00:16.42 Dave My name is Dave and I'll be your host for this episode today I'm joined by Leonard how is it going Leonard. 00:24.36 Leonard It's going K Dave It's late and I'm tired and a little headache but I'm always always always excited to talk about dorohedoro. 00:38.89 Dave Yeah that's right, we're we're back for part 2 of 3 I guess ah finishing up the second almost second half of ah the season that was out on Netflix of Doro hedoro. So we'll be talking about episodes 5 through 8 um, yeah, this is a fun bonkers series and I think every time I step away from it I forget that it's just up to 11 the entire time. So I come back and. 01:08.75 Leonard Yeah, the oh hey, there's a wizard door a sorcerer door that looks like the Neckceromicicon Cool cool. Oh it's also made out of sors or body parts. So yeah. 01:11.36 Dave Oh yeah, they're just yep, they're doing that all right? that's. 01:25.90 Leonard That's like immediate that's the Cliff Hanger and that's the immediacy that we jump into. 01:32.70 Dave Yeah, it. It kicks us off with um Kaman and nikaido ah at the the good doctor's weird mansion and got fixing to use his door to go into the sorcerer world. Um. Gets a little trippy I guess they they they've been leaning in even sufficient on the ending um video that it's like real sixty s psychedelic stuff. Yeah, yeah, and kamen is like. 01:59.77 Leonard Oh a little modish. 02:09.64 Dave Tripping when he goes to the tour. So it's It's pretty fun. Little little visual treat there for him to get into the the world of sorcerers. Um, and we've been. We've been getting of course that ah on and off since we're following and. Little troop as Well. Which is um, it's It's fun to see the contrast between the sorcer's world and whole.. Although it's still kind of the same which is weird. 02:29.66 Leonard Right. 02:45.52 Leonard Yes, it's it's it's a nicer looking version of hole because ah you know people get murdered and die constantly all the time in the Sourcer world and it's kind of like there's once again, this kind of. Cavalier view to life. Ah, for them though. They do have a resurrection process. So maybe that's part of it. 03:13.83 Dave Um, yeah, it could be in that it. Um, it's not clear on how that works other than it's wished based to toward the the demons that control I guess not control but they like. 03:30.55 Leonard Yes, and they kind of they're like managers they're like middle managers. 03:30.62 Dave Created the Sorcerer world. 03:36.37 Dave Um, yeah, it's like far away manager they don't they just they're not always there or I guess technically they they are there. They' not doing anything. 03:42.53 Leonard Yeah, what that I was they are there. They they're just not doing a lot unless there's something that needs to be done. But yes, we we will that we will be talking about demons or devils as I believe they're referred to ah in the. 03:49.28 Dave Now. 03:59.80 Leonard In the show. Um, because hey surprise they're just Devils surprise that wasn't a one off gag from the end of the episode where they found a head in the box. Nope there's there's devils just hanging out. Being devils. 04:20.15 Dave Um, yeah, they are also like the weird roosters in the world and a little impy demons just kind of. 04:28.20 Leonard Yes. 04:33.98 Dave Floating around um, announcing it's the morning or it's nighttime. It's yeah, it's was weird. Not me not any less weird than anything else happening. It's par for the course I think for the for the setting. Um. 04:35.75 Leonard Yes. 04:46.94 Leonard Right. 04:49.88 Dave Yeah, so this is episode 5 kamen in Wonderland or majono ku Kuino Kaman um I yeah this is a show where you can't I can't go like oh I'm expecting XYZ to happen in the episode. It's. 05:04.13 Leonard Oh yeah. 05:07.11 Dave More like okay where are we going to like swerve from here. 05:11.31 Leonard Right? And they they swerve to the the sorcerer world where it's nice and clean and. Kind of reminds me a lot of the backgrounds actually remind me a lot of ah, a little nemo adventures in Slumberland which is a really weird thing to compare any aspects of the show to. 05:27.62 Dave No yeah I can see that. 05:38.25 Leonard But that's what it reminds me of.. It's nice and Clean. Everybody's in a mask because ah sorcers wear masks all the time at it's weird Kiman has spray painted his suit white and has attached. Bunny ears to his normal gas mask. Ah, which is you know brilliant because hey guess what they're in disguise traveling to the sorcer world because everybody wears masks there. So. It's not weird. 06:10.32 Dave Yeah, and it seems like the bunny ears were an affectation of the doctor like I think he made them wear them as of the dimensional Crossover apparatus. 06:17.94 Leonard Yes. 06:29.52 Dave Because Noi I mean um, nikado also has to have like a little bunny ear thing. It's like okay I don't I don't know how necessary that was it probably was not necessary at all. But you know here we are and it's yeah, it's weird. 06:33.19 Leonard Yes. 06:49.29 Dave Um, just like everything else so they're they're looking for clues to Tyman's curse he needs to undo it or he would love to undo it he wants his head back. Um, which I mean he he seems to function. 06:56.69 Leonard Right. 07:06.91 Dave Just fine with the giant lizard head. 07:07.83 Leonard Yeah I think it's more of a the quest is to figure out who he is because he has that am media memory. Yeah, like I think that if he knew who he was and had a lizard head and was Immune to Mag Magic he. 07:14.50 Dave Yeah, you had no memories. 07:25.51 Leonard Actually just be fine. 07:28.19 Dave Yeah I mean if anything this allows him to do his his work. Um a little easier because magic doesn't hurt him and he's relatively large man. Um. 07:36.20 Leonard Yes. 07:43.98 Leonard He's He's an an extremely large man. 07:47.48 Dave Yeah, it's it's just perspectives because he keeps getting stuck next to all so large people and there's a lot of large folks in this show. Yeah, and that's the thing we talked about last time where nikai to herself. She's she towers over a lot of people. But. 07:53.40 Leonard Yes. 07:59.14 Leonard Get a lot. 08:06.82 Dave Kamen is like twice as big as she is. 08:08.85 Leonard Bright. 08:12.74 Dave Then you have shin and Noi who are even huger. 08:16.44 Leonard I mean I mean noise taller than Shen. 08:20.47 Dave Yeah noise huge and probably probably my favorite character like as the show keeps going on. She's just. 08:30.18 Leonard Oh yeah, ah because she is she is interesting in they do the thing where they they um you know, present her as this character and then they Add. Facets to her personality that you aren't expecting but don't comment on them so they become actually interesting instead of saying. Yeah no, She's a big researcher. She's like really smart and studious and does all that there's no point in saying that they just show it to you and you're like oh that's an interesting aspect of her character that. I've now slotted into my brain and they didn't need to make a big point about it. 09:08.82 Dave Yeah, and that's something that that is a strong suit for the series as a whole it does a really good job and you know this is a series based on a Mongo format so it has to show rather than tell I mean yes, it could lean into. Text to bubbles or things. But um, a lot of the heavy lifting is done just by sheer like wackad-oodle backgrounds or just one-off little art artsy bits and go okay, that's yeah, that's a thing that exists because it's it's clearly there in the universe. 09:44.28 Leonard Right? right? They've presented it and so it's clearly a thing. 09:47.55 Dave And yeah, yeah, yeah, those little naked demon guys telling you what time of day It is just in this guy. That's just what happens here. 10:02.30 Leonard Yep, Um, they get to the world and then hitch a ride on a magic carpet taxi. 10:11.52 Dave Yeah, that part. Um we we kind of will dig into the weeds a little bit on these episodes because they're one. They're not very long but they're still kind of dense and this is another thing where ah so we were introduced. 2 episodes ago or so to the um brooms like and has ah a conveyance has a fancy rich guy ah broom motorcycle thing that flies and so there's. 10:29.87 Leonard Yes. 10:40.53 Leonard Yes. 10:45.52 Dave Transportation. But now we know there's also just yeah because I think this owes more to the weird varied nature of magic like there could just be anything. Um, but it's specialized down to a single person able to do 1 10:55.45 Leonard Yes. 11:05.32 Leonard He. 11:05.53 Dave Cool trick so you it's I think it's harder to have something ubiquitous that isn't based on just the smoke technology like you can build things and it's just powered by someone's level of magic which is. The quality and quantity of the smoke they produce So That's something where yeah maybe there's like chinty crap versions of the brooms. But we don't get to see that we just see there's someone that clearly like operates carpets. He can. 11:26.46 Leonard Right. 11:44.11 Dave Control them and use it as a taxi service. 11:45.25 Leonard Yes, it's a very Bruce Willis in the fifth element. Honestly. 11:52.40 Dave Um, yeah, yeah I mean the thing is you don't see any other air traffic. So it's just super limited. Um. 11:58.83 Leonard Yes, yeah, that it's that it's this guy's angle This is the thing that he does. 12:07.10 Dave Yeah, and it's it's great because ah what what it has what this does and has a chance to showcase is that um while Nikado is from. We find out the sourcer a world. Ah. 12:24.12 Dave Whatever their their money is she doesn't have any of it So they're just going here and doing their best to just this is the most fruitless way to search for something because they don't have a plan and they're both. 12:25.35 Leonard Yes. 12:35.33 Leonard Oh yeah, they didn't have a plan they know. 12:44.20 Dave They're both kind of dumb which everyone in the show. No one is maybe the doctor smart. He's weird. Everyone's weird, but no, 1 ne's super smart like. 12:50.67 Leonard Yes. Yeah I'd agree with that I mean I would say that it's less everyone is impulsive. 13:03.20 Dave Yeah, yeah, they're not like it's a weird thing because they're not morons but they just go. They're never they don't stop and think about what they're doing. They just go do something. 13:10.63 Leonard Right. Um, yeah. 13:22.56 Leonard Um. 13:22.95 Dave And I think that that's has more to do with the freedom of how they live because in the whole life is. It's not worth a whole lot because you could just die at any minute because of weird outside attacks from another dimension. So. 13:33.10 Leonard Right? right. 13:40.47 Dave You're just I Guess that's the way you have to? Yeah, we're just going to do not even day by day but minute by minute I could just be turned into a weird cockroach in the next minute So live it up and in the Sorcerer World. Ah. It's so hierarchical and everything's dependent on like how good your smoke is and there's already weird factions and the world's created by demons I mean there's just a lot going on where I think yeah people are just living. 14:00.16 Leonard E. 14:10.76 Leonard Right. 14:12.79 Dave Just living and trying to get by and not be preyed on by other people that like to beat up. Everyone just gets beat up a lot here everywhere. 14:22.47 Leonard Yeah, yeah, yeah I mean life is life is I think that's the interesting thing about the the trip to the sorcer world is that life is just is treated just as cavalierly. As it is in the whole like it's just a a nicer veneer to everything. 14:43.83 Dave Yeah, and we we see bits of that and we've been seeing it because ah Shin Andnoi just gets sent out in like indiscquable not indiscriminate. They're trying not to just murder everyone but they're getting sent out. To squash the weird um competition That's stepping on end's territory. Basically yeah and they make a point later on to like hey we're not, We're trying to do this nonviolently. You know well. 15:03.50 Leonard Get yeah the cross eyes. 15:17.59 Dave Do that because we like that too. But let's can we just talk this out for once we don't get to do that too often? Yeah, no, no yeah yeah. 15:24.51 Leonard Yeah, and it it doesn't work out because of course it doesn't because they work for for for and so the why would anyone trust them. Um. 15:35.91 Dave Um, but but this is the attitude that kamen is bringing into his search is he's just like I'll just kill every sorcer and I'll eventually just by um and let crosses of elimination end up killing the one that curse me and that that will. 15:53.85 Leonard Yes, yes, might yes my my solution to my problem is genocide. 15:55.78 Dave Undo the curse like that's my plan. 16:04.65 Dave Yeah, So it's just like well I mean I I say that they have you know they're impulsive and they're not super smart I don't off top my head I don't know of the better plan that he could have done. Like I'm sure there's something but based on his experience and what's going On. That's the safer bet if you just be so you know sneaky about it. 16:22.95 Leonard Ah, yes. 16:36.69 Leonard Right? Which Nicado that tells yeah point out like don't just kill them out in the open. Do it in a secret place because there's a lot of them Even if you're immune to? oh. 16:39.98 Dave Yeah, you point out. 16:50.26 Dave There's a lot of them. 16:55.24 Leonard I did see and see that makes me also wonder I'm like well he's completely immune to magic and that's the thing that they rely on well I guess it's like 1 that that scenario of like ah you're attacked by like 200 bloodthirsty toddlers. Do you actually survive like it's it's ah it's a numbers game more than like physical prowess. 17:21.93 Dave Yeah, and I think the only thing you would have to worry about is his body not being diced up like he can clearly have his head removed and it just grows back given time but you have to be able to get away from this bot like someone has to. 17:31.71 Leonard Um, yes, right. 17:40.27 Leonard Bright. 17:40.68 Dave Keep his body safe. So yeah that that plan will fail eventually but they also don't earn any money and can't pay for the taxi rights if he just kills the taxi driver and then they it's like oh hey, wait we can't fly the. 17:54.23 Leonard Yeah, that's great. He. 18:00.62 Dave Carpet because you you killed the dude that's powering it and so they crash and they could have just died right there like they they get hurt like falling from the sky into some abandoned building. It's there's. 18:01.72 Leonard Right. 18:12.60 Leonard E. 18:16.59 Dave Yeah, there's hubris going on I mean they they have consequences for their and that's the thing. Um, everyone's impulsive. But it often doesn't really work out like they have consequences for them just jumping in I get that's for any character. 18:27.24 Leonard Right. 18:34.77 Dave And you wonder like how are they all still alive yet all of them. 18:38.78 Leonard They're all just incredibly lucky though though, though, yes though to be fair, it really does feel like Kmen and Nakado have been have not been doing this thing for a very long time This whole. Search of Identity. So like that makes sense. 19:01.56 Dave Well, they've they've been doing it for 2 years um but they're reliant on whatever sorcers they catch um taking ah a day trip into the hole like they they haven't had this is the first time that they've had a chance to like hey we're going to take it to the other to the enemy. 19:10.15 Leonard Right. 19:19.53 Dave You know we're going to go into this other strange place and be on the offensive. 19:26.30 Leonard Yeah. 19:31.61 Dave Yeah, and it's um, it gets Yeah, it gets weird. They they go to I guess hey gets weird. That's silly. It is already weird. Um, they go to a restaurant and I was already going like can they even eat like. 19:43.26 Leonard Ah. 19:46.69 Leonard The Sorcerer food right. 19:49.41 Dave Source for food but I guess so because sorcerers come over to a whole and eat food. So yeah, they've established that that's that the food issue is generally not an issue but can be Um, yeah, they they go to ah a demon-themed restaurant. Um. Nikaido is given a like little business card. Um, and by a devil ah and she obviously like recognizes what it is and she's not really perturbed. She's like oh okay. 20:10.33 Leonard Um, yeah, by a devil. 20:28.55 Dave Um, and at the same time um kamen ends up having a an experience with the toilet and yeah, the food. The food was fine. The um, the drink he picked himself was obviously like. 20:37.32 Leonard Yes. 20:46.86 Dave Immediately. Um, unpalatable he it it almost it like knocked him out which is I think a feet but I don't know I mean he only eats Oba yoza. So I'm surprised he could just eat. Whatever. 20:50.37 Leonard Yeah. 21:02.14 Leonard Yeah, he was yeah he got drunk he got he He got a little drunky. He got a little drunky and cried to have a puy in the bathroom that has like the planet Hollywood level of like a toilet that goes straight to hell. 21:04.30 Dave Um, yeah. 21:20.20 Dave Um, yeah, except for this actually goes straight to hell so and it's it's great. It's this. 21:21.56 Leonard Right? It's really kitch. It's really, it's like it's really weird and goofy in a way of like oh I could actually see somebody making something as stupid as this. And branding it that way in like a kit-theme restaurant. 21:40.70 Dave Oh yeah, for sure like some high end but still kind of dumpy place. It's like you you you don't go there more than once I think. 21:45.71 Leonard Yes, yeah, like a plan in Hollywood like I said like a planet hollywood or a hard rock cafe. 21:56.53 Dave Um, yeah, yeah, but um, yeah, there's it's it's just it's a big mess and he almost fries himself on the toilet and. 22:13.70 Dave Yeah, they it doesn't Um, it's just more set dressing. It's not adding a lot to the experience. Um other than saying that. Yeah, there's there's not only demon themed things. But it's like staffed or there's demons there that work there. 22:31.87 Leonard Yeah, it's part of the culture. It's It's actually part of the culture and um at the same time where after kamen's unfortunate drink accident Um, ah in is ah has noi. 22:33.39 Dave Yeah, yeah. 22:47.42 Leonard Ah, resurrect the head that that they found in the safe. 22:54.39 Dave Yeah I mean this one isn't even noy. That's it's Kioraga the weird little dog thing with the wrestler mask which is great I love that little blueard or mask he cape the dog. Um, but it yeah it just does its weird. 22:57.95 Leonard Oh that's right, right? yeah. 23:12.18 Leonard Um, Resurrection Magic Yep White smoke. 23:12.36 Dave White powder dust um and it yeah resurrects Udisu Udisu's head which is kyman's head. 23:19.35 Leonard Yes, who yes, or at least it's the head of the guy that lives in his throat. It's it's It's exceptionally complicated. 23:27.64 Dave Yeah, it's complicated what going on. 23:38.37 Dave Yeah, and it's um and Udi Su is like he's pretty dumb too. He he may be the dumbest. It's real weird. He's a goofball. 23:43.77 Leonard Yes, oh absolutely. Absolutely right. 23:53.45 Dave But it also feels like he's playing it up So it's hard to tell because I don't I don't I mean he doesn't have a sense. There's no sense of time for him like as we go if he finds out or. 23:56.66 Leonard Yeah I could see that. 24:04.56 Leonard Yes. 24:09.60 Dave We find out that he't know how long it's been since he died so he's surprised at things that are ah very obvious like a bit later long. He's like oh the food I had saved is turned into mold. Yes, you. 24:18.48 Leonard Ah. 24:22.00 Leonard Right. 24:26.53 Dave You've been dead for years I don't even know how it's even that identifiable. 24:36.78 Dave Um, so it's just it's a lot of I don't know I'm it's hard sometimes when all the characters are doofy because you're wanting someone I mean there. It's they take things seriously kind of. 24:43.41 Leonard A. 24:53.93 Dave Um, but everything's so absurd that it just leaves you like as if you were like off kilter a little bit. You're like Okay, what what is going on like there's not ah, there's a throughline so that helps. But. 24:56.18 Leonard Yeah. 25:01.63 Leonard A. 25:11.62 Dave Everything so left field just whatever could happen. 25:14.75 Leonard So I like to I think one of the things that I I won the reasons that I really enjoy the show is that it allows me to completely disassociate from any of the rules and morals of everyday you know trite life and I'm like yeah you know what. I'm just going to accept everything that they throw at me which is why I appreciate like all the unspoken stuff that they they do for world and character building because that that's it's not interesting to them likes there's stuff like. Once again, jumping from hole to the sorcer world. Ah yeah, there's some weird interesting stuff for these characters to experience. But for everyone in this world. It's just kind of the status quo and it's so divorced from our reality that I just. Say all right? take me on a trip show me the rules. Let me know what's going on because this is interesting. 26:19.65 Dave Um, yeah, and that part of it. Um, it's I mean it's refreshing because the the characters themselves can be surprised like. They accept things in stride but still sometimes they're like whoa. That's even what that wasn't expecting that because due to the presence of magic and science I Guess um, the limits of what can happen are it's It's so absurdly high. 26:51.28 Leonard Right. 26:53.48 Dave Ah, just anything could happen and you just hadn't seen it yet is the thing so people will get like just shocked but they're they don't sit there and like dumbfounded. 27:09.30 Leonard Right? Yeah, just like ah ah the night of the living dead episode where she noise like oh there are zombies in hole where there zombies in hole. The last time you were here and he's like I don't know there's magic floating all over the plays anything can happen. 27:25.32 Dave Yeah, and so that's even though that's something of their eventual making um the the potential for weird Shenanigans is is higher and whole because of that like that fallout but it's not. 27:40.42 Leonard Isaphi. 27:42.45 Dave A whole higher than their own world where stuff's just bonkers. 27:43.80 Leonard Yeah, they didn't do the what's that they were like oh that's a zombie are there are there zombies here. Normal. 27:58.81 Dave Yeah, it's it's yeah it it makes it. It keeps it fun. It keeps every mini sewed fun since these are like splendid little parts. Um, yeah, and. 28:02.52 Leonard Yeah. 28:14.80 Dave And's just throwing money around I'm guessing because he he builds a roboca like little body to stick Risu's head on which felt really extravagant like I don't know that he needed to give his guy. He's interrogating a body. 28:19.30 Leonard Um, which is. 28:32.47 Dave Like that seems counterproductive. Um, but it's n and ends also a dof. Um and that's something that the thing is like shin and noi that's something that they regard specifically about their employer is that. 28:34.22 Leonard Um. 28:38.90 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 28:50.82 Dave He's a goofball and I don't think that they like that they like it when he's serious because then they can get their work done and I mean Noi does not like him but he family so she puts up with it. Yeah. 28:54.60 Leonard Yes, right. 29:02.20 Leonard Right? because to cousins and I I mean listen it is not unusual for cousins to not like 1 another. 29:12.23 Dave No Yeah for sure. But um, yeah, and I think they were both like what is he I think Shin calls out like ends um interrogation techniques are poor mostly because if he gets upset at All. He just turns you into a mushroom and you. You know, can't talk now because you're a bunch of mushrooms and I think you results he resorts to that like really fast like that's his. That's his default he loves mushrooms I mean what are you gonna do. 29:29.90 Leonard Um, right. 29:37.59 Leonard Um, oh yeah, that's his go to yeah because he's got his Well he's got got really strong mushroom magic. So. 29:47.19 Dave Yeah, but um, there we get ah some interaction with three du and I I think I don't like his voice. So I think that's my issue more. It's grading to my ears. 29:57.68 Leonard Um, okay. 30:04.37 Dave Um, but it's not. It's not like it's a horrendous thing. It's just maybe a little bit higher pitched than his face should allow for I don't know something throws me off. Um I Also I don't like his hair. 30:18.72 Leonard But what what aspect is it his hair or the fact that he's got time and spikes coming out of this. 30:27.40 Dave They're not even spikes. It's It's like geled hair. Um, when it flashbacks later ah to before he died um his blond hair just has those little tips like. Like that's I think maybe his natural hair color and the blonde is the dye I don't know but um, it's it's its hair is long and flat and it has those little bits just like it's That's just its hair's just stuck up into those dumb little spikes. 30:55.19 Leonard Now. Well I mean it's anime hair so like and where I mean really do after after the fact I mean I mean in has the Jetah's hair but it's red. 31:03.36 Dave Um, yeah, but it's shaved around it. So it's weird. 31:12.52 Dave I'd rather see that than whatever step I think it's just a bad side just don't like his hairstyle. It's like who does a shaved head and then has like bits of it geled out that I don't like hair gel and so. 31:18.49 Leonard Um. 31:22.42 Leonard Um, Anime Anime does that anime. Um. 31:29.23 Dave This is like it setting me off to like to look at his head. Um, but that's that's a personal issue and nothing to do with the quality of reso's character who's only slightly more annoying than the rest of the characters. 31:44.74 Leonard Great and I mean I don't consider any of the characters annoying. The. 31:51.54 Dave They're a little annoying to me but hey I mean that's the show's so weird that I just latched on to that I think as the 1 bit of stable ground is like well. Their appearance generally isn't changing even if they're doofy and doing whatever all the time generally is not changing anyway except for their masks I don't always like that's the thing there's so many there's such a variety of masks and I don't. I think every time I see ends mask it bothers me these weird batter teeth. 32:28.44 Leonard Are. Yeah, no I like his mask I like I like his his weird Rick Tosy grin mask that delineates his weird mafia organization. 32:36.87 Dave Um, oh it's cool. 32:47.51 Dave Yeah, everybody gets like a um I do I do I Love um his little like the servant guys little the little dude they just roll around and and give him messages and stuff I don't care for their masks. But um. 32:54.62 Leonard E. Yeah, because I like to I like I like that they're in hazmat suits. They're all they all wear Hazmats I mean yes. 33:04.90 Dave Ah, like their little voices so that those voices are fine even though they liked. Yeah I mean wouldn't you want to be if you can accidentally be turned to a bunch of mushrooms. 33:17.50 Leonard Absolutely I think that's in fact, the reason why they're all in hazmat suits. 33:22.44 Dave Yeah I think so too. Um, but they are They are great because they just roll up at any time and they're just like oh Mr N we have your whatever you ask for? but in just like this real. 33:32.59 Leonard E. 33:37.65 Dave Ah, facing like don't want to get turned into mushroom boys. 33:41.18 Leonard Yeah, that they they occupy the same kind of space as stormtroopers where they're completely faceless but they all get like their weird little affectation when dealing within. 33:56.98 Dave Yeah, it's good I I love those those ah bit those little interactions they don't happen too often, but they've been happening more because we're we're spending a little bit more time with n and and co and so yeah, they they question visu get nothing other than him being just like. Ah, jerk I mean he's he's just that night jerk. It's like cocky dumb. Yeah, but he's like thrown himself or Mike is not really his weight. He's just like I can't think ah. 34:12.41 Leonard Um, yeah dumb he's being dumb easy. 34:30.36 Dave Where you put your feet up on a table and be like oh yeah, whatever you know it's that attitude I don't like it. He's doing it a lot. Oh I think he's doing it just to piss people off. So just it's it. It is what it is um. 34:32.90 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 34:42.92 Leonard Yeah. 34:49.75 Dave Yeah, they don't really get anything out of him. He doesn't remember much of anything at all and which ties us back into um, Kaiman because as like upon his resurrection. Like the moments that he's talking about um, get sent into Kman's dream and then Chiman wakes if he's like oh I'm getting my memories back. So although really all that amounts to is like there's some dude. 35:09.33 Leonard Yep. 35:13.19 Leonard Yeah. 35:21.93 Dave Ah, Crosseyed guy named Misu and that could be my name I don't know. Um, so it's it's all like dream logic into his head and again like Rizu Kman is not like the smartest dude. So. 35:31.61 Leonard Yeah. 35:41.40 Dave He's just rolling with whatever information he runs into. 35:46.27 Leonard Yeah, and um, would he provide that information to nakato. Yeah, she is immediately. Yeah, we need split up. We'll cover more ground that way. 35:58.50 Dave Yeah, and he's like sure that sounds great even though she has completely her ulterior motive of um, going to the the meeting that she's been like summoned to. 36:07.81 Leonard Yes, for which she's going to need money so she goes to a smoke a magic smoke on job and sells her smoke. 36:20.92 Dave In like I think this feels there's something else that this is like paying homage to that I I can't think of it off top my head but I get a sort of. No country for old man vibe. It's the only thing I can like immediately draw on um of Nikao just kind of double crossing the sale like she's she just wants him to. 36:39.59 Leonard Oh okay. 36:56.40 Dave Little guy to bring the money up and then just she's like I can't have this magic like on file anywhere and just rips him through the like little barricade and kills him. Yeah. 36:56.45 Leonard E. 37:03.73 Leonard Right? Yeah murders him just just straight up murders him because ah because she has super special special magic ah that she doesn't want anyone to know about whatsoever. But it also fetches a high prize. 37:20.73 Dave All the money he had He was like this is what I have in the shop you stole my money. Yeah and I do love the the magic identifying device. It's like this ridiculously over the top. 37:26.48 Leonard Right. 37:40.69 Dave Like if you could cram 20 telescopes together and make it look like a weird trohenberg device like that's what you get. 37:49.61 Leonard Yeah, it feel. Ah, there's an aspect of it when they show the entire machine where I'm like that feels like something from ghost in the machine but like then they decide to make it all steampunk. 38:02.25 Dave Um, yeah, smoke punk Actually somehow? yeah so she she gets like a whole briefcase full of cash and goes to meet. Um. 38:03.49 Leonard Um, yes. 38:19.88 Dave Ah, demon and it ends up being like an old acquaintance. It's not really a friend. 38:28.19 Leonard Yeah, um I do have to I do have to say I Love how just deeply unsettling. Ah the ah woman that handles the the the devil payment is Because. She's in like it's basically like the size of like a dressing room and it's a cubicle like wire like Rod frame and just has curtains on every side obscuring her and all you can see are her feet in like red heels. And she's got a not great complexion but she's the one that handles all money for meeting with the devil and I'm like oh man, that's like that feels feels real sinister and not great. 39:20.46 Dave Um, oh yeah, the whole thing is it's ah gross I don't know what else to like it's It's unsettling and um I think it's because. 39:27.36 Leonard Um, yeah, a little yes. 39:37.92 Dave It's unsettling for the viewer but it's unsettling for Nikao like she's obviously not comfortable being there and then she gets into like them little meeting cubicle. So I'm a cubable. It's like a cell and there's like patches of Maggots on the it's it's It's clean I mean. 39:41.77 Leonard M. 39:48.34 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 39:56.24 Dave There's nothing visibly there. It's just like a concrete room ah with yeah and then patches of Maggots and she just stares at them like ah you know don't want to be here. 40:00.82 Leonard Yeah, with a red light with a single red light. 40:15.49 Dave Um, it probably smells real bad. Yeah, it's just it's weird because that's the only thing that's just if it didn't have the maggots. It would just be like kind of weird within those magazine going. Oh this is. 40:22.60 Leonard 50 40:27.63 Leonard M. 40:33.56 Dave This something's wrong like this feels bad like dangerous I think maybe is what the feeling. 40:42.12 Leonard Yeah I mean between you know the red and yes, the maggots it feels not great and a not great place to be. 40:53.20 Dave Well, that and all the money that that ponch up had only got her like 30 minutes not that I don't think she needed more but that's like okay yeah, you can't just you don't roll up here to go talk to a demon. 40:58.42 Leonard Yeah. 41:09.55 Leonard Oh yeah, not without not without the appropriate amount of cash. 41:11.52 Dave Like that happening. 41:16.81 Dave Yeah, which is like a lot of money and also probably you need an invite. So it's like invite only and then all your money but she meets up with Asu who um yeah, he's huge, but. 41:32.20 Leonard Oh yeah, yes well I mean he he does only wear like a very tight white t so. 41:34.70 Dave More svelte I guess. 41:42.80 Dave Yeah, made more lanky I mean he has I Guess if you like taped tapered the whole body to a V like a big shoulders little head and then like chest and then little legs but but real long. 41:49.54 Leonard Right? Yeah because he's got he's got yes, got it's got cloven whos he's as he's a devil. He's got. He's got the goat feet. Yes. 41:59.77 Dave Yeah, and he has a mask on too. So that's just a thing but his looks more like like a surgeon's mask. So it's weirder. 42:09.15 Leonard Oh it's interesting because I actually just think he looks like a pig like he kind of just looks like road hog from well Chiman actually has a mass more similar to road hog. But the way the shape of of of these. What I'm going to say the snout end of his mask really looks very piggy to me. 42:33.21 Dave Yeah, but yeah, it's it's weird but he's like super congenial. They're obviously like I said it's not best friends but they know each other like real. Well. 42:48.89 Leonard Um, and have and have a good rapport with one another. It's right right. 42:50.13 Dave Yeah, she's not she's comfortable with him I think she just doesn't want to be in that place or she doesn't want to be in the sorcerer world in the first place so that's just that's the underlying like she's not happy being there. You know it's not just it's not the people. 43:02.30 Leonard Right? And and having I think it's more having a devil know that she has returns of the sorcer world like so quickly. 43:15.96 Dave Yeah, and so she's trying to get information on um risu and that's the only bit that Asu has for. He's like oh yeah, he's over it and. 43:30.86 Leonard Um, he had He has. 43:33.30 Dave He's like I can't help be up with anything else and he's like shouldn't you just use your magic and then that would be if that would just fix everything like you got a real real quick shortcut to like solve this problem but whatever you do you I guess. 43:42.89 Leonard Um, yeah, she's like no I will not use my magic because I swore I would never use my magic ever again for reasons. 43:57.90 Dave Um, yeah, and so she um solo sneak missions and it's I see why she does it? Um, but. It's like I mean Kyman's a goof and he's just like I got dinner and I call this stuff up. He's like oh I'll just wait for nikaer to come back? Um, and then I'll eat. It's like well I'll at least do that but he's just sad in like the little apartment thing. 44:34.57 Dave Stomachs growling and he's just like where is she at what happened I Guess she had a long meeting or not meeting but like she's just off searching. 44:36.88 Leonard Yep, Well yeah, while she yeah, well she ah does does a full assault on the on es ends compound. 44:52.75 Dave Um, yeah, and it's It's pretty great like it's a good. Um, it's a good chance to show a little bit more of the layout because it's you're really just getting a couple halls. And guess. But um, usually when we see N he's in the little garden room or just in a room. 45:16.70 Leonard Um, right? Yeah, we get to see the the exterior of the building that he occupies and it at the end of this or end in next episode. 45:30.40 Dave Yeah, it's big. It's ah it's like an edifice but um, yeah, she just she busts in and ends up. Um. 45:46.80 Dave They get like ah the little the little servant guys come up like hey someone's someone's in here again like rampaging and probably trying to kill you. We don't know and he's like oh yeah, because people just come to try to kill him all the time and that's just run the mill. So. 45:58.77 Leonard Right. 46:05.41 Dave Ah, since Noy is there. She's like oh I'll just go take care of it like give me something to do for a little bit I'm bored and I think one of my favorite aspects of noise when she's in her like excited battle mode but hasard. A terrible mask on all you see is like her eyes and they just go like googly for happiness and it's I mean it's conveyed also by her voice. But um, she's just like ecstatic. 46:27.17 Leonard Um, please. 46:29.82 Leonard Yes. 46:37.83 Leonard Yes, she's always very excited when she when she has a good fight because I it's obvious that she doesn't recognize nikado from their previous encounter and she's like you're also super cool. 46:53.89 Dave Is like we could be friends. We let's do this. Let's be friends like we could be friends if we didn't have to kill each other too bad we have to fight the thing I Love to do? yeah. 46:57.49 Leonard Right. 47:05.67 Leonard Right? Um, and then we get some unexpected eye trauma. 47:11.52 Dave Um, yeah, um, yeah Nikaido like slashes through the mask and horizontally slits um noise eye like the eyeball. 47:26.66 Leonard Yep. 47:27.52 Dave It's like okay, didn't expect that all right I mean the show is doesn't shy away from visceral kind of gore things. But this is a maybe because it's small localized thing made it worse. It's eyes I mean no one wants eye trauma. 47:38.65 Leonard Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm I'm like big anti I and finger trauma like I mean I mean I mean. 47:48.47 Dave Now Well sorry. Ah. 47:53.41 Leonard It's so like my that my finger trauma thing is actually very super specific in like I don't like fingernail trauma. Yeah. 47:58.47 Dave V Nail Yeah, they don't do that. They just do like lots of broken bent back from lots of broken bones and it's never like compound. It's like internal fractures to where like the skin didn't break which I think is worse. 48:06.33 Leonard Um, yes. 48:12.40 Leonard And. 48:18.10 Dave I Don't know it's hard to to I'm not sure I don't I can't identify like what I find words I don't like any of but like please don't show me arms and legs snapping the wrong way that bothers me. Um, but yeah, maybe if the bone sticks out that's worse. 48:34.88 Leonard Oh yeah I think yeah I think compound fractures are usually universally considered worse than internal ones. 48:37.92 Dave A compound from. Yeah. 48:45.64 Dave Yeah, but I don't like when you see like the lumpy bit's a bone like still in the skin. So the show likes to do that? Um, yeah, but yeah, we get a lot of ah excessive finger mutilation like. 48:53.31 Leonard Yeah. 49:03.23 Dave Like cleanly diced them at least like that's a weird thing to like I'm glad that they surgic like Precis Super precision sliced something maybe because I I feel like I can pretend. It's medical. 49:04.50 Leonard Um, oh yeah. 49:19.68 Leonard Um, yes. 49:20.62 Dave Like or and I'm like a clinical study because it's you to cross sections and that's less disturbing. Maybe yeah, no. 49:26.57 Leonard Yeah, it yeah, it's a late. It's not late accident. That's that's actual like real bad now. It's a bandsaw accident. That's the one that I was going for well not that either 1 of them are good. But yes. 49:42.89 Dave Yeah, well I mean I I think internally I default to its um, the the cell and or um, the was it 1313 goes 49:56.42 Leonard Oh yes, oh the cell that yeah the the horse the horse by section. Oh yeah. 49:59.80 Dave Yeah, where people get like the horse in the cell and then like the vivis section of the lawyer. You know, just plate glass like went through him so you see the insides like that. It's almost slide I Guess maybe so it doesn't bother me as much. 50:15.75 Leonard Yes, because it's clinical. It's medical. It's ah it's something. It's something that was given approval by someone at some point to exist in this world and be viewed by human beings. 50:22.65 Dave Um, three can textual. Yeah yeah I mean I Still don't like I think that's not my Thank. Oh yeah, I'm glad that that's that way I Love it. It's just more well at least it's not. The other way or it's just raw I don't know yeah just colored Red. It's Fine. It's okay, that's fine, but um. 50:39.30 Leonard Yeah, it's it's like look. It's like looking at Mr I cross sections. That's it's literally the same thing get exactly. 50:58.75 Dave Yeah, that that I think it just kind of slips into episode 6 So this is that the mushrooms are ready um or Kinuko no yamowa tappezakhan. 51:05.39 Leonard Um, it does. 51:17.48 Dave Okay, yeah. 51:17.60 Leonard Yeah, we get the ah we get the brief fight and the the eye slice and then we get a straight up ghost in the show reference animation reference. 51:33.70 Leonard When the Kaido Jumps across. 51:35.46 Dave Yeah, um, yeah, so they they finished their fight. Ah, she wanders around the mansion briefly and then sees ah lisu through a window Across. You can't I don't think she you can't tell, there's a gap. It's like a room and then across the way so she just runs and jumps and it's like I don't I don't know that she would make that jump the the arc would fall short. But anyway she definitely. 51:57.39 Leonard Ah. 52:11.19 Dave Crosses like the several meters long gap between the 2 buildings and busts into the room to have a great ah that to love this moment if you see Visu and. 52:14.28 Leonard Yes. 52:28.17 Dave Um, like hands grab him and it looks at first like Noi or um nikao grab both of his arms. But it's she grabs one arm and then n has another arm and their tug- ofwarring over his mechanical body and it's it's great and he just doesn't know what's. 52:41.43 Leonard Yep. 52:45.00 Dave Like no one knows what's going on like she wasn't expecting people to be in there and they're like wait way. What's happening. 52:45.91 Leonard Um, yeah. 52:53.30 Leonard Yeah, and then she just punches in in the face straighten The jaw. Yep. 52:56.86 Dave I Think yeah she punched I was like that she had but him no she punched him in the mouth Boom like he lost his shit like nobody nobody punches me and. 53:06.49 Leonard Um, yep. 53:16.41 Dave He'd had enough. He's like I I'm just I'm done with this and then starts like unloading all of his smoke into the room. He just doesn't care like. 53:27.60 Leonard Um, yeah destroys part of his mansion his expansive mansion ah filled with mushrooms. 53:36.21 Dave They all of it like it because it is magic Turns everything It's not just livings. That's whatever turns anything into mushrooms. So the room becomes mushrooms. 53:43.44 Leonard Right. 53:50.44 Leonard Ah, resu ah is like oh man this is great I'm immune to his magic because my mechanical body's full of his smoke so later. 54:00.61 Dave Yeah, he's like I'm just gonna I'm bouncing his body is great because it makes like goofy noises when it moves so you just hear it like we room language for yeah. 54:08.17 Leonard Yes, I mean he he does. In fact, do the robot at some when he is first given his body. 54:18.67 Dave Yeah, we didn't talk about that. It's It's a really weird because he's just like moving but just trying to get used to like how it moves and then he's freaked out so he's. 54:25.98 Leonard Um, it. 54:29.81 Leonard Right. 54:37.80 Dave Hiding behind like a pot or something and just like peeking out and then he's like oh it's N and then he just dives over and is like cartoing begging for his lot. Don't kill me. It's like what. 54:50.66 Leonard Yes. 54:54.44 Dave So weird. Ah, but yeah, everyone's like mushroom fied. 55:02.19 Leonard Yeah, except for Noy oh because she wasn't in the room at the time. So right just just in time to punch it in in the back of the head. 55:08.30 Dave She wasn't she she came in and um. 55:17.21 Dave Yeah, she she's like I got to stop him from spewing up his smoke. He's just turning everything into mushrooms and shin is now like half a mushroom but um. 55:29.10 Leonard Yep. 55:32.29 Dave Matt and Kikarae the little cat thing like is immune or was hiding something you don't know did they didn't mushroomize um but nikao didn't get out she she thought she got away and then a giant mushroom like bursts from her back. It's. Kind of gross. 55:53.42 Leonard It's real. It's real. Ah resident evil and 8 nonsense with that. 55:58.48 Dave Um, yeah, yeah, the bio mushroom like the partial transformations are terrible and we we get that with um you so before he flees he. Ah. 56:14.60 Dave Interrogates like the remaining goopy corpse of one of the crosseyes I think it was his boss. Um, who had been like vivisected from. 56:21.36 Leonard Um, yes, yeah. 56:29.50 Dave But by Shin's power that that keeps you alive and all chopped up but is now like mostly mushroom and he's like you I don't remember where he asked him but whatever it was. It didn't it needss like ah whatever I'm leaving you here. 56:45.10 Dave You can just become a mushroom and then the guy just move up. 56:47.95 Leonard Yeah, oh with with ah with ah a Netflix edit in fact because they added I've actually seen seen this part in reaction videos and yes Netflix in fact, did edit it to be less. Horrible to look at by adding more obscuring smoke. 57:08.93 Dave Okay I didn't yeah I'm only seen the Netflix once I didn't realize they were blocking stuff. 57:17.11 Leonard Yeah, yeah, because yeah yeah, I watched a couple reaction videos and I was like oh that's no, that's not obscured I Just saw that guy's head turn into like ah a mushroom growing biome. 57:32.15 Leonard Okay, cool, good's now Netflix. 57:37.40 Dave I wonder what else they like Blopped and blippped out. Well I can think of a few things honestly quite a few. Um, yeah, so they yeah they um. 57:45.10 Leonard Um. 57:54.28 Dave They're left with like claim cleaning up end's tantrum and kamen ah finds Nikaido and gets her to um, the hospital like the sorcery. 58:13.51 Dave Emergencies or Cerre management hospital that and back in the hole. Ah, where the doctor and his boss can treat her. 58:16.56 Leonard Ah. 58:21.95 Leonard Yeah, was it Voxen Taso Bay yeah gotukabe 58:31.77 Dave Kasorabe I think yeah Kasuca Bay yeah because and no noise I not know you he must want annoy um nikaido asks Kaimman he's a she a cut cut the mushroom off before the magic spreads and to the rest of my body and you know he. 58:36.64 Leonard In this. 58:47.82 Leonard Um, yes. 58:48.79 Dave It doesn't show but he did it and he's like though the blood just came out and um, it's I'm I'm glad it's not not because it was funny but it's like oh that's bad because it was a big. It was our whole back. 58:58.31 Leonard Um, yeah, yes, it's not yes, it's not subtle. 59:08.23 Dave Yeah, um, so yeah and she ends up with like a giant like hole like scar hole in her back going? Oh that's yeah. 59:19.00 Leonard Um. 59:23.46 Leonard Um, and while they wait to recover. They tell us a bit of whole history. 59:28.81 Dave Yeah, we get Shin's backstory. 59:40.30 Leonard Yeah, he's he he was. He used to live in the hole he was the child of a union before between a human and a sorcerer and he's got Ah, he's got smoke. Um, also ah before at some point in the holes. Ah, ah past Ah, there were just a militia that would murder any sorcer that they encountered. 01:00:15.78 Dave Um, yeah, this is set. Um. 01:00:22.84 Dave It's maybe I think it's I think it times stampedly it's like 10 years before might be a little bit more um, shin's not old. So but this is him as like I don't know yeah 15 or something. Um I think it was 10 years 01:00:25.79 Leonard Um, okay now a teenager. 01:00:38.38 Leonard Um, okay. 01:00:40.29 Dave Before but um, yeah, his his dad is like a metal worker or something I remember he just like a trade. Yeah like a tradesman and um his mom I believe has passed away doesn't say I don't think um, she's not there. 01:00:49.12 Leonard Um, woodworker. 01:00:59.64 Dave And um, yeah, he's just they're just living like a quiet life. Ah, but it comes out that oh um, he accidentally did magic something happened where. 01:01:12.50 Leonard He he literally just cut his finger and somebody saw smoke coming out of it. Yeah someone that worked in the shop and then immediately reported him. 01:01:18.51 Dave Yeah, like a neighbor. Yeah, so yeah, like reported him to the the vigilante association. It's like a weird Union mob thing with like a uniform and everything but um. 01:01:31.57 Leonard Un. 01:01:35.59 Dave Yeah, they show up and there's like it's a no questions asked ah punitive force like they're just there for and complete anti sorcery ah taken out that they literally say they're just taking out the trash. 01:01:44.60 Leonard Um, yes. 01:01:52.74 Leonard A. 01:01:55.56 Dave And they shin flees his dad is a big dude and like buys him a little bit of time and um, he chin comes back around to to get back with his dad so they can like flee or figure out what they're going to do. But um, the the viilant corps like they didn't leave the house. They killed his dad and then just waited for him to come back. Ah, and they're like we're just going to kill you 2 and chin he just. 01:02:21.68 Leonard Yet. 01:02:32.70 Dave Loses his shit and murders all of them with a hammer that becomes his his go to that. He's still using to this very day. Um, and he can't use magic like willingly because he doesn't have access to his um tubes. 01:02:37.19 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:02:49.41 Leonard Um, yes. 01:02:52.14 Dave So the the stronger the magic you have or like the really your ability to to to implement. It is by um, how many like veins because there's an organ in your body that produces smoke. 01:03:08.98 Leonard Yes. 01:03:11.22 Dave And though that has 2 you know veins running in your body somewhere in a circulatory system. Um, and it has to like come out of somewhere so really strong sorcerers like m they just it just spit it out but anyone else kind of like usually has. 01:03:24.30 Leonard Yes. 01:03:30.82 Dave Ah, hole in their finger or they have to like bite a hole and then smoke and like that to free a place where the tube is close to the surface to like let it come out So that's why a lot of the sourcers have. 01:03:35.38 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:03:46.56 Dave Ah, finger like I think at the tip amputated and they just cap it with something and the cap pops open and the smoke shootes out. Um, but then even then I don't think that that's exact like I think you can come out of here pores. 01:03:48.66 Leonard No yeah I Guess so yeah. 01:04:03.50 Dave As we see with the am I never remember his name but the little the the weakest link in the end group because he just he he can play. His smoke isn't very his magic. It's not very strong but he can just like touch stuff and shoot it out. So. 01:04:10.11 Leonard Um, oh yeah. 01:04:18.19 Leonard A. 01:04:21.99 Dave I Think it to get more smoke to come out. You have to have a bigger opening. It's not it's it's visually consistent with like what it's supposed to do but we don't get the um. 01:04:39.29 Leonard Right? Yes, the beat that biology remains a mystery the exact biology remains a mystery. 01:04:39.94 Dave Details exactly on it. So yeah, yeah, we know that there's tubes in your body If you're a sorcer that can emit smoke So shin. Is trying to find his tube so he can use his magic to direct his vengeance and in the process dissects completely his arms end. It was yeah well they're yeah they're clean, but they're like. 01:05:05.10 Leonard Ah. 01:05:08.42 Leonard Yeah into chunks like not clean like not clean, well into clean chunks but like multiple clean chunks. 01:05:19.20 Dave Yeah, he yeah he diced his little his self all of his fingers into like he like filleted them and not at the joints just like more more than that looking for the tubes. Ah. 01:05:25.93 Leonard Yes. 01:05:36.13 Leonard Which is why he has scarring on his hands. 01:05:38.36 Dave And then he went all the way up his arm I Just really feel like if it's a that just seemed weird because he's digging for the tubes and they have to be like I think they have to be down along your arm So chopping it into pieces is not. Like I mean I get I get that he's he's doing it to try to like well well because I would just try to think of it like so he's cutting him into pieces like that. Um. 01:06:00.70 Leonard Oh are we getting into the logistics the magic tubes. Ah. 01:06:15.10 Dave Because he doesn't know how long the tubes are and he would want to cut the least amount to find the tube. 01:06:16.61 Leonard Great. 01:06:22.54 Leonard Oh maybe that's why he didn't to like that's why he did it the way he did in like yes little pieces up So as to locate it with possibly doing the least damage to. 01:06:26.95 Dave Yeah. 01:06:39.11 Leonard The Tube Once he found it. 01:06:39.64 Dave Yeah, it wasn't like hey I diced my arm and then now I'm looking for the tube. It's more like I I cut a little bit and then okay, no tube got to keep cutting a little more and then welp now I own don't have any arms and I don't know how he was cutting his other arm because. Whatever like using some tool. Um, anyway, the the both the doctors are there. This is when they're younger and um Kaskaba has like a little tuft of hair. 01:06:59.52 Leonard Yep. 01:07:11.70 Leonard Yeah I mean it's still clearly. It's still clearly like after he was cursed to be a child again but he just has a slightly different hairstyle. 01:07:27.91 Dave Well isn't classic is Kaka with the doctor. So the the the the a bigger du box. Yeah I can mix so so Kaskabe he looks the same ah more tattoos because he's just like not he's wearing like less of a jacket. 01:07:32.37 Leonard Um, oh you're thinking of ah vox. 01:07:37.35 Leonard Yes. Um, yeah. 01:07:45.60 Dave A lap coat. Um, but Voxia has his weird scanner tattoo and then it's like this little poof of hair. Yeah yeah, like he already did now he really does. 01:07:54.38 Leonard Yes, he looks very Akira in this flash pack. Ah. 01:08:02.96 Dave Total Total clown boss. Um, but yeah, they're both just like oh you used our tools um with ah. 01:08:15.49 Dave And not really, it's weird. He's he's gone in and murdered like at this point 40 people or someone I don't think he's killed 40 Yeah maybe he did he killed a lot of people. He didn't do his super big thing yet. 01:08:23.37 Leonard He hasn't killed. He's He's only he yeah he hasn't done the big thing yet but he killed his like attackers and then broke into the clinic. Ah. 01:08:33.18 Dave Yeah, and yeah, and this is where cost copy is like oh um I study sorcs and I don't really get to study like alive ones. So if you let me study you I'll and I'll fix you up. 01:08:44.60 Leonard What fixs you up hey I found you tu right? Do you want to want us to reattach your arms even though they're eventually just going to Rot off you do? Okay, that's cold. 01:08:47.92 Dave Oh yeah, here's your tubes right up here in your shoulders. 01:09:02.60 Dave Yeah, and so that's 1 thing that I don't understand um, maybe maybe he doesn't want that all the way healed as a reminder. 01:09:14.63 Leonard Oh right. 01:09:19.56 Dave Ah, Vengeance or something because Noy Heals shin like all the time like but but back from like terrible terrible damage and it's just perfect like no scars you're just healed. Um. 01:09:25.73 Leonard Um, right. 01:09:36.97 Dave I Mean maybe it's existing or ah can't fix previous damage like it has to be current damage because his like the scars don't get erased so he has the big cut across his nose and then his arms are. 01:09:41.81 Leonard M. Um, the right are. 01:09:55.97 Leonard Right. 01:09:56.80 Dave Like stapled together and she can't fix that or he doesn't want I don't know what the he made it. Maybe it's fixed enough or it doesn't Rot We don't We don't get that part of it. That's just like an assumption but that feels on point for his character. 01:10:06.38 Leonard Um. 01:10:12.92 Leonard Um, yes, ah. 01:10:13.61 Dave He's very angry like less so when he's older, but as a youth. Yes, he's very very ah his his ah the family motto. 01:10:19.10 Leonard Um, as as as a traumatized youth. Ah, he also ah, still some Ah Joina from a baby nakata. 01:10:33.79 Dave Yeah, he he He definitely took a box of her obug yoza from the the initial hungry bug ah walking restaurant. It's it's it's just Nikao with like a little sign on her back. 01:10:43.43 Leonard Yes. 01:10:49.79 Dave Saying a hungry bug and she's carting around gills as she made like in her interest in her hands selling it. It's great. 01:10:54.40 Leonard Um, yeah, the. 01:11:05.13 Dave But yeah, he goes on his rampage and well the um Kasakca Bay is like oh you know, come back when you're not being hunted down and I want to see what your magic is and as a thank you I guess. 01:11:14.12 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:11:23.11 Dave Shin definitely shows what his magic is because the the doctor is sent um all of the bodies of the still alive ah vigilan. He's just diced up. He's like oh that's the magic of that little kid. Okay. 01:11:35.93 Leonard Yep. 01:11:41.90 Dave I Get to study it. He kept his word. 01:11:41.59 Leonard And and the organization immediately disbanded. Well yeah, but still nobody took up the mantle to continue it and that's why the hole is as bad as it is now purely through. 01:11:46.49 Dave Well, they've all been killed I think was the thing. No. 01:12:01.14 Leonard The actions of shit. 01:12:01.42 Dave Yeah, people just did they they're like wow fighting Mac obviously didn't work because 1 sorcerer came through and wrecked everybody so that's a weird I don't know attitude. It was working up until that point for like years because they did their jobs very well. Um, yeah I think it's more of a case of just like the ah the all of the upper echelon like there's nobody left that was had ah the heart to go do that. 01:12:22.10 Leonard Yeah. 01:12:36.53 Leonard Right. 01:12:38.48 Dave Like it's not an easy job. So yeah, we don't know it didn't It doesn't explain the logistics of like what that organization how it worked. We just know it's community members that were had enough and they weren't going to put up with it. No more. 01:12:54.30 Leonard Right? And we're also kind of crooked because they were talking about how after they were going to kill shen that they were going to yeah ransa and take yep make a profit off of it. 01:13:01.75 Dave Oh yeah, take everything from the shop and sell this stuff or whatever. It's like yeah they're not yeah they were not good people. Um again and that and that's been a throughline like nobody is good people like everyone's. 01:13:15.98 Leonard Right. 01:13:18.69 Dave Kind of garbo but that's the society like everything's when everything's bad you you just got to do what you got to do because you could just be dead the next day yeah 01:13:25.13 Leonard Right? Yeah, they're they're gradients of bad. 01:13:32.72 Dave And there's I mean there's people they think they're just they're they're just living their life. They're not like going out of their way to inconvenience other people. 01:13:43.22 Leonard And yeah and that leads us into like the final little vignette which just kind of once again, just bleeds over um which is what Manhole elegy. 01:13:57.47 Dave Um, yeah, it's so so so um, Nikaido is recovering from her massive surgery she had and Kman does a little cute and cooks her horrendously inedible. Gilza and he's just so happy that she will eat it and she's like this is not edible and he's at least he he has the wherewithal to go. Oh let me order you some food? Um, so you know whoops I totally ruined it and the meat is raw and it's. Just no good. 01:14:34.33 Leonard Yeah, the meats raw and yet the the the the the the shell is is is burnt which is amazing. Yeah, ah. 01:14:42.49 Dave Yeah, that's not hard to do you just crank up the flame on the outside and you burnt the outside and didn't cook the inside. So anyway, yeah, he just gets her pizza because the um, the. 01:14:54.67 Leonard Yes. 01:15:00.90 Dave Hospital ah has been having a lot less um customers. There's a bit. There's a lot less business. Yeah, and and so before they were ordering food in for who for whomever like recovering people. So um. 01:15:05.22 Leonard Patience patience. 01:15:18.62 Dave That that's what nikaido was confused is like where's the you guys normally had food being brought in and like oh yeah, you guys have been doing a pretty good job cleaning up stuff and there's less sourcers running around so there's less. Accident member or not accident but like experimental subjects except for the ones in the sewer because she gets abducted out the window and while we know that Kyman has an increased sense of hearing because he hears her when no one else can like. 01:15:41.62 Leonard Ah, yeah. 01:15:53.81 Dave From outside the room and um follows follows her kidnapper down into the sewer and meets Johnson the most. Horrible cockroach man. 01:16:15.89 Leonard I was just like oh man, everybody that has my first name in media. So oh everybody that has my last name in media also suckcks either I'm a put upon horse or I'm a cockroach man living in the sewers. But some really sweet kicks I must say the fact. 01:16:34.57 Dave At the? yeah yeah, some nice sneakers and weirdly people legs that made it worse. 01:16:40.52 Leonard Yeah, yeah, and he's also got the weird Rickus Grin like all of I in subordinates do but he's seemingly unrelated. 01:16:51.79 Dave Um, yeah, it's just some dude they got magiced on too much. 01:16:56.53 Leonard Or or is he even a dude. Maybe it's literally a roach that got magic on. 01:17:02.10 Dave Yeah to have people but I don't I don't know and I don't think the show is concerned with though though the particulars of Johnson he's just terrible but he's really strong and impervious to. 01:17:05.65 Leonard Um, you don't even want to think no. 01:17:17.70 Leonard Um, ah knives I Also really love. This is a really great diamond moment which is Johnson Jumps on him and takes a chunk out of his arm. 01:17:20.48 Dave Like he's made of steel. Basically. 01:17:29.91 Dave Um, the bites his shoulder like a chunk out of his shoulder and just runs away and munches it. 01:17:34.28 Leonard Yes, at that Kiman runs away screaming from. 01:17:38.62 Dave Or I mean what's he going to do he knows he he knows he just like it broke his knife like immediately just by hitting it. 01:17:47.74 Leonard Oh I know but you know in any other situation. You'd expect the protagonist to like continue to fight but he's like no I I am done with this horrific scenario. It's time for me to run away. 01:18:03.73 Dave Well also in his favor. So the fight's not in his favor and then when he fell into the sewer he fell and he got chucked into the water and it's full of like dead bodies. 01:18:18.10 Leonard Yeah, yep. 01:18:20.70 Dave So he's already like I don't want to be here. This is frightening and this thing going Ki Chiki Chi Getchi is like going to kill me and it just bit a large chunk out of my shoulder I'm I'm done. 01:18:27.17 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:18:38.90 Dave But it's great because it's not even like it's not him running away. It's him doing a weird like looney tunes panic run it. Yeah, he's just like flailing into his one eyes real big and he's like oh. 01:18:48.10 Leonard Oh yeah, he's doing. He's doing a kermit run. Basically. 01:18:58.75 Dave Just it's ah it's a run where you expect him to like sort of it's that weird like you should disappear for a second and be a little further away like that style is what that looked like um, it's great and he. 01:19:08.28 Leonard Right? this. 01:19:15.56 Dave He ends up discovering the transient dude that kidnapped um nikado who is trying to become a sorcer by imbibing all of the um, the black pills that. People's bodies extrude. Um, as waste when they've been experimented on and I think that that was brought up like very early on in one of the first episodes. Um. 01:19:40.40 Leonard Yes. 01:19:51.36 Dave But he like has a jar of them and he's trying to. He's like nikkai this lady doesn't have one I don't understand she isn't She's been experimented on. Um, it's because she has ah she's a sorcer didn't have a regular people body. But um, yeah, ah. 01:20:10.53 Dave He's that dude's using Johnson as like his bodyguard. Yeah, and yeah it it just goes down real weird come and just cuts that guy's legs off and. 01:20:12.35 Leonard Yeah, his muscle his literal muscle. 01:20:25.30 Leonard Get you? yep at at right before right? after he says oh by the way I saw what your human face looked like back then? yep. 01:20:27.40 Dave I dies from a loss. 01:20:35.82 Dave Yeah, he's He's totally telling him and like Ohs just dies by before he can reveal anything of course. Yeah because oh I was there I was there. Um, yeah, the and neglected dimension. The. 01:20:44.48 Leonard Of course. 01:20:52.97 Dave Entrance to the sewer was um at the end of the alleyway that we've seen multiple times where a comment was found and he's like yeah I was there the night that you became in existence you know like I saw what happened. But oh. 01:20:59.92 Leonard Um, yes. 01:21:11.55 Dave Oh no, you killed me before I could tell you? yeah. 01:21:16.32 Leonard And then then we get a really nice little wow I'm legitimately kind of lovely shot upshot of of the night sky in hole and once again it looks like a refinery because everything looks like an awful refinery shanty down. Um, with the rain pouring down into the camera and them actually simulating raindrops which is like really a legitimately pretty shot kind of actually reminded me of big o a bit. 01:21:48.80 Dave Um, yeah, and the mood um is ah well, it's a nice shift from the weird stuff in the sewer but just the reflective nature of what's going on and the the um. Boxs and kasuabbe are just aside from the job they do and then Kasakka is questionable research. Um they they're like lid they're good friends. 01:22:18.56 Leonard Um, fish. 01:22:21.68 Leonard Yeah. 01:22:24.68 Dave Like again I can't say they're good people but ah, they genuinely care about kamen and Nikao after a fashion somehow. Um, but they're like yeah, do you need an umbrella time is like yeah you could. 01:22:34.92 Leonard Yes. 01:22:41.57 Dave Great because he's just being soaked holding um nikaido in the rain but it's it's just it's ah there is a mood and it's good like this just tired but reflective moment. 01:22:46.29 Leonard Um. 01:22:50.59 Leonard Yes. 01:22:58.87 Leonard Yeah, and that wraps up episode 6 01:23:05.56 Dave Um, yeah, ah 7 is yeah 7 even's the weird baseball one yeah, the all-star dream game. 01:23:10.48 Leonard It is. It's the weird baseball episode because of course there's a weird baseball because of course there's the weird baseball episode. 01:23:21.60 Dave Yeah, it so this one doesn't need a ah ah breakdown. Um, just kind of like an overview so and and knew that there's um. Some crap that went down at the pawn shop where nikaido robbed it and they also what they do is they find 1 of ibisu's smoke ah bottles and they want to analyze it because they need to know what. 01:23:41.15 Leonard Yes. 01:23:50.83 Leonard Yes, because she sold her. 01:23:55.76 Dave Her magic is and this becomes a huge problem. 01:24:05.12 Leonard Um. 01:24:07.62 Dave Um, ah yeah, so the um, the little one of the little workers is like we have her sample and I have the chart of. 01:24:24.36 Dave What the magic does because we rescanned it and then he trips on a power cord and the vial just goes flip you flopping and then bust on. Um noy. 01:24:26.61 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:24:40.51 Dave And she's like flipping out but visibly getting like scaly and bigger. She's already big and she's just getting bigger. Um, and it's It's just like a weird like comedy. 01:24:50.42 Leonard Um, me she she? yep. 01:24:59.50 Dave Routine like everyone's just like turning like oh you know it's one of those moments where like the vials lowly. It's like you know it's bad like this was not a good moment to happen and it's. 01:25:03.61 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah. 01:25:14.37 Dave This episode and most of what and when you we deal with and and like it's a comedy of errors with and his crew and you have to wonder like how did he Even how is he running this gang like what is going on. There's He's not a competent dude but he's. 01:25:20.46 Leonard Yeah. 01:25:34.90 Dave Powerful and I think that that that's that's the through line is like might makes right I mean it has to be because his his his crew and specifically like shin and Noi who are new like they're not they haven't been there with working with them long. But. 01:25:36.70 Leonard Yes. 01:25:51.58 Dave They just solve everything by murdering it like if there's a problem you just punch it or turn it into a mushroom. So yeah I mean that's just that's the the Baseline You don't have to be intelligent to be on the top of the the chain in the sorcer or you just have to be. 01:25:52.59 Leonard Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:26:10.83 Leonard A. 01:26:11.51 Dave Really good at magic and have a bunch of people that like flock to you? Um, but yeah, they the whole thing is Trump forgot like what What's her magic. Oh well, we see what it we see what it's doing. But. She also has to be there to reverse it and of course this is the 1 time. It's Fujita is the little dude with a tangoo nose mask and he ah he's tired of. 01:26:31.84 Leonard Yes. 01:26:37.48 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:26:48.47 Dave Like being a super low lackey like wants to do the work himself and he can't get a partner his 1 partner was killed um, nobody else will join up with him even though ibes is like just been kind of his partner the whole time but just it's unofficial. 01:27:02.92 Leonard Right. 01:27:08.16 Dave Ah, and he decides just I'm just going to go kill the lizard man and I've got a gun because that that plan could have worked and now I got a smaller gun. So maybe this will do the job. 01:27:24.24 Leonard Bright. 01:27:27.60 Dave Instead of the machine gun I had before ah I I'll be sneaky or about it or something um because he he does ah physically ask Noy and shin he's like can you guys just bulk me up. You you two are huge just teach me how to fight and defend myself and you know Bodybuil or something and they're like no like were not we not? we're we're we're busy. We can't be bothered to do that. You're very small. Yeah. 01:27:55.97 Leonard Yep, Yeah, we're not going to waste our time on you. 01:28:05.19 Dave So he gets pissed and goes off again. Um, but Ibisu is she has more or less recovered doesn't doesn't have all of her memories and or her faculties. But she's more there than she's been. 01:28:14.69 Leonard Ye he yes. 01:28:23.81 Dave Um, she can communicate and it makes sense sort of ah she for 1 reason or another um decides to throw her lot in with Fujita and they they go to the whole to track down kamen. 01:28:37.44 Leonard Yeah. 01:28:43.86 Dave And like immediately see a like an ad ah of a baseball game between 2 rival hospitals and kamen is one of the players and they're like oh this is our we we found him. We just. Have to get in on this rival hospital baseball game and it's ridiculous. 01:29:11.93 Leonard Yeah, it's real. It's real goofy. Um, what is it ah of Fujika Yeah Fugita hey he takes off his mask and his dumb hat and he actually kind of looks cool. Ah surprise. 01:29:17.51 Dave Um, fujitaya. 01:29:26.61 Dave Um, he's like he's like a good looking little guy. No. 01:29:29.71 Leonard Yeah, yeah, it's it's was actually kind of a really funny revelation. Um, it's a dot. It's a it's a it's a a baseball game between ah the weird freecos of Vox's Clinic and then Jerry actrick. 01:29:48.30 Leonard Doctors from my Rival Clinic. It's bad. Um, ah it gets even worse when um, ah Fuchica ah, ah, discovers that his old partner. Has been turned into a Frankensteinian monster to serve as a player on the other team. Yes. 01:30:11.44 Dave Yeah, matsumura he's he's literally he's I think they just call him frankenstein. But yeah Ka Cabe he's like we need players. So I just made one or I made 2 technically. 01:30:21.25 Leonard Um, yep. 01:30:27.43 Leonard Yes, yes, and he's also I was about to say he's enlisted Johnson to. 01:30:31.30 Dave He's like I found Johnson and i. I just can because bugs are sensitive to electromagnetic waves or whatever and I put a transmitter on them and either a new word shocking. It's. 01:30:43.83 Leonard Yes, yeah, so he's is is essentially a big gross BugRC car now some of the times some of the time. 01:30:53.50 Dave Yeah, yeah, he's so weird I don't don't like him. Um and then Matsimuda is like a gaunt just zombie. 01:31:05.62 Leonard Um, yep. 01:31:10.70 Dave And then you forget that he's huge too. So it's like okay that's the 2 sizes of people you're either like the giant or you're a really tiny guy or lady little little tiny person and yeah because both fusta and ebisu are like real rail fin. 01:31:19.00 Leonard Right. 01:31:28.40 Leonard Yeah, like normal sized people. 01:31:29.48 Dave Small they' like no one yeah like normal human proportions. Everyone else is just gigantic. All those obagyza. 01:31:41.30 Leonard Um, yeah, um, the baseball game goes on ah ebisu ah tells Fujika that he could just cheat because he's pitching and he can just cover the baseball with smoke and. Throw him real good. 01:32:01.36 Dave Yeah, well the one So the whole it's It's doofy but they're just it's par for the course you're either going to get um baseball or like hot Springs episode who didn't get that we got baseball. Um, it's fun. Everything's weird like the whole the the entirety of it in the hole because the whole is infused with terrible Magic. There's like ah the field they're using is not a baseball field. It's just a lot. 01:32:36.20 Leonard Um, yep. 01:32:36.80 Dave And there is a and a bottomless chasm that they just took a board over. It's not even over the whole thing I think it's a puddle. It's a. 01:32:38.74 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like a sinkle. It's like a quick hand quicksand sinkhole in the middle of the field. 01:32:49.74 Dave Yeah, it's between first and second base and they just like stuck a board over it and it's not even over the whole thing. It's like a single plank that you have to step on. It's like you I you could have like maybe not made that between the bit. Whatever. 01:32:53.86 Leonard Yeah. 01:33:01.80 Leonard Um, yeah, it's all very slow. 01:33:08.39 Dave Um, it it's bad and the thing is they just offhandedly or Mark hey watch out for that thing if you fall in a you like you go to hell like it's the bottomless you'll die. Um, that then't they like the stands or whatever are. 01:33:10.21 Leonard Slip shot. It's all very slip shot. 01:33:27.72 Dave Um, hanging sorcerer corpses. It's it's just like ah you I mean you can't forget that the whole world's messed up but this is just like it's something like the festival where it's super innocuous. Just a regular everyday thing but it's all wrong. 01:33:41.53 Leonard M. Um, it's you. 01:33:46.20 Dave Like it's all messed up and they're going. Oh no, this is just fun to fund diversion to ah the death that awaits us every second of the day. 01:33:56.47 Leonard Um, it's it's very Terry Gillia asked to me. 01:33:59.87 Dave Um, yeah, yeah I could see that. Um, oh yeah, yeah, the the part that I did like was um Evisu is recruited for the geriatric hospital as like their mascot because they. 01:34:13.42 Leonard Yes. 01:34:17.25 Dave Otherwise have enough players. Um, but she's in the I think they'll call like the yeah the Haywa sharks they're they're the peace sharks and so she's because she's a a goober too and her mind is like still kind of wonky. 01:34:23.61 Leonard Yes. 01:34:36.16 Dave She makes up this weird death song as their like chant and she's she's a she's in a little shark costume and she keeps going on about like eyeing the sexy ladies in their bikinis. 01:34:41.50 Leonard Um, the ages. 01:34:51.40 Leonard Yes. 01:34:54.11 Dave To kill them. It's like what so it's It's like it's a whole chant and she just does it repeatedly. It's it's great and but she's also running around like delivering refreshments and then the the the old ah the coach the head doctor for the other. 01:35:13.99 Dave Guy Hospital is like he hates Vox and he's trying keeps trying to poison everybody like ruin the game or you know win just through Subterfuge and he has um, ebisu like delivers um sleeping sodas and then. 01:35:20.23 Leonard Yes. 01:35:32.40 Dave Tries to kill ah Johnson with like ah ah a bug bomb. It's it's just a bunch of ridiculousness like it. It's always ridiculous, but this is like particularly they just. 01:35:36.88 Leonard Yep. 01:35:42.80 Leonard Um, yeah up. 01:35:49.91 Dave Leaned real hard and well we're going to just do a oneoff episode and maybe we're catching up on stuff and this is to what we're going to do because there's not like a lot of animation they have to do for it because they're kind of just we're just showing someone's head and then he's going to pitch and then other people are just standing around or there're sitting. So. 01:35:58.96 Leonard E. 01:36:09.48 Dave Think they're just a. It's a one of those budget moments while still fulfilling a trope that they have to hit. Yeah. 01:36:20.67 Leonard Yeah, ah they spike one of the drinks with a black powder which ibisu consumes. Um. 01:36:29.22 Dave Go they they weren't spiking it. It's um, ah fuja the brought an energy drink that increases your magic because his magic is real weak like all he can do is shoot black powder real fast. 01:36:35.56 Leonard Ah, that's right garbo. Yeah yeah. 01:36:45.41 Dave Or not black lives but but his magic he can make like a little bullet out of it. But it's not strong. It's just real quick so he's coding the the baseballs with it and just making everything a fast pitch and um, yeah, so. 01:36:46.56 Leonard Um, bright. 01:36:55.78 Leonard Yes, what she tries on Nakado and she has none of it and almost kills an elderly man and as a result. 01:37:07.76 Dave Yeah, well because he keeps channel like beaner and um the oh the 1 weird subplot with the dude that has a crush on her. Yeah, he has like sharp nails and shark teeth. 01:37:08.63 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:37:17.78 Leonard Um, oh yeah, the the weird Shark guy. 01:37:21.67 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:37:25.34 Dave But he has a crush on the so I don't like that guy but he at least is gentlemanly in his weird infatuation. He's like hey chimen. What's the deal with you and Nikao is like. 01:37:29.19 Leonard The yeah. 01:37:38.16 Leonard Yes. 01:37:44.69 Dave Are you I feel like had kmen said hey we're dating or I'm interested then that guy would just been like okay I backed off but instead Kman's like oh yeah, we're just friends so he's like okay, do you mind if I try to ask her out kind of I mean he's going to do it anyway. 01:37:51.21 Leonard Right. 01:37:59.34 Leonard Yeah, yeah, and Kman's like no, but then he gets all cranky. A bad ends like oh you're a big liar come and got and got got got big dumb crush. 01:38:09.31 Dave Of course well I mean we already had the moment where um Asu when nikao was talking to the devil and the devil's like oh you, what's you? What's up with you and Kman is like you have a crush on this guy. Why are you doing all this for him and she's like why would you ask that and she's blushing. 01:38:24.43 Leonard Right. 01:38:26.74 Dave So it's cute. Um, but yeah, ah that that Shark dude maybe doesn't really do anything he just. It's kind of a jerk but not, he's like the least jerky dude. 01:38:33.51 Leonard Now. Yeah. 01:38:42.49 Leonard Um, ah right. 01:38:44.31 Dave It did. The bars are real low here honestly for all these all these people. Um, he's he's not a terrible person. He's just like a Playboy guy. Um, yeah, they they so they're doing all this and the whole plan. 01:38:56.20 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:39:03.57 Dave I think this is where it gets like funny and wherever so Fuji the is trying to kill Kaman like that's just that's his whole mission. He's here to do that. But the second that he gets here and he's like oh um, ah. 01:39:07.49 Leonard Um, yes. 01:39:22.95 Dave Mamoto mamoto um mas maimura yeah Maimura um ah the pipes is right to me? Um, maumudra is my partners here. He's not like. 01:39:25.49 Leonard Yes, much tomorrow. 01:39:40.50 Leonard Right. 01:39:40.78 Dave In pieces because he was diced up. He's been reassembled. Um and he's mobile is like if I can get him back then Noi can ah but between Noi and um. 01:39:58.63 Dave Do the mushroom cat thing. 01:40:00.14 Leonard Um, and Kabis Kabi c. 01:40:06.33 Dave It's not curae. It's some other mushroom Kno Quino Quino Cool whatever the little cat thing um can he can be resurrected like keep fixed um to like the plan now is to get him and run and get back to. 01:40:15.97 Leonard Yeah, right. 01:40:22.82 Dave Get out a hole get like get back to the wizard world and he like he succeeds he gets back there with them like barely with ibisu. They almost get murdered by Johnson. Ah, yeah, the the baseball it just. 01:40:25.21 Leonard Um, and they do. 01:40:42.63 Dave Devolves like the the the coach gets knocked out because the thing was a kmen I think Kindmen Whatever somebody. Oh yeah, that that when she got real mad and um, just like. 01:40:52.46 Leonard Um, oh it was it was Nicado. Ah yeah. 01:41:00.11 Dave Hit the ball and it um it went back and it well yeah, it was spinning so hard it just like cut the like drilled through the glove because that old guy was going to. He's like the outfielder hit him in the head and knocked him out. 01:41:02.16 Leonard Slice through the gull of. 01:41:18.70 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:41:19.90 Dave They call it. They cancel the game. So the game had no purpose Anyway, um they get back to the wizard world and they're like wandering around their now resident Evil styled ends mansion. 01:41:34.86 Leonard Yes. 01:41:38.21 Dave It's like the everything the lights are off. There's nobody around and then they just find it like a ah dying servant guy. 01:41:46.66 Leonard Um, yeah, and that's because ah, noise been turned into a giant lizard lady. 01:41:56.97 Dave Yeah, and if you get a full body transformation. Um, your your mind also is not all the way there anymore and you're just tearing through. She's already strong and now she's like Mini-zilla just wreck and shop. 01:42:02.36 Leonard Right. 01:42:12.52 Leonard Yep. 01:42:12.61 Dave Um, yeah, so who oh yeah, um kasa ka like I I made this frankenstein guy and I have to keep charging him every 30 minutes or he goes insane and starts rampaging. 01:42:29.26 Leonard Depth. 01:42:32.53 Dave And he's like I wonder wherever wherever um masumu like I think they took off with matsimura ah I hope he's not rampaging. He's like it's about 30 minutes now and of course um he. He starts rampaging as soon as they get into ah end's mansion and he's like going to crush abisu's head and we find out that ibisu when she's when she's done it before when she gets like too excited her whole body just shoots smoke out. Um. 01:43:05.21 Leonard Um, yes. 01:43:11.10 Dave And her defense mechanism is to turn herself into a lizard monster and she just like pulps. Um Matsumuda's head. 01:43:26.81 Leonard Um, yep. 01:43:27.76 Dave And delight pate. 01:43:33.16 Dave Yeah, she mean she keeps her faculties such as they are but she was upset and she's like oh here's his head back or whatever Kisses to food you the which is like oh it's just mush. 01:43:33.53 Leonard Um, yeah, it's real growths. 01:43:52.12 Dave Like I went through all that work and he's been dismembered like further. 01:43:58.17 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:44:02.52 Leonard Um, Noy and chin have a little standoff eat. Both of them are viciously injured during it and ah in then reveals that he has a sorcerer that he keeps locked up in the highest tower of his mansion. Who has the ability to reverse magic. 01:44:21.21 Dave Yeah that's a thing and like 1 you know because only 1 person has an anbility. There's like people didn't think that that was a thing because he's been hidden away but there's 1 man who can undo magic and I like this because. Something that we saw with um noise is that some magic requires like preparation and components and like more traditional ideas of what it takes to to do a spell. 01:44:58.47 Leonard Yes, right? Yeah, kind of like turkey too. 01:45:00.99 Dave And other stuff is like no black smoke just does it So It's real weird. Yeah yeah, we had. We had that where like the um so what I think it is is the the ritual preparation just makes stuff more effective like or it gives you a. Specific desired desired outcome whereas. Otherwise it's just left a chance like say with N and is this is just me like with a hypothesis is that with so certain ritual Components. He may be able to like I only want stuck in mushrooms or lion's mane and then he would have to like prepare some some kind of spell and then he could turn stuff into like a specific type of mushrooms. Otherwise it just gets it's random. 01:45:40.69 Leonard Right. 01:45:53.49 Leonard M. 01:45:55.97 Dave Because we can see when you blast up with Mushroom Magic You just get all kinds of fungi just happen. So that being the case. Um, when a noise curse is um, undone. The the the Magician that undoes it. He's like oh he has to identify like what magic has been used and then once he does and and and and not only that but like how strong that magic is then he has then he's like okay. 01:46:25.11 Leonard Um. 01:46:32.57 Dave These specific things would undo this specific spell. He's like my own power just Undoes magic but this has to be targeted or else. Maybe his power was like well now she doesn't have scales or something you know it feels like it would be more of a random. 01:46:40.55 Leonard The right. 01:46:50.16 Leonard E. 01:46:50.95 Dave Undoing or it wouldn't get the whole thing. Um, so I like that that that that thought has been put into it. Um I wish that they showed that more but it's it's fine with what it is because like they use it in very specific moments to where like. 01:46:59.39 Leonard The right. 01:47:10.61 Dave Is more effective. But yeah, this dude's ah he's a little weird even for the characters in this show he like lives in a bird cage and has like a bird mask and he he. 01:47:17.76 Leonard Um, yes. 01:47:24.13 Leonard Yes. 01:47:28.38 Dave I Love that he thinks he's end's partner. It's It's really good like oh you, you know't ah come visit me and it's good to see you. He's like he's not because he's not like he's kept in the cage. He's just kept in this room and the room is huge. 01:47:29.40 Leonard Yes. 01:47:42.43 Leonard Right. 01:47:45.89 Dave And it's it's sort of the accommodations that n is given to um kikurraga is the little cat thing. Ah that where it's like here's your room but it's like this giant Forest place. So yes, it not not saying hey keep wizards in a. 01:47:51.64 Leonard M. 01:47:57.67 Leonard Right. 01:48:03.61 Dave Ged cage. But it's not just like oh de dude stuck in a little cage. He's in a fully five Star Hotel like Tower Um, but yeah, the guy like he's bird motifed on his own I think that's just his shtick. 01:48:21.88 Dave Um, I do like that his ah his smoke is powerful because it's It's not um, it's a hole in his hand like a hole This entire palm has been like punched through so it's. 01:48:34.32 Leonard Yes. 01:48:39.25 Dave It emits a lot of smoke. Um and he has this like ah huge ring plug. Yeah yeah, it's pretty cool. It's like the design fun. Um, but so. 01:48:47.70 Leonard Piercing? Yeah, he's got Yeah, he's got like a ah hand piercing. 01:48:58.57 Dave Ah, this guy is the inverse of the mask that n uses where it's like the mask is just like a rictus Grin This dude has a little bird mask on but you all you see is his like pearly white teeth like. 01:49:06.61 Leonard M. 01:49:16.27 Leonard Um, yes, yeah, yeah, he's always grinning and it's deeply unsettling. 01:49:16.65 Dave King between the like the little blackbird lips or Meek. 01:49:24.76 Dave Yeah, it's It's actually worse because it's real people mouth that just doesn't It's like cheshire grinning in there that he talks like that like like it's um, it's an affectation affectation. Um. Like a flamboyant voice. Um. 01:49:40.80 Leonard Yes, and ends having none of it and he's He's not even happy that he has to take them up there to have this done because he'd much rather just not deal with this guy period yeah. 01:49:56.70 Dave Um, yeah, because the guy is like all personality and he's real who's but of like I don't know like of his retinue. 01:50:00.40 Leonard And totally fixated on N as well. 01:50:11.48 Dave I Like this guy the most big I think it's because he's upfront like he's not like not that anyone else really is either. Everyone's kind of wearing himself on their sleeve. But this dude is just he's not malicious. 01:50:13.10 Leonard Yes. 01:50:27.84 Leonard The yeah. 01:50:30.80 Dave And he just seems like he genuinely wants ends company and to be like fantastical. Yeah, so they fix they fix noise. Um. 01:50:37.76 Leonard Right. 01:50:47.36 Dave Courtesy of the the more specific magic is ah they have to use entrails of someone that cares deeply about her and that of course has to either be shin or in um and then and like yeah you do it because you have your guts hanging out. So. 01:51:02.25 Leonard Yeah. 01:51:05.78 Dave Clips of in your intestines and put that in the little spell um and then like with so it's very similar to the the turkey spell and moment I guess because Sinin again is like you have to think of a. A bonding moment that the 2 of you shared and then you know touch touch her body or put jan on her heart. But when she turns back, she's just naked so he's stuck again like you know compromising position but it's. 01:51:33.72 Leonard Right. 01:51:43.56 Dave So the relationship between Noi and and we I think remarked on this before but between no and shin is the same as kamen and nikaido like they're kind of like weird mirrors of each other. Um. 01:51:52.72 Leonard Yes. 01:52:01.17 Dave So they're both bashful but it's in this case, it's it's shin who's bashful about it and Noi who's kind of clueless but but still um, innocent. 01:52:11.23 Leonard In. 01:52:19.74 Dave In her devotions and that's what Kyman is to nikao and then nikao's like the more cognizant of the 2 and is aware of that. But you know again like not. 01:52:20.41 Leonard Yes. 01:52:39.71 Dave You know head space to like do something about it because both nikaido and shiin are innocent in their own way as far as like romance is concerned like they they've spent all their time. 01:52:41.64 Leonard Right. 01:52:51.88 Leonard And. 01:52:58.29 Dave Doing murderous and or just jobs like they just haven't had time for sit down and you know date and then Noi and kmen are just more free-spirited like they just. Go off top of their head of whatever and are just enjoying life as it comes at them so they're not looking for like their relationship but I think that there wouldn't they're not opposed to it. They're just. 01:53:23.87 Leonard Um, yeah, exactly. 01:53:33.90 Dave Not thinking about it. 01:53:34.85 Leonard Right? Exactly It's not. It's not a. It's not important to them. It's not at the top of the list. 01:53:45.39 Dave Yeah, as a romantic interest by um, their feelings and devotion to their partners is is the important thing to them like they will. They will move the world to like go. 01:53:53.19 Leonard Right. 01:54:00.43 Dave Take care of their partner. Yeah, it's um, it's a nice juxtaposition between the two because you get to see both sides of it while still going come on guys you know. Get it together. Someone make a move This is getting frustrating but ah yeah, so so he he is bashful and then she's just like what's Up. What's up. Ah, what's up Boss. What's going on. 01:54:15.79 Leonard Right. 01:54:30.14 Leonard Yeah. 01:54:33.85 Dave Like I think I'm healed again. Oh look, You're really damaged That's fixed that. Yeah. 01:54:35.69 Leonard Yes. 01:54:42.71 Leonard And the episode ultimately ends with ahbisu ah getting some of her memory back. Ah from when she was in Kman's mouth and apparently ah, hey the man in his throat recognized her. 01:55:00.90 Dave Yeah, he's like oh you you're the 1 remember what he said, but it's something to that effect which we could figure out because her power is turning people into lizard monsters or parts of people. Ah. Yeah, it's this was a good um bookend bits like the baseball part was okay, but the other stuff's very important so they stuck like all the important bits like in between they sandwiched the the it's all filling with like. 01:55:25.75 Leonard Right. 01:55:37.10 Dave The important bread I don't know it's a weird. 01:55:39.91 Leonard Um, it's a filler episode that has a very important narrative information hidden in it. 01:55:44.21 Dave Yeah, it's like you think oh it's baseball one I'll just skip it like no, don't you you need to see what happens like around the part that's doofy. Yeah. 01:55:57.59 Leonard Yeah. 01:56:02.83 Dave And that brings us to episode 8 and this is where yeah they fujitas just like he tries to get matsumura fixed but Kikaraga just starts eating his head because the head is more like a steak. 01:56:16.18 Leonard Yes, yes, that there's just viscera at this point. 01:56:21.46 Dave At that point. Yeah, and then they they clearly find out that um ibis is magic is the Monster reptile Transformation Magic Um, oh yes, so. 01:56:34.86 Leonard E. 01:56:41.14 Dave The man in Kayman's mouth said specifically you're the one who got in my way so we don't we still don't have context for what happened specifically because it's not um, it's not cut and dry. It's not clean. 01:56:52.54 Leonard Yes. 01:56:59.49 Dave It's a bunch of like nonsense stuff that happened in a row so that the show loves to do like that weird um, kind of like domino effect like something happens that's tiny and then it just like. 01:57:07.13 Leonard And. 01:57:18.79 Dave Snowballs into dumbness and just catches everybody up in it and that happens all the time. There's just so much happenstance. That's ends up like being problems and I you know we had um. 01:57:21.13 Leonard Um, shift decision right. 01:57:32.34 Leonard Um. 01:57:38.39 Dave I Think maybe this in this episode E No it was in an earlier one. Yeah, it was it was in ah the episode whererisu. Um. 01:57:57.83 Leonard Oh yes. 01:57:58.13 Dave When he gets like resurrected is kymen and nikao are like tracking down the crosseyed guy who runs into like the crossey base and nikaido and Kami like they lose his trial. They didn't seem going into the building. And on the other side of the building. It's when Noi and shin show up and it's just a bunch of like what is it so silly. There's just so many coincidences that happen. Um. 01:58:16.55 Leonard Yes, right? Yeah, yeah, it's it's artificial but in a way that a show that doesn't take itself as seriously as this does. Where you're willing to accept it because like this world is bonkers and nonsense and so yeah, it. Yeah. 01:58:41.13 Dave Yet when it's small. It's like 2 cities. So it's not like oh they're in a world. They're just in a city and they're dealing with they're after the same. 01:58:50.90 Leonard Right. 01:58:57.32 Dave Kind of thing so they're going to run into the same people doing that other side of it. So I mean it makes sense. It's just like the odds of that at that moment you know this happens like okay, whatever you like you can roll your eyes because it's a little silly but it works for the show. 01:58:59.46 Leonard Um, exactly all right? yeah. 01:59:13.20 Leonard Right? And and and the ultimate payoff is that Kmen Nicado Noi and shin don't even enter end up interacting with each other even though they're in the same building. 01:59:15.33 Dave Like Okay, whatever. 01:59:26.80 Dave No, it's great. They just the chimen and it I just walk off. They're like oh whoops and then it just happened that oh they could have had they gone into the building and this would have played out differently. Yeah or I think they go there later and they're like oh was this like a warning. 01:59:29.93 Leonard Yet. 01:59:36.39 Leonard Right. 01:59:44.24 Dave Because they they're the know they're tracking down the cross side guys too. So that brings us to um what happens here is that Kman's concern for nikao. Ah. 02:00:00.30 Dave Is equal to his concern for like solving his issue so he decides to put her safety on that same scale and he's like well she keeps getting jacked up when she goes to this orzer world like that's not good for her. 02:00:03.40 Leonard E. 02:00:19.60 Dave Um, so I'm just going to go I'll keep her safe and I'll go bite. People's heads or whatever you know I'll I'll find the the curse and get it all solved so he goes over there and's like I don't have any money I need a job. Um. 02:00:28.40 Leonard Right? right. 02:00:38.62 Dave And ends up helping out ah and underling of a little restaurant and that like again dominoes into him getting a job at the restaurant and a place to stay. 02:00:44.16 Leonard She yes. 02:00:51.59 Leonard Yes, it's a pie shop because because of course it is because it's just the weird European equivalent of what he was eating before. 02:00:57.50 Dave It's a yeah. 02:01:07.88 Dave Yeah, just the little meat pies. So it's like oh look the ah pastry filled with meat and he likes them and yeah and the um. 02:01:14.98 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah, yes. 02:01:23.74 Dave Yeah, so the owner in this is real weird. It's He's like a standup dude but he like instead of a mask he has a whole suit on which makes him look like a flabby guy. It's real weird. 02:01:33.58 Leonard Yeah, it also makes him not look like a human being either like he. It's yeah, it's like. 02:01:40.51 Dave Yeah, this like a weird bear monster like a even like if you shaved a bear but like it it was gonna start harbating so it has some bits of flabby belly. 02:01:54.60 Leonard Yeah, um, he kind of looks like he's trying to be a demon but not really, it's very.. It's a very bizarre choice and once again just like a weird bit of like world building where I'm like yeah, what's this guy's deal. What's what. What. 02:02:13.64 Dave Yeah, mean because you look at him and go like yeah I mean I can buy that it's just a half naked dude with a angry face and then it's like wait. No, he's wearing a like ah a skin suit and he's He's just a big man. Another big man and has a normal man face with dumb hairstyle. But you know the choices on hairstyles I guess in this place are limited ever and do you get funky or you get like shaven head. So. 02:02:48.81 Leonard Yeah, but yeah, he runs a meat pie shop with his assistant. Um daughter who does appear to be a weird. Ah. 02:02:53.67 Dave And his other assistant which might be is I think it's his water. 02:03:04.00 Leonard Person animal hybrid thing either. She's in either. She's also in a costume that well that's what I'm saying I'm like either or maybe or maybe the reason he wears it is to make her feel better who knows it's very. 02:03:04.69 Dave Um, ah, but is she is she or is she just like you know, funky too like him. 02:03:16.23 Dave Who knows? yeah I mean that would be good if that's I guess that's good who's making her feel better I don't I don't know I think it would be like hey this is my this is just what she's just like this That's normal. 02:03:22.83 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:03:31.51 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:03:35.10 Dave I Don't know we were again. We're have to reach because we don't get. It's just doing weird like hey we'll show you weird stuff and just accept it and like okay we can guess about it though. Yeah well and then um, it's great because he's ah they he kind and sits down. 02:03:40.13 Leonard Um, yeah, exactly. Um. 02:03:54.00 Dave And it's like hey you can take off your mask and you know he has his little gas masks thing on that. He'd just been eating food through but ah time in I think guy pulls his mask opera something and they're like oh you have a second mask on and then kind ofman's like ah. 02:04:09.25 Leonard Yeah. 02:04:12.00 Dave Ah, someone practiced on me and then like the little kid that he saved it like oh yeah, sometimes sorcerers can't get over to the whole so they just practice on our own folks and that sucks it's like okay. 02:04:24.24 Leonard Um, nature. Yeah. 02:04:27.52 Dave Guess it just sucks everywhere I mean we already established that but whatever. Um like why are they going So we know they have to practice because they have to pass the test to get a mask and you can't. 02:04:28.74 Leonard If proof of right. 02:04:39.83 Leonard Yes. 02:04:47.94 Dave It's easier to practice on people that like can't kick your ass probably is the reasoning because they go to hole and there's no one knowing the magic. There's just people so and because of shin it's. 02:04:52.00 Leonard Right? right? right. 02:04:59.29 Leonard Exactly. 02:05:05.83 Dave Safer for sorcers to go do that now because they're not just getting immediately murdered. 02:05:11.45 Leonard Right? Because you never know if you're going to attempt to practice on somebody that can has better magic than you in the sorcer of a world. 02:05:21.67 Dave Yeah, well I mean we already see people just getting beat up like that's the whole. Um, if you if you don't have a mask that put you at 1 level. But if you don't have a partner then that's even worse or it's just compounding the issue I don't think it's worse. 02:05:32.55 Leonard Bright. 02:05:38.23 Dave You need to have a partner if you have a mask. Yeah, and that's the whole point of what's going on now is because it's the night of the the blue Festival Blue night. Yeah, the blue night going backwards the blue night festival. 02:05:41.36 Leonard Exactly. 02:05:50.71 Leonard Yes, it's blue night Blue night is coming. 02:05:57.63 Dave When the bugs come out. There's the beatles and we won't know what that is and until next episode because it's just it's just leading into like that's happening. Um, and so it turns out that. Yeah. 02:06:15.28 Dave Even if you have a your your partner is not just somebody that you like hey you want to be partners and we'll just be sourcecer partners. It's an application process that you have to have certified by a double and that process every 4 years is up for. 02:06:26.72 Leonard Yes. 02:06:34.54 Dave Not even renewal. Um other people can take your partner from you and if they can get them up to the devil they can just redo the they'll just the contract will just be overwritten. 02:06:49.54 Leonard Right? to? yes right. 02:06:52.17 Dave And that person doesn't have to be conscious. Apparently they just have to be there. So There's battle royale of like people fighting over like the good partners and in the case of ends group who is very influential. Um. They get like you can willingly go up to the thing and go hey I want to be this person to be my partner. But if you already have a partner there. That's always at risk of someone else trying to take your partner from you and. 02:07:23.43 Leonard Right. 02:07:27.85 Dave So there's there's an application process to where you could like accept someone. But if you already have a partner. You can't just like go reaffirm your own partner and go okay that worked out. Yeah, you have to be worried about someone else like trying to cook. 02:07:41.50 Leonard Turn to scalp them. Yeah. 02:07:44.71 Dave Claim jump your partner and so there's ah, there's a fun little gag of them of and and crew like getting stacks of applications and then the more popular you are the more applications you get and even um, like ah. 02:07:58.54 Leonard Yes. 02:08:04.19 Dave Has applications because they want people want that little cat thing for their partner and ends not having it because he it's like like I will kill you if you try to take kuragi. 02:08:12.96 Leonard Yes, absolutely refuses even though Yes, um, there is a great little montage of getting the festival ready because of course in is hosting it. So. It's all the setup. It's. Tasting foods and setting up decorations and watching an incredibly long stage play of the history. Yeah of the history of the devils and how sorcerers came to be. 02:08:39.12 Dave Um, it's like a 2 hour like play or something. Yeah. 02:08:46.65 Leonard Kind of really love that They just kind of skip over all of that because that's like super useful information for the viewer. 02:08:52.90 Dave Yeah, you get like a few snippets. Um, but they already know it so they're just like ends like I'm just gonna fall asleep this is boring I mean it and it's done in a like a kind of boring way. It's not a great. It's it's like 2 people doing a little shadow. 02:08:57.58 Leonard Yes. 02:09:03.95 Leonard Right. 02:09:10.20 Dave Pup att play. But yeah, it's their whole it catalogs a whole day of them preparing for the festival like by timestamping like the hour so like it is now two o'clock and they're doing something you know they're doing 1 thing and oh now they're going to go eat and now they're going to go. 02:09:10.44 Leonard Yeah. 02:09:27.83 Dave Find out what flowers they're gonna put out on the walkway. Yeah, so they all get um, snazzy Blue Night Festival outfits and ah like ends like just give me something with Pinstripees I Love it. 02:09:30.19 Leonard Yes, get measurements for outfits. 02:09:41.75 Leonard Yep. 02:09:47.17 Dave Um, Fuja The he's like I want a this slick herring bonene patterned like these very see gets like into the weeds with the detail. It's like I want this this this you know these mini buttons on my cuffs and ah he gets what he wants like. 02:09:47.73 Leonard Um, be. 02:10:04.38 Leonard Yes. 02:10:06.42 Dave And it's paying for it so they just have a personal tailor guy. Ah no, just like I want something that makes me look strong because that's how she rolls and shins. It just give me a black suit. So that's yeah, it's just. 02:10:16.62 Leonard Um, yep, so he gets a suit that just looks like his everyday suit. Yeah. 02:10:25.71 Dave But a new fresh one. Oh it's good. Um I think Clararaga gets a different something little outfit I don't remember what the new outfit is but um. 02:10:35.85 Leonard You Yes I think it's just I think it he gets like a little sport jacket that matches ends. 02:10:45.79 Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what um n was like oh I will want a pinstrip suit and you need to have a little matching outfit for um, Kragi yeah, you called that on but on on purpose. Um, ah, but then ah ibisu. 02:10:53.84 Leonard Yeah. 02:11:03.86 Dave Like she says the thing she wants and then um, they're doing like the measurements and so she has it. She's very skinny so she just has like no bust and Noi has a massive bust. 02:11:18.41 Leonard Has bust. 02:11:22.80 Dave Which also is doesn't work that way like if you're that jacked like you're not going to have like a breast tissues Just not there anymore? Um, but it's anonymy so she has huge chest and ebbieu gets mad. 02:11:30.47 Leonard Um, businesses. 02:11:40.56 Leonard And yes. 02:11:42.40 Dave And make whisper sending to the tailor and so when they get their suits. She gets like this dress with like implanted boobs but it's it's it's ah the like in centimeter or whatever bigger than noise chest and she's like a high win and um. 02:11:51.29 Leonard Um, yes. 02:11:55.44 Leonard Um, this this. 02:12:02.40 Dave I mean it. It looks ridiculous, but it doesn't look fake like whatever they did is like magical so it looks like it's her like boobs but she's just like it's real weird. It's like a Jessica Rabbit dress 02:12:02.22 Leonard Um, yes, it is a joke you. That's yes. 02:12:17.68 Leonard Yes, yeah, it only shorter it it does it ist It isn't doesn't go. Yeah, it's real. It's very ridiculous. Yes. 02:12:21.80 Dave Yeah, and it's not like sparkly. It is and but she's just like dancing and I win I win and. Going around like I am super sexy aren't I sexy. It's like no, you're still like 14 or whatever this is this is real. The ju to the juxtaposition is real. This is strange and everyone's just like whatever. 02:12:41.63 Leonard Um, weird. Yeah, you're you're weird. 02:12:52.85 Leonard Ah, yeah, we're just gonna let her do what that? Yeah, um, it Yeah, she's she does say Oh yeah, that's great look at you opposite. 02:12:53.68 Dave They like they're just they always be so although no way to be fair is like oh that's impressive. Yeah, well because she's like she's just a fun person like whatever. Yeah, even if she's murdering you she's It's that's that's the happy time. Yeah. 02:13:09.42 Leonard Yeah, she's happy and supportive weirdly enough all the time. 02:13:18.99 Leonard Yeah I do love that noises ah outfit comes with heels and she can't walk in them. 02:13:24.26 Dave Yeah, she's like oh these dumb shoes but she wanted to the thing is she picked those on purpose to impress Shin to show that she stole like. 02:13:36.12 Leonard Yes. 02:13:42.10 Dave She's also a lady like I don't know it's a weird just I'm not sure like she didn't need to have those heels on but she put them because she thought it would impress shin because she just wants to impress her her. Um. 02:13:46.23 Leonard Um, if you get yep. 02:14:00.66 Dave Partner I mean technically he's he's her her Sampie so it's not like he's her not her boss just her older partner. 02:14:18.19 Leonard Yep. 02:14:18.33 Dave Not a good is that a good translation for that I mean yes, a reclassman doesn't make any sense in context. 02:14:23.39 Leonard Um, ah, right even in context of the show because she's been with the ends organization significantly longer than yes. 02:14:28.45 Dave Anyway. 02:14:37.63 Dave Um, yeah I think it's as he taught her about the murdering business like the cleaner part of it I don't know it doesn't give us like their backstory really. 02:14:43.48 Leonard The yeah. 02:14:49.13 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:14:52.93 Dave Although I do like that his one memory was oh the 1 time that we like um with theman louised off of a cliff. 02:15:02.18 Leonard Um, yeah, they he seemed to indicate that they were really drunk and driving and didn't just flew off of ah off of the side of ah of a cliff. Yes. 02:15:11.12 Dave Yeah, in a car and almost died but it's get you're given no other like there's no like something about we botched a job and like almost died and it was great. That's our one like that's my one super heartening memory. 02:15:25.85 Leonard Yes. 02:15:28.36 Dave Like okay to be fair, their job is kind of like a drudgery job most of the time like they get excited when they could actually go do something Otherwise they're just sitting around. 02:15:36.39 Leonard Um, a. 02:15:43.25 Leonard Yeah, waiting to give a job to ah, call to murder somebody groups of somebodybo to be specific. 02:15:48.27 Dave Yeah, but yeah, it's It's a It's very silly the whole the ends ends group is silly um kamen is left to like. 02:15:59.60 Leonard Yep. 02:16:03.28 Dave House sit the restaurant because it's going to be closed for three days but the the boss doesn't want it getting all messed up so he's like yeah you stay here and watch over the shop Kindman's like nope can't do that I have to get into this thing because ah i. 02:16:21.55 Dave Need to find that this is my good chance of finding resu. Um and he he doesn't have a ticket and it's fortified so he like sneaks in the back door which is guarded by 2 dudes. 02:16:23.62 Leonard Right. 02:16:35.84 Leonard Um, yeah in a in costumes that kind of look like his costume. 02:16:42.87 Dave Yeah, so he just kills the guys and um takes one of their costumes and then is mistaken for the guards and just let me in like on break like where's the other guy even though he's in the bathroom. 02:16:53.68 Leonard Um, yes, yes. 02:17:00.78 Dave See's in the Bushes taking a poop. Oh it's it's very silly. But yeah he goes in makes it about like five feet and he's like oh drafted to go do another thing and go like pick up dishes at the the dinner. 02:17:02.91 Leonard Yep. 02:17:14.89 Leonard Yeah, he's literally instructed to collect empty glasses. 02:17:20.84 Dave Yeah, um, but he does see shin and and crew but he recognizes shin because that's the dude that tore off his head. Um and he's like oh I can't like I need. To look around you but I can't be be here because that guy knows my face like you might recognize me? Yeah I mean he? that's it's Kindman. He's not thinking about that. Um, but then he gets. 02:17:41.57 Leonard Right? Even though I'm wearing a completely different mask. Bright. 02:17:56.58 Dave This part was weird so he gets sent to go clean the bathrooms and then the show itself cuts to the ladies room with Noi ah so earlier Noi and shin both went like oh this guy's still alive. So there's some dude that keeps trying to. 02:18:03.96 Leonard Yes. 02:18:15.39 Leonard Yes. 02:18:16.32 Dave Take them her partner. Ah and she's in the restroom and someone comes out of this doll and things explode. Ah, and then I think. 02:18:28.73 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:18:36.25 Dave Chin runs up. It's like oh no, no so whenever I think there's like a weird connection between partners like and maybe it's part of the contract where if something's happening to them. You know. 02:18:46.28 Leonard Un right. 02:18:52.58 Dave Which we've never had any indication as far as I'm aware of that before but in this instance, um shin does like he just looks up at the dinner. He's like oh what something's going on with Noi and then it like it cuts to like the explosion part or whatever and. 02:19:02.53 Leonard Yeah. 02:19:12.70 Dave I'm like well Kaman was sent to the bathrooms but he um, you wouldn't have been sent to clean the ladies one and that wasn't him in there anyway. But I'm just like why would they? it's like they have to be they have to do a weird like have him meet up because why would you send him to the bathroom. 02:19:17.40 Leonard Nope. 02:19:29.70 Dave And then have a trouble at the bathroom because that's just what the show does. It's like so much weird happenstance. 02:19:33.57 Leonard Oh right? Oh Dave because it doesn't matter because that that doesn't happen because the episode ends with ah time and plunging a toilet. 02:19:45.13 Dave Yeah. 02:19:51.50 Leonard Oh and nikado having the revelation of oh my restaurant would actually be super successful if Kman wasn't here all the time. Yep I mean ah, reasonably. 02:19:57.28 Dave Yeah, people are scared of Kuman I think and yeah, large a very large man with a spiky lizard head that probably has a crush on the owner and. Eats all the yoza anyway like she has to make it in case, there's customers but he just eats it. He sense of eating like all of their servings. Um, yeah with him. Not there like the restaurant's packed. 02:20:16.39 Leonard Yes. 02:20:23.73 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:20:29.74 Leonard Yeah. 02:20:33.81 Dave And she's like where's kamen like oh well, he's not here and it's very busy like exceedingly busy. Yeah, but yeah, that's that wraps up episode 8 Um, there's 2 2 more to go. 02:20:37.70 Leonard Yeah, exactly So I'm okay. 02:20:51.55 Dave And then like the ovas where's 12 probably 12 Yeah, it 12 I don't know 1 at the 2 2 does it make me sense. Um, yeah, there's 4 more to go plus the Oba which I think is just put into 1 episode. 02:20:51.82 Leonard Um, ah is it to no I think it's like 4 Yeah yeah. 02:21:07.11 Leonard It is. 02:21:10.25 Dave So it's just episode 13 with a bunch of short segments. So yeah, we'll we'll tackle those. Um, next time that we cover this not not actual next time. So next episode will be um Eldon ring. 02:21:22.64 Leonard Right. 02:21:29.69 Dave And then we will return to yeah, not wrapping it up. It's still going. Um, yeah, the next set of infantity training episodes which is how many of us are in there. 02:21:34.87 Leonard Infinity train. 02:21:49.80 Dave That one was 10 I think it's the second half of it. Yeah, there's 10 episodes. So it's 5 through 10 or yeah, something like that 6 through 10 I don't know math is not happening at this at this late juncture. Um, anyway, yeah, that will be in two weeks 02:21:49.90 Leonard Yeah, because it's I think it's 10 02:22:09.39 Dave And then we will come around to finish up do hadro and figure out what's happening after that because there's always something on the to do list. Um, yeah, this is a really fun show. It's so bonkers. I had were right to have the time I would want to read back through the manga again. Um because I was just like reading it as some translations came out so like not not always in the right order or like why I. 02:22:36.14 Leonard Ah. 02:22:41.15 Dave Catch something and go oh that must be the latest chapter and then it's like no that wasn't now I'm so I don't know what I'm what part is this so it was all just kind of piecemeal. Um, but yeah, I'm really enjoying like going back to this and then trying to look at it a little more critically. Then just letting it wash over me as it can easily because it's just so weird. But yeah, this is a show where you can absolutely turn on and then just like. 02:22:59.62 Leonard Yes. 02:23:13.96 Dave If you want to suspend disbelief This will let you do that. 02:23:16.46 Leonard Yeah, absolutely, it's it's it's it's the kind of fun anime that I enjoy in my old age I'm like oh there's like it's just weird. There's a lot of interesting conceptual stuff going around. It's you know, light enough to be. You know where the joxposition between it and the ultraviolets that permeates throughout its entire being ah ah fits well because it's once again, handled so cavalierly that it's. Just oh yeah, this is just an aspect of the world and either you like it or you don't. 02:24:02.39 Dave Yeah, and ah like on the violence aspect. It's something that you have to approach it kind of in the way that the characters do ah where it's something happens and it it bothers them. Can but usually only when it's at such an extreme like the example would be usually when stuff's in a bag like that's a problem for people so Kyman was like yeah no I'm not looking in there and then we get the horrendous. 02:24:26.50 Leonard Um, guess. 02:24:31.15 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:24:39.13 Dave Um, so ibisu just kept like puking on things and she's like let me see inside the bag and they're like be careful with that. It's we don't want to mess in the car and then she opens a bag and just pukes into it into the body part du that. Yeah. 02:24:50.50 Leonard Into the yeah into the bag. Yeah, the severed man bag. 02:24:57.29 Dave But eventually becomes mushroom man. Yeah, so they do a good job I think with ah, alluding to things and not outright showing it and then when they do show it. It's kind of clinical and I think that's the smart. 02:25:07.73 Leonard Un. 02:25:16.21 Dave Way when they kind of oh someone got diced up but we're going to show like and maybe in shadow or if you see it. It's clinical looking it just looks like you. You can't you know what it is but you can't readily identify. 02:25:25.57 Leonard Right. 02:25:35.90 Dave That particular piece of Viscera um, and that that tones it down a little bit. Yeah, so it's it's not something that um. 02:25:36.33 Leonard Right. 02:25:43.36 Leonard Yet softens it a little I think. 02:25:51.91 Dave It's horrendous if you think about the implications. But if you're just watching it. It's just like a one off like okay that just that happened but it's not like it's It's weird because it's not reveling in it. It's just. 02:25:53.59 Leonard Yes. 02:26:08.18 Dave Making a point to go This is just this world this just happens like all the time. So. Everyone's kind of desensitized to it. It's not great and they recognize that people are dead but they're not um. They're not letting like the horrendous things happening like stop them from doing whatever they got to do to like make it to the next day. Yeah, and it's a weird.. It's a weird space because it's not something that um I would necessarily. 02:26:30.86 Leonard Um, exactly. 02:26:42.96 Dave I I guess if I were to say like a similar live action film would be itchy. The Killer is the. 02:26:54.58 Leonard Now. 02:26:56.99 Dave Closest thing I can think of to where they treat violence in them like matter of fact, like weird stuffed because the characters are weird. Um the movie's weird. Um, but it's. 02:27:03.32 Leonard Great. 02:27:14.98 Dave That's weird I Maybe maybe it was I don't know if it's supposed to be offensive like I don't feel I don't think I was offended when I watched it but I at the same time I can't go like hey watch this with your mother. 02:27:24.88 Leonard Um, ah. 02:27:30.29 Leonard Right. 02:27:32.40 Dave Like it's not. It's not that kind of movie and this isn't that kind of show. So ah, it sits in that space and I think where that comes from is itch of the killer is also a manga adaptation and that's not a 1 to one like comparison. But. 02:27:35.57 Leonard Um, right? um. 02:27:52.30 Dave Um, the violence on there is hyper stylized like it feels like it's from a comic book. But at the same time. It's definitely not. Ah, it's pushing like what would be considered our rating. So. 02:27:59.63 Leonard Ah, right. 02:28:11.60 Dave It's definitely not like oh hey, it's just cartoon by like no, it's not. It's pretty horrendous. Yeah, it's ultraviolence. Um. 02:28:17.80 Leonard It's viol. It's ut It's ultraviolin kind of in the way that like roboops ultraviolence. 02:28:25.55 Dave Um, yeah, where it's It's so over the top that it's like it surpassed What would be gross and it's just like oh no, it's the it made it cartoony without it being like. 02:28:31.94 Leonard Yes. Right. 02:28:43.11 Dave It's still making a point particularly like Rob wilhops case like for a reason. Um I I I couldn't say that there's a reason for the ichiicular violence or the existence of what that's talking about I don't know I'd have to revisit that. 02:28:47.71 Leonard Head option. 02:29:02.47 Dave As a whole um obviously not for this podcast because it does not fit there but um, yeah, just on the idea just meditating lightly on the idea like what the violence is bringing to the table here. It's It's kind of doing the same thing for. 02:29:18.45 Leonard Right. 02:29:20.51 Dave And you the Killer Yeah I just hadn't like thought about that before so it was a point I felt like I would explore for a minute. Yeah. 02:29:27.56 Leonard It's It's good to ruminate on that especially in ah from being spawned from a goofy anime series about a man with a magically transformed lizard head. 02:29:40.86 Dave Yeah, well I think on that note we will wrap this one up and we're actually longer that I thought was gonna take to do 4 episodes. But um, yeah, so we will catch you folks next time and for now we will. Do the little bit of admin Leonard where can folks find you on the interwebs. 02:30:00.10 Leonard Yes, so you can mainly find me on Twitter at Dr Faust is dead. You can also find the stuff from months ago on my other Twitter account at Umbra Knox Productions and if you're interested in my video essay work. You can check out. Dr Faust is dead on Youtube and same goes for umbra knox productions on Youtube Dave where can people find you on the internet. 02:30:28.94 Dave Um, they find me on Twitter at sending nut underscore plus you can find ah 1 of our our wayward hosts adam bluechery on Twitter at adam.bochery guess I better look at that. Ah I have the power of edit though. So I will clean that up. Um I think it's at Adam Top cherry it gets hard to keep track of when people put a daughter. Ah, underscore who knows what? Okay yes. 02:31:01.60 Leonard Nope no, just 1 word Adam Buchery 02:31:05.94 Dave So you can find our one of our hosts. Um Adam Boerry on Twitter at adambuchery and you can find cameron on Twitter at night underscore twi and that's night without a k ah Adam is what he's doing. He's busy with something else. Um. 02:31:23.10 Leonard There This is. 02:31:25.40 Dave That tet that will take him away for this episode and next he will return for infinity train. Ah and Cameron is getting married in a at this point two hours something soon. So he will be a married man. Um, when this episode releases send him congratulations. Ah, and I'm sure he'll post like wedding photos or something. Um, he's we're all, we're all terribly excited. Ah, this will be a the first. 02:31:58.40 Leonard You yes, the first yes, it will be a first for the podcast. 02:32:01.15 Dave Yes, yeah, and a newly married co-host. Um, yeah, so set. Yeah, send him some congratulations and yeah we will catch you next time for more Eldon ring. 02:32:18.38 Leonard Have a good one folks. 02:32:20.30 Dave Ah, folks.