06:03.69 Leonard I am your host Leonard and today I am joined by Dave Dave how are you. 06:14.44 Dave I'm doing all right. It's been. It's all it's a week. It's It's just a week every week and never fails. Ah, it's been really the weather's been raining but we need it because it's been a drought for a while. So. 06:24.60 Leonard No. 06:30.53 Dave It's appreciated and like the big storm stuff kind of missed us Dallas was hammered unfortunately but our our area where we're at is we did not flood but we got an adequate amount of rainfall. 06:40.50 Leonard Good oil. Oh good, not flooding is always preferable to flooding. 06:50.77 Dave Yeah, and and I think today was I think the anniversary of Harvey then went through a few years ago so um yes no no current hurricanes. Of course there's all the stuff on the way because it's always hurricane season but well. 06:55.54 Leonard Oh right. 07:08.46 Dave Yeah, see how that goes. 07:10.49 Leonard Well aside from from avoiding floods you you know who also doesn't care for rain that was a really poorly constructed sentence and a really clumsy. Ah. Segue into our topic for today's episode which is the beginning of ah Doro Hedoro an anime series that I absolutely adore um that I watched fairly recently and fell in love with. It is ah based on a manga series written and illustrated by a female man Gaka ah, ah q ah Hias Sheina which ran from two thousand to two thousand and eighteen and it tells the story of the imagine. Ah. And Meiac ah lizard headed Kaman his friend. Ah nikato as they attempt to solve the mystery of Kaman's forgotten identity and past and that seems you know. Fairly rote and standard but it's not because there's magic and nonsense and ultraviolence and zombies. Yes, there are in fact, zombies and we are going to be discussing the first 4 episodes of Doro Hegdoro 08:37.94 Leonard Ah, which is ah available on Netflix if you are interested feel like following along with us as we cover this first and likely only season which I find very depressing but before we get into the episode's proper Dave what do you think about. Doro hedoro. 09:00.61 Dave Ah, probably along the same lines as you this is one where I I read half of the series I don't know a good chunk um of the series a few years ago and meant to. Get around to doing that but stuff happened and it just became part of the endless backlog. Ah but I was happy to see when they um, put the anime on Netflix I think a few years I want to say it aired in 2018 in Japan and then. Ah, Twenty Twenty um yes Twenty twenty in outside Japan netflix um I watched a few episodes when it aired because of course that was when the pandemic just like started full swing so it again just. 09:41.68 Leonard Yes. 09:57.28 Dave Fell off the radar. So it's been a nice. Um, return to something that I was interested in and never had a chance to finish. Um, now I have an excuse to do so so because we're doing it on purpose watch it the whole thing. Um. 10:09.60 Leonard Um. 10:14.50 Dave Yeah, it's super atmospheric or ah, just weird and it has a I'm trying to think of like it's not I don't want to go? Oh yeah, it's post a buck. Its that's not what it's doing. 10:16.81 Leonard A. 10:32.98 Dave It's um, just grungy. It's grungy and gritty and you can like smell and taste the atmosphere just by looking at it. Um, the artwork is ah. 10:34.33 Leonard Yes. 10:45.36 Leonard E. 10:52.96 Dave Been compared to like Boron son and um Sto Mu nihe a few were they just it's really technically detailed but still offputting like the. 11:02.44 Leonard Are. 11:10.12 Dave Where nihey leans heavy into like bioorganic and just like he loves architecture and tubes and weird stuff like that. Um q Hashida revbels in. 11:27.29 Dave Making something that looks like if you were doing blade runner but did wizards instead and that's or even even them um things that came out in the late 70 s. 11:31.90 Leonard Yes. 11:45.96 Dave Early 80 s like wizards. Um that animation or heavy metal. It feels like that like it's it's sort of weird fantasy sci-fi it looks you know. 11:49.16 Leonard Um, is. 11:52.71 Leonard Right. 12:03.76 Dave Like contemporary society if it was stuck in the 80 s like what they thought the future was going to be the weird. Um, just everything's rainy and sustained and. 12:08.81 Leonard Um, yes. 12:19.68 Leonard Um, it's like a dirtier. It's a dirtyier mid guard ah from FF 7 but right like yeah buildings are like some a lot of them are are are are are. 12:21.35 Dave Back Alleys Yeah yeah, like it's just falling apart. 12:36.79 Leonard Refurbished with just like what is it like the um like tin roofing like to cover up walls. It's it's very so it like scraped together to keep like buildings and shops from falling apart. 12:54.19 Dave Um, yeah, it's like chant shanty town. Ask. 12:57.20 Leonard Yes, um, yeah, it's It's great. Um, because and I will stay that um the show had me ah from ah before the op. Um, because ah we start off with. A man in a mouth. A big big mouth staring down a throat and then suddenly a guy with ah cross Red Cross Tattoos just kind of slowly slides his head out of the throat looks at him. Says you're not at and then we cut to what is taking place which is this man's head is in the mouth of a absolutely massive lizard man. Right? it. 13:53.62 Dave Yeah I don't think you can get more evocative than that. Um, yeah, so it it introduced us to um Kmen and the this the city um of whole. 14:08.70 Dave And these weird magic users that just pop up um, using like anywhere doors from from another realm. It's ah it's taken in pieces like each of the things are very distinct and then it's just it's. 14:16.98 Leonard Yep. 14:28.13 Dave Playfully put together in the weirdest way and I think just relating those bits doesn't it doesn't make a lot of sense like. 14:32.45 Leonard Um. 14:43.80 Leonard No. 14:46.64 Dave It's it's It's not specifically nonsensical but it's just um, it reminds one is from. There's the ah it's not like Dada art. But um. 15:02.49 Leonard A. 15:03.20 Dave Ah, surreal. It's sort of surreal like weird ah bosh like if you just turned it down the torment level and just made it bizarro. Ah, it's like that. 15:14.23 Leonard Right. 15:22.60 Dave And it starts that way and it just keeps ramping up and every time you think? Okay, this is a level. No, we're going to make it weirder. 15:32.92 Leonard Yeah, it's it's really fantastic. Um, and and I love this. Ah because ah Kyman then proceeds to ah pull the man out of his mouth and ask him what the man inside says that is. His exact term opology says what? what did the guy in inside say and the man replies. Ah, you're not it and he's like oh okay and then immediately cut him up into like a million pieces. He's literally raiding from metal gear. Rising revengeance and and cuts him up into pieces. Ah he the the now almost deceased man has a partner. Ah which Kindman's friend nicado has been ah taken care of. By kicking him in the face. Yes, she is a punch girl and ah then ah when he points his finger at kaimmen he fires off a bullet of smoke that does nothing ah but nicado not going to stand for that. So she then proceeds to break his index finger in half and then kick him again. Um, but the dead man has ah 1 last trick up his sleeve because he fires a blast of smoke under his. 16:57.63 Leonard Companion which produces one of those no nowhere doors ah that directly beneath him that opens and drops him drops him into another reality and closes and I said yep, this is. Um, manors nowhere weird stuff with a guy in some guys in ah and a lizard man's throat. Yeah, this is this is I am here for this. This is the kind of dumb bullshit that I luxuriate in and. Ah, we get the op and we get an explanation. Yes, the this world is called whole sorcerers. Come here to practice their magic ah Kman ah is has no memory of his his. Life ah, and was apparently once a normal man. Ah that a sorcerer cast a spell on to give him a lizard head. 18:01.18 Dave Yeah, and he's just spent the last two years ah hunting down sorcerers trying to figure out who cursed him because the state of things is if the sorcer is. 18:08.41 Leonard Yes, because. 18:15.22 Leonard Um, yes, ah. 18:15.31 Dave Killed it. Undoes whatever magic. They'd been doing so that that's why he's like immediately just murdering the sorcerers because they the the sorcerers take like the little field trips to hole and they're practicing magic but they're like horribly disfiguring people or. Killing them or whatever they allll have various different little quirky spells and um, it's just been. Ah Ni Caido herself as a as a cleaner for the city. So they they. She goes around and hurts her job or was her job to um, pick up the parts of whatever the sorcers have left um and now with Kayman. She's actually actively hunting down any sorcers. They find that like popped up. 18:58.20 Leonard Yes. 19:09.39 Dave Um, to those doors. 19:10.98 Leonard Yes, because ah Kyman is immune to magic nobody knows why people suspect that it might be because the spell that was cast on him. But yes, he is completely and utterly immune to magic and sorcerers typically not. Ah. Ah, physically able folk, especially when ah taken into account the fact that Kyman's like eight feet tall like he's just a giant dude. 19:42.99 Dave Um, yeah, he he eve reminds me of um, it escapes me in the the leopardheaded man gunn saga the guen saga it's a fantasy series. Um by a japanese. Novelist and um that one it's kind of like koian it's that sort of fibe sword and sword and sandals. But um, the the main gin is a dude that's cursed to have a leopardhead and it's just a big brawny Koiam looking dude. So it's it's very similar to. 20:01.57 Leonard Um, oh okay. 20:15.33 Leonard Um. 20:18.15 Leonard Right? yeah. 20:20.33 Dave Um, and and I think he's also amnesic I could be wrong, but it's been a while since I read those? Um, but ah to that point like Nikao is no slouch and she's actually also a large larger woman. Um, she obviously works out and the pair of them are are. 20:32.60 Leonard Yes. 20:39.99 Dave They stand like a head or 2 over just the regular people walking around and everyone's kind of starving so they're all smaller. Anyway, yeah. 20:44.80 Leonard Yes, um, right? Yeah, it's a bad place holes a bad place like the people there are some people that have birdheads. There are some people that have octopus heads. There was one guy. There's an establishing shot of ah of ah. Train ah like a trolley crossing where I thought it was a guy with stilts and I realized oh no, he just has incredibly elongated ah arms and legs now and you can't really see the rest of him because it's under a blanket. It's really bad. Um, it's once again, it's filthy and it's grimy. Um, and it's it really it kind of feels like that like this is a the the living space and also a waste dump. We get an establishing side of the skyline and it just kind of looks like there's like. Nothing but like this ramshackle housing and small businesses and then like 8 like huge refinery stretching as far as the eye can see in the furthest of the background and then there's just. Smog and dirt and grime in the air too. Lots of pollution because um, ah when I say that the sorcerers you smoke that is not ah that is not a clever you know, ah term for like magic spells. They actually produce a a. 22:15.11 Leonard Tangible substance that gets into the air and water and everywhere else. 22:21.68 Dave Yeah, it's it's made the rain acidic. Um, so there's a lot of like so just general social commentary and things going on in the background which which is the show is fleshed out by degrees like small. 22:22.40 Leonard Um, yeah. 22:39.67 Dave Degrees. It's not it's it's it's slow like tiny spoonfuls of detail. Ah, but what you're getting is the slow understanding of like the state of what's going on in whole and that. 22:45.40 Leonard E. 22:59.43 Dave Ah, the the magic users when they pop over and do their little experiments and then just leave they've they've while their presence is Momentary. It's something that's built up over time and it's like wrecked this. Society. 23:18.12 Leonard Right? Um, oh yes, it's also worth mentioning that ah nakao is a small business owner. She owns a little restaurant where she ah frequently makes. Goza specifically seemingly only for Kyman ah called the what is it is it. The hungry bug. 23:42.15 Dave It is the hungry bug with the ugly mascot but the funnel name. 23:49.39 Leonard Yes, Ah, which is ironic because ah we see a sorcerer come through ah to do his practice quota and his sorcery is turning people into bugs and he's bad at it. 24:04.99 Dave Yeah, he doesn't um, it's definitely some Cronenbergian Brundlefly ridiculousness. Um, he he turns parts of people into bugs. Um, you might get your arm or a leg or give you some weird twitchy Feelers or something. Um. 24:14.19 Leonard Right? right. 24:22.86 Dave So it ends up. Yeah, and it ends up looking like um oh that's what this reminds me of a District District nine yeah Yeah it's similar in like visual style. 24:22.91 Leonard Mandibles. 24:30.44 Leonard Yes, the blan comp movie neilblacom in 24:41.59 Dave Which I would probably say this the other way around so district 9 looks like this because this has been out longer. 24:46.94 Leonard Um, yeah, it's not great. It's real bad. Um, ah and Chiman sees this firsthand because he gets a job at a local clinic. Ah. Run by a doctor with like one of my favorite weird character tattoos ever where I I don't even know what the graph is or what like do you know? what? this is like on his face. 25:18.47 Dave I Don't know what it is. It looks like a like if you were doing a grid Scan if that's a thing um on his head but it's just a tattoo like a light tattoo. 25:23.60 Leonard Um, yeah. 25:29.11 Leonard Yeah, because I've seen it like I've seen this thing like design in films in like medical like facilities and practice where it's like a weird overhead shot and there's a light and it projects this kind of weird Grid pattern. Um, on somebody's face you know for visual effect and and storytelling and all of that. 25:51.27 Dave Yeah, it's It's some sort of I think you see it like in a cat Scan or something I don't I don't know I haven't been in like the big Magnet tube thing. But it's something like that. It's it's shorthand for some kind of scanning. 25:59.41 Leonard Um, yeah. 26:05.17 Leonard The Mri Yeah, um and it's great. It's It's such a weird like just it's never commented on. It's just the weird character affectation that that. 26:10.12 Dave Visual shortly? Yeah. No. 26:20.93 Leonard Doesn't mean anything but just is like yeah this guy's a doctor so he has this weird scan tattoo on his face. 26:29.70 Dave Yeah, and he's a weird I mean everyone's weird but he's a weird dude. Ah, and then that's um, so this guy in particular reminds me of um Katsuhiro Otomo's like Akira. 26:45.24 Leonard Um, oh yeah. 26:45.72 Dave Character stylings. So he looks like ah the clown boss kind of and like if you combine the clown boss with the um ah the like the. 26:51.53 Leonard Yeah, he does actually kind of look like the clown bars. 27:03.49 Dave Government lieutenant guy. Yeah, who had a little buzz cut but a big big head is this dude. He's like their child. 27:05.34 Leonard Um, ah like the general. Yeah yeah, um. Yeah, so ah, yeah, they get reports of ah some sorcery ah doings they get victims in um, Kyman's unattentive ah about it. 27:27.53 Dave Um, Kmen's this. He's a great character but he's like a doofball he's it's weird because he's and he's not stupid but he's dumb he's he's bringing the. 27:32.37 Leonard Yeah. 27:41.28 Leonard Um, yes. 27:44.66 Dave Big himbo vibes because he feels like he feels like cronk from Emperors near groove but and ultravio and like maybe a little dumber. 27:44.83 Leonard I was I was actually about to say? Yeah yeah, ultra violent. Yeah yeah, he doesn't seem to have the the moments of introspection that Cronk has which is. Terrifying considering his proficiency with edge weapons. Um. 28:11.41 Dave Yeah, well he he gets them but they're like after the fact like they're too late a lot of times he's like oh that's what that way he's like come on man. He's just he's a couple steps behind Um, but that doesn't. 28:13.72 Leonard Right? yeah. 28:29.20 Dave Hinder him at all because he's sort of happy-go lucky. So maybe he's more incino man is he's just a Brendan Frazier character with the lizard head. 28:30.29 Leonard In. 28:36.40 Leonard Maybe maybe. 28:45.15 Leonard Yeah, that's yeah, that's true. Um, but ah nikado goes back to the hungry bug and finds a young gentleman. Ah ah, ah, propped up starving. Um because he can't go home. Ah be as. 28:56.23 Dave Starving like outsides. 29:02.33 Leonard Ah, the door to hole has been sealed because we are then introduced to the weird sorcer society. Um, which has a bizarre death ritual where you throw an egg into a trash can that has some horrible like imp. 29:21.82 Leonard And I was gonna say n she esher I mean Geiger like machine producing sludge out of it if you if your your prayers or answer your're ah, they'll be reincarnated. Um and this is the introduction to I always forget his name. 29:42.60 Leonard The the yeah. 29:42.76 Dave The Sorcerer guy I don't know he didn't He's not there very long. Um, he's a man. 29:51.57 Leonard Um, the ah yeah, well he he he he becomes like a main character I wish I could um yeah Fujita yeah, ah we yeah fugittas mourning his his his dead. 29:58.80 Dave Or are you thinking of um what Fujita yeah. 30:06.25 Dave My matamura. Yeah. 30:08.50 Leonard Partner yeah Maura and ah then goes to visit I um ah redheaded vgita. 30:19.88 Dave Yeah, and N is ah he's a weird dude he is like the godfather criminal Underworld Moss of the sorcers. 30:29.50 Leonard Yeah, he's he's very he's it's very like obviously Yausa a base because he's not hiding it like he's out in the open and he runs legitimate businesses to it's just that he's a crime bus that has. 30:36.35 Dave Yeah I mean he's It's no, no, no, he's in plain sight. 30:47.64 Leonard Cleaners and and assassins and people that he wants to take out but that is his public facing persona. There is no subdifuge around it. Um, but yeah, he's got a big egg head ah and big vgita hair with big Vjita Widow's Peak. Ah, um, yeah, he he likes mushrooms. Ah oh yeah, yep, ah, and ah, ah, who was fuchita ah is like hey I'd like to get revenge, but this guy's immune to magic. 31:09.38 Dave Like a little too much one might say. 31:20.74 Dave Fujita. Yeah. 31:26.79 Leonard And I ah what tells him? ah you I need you to find. Ah you said this guy's Immune magic and that ah he had a lizard's head so somebody who knows Lizard magic is probably ah behind this. You should figure out who that is okay. 31:46.85 Leonard Leave now. Um and so he does um meanwhile ah it at the hungry bug. Ah Dacado has fed um this this? Ah ah yep, just to. 31:57.11 Dave Just the dude sorcer. 32:01.54 Leonard Court Sorcer vagabond and then begins insulting ah unbeknownst her insulting his terrible sorcery. Ah so he then proceeds to use it on her Chiman comes in wanting some goza discovers her half transformed and realizes. Hey cool. Not only will you have to ah give me goza for saving your life. But I'll also get a bonus at work when I kill this guy which he does before even though he he gets ah he does his whole head chop. Ah, he kills the guy before he even gets an answer as to whether or not ah he was the guy which is obviously no because this sorcerer deals in ah Bug magic. 32:55.57 Dave Yeah, and that that read that transforms. Um, nika do back and then all of the ah victims in the care clinic like 3 or 4 dudes get turned turned back into like other people and not have. 33:04.17 Leonard Yes. 33:12.12 Dave Bug hybrids. 33:14.45 Leonard Yeah, always pleasant. Um and then because the way that these episodes it's also worth mentioning that the way that the these episodes are are are broken up is that they are ah stories like little stories that are all kind of. Compacted into a 26 minute episode of this show and they are stories that are like direct translation ah from the issues of the manga. So we end up jumping ah around. Um. 33:48.95 Dave Yeah, each episode has like 3 little sub. They're just broken into 3 parts and they give you 3 little stories that it's all interconnected but um, it bounces between. 33:53.72 Leonard Yes. 34:03.96 Dave What character's just focusing on. 34:07.11 Leonard Yes, ah so ah, we jumped to a couple of days later I'm assuming ah kamen and nikado are going to a photoshop ah to get some pictures back ah because he hopes that if if he takes a picture of the inside of his mouth. He can see the guy that lives in his throat. 34:30.14 Dave Well, you can't see him in the mirror he like opens and hes like I can't see into my own throat like get it doesn't show anything and other people can't see him unless you unless he bites you um and so it's ah it's a running. 34:34.75 Leonard Right. 34:43.98 Leonard Um, yeah. 34:47.87 Dave Thing through the series and my favorite aspect of that is I think it depends on like the abilities of the person he's chomping. But um, the interior of his mouth is its own space. 34:59.41 Leonard Yep. 35:04.42 Leonard Yeah, it's like a pocket dimension. 35:06.93 Dave And yeah, and the more powerful you are like the more of you That's in it. So um, all these just general like Runof-the-mill low sorcers. It's just their head like he's just biting on their head. But. 35:11.90 Leonard E. 35:24.39 Leonard E. 35:26.92 Dave Stronger people if he can get them into his mouth. Um their whole like spirit body is just in his mouth standing there and looking at this giant cavern like it the the more powerful you are the bigger. The space is. 35:37.84 Leonard Yep yep. 35:46.44 Leonard Um, yeah. 35:46.72 Dave And it's It's just a fun like little trick like a little visual trick that's like weird because you so the inside of his mouth is it doesn't it looks fake. It's It's like if you're um, okay, it reminds me of the mouth in. Um. 36:01.33 Leonard Um. 36:06.69 Dave A little shop of horrors when they're doing the dentist stuff and you're just they're filming a camera through likes obviously fake mouth and it looks like that. 36:08.80 Leonard Oh yeah, yeah yeah. 36:17.37 Leonard Yeah, it's great I love it It's so yeah I love so much about the show. Um, yeah, um, so ah on their way there after they pick them up before they can look they notice a ah sorcer Eisu. Merging from a magic door. She comments huh can't get out and came in ah immediately ah a costs her with the Kao ah home. She gets a kick to the head she gets all of the fingers on her like left hand cut off. And he rips off her mask because she's wearing a a very very cool skull mask and with with little sightthe paldrons. She's got a whole costume and surprised. It's actually like a little like. 37:09.14 Dave You like a young girl like a I don't know late late teens. 37:10.14 Leonard A young girl. 37:15.99 Leonard Yeah, um, a it get in kiman admittedly does pause for a second before he chomps her ah at but hey guess what the the voice in the the guy in his throat has something. Else to say this time but before I'm in can ah ask her about it ah fuchika ah opens a door ah grabs her and ah pulls her out. Um, and ah back into the. Sorcer world. Unfortunately, ah he left her face behind. Yeah yeah, it's real. It's wild I was. 37:51.28 Dave Um, well kind Kman's still biting her so when he pulled her it just ripped her skin off of her face and it yeah the animation plays a fun trick of um. Not showing her body face like her her her head. Yes, um, it's just showing her body getting yanked back into the Sorcerer world but when it. 38:13.47 Leonard Um, faceless body. 38:23.63 Dave Camera kind of turns back to Kman and he's just sitting there like what the hell just happened and on his little tooth is like her her so her ripped off face. It's not bloody. It's just a skin. Um, but it. 38:34.51 Leonard Yep yep. 38:39.46 Dave It's horrifying because the weird like Texas chainsaw massacre face and just like oh okay and he's doesn't know what he what just happened that not expected. Yeah, it's a good moment. 38:45.21 Leonard Ah. 38:54.38 Leonard Yeah, ah oh well because one of the other things that I I find bizarrely charming about this show is how cavalier everyone reacts to the violence that takes place in it. Um, because. 38:58.70 Dave Ah. 39:08.94 Dave I Mean they have to like the whole world is just garbage and that's just what you see? Yeah I mean you walk around a corner and there's someone that's a half a bug. You know. 39:12.25 Leonard Right? Because the yep every day. Um, the right? um. 39:27.53 Dave And you could be too like you don't like that's the thing. 39:32.77 Leonard Ah, so they look at the pictures and surprise they can't see ah they can't see the guy in his throat unsurprised. 39:37.79 Dave Well no, they it's not even that they like it's just kmen and his like tongue is like lolling out and he's making this doofy face and they were like okay, didn't turn out. It's just him going but he did try. 39:46.66 Leonard You can write he tried he was trying it was it like if he was he was yeah he was like trying to take a selfie of the inside of his mouth to see if he could see. 39:57.70 Dave It's cute. 40:04.66 Leonard What the man that lives his throat looks like and that. 40:07.22 Dave Yeah, but didn't have a camera had to like go to a print shop. Um, like I think it's supposed to be like you with you went into like the little booths like little photo booth. Yeah, try to take a picture inside of your mouth with a photo booth when you're my. 40:16.91 Leonard You right? Oh yeah, ah. 40:23.22 Dave Eight Feet tall 40:25.66 Leonard You? Yeah, exactly Um, and then later that night. Ah, ah Chiman ah is in the bathroom and a geyser of blood erupts out of his mouth and the man climbs out. Um, it. 40:43.92 Dave It's even it's even worse he he's talking to Nikao and he's like oh my stomach doesn't feel good and she's like well you did only ate the things you always eat so was the problem and then he just starts puking up blood and then. Looks you know like up at the ceiling because he's vomiting. It's a yeah, it's a guy'ser of blood that splashes on like an incandescent bulb. It's just like whoa. Yeah, this is messed up and then the fountain is just it keeps going and a dude climbs out of his mouth. 41:07.70 Leonard Um, yep. 41:18.32 Leonard Um, yeah, ah and ah, and ah then he wakes up because it was a nightmare. 41:19.98 Dave And just walks off like what? okay. 41:31.66 Dave The one that he keeps having he has tons of these reoccurring um nightmares and it seems like it's tied to the times when he's chomping on a sorcer head like when the man in his mouth ah isn't finding what it's looking for it. It. 41:39.21 Leonard E. 41:45.75 Leonard Word for yeah. 41:49.50 Dave It's giving him like post-traumatic stress symptoms. 41:54.71 Leonard And to wrap up this first episode we are then treated to ah ah, um, 2 people ah murdering so many people this is the introduction of shin and noi. Ah. Um, to ah to as we will learn ah cleaners for in ah taking out a gang of ah ah what are they called cross eyess who have a hey cross eye. 42:21.80 Dave Cross eyes. Yeah. 42:28.72 Leonard Ah, red crosses tattooed on their eyes much like the man in Kaman's throat and that leads us yes and came in himself. Ah you want to you want to handle this the second episode the synopsis. 42:33.60 Dave And came in himself. 42:47.46 Dave Um, ah yeah, sure so um, Fujita yes yes, Fujita ah is he's working for n and um, he also we missed the funny bit. He. 42:54.10 Leonard Yes. 43:04.95 Dave When when he went to go track down um chimen in in Nikaido he got stopped at the gateway door thing by like the guardian and the guardian's like I have a message from Mr. n and it's like a little um voice. 43:11.60 Leonard Oh right? yeah. 43:23.33 Dave Recorder device and he's playing playing it back and ends messages like um I need you to go do the thing and I just told you to you know you'll find a way to do it because magic can't work on Kyman we know that um, figure something out and that thing better not be like taking a gun. 43:26.32 Leonard Yep. 43:39.94 Leonard Are. 43:42.59 Dave Because that's that's just lame and we just sitting there with like an MBFive he's like ah whatever I'm going to do it anyway, you know he's just trying to he doesn't care because he's his magic sucks. Um, and it doesn't work on kman but yeah, that fun part was funny. So. 43:53.45 Leonard Right. Yeah, that yeah because because in says if you do anything so disgraceful I'll kill you myself. 44:02.51 Dave Yeah. 44:07.88 Dave Ah, yeah, and and would gets ands just like that. But um Fujila has ebiu and he he because he grabbed ebiu. 44:23.25 Dave To save her from Kman but also because she is a lizard magic user or her magic is centered around reptiles or something um and and wanted to track her down or and her and a few others it was like ah he gave. 44:34.84 Leonard Yeasts. 44:42.45 Dave Ahsu like a little not maybe so he gave Fijida a little info box with like people that he should look for um and Ebsu is one of those but now ebisu is physically and mentally damaged. Um from the giant. 44:55.71 Leonard Um, it's me. 45:00.56 Dave The concussion that she sustained and then also having her face torn off and fingers chopped off. Um so he takes her back to n and um, ah Noi and shin are like. 45:06.88 Leonard Yep. 45:17.87 Dave Called in to to fix her because Noy has her noise magic is centered around healing like anything like aside from someone being dead like if they're alive she can fix them and so she's going to heal. Um ebisu. Ah. 45:28.42 Leonard Yes. 45:36.59 Dave And then prior to that they were sent out to their they are ends cleaners and they just go around and mop up. Um the Crosseys who are ah there are not technically a rival gang but they are an organization that is um. Built up of people that don't have magic and then like real low level sourcers. Um, that are upset with the status quo and our choice. So the sorcer world and whole are hierarchical societies like there's there's they're stratified according to like. 46:01.42 Leonard Ah. 46:14.14 Dave Wealth and power. Um and the cross-eyed group is trying to restore some previous balances because N shook up the system and kind of like took over a lot of things. 46:30.51 Leonard Right. 46:32.49 Dave On on a sorcer side and they're also pissed off about people or sourcecers coming over and like transforming people you know they're not. They're not down with that. Um, so Noi and shin are out just like murdering. 46:42.27 Leonard Right. 46:51.32 Dave Any cross eyed members that they find. Yeah yeah, the the high level ones and wants to talk to. 46:55.34 Leonard Right? The low level ones because because yes, ah yeah, and ah because ah they they. Ah, they fall into the the assassins with the weird code. Ah, ah yes, which is ah they don't use their magic on ah people that don't have magic ah at all because they feel that would be bullying so they just use. 47:13.38 Dave Category. 47:29.18 Leonard Massive amount of physical violence. Yes. 47:32.22 Dave Yeah, both noyinn are huge like bigger than kamen and um Nikao like respectably and Noy is the biggest probably the biggest person in the series. She's. 47:40.60 Leonard Yes, yeah, yeah, um, yeah, she just uses her brute physical strength shouldn't ah loves using a hammer. 47:47.90 Dave Gigantic. 47:54.78 Dave You guys like little claw hammer. 47:58.35 Leonard Yep, and ah when they confront the leader of this this chapter of this group of crosseyes. Ah he then proceeds to use his magic which were not shown directly at this point. But then we are tying it in in a interesting way to a little side story that kymen's experiencing where he's at work and the doctor has told him to get rid of some trash and then the trash bag starts talking to him tells him. That he was once a sorcerer and that a someone did this to him and Chiman asked. Well what did he do and the bag tells him to open it and kman gets freaked out which is very telling considering the fact that kmen and literally everyone else is so cavalier. About violence. Um, and then the bag ask comeman to kill him because he doesn't want to exist in this state anymore which kind and does and the bag. Thanks him. Yep. 49:07.76 Dave Yeah, you chucks them into an incinerator and or chuck the bag in there and the bag's like thank you and then dies. Um, yeah, and we don't like as the viewer you don't see what's in the bag but it's fine. 49:12.22 Leonard Yeah, yes. 49:22.97 Dave Um, because we do get. We do see um, relatively soon. What happened to the leader. The little sub leader of the um cross eyes who was ah like. 49:42.26 Dave Diced into segments segments and then hung from like little ropes. 49:49.42 Leonard Yes, he was he yes because that is what Shin's magical power is which is he can cut you up into as many pieces as he wants. Ah and not kill you. It is. 50:00.67 Dave Then you don't die. Yeah. 50:06.53 Leonard Horrific It actually? ah yeah, he whenever I see that kind of imagery I'm always just like oh yeah, it's like that scene in the cell with the horse. Um. 50:13.47 Dave Yeah, yeah, you know it's exactly like that. In fact, this this particular part is that. 50:23.28 Leonard Um, ah, ah in interrogates him. Ah the guy's not giving up any information and in tells him that he will turn his liver into pate. 50:36.63 Dave Um, yeah, and that comes back around pretty quickly actually. Ah. 50:48.21 Dave Yeah, and that's when they I think they're they're sent and he he requests that um they go well for one they they fix. Um. 51:03.68 Leonard Yes. 51:07.23 Dave Be su but it besu is like still mentally messed up like she gets all of her body healed but her mind is it's traumatized from the the ordeal. Um and she's just like. Super wonky afterward. She just wobbles around and kind of just wanders and has to have um Fujida like she's kind of babysitter that she's potentially still competent but not yet. 51:25.37 Leonard Yeah. 51:40.47 Leonard Yeah, yes, exactly. 51:43.82 Dave Takes a little time to to get back up to snuff. 51:49.00 Leonard Yes, and this is all ah, all taking place at a fancy French restaurant that ah in owns. Ah um, um. 51:56.44 Dave Yep. 51:59.16 Leonard And when he gives them ah the the mission he has a couple of ah shape-changing sorcerers taken on the appearance of of kamen and nakato and ah surprised they're actually assassins which I in had had. Sniffed out before when he asked what was on the menu and I believe they said sheep's liver sheep liver Pat a cap liver Pat a um. 52:23.94 Dave Ah, calf liver pate. Yeah Caf Li Pete but um, ah N only eats mushrooms so he's like yep that was not my actual workers who are named after mushrooms. 52:30.38 Leonard Um, yep. 52:41.43 Dave By the way just just FYI. 52:42.50 Leonard Yeah, of course of course they are ah the the assassins. Ah oh there's a really funny.. There's a funny gag where the assassins have ah guns pointed at in and ah Shin and Noi. Ah. Shouldn't throws a knife and Noy throws a fork into their hands and shouldn't says why would you throw a fork when there are plenty of knives. Ah the assassins try to make an escape and and just ah breathes on them. 53:07.29 Dave Are yeah. 53:16.20 Leonard Ah, because he doesn't he. He's not a.. He's not a normal sorcerer. He breathes on people for his magic and ah turns them into mushrooms and ah then the revelation is made that Oh. Yeah, um. The all the mushrooms in this restaurant were probably people once. 53:37.67 Dave Yeah, and to their credit I kind don't know if it's their credit. They their morals ethics I'm not sure where that fits. But um, both both Noi and chin like they just start vomiting're. They're like what this was people. 53:51.45 Leonard Yeah. 53:55.51 Dave And then which is really weird because noise um n is no' cousin and so I feel like they would know that now they're not close. Um, but these 2 work directly for n and have done so for a long time and it's like the dude only. 53:58.13 Leonard Yeah, yes, they don't seem particularly close. 54:12.12 Leonard Canon. 54:13.46 Dave He just turned people into mushrooms and he eats mushrooms so you know not not all the things he eats are probably people but the chances of it being people because he's like I don't want to waste any mushrooms. Yeah, it's like okay I don't know if that's a revelation for you guys. But. 54:19.11 Leonard Right. Um, yeah, are real high. 54:31.18 Leonard It shouldn't at least for Noy it shouldn't be but. 54:31.75 Dave Um, yeah, it shouldn't be but it was and so it's like okay at least they didn't just deep did at least they weren't cavalier about just continuing to eat. 54:44.83 Leonard You write? um and to be fair. It also seems like they don't frequent restaurants like this. Ah yeah, ah to the to the point that Shin doesn't even know what braised means. 54:52.14 Dave Um, no, this is really expensive like super super high end. 55:00.85 Dave Yeah, they look at them and you're going What is this and um noi ah they're they're supposed to dress up to meet with with them and so they work for him but I don't think they work with him directly very often at all like he's He's the top of the. 55:09.10 Leonard Um, yeah. 55:13.57 Leonard Right. 55:18.72 Dave Chain and they're just kind of in there somewhere and they're a cog so there are meetings with him aren't frequent. This is like something that's happened. It's going to happen more regularly but hasn't been up to this point. Um. 55:29.67 Leonard Right. 55:32.96 Dave Just based on how they're going. Oh we're supposed to have our masks on here or oh we're supposed to you know, put a suit on or something and noise like I'm not doing that I don't It's my cousin I don't care. She's like I I Just like I dressed up you know enough weird. 55:46.18 Leonard Oh and it's right and she did dress up. She's in a she's actually a very nice outfit. All things considered. Um. 55:52.87 Dave Yeah, yeah, it's like a sleeveless bondage thing. So I guess in the best I mean it's fashionable. It's fashionable. 56:01.18 Leonard And the vest like it's ah it's a little. Yeah, it's a little. Yeah exactly. Um, it's also worth mentioning that they do wear masks. Ah, Shin's mask is a heart that he refuses to wear correctly. He wears it backwards all the time and he has Cut. Yep Ah which I think is great because even though he he's like clearly an important member of of in's organization He doesn't really take it all this all that seriously. 56:16.89 Dave Yeah, and you just like ripped um eye holes in the back of it. 56:33.96 Leonard And noise like by the numbers and as like a really honestly like probably the most effective like of just being like an unsettling looking mask out of anyone because they all have these like weird pulled Lip rip. 56:51.37 Dave Yeah, and I think that that has to do with n like that's his motif. Yes I mushrooms is this because he he has his is more like a surgeon mask but it has that same. 56:52.56 Leonard This Grin things that make. Yeah yes, aside from mushrooms. 57:09.36 Dave So it looks like um it it feels like the inspirations for those particular designs were pulled from hellraiser and um I guess general Clyve Barker because it's hellraiser and the um. 57:20.13 Leonard Yep. 57:28.57 Dave What's the monsters one night breed because the um ah doctor in nightbreed has that weird like so so vinyl mask. 57:31.42 Leonard Um, oh yes. 57:48.63 Leonard Oh yeah, that's right nah. Yeah, but with a yeah with a chatterer. Yeah um. 57:48.68 Dave Little button eyes. It looks like that it looks noise mass looks like that with like the weird light chatter. Yeah. 58:01.32 Leonard Yeah, um, so the and everybody everyone in the sorcer Society wears masks. That's a form of mask. 58:08.11 Dave Yeah, um, yes, they yeah form of a mask because you you have to do get to earn them and you have to so like ah you have to offer like a tribute. Um. 58:15.85 Leonard Yes. 58:24.27 Dave To potentially get the mask after doing deeds. So it's a result of you going to do your practicing your magic. Um, and if you I guess if you pass that test like if you practice enough then you can maybe go get a mask and be part of the. 58:35.44 Leonard Inner. 58:43.17 Leonard Right. 58:43.72 Dave But your organization because that's it's all hierarchical. So you you need to have a mask to fit in with like the society. 58:52.73 Leonard Yes, um, because the the bug sorcer from the previous episode. He just had paint around his eyes that was in the shape of mask he didn't actually have mask because he was still doing his practice trying to get his. 59:03.57 Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah because he sucked at it. So. 59:10.61 Leonard Right? Um, ah, let's see ahmen and Nakado take a road trip to see a an acupunctur iss ah who is a sorcer ah that might. 59:27.20 Dave Um, yeah. 59:28.13 Leonard Be able to ah provide them with some information. 59:32.75 Dave Um, well the acupunctress is a sourcer or his specialty is face magic so he can do his magic can change. People's faces so it wasn't really information. It was like oh maybe we can just magic your head back like curate. 59:38.69 Leonard Um, yes. 59:46.00 Leonard Write. 59:50.67 Dave And um, what this does is this introduces us to the idea that hole itself The city is divided into like ah quadrants like it's North South Eastt and West and each section is run by different people. Um, it's. 01:00:00.56 Leonard And. 01:00:08.83 Dave Different kind of territories. So I think I think they go to the East Um for this and it's more lawless than the area I think they're in the south but it is more lawless than the area that they're in normally and so they're constantly like getting mugged. But. 01:00:12.87 Leonard I Believe so. 01:00:29.11 Dave It's nikao and chimen. So really, they're just beating other people up that keep Trump stupidly trying to like shake them down for money. They don't have. 01:00:39.69 Leonard Yes, yeah, ah nikado fights off a gang of thugs. Um the knocks one of kicks one of their eyes out. Ah um, cuts the head top of another one's head off with a spear. Ah, removing his baseball cap and brain. Um, it's she she hey she's a tough girl, she she she she knows she knows how to take care of herself. It's ah it's a it's an ugly world and she knows how to handle herself and also funk. Fortunately, the altercation. Um, ah gives them the location of of the acupunctur is which appears to be a club called 1000 and. 01:01:28.00 Dave Yeah, so that um, the club itself is it's one thousand but it's for the um 1000 arms of canon the the god which is why there's that giant canon statue in the background of the club. 01:01:36.80 Leonard Now right? which is super cool it it it. 01:01:45.37 Dave It's very cool. It reminds me of the great the great arcade in um, big trouble in little China. 01:01:52.71 Leonard That's exactly what I was guys. That's exactly what I was going to reference because I was like a man that's super goal I Love when they do stuff like that and it's just so it's so quick. It's just like establishing this location but it's so brilliantly evocative. Um. 01:01:59.97 Dave Yeah. 01:02:10.63 Leonard Love it. Um, ah Kman ah finds the acupuncturs and ah and ah chompsum and this is the first instance of ah what you mentioned earlier which is the more powerful. The sorcerer is the weird. Ah weirder. The space is in his mouth because this guy is completely in it and we see the entire figure of the guy in his throat. Um, not just his face. Ah and he is standing by like a trance. Fusion table covered in ah ah like a what ah a like white cloth and then like in 1 of the creepiest shots I think I've ever seen in anything just kind of slides. A. 01:02:52.80 Dave Down. 01:03:04.53 Leonard Into frame while we're looking at the sorcer in profile and just no, you're not it. But it's just so fluidly animated and the expression on his face is really deeply unpleasant. Um, but it's great. It's like 1 of my favorite sequences in the show because you know you're not expecting it because you've just seen like the head and mouth chomp. So many times that once you're thrown into like this weird scenario. It's like ooh. It's really. Creepy and unnerving. Ah Guyman asks guy tells him guyman's about to kill him and he's like wait I could see if I could fix your face. Ah so he does perform some acupuncture. 01:03:37.95 Dave Yeah. 01:03:54.46 Leonard Ah, nikado. He does a a fortune reading for Nikado because he's also um, kind of a good Fortune Teller as well. Ah tells her that ah her life's in danger. Ah, and it's like related to a heart. Ah, and ah Kmen ah has a reaction. Ah and it's discovered that he now he couldn't fix his face and also kimmen moltz and it's gross. 01:04:27.94 Dave Way He's like that's what my face is because the whole time he's like oh my head is itchy and he thought it was something he ate and then it turns out. No he was just moulting and it's ah it's also great because Nikao is just horrified when he pulls his. 01:04:28.82 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:04:35.49 Leonard You You're right? and. 01:04:45.70 Dave Dry face off. 01:04:45.61 Leonard Yeah, she's like oh you do that too because apparently that's the first time in 2 years in the two years that they've known each other that that's a thing that has happened. 01:04:58.40 Dave Which is surprising because other stuff happens a little bit later that she's just like no I got this we can fix it and I was like oh okay, but you didn't know that he molted all right. 01:05:04.70 Leonard Yes. 01:05:12.30 Leonard Um, ah and ah episodes ends with ah Shen and noi getting ready to go to hole. 01:05:20.59 Dave Yeah, and then we're we're treated to episode 3 which begins with night of the dead duel in front of the main department store. 01:05:35.46 Leonard Yep, ah, hey guess what remember how we said everything in hole is really bad. Well, it's so bad that some that on a specific day of the year all of the smoke in in hole coalesces. Ah, to bring all of the dead that have died during the previous year back to life as zombies and this has turned into because this has become an annual event. Ah they have created a weird festival around it that serves. As like a zombie hunt and a like prize get for the people of all. 01:06:15.00 Dave So yeah, and so it seems like a 1 ne-off thing like oh there's a weird zombie night. But really that builds on this society and economy. Ah, the. 01:06:27.60 Leonard Is. 01:06:31.57 Dave Festival parts just an excuse and what they what they've done is they know that on this day of the year all the dead come back to life to murder the living that's a problem so when they when anyone dies. Um. 01:06:34.22 Leonard Um, right. 01:06:52.31 Dave They get a metal tag like a little plate jammed into their neck. Ah those plates serve as currency. Ah for the festival for you can to buy prizes but what that really is for is just incentive to go murder the most of the undead as you can get like they they just needed So an. 01:07:07.90 Leonard Right. 01:07:11.16 Dave And not excuse but ah, a motivation for people to go out and take care of business. Um and not have it have to be like oh we have a weird police force that it there's no, there's no structure or Society's fallen apart so they don't have a group of people that can go do this. 01:07:22.48 Leonard Right. 01:07:29.49 Dave They have like the clergy and the the priests go and they have like big Salt extinguishers and they just pure purify the bodies. It's really good. Um, but purifying just keeps the ones you've killed from coming back. 01:07:37.80 Leonard Um I love that I love that So but it's really good. 01:07:47.86 Dave Ah, and you the the zombies will get killed or they mean they get and un zombified um by the morning light. Um, but that doesn't stop the mayhem of them like you can't just wait for them to all You can't just. 01:07:57.42 Leonard Yes. 01:08:07.22 Dave Like lock yourself in and hope for the morning to come because if you're Bitten then you just become a zombie so it's it's big problem. They need to actually get rid of them before as much as they can before the the morning so they made a big. 01:08:12.30 Leonard Um, yep. 01:08:21.10 Leonard Um, yeah I love it. It's so good. It's so it's that there's also this thing that this show does where it introduces like the elements of like how these societies work but they're not. 01:08:25.41 Dave Game out of it. 01:08:41.26 Leonard They're just mention and you're like oh that sounds weird and interesting and everyone just like that's just the way it is and nobody meets like meets to comment on it and and like make it a plot point. It's just like oh yeah, all the smoke here. Zombies now like once a year zombies. It's just does this like sprinkling of world building where I'm just like man the everything here sounds like a nightmare but it's also super fascinating. 01:09:13.69 Dave Um, well I mean the fascinating part is they have this weird crap that well they have to deal with whatever weird magic stuff that the sorcer that could be anything you don't know um and that's like on a daily basis. It's just a problem and you can't do much about it. 01:09:22.64 Leonard Right. 01:09:30.56 Dave Ah, so this is just another instance of well everything's turned to shit but we have to deal with it because we still have to live um and this is what we came up with um while still using cultural touchstones to show how they're like adapting to it. 01:09:35.75 Leonard Right. 01:09:48.34 Leonard Right? Yeah because ah because Noi are not Noi. Ah, nikado ah sees that there is a meat grinder and she is like I would really like that meat grinder I could make so much more goya goza with with that. Ah. And so she and kamen ah the embark on on killing enough zombies to make that dream. Um, true. Yeah um, ah yeah, that's great and then on like the opposite side of town. 01:10:11.80 Dave Yeah, it's like a hundred and eighty that they have to kill. 01:10:24.17 Leonard Ah, Shin and Noi arrive with ah ah yes, um, only to to ask hey is that a is that a zombie or. 01:10:29.45 Dave Futa Nebi so 01:10:37.32 Leonard Are there always zombies here and chins like there's so much magic floating around this place. Anything's possible. 01:10:44.71 Dave Yeah, it's like this is just a weird place and I think he says oh it's just like a fairyland or like ah a theme park and then fuji says like you mean a horror park This is terrifying and immediately it besooothes like bitten and turned into a zombie. 01:10:50.00 Leonard He Yeah Zombie. Ah yeah, ah and hey surprise the zombies are no match Fortune and Noy they make a bet. To see who can kill the most zombies ah loser has to buy the ah dinner pay for dinner. Ah um of the doctor has ah concocted ah Zombie killing Poison Meatballs. Um. Ah, but is ah almost immediately flooded by them and ah you know, almost dies but manages to survive and it all he did you. He didn't That's that's also true. 01:11:31.33 Dave Um, he he didn't even know that the meatballs are going to work. It's really use like oh good thing These things actually worked because it did save him. 01:11:41.96 Leonard Yeah, um, and then ah right before the end of the night ah Chin and Noi have a the confrontation with camen and akado and it is quick but it is pretty good. Um. 01:11:59.29 Dave Yeah, it's it's a brutal and um chimen and nikaido are are not on the winning end of this one. They're they're They're physically overwhelmed um by Shin and Noi ah part of that though is. 01:12:08.74 Leonard Yes. 01:12:16.95 Dave Kman's like a goofball and he he's like a hothead and just like I got this. Let's just go fight and doesn't plan anything or like take stuff into consideration because he's used to just dicing stuff up and um hasn't hasn't really had to because you know he's. 01:12:27.34 Leonard Yep. Yeah. 01:12:36.24 Dave Impervious to sorcery so he just kind of shrug stuff off and anybody else has been like little twiggy people. Um, but Chin no Shin knows what he's doing and um puts up. You know it's not not even putting up a fight. It's more just like. 01:12:41.14 Leonard You can write languages not these 2 01:12:56.49 Dave He's ready to fight and kamen is not like taking that into consideration and if if anything um Shin was like ecstatic to find out that he had to hand to hand combat some dude. 01:13:02.27 Leonard M. 01:13:11.47 Leonard Right. 01:13:14.00 Dave He's like wait I know I think I can't use Magic I have to like physically beat him up that that's great I Love it. 01:13:19.74 Leonard Yeah, it's yeah, it's it. It's a very cool fight of the guideido and Noy have a brief moment where Noy laments the fact that she has to kill nikaido because she's a really good right. 01:13:34.33 Dave She wants to be your friend. She's like we could be friends. This is great I love this and she's like oh wait I have to kill you. 01:13:42.15 Leonard Man that' zogs even like especially after ah, nikado lands the first punch to her gut which causes her to vomit up blood and she's like men that. 01:13:50.56 Dave Oh she's like my I was like oh that made my my guts Jiggle and she's like fuking blood up Sick I Love it because she's so weird. 01:13:58.96 Leonard It's so you're so yeah, she's so weird and she you know she appreciates somebody that can fight as well as she can or you know close to as well as she can yeah right? ah. 01:14:06.79 Dave Well someone that can hurt her because that doesn't normally happen like at all I mean nikaa is big but noise like 1.5 times a person like she's just that much larger. 01:14:16.85 Leonard We. 01:14:22.17 Leonard Um, yes, ah, yeah, ah so noy beats nikao pretty badly ah and shin ah ah stabs. Ah, ah. Gets the hook end of the hammer into kyman's head ah kmen bites shin's face shin sees the mask ah are the man in the throat and pulls himself out of ah ah out of Kaman's mouth and then ah lends a killing blood. What one would assume would be a killing blow by completely and utterly decapitating time. 01:15:07.47 Dave Yeah, he got the claw um end of the hammer up under his jaw and just like levered his head off. 01:15:14.28 Leonard Yep, ah, we get another blood geyser ah from the now the Headless Kyman and then Asin sees ah like the faintest outline of the man in the throat and then we get. Biggest revelation which is surprise nikao is in fact, a sorcerer because she bites her finger and produces a door even though she promised that she'd never use magic again to Tele pay port her and chimen away. Ah. 01:15:46.44 Dave Yeah. 01:15:50.82 Leonard And then they're discovered by the doctor and then days later Kyman's fine. His head grew back. But. 01:15:59.73 Dave Yeah, just chilling in a hospital was like hey what? ah you know oh some food. Okay, yeah, great and he's like yeah your head just grew back. 01:16:05.28 Leonard Um, he's like I wish my human head would have just grown back. But ah, the doctor tells kindmen that ah nikaa is a sorcerer ah chimen does. Ah. 01:16:09.81 Dave Yeah. 01:16:22.10 Leonard Just laughs at him and says that he's dumb and doesn't know what he's talking about ah meanwhile Nakados like man I wonder how this how our relationship is going to change now that kman knows that I'm a sorcerer. Ah which yeah doesn't really. He seems to be in denial about it. Ah because he comes in with the meat grinder is like hey we're friends. Everything's fine. 01:16:49.37 Dave Um, yeah, he he's aware of it. But I think he's just like he's known her long enough and doesn't care because that's just how he rolls about pretty much it I mean he has he literally has no memory of the anything past. 01:16:56.57 Leonard Right. 01:17:06.69 Dave The past two years and it's only been with her so that's like it's 1 touchstone. 01:17:09.33 Leonard Right? It's um, and then ah I believe the doctor's name is vox. 01:17:17.30 Dave Yeah, and um, he brings he brings like the head in a jar in like a futuurrama jar and it's like it's so weird and kind and like well that's weird and. 01:17:20.65 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah. 01:17:34.70 Dave Nick Iter just doesn't want to take this. Why would you bring that here. That's gross because it's just it's just his. It's not a it looks terrible. It's like a head in formaldehyde and um, it's like oh maybe we should ah come in of course is like we had to look inside of. 01:17:43.40 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:17:52.59 Leonard Um, your yes. 01:17:54.18 Dave Inside of my mouth like we got to see that guy see if we can see him in this head and so we get like the most horror sequence I think we've had for the whole series is them taking it to the lab and going to do a dissection. 01:18:02.13 Leonard Um, ah yeah. 01:18:12.93 Dave And the lights go out and they're kymen and nikao go to reset the breakers and Kman because kmen's keeps getting. He's an unreliable narrator. 01:18:29.60 Leonard Yes. 01:18:31.83 Dave So anytime we see stuff through Kyman's eyes you have to kind of just go. It might not be happening or it could be dreaming that happens a lot. Um, and in this instance, he's just walking along and he's a he's such a goofball but he gets scared. He's like scared of the dark because it's weird and he thought he was. 01:18:39.27 Leonard Um. 01:18:46.94 Leonard Ah. 01:18:48.98 Dave Behind Nikao and then all of a sudden. She's not there and then he's like I'm I in the alley that I always found him what's going on and he keeps hearing stuff behind him and it's It's the greatest like you just see one eye. That's. Ah, pupils slowly like turning to like look back behind him and then he turns and nothing there. Um and then lights come back on but when they go to the Lab. There's like blood everywhere on the table and the head's gone and the. 01:19:07.00 Leonard E. 01:19:16.95 Leonard Um, and yep. 01:19:23.39 Dave And he's kind of yelling at the doctor's like why did you steal the head. He's like I didn't steal it. The lights just came back on. Um, but we were filming it. Let's let's watch the the camera footage and um, they just get mad because it's just a doctor but they don't. 01:19:30.82 Leonard Let's review. Yep. 01:19:38.77 Dave Watch it close enough to see that there's a weird smoky shadow behind him so it's it's pretty creepy and like they did a good job like making this uncomfortable. 01:19:42.60 Leonard Yeah, it's it's yeah, um, oh and ah before before they make the decision to do the the examination. Ah, nikao tells the story of when she met Kaiman which is hey I found the headless body in the alley that we always pach by that you have a weird really weird. Yeah, weird feeling about. 01:20:04.46 Dave This headless Huge man. 01:20:10.89 Leonard Um, I went to you know, get accrude, clean it up. But I put it in a body bag when I got there, There was no body and and footsteps in blood and then you rounded the corner. 01:20:23.23 Dave What's like ah the the body. The man is still in the like half zipped up body bag like walking toward them like a creepy zombie thing. it' like you in Kindman's like oh that was me wasn't it and she' like yeah that was you. 01:20:34.50 Leonard Yep, yeah, is here? Yeah huh That's bizarre. 01:20:40.70 Dave He's like ah that's weird is like I don't remember I Just think I don't remember that I thought you just found me like knocked out. He's like no you had grew in that space of time. 01:20:47.17 Leonard Yeah, on the floor. Yeah, so have at it. That's the reason why we need to perform this this examination. But yeah, the missing head I Love that he's like the head with my head was never recovered and I'm like man that is a very. Unsettling sentence to hear any character say it. It. 01:21:17.32 Dave Yeah, um, yeah, so the next episode kicks off with roast duck ala sorcerer and this one. Yeah, it starts just like going more weird. 01:21:24.90 Leonard Yes. 01:21:34.47 Dave Places like immediately I was like oh not expected I mean none of it's expected. But this just started getting weirder than maybe I wanted it to I don't kind. It's like it's it's towing a line where I don't know if I like my not comfortable watching this part is this weird. 01:21:34.56 Leonard Um. 01:21:37.91 Leonard Are. 01:21:53.96 Dave Or is it weird that I'm okay what I'm trying to you know trying to figure out like huh. How do I feel about this I feel like it was interesting to watch and I will never watch the first part again. So n ah brings the group. 01:21:55.24 Leonard How you feel about the media that you're consuming. 01:22:08.34 Leonard Um. 01:22:13.90 Dave Um, to a sorcer called Turkey Sorcer Turkey and it's a sorcerer like a lady with ah a bated turkey head like it. It. 01:22:16.30 Leonard Um, turkey. 01:22:29.29 Leonard Um, ah. 01:22:30.11 Dave Like if you've ever seen the Mr Bean episode where he sticks his head into turkey. It's that except for the turkeys cooked like a roasted turkey. Um, it's like what and this sorcerer's magic power is to. 01:22:39.46 Leonard Ah I Love it. 01:22:48.92 Dave Um, using specific ingredients to bake um a duck and that duck will turn into a doll like ah a life-sized Replica of whoever you're thinking of when you put magic into it So you you use your magic. And your memory to I mean still like life into a weird homunculus but the homunculus will be stupid. Yeah food food Monculus got our episode title. Um, and so to they have to like. 01:23:14.77 Leonard Um, a food houncu is ah yeah. 01:23:27.78 Dave Shin is not down with like this turkey sorcerer. It's like why he's like why are we here like what is this dumb place and so ends like we ought to have to show you an example and so um. 01:23:32.53 Leonard Has. 01:23:45.91 Dave Yeah, the turkey's like you don't believe in my dolls I will make I will craft a doll put your magic in here and think of someone and then we will create it and so of course chin only works with Noi and he's like okay I got an image of my head. 01:23:56.89 Leonard Right. 01:24:03.79 Dave And the turkey Turkey wheels out like a big ah like serving those big serving dishes like the big platter with ah what they look the lid and pops the lid off and there's just like a like you know, a full-sized. 01:24:10.96 Leonard Yeah yet. Yeah. 01:24:22.62 Dave Just but naked noise sitting like All'll T trustss up because because when you you used the little baking twine. It's just what and and noise just sitting there like smiling and doofy looking because it's just a duck. 01:24:26.90 Leonard We have? yep. 01:24:42.61 Dave It's like not, there's no intelligence within the doll. It's just they have some rudimentary um instincts like like whatever your basic things you do like your habits. It can do that and that's kind of it. 01:24:51.40 Leonard Yes. 01:24:58.38 Leonard Yeah, and and also there they will gravitate to the original right right. 01:25:00.78 Dave Um, toward themselves like whatever the original body is or not body with the person. Um, and so shin didn't know what to expect in the first place and was not expecting. 01:25:17.50 Leonard Um. 01:25:19.61 Dave Naked noise and he's just like I've never seen my partner this way. This is not what I want to see and um ah they have to like. 01:25:28.33 Leonard Yeah, Yeah. He does the yeah and then he has to do the the the the anime hand wave over her The thing that to make her disappear. 01:25:34.96 Dave Just Dispel The it's great. He's just like blushing like oh he's embarrassed. 01:25:45.80 Dave Yeah, yeah, he's like he's like oh don't show me. Um yeah, and has to turn her back in a smoke because the actual noise showing up and he's like he he can't she cannot walk in here and see this. 01:25:51.79 Leonard That. 01:26:00.94 Leonard With with us. But. 01:26:02.73 Dave Based on with us knowing that someone would have had to like make the doll. So yeah, he he dispells it. But um, it's It's just a funny like little gag thing. Um, it's it's. 01:26:11.86 Leonard Um, yep. 01:26:15.53 Leonard Yes. 01:26:21.29 Dave Played to give more humanity and character to a dude that we've just seen like murdering people nonchalantly like they have more to them than just they're not like single dimensional ah killers. 01:26:29.25 Leonard Yes. 01:26:37.74 Leonard Bright. 01:26:40.17 Dave They've got like way more which is what that's the same for all like nobody's good people. Um, but they're interesting people So that's the other draw. Um, really for the series is everyone's just weirdos. Um, but they're yeah. 01:26:46.73 Leonard Um, yes, yes. 01:26:52.94 Leonard Yeah, yeah, exactly because everything is weird and awful and you kind of have to just yeah, exactly. 01:26:59.50 Dave And they're just dealing with it. So no, you know they don't get extra points for living the way they do um but at least they're interesting because everyone's messed up. Um, yeah, so they the whole point was they had um. 01:27:08.42 Leonard Right. 01:27:19.45 Dave Ah, shin has a memory of when he was in Kyman's mouth and so he knows what the dude in his mouth looks like so they make the doll of ah Kyman's inner guy and. 01:27:25.11 Leonard Right. 01:27:37.72 Dave The plan is to like let the doll like lead them to where chimen is. 01:27:42.73 Leonard Yes, but that's not what happens. 01:27:46.34 Dave But and no and so they're like the great thing is they're they're following the doll around but they're just because the doll's dumb like it's not you know, an intelligent thing. It's just a doll with a rudimentary sense. To it and they're just walking along with it as it goes about its day because it it goes to go get itself clothes it goes but it's like ah this really rundown secondhand shop that they're like oh only broke people go. 01:28:06.75 Leonard Um, yep. 01:28:23.71 Leonard Right Is he poor. 01:28:24.53 Dave To this store. Yeah is this guy poor. What's going on and he comes out with like this ugliest fashion. It's like weird little metal arm leg things and ah just. 01:28:34.47 Leonard Um, yeah, it looks like the gauntlets are have like railroad spikes in the. 01:28:42.38 Dave Yeah, it's not. It's not great fashion. It's like weird budget fashion. Um, but then goes to this high end or like a mid-tier I guess restaurant and it's just like chilling and eating. 01:28:55.91 Leonard Um, with. 01:28:59.71 Dave And they're like if you went to like the crappy clothes place. Why would he does He know people here like what's going on is that they're trying to ask does anyone knows and they're like oh he's probably irregular but I don't remember him you know So no, no one knows who this guy is um. 01:29:10.80 Leonard Yeah, yeah, right? It's also I also love that the waiter is wearing a mask that is just a fish. 01:29:21.32 Dave Yeah, it's a like fish head. Yeah, it's weird. Um, and then they follow the doll to like this tenement this really messed up apartment complex and we find out the the old room. 01:29:31.83 Leonard And I do. 01:29:38.91 Dave That Kmen's human or I guess maybe sorcer body belongs to we don't know um and the shin and Noi go do something like they all in end I think they just. Go do something else I don't remember what it is but Fu Fusta and esu are left with the doll because they're just like they're told to like check out the place and see like if there's anything they can find because the doll is just kind of sitting there and ibisu finds. A. 01:30:11.39 Leonard Guess. 01:30:16.96 Dave Ah, safe in the wall like a little box but it's like covered in blood and she's like hey I found something but like immediately she just gets like mauled by the doll and we don't we just hear her scuffling and so um, shinnenoi come back in. 01:30:26.29 Leonard Um, yep. 01:30:36.73 Dave To see what's going on and they have to um, dismember the doll because it was like beating the crap out of Fujitta and Ibisu but it even gets a couple. 01:30:39.96 Leonard He yep. 01:30:51.98 Dave Like a good hit in on um Shin because he wasn't expecting the duck to like actually fight back think it had butts him or something. Um, but yeah, he just disperses it just turns it a duck juice. 01:30:55.63 Leonard Fight back it. 01:31:07.44 Leonard Yeah, he punches he punches it straight through the sternum. 01:31:12.10 Dave Ah, yeah to the stomach and then just because it's just meat. Um, yeah, and they they get the box and oh he uses magic to open it up and it's ah Kman's head like mummified or from. 01:31:23.81 Leonard Yes, well it's the Hume yet. It's the human in the throat's head and shin's like oh so it was dead the entire time and we've learned absolutely nothing from this endeavor. 01:31:27.13 Dave Manhead. Yeah, the human head. 01:31:39.71 Dave Yeah, just like he has bad fashion scents and likes to eat expensive things like. 01:31:48.80 Leonard And and that and ended it and it ends by showing the outside of the tenement and then in the sky. There's just a demon. 01:31:56.13 Dave Yeah. 01:32:03.35 Dave Yeah, ah yeah, so they have um because N just throws part I don't even think ends through end throwing the party I think there's a party happening and n. 01:32:11.45 Leonard No, it's the no, it's real. 01:32:18.47 Dave Can just go and then other people like ebisu had an invitation. So I think I think they were using a bsu's invitation. Yeah, so it's a weird neroancer party and the. 01:32:20.57 Leonard Yeah, because she had attended before yeah because she had attended before and it's a yep. 01:32:34.89 Dave This is another one where it's like what trying to this is terrible. Um, so they go to this swanky hotel mansion and um, they're told to like put nose plugs on. 01:32:40.47 Leonard Um. 01:32:47.20 Leonard Manton. 01:32:54.73 Dave Or like suggested do they but probably put these on. Um they will help you in the party. They're all you know they're all dressed to the nines and um, they go inside and all of the all of the guests have each brought a. 01:32:54.77 Leonard Looking. Ah. 01:33:10.84 Dave A corpse of like a loved one or a friend or someone that they just wanted to resurrect and and each of the corpses has like ah they're they're hung upside down that the worst part I think is that they're just like strung upside down and they have like little presence. 01:33:18.16 Leonard Um, yep. 01:33:24.16 Leonard Um, yeah, yep. 01:33:30.20 Dave Um, tied to them. Ah and the whole premise of this party is that the the host or the the main guest of honor um is this necromance Resourcer who can resurrect the dead. Um, and that the presence are like the Bribe slash payments. 01:33:41.15 Leonard Yes. 01:33:49.17 Dave Um, for the for someone to be resurrected and their goal is to I Ah I think they brought the head to get it resurrected to talk to it. 01:33:59.95 Leonard And and I wants to make the the the necromancer his partner. 01:34:05.75 Dave Yeah, his his partner because he's been searching for um, ah like a powerful sorcer and he wanted someone That's like a time time mage. But he's like well if someone can raise the dead that works too. Um. 01:34:16.83 Leonard Right. 01:34:20.20 Dave Just to shore up his operations so we just get we get a little bit of character building. Um for I not care to a background building for like ibisu because we know she was invited to this before um, some weird dude. 01:34:33.29 Leonard And. 01:34:40.80 Leonard And Cross eyes. 01:34:40.10 Dave With like a lot of hair and a mustache. Um and Cross eyes sees her and and and um like tricks her to get her to talk to her alone with this like hideous balloon. 01:34:54.52 Leonard Um, yes, yes. 01:34:59.00 Dave Like hey a little girl got a balloon for you and it's like this is weird. Um, it's real skeevy but he gives her ah um, like a cocktail with ah what we find out is this um black. 01:35:01.94 Leonard Yeah. 01:35:17.79 Dave Um, sorcery enhancement powder. It's like a drug that that makes sorcerers more potent but it's addictive and it's also like a chia chity cheap way to enhance your magic because it's temporary and it's addictive. So there's 2 There's more downsides than. 01:35:18.65 Leonard Yes. 01:35:29.20 Leonard Right? right. 01:35:37.34 Dave Like what it benefits you to do. But for some reason the dude knows to be so gives it I think he didn't understand that she's not all together Still she's still like googleogly Minded. Um. Because he he gave her the drink and then she immediately like vomits all of her smoke out which like melts the dude like kills him and I was like that's weird I thought she done did lizard stuff but just guy just like eviscerated. 01:35:58.62 Leonard Um, yes, yeah yeah. 01:36:14.13 Dave So it because it doesn't explain like what our power is it just shows that he's dead. Yeah yeah. 01:36:19.16 Leonard Dead and shredded in in this room. We get a we get some weird sorcerer ah physiology because even though sorcerers look like humans. They are. In fact, not um. Ah, when ah the Necromancer resurrects a guy she sticks a spoon behind his eye and pulls out a thing that looks like a demon and explains that it's a tumor that all sorcerers have it is basically their life force. She resurrects the demon which then crawls back. Behind the Sorcerer's eye into his brain and he wakes up and gives her a present and it's real gross. 01:37:00.41 Dave Yeah, they linger on the my spooning bit a little bit so be forewarned. Um, yeah, and it it turns out that the the necromancer and her other partner um are both. 01:37:03.19 Leonard Yeah, it. 01:37:18.50 Dave Ah, users of that black drug and they yeah um that she's been using that to enhance her own powers in theory. That's not actually what's going on and then um and. 01:37:19.13 Leonard Yes. 01:37:28.97 Leonard Yes. 01:37:36.83 Dave Arranges to kidnap her to make her his partner because he thinks that she's ah the powerful necromancer and in the in the ensuing scuffle they have to separate her from the her other the other dude that's her partner. Um, but that guy uses like. 01:37:37.30 Leonard Yeah. 01:37:52.10 Leonard Um. 01:37:54.53 Leonard Yeah, Melt magic it. 01:37:55.21 Dave Acid Bullets is magic is like yeah melt melt orbs. Um, and it's a fun little like it feels like they they cranked up the budget for this episode like they they put money into this one like the the sequences are really smooth. 01:38:09.00 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:38:14.51 Dave And Noi and shin. Ah, they've been physically fighting people and this is since this is a sourcercer they're like oh we can use magic or like you know when they always can but they're just like hey let's let's show them our super combo and. 01:38:21.75 Leonard Um, right. 01:38:29.24 Leonard Yeah, our combo attack. It's really cool. 01:38:33.18 Dave Um, it's actually it's pretty cool. Ah because shiin has his. He's not using Magic He just maybe physically enhances himself. Um I don't know because his magic is tearing people apart. So I don't know what he does to himself but he's just going to go claw Hammer on the dude. 01:38:46.11 Leonard Right. 01:38:52.23 Dave And um, he gets caught in like the melty blast his arm just gets melted to bone and but he just keeps going because as he's running toward and like not avoiding the Blast Noy uses her magic to reassemble his arm like immediately. 01:38:56.94 Leonard Yeah. 01:39:07.51 Leonard Um, yep. 01:39:11.46 Dave And it's just this really cool like regeneration through like the acid and then he he just murders the dude but it's it's a cool like move. 01:39:15.41 Leonard Um, yeah, it's so cool. Yeah, yeah, it is at an actual very cool combo attack. 01:39:28.58 Dave Yeah, because just 1 person just can like jug ornaut into somebody else and not care about the consequences if they can if they don't get killed immediately. They can they're they're still in top fighting form. Yeah, it was cool just what I mean they it's real quick. 01:39:40.50 Leonard Right. 01:39:47.84 Dave Quick sequence but you get you watch all the muscle and everything build back on the bone and the flesh and it just knits back. So it's a neatly neat little effect and we find out that the necromancer is using the the powder to to enhance whatever power she has um, but it's not even hers. It's. 01:39:48.00 Leonard Um, ah. 01:39:54.47 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:40:06.40 Leonard This. 01:40:07.48 Dave Ah, she's hiding a weird little dog demon a little puppy thing. Um in in her dress and that's what's actually resurrecting everything. 01:40:13.84 Leonard Um, the yeah. 01:40:21.99 Leonard Um, yes, it Yeah exactly. 01:40:22.59 Dave So I think she's using her power to control it or something. Um, it doesn't explain it but we just know that it's not her doing the resurrection. It's the little the little dog weird little dog. Um. 01:40:33.34 Leonard The little devil dog. 01:40:40.63 Dave It looks like Pete's dragon but it's pink I don't know why we like a little floppy years it it doesn't look like Pete Dragon just that it doesn't look like it fits in with the show is the thing because it's it's a bright. It's vibrant pink. 01:40:41.60 Leonard Yeah, a little bit. 01:40:56.97 Leonard Um, if yes, it's It's yeah yeah, because it doesn't have like like normal eyes its eyes are like when a child draws a circle with. 01:40:58.63 Dave And Fuzzy and kind of weirdly, cute but still kind of ugly so I don't dang. Um. 01:41:09.20 Leonard Ah, Black crayon and it's just the scribble. That's what both of its eyes look like but it's still weirdly, cute because it's just dog shaped enough to be adorable. 01:41:11.10 Dave Yeah, yeah, a little. 01:41:21.56 Dave Yeah, it has like a little um ah the little demon tail where it's not a heart nerd. Maybe it does ever hurt this little a little dragony tale I Think that's why I was diging the beach dragon. But anyway, um. 01:41:29.79 Leonard N. 01:41:37.95 Dave And realizes. That's what's the actual necromancer skill so he he's like I have my new partner now. Um. 01:41:42.31 Leonard Yes. Yeah, and they're like you are you going that? Well I think they ask are you going to make that thing your partner is like not exactly and cut to the next scene and yeah, he's He's being a weird gross overly affectionate. 01:42:05.47 Dave Dog Dad Yeah, he's being a dog dad and he built like he's like oh here's her here's her kennel and it's It's like this garden retreat room. 01:42:07.60 Leonard Dog Dad thick. 01:42:21.10 Leonard Um, yes, ah. 01:42:23.94 Dave Like it. It looks like there's more money put into that room than like someone else would get that was human or you know a sourcercer. Um, they just like super dotating on this weird little dog thing. Um. 01:42:28.90 Leonard Right. 01:42:39.96 Dave And then I forgot what? ah he gave it ah ah kio rae so it's ah the Judas's ear is the actual name of the mushroom but it's um, of course another mushroom name. Um. 01:42:44.72 Leonard Um, yes, right. 01:42:59.39 Leonard Because it's got its floppy little Judas see Judas ears. 01:42:59.46 Dave And. 01:43:05.17 Dave Yeah, ah yeah, so we we forgot about the the dumb Brooms they and had an engineer make him like. 01:43:10.26 Leonard Um, no. 01:43:21.35 Leonard Um, yeah, it's It's a cures bike if it were a brew. Yes, yeah. 01:43:21.92 Dave Flying motorbike but it's a broom. Yeah, if you made it if you made it look more like a like a witch sproom. But it's still like huge motorcycle looking thing or like a pod racer. 01:43:38.29 Leonard That can then transform into an actual broom to do cleaning. 01:43:40.99 Dave Into a yeah yeah, they're like it's a vacuum. Um, but but it's huge and it's powered by you know your own wizard smoke your sorcer smoke. Ah so you can just perpetually like fill it back up as you're flying. 01:43:49.93 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:43:58.14 Dave Ah, and he he's in a sell them like he's in a market and he he has it has his mushroom logo on it and it's It's just it's ridiculous. Um, because it's so huge and the thing is is this the dudes. 01:43:58.28 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah to the. 01:44:14.98 Dave Showing it to him but then ends messing with it like it's a infomercial like it's just a weird segment where he's he's sitting. He's not flying it. He's just sitting on it and he's pumping it Well you know he has like a mask on that fills it like ah has a tube to. 01:44:19.76 Leonard The yeah. 01:44:33.72 Leonard Dell write. 01:44:34.29 Dave So he can breathe into it to um, put his smoke in there. But then the guy's like yes and if you feel like if you do like this it transforms into a room and it can clean thirty meters per second or something and it it it like flips. 01:44:48.50 Leonard Yep. 01:44:50.31 Dave Vertically and he's just holding it like this is big transformation noise and ends holding it and it just it looks so silly because he's being very serious but it looks so stupid and you can see him going like oh this is great. This is perfect. It's like yeah, it's like no. 01:44:56.75 Leonard Yes, yeah, yes, this is yeah this is exactly what the market needs. 01:45:10.00 Dave This is a stupid idea I mean the flying partss fine. But the huge like thistle. It just looks cook. It's just like a big. Ah um, ah like a pressure air air. 01:45:12.85 Leonard The fact that it's actually a cleaner. 01:45:24.20 Leonard Um, oh yeah, like ah yeah, pressure wash. Yeah. 01:45:29.29 Dave Pressure pressure wash but just with air. So it's like it's a reverse vacuum. It's very silly. Um, anyway, that doesn't he and she and were like flying them around ah to go I think they they took it to go see Turkey Yeah, but anyway, um, it was just. 01:45:38.40 Leonard It's varies. 01:45:44.13 Leonard Yeah. 01:45:48.62 Dave Stupid and I wanted to remark on it that it silly like it's just a one off like what? why do they have the dump. 01:45:56.46 Leonard It once again, it's just world building. It's just some flavor. 01:46:00.95 Dave Yeah I mean you don't see anything else flying around though. So it's just okay if you're real rich. You get to have a little personal flying thing I mean maybe this is a prototype I don't think they existed so he's he's making strides to. 01:46:05.64 Leonard I Think this. 01:46:15.70 Leonard Right? that. 01:46:20.30 Dave Improve upper society or something. Yeah, get a more me business. Um, anyway, yeah, so he has the cat thing dog thing. Whatever old demon and um, that's. 01:46:20.61 Leonard Right? Well end to make more money. 01:46:37.00 Dave That's the end of their bit of the episode then it it cuts back to Kayman and nikao who um, are told by um, vox about ah ah another doctor guy that um, that. 01:46:38.15 Leonard Yes. 01:46:52.42 Leonard Yeah, yeah. 01:46:56.90 Dave Has been researching sorcer corpses and to to they just go and go talk to him because he could help he could help them somehow like fix his head or find ah either. They don't know I don't think they know specifically what he can do. It's very vague. 01:46:59.84 Leonard Um. 01:47:10.58 Leonard Yeah, it's very indistinct. 01:47:15.41 Dave Talk to this dude because you might know something. It's the same thing with like the acupuncturists they just they're just looking for leads. Um, so week this I like this segment because it's shows. It's um, it's showing. 01:47:20.22 Leonard Right. 01:47:33.95 Dave The the Japanese society culture side of things. So the the to make that more clear. The doctor's um, little mansion is an old traditional Japanese mansion. 01:47:40.73 Leonard In. 01:47:53.73 Dave Little home like and it's in a state rather totally so they go there and like it's outside of the city I guess like because it looks like nothing else like everything else is just Tokyo like just um. 01:47:54.58 Leonard Yes. 01:48:00.83 Leonard Inn. 01:48:06.89 Leonard Yeah rundown. 01:48:12.46 Dave Yeah, so what? and ah and a comparison I meant to make earlier is um, the aesthetics that went into the um what is the name of that game hey when I just space out. Ah it is. To Uncle Death Uncle Death it's a weird multiplayer game free to play. Let it die? Yes, so the aesthetics of this is let it die. 01:48:43.48 Leonard Oh um, let it die. 01:48:47.16 Leonard Um, yes. 01:48:50.45 Dave And that game specifically like deals in a weird tower that looks a lot like the art style of this. Um and all the stuff inside all of your um. 01:49:02.70 Leonard The ah. 01:49:09.20 Dave Recovery items and power stuff. It's all mushrooms. Yeah so I feel like there's a lot of influence from this to that. But at the same time it's it's doing its own thing but it's. 01:49:10.42 Leonard Right? Oh yeah, that's right. 01:49:19.62 Leonard Yes. 01:49:27.86 Dave If you took because of the way the combat works if you took dark souls and instead of being basing it on um, strange fantasy in berserk if you based it on Doro Hedoro you'd get let it die. 01:49:32.40 Leonard Um, 50 01:49:40.29 Leonard Um, yeah, right? Yep, that's pretty accurate. 01:49:49.67 Dave Yeah, would you ri I don't know I don't think I thought about that when I played it at first anyway, um, that's just like a weird touchdown. Ah if you like this like visually and the combat of dark souls you may like let it die I think the servers are still up. 01:49:55.79 Leonard Um. 01:50:05.84 Leonard Yeah. 01:50:08.38 Dave Um, you can play it solo like you don't the online component I don't think is necessary. Um, unless the servers are down. But anyway it's a weird game. It's it's like it's like this. It's real weird. Ah yeah, so they're in the little mansion. 01:50:12.89 Leonard Now. 01:50:22.90 Leonard Um. 01:50:26.97 Dave And they're looking for the doctor they discover really quickly that ah because of the doctor's research the um, the whole place all the dust and dirt and grime that's kind of starting to pile up is. Ah, Residue from this smoke residue from Sorcer. So The place became like a weird infinite maze like it warped the interior of of the estate and they're just like. 01:50:46.51 Leonard Um, yes, yep. 01:51:01.56 Dave Wandering around going home. There's a room over here. Oh wait that room wasn't there a second ago this homeway is making this is way longer like it's way bigger on the inside than the outside. Um and rooms I think are repeating but they they find a kitchen and it's like ah it's a weird. Um. 01:51:08.56 Leonard Over here. 01:51:20.48 Dave It's it's doing with the cultural festival that the zombie stuff became. It's doing that. But it's doing like a weird new year's hot springs episode. So there's no hot springs but they're doing the new year like they make traditional dishes and they're just. 01:51:29.13 Leonard Good. 01:51:38.12 Dave Um, nikao and chimener just by themselves celebrating New Year's in a stranger's home with like really expensive ingredients. Ah, and they're just because they couldn't find the doctor they like he's puppy dead because he's he's old. He's older than um, ah. 01:51:45.20 Leonard Um, yep. 01:51:56.16 Leonard Vox. 01:51:56.59 Dave Fox and like oh he could he could have been killed by if I we just died out here or had a heart attack or maybe he was killed by a sorcer that he was trying to study and so they just forget about it and. Decide they should. They're hungry and they while they find a kitchen like they should use that before they get lost again like feed themselves so they can try to find their way out and they sit there and they they're eating and everything and having a conversation and then there's just some like young dude. 01:52:18.71 Leonard Um, yeah, yeah, yes. 01:52:31.32 Leonard Um, kid yeah some kid. 01:52:32.14 Dave Yeah, just he's just sitting there with them and he's like oh can I have some of that they're like oh yeah, go ahead and it's that that little double take of them like not noticing. There's another person and then just treating them like they'd always been there and they're like wait. What who who who is like oh yeah, I'm the doctor. 01:52:46.79 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:52:50.90 Dave Like this is my cursed body like I was cursed to become a child or to become younger and I I thankfully I was sixty years old so I didn't you know, go out of existence I just aged back enough to still be alive I'm a kid. 01:52:55.40 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:53:03.30 Leonard Yeah, it's like Ha Ha I guess I got lucky with that Pretty lucky with that one slightly. 01:53:11.73 Dave Yeah, um, but he um, he welcomes them into his home. Ah, probably because he's bored and he's like well let me show you what I've been working on I think they they tell him that they they were sent by vox. 01:53:27.27 Leonard M. 01:53:29.64 Dave Um, or he just assumes I don't know I don't remember but they go with him and I think they were like do you ever get lost like why would I get lost my own house. Um, because they he or they they're like. 01:53:43.10 Leonard It's like. 01:53:47.10 Leonard Um, he is. He's. 01:53:48.75 Dave Vacuuming up stuff and it like it it it. Yeah, he's vacuuming things and which what that does is it like keeps his path clear because he's cleaning up the magic dust. So he yeah yeah I Miss to miss the spot. You know. 01:53:53.68 Leonard Yeah, and he's like see the house is back to normal now I was just during a thorough cleaning. 01:54:06.87 Dave So He um takes them to his like little lab room and it's like the the camera angles are great because you're seeing them walk into the room and you know what they're going to see. Because you're getting bits of it like on the edge of the frame and it's like oh it's a weird book of the dead but Big. So I bet. It's a yep, It's a big Door. He made he made a sorcerer door out of Sorcerer's skin and bones and it just looks like well it looks like the neckronomicon. 01:54:27.16 Leonard Um, yeah. 01:54:37.23 Leonard Yeah, it look the the first like close up frame of it is just straight up the face on the neck or no on. 01:54:43.80 Dave But it's a door. 01:54:50.41 Dave Yeah, and then you relate just a bunch of bases on there because you just stitched people together or their skin and all the the um the joints that were the um, the hinges and stuff that's made of bones. 01:55:05.10 Leonard Yeah, and he's like this door will take you to the Sorcerer world and that's the end 02:11:10.16 Leonard All right I think it's time that we close this episode out Dave where can people find you on the internet. 02:11:20.42 Dave They can find me primarily on Twitter at sentinot underscore plus that as always will be in the show notes you can find the podcast itself on Twitter at Mon Underscore d monsterster or at monsterdeer.monster are wayward cohosts. We'll be back next week actually with Eldon ring I will be um, indisposed I'm on um mini ah mini vacation. So I won't be here for that episode. Um, but you can find Cameron. On Twitter at night underscoredwi and that's night without a k and then Adam you can find on Twitter at Adam Buerry and Leonard by yourself. 02:12:01.14 Leonard Yes, yes, yes, I you can find me on Twitter at Dr Faust is dead. You can also find me on Twitter at Umbra Knox productions and you can find my video editing work on Youtube. By searching Dr Faust is dead and number ah number Umbra Knos Productions Respectively and I think with that we're going to ah close out with our new intro. Ah, but until next time. Have a good one folks. 02:12:41.90 Dave Bye Bye folks