03:43.26 Matthew and I am your host for this one Matthew ah, and with me is 30 to 40 wild hogs. Um, ah, one of them is some pig ah Dave. Ah, you doing. 04:02.37 Cameron It. 04:04.63 Dave Ah, that's a blast from the past. Um, yeah I do pretty good. 04:07.70 Matthew Yeah, if you were a famous pig who would it be and why. 04:15.50 Dave Oh Wow Um, a famous but well, it's not babe big in a city Babe's too too famous for me. Um, that yeah that was babe do being the big the City babe one is just babe isn't it. Ah. 04:21.58 Matthew Right? Plus that was babe 2 picking the city. Yeah. 04:27.72 Cameron In. 04:32.86 Dave I think is bbop the the the warog I would be Bebop Youbop had really cool shades. 04:35.35 Matthew Yeah, Bebop Absolutely is of wonderful choice. Yeah, all right? Also with this and I'm not goingnna let him pick he was the pig that was accidentally identified as the Tananoola tiger but was not. 04:36.22 Cameron So yeah, he did he. 04:52.00 Cameron Hello I was actually going to pick a different famous Australian Pig but sure I'll go with that about. 04:52.48 Matthew Cameron is with us. Oh Wow All right? Let's hear it. Let's hear it. 05:01.39 Cameron Oh god eight years ago at this point I think a feral pig broke into a cooler on a farm drank 16 cans of beer and then fought a cow and passed out. Yeah, exactly it was pretty good. 05:11.40 Dave I I remember this story. 05:11.51 Matthew That's the most Australian Pig I've ever heard of. 05:17.67 Matthew That's fantastic and yeah, awesome and ah Leonard round us out famous pig who and why. 05:19.40 Cameron Yeah, I'm doing great at you. Yes. 05:29.34 Leonard Paddington bear. 05:31.38 Cameron Mmm. 05:31.82 Matthew Okay, you're gonna have to explain a little bit more he loves marlin. Okay sure all right makes sense. Um, yeah, we're getting piggy and it because we're talking about okja. But yeah, go ahead. Leonard. 05:32.77 Dave Um, padding to bear is he love marmalade. Okay, that's all you need. 05:34.35 Leonard He loves marmalade. 05:35.63 Cameron Yeah Pig for Mom like yeah. 05:45.84 Leonard I I I had to I had to I had to blow up the bit I just I needed to I needed to I needed to ah control detonate the bit um and have it ah crash down around me. Um. 05:47.93 Cameron Yeah I. 05:59.42 Matthew Oh all, right? Ah, some men just want to watch the world burn. That's you know Bob Michael Caine has taught me that and I'm just gonna take it to heart Ed Paddington apparently wow yeah 06:00.22 Leonard Like the end of a fight club. Just. 06:04.55 Cameron Um, yeah. 06:09.70 Dave And Paddington Paddington's been photoshopped into horrible things. 06:13.23 Leonard And and hey and and ° of pig separation Michael Kane was in a muffic Christmas Carol. So there's Miss Piggy so we can also go with that as well see. 06:15.73 Matthew Who knows what that little anarchist gets up to. 06:18.80 Cameron Um. 06:22.52 Cameron Oh man. Yeah. 06:26.30 Matthew That's all right? this. 06:29.54 Leonard And now I just reversed the tape and the building has reconstructed. 06:34.80 Matthew The Square has been circled all right? Yeah, we're getting piggy with it tonight because we're talking about okakha. Um, ah this is a pretty cool film. Um, well it is a wonderful film. It's a bong Jun Ho film. 06:37.89 Cameron Um. 06:43.40 Cameron Mm yeah. 06:52.65 Matthew Ah, so like all of his stuff. It is just absolutely dripping with social commentary and makes you angry and sad and laugh your ass off all at the same time somehow. Um, and yeah I just I Really really enjoyed this one. 07:01.10 Cameron In. 07:09.14 Matthew Um, so much so that I wanted to watch it again years later after I first saw it and um I think the first thing that really struck me about it is I forgot the poster that Netflix made for this. It's fantastic. Yeah, it's just the the big pig being walked by mija and it's got a whole factory on its back. 07:17.60 Cameron Yeah, it's quite striking. 07:26.86 Cameron Yeah. 07:28.59 Matthew Just factory farming in one good image. Um, just wonderful. Wonderful stuff. Ah initial impressions have you guys seen this before this came out in 2017 ah premiered at can. Um. Was this a first time watch or have you guys seen this this particular one before. 07:52.13 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 07:52.35 Matthew Go for it. 07:52.79 Dave I'll I'll take lead on that. Um I have not seen this before I knew of it like I so saw it when it appeared on Netflix and that that was a very busy year for me. 08:09.83 Matthew Um. 08:09.91 Dave Ah, so it just got into the it fell into the eternal watch list I can't there's over a hundred films in that watch list on Netflix and that's just the Netflix one I don't I can't look at my Amazon prime when that one's really bad, but um. 08:16.30 Cameron In yeah. 08:18.50 Matthew Now. 08:24.50 Dave Yeah, this was a good excuse to like dust that off and and bring it to the front of the list. Um, yeah, initial impression I I really enjoyed it I I knew the plot of it like the premise and I wasn't sure based on. Watching pretty much all the rest of Bong Junhos films like how how far he was going to dig into things and so I had to prepare myself like this is going to go one of like several ways and I wasn't Disappointed. Um. 08:51.82 Cameron And. 09:03.30 Dave But it I don't know it. It was a little less hard hitting than I thought it was going to be but not to like it's detriment like it didn't need it. It tells you what it needs to tell you so. 09:07.30 Cameron Button. 09:09.31 Matthew Ah. 09:14.15 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 09:16.18 Matthew Yeah, yeah, its messaging is is pretty clear. But um, yeah, as as far as like compared to his other work like ah like the host or parasite. Um, which yeah those are like a little bit more. 09:26.20 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 09:33.98 Matthew On the nose and go that extra step. Yeah, exactly yeah. 09:35.70 Dave Um, yeah, this sits more like snow piercer. 09:38.76 Cameron Um, yeah yeah I'd play on that this was also my first time watching oakshire I've not seen a ton of stuff by bong jo andho I've only seen the host and snowpiercer other than this and yeah it it definitely feels a little less serious. My. 09:50.10 Matthew Oh. 09:55.95 Cameron First mental impression afterwards was like that was sort of like the host via way of grand budapest hotel just just something about the styling like especially with all the corporate stuff really feels in that sort of Wes Anderson kind of set dressing almost. 10:05.52 Matthew Um, yeah, all right. 10:15.88 Cameron And then of course it then of course it gets very dark later in the film and it loses that luster a little but that initial impression of like yeah the the bright shiiness something about the way the shots clicked together felt very fun. 10:16.44 Matthew Um, yeah, it. 10:29.81 Matthew Yeah, set dressing again is a thing that I love and this film like starts to so quaint in such a beautiful place and even when they're in like the absolute like Nadir of the film. Um, the sets there were just so brilliantly made. Um, just yeah. 10:39.21 Cameron Oh yeah, incredible. 10:47.90 Matthew Talk about it when we get there. But it's real good. How about yeah, how about you Leonard. 10:49.43 Leonard Um, and yes, yes, as for me. Ah yes, first time watching I remember all the advertisement from when it was um, premiering on Netflix um, and. 10:53.62 Cameron Oh. 11:03.75 Leonard That was when I was like neckdeep in crunch. So I didn't have time for literally anything so it kind of came and went so when it was suggested as the film for this week's topic I was actually very happy to sit down and watch it and it does ah it reminds me. Of ah, the host inverted um from horror to um, kind of ah there are aspects of like the social commentary in this that are I find significantly more scathing ah than the host. 11:25.26 Cameron M. 11:28.12 Matthew Um. 11:38.49 Cameron M. 11:41.64 Leonard And it's mainly with the stuff that is left unsaid and unexplored in the film I liked it. It starts out. It feels very um you know like it feels like ah like a little fantasy ah kind of like. 11:58.46 Cameron Um. 11:59.31 Leonard Ah, there's there's shots that just are like oh yes, then and this feels like my neighbor todoro and then we get to the yeah, we get to the you know the corporate Megacorp ah scenes and all that feels like very real and also very accurate. 12:04.23 Cameron Yeah. 12:04.41 Matthew A. 12:18.80 Leonard Coming from somebody that works in a um, ah, equally somewhat ridiculous corporate environment. Um, so that that actually all rang true. Um, but. I Guess I'll wait in until we get ah deeper into the discussion to talk about those aspects that I found in the film. But overall I did ah deeply deeply enjoy it. Um. 12:43.51 Cameron E. 12:45.41 Leonard Ah, to the point where and also was pleasantly reminded that Paul Dano was in this movie who unfortunate who unfortunately I never recognize unless he's wearing the Paul Dano glasses ah so um, like it's liter it. It was it. 12:49.80 Cameron Yes. 12:50.15 Matthew Death. 13:02.43 Leonard Literally was like oh why is that guy look so familiar and then the glasses went on I was like oh it's Baldano and I'm like oh I don't like that that feels like that that feels it that feels like the actual Superman thing where it's like aha he controlled your mind. 13:06.48 Cameron E. 13:18.90 Leonard And you didn't realize it was Paul Dando when the glasses were off and I'm like yeah. 13:19.23 Cameron Um. 13:22.91 Cameron E. 13:28.83 Dave Ah. 13:31.28 Matthew Yeah, um I like I like how bunjoon hook casts when especially when he casts Western actors. Um, he takes people like like people who can just do characters over like big stars like til this one especially is like in his stable. 13:34.45 Cameron E. 13:42.42 Leonard Yes. 13:42.80 Dave Yeah. 13:46.48 Matthew And she just like melts into whatever she's doing and plays the most unsettling people that just like they're just like so wound tight. They're ready to snap or the other end of his western actors are um I am noble and good. But I'm a total idiot and I'm doing it wrong. 13:50.17 Cameron Yeah, so. 14:06.41 Matthew And I just I love that? yeah. 14:07.90 Dave Well I mean that plays to hit the the Korean actors he normally his go to That's what they kind of are also because a lot of times he's trying to get to the everyman and that's. 14:13.30 Matthew And. 14:21.16 Matthew Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah. 14:24.52 Cameron So yeah. 14:25.40 Dave Who you get and so there have to have to be like it to be a little bit farcical. Um, ah the the western actors in this by and large felt like they escaped from a christopher guest movie. 14:39.60 Matthew Yeah I don't get me started on Jake Generalholman well we will get started on fucking jake general hall like he wanted to do a groucho marks impression. They let him do it and I just holy hell. But but. 14:41.34 Cameron So yeah. 14:53.50 Dave Um, yeah. 14:53.80 Leonard Ah, so so so I'm probably gonna be the the the big outlier and just let you know right now that I absolutely fucking lutely loved what Jake Dllenhaal was bringing to this film every single scene that he was in because it's so. 15:03.25 Cameron Oh no, I'm with you nad no. 15:03.99 Matthew Sure Yeah, all right. 15:11.18 Leonard God damn goofy I'm just like oh man look at this cartoon character look at Donny Darko as this cartoon care. 15:14.65 Matthew Yeah I know the posing on the float as like the elevator came up with me J in it and stuff and like just so over the top. He's a cartoon. Yeah, you're right? He's a cartoon. 15:16.13 Dave He's He's a nasty stinky little man. 15:22.41 Leonard It it it. The reason that he is a cartoon character is it and it's It's a very specific styling costume styling thing and it's the fact that he's always wearing those fucking shorts. 15:39.15 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 15:40.80 Leonard He is never it is like it's like a cartoon like costume character like this is the clothes that this character wears and there's right and I'm just like. 15:44.99 Matthew Um, yeah shorts and pal socks. Yeah. 15:48.11 Dave Oh yeah, he's he's earnest but by way of Steve Irwin and then like I don't know the jerk. 15:54.33 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 15:56.30 Matthew Yeah, kind of yeah Steve Irwin graucho marks who was that exercise guru fella ah Richard Simmons yes he gave me so much Richard Simmons vibes ah yeah 16:03.20 Cameron Are. 16:03.98 Dave Oh Richard Simmons yeah he's bringing some Richard Simmons energy sweaty Richard Simmons yeah it's Britt Wind us back to the beginning of the movie. 16:04.84 Leonard Are we talking about Richard Simmons 16:14.92 Matthew Sweaty desperate like but anyway look we'll get to him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right? We we've doubled deep. Okay, um, so ah yeah, um, this ah opens with um. 16:22.70 Dave What's going on here. 16:33.12 Matthew Ah, it opens with ah tilla Swinton Sarah outside ah she is looking at the entire holdings of the Mirando Corporation tilde swinton plays what was the there's the sisters Nancy and Lucy yeah, she is yeah she is Lucy Mirando currently 16:46.28 Leonard Lucy. Yeah. 16:46.71 Dave Um, and it. 16:47.93 Cameron Lucy. Yeah. 16:52.53 Matthew Um, I still don't know if they are 2 different people or not um, but ah yeah, that's that's another thing. But yeah, um, she looks like again wound so tight about to snap. 16:56.48 Leonard Are. 17:00.83 Cameron Ah, yeah, that that is an interesting twist. 17:11.85 Matthew Um, like crazy bangs just absolute bleached hair. Her lipstick is just like just a little off from perfect, but she's getting ready to do a presentation about super pigs. They say they've given a pig to 26 17:14.33 Cameron And. 17:28.66 Matthew Different farmers around the world to let them raise. However, they want um and one will be crowned as their super pig in 10 years and will start off. They're basically a Gmo Meat Factory Farm but greenwashed. Yeah, it. 17:30.89 Cameron Button. 17:44.70 Leonard Ah, oh I was going to say but no because they found they just discovered a new species. 17:48.31 Matthew Right quote unquote discovered a news piece in Chile. So it's not gmo. Yeah yeah, you're right? yeah. 17:49.00 Cameron Yeah, yeah. I mean. Okay, yeah, no yeah. 17:57.13 Leonard Ah, which that was my first thing I was like no, that's not I was like ok what kind of fancy what world bullshit are we getting into because that's not how any of this works I'm like. 18:06.95 Matthew Right? Well the lies started immediately. Ah because um, like ah the throwing grandpa under the bus was great. They're just like oh we're not a terrible company anymore even though like they're in like a desolate like gutted factory. And it's just like okay, you're just pretending that doesn't exist around you and then like some of the first words out of her mouth was the world doesn't have enough food which is a lie. The world has plenty of food. We just don't give it away for free. Ah. 18:24.27 Cameron I Mean yeah. 18:32.15 Cameron Yeah, yes, yeah, so. 18:40.45 Matthew And so I think I think that's where everything started. Yeah, sorry to cut you off cameron. Yeah. 18:44.27 Cameron Yeah, no, it's um oh no I forgotten entirely where I was going. So oh no I do remember Chile found a new species. My favorite through thread in this film is every time I see the super picks I am reminded of the. 18:51.49 Matthew Hey. 19:02.28 Cameron Failed american experiment to domesticate the hippo um, and ah it was I believe in the eighteen hundreds. Ah someone in Louisiana got it into their heads that the next big. Ah, the big thing would be the meat industry. 19:05.50 Leonard Are. 19:06.39 Matthew Oh tell me more about this I've never heard about this. 19:20.84 Cameron And so they went well, we've got all this land. That's not suitable for beef but you know what would be great as ah as a cattle like animal in Louisiana it would be the hippo and so they shipped a bunch of hippos to the us didn't catch on apparently they tasted all right? Um, but it didn't catch on. Um. 19:38.25 Matthew Ah. 19:40.15 Cameron Don't know why exactly I can't remember the exact details but ah it sort of continues on and then my brain leapt over to there's a wild population of hippos in South America because of cartels of course um, it's just like this this feels like. 19:54.40 Matthew Yeah, sure. Ah. 19:56.65 Cameron This feels like by way of those 2 unrelated historical incidents. Yeah, we're totally, we're just going to farm this absolutely a pig definitely not some kind of hippo. It's from South America it's fine it's the perfect it's the perfect livestock 20:06.50 Matthew Yeah. 20:08.87 Leonard and and Lucy's doing this in from the press and and I love it because the moment that she's like we discovered new species I'm like oh no, one's no one. No one's going to question any aspect of that and then I was just like. 20:17.73 Cameron I. 20:22.75 Matthew And. 20:25.88 Leonard Oh that's right I live in the twenty first century in the year two thousand and twenty three and I'm just like ah this is pretty accurate for journalistic integrity. So I guess I can't say this is unrealistic. 20:28.30 Cameron I. Yeah I mean like like they discovered a new species. They discovered 1 animal according to them and then they then they bred that animal somehow successfully. 20:33.41 Matthew Pretty much. Yeah. 20:43.27 Leonard Um, yeah yep, with excuse me with what yes I. 20:46.30 Matthew Right? Ah through through specifically non forced mating is what she says which like if you've ever read anything about Cer cats and how like the other. 20:52.31 Cameron Yeah. 21:00.80 Matthew Animal that the wildcat is meant to bred with is usually killed like yeah that it's a terrible horrifying industry and again lying through her teeth her her braced up teeth at this point. 21:02.47 Cameron M. Yeah, Oh yeah, it yes. 21:12.99 Leonard Um, man I can't I I also just wanted to take a moment to talk about how till this one is the ah the oral prosthesis in Bt in every ah Bond Jone who film that she's ever been in because I'm just like. 21:23.37 Matthew Ah, it's so true. 21:24.10 Cameron That's true. 21:29.28 Leonard Like I saw the braces and I was like really she's doing more like teeth stuff after after snow pierce her I'm like I'm what I'm like I every single time I'm just like a man I love watching her act in 1 of his films because it's always a delight. 21:30.49 Matthew Like new. Yeah, she had to fix her soap here for teeth. 21:35.92 Cameron Yep, he. 21:45.28 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 21:45.30 Matthew Um, see ah like I don't know if it's like the case everywhere. But um here I knew a lot of adults growing up that got braces. Um and it was kind of like ah a social. 22:01.55 Cameron Oh oh, Okay, interesting. No then hide. Okay. 22:01.97 Matthew Like a status thing when you were finally, you're finally rich enough to get them. Ah no, they're not yeah and ah but I had them when I was younger and it was just absolute hell on Earth I hated them and yeah, but. 22:05.17 Dave And there I mean they're not cheap. 22:13.52 Cameron And yeah. 22:20.56 Matthew Just to kind of put yourself through that to be up more aspect of perfect. Um, at that age to still be uncomfortable in your own skin I think is showing a lot about her character just right up right up front. Um, yeah. 22:36.14 Cameron Yeah. 22:40.46 Matthew And then she does this big pose as like ah I think the word meat is just behind her and and then it transitions to the next scene and that's just just a wonderful just smash cut to just like beautiful rural Korea. Um. 22:44.57 Cameron And. 22:59.30 Matthew This this place were introduced to Mija and okkja. Um, they're out picking persimmons okta does an amazing move where they roll and smash into a tree and get some persimmons out of the tree ah oakja is like a giant. Yeah, it's like ah it's like a hippo pig. 23:14.66 Cameron The Hippo yeah. 23:18.75 Matthew Um, that is I don't know it's scale is a little hard with this one. It's kind of like the size of like 1 of those vw mini buses kind of yeah his car size. Yeah. 23:27.00 Cameron Yeah, it's It's a car size. It's big. It's bigger than the average car smaller than the average bus and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and yeah, it's it's it is literally just a domesticated hippo like. 23:37.11 Matthew There you go like? yeah. 23:37.32 Leonard Um, yeah, it's like a it's like a light suv. 23:43.69 Matthew Um, yeah. 23:46.30 Cameron It's got longer ears and everything else about it is this is a hippo but rounder around the edges and human teeth which I don't like no no could. 23:50.47 Leonard Yes, yeah, and you know the yes and and won't and won't violently moll you to death like actual hippos. So you know. 23:52.83 Matthew Um, yeah. 23:59.36 Matthew Yeah, yeah, one nipple yeah, which search they like comment on later and I'm like I don't know why that's important but all right. 24:00.23 Dave Yeah, and has 1 1 strange teat which they don't bother explaining. There's just one. 24:03.40 Leonard Yeah, yes. 24:05.11 Cameron Yes, yes, a single nipple which I mean it it implies an average litic size of 0.5 which I find intriguing I guess as as a genetically modified animal. 24:14.75 Leonard Are. 24:16.74 Matthew Um, it's true now. 24:22.99 Cameron It's just some that popped up they didn't see the need to fix it because they don't necessarily breed them breathe them a lot of them are just made. 24:29.86 Matthew Yeah, that makes sense to yeah, but. 24:32.59 Leonard Ah, can cameron not to correct you but as I think exciting new species just recently discovered. We don't that we what who are we to question what nature does. 24:37.12 Matthew Yeah, that it don't lift the veil off Leonard's eyes yet. He has to learn the truth on his own. 24:37.45 Cameron Um. 24:42.51 Cameron So yeah. 24:47.96 Leonard Oh I learned it immediately when she spouted that bullshit about we found a new species and 1 of them and then we bred it and I'm like why is no one asking any questions in this press conference I've got at least 10 questions from the 2 sentences that she spoke just now. Okay. 24:50.31 Cameron Um. 24:53.60 Matthew Or. Yeah, like. 25:01.86 Cameron No, that don't ask about it. Yeah. 25:06.24 Matthew It. 25:07.83 Leonard Fine, Cool Whatever I guess I'm crazy. 25:13.36 Matthew And then ah oakja does a nice high dive into a pool of fish to throw some out in the shore for meja to pick up mija is a small korean girl. She's how old. Um, it's yes, like 1314 yeah 25:15.59 Cameron Button. 25:22.73 Cameron Like a fourteen ojo came along when she was 4 they've had orchestra for about 10 years yeah should be 14 25:26.46 Dave Um, yeah, she had it for 10 years so she's yeah 14 Yeah. 25:31.51 Matthew There you go? Yeah 14 um, and here is our first like ah like viewpoint character expressing their views on the world like just just perfectly just a crystallized moment. She picks up a fish. Realizes it's too small to keep puts it back. Sustainable harvest immediately recognizes it not only that but feeds the fish with okha's persimmon filleded excrement afterwards. Um and is just like perfectly balanced in the ecosystem that she's in knows what. 25:49.85 Cameron Yeah. 25:58.43 Cameron So. So yeah, yeah. 26:06.83 Matthew Needs knows not how to exploit it to the fact that it would be empty the next time she came around. You know it's It's just a wonderful, A wonderful little scene that tells you everything you need to know about this relationship and how harmonious it is um. There is ah this is the cliff scene right? Yeah, Ah, they are are cut. 26:25.90 Cameron E e. 26:26.97 Dave Yeah, my my 1 question is how like they're on the mountains and there's there'simmons and there's something else and they have a little bit of kind of a little of a farm. It's terraced I'm trying to figure out what else. 26:35.49 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 26:35.54 Matthew Is. 26:46.59 Dave Okja Eats because Mija specifically calls out that oja has like a very high metabolism and she's like very large. 26:49.35 Matthew A huge metabolism but also amazing like self-control. They didn't like just eat all the persimmons as they fell and stuff. 26:52.53 Cameron Um, I Yeah I'm yes, no, no yeah I Assume no yeah. 26:57.61 Dave Yeah, just ate the one and was like that was it. That's not enough to sustain like a child but alone it's an oakjo. 27:07.44 Cameron I Assume oaksha like just free grazes behind the house or something because because hippos mostly grass. So yeah, yeah, pretty much. Yeah. 27:10.24 Dave Oh yeah, probably I mean just we mowing the entire mountainside for 10 years 27:11.76 Matthew Yeah, yeah, yeah, the teeth it has don't like suggest an ungulate or something like that. But who knows yeah because again. 27:25.31 Dave Yeah, they're they're like flat people choppers. 27:25.33 Cameron Mm. 27:29.91 Matthew Yeah, ah, um, yeah, ah yeah, yeah, exactly um and ah, ah, fun fact, you know when ah O is wagging its tail as it's ah. 27:30.32 Cameron But yeah, yeah, there actually used to be a whole town on this mountain. 27:35.56 Dave Now it's feet Now they're feeding the fishes. 27:36.53 Leonard Um. 27:46.64 Cameron Um, yeah, yeah, exactly. 27:47.28 Matthew Pooping out and whatever hippos actually do that in real life and a lot of people think that's to spread scent and musk and stuff and the real reason is actually terrifying and disgusting um leeches crawl up into there and the only time to get rid of them is when they are ah excreting. So. 27:50.28 Leonard Yep. 27:57.20 Cameron Um, yeah, exposed yes. 28:05.47 Matthew Yeah, so they move their tail to try to knock the leeches out of their own ass which is Yikes man I thought I had problems that sounds terrible. No one wants but leeches man. Yeah I Yeah all right. 28:10.19 Cameron Yeah, so. 28:11.75 Dave No one. No one wants butt leeches. That's just. 28:16.20 Cameron No. 28:18.39 Leonard So someone out there wants a butt Lee I listen I mean there are nearly 8000000000 people on this planet. there's there's someone there's there's no such thing as as aberrant science psychology impossibility. 28:22.76 Cameron Ah God someone. 28:23.74 Matthew There is definite. Yeah yeah. 28:31.52 Matthew Like yep. 28:36.48 Leonard In in a sample size this large. 28:37.27 Matthew Yeah, there's a spa in L A that says it'll take the toxins out of your body. You just got to put these leeches in your butt Trust them. 28:38.70 Dave Yeah, boom. 28:40.77 Cameron That's fail. 28:46.52 Cameron Is this spa run by leeches. So. 28:47.14 Leonard Well they did feed the leeches a bunch of Coffee beforehand. 28:51.63 Dave Um, and you pay them. You're you're paying good money to have but lees. Yeah. 28:53.10 Matthew Ah, yeah, yeah, ah, but yeah, then ah grandpa gets on this amazing P a system ah and his name is he Bo I think that is. 28:56.98 Cameron Yeah, to love that? yeah. 29:10.45 Matthew Yeah, um, and ah and calls mija home and on their way back. Mija Okha is a little reminiscent of climbing these cliff faces that they went ah Mija is trying to tie a collar around Oha loses her footing and falls and oakha. 29:22.85 Cameron Um. 29:29.18 Matthew Does something that gets mirrored later on in the film by a different animal but in a similar circumstance and demonstrates self-sacrificing intelligence. Um, yes, it was to earn a persimmon in the long run but oja takes a fall to. Like intelligently throw meja back up onto the Cliff. Um, just to show you that this this animal. Yeah, ah it has been said that pigs are much smarter than dogs even their capacity to learn is incredibly high so that this this tracks. 29:48.97 Cameron Yeah, it's a smart animal. 29:57.68 Cameron So. 30:03.28 Cameron Yeah. 30:06.87 Matthew Yeah, um, and do we get back to this beautiful little farmhouse. Um, it's ah it's a bit shabby things are kind of fallen apart? Um, ah. This is where we get a better introduction to Mitcha's grandfather who is like super frugal. It's demonstrated really well when it's it's soju. He's drinking right? Yeah when he only drinks a capful at a time. 30:28.56 Cameron Yes. 30:33.51 Dave Yes. 30:38.20 Cameron So that's my. 30:39.49 Dave I mean he has to go down the mountain to go get that. So. 30:40.66 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah. 30:41.66 Matthew And that's it. It's yeah true, but it's at the same time where he will not buy a new television because the television's on the Fritz. He will only drink you know a little bit at the time. Ah, and. But right after he said that he paid all this money back so they could keep oakja so like immediately you're like wait a minute. Why would a man this frugal give up a chance to get rich that it just doesn't yeah that it doesn't square and ah that yeah. 31:06.92 Cameron Keep there. 31:15.75 Matthew Ah, you come to find out that no he didn't he didn't do that pretty soon when um, the next day. Yeah, ah sure hey bong that's says his name. Yeah. 31:17.48 Cameron 1 31:23.39 Dave Yeah, so just a quick aside so the grandpa um heybong that the the actor is bjon habong. He uses his name in every movie he's in but I mean he changes the last name. 31:31.10 Cameron So. 31:36.98 Leonard Um, nice. 31:37.40 Matthew Ah, Baller absolute badass. Yeah. 31:38.80 Cameron But yeah. 31:41.00 Dave Like prefer script or whatever. But for his other 2 Um, bing jin ho um, bong jaho films he was in the host and in memories of murder but he's also still hibong. it's it's good he's like yeah, it's just me, you're just going to have to take that. 31:47.40 Cameron Yeah, nice deal with it. Yeah. 31:51.12 Matthew Yeah, yeah, speak to me. Well he's fantastic. He is such. He's good in everything. He's very convincing he Yeah, we all know an old man like this at least I At least I do. 31:53.67 Leonard Um. 32:01.70 Dave He's good in everything he does. 32:06.10 Cameron Oh yeah. 32:10.85 Matthew Ah, um, yeah, yeah, a lot I've had machining masters like this. Absolutely yeah, um, the kind of guys who don't eat lunch on a Friday so they can get drunk for cheaper Friday night. 32:14.40 Dave Yeah I've had um I've had some instructors like this. 32:27.65 Dave Her sister. 32:28.10 Cameron Nice. 32:30.42 Leonard Um. 32:30.93 Matthew Yeah, oh yeah, ah, ah the next morning they are visited by ah the mirando spokespeople. Ah mundo is the doctor that we are introduced to first. Um, he climbs the hill he's kind of used to it but still out of breath. Ah, to climb up to this mountainside farm and this is the doctor that's been seeing okkja for the last 10 years, right? The the vet who works for Mirando and hot on his heels are Johnny Wilcox 32:56.10 Cameron Yep, so. 33:02.30 Matthew And 2 assistants one is the woman who played moaning myrtle in the Harry Potter movies right? Yeah and um, you couldn't tell well I thought for a second it was Nick Offerman's wife because they both have that. 33:07.60 Cameron Yep, yeah. 33:10.59 Leonard Um, really I I couldn't tell as soon as she opened her mouth as soon as she oh. 33:18.20 Cameron Oh yeah. 33:21.70 Matthew Very high register but um, now. 33:22.61 Leonard Yeah, no, as soon as she spoke I was like oh man, there's a ghost in this movie. 33:27.35 Cameron So yes, corporate enabler. 33:30.17 Matthew Ah, and she is great as a little piece of shit. Um, yeah, ah oh yeah, just like she knows the game. She knows what needs to be done to do the things and just yeah, kind of keeps everyone calm. Ah, but um. 33:33.35 Leonard Um, she is. 33:43.79 Cameron So. 33:48.10 Matthew Yeah, and then we get introduced to Jake Gillenhall's character Johnny Wilcox a celebrity zoologist who ten years ago was popular but now is kind of a he's a dud. No one's really into anymore. He even says that when he's ah signing a a sash that they put around mija and ah. 33:48.79 Cameron Yes. 33:57.30 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 34:06.65 Matthew And her grandfather. Um, and ah yeah, ah we get ah grandpa saying we should go see your parents grave you know real quick before we go to New York city with oakja. 34:21.77 Cameron Yes, yep. 34:24.50 Matthew Or no before they leave her here with us That's it. He's still he's still lying about it. Um, and and and they go to meet just parents graves which are just unkempt graves grandpa immediately has to start doing weeding and whatever. 34:33.39 Cameron Yeah, it. E. 34:39.75 Matthew And then has like the audacity to say your daughter talks back to me and it's like you don't clean, your children's graves man like you can't yeah you can't be saying stuff like that. Um, but we get a Chekhov's golden pig here ah 34:44.64 Cameron A. 34:56.21 Cameron Yep. 34:57.23 Matthew Grandpa offers a a Golden Idol a false idol to mija to buy her out um because he did take the money for okha. Um, and we don't know if they actually refused his offer or if he never gave it. But if you had to guess. 35:07.21 Cameron 5 yep. Yeah. 35:15.59 Matthew Yeah, yeah, they would refuse it anyway. Absolutely it's their property as becomes you know, ah well spelled out later on um and ah like it's just incredibly sad Media comes back to the farm. 35:16.80 Dave Um I don't think he ever gave it but they would refuse it anyway. 35:16.75 Cameron Oh yeah, absolutely. 35:25.80 Cameron I. 35:35.50 Matthew Ah, it's Oaksha's gone she tries sliding down the mountain to chase down the truck but by then it's just way down way down the road way down the highway. There's no way she can chase oak just she knows that they're gonna be spending some time in Seoul before it goes to New York city um 35:44.27 Cameron Yeah. 35:54.31 Matthew So that becomes her next plan is to get to Seoul by smashing a piggy bank a very symbolic thing to do. 35:56.31 Cameron E. 36:02.40 Cameron Yes, yeah. 36:08.38 Matthew Um, and this is like the first of there's a couple gags here of grandpa being constantly distracted when she throws money. Um and it's just really, really, really underlining his character just really hard and I really like it a lot, especially the last one where like. 36:13.72 Cameron Yeah. 36:26.37 Matthew After the big confrontation and he says this is what they're going to do to okja and says you know this is the loing. This is the shoulder. This is the butt. Whatever ah you know and shows the the pieces on like a calendar that's got the picture of the pig on it and says that's all this was ever for and she's still. 36:30.77 Cameron So. 36:38.16 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 36:45.88 Matthew Angry picks up coins off the floor pushes him out of the way and then as he tries to chase her out the door. She throws like a bunch of fliff money in his face and he goes to chase that instead of chasing after her which you know Amazing Symbolism Yeah I Love that. 36:52.34 Cameron I. That that's grandpa for you? Yeah yeah. 37:05.18 Matthew And ah, then we got a huge scenery change. We moved to soul. Um, which is like up until now the movie has just been nothing but color and just ah verdant and luscious and ah. 37:06.80 Cameron So. 37:13.89 Cameron Yeah. 37:22.36 Matthew Even the soundscape has just been like wonderful and soul is different soul is cacophonous and gray and black and me just stands out. She's the only 1 wearing any color even in this corporate office which is just like mirrored Chrome and tempered glass. Ah. 37:31.75 Cameron So. 37:40.97 Matthew Yeah, this office man I Just I love this scene so much. Ah, yeah, because it demonstrates like how separate the even like humanity has become from itself. The secretary won't talk to her unless she speaks through the phone even though they're. 37:41.48 Cameron Ah, man something else. 37:55.36 Cameron Yeah. 37:58.29 Matthew Like ten feet away from each other. 37:59.69 Dave Well, she wouldn't even talk. She's trying to she's talking to the security at like the front door saying like how did how did anyone even get this far so she's she's arguing with the security lady then not even talking to mija in in total. 38:05.45 Matthew A. 38:12.19 Matthew Um, yeah. 38:19.11 Dave We just like I'm just going to I'm going to go in there. 38:22.67 Matthew Yeah, and meja pulls an oakja. She just backs up. Runs forward like every time something gets smashed I wrote it like ah like my hair academia like Persimmon Smash like that. Oh this was tempered Glass Smash I Just have that written in my notes. 38:25.88 Cameron So. 38:41.52 Matthew Um, and she just like hits the glass and just like bounces right off but the the vibrations of it smash the glass and ah, there's a ah, fun little chas scene in this office with the secretary trying to chase her down. They knock over the tree that's in the ah. 38:56.28 Cameron Yet not spocking. 38:57.34 Matthew Waiting room and it's fake and like and like it's full of electrical wires and stuff. Yeah, it just like the artifice of this place is just ridiculous. Um, and we get a nice janitorial I can't find the key gag which. Classic hollywood stuff there and then she sees okkja outside a window getting loaded up into a truck with Mundo which is another like real demonstration of what this movie is saying about humanity. Um. 39:20.16 Cameron Yeah, so. 39:32.83 Matthew I Like I originally picked this film because like I I like monster movies just like the rest of you guys. But I really like when um, the monster is in the movie but the people are the monster I mean that's always the case. We're always the monster That's that's that's always the thing but like. 39:35.94 Cameron E. 39:44.34 Cameron Armenia. 39:48.74 Matthew Man everyone in this movie sucks so bad just like they're watching this sad crying thing being pushed into a truck and all they can do is take pictures for Instagram and yeah, and then even the guy yelling at them. 40:00.93 Cameron Um, ah yeah, when Mundo gets in there with the selfie stick. Yeah, it. 40:06.27 Matthew Yeah, takes the selfie stick and does it and I'm like this guy has watched this animal grow up for 10 years knows it's about to get sliced into like chops and it's just like better. Get a picture. Yeah, some pig make her smile. Yeah. 40:12.77 Cameron Yeah, some pig. 40:17.34 Dave Um, and he's like trying to lift up. Okha's like mouth to make her smile. 40:21.50 Cameron Yeah, it's messed up. 40:24.73 Matthew Ah, grotesque yeah, right? And then um, we get 1 of our first chasings in the film. Ah, and this one's great because um, it's like real like ah country mouse city mouse stuff. This little girl's got mountain endurance. 40:33.87 Cameron Yes, yes. 40:40.60 Cameron He. 40:44.37 Matthew Um, it's It's a crazy like mirror of an earlier scene like all these Hills and whatever and she's just handling it running like crazy to try to catch up with this truck with oakja in it ah to the point where she's like hanging onto the top of it and I getting like. 40:53.97 Cameron Um. 40:59.40 Cameron Yeah I love the the company driver who's completely unconcerned with the truck because it's his. It's his last day he's gonna quit and leave Seoul or whatever and he's just like yeah now. 41:02.10 Matthew Clipped off by a bridge and it's just like it. 41:08.41 Matthew Oh My God This guy. Yeah, yeah. 41:17.75 Cameron Is this truck four point two meters probably it's fine. 41:20.94 Matthew Yeah, it's fine and my first note here is I love this checked out truck driver and then then later on when he does something amazing I just have it on all caps I love this checked out truck driver. Um, yeah. 41:24.81 Cameron Yeah. 41:36.46 Cameron Um, the. 41:38.31 Matthew And this is where the aolf shows up. Um and the aolf is a real thing. Ah, it's an international leaderless decentralized organization. Um that it did start in the 1970 s 41:40.20 Cameron Yes. 41:47.30 Cameron Mm. 41:57.95 Matthew Ah, they they are well I mean a lot can be said about the a love. Um, it's the same way people talk about Pita or Greenpeace or ah they are I don't know. 42:07.13 Cameron Yeah. 42:16.25 Matthew It's hard to say a lot without getting very political very quickly. Um, but ah in this movie I think they are portrayed in the way that ah is both generous to them. But honest to them like ah. 42:29.85 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 42:34.43 Matthew Especially with the arc of the leader here Paul Danno what does what is his ah his actual j that's right, yeah, some of them have letter names and some have color names which I liked a lot. Um, silver that's right, ah and when I when they first show Paul Danno I'm like 42:37.94 Leonard I Believe it's j. 42:37.95 Cameron J. 42:43.69 Cameron God I Loved silk. Oh man. 42:44.70 Dave From silver. 42:54.60 Matthew Is that the spy from Team Fortress to because that's exactly that's exactly how I stress. Yeah. 42:55.39 Leonard Oh right? yeah. 42:59.66 Cameron Ah, he could be any 1 of us. But. 43:02.60 Leonard Um I was I was just like why is this? The only guy in a suit like what is going on with this character. 43:09.10 Cameron Yeah. 43:09.78 Dave He's the moss. 43:10.61 Matthew And then he smugly walks out and shakes a can of like spray pain and yeah, they have a they have a semi the same size as the one that's carrying okja. Um, they try very poorly in Korean to communicate. 43:22.44 Cameron So. 43:24.72 Matthew Ah, that the truck should pull over Dave if you want to speak to that I know you were talking about. Ah. 43:27.89 Dave In the yeah and that particular section they're not even like he's speaking in korean a little bit. Um but they they can't hear over like the the tunnel traffic and that and the 2 engine you had the 2 trucks. 43:34.82 Matthew A. 43:38.83 Cameron Got the sound of the engine. Yeah. 43:42.75 Matthew Ah. 43:46.50 Dave So they're they're just reduced to pantomime at that point just you know click it because you um Mundo is not wearing a seatbelt and it's like you need to put your seat up on. We're trying I was like we are going to board you. We're not errorists. 43:47.60 Matthew Yeah. 43:49.94 Cameron Yeah, no yeah I love that we are not terrorists. 43:51.94 Leonard Beaten. 43:57.27 Matthew Yeah, yeah, that is something that they repeat a lot an implicit threat of violence and then saying but we're the good guys. We're not terrorists. 43:58.79 Leonard Um, it's it. Yeah. 44:12.47 Cameron Um. 44:14.90 Leonard Um. 44:14.35 Dave They they do go out of the way they try really hard not to actually hurt people or things if they can until they do their Um, what the the non this is the non lethal takedown. So. 44:18.82 Cameron Button. 44:19.28 Leonard Anyone? Yeah, ah. 44:21.80 Matthew Um, right? ah. 44:28.40 Matthew Ah, yeah. 44:29.89 Leonard Oh yeah, um I appreciated the weird like let's invert like let's just do the the um semi like part of the semi sequence from the dark night. 44:30.29 Cameron Um, yeah. 44:44.30 Matthew And he. 44:45.82 Leonard That just popped up in this movie especially because I was just like man if the side of that if the side of that semi slides open and I see a bunch of goons and then it did and I was like all right this I'm I'm into what this movie's doing exactly right now because this is. 44:45.92 Cameron M. 44:54.40 Matthew Yeah. 44:57.12 Cameron Um. 45:02.95 Cameron Um, yeah I do I Love the alo this because they are that little bit goofy like that They're obviously played up. This is not how the organization is in real life I assume but they're they're hitting that sort of the the Hippie Vegan Green pc. 45:04.20 Leonard Goofy. 45:19.96 Matthew Yeah. 45:20.48 Cameron Stereotype really? well while still being people you empathize with and understand what they what they're doing and why they want to do it? Um, yeah yeah. 45:23.12 Leonard Um, and. 45:26.56 Matthew Yeah, that Bunk Joho does caricature but a a human caricature very well. Yeah and that yeah. 45:32.89 Leonard Yes. 45:35.65 Cameron Um, yeah, yeah and I mean like I I said for I Love Silver just not eating because he wants to minimize his footprint on the world as much as possible. Yeah. 45:44.37 Matthew Silver is taking no ethical consumption under capitalism so far, It's just yeah, transported by drugs right. 45:50.85 Cameron Come on eat this tomato it was ripened into Ethelene Gas transported in a truck like what are you doing right? now you're being transported in a truck. My man you should be I would say you should be on a horse and buggy but you would probably call that exploitation as well. Um, so walk I guess. 46:04.10 Matthew Here. 46:05.15 Dave Yeah, definitely wouldn't do that. 46:10.43 Cameron Walk after this truck with ochre in it. But yeah. 46:16.86 Matthew It's pretty great. You can see that they all like care for each other and it's a very tight group. Ah which is which is established like right away. Um, but ah, this is when oksha gets out um Mija is like. 46:18.80 Cameron In yeah well. 46:27.82 Cameron So. 46:33.38 Matthew Violently thrown from the back of the truck. Um and just like you know like kids do bounces and just gets right up and ah. 46:35.88 Cameron Um, yeah. 46:39.43 Leonard I I was like I was like that child has died when she fell off the back of the truck I was I was just like I was just like I Really listen I know suspension of disbelief but like man that. 46:44.40 Matthew Yeah, it was really violent. 46:47.35 Cameron Um. 46:57.35 Leonard That kid is actually dead. 46:59.96 Cameron My assumption was like yeah she she probably be okayishsh from the fall. But I'm just imagining all the traffic directly behind the truck I'm like ah yeah, but no, they gave they gave the truck its room. 47:05.94 Matthew Yeah, yeah, yeah, that there's a they're polite. Yeah in that korean tunnel. Um, but ah Mijin okta are reunited. 47:08.11 Leonard Yep. 47:15.64 Cameron Yeah. 47:23.20 Matthew Um, and Ocha just like smashes the hell out of a ton of cars. Um, which is pretty good truck driver says that ah um I've health insurance but not workman's comp or something like that and throws the keys out the window. Yeah, there's the keys out the window. 47:25.37 Cameron So. 47:34.87 Cameron Um, is he I'm not going to get I'm not going to get injured for this? yeah. 47:41.26 Matthew Well likeunddo's trying to call the cops and open the door which is clearly like suck against the wall like he's just yeah out of his element. Um, ah and then we got a great like blues brothers mal toss here. Ah as ah Mija and Occha are running through the mall. Um. 47:44.69 Cameron E. 47:52.34 Cameron Yeah. 48:00.92 Matthew Just lots and lots of sight guides. There must be a hospital here as well right? because there was like so many people on like like ah there's what like a woman with an eye. Yeah Crutches an Iv bag at one point. Yeah, um. 48:03.90 Cameron Yeah, well like crutches and stuff I mean it could be because because it's a Subway station. It could be like close to a hospital these are people. 48:19.27 Matthew Yeah, yeah. 48:21.35 Dave Or just beneath it I yeah wasn't like looking at the signage. Um, when I watched that part it was going really fast. So it's like a. 48:21.95 Leonard Right. 48:21.98 Cameron People taking the train back? Yeah, no, yeah yeah. 48:27.82 Matthew Right? Yeah, but we get a big crash into a bunch of ah I think it's just like chochkes and whatever. Um. 48:35.89 Cameron M. 48:39.10 Leonard I I really need to talk about that that slow mode crash because I don't know if it hit any body else. But for whatever reason, um, it was like the Zora. 48:42.97 Cameron Ah. 48:43.12 Matthew Um, yeah. 48:53.52 Leonard Crashing through the windows as decker retires her in Blade runner for me when it happened I was just like I don't know why I'm feeling exactly the same way. 49:00.69 Cameron Um. 49:05.79 Cameron Yeah, yeah, and yeah, it's this next shot is so good. It's. 49:06.95 Matthew Yeah, something innocent is innocent is being killed. That's why yeah ah yeah, oh the one with with J removing the the piece. 49:19.35 Cameron It. It's the whole the whole of that scene where like the the handlers are running in with trank guns and the rest of the rest of the aolf is just opening up Umbrellas and then yeah, they're committed. 49:22.69 Matthew Yeah, yeah, that they're like yeah that that they can yeah they're they're trained. They're they're actually doing a good job which. 49:28.46 Leonard Yeah. 49:36.16 Cameron Yeah I think. 49:39.66 Matthew You didn't expect from how goofy they were when you when you first met them. 49:40.30 Cameron Yeah, when when it push comes to shelve. They know what they're doing and then yeah behind the behind the rainbow umbrellaas opening up. We just get meter watching FDano in slow motion with the utmost emotion on its face slowly removing a piece of China. 49:46.99 Matthew Are. 49:55.70 Matthew Yeah. 49:59.45 Cameron From ocher's foot and just staring at it like his soul like his soul is broken in half. It's so good. 50:04.48 Matthew He's crying oak just crying. The music is getting intense. Yeah and it would it it mirrors again I think she removed a hedgehog from oak just foot. Yeah at the beginning of the movie. 50:09.81 Dave Down. 50:13.36 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 50:14.31 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 50:17.30 Dave Yeah, Okkja keeps stepping on things. 50:20.10 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 50:21.22 Matthew Yeah, on sharp stuff. Um, so that yeah, but yeah, the opening the umbrellas the stop and the trank guns and like the them all escaping together just a wonderful scene down there. But then the first instance this is the first of two I have written down of the aolf. 50:30.63 Cameron M d. 50:41.80 Matthew Um, ah, kind of willing to go against their credo of like non-harm when ah, it's not silver. It's who's the guy who gives Silver a tomato is this name Blonde Blonde Blonde pulls a crutch out from someone who falls over. 50:44.54 Cameron So. 50:53.51 Cameron Blonde. Yeah. 50:53.52 Dave Yeah. 50:54.58 Leonard Blonde. 50:57.00 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 51:00.19 Matthew To close a door like the immediate like violence against a human is justified to get away here. Um, which is pretty great. 51:05.53 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 51:14.40 Dave So um I was thinking when they're doing like ah well a lot of the running in this movie because it all feels like this but it was reminding me a lot of little miss sunshine and I'm going I think that's also Paul Dano and it was that was like actually 1 of his first movies. 51:19.36 Cameron I. 51:27.81 Cameron Ah, yeah. 51:29.95 Matthew That's true. Yeah, it was fault I know um they get in the aolof truck. Um ah was our member K is translating for mija. 51:42.81 Cameron Yep, so. 51:45.60 Matthew Um, poorly. Ah, he's translating Jay's like very lofty like pre-written speech. Ah yeah, um, and and he just like. 51:48.53 Cameron Oh man. Yeah. 51:58.00 Dave He's not he doesn't even try. 51:58.90 Cameron No yeah that you got the whole paragraph across with that. 52:00.19 Matthew Yeah, oh isn't there one when he just like speaks like 4 words and he's like that's it. Yeah, that's it. 52:04.72 Dave Yeah, he's like yeah that you said it said yeah it was all the is all like the the history part of the Aol f and he just was not um, the thing is his character isn't um, like. 52:11.73 Cameron E. 52:19.37 Cameron No, no okay. 52:19.63 Dave First generation korean so he doesn't necessarily know like all of the words that Paul Danos earth k is using like to to to directly translate so he was just like because he was looking at he was said he was. 52:26.88 Cameron Yeah. 52:26.89 Matthew Are. 52:33.79 Matthew Um, oh all, right. 52:39.64 Dave Distracted for one. You're looking at other stuff and then he's okay say it again like what did you say and so he starts repeating it and he's just like yeah I don't know what those words are so he just skips it. It's not important. You know here's the plan kind of but. 52:41.44 Cameron Um, yeah, yeah. 52:44.39 Cameron E. 52:50.27 Matthew Yeah. 52:57.24 Matthew And. 52:59.32 Dave Yeah, and then they they they do specifically like in film or I guess in the movie that we're watching the subtitles are they are not correct on purpose for like a little bit there. It's like a joke. 53:06.77 Cameron Yes, yeah. 53:14.43 Matthew Yeah, ah yeah I was reading I was reading about that. Um, because he when he says ah what was it learn English it'll it'll take you places he was introducing himself and apparently his character's name is because he's. 53:20.76 Dave Are yeah. 53:20.79 Cameron Yeah, so. 53:21.39 Leonard Yeah. 53:29.97 Matthew Ah, second generation korean from America um, his name was given to him that was his like grandfather's name and it's like a super old name that right? yeah and name that like people don't use anymore or something like that so that was like the in-joke. Um. 53:31.52 Cameron You. 53:38.24 Dave Um, it's old. It's his name sounds like her grandpa's name. No, it's like naming someone. Um I don't know as mealda did you like old. 53:39.99 Cameron Yeah. 53:46.18 Cameron E c. 53:48.30 Matthew Was just like. 53:52.84 Cameron Yeah. 53:52.98 Matthew Super old right? Yeah Hubert. Yeah. 53:55.81 Dave Like a name that's not in fashion. 53:58.27 Leonard Ah, you mean like naming somebody leonard. Yeah, neither is Leonard. 53:59.99 Cameron Oh Hubert no. 54:02.76 Dave Or Hubert not Leonard Hubert that's not a name you hear? Ah yes, yes, it is Leonard because we cover it almost every episode and we find people that keep getting killed in media. 54:15.47 Cameron Yeah, answer. 54:17.39 Leonard That's true. That's true I'm I'm I'm a I'm a refuge for outdated names and people yeah and people with bad ends or monsters because there was that one X file episode where he. 54:18.20 Dave Why they're evil you get or they're just done dirty. 54:25.47 Matthew A. 54:32.90 Leonard Could ah eat cancer and wegenerat himself and he was named Leonard to and I've held on to that ever since that episode premiere because I was just like I knew it nobody named Leonard in media gets a good and yes it was. 54:35.14 Cameron Oh boy. 54:45.86 Dave Um, that was when you were like ten leonard. Yeah. 54:51.10 Leonard It sure was dave. 54:54.89 Dave I was I was just listening to the gaudy episode where you were talking about your butterfly picture. So yeah, anyway, um yeah. 54:58.49 Leonard Oh yeah, yeah yeah. 55:06.56 Matthew Anyway, having an old name like this underlines again kind of how out of touch this character is um yeah, he's old fashioned. He's not from here. He's like yeah, he's out of touch and then he commits a a cardinal sin ah to the a f. 55:11.22 Cameron E. 55:11.37 Dave Yeah. 55:21.84 Cameron Um. 55:25.14 Matthew Ah, and um, Jay wants to ask mija to let oha get recaptured so they can take video evidence from inside the laboratory where okha was ah grown. Um, they have all this evidence. Um. Of Lucy Mirando coming and going from this lab in was it paramus. Ah yeah, yeah, right? Meat meat packing ah thus a hub of the United States Paramus New Jersey um and ah. 55:43.15 Cameron Yeah, New Jersey 55:51.25 Cameron There. 55:56.88 Matthew Um, but they want Ocha to be fitted with a camera to go inside so they can get more ah footage of this so they can expose Mirano's lies and and close the company. A ah I Just a dumb idea. Um. 56:09.27 Cameron And. 56:16.74 Matthew Like when has any any business disappeared in like a puff of logic like when has that ever happened. 56:21.32 Cameron Yeah. 56:23.79 Leonard Um, um, well that happened when ah Leon S Kennedy and Claire Redfield told the United States government that umbrella was doing dirty shit and then the stop market murdered umbrella and it ceased to exist. Just in time for it's neat it well well first there was new umbrella the ah terrorist organization and then there was new and then there was new umbrella but that's headed by Chris so they're the good guys. 56:41.69 Matthew But they didn't get reformed as like blue Umbrella and they work for them now all right? My point boy. Ah. 56:55.61 Matthew Or. 56:55.82 Cameron So. 56:57.35 Leonard All I'm saying is that the stock Stock Market Murdered Umbrella in the resident Evil universe because they you know caused a city to be newt. 57:01.55 Matthew Oh my god right? Yeah, but like this is like I mean it's obviously this is a Monsanto stand in mirando and no amount of poisoning entire communities or. 57:01.95 Cameron M. 57:12.64 Leonard Yes. 57:21.10 Matthew Making it making farmers unable to wash and reuse seed or whatever that Monsanto does that is terrible for the entire world. Um, none of that press has ever caused them a single drop in stock. You know so this this ah they're doomed from the git. 57:34.30 Cameron No. 57:40.83 Matthew Basically um, this this idea that making people aware of Factory farming food Inequality Animal abuse will make them like able to do anything about it. 57:42.59 Cameron Um. 57:49.36 Cameron E. 57:52.94 Dave The way you're trying to fight money with like ethics and logic doesn't work. 57:58.55 Cameron Yeah, can't can't eat ethics and logic. Unfortunately, oh yeah. 57:59.20 Matthew Um, no, it doesn't yeah and and the end of this film underlines that like hard. Um. 58:07.16 Leonard Um, um I I do appreciate that this is when they're just like hey by the way like they didn't just discover a new species. This is some horrible like genetic like they've got they've got they literally have an Umbrella lab full of mutants. 58:21.94 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 58:22.39 Matthew Is. 58:25.13 Leonard And they picked the 26 cutest mutants and then decided to turn it into a worldwide publicity tour and I'm like ah thank you I'm so glad that you addressed this thing that's literally been bugging me ever since this movie started. 58:33.87 Cameron Um. 58:36.33 Cameron I couldn't. 58:37.67 Matthew Yeah. 58:39.89 Leonard I'm I'm really glad that you are like oh no, that story that story that nobody questioned is absolute bullshit and I'm like oh thank God Okay, cool now I can now he can now I can I can let go of that that thing that's been hanging over me. 58:46.55 Matthew This this is. 58:48.94 Cameron Um, only took 10 years 58:55.51 Leonard Literally for the last forty five minutes 58:59.41 Matthew Ah, so ah, me just says no me just says I want to go back to the mountains with okakha and Kay's like she's into it and everyone like cheers and claps and they fit okkha with ah camera where her. 59:00.79 Cameron A ghost. Yeah. 59:14.74 Matthew Man It's not even a solid say hard drive like how does this pig not ruin yeah ruin this hard drive. Um, ah yeah I Guess so. 59:15.20 Cameron A black box. Yeah, it's it's yeah if you paint if you paint a box plaque. It's immune to damage. That's what the playing companies don't want to tell you. 59:23.50 Leonard It's a black box. They said it. It's where it's her black box. This pigs Pig is I'm I knew exactly? Ah, ah. 59:30.86 Dave And it's not immune to water. 59:33.13 Matthew But yeah, that's sure. 59:34.56 Cameron Why my PS 3 still works. 59:38.21 Leonard Cameron that that is startingly that is startingly close to the argument that a lot of conspiracy theorists make where they say well if the black box can survive a an a plane crash. Why isn't the entire plane made out of the material that the black box is made out of. 59:49.82 Cameron Um, here ah see see they did that but it was the world's most expensive and useless spy plane the blackbird s r 73 59:59.70 Matthew A. 01:00:01.92 Cameron And they don't want to produce any more of those so we can't have the entire plane made of black box. 01:00:03.15 Leonard Um. 01:00:10.90 Cameron Yeah, um, yes, she's got a little health recording device and now it's a health recording device plus camera. Yeah. 01:00:16.49 Matthew Yeah, plus camera exactly? Um, and yeah, you're right? Dave um, these people are technological idiots because they to escape this. They jump out of the truck off a bridge into the water which is. 01:00:30.42 Cameron Um. 01:00:32.12 Matthew It's pretty cool but going like sixty miles an hour and hitting water from that high up that doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me. Um, break break a lot. Yeah, there was this old bridge. We used to jump off when we were kids. Um, that was about it was a truss bridge. 01:00:38.57 Dave Um, now it would like break the bones in your body. 01:00:48.72 Cameron Written. 01:00:50.64 Matthew Was about maybe three stories off of this like slow moving River that was extremely deep so you would just pencil dive in and you'd be fine. It would hurt like hell on your feet but you know it was like a thrill that you would do and some kids would climb up the trusses and jump from there. And ah, every couple years some kid would jump wrong and if you landed wrong, you'd break a whole bunch of stuff. Um, so just watching these people jump off this bridge just brought back all these memories of like oh no, that's Bad. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. 01:01:18.96 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:01:22.20 Dave Yeah, when there it's like the flail jumping I mean you can't see where you're going when you're jumping off that thing you don't even know if you're to hit the bridge like they're just jumping out of the moving beef. 01:01:26.86 Matthew Yeah, yeah. 01:01:28.52 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:01:34.90 Matthew And instead of using a dry bag. Ah I forget I forget who did it but it was Kay trusted in another corporation. You should never trust the ziploc corporation. Those bags are garbage. Um. 01:01:35.98 Cameron Yeah, they use the zip lock Mark if. 01:01:38.88 Leonard It It was K It was k. 01:01:42.30 Dave Um, it was gay. 01:01:50.36 Dave Um, he couldn't if he had double zip blocked and it may have worked. Yeah. 01:01:52.16 Matthew And I didn't use a dry bag use a ziploc. Yeah, maybe maybe but like dry bags exist man like I I have I boat like I have a dry bag and it works great. Get get a dry bag. Yeah, you'll be. You'll be great, but ah yeah. 01:01:54.19 Cameron Yeah. 01:02:02.75 Dave You get the get go. You'll be fine. 01:02:10.77 Matthew Ah, so all of their phones were completely wrecked from jumping in the water there. Um and ah Mija and okja are recaptured. Um, it gets filmed by a lot of people. Ah the security and police arresting mija. Um. 01:02:24.17 Cameron Mm. 01:02:29.85 Matthew Ah, like manhandling her and stuff and and that cuts right back to ah ah Mirando we're at a board meeting Gus Frang is there what? what? what is his name. Ah. 01:02:43.10 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:02:45.20 Dave Um, gespoito. 01:02:48.26 Matthew Gian Carlos but is itto. Yeah, who's fantastic and he's always just like loke menacing and everything he does is wonderful. Um, and a bunch of other yeah well because he wasn't the top dog. He was an ask kisser. Yeah. 01:02:53.76 Cameron He's incredible. 01:02:54.91 Dave He tone it down for this one. He he he wasn't as terrifying. No no, no, he's like the side ling. 01:03:02.14 Leonard Um, well he he's he he's he's doing. He's doing it far for the incoming Ceo because we get that shot of him placing his phone now. 01:03:15.12 Cameron Yeah. 01:03:15.28 Leonard Face down on the table and it's obviously on a call and we you know it's obviously going to Nancy because that's where ultimately his loyalties lie so he's just like yeah sure, whatever sultan. 01:03:17.16 Matthew Um, yeah. 01:03:21.78 Dave Yeah. 01:03:24.32 Cameron E. 01:03:28.30 Matthew Now. 01:03:30.29 Leonard Ah, yeah, I'll just replace you with another Sultan that is slightly more psychotic. 01:03:36.81 Matthew Again, The theory that it's the same character. Ah that that there's only one til is when he's just trying to like break her ah and like make her paranoid by putting his phone down. Maybe that's not actually happening. Um, yeah. 01:03:44.70 Cameron 3 01:03:50.69 Leonard Um, yeah I do what? Yeah why the film and film itself. Yeah. 01:03:51.19 Dave Um, I mean it was set to Nancy like on the on the call. 01:03:51.81 Cameron E yeah. 01:03:54.78 Matthew Yeah, yeah, but if if the subtitles aren't a reliable narrator. Why should the? Ah why should the images be yeah, but yes, Jer. 01:03:59.60 Dave Like the the phone. 01:04:07.23 Leonard I Mean it worked for heavy rain where. 01:04:09.23 Cameron Its true True god. 01:04:14.10 Matthew Ah, but ah Lucy is freaking out. Um because there is video footage of Cobb subduing a young girl who's just trying to save her pet right? That's right? Oh the you. 01:04:22.59 Cameron Ah, not even cops. It's Mirando Corp employees in the uniform which is even worse. Yeah. 01:04:24.70 Leonard Yeah, that I designed. 01:04:30.76 Matthew Oh yes, this was a note I have I'm like it's fascism one. Oh one she designed the goddam security uniforms this is like I mean Dolce and gabaana like that those are those nazi uniforms man. Yeah, so. 01:04:36.73 Cameron Yeah, fashion and fascism have the same root word. We've all seen kill the kill. Um, yeah. 01:04:42.42 Leonard Um, she fit me. 01:04:49.16 Matthew Ah, yeah, just her fashion in this is just so so bizarre and so very very good. 01:04:51.75 Leonard Oh I Love it I Love I Love every single scene that she's and I love that she is trying to make herself so pale that she's like the iridescent like rain road strip on a dark rainy highway like she is. 01:04:52.97 Cameron And right. 01:05:04.45 Cameron Um, yeah, yeah. 01:05:06.73 Matthew Um. 01:05:10.50 Leonard Illuminate like actually put creating illumination herself in every scene that she's in as Lucy. 01:05:14.63 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:05:19.15 Matthew Yeah, ah but ah gus. Ah I don't know what he's making. It's not coffee I don't know like but is it because he just like puts like a chunk of something in where you're supposed to put the grounds and. 01:05:25.30 Leonard Like an espresso. 01:05:26.47 Cameron And stumblin. 01:05:26.59 Dave Um, it's espresso. Yeah. 01:05:31.60 Leonard Oh yeah. 01:05:33.85 Matthew Like and then just steam's milk and it doesn't really show it all the way. So I thought like the joke was he doesn't know what he's doing but I don't know maybe maybe that's just just bad editing. Yeah. 01:05:44.25 Dave Um, it it just watching it. It read as if he didn't know what he was doing. 01:05:47.66 Leonard It Yes, that's what I thought at first too. But then I realized I was like oh yeah, it's like Shorthand like oh he just had like a pod that was like a preground pod that he just threw in there I'm like yes I know that doesn't work but like. 01:05:55.10 Matthew E. 01:06:05.51 Leonard With the machinery and and the process like we're not going to sit here although to like to to have her sit there waiting for somebody to give her an idea and him go through the process of making an entire espresso before making the suggestion. 01:06:08.31 Dave A time it would have sat there to have to do. 01:06:11.42 Matthew Yeah. 01:06:24.28 Matthew Right? It's also a baller move because that thing's loud as hell like it would drown out anybody else talking like yeah yeah, so he comes up with the the worm tongue idea. 01:06:24.40 Leonard Actually kind of would have been a really good bet. Yes. 01:06:27.88 Cameron I. 01:06:32.52 Dave Just turns it off. 01:06:35.23 Cameron God and it. 01:06:41.33 Matthew Saying hey make this little girl the face of the company. Um, you know, bring her in let her reunite with her pet. You know, make sure she goes home with it Blah Blah Blah um and makes it makes it seem like it's her idea. 01:06:42.18 Cameron Button up. 01:06:48.66 Cameron Yeah, so. 01:06:54.28 Leonard But but but I I'm the face of the company. Yes I was just about to say that of course you were. 01:06:56.20 Dave It's so she repeats it and then she's like I was just thinking of that. It's. 01:06:59.52 Cameron Yeah God was so in sync. 01:07:01.69 Matthew Oh yeah, yeah, and yes, you're right? We do get the Jake Jllenha ah I I aren't I the prettiest pony not anymore. 01:07:12.77 Leonard Yes, I'm I'm the face of the company. 01:07:14.82 Dave He he comes from around the corner like he's he's just eavesdropping and he comes around. He's so like Prima Donna upset 01:07:14.92 Cameron Um, yeah. 01:07:18.53 Matthew Yeah. 01:07:19.70 Cameron Sidle in. Yeah. 01:07:23.86 Leonard The craziest thing about it is like he's in it like a separate boardroom with the door closed. So the only thing that I can imagine is that he decided to sit in there but with like the speaker on. 01:07:23.88 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:07:24.40 Matthew Is. 01:07:31.27 Cameron So. 01:07:38.54 Cameron Yes. 01:07:42.27 Matthew That's where they made him sit. Yeah. 01:07:42.68 Leonard And then when the idea came up to replace him. He's like I know you and that's when I was like oh this is a cartoon character because he was wearing those shorts again I was like I this this. 01:07:51.17 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:07:54.15 Dave Well, he's whining he's whining in a way that people don't normally do Yeah yeah. 01:07:56.50 Matthew Yeah, adults don't Yeah, yeah, yeah, but ah, she yeah she cuts them in half immediately. Um. 01:08:02.22 Leonard Um, ah well adjustted adults. Don't whine because I've seen adults wine exactly like that. 01:08:02.40 Cameron Yeah way that adults shouldn't. 01:08:13.43 Leonard Yep. 01:08:14.21 Matthew Just be like yeah you done weighing your options. Great um, and ah, what is next year oh we yeah we get cut back to ah ah mija and her grandfather and Mundo right. 01:08:20.14 Cameron Yeah. 01:08:29.87 Cameron And. 01:08:31.69 Leonard Do yeah um. 01:08:32.89 Matthew Um, and Mundo is warning ah, ah grandpa you're selling her image to this company. She will not be a free agent ever again. They are going to own her and grandpa's like yeah great got it awesome and. 01:08:42.92 Cameron Awesome! Thank you. 01:08:44.44 Dave So much money. 01:08:47.92 Matthew So much money and it's just such a quick scene but it's just like oh man, this guy sucks and um, ah and she gets some roots to chew on in case, she gets ah air sick. Yeah. 01:08:59.66 Cameron Plain sick. 01:09:00.20 Dave Just don't make Ape right? Yeah, here's a while. Well if she doesn't get them. He's trying to give them to her and she gets whisked away. 01:09:06.91 Cameron O. 01:09:07.37 Matthew Oh that's true. Yeah, um, and then ah we get The is this the flight here right? Um, yeah, where she's. 01:09:16.37 Cameron E. 01:09:16.84 Dave Yeah. 01:09:23.11 Matthew Reading that learned to speak English book. Um, which I mean they comes up later but I guess yeah, um, and yeah. 01:09:23.60 Cameron And. 01:09:29.42 Cameron Yeah, go to know what they're talking about. 01:09:34.74 Dave Well, it's already. It's already screwed her over once she's not she's not dumb. So. 01:09:41.61 Matthew Right? Um, is this where we get the nancy intro or is is next where she is just asked being asked to comply with Mirando cause ah. Think I think this is the first nancy phone call right. 01:10:01.59 Dave Yes, where it's where Nancy calls um or does she call him right here I think she calls her first when it's like no yeah, she calls her to like to reassure her in a weird way. 01:10:02.50 Cameron Ah, this is ah yeah. 01:10:02.64 Matthew A. 01:10:06.92 Cameron The. 01:10:16.61 Matthew Um. 01:10:18.14 Leonard Oh when she is that when the the the um portrait is delivered the best Ceo the companies ever had and I'm like oh wow, that's really that's like the most backhandedity backhanded compliment that. 01:10:19.59 Matthew The Portrait is delivered. Yes, yeah yeah. 01:10:21.66 Cameron Yeah, that's the 1 01:10:23.20 Dave Yeah. 01:10:34.52 Leonard Because I'm like already aware that until this one's playing 2 characters. So I'm just like oh oh you two really do hate each other twinsies. 01:10:37.46 Matthew A. 01:10:39.35 Cameron Umm. 01:10:45.53 Cameron Yep twinies. 01:10:48.19 Matthew Yeah, ah, but then yeah after that after she's like done driving herself crazy. Ah Mija is um, being asked like forcibly to comply with um. 01:11:01.70 Cameron In. 01:11:03.98 Matthew But is going on at Mirando being told to wear the dress that was designed for her. Ah by the very shrill secretary who in no uncertain terms says you're wearing this dress or your pet's going to be pork chops sorry kid. 01:11:06.64 Cameron Cut. Yeah. 01:11:19.84 Matthew The Korean translator is like kind of like checked out I don't know if he's even translating or not um, yeah, just kind of like on his phone or whatever it's It's just like just a room full of useless people getting paid way too much in a very expensive hotel. 01:11:22.38 Dave He wasn't. 01:11:31.50 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:11:36.77 Matthew And then mi gets put into a room to put on her dress and fuck creep. So j is ah in the back. Yeah, it's Paul Dano yeah Yeah he's he's got his glasses on his great disguise. He's dressed as a bell hop. 01:11:43.59 Cameron Um, it's Paul Nano it's Paul Dano guys we didn't know that was Paul Dano before he wasn't wearing the glasses. 01:11:47.20 Leonard Yeah, exactly. 01:11:53.50 Cameron Yeah, yeah, and then he does the love actually bit. 01:11:54.79 Matthew And he's like standing behind a sheer curtain so you can see him even when he's behind the curtain. It's just so silly. Yep, he does love actually he has a cue cards written in Korean and english. Ah yeah. 01:11:55.27 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 01:12:09.47 Dave And those were correct at least. 01:12:12.25 Cameron Oh that's good. Yeah. 01:12:13.87 Matthew Those were correct. Um, ah to what his plan is. 01:12:15.28 Leonard I wanted I I wanted it to be like I just wanted it to like and then like this movie ends and he's on a bus to Gotham and we're just like and this is the riddler or. 01:12:27.69 Cameron Yeah, and that's the riddler man that would actually rule. 01:12:29.91 Matthew Um, it would make sense. It would make sense. Yeah, be fantastic. Oh we missed? Um, ah K Ah um, like outing himself we missed. 01:12:31.19 Leonard This is the Riddler Origin story if. 01:12:42.28 Cameron Yeah, getting banished. 01:12:45.82 Matthew Yeah, oh yeah, I'm sorry I missed a big spot in my notes here. Um yeah, we missed the darkest part of the movie. Um, ah before Kay reveals himself and and stuff like that they are watching the footage of oakja in the laboratory. 01:12:53.58 Cameron So. 01:13:04.32 Matthew Which shows off all the little freak pigs and then the ah the breeding pit. Um, which is just horrifying. Ah yeah, the the male of the species is shown off to be just like this giant aggressive thing. Um Jake Gyllenhall is there. 01:13:10.67 Cameron Um, yeah, oh yeah. 01:13:19.21 Cameron So. 01:13:23.83 Matthew Drunk. Um, and I tried to look up the instrument that he uses to core that he takes a core ah piece of meat from from Ocha because like you know I've seen that used on trees and stuff to check the age of trees and stuff I've and I've seen it done on like ah. 01:13:29.24 Dave A course sample. Yeah. 01:13:30.91 Cameron Mm. 01:13:35.60 Cameron Yeah. 01:13:42.54 Cameron Yeah, no, yeah, it was gross. But. 01:13:43.20 Matthew Carcasses of animals but never a live coring thing. Yeah, so oak you gets some? Yeah, it's gross and and and like violating and terrible oakha gets some meat removed. Ah a panel of ah. 01:13:54.16 Cameron So. 01:14:02.19 Matthew Would you call them like a focus group. Yeah yeah. 01:14:03.96 Cameron Experts yeah, food tastes that that was my favorite Jake Gllenha bit actually is like I've got to take some meat for you I'm not allowed to eat it. We have tasters for that. He's so annoyed that he can't even enjoy the fruits of his genetic labor. Um. 01:14:17.97 Matthew Um, yeah, he's mad at everything and then and then we cut to something I think that is poignant but wasn't really underlined a lot. Um, there is a facility filled with workers. 01:14:23.57 Cameron So. M. 01:14:31.13 Matthew That are just watching him be drunk and abuse an animal and just are like whatever. Ah yeah, and it's. 01:14:32.82 Cameron Yeah, this is our job I guess. 01:14:37.17 Dave Yeah, it's a big glass like viewing window pane thing and there's they're just right there watching it but and they're not doing anything. 01:14:46.90 Cameron No m. 01:14:46.85 Matthew Yeah, it's a real for evil to Triumph Good men must do nothing kind of moment. 01:14:51.88 Leonard That I mean I I wasn't joking when I said it was a ah literal Umbrella lab like that like everyone's complete. Everyone's complicit in what's going on here. 01:14:55.88 Cameron Yeah, it really is oh you you know that like 2 rooms over. They've got the super pig human combination experiment or whatever. Oh man. 01:14:57.46 Matthew Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:15:07.15 Matthew Oh all the little freak pigs that they walk by on the way in the one that like can't walk and stuff and oh it's heartbreaking. It really is and set design here is just I mean just the grime on the walls. 01:15:15.50 Cameron It's rough. Yeah. 01:15:19.90 Dave It's it's optimal to be like disgusting. It looks like the the rooms in saw I mean it's just like this just like that disgusting. 01:15:24.23 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:15:24.64 Matthew Um, yeah, yeah. 01:15:26.50 Leonard Um, it yeah I was it I was just like I was just like oh yeah, this is this. They absolutely filmed a nine Inch nails video in this place once upon a time like absolutely or part of the cell. 01:15:37.75 Matthew Ah. 01:15:39.21 Cameron Um. 01:15:42.55 Matthew Yeah, yeah, like at some point this was like a clean place but like it's so old that like the foundation has sunk all the tiles are kind of popping off the wall. There's like grime everywhere. Everything's like wet. It's just it's nasty. Um, but. 01:15:44.20 Leonard And in one of these rooms. 01:15:45.54 Cameron Um. 01:15:51.96 Leonard A. 01:15:52.60 Cameron M. 01:15:59.17 Cameron That Yeah yeah. 01:16:02.49 Matthew Ah, after after the core is taken and stuff like that and okha is forcibly bred. Um, ah Oha is like trauma responding and running away and hiding in corners and. 01:16:09.78 Cameron So. Yeah. 01:16:20.35 Matthew Is a very changed animal. Ah, and we cut to the aolf watching this footage and like you know I think red is screaming to turn it off or or yeah, yeah, we shouldn't have done this. Yeah. 01:16:21.14 Cameron Button. 01:16:33.11 Cameron Yeah, or at least turn it down. Um yeah. 01:16:33.55 Dave They're all I mean they're all just like shock watching it like ah yeah. 01:16:40.33 Matthew And it's It's very like we're making the world's biggest omelet like we're going to have to crack a bunch of eggs to do this but their whole we our entire thing is never harm animals and they put an animal like they tie it to a railroad track. Yeah, it's so much harm. 01:16:52.44 Cameron Um, in so much. Um, yeah. 01:16:57.70 Dave Well and the thing is that is their plan for what it was supposed to be should have in this instance should have worked aside from the evil corporation being. 01:16:59.20 Matthew So. 01:17:16.85 Matthew A. 01:17:17.29 Dave Composed of idiots and when Jake Gllenal's character got like kind of canned like I mean didn't really get. Cant you just got sort of got pushed aside he went off and did things he wasn't supposed to be doing like he's he's like I'm not supposed to do this. He's just drunk and upset. 01:17:19.69 Cameron Um. 01:17:22.20 Cameron Yeah. 01:17:28.23 Cameron Yes, not supposed to leave any marks. Yeah. 01:17:28.78 Matthew So. 01:17:36.45 Dave And they can't I can't do things that would get you hurt. But you know yeah so this stuff shouldn't have been invasive. They should have just been doing the general like wellness checkup things. 01:17:37.71 Leonard That mar you you gotta look pretty. Yeah. 01:17:39.92 Cameron Got to be perfect. Yeah. 01:17:40.50 Matthew Okay. 01:17:52.70 Cameron So yeah, oh yeah, yeah yeah. 01:17:54.50 Leonard Right. 01:17:54.90 Dave But of course is a terrible place anyway. So You can't like rule that out I mean they they took her to like this. So. Yeah, it's bad. 01:18:03.85 Matthew Yeah, yeah, and it's enough to break K and ah K reveals that he lied to the rest of the group mija never supported this plan. 01:18:06.41 Cameron And. 01:18:16.73 Leonard Get yep. 01:18:16.83 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:18:17.28 Matthew And Paul Daniel kicks a shit out him um translation is sacred. He says ah kicks him out of the group. Ah and says that he'll return his his a v equipment when they're done with the mission. 01:18:33.57 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:18:35.24 Matthew So like what kind of high school like production. Are you running here? man where it's it's like 1 guy brought a camcorder from home. Yeah, that's sure it's pretty good. Um, but yeah, that was that was previous to mija. 01:18:38.49 Dave Pay it to sell they all bring their own stuff. 01:18:41.59 Cameron So. 01:18:52.33 Matthew Ah, getting a dress being um, told the plan by Paul Dano to not turn around when their plan is enacted because there are things that she does not want to see. 01:19:05.28 Cameron Yep yep. 01:19:07.88 Leonard And then and then he does his cool James Bond move where he's jumps on a fire escape ladder and slowly lowers down to street level. 01:19:14.29 Matthew And he. 01:19:20.63 Leonard And throws all of his costume accoutrements in the trash and retrieves his very smart jacket. 01:19:25.77 Matthew Yeah, just the unearned confidence on this guy is just he plays it so well. We don't know what any of his other accomplishments are we don't know anything else that he does but he just like. 01:19:26.80 Cameron Yet important. 01:19:39.84 Matthew He's very smooth in what he does because he it's almost as if he's not thinking half the time. 01:19:42.57 Leonard Right? He he the the thing the thing that he does is like hold the group together like that's that's the like yeah he's the boss. Yeah, just like the ridr. 01:19:42.63 Cameron Is fifty fifty 01:19:52.00 Dave He's the boss. 01:19:53.20 Matthew He's a charismatic leader. Yeah exactly. Um. 01:19:59.40 Dave Um, well it's it's like it's like if you have a chariss like he should be a bad guy. He's not a bad guy here. Um, but if you have like a James Bond villain and all their plans. 01:20:00.15 Cameron Um, me. 01:20:05.53 Cameron No. 01:20:05.83 Leonard Right. 01:20:15.38 Dave Would work if they hadn't hired like idiots. It's kind of like what he's doing here. It's just the reverse like morals like he's a good guy and he has good people but everyone's kind of dumb. 01:20:19.35 Leonard Um. 01:20:23.40 Matthew A. 01:20:23.28 Leonard You write. 01:20:27.57 Matthew Yeah, it's a very road to hell is paved with good intentions kind of thing like what they want is correct and how they're doing. It is like probably ineffectual and damaging to the people around them. 01:20:30.70 Cameron Yeah, um. 01:20:34.44 Leonard Yes. 01:20:43.14 Cameron Yes. 01:20:43.70 Dave Yeah, but I don't know that they have like other options not when they're trying to affect like change on that kind of level like you don't stuff doesn't work just because you like. 01:20:49.44 Matthew Um, yeah, that's true. 01:21:00.47 Dave Negotiate peacefully unless you have the money. 01:21:02.40 Matthew Oh yeah, yeah for sure and that is proved at the end of this film. Um, yeah at the climax of this film. Um, right? So there's a big parade happening for the 10 year celebration of super pigg. Everyone is eating. 01:21:05.54 Dave There. 01:21:19.20 Matthew Pig Jerky which is definitely a pickled sausage that's not jerky I I know a pickled sausage when I see it. Um, everyone seems to enjoy it. Ah. 01:21:20.35 Cameron Yep, no. 01:21:20.91 Leonard Um, it is absolutely a pickled sausage. Yes, ah. 01:21:30.00 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:21:31.68 Matthew Nancy has sent Lucy some flowers delivered by Jean Carlo there um there's just like a lot of set dressing and tension built up to this moment. Ah, you see everyone getting kind of in place. There is a potato gun filled with ah potato filled with nails to pop a giant pig balloon which rules and makes me want to build another potato gun I haven't had one of those since I was a kid. 01:21:51.99 Leonard Dicky. Yep. 01:21:58.71 Leonard I thought she was going to fire it at Jake Jones Hall and I was like I was like um, big because because I was because I was getting like the the commissioners like. 01:21:58.94 Cameron Um, yeah God that would be so gory. Always. 01:22:01.53 Dave Um, yeah I did do that will kill him. 01:22:09.29 Matthew Yeah, ah yeah god. 01:22:16.42 Leonard Funeral service vibes from the dark night once again, another dark night from this whole parade because it's a really like kind of it's kind of like just said in that ah it feels like it's said in an alley because it's so narrow. The street is so narrow. Um, because it's New York of course 01:22:17.60 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:22:19.19 Matthew A. 01:22:27.68 Cameron E. 01:22:27.72 Matthew A. 01:22:33.16 Leonard Ah, but I'm just like there are all these buildings and like they're all these people and I'm just like is she kind ah is she going to fire this potato fields with nails at Jake Chill and all because that's a turn that I absolutely. 01:22:43.84 Cameron 60 01:22:50.70 Leonard Would not expect from this movie. 01:22:50.35 Matthew Yeah I mean Batman returns was the was the one with the the parade and the carnival and the balloons. So you're not, you're not too far off Mark there. Yeah. 01:22:50.90 Cameron Yeah. 01:22:51.10 Dave Or that group. 01:23:00.27 Leonard Right? Yeah, that meant? Yeah yeah, they they like their they like their their street festivals in Gotham Safest city in the country. 01:23:01.39 Dave And and Batman I think that's when they release telling gas. 01:23:03.35 Cameron And. 01:23:08.83 Matthew Yeah. 01:23:13.71 Dave To do a street festival. Oh yeah. 01:23:15.31 Cameron Um. 01:23:17.23 Matthew Yeah, ah and like ah Paul Dano as the ridler. Ah, this dude's got sleeper agents everywhere. Um, they flat yeah different lettering on different layers. Yeah. 01:23:23.35 Dave And they they flash their shirt like it's great. 01:23:23.95 Cameron Ah, it's so good. Yeah yeah, the letter jacket combined with ah with the shirt. Yeah, it's real good. It's It's a decentralized movement. They got to they got to identify each other somehow. 01:23:26.70 Leonard Yeah. 01:23:32.97 Matthew Yeah, it's yeah. 01:23:39.48 Leonard Um, man I I would love it if the casting if to like if it just came out that they cast him just based on his performance and this cast him as the riddler on it based on his performance in this. 01:23:47.82 Matthew This is. 01:23:54.64 Leonard That would make me so happy. 01:23:57.79 Cameron Um, yeah. 01:24:01.85 Matthew So we get Jake jellenhall introducing um Lucy Mirando who does a speech in an amazing dress. Um. 01:24:12.17 Dave Um, so she's wearing a Mirando version of the handbook the traditional um women's clothing. That's why it looked that way. Um, be oh. 01:24:19.65 Cameron So. 01:24:20.68 Matthew Oh all, right? Wow Yeah yeah. 01:24:24.40 Cameron A little appropriative but that's a corporation for you. 01:24:29.88 Dave It it is and she's trying to match with ah mija so she gave mija like the western weird that I don't know what that was Mirando version her clothing designs. Not great, but yeah, the giant pink humboke was like. 01:24:33.40 Cameron So yeah. 01:24:33.43 Leonard Right. 01:24:33.74 Matthew A. 01:24:40.12 Cameron Yeah. 01:24:49.22 Dave Weird because honeybbook is like very very colorful like there's a lot of its blues greens pink but not just like 1 You don't like you don't monochrome. It's like not not a mono monochromatic dress. 01:24:53.14 Cameron Mm Okay m. 01:25:01.70 Cameron No no. 01:25:03.10 Leonard You could only you can only place til this when around enough colors before the universe implodes in it on itself day they could not do yeah. 01:25:11.60 Cameron And she starts to yeah before she starts reflecting the ambient colors and she's no longer just pale. Yeah. 01:25:12.25 Dave Well, she's already very bright in this particular film. She's and she's incandescent with ineptitude. Yeah. 01:25:14.53 Matthew Yeah. 01:25:24.55 Leonard Yeah, yeah, is it like ah man I looked at her. There was a color I had never see. 01:25:30.91 Cameron A Kala out of space. 01:25:34.84 Matthew But some sort of human prism. Yep exactly? yeah ah okta gets delivered to the stage. 01:25:37.62 Dave That's that's the the purple she was going for. 01:25:38.20 Cameron Ah, so yeah, yeah, and. 01:25:41.34 Leonard Um. 01:25:48.29 Matthew Oksha is of course wounded and blinded and all sorts of messed up does not even recognize Mija um does not want the persimmon and sort of starts ah rampaging just a little bit and then yeah. 01:25:49.78 Cameron But yeah. So. 01:26:02.57 Cameron Rampaging just a little. So. 01:26:06.35 Matthew Then the pig balloon pops. Um, ah the a v feed has been hacked by blonde to show everything that oaksha recorded inside the facility. Um Jake Jll Hall immediately starts public apology tour 2017 01:26:12.80 Cameron Written. 01:26:21.88 Cameron Yeah, yeah I got to get on top of this. 01:26:23.45 Leonard Yeah, well. 01:26:25.39 Matthew Just on the spot and then yeah and then gets pulled down into the crowd I think and that's the last last last we see a him Everything is just falling down all over the place and then. 01:26:33.76 Cameron M. Yeah, yep. 01:26:41.82 Matthew Immediately Nancy shows up and it's just like you're done this this way of doing things is over. It's time to be the cold hard monsters that we are where they they keep saying the word business as if it means something man. He daddy new business. 01:26:51.54 Cameron Yes, yeah. 01:27:01.38 Matthew What does that mean though. 01:27:03.19 Leonard It's it's it's the it's the appropriate term for our father was a monster like you keep telling the press because he was a monster. He was like a huge like human rights violating Monstrous asshole and you keep trying to. 01:27:06.76 Matthew Yeah, it. 01:27:16.56 Cameron Um, like didn't he yeah. 01:27:19.61 Leonard Rehabilitate his reputation and our company's reputation by wasting all of this money and time tried to convince the public that we aren't what we actually are so I kind of actually respect Nancy for being like. 01:27:22.60 Matthew Um, right. 01:27:25.30 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:27:32.46 Cameron Don't they yeah own it? Yeah yeah, yeah, because don't they say their father like invented napalm for the Vietnam War or something is like yeah okay, we get it. 01:27:36.27 Leonard Honest about it at the very least. 01:27:37.88 Matthew Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just yeah, just the worst ever. But like even though she's like trying to disown him they nothing but respect like you know. 01:27:44.35 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:27:44.52 Dave Um, yeah. 01:27:49.57 Cameron Not a good corporation. Yeah, oh yeah, got to respect Daddy who. 01:27:57.32 Matthew Nothing. Yeah yeah, you by no means got a handed tool. 01:27:57.72 Leonard Well except it except for Lucy Lucy everything with like the the snippets of like her history is like yeah they're twins but the father clearly favored Nancy over Lucy and like. 01:28:13.60 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:28:17.34 Matthew Um. 01:28:17.43 Leonard Ah, psychologically abused her during her entire like formative years into possibly adulthood and that she like still has some sort of respect for the man to the point where she's. Desperately trying to rehabilitate this monstrous nightmare corporation that he built but like failing and flailing at it at every moment because she's also still off and Nancy just revels in it. She's like yeah I'm got I'm gonna I'm going to be a. 01:28:42.80 Matthew Are. 01:28:45.89 Cameron Yeah. 01:28:53.10 Leonard Piece of shit because that's what how business gets done. 01:28:54.74 Matthew Yeah, and that's why like this this scene specifically is like I think this is the same person who just got split in half because of their terrible father 1 is like the side trying to be like a little girl and dresses like a little girl and has braces and acts like a little girl and. 01:28:54.86 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:29:03.27 Cameron Written. 01:29:11.44 Cameron Um. 01:29:13.87 Matthew Like they even like they light their cigarette together. It's the same cigarette one is pink 1 is black. It's green. Oh that's right, yeah because Nancy everything is green. That's right, it's green. So it's just like a split right down the middle. It was a mirror image when they were doing that from going to like hear your childish ideals that need to be crushed. 01:29:15.67 Leonard Yes, when it's current. No green I thought yeah. 01:29:15.90 Cameron Yes. 01:29:21.58 Cameron Yes, yes. 01:29:28.81 Cameron So. 01:29:33.77 Matthew In order to be this horrible adult that everyone already knows you to be and you're just lying to yourself about. 01:29:38.30 Leonard There There is a part of me that wonders like if this had been direct like if everything if everything had been the same but like this part specifically had been um, like directed by a Western director whether or not she would have actually have had. 01:29:38.47 Cameron Very much. 01:29:57.14 Leonard Disassociative identity disorder the entire time and then actually just shifted into nancy after after it blows up in Lucy's face I it probably be worse. Ah because I I'd like. 01:29:58.20 Matthew A. 01:30:02.35 Cameron A. 01:30:12.58 Matthew Um, yeah. 01:30:13.33 Leonard Seeing to til the swindens act against 1 another um ah but like I just wonder about like the weird little tweak of like because you know the movie has lied to us has had characters provide information that they tell us is the truth and then lie to us. 01:30:13.82 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:30:31.50 Leonard Multiple times so I would I I was wondering like oh that would be like the best ultimate lie to tell where there is an ah Nancy and a Lucy. It's just one person. 01:30:37.89 Matthew A. 01:30:40.10 Cameron Um. 01:30:42.66 Matthew Yeah, and why would you keep G and carlo around you if he was kind if even after she knew he betrayed her gave her the flowers from her sister allowed the portrait to be delivered but blah blah like didn't get rid of him kept them. You know. 01:30:45.33 Cameron Lengthy. 01:30:50.14 Cameron N. 01:30:52.41 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 01:30:59.48 Cameron Yep. 01:31:00.84 Matthew Ah, and it's because he was just waiting for nancy to come back. You know? yeah, it's still it. You know, fantasy movie, fun stuff. But Nancy does the real work and calls in the ah blackwater equivalent black chalk. Yeah. 01:31:02.29 Cameron Maybe. 01:31:10.63 Cameron Yep. 01:31:15.12 Leonard Yes. 01:31:17.10 Cameron Chalk. Yeah. 01:31:19.46 Matthew Ah, which I don't know if that name is inspired by anything other than blackwater if black chalk has some significance somewhere else I wasn't able to find it. Yeah but ah blackwater is I mean they're called something else now right? like x something or they they've changed your name like 3 times since then. 01:31:22.64 Cameron And yeah, not to my knowledge. But. 01:31:27.15 Dave I wasn't aware of anything. Yeah yeah, they had to change their name. Well, there's been a lot of issues. 01:31:38.69 Cameron Yeah, in a lot of war crimes. Um. 01:31:39.30 Matthew Um, yeah, right? Yeah, but they show up in like full armored vehicles. The cops are bought out. Protesters are just ah, violently tackled down which is you know as poignant now as it ever was. 01:31:55.96 Cameron Yep. 01:31:58.40 Matthew And everyone pretty much gets ah taken out except for k mija and Jy and okkcha um they what is it that they that okksha gets pulled off of the truck. 01:32:04.59 Cameron Yes. 01:32:13.69 Cameron Yeah Grapple Las ogu. 01:32:13.86 Matthew Somehow with some sort of grappling hook or I'm not sure how okha got tied up a lasso. Yeah. 01:32:15.70 Leonard Yeah, he I I was like okay these guys are actually professionally trained since he managed the Lasso a trotter of a giant Pig hippo in a moving semi truck. 01:32:16.00 Dave It was ah it was a lasso like the what you used to catch a dog. 01:32:21.66 Matthew Yeah. 01:32:30.29 Matthew And then like the driver was just like all right and then you just hear the reverse sound just like oh shit. Yeah, that was pretty intense. 01:32:32.68 Cameron Um, yep, yeah, aquiversing in a narrow alley. Oh boy. 01:32:41.21 Leonard I I I kind of yeah I Really I really because it took me a while to register what was's happening I was like why are they run run like running away and I'm like oh it's just because the truck's just not going to stop and there's nowhere for them to go other than away from it. 01:32:56.44 Dave Yeah, it's it's all playing in slow motion. So it's it's harder to track. 01:32:58.64 Cameron Yep, yes. 01:32:58.99 Matthew Yeah, harder to track? Yeah, but they basically ketle themselves. Um, and yeah, you can't beat a truck with a Baton Sorry um yeah, so they get onto the truck Ah Mija k. 01:33:00.33 Leonard To write. 01:33:15.76 Matthew Ah, Jay and okja they get out of there Kay has come back to save the day has ah what is it translation is sacred tattooed on his arm because that's that's that's where his character arc is going um and he picks up. 01:33:22.10 Dave Yeah, he tated to his normal. 01:33:22.80 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:33:33.15 Matthew Ah, somewhere along the way a friend of his a korean speaking nurse who um, patches up Jay who's been beaten. Pretty badly just a med student all right? Oh wow. 01:33:35.65 Cameron Yes, yes. 01:33:39.96 Dave I Think she's just like a med I think she's just a med student. Yeah, he's like you did you finish your training or whatever and she's just not even answering. She's just busy. 01:33:43.53 Cameron Yeah. 01:33:45.71 Leonard Um, oh yeah, yeah, absolutely. 01:33:51.75 Cameron Yeah, he picked up the Vietnamese girl from monster. Um, yeah, underground doctor Med student. Oh yeah, that's tough. Yeah, no fun. 01:33:53.40 Matthew Yeah, yeah, exactly but suturing in a moving truck with a headlamp on Holy hell man. Yeah crazy and this is where we get to like the grimace I mean like. 01:34:09.97 Cameron Facebook homeland. 01:34:12.80 Matthew That the lab was bad. The the slaughterhouse is worse. Um, yeah, they oh no oaksha was taken here. That's right oha is not with them oakhas not with them. Um, oaksha was taken to this yeah cause Nancy was just like put them all into production. Even the best pig. 01:34:16.96 Cameron Yeah, yeah, it's It's a yes Yes, the last shot at Re. Ah. 01:34:21.66 Dave Yeah. 01:34:31.95 Matthew I don't care. Um and at the slaughterhouse is shown that it's not just okkja 9 other or whatever pigs ah 26 other pigs. That's how many there are right? It's hundreds. Yeah, they're everywhere. 01:34:39.90 Dave 26 other piggies. 01:34:41.38 Cameron Yeah, there are thousands and thousands yeah 01:34:47.25 Leonard Yeah. 01:34:50.14 Matthew Kept in just horrible conditions. They're covered. They're filthy. There's no food. There's young running around electrified fences. It's It's if you've ever been to a cattle yard slaughterhouse If you've ever been near one that this is this is what they're actually like um. 01:34:52.26 Cameron Written. 01:34:57.87 Cameron Yeah. 01:35:08.81 Matthew Really really depressing. The sky is also like the matrix gray like it's just like it like um, post spoiled World Gray sky. Yeah, they get caught by security briefly. Someone gets sleepered. 01:35:12.50 Cameron Yeah, Hammer that point home. Yeah yeah. 01:35:25.36 Cameron This is a non-lethal chokehold, you'll be okay. 01:35:27.18 Matthew Um, yeah, yeah, the whole time he's reassuring reassuring him again threatening violence but telling him this is non letthal. You'll be fine. Ah and then they know exactly 6 minutes and 45 seconds until ah, black chalk shows up so they start screaming for ocha. 01:35:42.43 Cameron Written. 01:35:47.00 Matthew Mija makes her way inside sees okja on the loading ramp makes her way inside and ah is ah first confronted by a lot of it's all immigrant workers working in the slaughterhouse which is very true to this country. 01:35:59.42 Cameron And. 01:36:05.13 Matthew Ah, people who you know they don't revel in this job. This job is a necessity for them. Um, and yeah and they're probably not being paid what they're worth and they're being asked to do way too much and to give up a little part of themelf that you know can't be bought back with money. 01:36:09.16 Cameron Yeah, it's just a job owner. 01:36:21.29 Cameron No yeah, yeah, the the man having to literally mop a giant vat of blood into a single drain and that's not a job you want to be working minimum wage for and he's definitely getting below that makers. 01:36:29.98 Matthew Um, yeah, yeah, no health care. No nothing. Yeah and ah Mija finally like pushes past them. 01:36:39.21 Cameron Yeah, so. 01:36:48.33 Matthew Ah, gets through to the killing floor of this facility where they are let up 1 at a time. Um I don't know if this is the ah air compression or bullet or a combination of both into the head. 01:37:04.76 Dave Um, it's the cattle gun like in. Yeah. 01:37:07.81 Matthew So country for old men. Yeah yeah, the pneumatic 1 and okcha is the next? Well we it gets demonstrated because if you know you have a threat you must demonstrate it on on one of these pigs first dies immediately. 01:37:09.11 Cameron Yeah, yeah, it's a pneumatic, Um, ah yeah. 01:37:22.89 Cameron And. 01:37:25.78 Matthew Falls out to be processed mija is watching this entire time and as okkha gets loaded up mija runs to the operator and shows a picture of her with a baby oakha to try to stop this man from doing his job and of course this is. Climax of the movie. Everybody else shows up. Ah Nancy shows up with her litany of of goons. Ah Jay and Kay show up to try to argue against it and get like arrested like immediately. 01:37:46.40 Cameron Yep, yeah. 01:38:00.50 Cameron E. 01:38:03.76 Matthew And like it really like like I at this point when I first watched this film I really thought oh they're just gonna kill Ocha like and that is how this movie is going to end because this is how real life is and you know i. 01:38:10.84 Cameron Yeah. Yes, yes. 01:38:22.19 Matthew I got thoughts about the end of this film and if it had ended like that I think it would have been a little bit more powerful. 01:38:25.89 Cameron Yeah, maybe yeah. Yeah. 01:38:31.69 Matthew But what happens here. Yeah it we'll talk about it. But what happens here is ah mija pulls out the the the golden idol this golden pig and rolls it on a bloodstained floor to Nancy's feet ah G and carlo picks it up wipes it off. 01:38:31.80 Dave We'll we'll we'll talk about it. 01:38:38.64 Cameron E. 01:38:49.61 Matthew Han and Nancy who bites it to make sure it's real gold and ah just like that. The only thing that speaks to a corporation is money. That's it that is the only way you will ever get a corporation to do anything different is money. 01:38:51.18 Cameron M yep. 01:38:58.69 Cameron Yes, yes. 01:39:00.88 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah. 01:39:04.65 Cameron So yeah. 01:39:05.67 Leonard Well and she Nancy immediately goes into like oh man, the movie like it's not. It's not the social marketing that Lucy was doing but she's like yeah, our first live sale like man this and this thing's worth a lot of money like now this now she has. 01:39:17.45 Cameron Um. 01:39:17.50 Matthew Yeah. 01:39:19.63 Cameron If you take it. 01:39:24.12 Leonard This little girl has helped facilitate a brand new market that we can explore where we sell these to people and we can charge them. However, much this gold pig is worth because that's what the first buyer paid and that's um, that's that's actually the reason why. 01:39:25.84 Cameron Yeah, yes. 01:39:32.21 Cameron Yeah, yeah, set the price. 01:39:38.81 Matthew That's my rate. 01:39:42.22 Leonard Ah, the ending works for me because it's so instantaneous. So viciously focused on how do I turn this light. Yeah I lost this one pig but now I can turn this to my advantage in who knows how many ways just because. 01:39:44.76 Matthew E. 01:39:56.69 Cameron E. 01:39:57.64 Matthew Now. 01:39:59.29 Leonard Ah, this stupid little girl's love for her pet I don't care. Let's go get her out here. 01:40:03.68 Matthew A horrible capitalist spiral. Yeah because like at the end of the day pr or whatever they're doing here. It doesn't matter to a monolith like when she's when Nancy's walking through the facility she says if it's cheap enough they'll eat it. 01:40:11.25 Cameron Me. 01:40:18.50 Leonard Right. 01:40:19.68 Cameron And. 01:40:21.76 Matthew Doesn't matter if they love these pigs or if they see how horribly and inhumane they are slaughtered which is true like we've all seen on the news. How like Tyson processes chicken and and yeah, how they feed chickens like the other dead chickens that have been ground up that have died in the process and stuff like that. It's just awful but hey it's. 01:40:28.96 Cameron Oh yeah. 01:40:41.11 Matthew You know, eighty nine cents a pound is the cheapest bird you can get in the store is tyson chicken. Most people have to buy that to survive. 01:40:45.81 Cameron Yeah. 01:40:49.41 Matthew So it just money talks and I think that was like the the biggest the biggest lesson of this entire film was money is the answer corporations won't do anything for you unless ah unless you do something for them. But she ah. 01:41:00.53 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:41:09.20 Matthew Says you know ah send the kid home with the pig make sure they get there unharmed pick this gold pigs. Worth a lot of money. Um, and on the way out, we get a mirror of what oakha did on the cliff scene earlier um two of these pigs. Ah. 01:41:11.58 Cameron It. 01:41:17.92 Cameron Yeah. 01:41:23.32 Cameron So. 01:41:28.61 Matthew Hurt themselves physically to move an electric fence to get their little piglet to safety. Um and they know like it's not. It's not ah vague these pigs know what's gonna happen here oak Ja high. 01:41:32.40 Cameron Yeah, yeah. So. 01:41:44.30 Cameron Yeah. 01:41:47.90 Matthew Oja hides a piglet in its mouth to get it home but we get we end on the slaughterhouse with every single one of these pigs just howling in like grief and it's heartbreaking. Um. 01:41:54.22 Cameron I. 01:41:59.92 Cameron Yeah. 01:42:05.36 Matthew And yeah, there's just kind of a hard cut to back in Korea um mija okja and the new baby are playing around doing things that they did at the beginning of the film baby falls in the water very cute. Ah, um. 01:42:18.13 Cameron Yeah. 01:42:22.82 Matthew re just having a quiet idyllic life together earlier in the film at the beginning. Um, before okakcha gets taken meja whispers something in Oha's ear and here at the end of the film me just stands still in okha whispers back which is like her. 01:42:30.77 Cameron So. 01:42:36.57 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:42:42.79 Matthew Ah, so like it just it's an intelligent animal. Yeah, um, and that's where like mija and her grandfather have some chicken stew in movie ends. 01:42:44.40 Cameron It's an intelligent animal. 01:42:53.75 Cameron Yeah, no, it doesn't there's a post-credit scene. Oh my god the post credit scene is the best part of the film. Um J J. 01:43:02.21 Matthew But oh I did not see this. 01:43:04.63 Leonard Um, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:43:08.50 Matthew Oh my gosh All right. 01:43:12.83 Cameron Gets out of prison. Um, because he's been doing hard time. Ah for you know, organizing a massive riot and assaulting the Ceo of a company. Ah he gets out of prison. He's greeted by k they get on a bus with everyone else on it plus a couple of old elderly people. And they're talking about what their next job is and you know all the all the ah mirando ceos and other corporate officers are going to be at this thing and everyone just starts pulling on ballaclavers including the old man in the front seat. And then the old woman looks very confused and Jay just hands her a ballaclaver. 01:43:50.93 Leonard Yes, ah, but most but most importantly, most importantly, and this is the part that you'll really enjoy Matt which is they've got a new member which is the driver from Korea. 01:43:53.21 Cameron Yeah, yes, yeah. 01:43:53.85 Matthew That's fantastic. 01:44:00.79 Matthew All all God How did I not watch this scene. You guys I Love him. 01:44:06.15 Dave Um. 01:44:07.60 Leonard Ah. 01:44:07.62 Cameron This is this the new guy he runs mirandofucked.com yeah yeah it's it's great. There's a great little round up like these guys are still doing their thing as well. 01:44:12.10 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:44:13.55 Matthew Ah, oh yeah, that interview mans like they're fucked. It's so good. Ah I'm going to watch that right after this as ah I can't believe I didn't see that. 01:44:23.00 Leonard Um, yeah, ah. 01:44:26.76 Cameron Yeah. 01:44:28.34 Dave Um, yeah I didn't see I didn't catch it either. 01:44:29.83 Matthew Because like like it's like I'm not like watching a like you know a Marvel film or whatever I'm like I don't why would why would he do a singer skin on a Netflix movie right? but. 01:44:35.56 Cameron No see I just went when Netflix didn't immediately try and force me to watch a different movie as soon as the credit started I went ah it's probably something. Yeah. 01:44:39.61 Leonard Um. 01:44:44.42 Matthew Smart merit. 01:44:47.28 Dave Ah, did it not? yeah I I'm just so used to Netflix like kicking me out of the movie even when I'm trying to watch the credits. 01:44:47.93 Leonard Um. 01:44:52.85 Cameron Um, yeah, but yeah, that's it's It's a fun one. Um, well worth watching. 01:44:56.66 Matthew Well think we've all proven tonight that I'm not the smart one here all right I'll have to check it out. Absolutely. But yeah, that's oakja. Um. 01:45:10.90 Matthew It's a story about the monsterism of humanity. The monsters of Factory farming ah like balance of sustainable living and harvest. It says a lot about people who want to help but ah. 01:45:25.94 Cameron Written. 01:45:29.50 Matthew Like the consequences of direct action are usually direct violence and you can't always control who that happens to oh yeah, one of the pivotal moments in this movie that I don't think we touched on was um when Oakjo was freaking out on the stage Jay goes to hit oakja. 01:45:31.98 Cameron Yeah. 01:45:46.35 Cameron Um, yeah. 01:45:48.55 Matthew With and and me just stops him. So even he had a limit to which he would harm an animal. Yeah, he was he was eating the person she was eating the persimmon. 01:45:54.36 Dave Yeah, well because ah okha had bit it look like oak Joe was eating me just arm. Yeah I mean she she bit her arm too. 01:46:01.94 Cameron Well not not originally because yeah meja was injured by this? yeah but obviously yeah stocked when she tasted the persimmon. But yeah, that was that was a great moment as well. Yes, everyone has a limit. 01:46:04.94 Matthew Not originally yeah. 01:46:17.92 Matthew Yeah, because it showed that J everyone has a limit. Yeah so I thought that was that was a good character beat. But ah, it's like it I think um, my partner kind of like distinctly put it with like in a corporate. 01:46:20.13 Cameron Yeah, so. 01:46:34.10 Cameron Written. 01:46:34.97 Matthew Setting if you live in a capitalist environment. It'll never be about feeding the world. It's only about making money that's it period. 01:46:39.60 Cameron Yes, yes, yeah, absolutely. 01:46:40.46 Dave Do Well I mean there's there's there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. That's yeah. 01:46:46.47 Matthew I know and that's why Silver is is dying because he can't eat a tomato that was ripened in Ethylene gas and transport on a truck. 01:46:48.74 Cameron Yeah, yeah, ah man Yeah, like. 01:46:57.37 Dave Yeah, no to to completely remove your carbon or to like make it its smallest as it can be and still be alive. You can't be in society. You cannot participate in anything. Yeah. 01:47:07.45 Cameron Yeah, no, you have to live in the woods. Yeah, live in the woods plant trees. Do your best? Oh yeah, you're not meant to be there. Yeah yeah. 01:47:10.30 Matthew Um, right? yeah. 01:47:15.36 Dave And even then yeah, even then you're still messing some up. 01:47:18.34 Matthew Right? yeah. 01:47:24.88 Leonard A yeah I I try to do as little harm as humanly possible and in my own personal life and I really just chalk a lot of that up to I don't own a vehicle. Um, so ah, like like. 01:47:34.99 Cameron Yeah, you're doing a big part there. Yeah. 01:47:36.20 Matthew Yeah, that's that's a lot man. Yeah. 01:47:40.65 Leonard And haven't owned a vehicle in over a Decade. So I kind of like while I'm still bothered by a lot of the things I'm like I Absolutely do like significantly more than most people do to reduce their. Carbon footprint on this planet. So like I I will I will enjoy my little vices even though they're they're not once again, ethical. But once again. 01:48:03.92 Cameron Um. 01:48:09.34 Cameron Yeah. 01:48:12.70 Dave Yeah I mean it's It's something. That's so um, it's like unfathomable if you look at the there's never been an onus on the individual the idea of a carbon footprint. That's just like it's not real like. 01:48:15.47 Leonard Right. 01:48:15.73 Matthew He. 01:48:16.60 Cameron M. 01:48:24.66 Cameron And no, yeah, it's made up by energy corporations. Yeah. 01:48:24.70 Matthew Yeah. 01:48:24.70 Leonard You wait. 01:48:27.85 Dave The the things that you can do individually are so small and your impact is so tiny that it it doesn't matter true. No. 01:48:30.93 Matthew Yeah, the coral reefs aren't dying because you didn't sort your cans correctly on Wednesday like it's because of giant corporate pollution and destruction that is unchecked. You know? yeah. 01:48:33.38 Cameron Yeah. 01:48:37.59 Leonard Absolutely. 01:48:39.82 Cameron Yeah, yeah, and that's that's you know that's the point of um Oha I Think like you mentioned earlier you thought it might be more like impactful if Ocha had ended up being. 01:48:56.67 Matthew A. 01:48:57.57 Cameron Kill. But I think I like the ending in the way of because because Silver is the extreme of there's no ethical consumption under capitalism when the point of that phrase is more to be aware of the impact of what you're doing because you you can't not impact. No one can. 01:49:14.00 Matthew Um. 01:49:17.28 Cameron Fix this individually the best you can do is like the small act which in mea's cases she can save oakshire and 1 other super pig and that's like the limit of their ability to change. What's currently going on because that's the resolution of the film is like. 01:49:33.17 Matthew Yeah, she goes back to a sustainable life. Yeah. 01:49:35.78 Cameron The the food is still being made she she goes back to her sustainable life. She's saved what she can. But yeah, it's not ah something a single person could ever overcome and um, you know you got to you got to take what happiness you can find living within this system until. 01:49:48.15 Matthew Um, yeah. 01:49:55.81 Cameron Eventually tear it down. Um, no I have aspirations. But alas I was meant to be born in a star trek luxury space communist society and here I am in 2023 01:50:01.66 Matthew Don't yeah ah. 01:50:09.69 Matthew Yeah I know right? God I think I think that um, there's a lot to be said for ah how this movie views extremism. 01:50:21.53 Cameron E. 01:50:23.79 Matthew Because the corporations were extremists. The environmentalists were extremists um but it also Eskews Centerism It doesn't say the answers somewhere in the middle we could be corporate and green and because it no like the. 01:50:31.70 Cameron Yes. 01:50:37.80 Dave No, it doesn't work. 01:50:37.64 Cameron Yeah. 01:50:40.47 Matthew Like like Mirando like it has all the companies when it first like comes up and they're all like have these like little cute names like farmers cooperative and the Mirando conglomerate Peachy delight baking company and stuff like that and it's just like no, that's that's green washing. that's that's fake 01:50:49.26 Cameron Um. 01:50:58.67 Cameron Um, yeah. 01:50:59.80 Matthew It's fake you know and but we all can't be terrorists and we all can't be corporate stooges but we also can't all be in the middle. Yeah, so it's it's just kind of underlining the futility of it. Ah. 01:51:06.91 Cameron Yes, yes. 01:51:15.26 Cameron So yeah, which is why it's impactful like if if yeah. 01:51:18.76 Matthew Which is you know? Yeah, it's why it's impactful. Yeah. 01:51:22.70 Dave Um, you can't do anything about something unless you know what's going on and it's not something a single person can do so you have to be in a group I mean it's not not. It's like ah it's a more of a concerted humanity has to. 01:51:25.82 Matthew Are. 01:51:39.00 Cameron Written. 01:51:39.57 Dave Change like at at the base level like at the the the largest level for anything to be done. 01:51:39.71 Matthew Um, yeah. 01:51:44.99 Cameron Yes, yeah. 01:51:45.30 Matthew Are. 01:51:47.17 Leonard I appreciate you I appreciate the shift in in the messaging there Dave because I was about to say I'm on Twitter a lot and people try to do things without knowing what's going on. Ah ah, ah. 01:51:59.88 Dave Oh yeah, no I had to like clarify that. 01:52:03.23 Cameron Ah, yeah, got to be careful of that. Yep. 01:52:04.85 Matthew Yeah, again, road to hell good intentions. It's yeah super hell is becoming a main character on Twitter for the day that's that's one way ticket. Yeah. 01:52:07.87 Leonard And then and then the road to super Hell is paved with negative intentions of move. 01:52:14.16 Cameron Yeah God who but yeah, yeah, that's oksha. It's a great film. 01:52:25.20 Matthew Ah, but yeah, that's ocha yeah and can now Cameron you have to watch parasite and we need to talk about it after you've seen it because um, it is. 01:52:28.51 Leonard Um, yeah, it's real good liked it. Glad I finally got to see it. 01:52:33.89 Cameron Yeah, like so. Eat That's fair I've been meaning to watch it for literally years. 01:52:42.92 Matthew It is just so good. It's so good. 01:52:44.74 Cameron Yeah I I will and I shall. 01:52:47.75 Matthew Already anything else boys. 01:52:54.85 Dave I had covered another thing as a mountain really a backup but just as a tangent. Um and I will I will just it's just a brief dude brief overview because yeah, so. 01:52:58.51 Matthew Sure I'm interested. Yeah you you posted it in the in the Discord I'm interested to hear about it. 01:53:08.74 Dave I read the first volume of bio meat nectar which is a manga by Yuki fujisaa um, this came out in 9099 in Japan originally it actually it's I don't believe it's made um in any english or other language. Um. 01:53:10.57 Cameron So. 01:53:27.92 Dave Translation but it was released in the shonen champion comics. Ah so it's it's like young adult um age ah and then it ran from 99 to 2002 01:53:35.20 Cameron Yeah. 01:53:44.44 Dave And the story itself is set in 2000 the far-off future of 2002 um where in in the in 2000 or so um, the synopsis I'll just read that's not that's easier. 01:53:47.50 Cameron Oh god. 01:53:56.93 Cameron Button. 01:53:58.88 Dave Ah, man is having a hard time finding food and getting rid of their trash so science comes up with a bioengineered animal that survives by eating trash and then is killed to feed humanity. Um, but the self-replicating there. We can already see if there's a problem endlessly hungry killing machine gets loose in Tokyo and. 01:54:11.70 Matthew A. 01:54:19.96 Dave The the crux of the first volume is following the sort of beginning of the adventure of a small group of elementary school kids um plucky plucky heroes. Um. 01:54:31.76 Cameron So. 01:54:36.22 Dave 1 of whom is the son of the I believe it's like the chief engineer of the um, the bio meat creatures so he knows what's the the kid knows what's going on as far as like when the. 01:54:45.30 Cameron I. 01:54:54.28 Dave It did and it's an entire apocalypse. The entire city is just overrun almost immediately. There's an earthquake and it ruptures like the containment unit that the little creatures are in they're They're not very big. They're the size of like an armadillo. Um. 01:54:56.93 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:55:04.93 Cameron Ah, yeah. 01:55:10.98 Dave But they're relegated to these just huge giant um vats like underground vats and all of the um waste and anything that's not glass or metal. Um, they'll eat so plastic anything they'll just eat it. 01:55:14.84 Cameron And. 01:55:25.77 Cameron Yes, yeah, so. 01:55:29.66 Dave Um, and it's just dumped into like these receptacles and down to a funnel and the little critters just congregate at the bottom and eat and we find out that after each one eats a certain amount like I think it's just its own sigh or its own weight Maybe in. Math and materials it replicates into four like it splits into 4 more of them each of those you know it's It's like exponentially there has to be some sort of cutoff because otherwise your little containers would be filled over but I don't I don't think they bothered to address that they're just like no this thing. 01:55:48.49 Cameron Oh. 01:55:52.61 Matthew Oh man. 01:56:00.61 Cameron M. 01:56:02.45 Leonard Um. 01:56:05.86 Dave They they harvest them after so many and it just tastes like pork. So um, they don't look like they look like terrifying little rolly Poeys with like head crab mouths on the bottom. 01:56:09.51 Cameron So yep, cool. 01:56:17.21 Cameron Yeah, okay. 01:56:21.60 Leonard But with people teeth with with people teeth. 01:56:24.70 Matthew Yeah God Always with the people. The. 01:56:25.53 Dave And people teeth Yes, with terrible people teeth as a little mouth like underneath they're they're Horrifying. Um and so they with the earthquake they escape out into the city and they they flood into the sewers. And because they can't be when they're exposed to sunlight. Um, they go dormant which is a good thing because that otherwise they're just roaming and destroying everything immediately. But um, if it's a cloudy day. Ah they can They can still like walk around. 01:56:45.70 Cameron Okay. 01:56:57.48 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:56:59.75 Dave But in direct sunlight They just kind of like ball up and the kids um their their school is overrun. Their little section of the town's overrun so they escape the the comic itself is very violent very gory like everyone's dying. 01:57:13.42 Cameron In. 01:57:18.37 Dave Also for 1 reason or another all of the adults with with very few exceptions are like terrible terrible people and they're they're drawn accordingly like given just hideous faces because you know you know someone's bad if they just are ugly. 01:57:26.27 Cameron And. Yeah, yeah. 01:57:34.40 Matthew Yeah. 01:57:36.45 Dave Like the other message of this which is real weird. They subvert that a little bit because some of the kids aren't drawn flatteringly either and they're they're not like terrible people by and large. But yeah, so the the first volume is them the is the kids. 01:57:40.11 Cameron Um. 01:57:44.60 Cameron Yeah, by and large. 01:57:55.42 Dave Escaping the school and then trying to find their parents if they can and make their way to safety which is like the security Cordon for like the the company since the one of the kids is the the son of the big boss. 01:58:06.52 Cameron And. 01:58:13.63 Dave Um, it's interesting in that they took ah the like the logical step of like if you have something and you're you've mass produced it for 2 different purposes like 1 ne's waste disposal but then it's also. Perfectly edible, um, and made it hideous. It's there's there's kind of body horror going on because it's it's a thing that's should be like a little pig or cow is what it is what the people are told it looks like. 01:58:33.20 Cameron Yeah. 01:58:42.58 Cameron M. 01:58:50.17 Matthew A. 01:58:50.48 Cameron Yeah, yes, and. 01:58:52.60 Dave Which is kind of like in okha aside from them being actually like very mostly pleasant to look at um these however aren't ah like they're not given that kind of intelligence. It's more of a um. 01:59:11.39 Dave Feeding frenzy like they just hunt for things and they're blind. Yeah, but even the critters are are given like Critters is a little bit different. Um, that's a weird. They get the weird ninja. 01:59:12.36 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 01:59:15.74 Matthew It's a real critters kind of thing. 01:59:25.97 Dave Thing or like mooc vibe where if there's a bunch of them. They're stupid. But if there's like a single one. It's a big problem or like alien that happens to like big hive. It's yeah yes, you don't want to battle that but that's easier than just fighting 1 01:59:26.68 Matthew That's true. Yeah. 01:59:34.79 Cameron Um. 01:59:40.37 Leonard Um, it it. It seems to be very similar to um, the weird ah hyper evolved Bacterial organism from ah the infamous cat game stray. Ah, where. 01:59:52.11 Cameron Yes, yes. 01:59:52.81 Matthew Oh. 01:59:54.58 Leonard Ah, it was developed literally to eat garbage and then it just evolved on its own and became a big problem that no one could solve. 02:00:01.33 Cameron Written. 02:00:01.51 Matthew Yeah. 02:00:03.83 Dave Um, yeah, and this um I think it's 12 it's pretty long because there's not just one um creature like there's. The the company developed more like different versions as they were trying to get one that was sustainable and edible I guess but there's ah in later volumes. There's ones that are microscopic and yeah, it's it's. 02:00:25.76 Cameron So. 02:00:33.98 Leonard Oh very good, Very cool. Real smart. You. 02:00:35.65 Matthew Oh that's yeah, do we gray goo. That's what we need? wonderful. 02:00:35.73 Cameron Yeah. 02:00:38.72 Dave Horrendous. It's yeah I remember just reading they're on a um, they have to be on ah of course. Ah, ah, it's a cruise they're released on a cruise liner like a big big Wig Cruise lineer party and they're in the um. 02:00:52.67 Cameron Of course. So. 02:00:52.86 Leonard Ah. 02:00:57.44 Leonard Oh man, even better. 02:00:57.59 Dave They're in the air I think they're aerosol. They look like little Dan dandulionsions. It's bad and if you um, anyone can get affected with them. But I remember I think if you ah have excess water. Like it. It rehydrates them like in your stomach or something I don't remember the exact. It's something weird I think um, everyone everyone's it's it's like in um, dang it. What's the thing there's something where everyone's are oh ah and walking dead. Um. 02:01:16.91 Cameron Great. 02:01:17.46 Matthew Oh no. 02:01:18.68 Leonard Oh fuck. 02:01:34.24 Leonard Right. 02:01:34.25 Cameron So. 02:01:34.89 Dave Everyone's already infected, but some people like our their body can fight it and it's just immune to it and then others aren't so if you start getting like super thirsty and like a fever then it's too late and you they they grow and burst out of you. It's it's. 02:01:38.98 Cameron Yeah. 02:01:48.59 Matthew The. 02:01:52.53 Dave The art is really good in that like they just do its like Junji Ito Body Horror weird stuff going on with that one. Yeah, maybe he stopped doing I mean that's that's the warning is like hey don't do um gmo. 02:01:57.83 Cameron Button. 02:02:00.90 Leonard I'm like oh man, all these people need to stop building Umbrella Labs Hey check Checklist Do yes. 02:02:10.88 Cameron M. 02:02:11.52 Dave Weird stuff. 02:02:12.84 Leonard Ah, but like honestly it's like checklist hey does this lab look like umbrella like Spencer paid for it to be built. Yes, okay shut it down. We need to salt the earth tear it all down start all over again. 02:02:27.83 Dave Well I like that this came out ninety Ninety nine so it would have been tang gentle with like the resinue for 2 02:02:27.95 Cameron Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 02:02:31.12 Leonard To. 02:02:35.40 Matthew A. 02:02:37.31 Leonard Yep. 02:02:39.25 Dave So yeah, it's a good.. It's a good manga. Um I would just try to refresh myself on it because I wanted that opposite that other side of the coin where yes you make a you made a thing that's going to feed the world and and it address hunger issues and address like the very real problem of ah waste. Mean we just you bury it or you burn it and burning bad bearing just did that just is pushing the problem off onto somebody else kind of. 02:02:59.16 Matthew Um, yeah. 02:03:06.66 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 02:03:07.43 Leonard I I to I Just love that if you're gonna if you're gonna create a gmo that like basically eats anything hey just make it make make humans toxic to it. That's that's the solution. There are plenty of. 02:03:18.75 Cameron Go. 02:03:19.75 Matthew Yeah, good. 02:03:26.27 Leonard There are plenty of plants animals and fungi that we that will kill us if we consume it just make your little lab monster like violently explode the minute it gets a drop of human blood in its digestive tract. 02:03:39.24 Dave Um, or or give it some other weaknesses. Oh it, it gets sleepy in the daytime. Okay, that's not a none of the things you've done are like good control methods win it and win and if really it's just not if but when they like escape. 02:03:41.38 Cameron Yeah. 02:03:45.55 Matthew A. 02:03:58.68 Dave It's like you've you've you've created a terrible thing that like overrode an entire city within an hour of like 1 of them getting out because it self-replicates. 02:04:08.65 Cameron Yeah. 02:04:09.64 Leonard Yep. 02:04:10.70 Dave Didn't sound like a good thing. Something should have been put in there in the in the genetic coding if you're already creating this from like nothing. But yeah, there are weird horrible little critters. 02:04:11.80 Matthew Yeah, peace. 02:04:17.41 Cameron Button. 02:04:19.15 Matthew I Rarely say this but that there weren't enough meetings held before this went into production and you'll you'll never hear me say that about anything else. But yeah, you got it. You got to get your stuff straight about your. 02:04:29.40 Leonard That. 02:04:33.89 Matthew Your bio weapons before you create them I guess. 02:04:35.44 Dave Especially when this one wasn't even intended to be a weapon like or. 02:04:36.72 Cameron Um, yeah. 02:04:37.84 Leonard Right? I mean they they almost never are I also remember mimic So there's that. 02:04:44.25 Matthew He now. 02:04:44.29 Dave Yeah, yeah, that's true which is on the forever list of stuff we meant to watch and then doesn't I think there's 4 of those movies now. Yeah, no relic. Yes. 02:04:54.44 Leonard Haven't along with the relic not not relic but the relic because I haven't seen that since I went to the theaters to watch it as a kid and yep and I was. 02:04:55.17 Cameron Yes, so. 02:04:56.10 Matthew Oh Wow yeah. 02:05:02.42 Dave That's a good one when like yeah like 96 I think ah I read the book I think in tandem with my like my mom and I were like reading the book and like oh the movie's coming out or one maybe it was the other way around. But I think we were excited for the movie and like oh there's a book. 02:05:04.88 Matthew Wow! oh. 02:05:18.96 Cameron Yeah, yeah. 02:05:20.58 Leonard and I and I distinctly remember being like oh man, they killed kids in this movie man. This is a great flick because I'm a stupid idiot child with no taste in 1996 02:05:21.14 Dave Even though the book was older. 02:05:28.24 Cameron Yes. 02:05:33.11 Matthew So. 02:05:35.59 Dave No answer's okay I watched when to theater go watch congom like oh oh, but yeah, that was um, the the volume 1 of biomet nectar. Yeah, it's a. 02:05:37.59 Cameron Yeah, so. 02:05:39.82 Leonard Um, yeah. 02:05:46.63 Leonard Bio Meat nectar. 02:05:48.20 Matthew What a name Io Meat nectar. 02:05:53.52 Dave And they just get weirder as it goes like ah there's multiple versions of different creatures creatures that they have to battle. 02:06:01.70 Leonard Um, and there that that and a never ending stream of bio meat monsters to man that sounds like a sega genesis game I'm really upset that I have to say these words where people on the internet will hear that. Um, but yes. 02:06:07.46 Matthew Yeah, yeah. 02:06:16.15 Dave Yeah, all right? Matthew send us home. 02:06:19.54 Cameron And. 02:06:22.70 Matthew All right? Let's button it up. Um, yeah, thanks everybody for listening to us talk about Occha and bioome necar you can find us on Twitter at Mon Underscore demonster please give us a follow there. 02:06:34.47 Cameron So. 02:06:38.55 Matthew Ah, you can find me at the ugly machine where I guess apropos of this episode. Um I make metal art and other forms of art with all recycled materials including paint a little fun fact. Paint is responsible for 10% of the microplastics in the entire world. 02:06:48.39 Cameron Ah. 02:06:57.68 Matthew Um, so if you can use recycled paint please do? um you are helping all of our kidneys by doing so Dave where can we find you. 02:07:03.26 Cameron Certain. 02:07:06.35 Dave You can find me on Twitter at sentineut underscore plus that's that's pretty much it as far as online. It's concerned. 02:07:14.28 Matthew Ah, right cameron where can we find you. 02:07:19.80 Cameron Ah, you can also find me on Twitter at night underscore Twitter that's night without a k I swear eventually I'll post pictures of my cat ah keep saying that I do I realize I haven't forever. Um, and if you want to just see a name internet. Bullshit. Ah, you can find me on Tumblr at Swarby blog. Don't it's just me reblogging mostly ah, mostly a bot that pretends to be a Tumblr user I mean that's true. But. 02:07:44.57 Matthew Ah, and that's Tumblr's true purpose and yeah Leonard where can we find you fuck. 02:07:51.19 Leonard Yes, you can find me on Twitter at Dr Faust is dead although I am not posting a lot recently. You can also find my alternate business Twitter account by searching at Umbranochs Productions and you can find ah video game essay work by searching Dr Faust is dead on Youtube and film work on Youtube as well by searching at ah our searching umbra knox productions. 02:08:22.11 Matthew All right? Thanks everybody Bye piggy's. 02:08:25.25 Cameron Yeah Goodbye everyone? Yeah oh. 02:08:29.42 Leonard Man That's a weird close. That's a very bizarre close goodbye. Everyone. 02:08:30.95 Dave Yeah. 02:08:37.42 Dave My wife hoaxed. 02:08:43.74 Cameron And that's a rap right.