straight up and down. Point blank, right. And if you want to be able to have reckless abandon, where you're like, hey, look, you need to, you know, there's come there, there's come they're there and Unknown 17:39 you have reckless abandonment without the words right. Unknown 17:44 As you're already in it. She's gonna roll over and roll into a puddle that I love somewhere that fuckin so lucky. Okay, like Guess what? Unknown 17:53 Sky beats him jumpers bomb but come on. Like it's not that unlikely. They've come around that come to get his dad comes mission is to get into pussy and find some eggs to knock up. That's what it's that's what its mission is. It's like picking off calm on the couch if somebody goes ahead, smears their vajayjay across it. I'm just saying, wait a minute. Are you saying we're all wrong on every count here? No, I'm Unknown 18:24 just saying fertile Unknown 18:28 if she was 19 Okay, wait a minute. So you're telling me it's completely impossible to look into juicing here. Please, gentlemen, the pharmacist has joined us briefly for our ridiculously inappropriate Unknown 18:46 scenario you're describing just negates the whole fertility industry. There's a reason people pay $40,000 Right, because there's statistically unlikely somebody over the age of like 21 is going to roll into a puddle of hey, Unknown 19:03 get pregnant. But you can't you can't discount it completely, but it is highly unlikely. Right? Oh, Unknown 19:08 hold on. Asleep really the neck of winter. So that domain you know one morning woke up. So it's happening oh, Unknown 19:20 wait a minute. Are you having Are you having nocturnal emissions? Let me ask you. This is the car in the garage when you go to sleep? Right is the year Unknown 19:34 is long. It's like the what you're basically telling me pharmacist is that the penis needs to be in the vagina for there to be an actual likelihood of impregnation taking place. Unknown 19:47 can't roll over. Like oh, Unknown 19:51 China works Unknown 19:51 right but here's the but here's my here's my only. My only point is to be unconcerned. Like I I've lived my whole life without knocking anybody up a baton 1000 My pullout game was all point where rubbers, all that shit. But that's because I treated my calm like it was as likely to knock someone up whether it was on the edge of the couch or was in their fucking pussy. Right? That's like that, to me is the way to like maintain not knocking someone up. So you know, Unknown 20:22 if it's your committed partner, whether it be a wife or whoever, you know, like I think you're at a certain point in probably you don't have to avoid the wet spots to make her sleep in it, but Unknown 20:39 my only point is that there is always the slightest of possibilities no matter what with our boy with our boy here that he could knock somebody up again. We all know about the drill there. Ain't flunk praying, no one drill flung pregnant no one yet. Unknown 20:59 Caitlin? Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah, Unknown 21:01 but you say that you are careful. A lot of the times you try to act like you're careful and you're not reckless with your comb. You like that? Yes. Yes. I know. What's really funny is the pharmacist over there giggling that's really fun. Pause this episode. In a headphone and mic on this. You need to leave the room or heartache because this is this is problems. I saw people there's they can be technical difficulties. There can be technical difficulties. People certainly certainly these things happen. Nobody bats 1000 But yes, I bought plenty more. And here's the thing about me 13 Son, I'm five away may ask you so how far away from wanting you got seven Yamaha? Fucking 300 And back to 300 right twin 300 on the back. Right but that's the thing, right? You've got you've got less likelihood of knocking somebody up. The older you get the more careful you are with your repairs per machine comes down with a key message is looking for something it's like it's like ants walking across the couch actually ligaments they're like it's it's warming across the couch looking for something to get into like a fucking like the blob right? Like a blob. It's looking it's seeking its prospects that move our hand this way. I here's Warren Raimi center. Let me get up an air. Josh volting I love that she's coming hot, heavy. That's what I'm saying though, like thanks because remember when we went over the financial benefits of it like how much have you spent on your one child or one of your children over the time time that you've had that child? I guarantee you I spent less than that on my vasectomy one Yamaha substantially. Cancel, yet you whatever man whatever, bro. Do you have a boat? I think it'd be it'd be that Unknown 23:12 you might be able to get that boat more sooner than you think. Because if your brothers didn't do what he said to do, he's gonna need that boat. He's still gonna take a boat out. Unknown 23:26 Got kids. Remember when you got kids and you had to have graphs. We're seeing the graph. We're just seeing the ground. Unknown 23:33 He might tell you you also have to enter broke bro already to grow. Unknown 23:37 Look at that, Mike What are you saying? The to enter to Unknown 23:44 to drag behind the boat Unknown 23:45 because we can't because we were supposed to kiss. Unknown 23:49 He even got that shit ready. Yo, brother is indeed. Unknown 23:55 out there and tannins. Unknown 23:56 Oh he couldn't get married must be in love get married. Unknown 24:00 Let's get a drink and Unknown 24:02 straight fucking mad. Unknown 24:03 Hey, go take us on the boat. Unknown 24:06 We went down there for a whole week. Tammy was psyched about it since like, January. They take them on the boat they never got to hear because that's what the fuck it was. It was the one day we were supposed to go out there it rained. And it was like that's Unknown 24:20 that's what can come through. I'll be surprised if we see a picture of him and her and the kids on the boat. If I see that we definitely go on that fucking boat. Oh ain't no shit wiki down. He might. I saw you the last time on the phone. Almost out on that motherfucking Watch out get on that boat. Unknown 24:38 How did you almost die on this boat? Unknown 24:39 Man. So look, we're on a pond to my fucking boat. We was in what Lake Ghana? Yep. So we're like Anna right? And fucking my homies my home girls mama. Had his pontoon boat. She's like yo yo won't get on the boat. So he was down there from a home girl. She was wanting to get married. And she's like, Yo, you gotta get on this boat. I said I'm gonna do this for you because we're down here celebrating you. So because we tight like this. I'm gonna get on this boat when she cuz you know I don't do this shit, but I'm gonna do it. So my whole girls Mama was like look since you're big you're the biggest ones y'all set in the back of this boat because y'all are gonna be my anchors you heard that right said here yeah. Do not move back cool we the anchors we say we don't move Gotcha. Not a problem we good. We get on a small foot because he was on the boat was right it was me you fucking own it. Oh, his old lady fuck him buddy. Can buddy's mama and that was pretty my big shit like eight or nine people in this book? Yeah, so we're out like and are we out? We like in the middle of this fucking late we pass them all focus on their speed boats waving and she like we out in this trucking lake by now. Yeah, I mean, all of a sudden I see biggie. Stand the fuck up. Big steep. Yeah. And start walking to the front of this boat. I'm like, What the fuck you see walk to the front of boat. We're supposed to be back here because we're the anchors to the boat to Biggie throw the weight off the boat. That's my throw the weight office mile fucking sign that's my fucking walk towards the front of the boat and the boat up in the air and just stop you here to the lake doing like second boat down in this motherfucker. Yeah, I'm losing my shit because I'm on the back of this mob fucker trying to I'm trying to run I'm trying to rock this motherfucker back bag. Fucking buddy's mom kills the motor. She jumps on the back with me and she we're trying to rock the small fucking back. Biggie is climbing up the side of this bitch to bring them all fucking weight back to the back right. He gets back in and the book comes out the water splashes all this water is all over the bow. I'm looking at him like what the fuck is wrong with you bro? I have to strap him down like what the hell we were told to back up the motherfucking Agassi this goddamn bow. We're not supposed to be moving. Where the fuck was you going? Unknown 26:57 Hey, he was white as a ghost. Yeah, Unknown 26:59 bro. Cuz I thought I was going. I thought it was a white shirt. I thought it was over for me, man. So fucking, we get back or he were like, Yo, what the fuck was he doing? He goes man I wanted some motherfucking shit back. Unknown 27:20 I had a chip I would have wasn't there Unknown 27:23 and kill me bro. We almost die. Water was Unknown 27:25 coming on the front of it. Like it was right there and water was coming up the window. I can swim Unknown 27:32 up to drown somebody next to Unknown 27:34 work very hard. To see I was not in the right frame of mind that day to be drawn to die because fucking that was the same day that my dumb are you Unknown 27:42 ever anyone ever? Suicidal you ever in the right frame of mind die, but I Unknown 27:48 wasn't prepared for what happened you know? I mean that shit blew me the fuck away like What in the fuck so you got scared? though? I'm scared like a mothafucker man. Unknown 0:06 And then went back the House and cooked up a hell of a good meal Unknown 0:09 and jumped off the boat started swimming away. But y'all come on his way. Unknown 0:14 That's What in the fuck we was all like why the hell you get up man? You could ask for the past and then back to Unknown 0:21 the bad was it? Unknown 0:22 I don't even fucking know honestly, I need some say have no clue what kind of DB Unknown 0:28 DB smalls I need you to let me know what's up but that was that case so Unknown 0:31 there might have been some case Unknown 0:34 it was Devin I saw one no salsa Unknown 0:37 cuz like if you guys chose Tito's software but it definitely was all of you guys some you might maybe if you got that pass, maybe you got that face if you haven't. Unknown 0:48 That's right. It was Oh man. Lamb was on the boat. Unknown 0:51 That's where I was sitting there. The lady was here. Yep. And then steam come up and when you come up and sat down next to Brittany that's when the boat started going to start. And I jumped up grabbed him and threw him to the back. That's where you were sitting on the back like this. Yeah. Unknown 1:09 Wait, so damn, that's funny shit. I wish he was here. Unknown 1:13 It was a fucked up past trip because we turned around okay right back Unknown 1:17 I was gonna say you busted to it. We get off this boat now that we have not healed ourselves even though Unknown 1:22 we come back and everybody's like you're wise all this water all over everything. And the answer is X is motherfucker right? Unknown 1:29 Now remember, there was more people that was supposed to go yeah, she's like now we're going out and we're going away. We almost sank this month. Because that Unknown 1:37 was the day that I fucking hooked you up with them bringing us edibles who was on edibles that day. And I want you in there for both animals was the party. Oh yeah, that's right. The edibles was the party. Unknown 1:48 I went. So you heard about this and you heard about that. Unknown 1:52 I think I was at I think I was down being a dancer with Elvis. I think whatever time whatever this was Unknown 1:57 now he was down black boys I think a year before he came back to the house and cooked up fucking hella good milled on them off and really had a bitch because big he was like man my you know only person I've ever seen cook on a grill for a fuck ton of people. I got it. There ain't no problem. We got to ban we need to cook. Unknown 2:16 Okay, you're the man and burrow through that Unknown 2:19 show on that muffin grill cooked all that shit the fuck up. Unknown 2:21 We don't put anybody on a grill man people get reckless on the ground. Yeah. Well they lose conscientious of what they're doing and why so law people don't know what to do. Unknown 2:32 You got to know how to how to work that grill cooking meats right? Unknown 2:34 Look into me, man. Just Unknown 2:37 pay attention. Some people don't know how to look at. Unknown 2:40 If you're a meat was you want to look like that or would you want to be flipped? I mean, flip that thing. So I got like, I was raped by I won't want to look like that. I would want to do flip. It's Unknown 2:50 literally like a personal preference the way you would want to look as whatever piece of meat you're cooking. Oh man. If I was a sauce, man, I would need him goddamn strap. I'm gonna turn this here so dumb to see Unknown 3:05 my skin busted open. I Unknown 3:06 really let me get a little blades. I can split myself down to sigh Unknown 3:10 Rama, TiVo and I better be like, straight delicious. Hands down. Unknown 3:15 You want to be like that T bone the Charlie Sheen cooks on the belly of extra hot shots that was a good looking motherfucking Reba right by right there. You want to get season by fucking piece of meat on was an open book or was free fucking nothing left but fat and gristle? Unknown 3:44 I can't I can't handle that. Unknown 3:45 I couldn't eat that because I'm not eating all that fat Unknown 3:49 mixed in with the meat. If you don't make something with the meat and you don't get it down, Unknown 3:53 oh, that's the way I'm saying. I don't like it with the meat. I can't do Oh no. I'm not a big fan of like fat in my meat Unknown 4:04 as well the flavors. Unknown 4:06 Hey, man. That's all y'all just saw y'all I'll do Unknown 4:11 Oh, hey, man show this talk. Because y'all, y'all are of Caucasian back in 96 Unknown 4:17 or 9696 out Unknown 4:24 of the state y'all y'all people mistake you probably state but most small folks I've ran into like like a little blood and a shit. You got to consider a blood or juice because people call it juice that shit is not using a pen. Tester. Unknown 4:49 flow temperature. Yep, Unknown 4:51 it's rare. It's blood. Medium. It's Unknown 4:52 juice. Yeah, anything over medium is juice. Any pink is Unknown 4:55 wrong. No, no, Unknown 4:56 it's raw. Chicken Chicken like a motherfucker. Yes, pink is raw chicken Unknown 5:10 there's raw and then with B there's different temperatures. Yeah, like one to 125 rare 130 Me medium rare, you know 140 And it goes on up. But the been steady cooks as you take it off the grill as well. Right and take it off the grill with me and rare. It's more likely gonna come off as meaning by the time it hits. The mother's mouth. Grandfather was Unknown 5:31 like shit, just bring fun. Bring that motor out. Unknown 5:36 You want to let it marinate also after you cook, Unknown 5:39 rare 125 steaks. Amateurs rare ones 25 Medium rare 135 medium 145 medium well 150 Well done 160 That's according to some random meme I Unknown 5:48 just found so like you look at the medium rare that's pretty good because it's gonna be there like medium exactly just right at juices not be well still and Unknown 5:55 I go to when I go to the store or paint if I go to like a steak place. Or wherever I wouldn't mind medium because if it's a little under medium if it's a little over medium I'm not going to be particularly upset. Unknown 6:06 Let's see. I was Wonder what people call it a blood when it's coming out because muffins like honest juice and my mama. That's black said rare. Unknown 6:12 Rare medium rare is someone's blood Unknown 6:16 if it was veins and I'd be like us blood it's delicious bloods good that's a different kind of blood. That's I'd still I don't know how to do this but you might be the same type of motherfucker won't have sex to girl she's on her period Unknown 6:44 to get all the cream off the plate right. And you find that Mike what's the difference? I Unknown 6:53 guess pasta sauce Unknown 7:01 juicy sauces sauce Unknown 7:02 blood has Unknown 7:05 come some dividend have juice but different you know entrees have Unknown 7:09 liver to juice Unknown 7:14 you're waving waving. Wait, okay, so bleeding vajayjay you eat that motherfuckers at us I'm talking about food. Unknown 7:23 And if I'm looking at clitoris and the pussy bloods coming out Unknown 7:35 pennies man Unknown 7:37 that's not what you smell it. Yeah, never been there. Unknown 7:40 Exactly. I've ever been Unknown 7:42 here that right bunch of bitches. handle my business. I do whatever needs to be done. Could be known Unknown 7:57 on a platter. It ain't going nowhere. I'm not Unknown 8:04 there to ever give it a couple days. Just go clear that I haven't Unknown 8:14 like none of this works well for you, Mike like you take a full week off of it for JJ interaction around that time and tomorrow. I got to tell you what, man I had a girlfriend years guys and knock it out of her every time because she liked it. Hell. That's right. Super morning. And I would give him a fucker. And I would knock that fucking pussy blood out of there and she would feel better afterwards. She was like, you know, and then I heard some girls talking about it on some podcast I was listening to they were talking about how it's like it vacuums out of there. And I'm like, Oh, let me help you girl. Right, exactly. Watching that fucking vajayjay blood out there. Let me put a condom on. I'll pull that out for you. Do we need to get a mic for you, girl? She's like, No, she will be there. Hold on, hold on here. I'm gonna take my headphones off and you say what you said then I'll translate. Unknown 9:14 I don't know. I don't know what she says. Better than the plunger. Unknown 9:18 Picking is better than plugin when it comes to period blood. Dick is better than a plunger when it comes to period blood and removal when it comes when? According to pharmacists, I'm sorry, guys, but just We'll get her next Unknown 9:33 time. The Hammer never a plunger Unknown 9:39 you gonna drop the hammer? Unknown 9:42 I went to the carpentry plumbing girl gave me this what do you need? Unknown 9:50 I can't do it in my realm right there. Unknown 9:56 So it was a very careful situation. Unknown 10:04 We're gonna read it and it's got to be well done tonight. And when anything going Unknown 10:07 on with it really was like there's nothing going on here. You know? Like Unknown 10:12 date boring or something like that. When is this happening as it's like day to day one. Unknown 10:17 Now this was a this was like a fairly good brand body. Unknown 10:20 It was a spotty day. It was like we can't do anything because I'm on my period. And I'm like, Well, I mean what day what day I don't know. It was a spotty day wasn't bad. Unknown 10:34 day I'm saying like for all the times with the one that I would always like help her removing. You know, they're just throwing some dig in there. You know, like that one. I saw all sorts of different spectrums of amounts of what could or not come out of there Right. And then this other one they went nothing like what could have been? You know what I mean? I'm like, don't worry about it girl will be alright, you know what I mean? Handling business. Unknown 11:02 I don't know how to tell you, you know y'all works man square it up, you know, being a pharmacist. Hands over. I find it amusing when there's someone that's observing the show. It's just shaking her head. Unknown 11:23 Marker we'll see I'll get you a heating pad it Unknown 11:25 might I didn't say was my cup of teas I've done once or twice in my life. You know what I'm saying? But like I skirt Unknown 11:39 back relax like I said wait a day Hey. Unknown 11:43 Y'all them married types been having gays and shit. He ain't got no adventure left in your life. Ruta books. That's what it is, man. See what it is? Yeah, like domesticated. Let me go ahead and just hang here on my domesticated clouds. Alba watching from the porch. Man. It's like medieval times alright, good boy. Hey, watch that. I'll give it a try. Yeah, man, we talked that while she here to Mason a French only have a fuck I mean, Joe ain't got none of his fucking you don't want to hear it you got throw me in jail cuz I'm gonna keep saying crazy shit. I don't give a fuck yeah, I'm just listening to hell. And a part of this. This is not a part of the show. He provides the facility for Unknown 12:36 small forgiving gets quite as easy when we talk about fucking retarded chicks. So only Unknown 12:42 thing like it depends on what it is how offended he is by it as to whether or not he can partake in it. And sometimes he does just claim to be not involved. I ain't me man. Would you know? Are you ever known a retarded chick? Unknown 13:01 If she looked like Scarlett but good Unknown 13:05 boys. Yeah. Absolutely. Don't worry, work, good. Pushing. You start going good. Good. Good haven't seen her because you hit the brakes power. Right? Exactly. She's like wow Unknown 13:48 set like a record Unknown 13:53 you couldn't help somebody like that but like Unknown 13:55 me, I mean, nation now. I will go Unknown 13:59 What if it was like a fans dying wish to you? Like I've heard you talk about me all the time. And I'm Unknown 14:07 like, What about cerebral palsy? Right because it was that chick there was the dude on the cerebral palsy video with Redman and we watched it dude was clearly like with it, but he had a hard time articulating when he was trying to say right so what if an our cerebral palsy girl with that level of communication ability, yet looks like Scarlett Johansson comes at you and is like I just want you to know I want give me a moment. I got terrible pause right she would like have the whole deal. But then she would bring it down for you and be like, we're doing open you come to me right or whatever. And he like Unknown 14:42 put a two fingers up the you know Unknown 14:58 a nobody denying there's something wrong. Unknown 15:00 Obviously not comfortable we can make you Unknown 15:06 that's negative. Unknown 15:09 That's negative Unknown 15:10 Jesus Christ. We're gonna have to bring this show. And here not on Unknown 15:13 on on a pair of cerebral palsy change Unknown 15:22 it wasn't very far of a joke. A far jump. I mean, Unknown 15:28 kinda want to start off looking what I got this fucking app on my fucking phone that says average of 35 And so what I'm Unknown 15:46 wondering what your Unknown 15:49 mind eight or nine yards Dr. footstrike is an eight foot stride my running basis I'm pretty close. Because if I'm walking three you know three foot fuck Bob and Bob scooting Jimmy see me scoop. I got to be at least five to six. Maybe not a Unknown 16:09 real quick before we in the show. What the fuck made you download an app the city Unknown 16:14 already been on my phone I do for this other thing. Okay, yeah, I've gone up to these places, but I Unknown 16:21 need you average 35 inches a Unknown 16:23 step. Yeah, Step. Walk it up for God damn. Yard screaming live you Unknown 16:29 see them walk Unknown 16:34 this crazy I did like fucking 30 floors fucking burger downs on staff see like that. I'll be walking. Unknown 16:42 That's how you stay so slim. Apparently. Way up there wow. Oh, yeah. Okay, so, Unknown 16:53 but the I think I got about a five to six salad Unknown 16:57 shows gone horribly wrong. Unknown 17:06 It gives you something to think about. Unknown 17:07 There's a lot of stuff to think about now your Unknown 17:09 stride I think that should think about you Unknown 17:16 got a gun. You got to know who you fasten them, bro. Unknown 17:20 You don't have to be faster. You have to be more agile. You got Unknown 17:24 the guy beside you doesn't know your own step count prior to you know I mean you can like size this of the cat down and see what he is about. What just up till Yeah, like, like, Unknown 17:37 like, What's your average strike? Unknown 17:41 I look it up. I'm like yeah, guys, step count. I get I get passes as you know, I'm saying Unknown 17:46 but you know what, all you really need to do is be slick enough to kick somebody's foot into their leg while they're trying to start off running. And then they're not gonna start dragging around. I'm kicking your foot in the other foot while you start driving. Hard dude and then slowly walk away like Sorry, dude. And that'll be the Unknown 18:03 floor. I got some speed on me still. I'm still good with Unknown 18:06 Mike feels that he can outrun you guys. Unknown 18:10 But I'll fucking be good enough to keep on getting Unknown 18:14 my foot in the other foot. Unknown 18:15 You're done. It's called giveaways. Unknown 18:17 I'll see I got as Lions go eat bill. You've Unknown 18:21 got an amazing set of bows where I don't like falling. Because there's always stories and there's only five of them out there in the world right now. Have we ever fallen Unknown 18:29 you can't allow any more stories you fall into get out in the luck No. Unknown 18:34 Man falls this shit. That is the truth. They are me. So I make sure like my balance is fucking crazy good. It's immaculate. I do God I applaud myself for that shit. And Unknown 18:45 with that said, we're going to bring this episode of the mesa fringe yet close. Real quick. What do you want you prank pretty pink klutz. Or pussy lips of sangria. Oh wow. Let's see Let's Sangria seems to be most appropriate for the way we think so too. So anyway. You know I think be nice to people that look like you be nice people that don't look like you don't be a dick. Unknown 19:07 Little bits by little bits. Ladies and gentlemen. Keep moving forward. Unknown 19:12 Protect your mental health and your mental wealth. Unknown 19:14 Protect your energy and energy Unknown 19:17 and you know keep trying to get done the things you're trying to get done. Keep your animal that shit and don't eat the pink if Israel that's how it gets going. Be careful with whatever you're doing, you'll be fine. Anyway. Thank you so much for listening. Don't forget we love you very much. You're welcome and pleased to be with you. Unknown 19:40 Thanks so much for listening if you want to help support the show please go to www.patreon.com/letter M. Perfect entertainment. There's a link in the description of each show. At the bottom. If you just scroll down you'll see the imperfect patreon account link. If you're an Apple user, please take the time to give us a five star review on the Apple podcast app on your app. It says once this conversation can serve no purpose anymore Unknown 20:25 sicko dedicated out to my main buckets invideo because I know it is this jam. Sharp plug it up because contrary incontri is garbage I've ever heard it. Unknown 20:38 I'll never heard it. So I thought three mixes perfect way to do that now. Never heard just gonna go Unknown 20:49 to Vegas Bible was saying this. In previous changes drowns in person. wasn't going to be happening again get my ass on because my knees go up in my burger. I'm Jacqueline Lacey Wacker without giving her phone don't call me. Today we're gonna go he kissed me and I said you say sweet angry angry live stays like seeing green man got the Mexican gingerbread house we'll see. Unknown 22:23 Americans Spanglish. Losing lives in St. Louis get a shot welcome Lucy be having this game. Now be looking at her saying just also. Head is angry. Sangria boozy. Husky there ain't no way good. Taste like insane Griya with yellow rivers. No matter was ego movida spice the first livefood our band is drinking sangria. Just run out and then we go on to switch to Bloody Mary lady. Oh my god after that we go chancer do the hard liquor. Go get chocolate ways to drown own floaty yard in the middle of the lake with people looking at you looking at me looking at you. Go to be now to get Unknown 23:42 on here she has only NASA was tattooed about them and I texted him I said hit her up now because I'm done. Back in them come back and get you within about 35 minutes. Unknown 24:01 In theory, get her Agata como lady so I can let her down. My car broke down and call her captain call new motherfucking tow truck? Yeah. down bitch. Transcribed by https://otter.ai