MIX-15 === [00:00:00] James: Frank. Frank. Frank. Frank. Frank, I got some big news. Are you ready for it? [00:00:04] Frank: Uh, always. Always, and not ready. [00:00:07] James: Oh, it has to do with this podcast. I don't know, you probably don't follow me on the internet, so I'm assuming you know nothing about any of this news. [00:00:14] Frank: I, it's more like I've been detached from the world for the last week, and that's why I'm detached from news. That's my excuse this time for not following you on the internet. Also, I thought you were off the internet, but Okay. [00:00:25] James: What's going on? I'm off the, I'm off the internet, but on the YouTube, Frank, you know, I'm always on the YouTube. [00:00:31] Frank: The YouTube is like, The last place I'd like on the internet right now. So, hi YouTube. If you're watching, [00:00:39] James: in fact, Frank, some might be watching on our new YouTube channel Merge Conflict, it's own YouTube channel youtube.com/at merge conflict fm. What do you know? Because here's what happened, Frank, when we started doing these, Video recordings. I'm an audio type of person, but we pretty much always just have our video on 'cause so we can synchronize anyways, our audio and just, it's better to like look at each other while we're doing this. So we decided sometimes. Yeah, I know. I see your cat walk around and, and question what's in your background for the audience, for our bonus podcast. But as an experiment, I wanted to see if anyone wanted to ever watch these, these, um, podcast video. And I needed to put them somewhere and YouTube, uh, and we didn't record any of them for the longest time, for 350 some odd episodes. We just never record the, the videos only audio and. What ended up happening is YouTube released these YouTube podcasts, so you can create a playlist, which then you can put it into a, a podcast and then it shows up in certain places, et cetera, et cetera. They have certain analytics. Amazing. Um, so this similar like live and other stuff, there's a little podcast tab. So I was like, where am I gonna put these? Well, I have my YouTube channel, I'll put them on my YouTube channel. I usually publish on Thursdays. This comes out on Monday. So bingo bango, and we've been doing that for. Half a year, you know, and we get pretty good time thousand views per episode. That's not bad. [00:02:04] Frank: I thought we were doing it for longer. I feel like we've been doing, uh, videos on the YouTube for longer. Okay. We, we gotta, we keep going. I, I want a few years under our belts. We gotta become YouTubers. [00:02:15] James: We did a few live streams and then that was about it. So we had about, mm-hmm 20 some or so in there. And yeah, right around 19 is what we have. I'm just looking at it right now at the current playlist. So that was pretty good. And I did a survey though on my channel because you know, I'm always publishing new videos and sometimes I don't publish a new video every week. So it's like I got two merge conflicts back to back and I wanted to make sure that I was listening to my. Viewers of my channel, which many of them are from our listeners of this channel. So it kind of made sense to me in a way to keep them together in general. But of course, every person that watches my YouTube does not listen to our podcast, which I guess makes sense. So Frank, here's what ended up happening. I did a survey and there's a little survey built into YouTube community chat, and I said, Hey, Should I keep them? Should I separate them or should I keep them together? So vote yes to separate them. Create your own channel. No, keep 'em together. This is amazing. And 70% of people said, please separate the channels and keep separate entities. Okay. So that is what I have done, Frank Krueger. And it is now its own YouTube channel that follows you and follows me. And we have 177 subscribers so far, which Great. [00:03:31] Frank: Hello? 177 with you. Uh, okay, cool. Uh, happy to have our own channel. 70%. That's a tough one to make a decision on. I, I'm not the 50% kind of guy, like 51%. No, no, you don't, you don't make any change. 75%, but 70%. Cool. Hi everyone. Welcome to the new channel then. Um, it, it, it's good. Yeah, because it, it's definitely different content than you normally have on your channel, so that's, Um, we'll have to just advertise and make cool thumbnails and ab test thumbnails now that we're a legit channel. Now, uh, we have to do channel like stuff, uh, get a sponsorship. Uh, we, we should definitely get a cool also in addition to our also cool sponsorships [00:04:18] James: in. Yes. Now the bummer is that I can't just like transfer the podcast from YouTube over. So what I had to do is like unlist the old one, you know, make everything unlisted and then. I'll re-upload everything onto the new one. So now everything is there. It's an official podcast. I'll put links in the this show notes if you're over there. But to kick it off, uh, if you're on YouTube and I'll describe this, we're doing a little giveaway. All you gotta do is be a subscriber to the new merch conflict. Channel. Channel and like one of, uh, this video or the, the, yeah, just this video. 'cause you're watching this video. This is do this. Right? Fair enough. Um, so either last week's or this week's is fine. 3 72 or 3 73. You like the video, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment. Anything you want, you like the podcast, anything like that, and anywhere in the world. I will send you this soundbite that fm, which is our podcast network, amazing Bombproof mirror. Bag. It's a cool bag that you can put your devices in, and it's lined with waterproof. It's, it's really, really nice and inside of it. Is a bunch of swag for Merge Conflict and Soundbite fm, which is a bunch of stickers, a magnet and a pin, and a lot more. I'll do that to one person anywhere in the world and I will pick out 10 more people to send stickers to anywhere in the world. So 11 optional people that can win that and a giveaway. So that's all you gotta do. If you're watching this video, like it, uh, make sure you're subscribed to the channel on YouTube, and then leave a comment and I will pick out people in the. Below by, I dunno, a week from now, two weeks from now or something like that. I don't know when, but I will do it. [00:05:54] Frank: So I feel like I have to be the p b s person to say that is a fantastic deal, James, because that is my favorite pouch that I've ever gotten out of you. Uh, James was kind enough to let me use one of these swag pouches and I have been using it literally for years and it is the greatest bit of swag on the planet. So everyone raced to, what did you say? You have to give a like or something. Race or a comment to do that? 'cause you want that pouch, I promise [00:06:21] James: you. Yes. Like, subscribe, leave a comment. All the things that you would do on YouTube. Uh, yes. I have a few of them. In fact, I just sent them out to a bunch of our Patreon subscribers as well. Not that I'm asking, I. For people to give us more money. But there's a lot of time. I literal spent hours today re-uploading, doing all this stuff. This is a lot of work, um, in general. But yes, um, I sent it out to our US based, um, Patreon subscribers. 'cause international shipment is very expensive. Hence I'm doing you want, uh, in general, but I did, we did send out mugs, uh, to all of our, yeah. To all of ours. And it was like, I dunno, the bill is like $600 for shipping. It was wild. It was more than we made the entire year. Patreon. That's, yeah. Uh, anyways, that's the big news. Seven minutes news of it's, we're getting it outta the way. Get it outta the way. Clear it out. Oof. I'm sorry, but that's just, that's just life news. And now Frank, let's get to our biggest topic of the week, which is for the first time in my entire. Existence. I downloaded and installed and used a nightly build of T .NET. In fact, the T .NET eight r c. [00:07:28] Frank: Oh, it's the rc The release candidate is a nightly build right now. That's fine. Yeah. I don't know if that counts, man. Like nightly. Nightly means you're on the bleeding edge. That means like someone had too much coffee before they left work and it checked in and it technically builds, but it breaks everything. That's a nightly, that's a proper nightly build. But, uh, an RC that, that feels like it has some quality assurance behind it. [00:07:55] James: Well, what if I told you, Frank, that the nightly builds are actually not even nightly builds. They are builds of every PR into Maine. A new nightly. Yeah, it's, I guess it's a PR build gets in there. And that's specifically@github.com slash dot .NET slash installer. Uh, that's where I learned it existed. 'cause I had no idea. When you go there, you literally have, um, Under the ta. There's a table below and you have to add a, uh, oh my gosh. There's .NET nine builds a what? Oh my God. Dare. Don't [00:08:36] Frank: you dare. It's, it's too early. We should talk about dot .NET nine. We're not [00:08:40] James: going back. Oh my. Oh, they're on RC two. I'm already late. Oh my gosh. Wow. Right. Okay. So, so [00:08:47] Frank: Ja James is talking about github.com/dot .NET slash installer, which I believe has been around for, since ancient times. Like since Dot .NET won or something. Yeah. 'cause I remember, uh, the whole, how are we gonna distribute this new cool version of Dot .NET wasn't fully. Settled by the Microsoft people and for a while there were just these binaries everywhere from the build servers, and you could always go get these binaries. Uh, I don't know if this is the exact same repo, but it has the same giant table of operating systems and versions that you would expect out of a giant dump out of a built server of do .NET versions. [00:09:30] James: It is arm [00:09:31] Frank: 64, baby 9.0, point hundred alpha. That's, that's what you want [00:09:38] James: right there? Yes. So here's what ended up happening. I don't know. Do you, do you know about the new stuff that's happened in a Blazer in .NET eight? The unified, uh, wildness, that's kind of awesome, but I'm also terrified, but also very excited at the same [00:09:50] Frank: time. Uh, I don't think I do. [00:09:54] James: That's. So, you know previously how in down .NET seven and down .NET six and down .NET five and T .NET Core, when you had a Blazer app, you either had a Blazer server app or a Blazer web assembly app. Ah, [00:10:07] Frank: very good. I I, I get where you're coming from. Okay, cool. Yep. I. [00:10:12] James: You would have to make that decision. Of course, you could swap between the two models. Now there is just one Blazer app. It's called a Blazer web app, and every component you mark with an assembly attribute that says this component is server rendered or client rendered, which is very, very fascinating. [00:10:31] Frank: Interesting. Okay. Granularity. I, I, I like picking one or the other because I think it dictates your design a little bit of the application. But that's cool because it, it is a big decision to make upfront. And you know, me, I'm very much against upfront decisions. Every project should just be generic. So, uh, on principle, I am a hundred percent here for this, but on, uh, Engineering practice, I think you should still kind of settle on your head if you're, uh, mostly static or if you're a mostly server based [00:11:05] James: application. And I'm assuming that they're gonna have like a mode that says like, always server, always web assembly. So like the standard or else you wouldn't be able to really migrate easily between seven, seven and eight. But I was doing a new, a beginner series on Blazer hybrid for Donna MAUI, and I wanted to show. How you could share a razor class library between a Blazer app and a Donnet MAUI Blazer hybrid app. And apparently that didn't work in any version of donnet a preview until RC one where they added a new a p i, um, that I. Um, because how, because the new model kind of broke it something. Oh, before new model. In your new model. New model, right? Uh, and maybe even broken in the old model until now. I'm not positive. Uh, but what ended up happening now? They must have fixed it. I don't know. At least in the new model, what ended up happening, and there's an issue about this, is that. Uh, how it scans in this new model for the different components. Uh, or previously you would just add like additional assemblies and it would look in your, your navigation hierarchy and it would scan them and find all of them. Well, that doesn't really work in the new model. So they actually, in your startup code, you have to also identify here's the additional assemblies that it's in, and that a p i, because this was a bug up until RC one, uh, which is when it was fixed in, uh, it. Was added. So I got on the, I got on the horn as a do on the horn with Mr. Dan Roth and I was like, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. 'cause he's talking to John Galloway. I was like, this is broken. I don't know what's going on. He is like, oh, I saw a bug for this. I was talking to Dan about it. Got Dan on know, and Dan's the nicest guy in the world. I'm like, Dan, I don't know. He is like, you're gonna have to install the RC bits. And I was like, ah, I don't know what I'm doing. And he's, I'm like, how do I even do that? I was like, I don't even know how to do that. He was like, yeah. Go to github.com/ .NET slash installer. You literally have worked at Microsoft for eight years. James, sorry, Dan, I don't know anything about I apparently I don't know anything about T .NET if it's not installed with Visual Studio, I don't know what I'm doing, so I click this button. I. These are not signed packages, right? So you get the download and it's like, are you sure? And then it's like, are you really sure? Then Windows is like, are you really, really sure? And I'll, and he's like, he's like, I wanted to let you know. I have no idea what's about to happen right now. He's like, MAUI, is it gonna work? I don't know. And I was like, I don't care. I gotta finish this video and then I'm going on vacation for two weeks and you'll ship the real thing like it's gonna happen, right? I'm like, I'm outta here. And he is like, let, I'm like, let's do this and installed it. We're like, and he's like, alright, let's, all you gotta do is just go in and add the package configuration. Like do this. He's like, just put in your reg edit. It's like, it's like, and I'm like, oh my god. Environment variable. It's like blah, blah blah blah. And then there's like, you can't attach a debugger 'cause it's not signed. It's like do this other thing, blah, blah blah, blah. And it's like, wow. It's like, oh my gosh, you just follow this. Read me and it is bananas. And then I have a RC one build just like running on my machine. And it was a magic and it all worked with Visual Studio. And it was so cool. Now we're gonna insult Donna N nine. Let's insult Donna n nine together. Are you ready? It's all here. It's available. [00:14:01] Frank: Uh, okay. So I, I love everything you said, but I'm, it's, that's not magic. That sounds horrendous. What were you doing? So, because it's not signed, it couldn't what? Now? Whatever. I guess I'm gonna find out, because you know what, I'm, I'm here for this, James. I, I'm downloading an installer right now. I'm waiting for a collector docket hub.com. Um, I I, I love that you had to do an rc. Um, yeah, so I guess the big question is like the workloads, right? Because t .NET is split from the workloads, so which workloads are compatible with, and you went for T .NET eight or 'cause Yeah. You haven't done nine yet. [00:14:43] James: Yeah, I did down at eight RC one and, well, that depends. It depends if the workloads were published for them, you know, the one thing you need to do mm-hmm. Is that. Also there's new get packages that sync up with these versions, right? So what that means is that the new get packages associated with, uh, RC two now in this case are not published or whatever, whatever version's on there, Donna nine, if you wanna try it out, yeah. Are not published yet. So you have to get, I see nugi package source added that will give you the nightly builds of those new gifts that are required to run these things. Now, I'm assuming though, The, I don't really know. That's the one thing about the workloads that I'm not positive about. Like the MAUI team would've had to release donnet nine workloads that are compatible with this into whatever the manifest thing is that that gets it. Um, Yeah, that's [00:15:36] Frank: yeah's. The one thing I I still don't understand about workloads is how they're tied to the runtime. Because, for instance, you upgraded your runtime to eight. Yeah. That does not necessarily mean the libraries are incompatible. If the libraries, um, if you know, no APIs were broken or anything, the libraries could work just fine under that new runtime. But it all comes down to whether the workloads are tied to a specific runtime. I guess we're about to find out. Well, my internet's a little bit slow, but I, I soon plan to be a part of the do .NET nine world. What is that like C sharp 30 or something? C sharp 12, something like that. Um, but you were doing all this for, um, version eight. All because they upgraded the Blazer stuff, which broke the MAUI Blazer stuff. But you're saying after all of that, after all your Reg Reg edit edits, um, you actually did get it to work. You, you got your video made, you can go on vacation. [00:16:37] James: That's correct. It was, it was nice 'cause it was like the last video too, which means like, as long as I get this thing to work, then I don't care what happens to my machine. No. So outta the box, it was actually really, it really easy to get this working. All I had to do was, uh, install it, you know, get through all the windows popups like, are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? And then I added the Nuit package source individual studio. I could have done the command line, I could have done it. I guess in some file I just put in Visual Studio because I like, it's easier for me to manage. Like then I gotta remove it from the thing, whatever. But it's there. Then it worked. However, the Debugger doesn't work with Unsigned. That's what it loaded versions of DOT .NET. And for that you need to do a few different things. There's like a project setting. There's, um, some special setting in visual Studio, and then there's also a reg edit that you can do. There's some doc on it. Dan just knew the u r L immediately, so I was like, oh, okay, great. Uh, so that is one thing that you need to do, and I don't think it's on here, so it should probably be listed. I'm gonna talk to someone about that, but this sounds horrific [00:17:44] Frank: and it's why are you living at the bleeding edge? You have to, you had to, you had to do it for your job to, I get it, but. Boy, I hope no one has to do any of this. Don't do this, people. It's not worth it. This is insane. [00:17:57] James: Well, because normally what I do right, is I wait for Visual Studio to update, and then the latest versions come with it. So now with the latest version of Visual Studio 17.8, that comes automatically installed with .NET eight. You don't even like just everything's done at eight automagically, no matter what. You know what I mean? But it's like preview seven. But in this case, I needed. RC one with my fix RC two I needed. Okay. I needed, yeah. RC two in this case. Right. Whatever I needed, I needed that version that's there and, and, uh, it's, these are the, these are, this is what Hanselman, I think it was Hanselman. 'cause he was talking about Don at open source. He would talk to be like, It's like a cooking a steak, right? How, how well done or how rare do you want it Well done is like, it's in the box, right? It's the L t Ss version. Long-term support is installed with Visual Studio. You're gonna get the monthly patches, blah, blah, blah, right? The, you go down to a, a medium and like, that's the, the preview bits that's shipping in Visual Studio, which is there, blah, blah, blah. We're on like the, the media. We're on the medium rare. Right, because it's unsigned. The rare is like I downloaded the source code and compiled it myself, and I have my own version of T .NET. You know what I mean? [00:19:11] Frank: Well, it, it, it is the beta summer. Um, I'm, I've been using Xcode, beta four. Beta four, and every time you try to add a file to the project, Xcode crashes. Oh no. It's fun. So I learned, I go to Visual Studio Code, I create the file, go to Xcode and add the file because you can add files. You just can't create new ones that makes it crash. And so I'm like, you know what? I'm getting a little bit tired of this. I'm, I'm gonna update my X code. 'cause you know it's beta four, I think they're up to like beta six or seven like that in the X code. So I go do that. I spend, like, I have terrible internet, James. I spend like half a day updating the X code, you know, getting that all set and then all of a sudden I can't run any of the apps on my devices anymore. Because New Xcode puts a little something, something into those executables. Oh no, that the beta version of iOS 17, whatever we're up to, uh, doesn't support. And so I had to update all my test devices up to iOS 17. And then I open Visual Studio and Visual Studio. Stable says you need to download not one, but two versions of the T .NET, s d k. And so James, I find it hilarious that you chose today to be your crazy T .NET, a r release candidate two day when I've just been updating every other thing too. But it's the beta summer, the X codes, at least it's smaller than X Code I, I've downloaded like 22 gigabytes of SDKs today. [00:20:49] James: Well, I think that that's one of the cool parts about it is like literally I went to go install this and I had everything up and running. Even though you said it sounded terrible, I had everything up and running in like six minutes. Like it was honestly, you had a pro [00:21:02] Frank: helping you. If only we could all have a little angel over our shoulders. [00:21:06] James: Yeah. Ja. James, can I, can [00:21:08] Frank: I share a little fun factoid with you? [00:21:11] James: Yes, you can go ahead. I've [00:21:13] Frank: wrote a little command line thing a little bit. T .NET info. Okay, I piped that over to gre. Searching for slash sdk looking for lines to contain slash sdk. Pipe that over to word count. Please count the number of lines. Dash L James. I have 51 SDKs installed on my computer of DOT .NET. 51 dot .NET. SDKs installed on my computer. What is wrong with me? What is going on in this world? I need to learn how to clean these things out. Um, I, you know what, I like variety, though. At least I have my choice. Do, do I want to use 7.001 or 7.0306? I have a choice, [00:21:58] James: you know? So, how far back did it go? What's your, what's your, so I, my latest version on this machine is preview seven of Donnet eight. Even though, I mean, other machine, it's RC one, uh, that's for sure. Even though it's not out yet. James, uh, what's your, what's your newest version? Oh, my [00:22:14] Frank: newest version. I'm a little embarrassed. No, no. I, I, I would've sworn I would've had a Donnet eight on this machine. This is my main dev machine. I, I would've sworn I had an eight on it. No, seven do. Oh dot 3 0 7. 3 0 [00:22:30] James: 7. You're living in the ice age. [00:22:32] Frank: And that's true. All my projects are locked down to 7 0 1 0 1, and that's mostly because it's a number that I can remember and you don't do 7.0 point 100 because as everyone knows, you do the 0.1 releases from Microsoft. So 7.0 0.101 is what I use for all my projects. Um, Man, how long you're, you're just living a crazy Microsoft life running t .NET eight. I'm, I'm happy. I'm on T .NET seven right now, [00:23:05] James: so I mostly roll with the seven. What's your oldest version that you have [00:23:10] Frank: now? Now we're talking, now we're talking. I'm a little bit embarrassed and I think that they changed how the SDKs were installed because I know mm-hmm. I rocked the V one series, but there aren't any here. No V ones here. You got a new machine? 2.0. 2.0 0.30. I got here. Not bad. What do you got? [00:23:30] James: Not bad. I did have two. I uninstalled, uh, two. I think I uninstalled, no, I don't know if I used two. I think I might've used an Azure functions a long time ago. My oldest is 3 1 4 2 6. So Donnet core three, one. That's so [00:23:44] Frank: modern. I got 2 0 2. 1, 2, 2, 2, 2. Uh, it's, it's funny. Uh, no version four is there for some reason. Uh, no. Oh. [00:23:54] James: What happened there? Why isn't there a four? Where'd the four go? [00:23:57] Frank: I think they skipped four so we don't get it confused. [00:24:01] James: Yeah. With framework for you. That's correct. So [00:24:04] Frank: poor, poor little people with our dot nets. I think it was more of like a noot bug I think more than anything. Oh, could have been. Uh, so I'm trying to install dot .NET nine and the first thing I get is, yeah, it's not signed, so I gotta go do the Mac thing. Do that somehow Give permission. [00:24:21] James: Yeah, I don't know how to do, there's gotta be a, a wiki somewhere. I have, I have, uh, you ready for this? The number of SDKs I have installed. Now, mind you, let's, I install like every preview of VS and all this other stuff. I'm like bleeding edge, right? Yeah. I believe you four. Four versions because here's what happens. Do you know how to [00:24:45] Frank: uninstall 'em? I don't even know how to uninstall 'em, I think is the problem. So [00:24:48] James: here's, here's the magic. Frank Krueger is I use Visual Studio 2022 to manage my T .NET SDKs. And how Visual Studio works is when you install a new update of Visual Studio, it will uninstall the older versions of that S D K for you. So as I'm updating. Right. I have always the latest version, always the latest version. So like when I up, when I get the RC one, it'll just automatically uninstall preview seven, right? Because visual studios managing my S D K installation for me, it does it for automatically. I, I don't know if that does it on the Mac. I think it just installs all of 'em. Yeah. But at least on Windows it knows how to unsolved now. And Donnet eight, Frank Krueger, they did add a new, I believe it's a command line, um, command. Called T .NET Clean. I wanna say T .NET Clean [00:25:41] Frank: finally Fi. Okay, so everyone, I, I actually do know how to uninstall SDKs. No you don't. Frank. Hey, I do lies. You can go to the directory and just hit delete. Turns out it works kind of just fine. Um, plus if you go and Google for this, there's a script you could download called like dot .NET. Clean or something like that. So I'm so happy it's finally built into the tool itself. It, it should have been built tool itself for a long time, but Awesome, [00:26:10] James: James. Awesome. Yeah. Well do Donnet Clean, man. Okay. Okay. Hold on. Maybe Donnet Clean already had it. I, I swear that there's an a, another one that they added in Donnet eight because I don't see, 'cause Donnet clean is like clean. The, the [00:26:24] Frank: package. Yeah. That's different. Yeah. [00:26:26] James: Obviously. Yeah. There, there's some command to do it. I swear that it's in there. Is it done at workload? There is done at workload uninstall, but that wasn't done at six. I, I swear that there was something they added in Donnet. A S D K, uninstall. C l I. Lemme see, because I don't know. I swear, I swear they added something. There is an uninstall tool, but I swear that there is a, there is something, I don't know. I swear it's in there. Ah, [00:27:01] Frank: ah, well can I say that I am the proud runner of dot .NET version 9.0, 100 Alpha 1.2 3 4 2 2 20. So [00:27:13] James: what'd you have to do to, what'd you have to do to side load it? [00:27:18] Frank: It. It's no big deal on Mac. Usually if you go to your settings, privacy and security, under the security, it just says, I'm sorry, first try to open, it's a DOT package. It's a installer. First try to open it. It yells at you. Then you go to your Mac settings. Privacy security. Scroll down a little bit. There's a permission slip that you can give it and then you go run it again. It asks for a few passwords. It gets installed. Uh, Bob's, your uncle seems to be working fine 'cause it's like the host running right now already. Um, okay. I am noticing that my computer is in a slightly awkward state, although I don't have the .NET eight. S D k installed. I do unfortunately have the T .NET eight runtime installed. That's why my computer is very confusing. So I am rocking T .NET nine runtime environment, T .NET eight host environment T .NET seven default sdk. 'cause you know what? I live dangerously with the version [00:28:27] James: numbers. Oh my goodness. I love it. That's great. Um, I mean, that's one way to do it, so [00:28:34] Frank: No, it's not. No, no. I, I, I gotta go delete these stray. It's, it's still, unfortunately, I, I've never liked the whole runtime s d k split. I get it. Compilers are somewhat big, but I, I don't like that you can install the runtime separate from the S D K. Yeah, it'd be nice if they were always just the same thing and I often forget that they are separate things. So this is a little nice reminder [00:28:59] James: to myself. Yeah, that makes sense. Um, well I'm proud of you. Are you ready to try out all the new suite features in dot? I don't know if there's anything in in.at all, but that'd be wild. [00:29:10] Frank: So, well, no, there, there, there is on dot .NET eight and this is why I'm surprised that I didn't have it on this Mac is because, um, uh, uh, native a O OT is supported on Mac officially. Down at eight, and that's why I, I assumed, but I must have been working on my laptop because I know I was playing around with it. Got [00:29:29] James: it. That's cool. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah, I mean, I do think this is a pretty neat, you know, I know this isn't new, and so people are probably watching this podcast. I'm like, James, like, you just do this for, like you said, the last five years. But I never did it, but I needed to do it, you know, and I think that this is the same thing where in Donnet eight, specifically with Donnet MAUI, the team is doing. The same thing, but with, uh, newa packages for the feed, right? So they're going back to, you can pin donne, MAUI, you know, packages and prs and things like that. So all the builds that are coming in. So you can basically get a nightly feed of Donne MAUI if you wanted to, which is kind of awesome, um, in general. So you don't have to wait around every month for a new release of the workload to update automatically. You just pull in mm-hmm. The new gets, and then you'll get everything associated with it, which I think is, I think I, I think that. It is a better route for people that wanna go on the cutting edge because, you know, why wait around, uh, for a month, you know, if you need to. Whereas like in, you know, even though that being said, like with Zain Forms, they had a stable release every like four to six weeks, but they had a CI feed, right? So now you're getting back to the best of both worlds and I feel like I now understand. How to do that with not only .NET, but now obviously with Don .NET MAUI and these other framework. So now it's up to the workloads to install and, and go from there. So I'm excited because that means that I won't necessarily need to install crazy bits if like there's a fix in .NET, MAUI or something like that. I don't think that's how. The Blazer and as p do .NET core work, I think those all ship with OTs and things inside of the Ss. Inside of the the sdk. Right. Because yeah. Now he's a workload asp. .NET core is sdk. Yeah. [00:31:19] Frank: And right. Well, Maui's an S D K also. 'cause you can put at the top of the file and it brings in a lot of things automatically as SDK is a little bit of an overloaded term right now because we're talking about, I [00:31:30] James: believe it stands for Software Development Kit Frank, [00:31:34] Frank: which is a little bit broad. James. Um, Yeah, fine. It, it, it, it's all good. Um, it, it's gonna work out in the end. I, I, I always say that with these SDKs and things like that, I do worry about my hard drive space. I don't know where these workloads live. I, I, They're there, they're, they're taking up room every so often. I just go randomly delete things. I went and deleted my, uh, new get central packages directory that freed up a good 20 or 40 gigabytes of data and I just download 'em all again. Uh, I, I do feel like a little bit of a pack wrap with 51 SDKs installed. I, I need to, I need to get a clean in here and if, if for no other reason than for my poor hard drive, it can get. I, I do also, like, I, I have no need to chase the version dragon here. I don't mind being locked down to 7.0 0.101, but the truth is, I have projects that I create all throughout time, and I, I have projects that just recently I've upgraded from T .NET three to, you know, T .NET seven, just because I haven't had to update the code. And so there was no reason to update the. Version number or anything like that. And so while it's fun that we're talking about all these modern versions and all that kind of stuff, um, T Net's in pretty great shape, it runs really well. Um, blazer bugs aside. Uh, so I, I've, I, I, I just haven't been chasing the dragon that fast lately, [00:33:14] James: to be honest. Yeah, I just went through the, another big reason I've been catching stuff like I do like being on preview, but you know, in previews there'd be bugs, right? And things happen. That's why they're there. So I need people to test it. But I did just recently use the donnet upgrade assistant, just did a video on my YouTube channel. It'll be out by the time this podcast is out. And the upgrade assistant supports all sorts of things, like you're saying is like upgrading from three to six, to seven to whatever. And even Zarin forms sit out in MAUI. And I went through a, um, start to finish, uh, and I migrated an entire app from start to finish, all the dependencies, a bunch of stuff including toolkit and essentials and third party libraries. Uh, custom things from start to finish in like under 30 minutes. Now I'm not saying it's gonna be like as close to I circuit three d, you know what I mean? Or whatever. But I was like, you know, this is a relatively complex application as complex as some of my other apps. Mm-hmm. So I. Feel pretty good about this, you know what I mean? And, and it seemed to work. So I was pretty happy about that. And I'll, I'll see how my other apps do along the way because I did get a nasty gram from our good friends at Google that said, Hey, you gotta update your apps, um, again, in fact, yeah, they said, you gotta update Google. They said You won't be, you won't be able to update your apps unless you target a new version of Android. And, um, they're gonna turn like I, I will be on holiday. I will not be here, so I can't publish a new version of my app, but I don't need to publish a new version. At least it's not the nastygram, which is we're gonna take down your app. This is the, you can't update your app. So that is calling me, that my holiday hack will be upgrading everything to Donna MAUI facially. It's [00:34:57] Frank: happening. No holiday hacks already. We're not that far along in the year yet, James. It's still summertime. I know. Uh, we're still beta, beta summering over here. No holiday hacking just yet. Uh, that's, that sounds terrible. I, I need to, thankfully I've gotten a, a lot of my androids under ci, but now I feel like I need CI for the CI to like update the versions and the SDKs and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. Ugh. Ugh. Anyway. Are you doing an Android beta though? No. You're not doing any of that kind of stuff. You're just doing release versions, right? [00:35:34] James: Yeah, release versions. That's all I'm doing. Yeah. Everything else is good. I think all my code is good. I think all my packages are good. Uh, I had some major changes to my billing library that I don't really want to update and use, but it's, it's, it works. It's fine. Um, yeah, they've made a lot of changes and. I think it's time for me to kind of do my, do do my migrations. I've done some already, but kind of make, make the move. I could delay, but it's like, well, I might as well. Go for it. But my problem is my apps are sort of built for the winter, you know what I mean? So that means that's when I get most of my users. 'cause my users are like the skiing apps and also you gotta work 'em now. Yeah. So that's sort of my problem that I have. So we'll see. I'll take it one step at a time, uh, in general, but there's a lot of new stuff. That's all I'm saying that's out there. But yeah, now it's now time to install Donna nine. I think that's what we're gonna call this episode. Well, [00:36:28] Frank: Now that I have dot .NET nine, I can't wait till we talk about C 12. Next next episode. Oh man. You know, you know that's what I'm doing tonight. You know, I'm just gonna like, ooh. What, what features are enabled here? Anything, anything new? Anything fun I can play with Head it out. [00:36:45] James: Yes. Uh, alright, well that's gonna do it for this week's Emerge Conflict. Thank you all for, uh, just being part of the community. Uh, a viewer, a listener, a Patreon subscriber, a YouTube subscriber, anywhere you're at. We're gonna put links to all that stuff in the show notes everywhere in general, uh, if you want more goodies, uh, we do have a Patreon feed. We have exclusive videos, and you get, uh, podcast first, uh, which is pretty rad. Uh, if you want them. And then additionally, Um, yeah, you can just follow us on your favorite podcast app, leave a review. You can leave comments on YouTube. We read them, we will read them back, uh, and sometimes comments on them, especially in our, uh, uh, lightning topics as well. So we keep those around and keep those as active, uh, active topics in our mind. Who, but thank you for being here and thank you, Frank, for being here. I appreciate it. Uh, so until next time, uh, I'm James Montemagno. [00:37:39] Frank: And I'm Frank Krueger. Thanks for watching and listening. [00:37:42] James: Peace. I.