Daniel [GM] (00:00:29): Welcome to Explorers Wanted. We are a weekly Numenera, actual play podcast. I will be your humble GM Daniel Andrlik with me today is Marietta Jones. Marietta [Atalia] (00:00:41): Hello. I'm here! Daniel [GM] (00:00:42): Stace Babcock. Stace [Nix] (00:00:44): Guys. I want you to know that I would do an escape room with all of you. Marietta [Atalia] (00:00:49): Okay. But like a socially distance escape room? Stace [Nix] (00:00:53): The proverbial escape room, I would be trapped in a small space with you guys for hours. Marietta [Atalia] (00:01:04): Would we be wearing masks or? Daniel [GM] (00:01:04): Didn't we already do an escape room with the cave tunnel, just with the cave, just with the last few episodes, honestly. Stace [Nix] (00:01:10): Literally all of them, the virtual escape room, Daniel [GM] (00:01:13): Sampson Davis. Sampson [Dili] (00:01:14): Mellify a verb meaning to embalm or mummify person in honey. Unrelated I feel like Stannis needs a hug. Stace [Nix] (00:01:21): Maybe. Not from Atalia. Daniel [GM] (00:01:24): And Alex Finn. Alex [ChaCha] (00:01:25): So my mom actually listened to some of our podcasts and she says I'm really boring. I don't know how to take that. Besides my mom likes to roast me. Stace [Nix] (00:01:36): How far has she listened? Alex [ChaCha] (00:01:38): She listened for like 30 minutes because she was at my house. Marietta [Atalia] (00:01:43): What was happening? Alex [ChaCha] (00:01:45): It was last episode. Well, no, not last episode, but the cave episode. Stace [Nix] (00:01:50): The cave episode. Alex [ChaCha] (00:01:51): And she's like, goddamn, you're boring. Alex, why don't you have any presence? Marietta [Atalia] (00:01:55): Well, that was also us just like figuring out how to escape a cave. That's not exactly- Stace [Nix] (00:02:00): Let's not call it just figuring it out. Just figuring out how to escape a cave. Marietta [Atalia] (00:02:03): Okay, my b, my b. I'm sorry. Alex [ChaCha] (00:02:07): But yeah, my mom is savage. Stace [Nix] (00:02:10): 30 minutes isn't enough to get a taste of ChaCha. It just isn't. It's a slow burn. Sampson [Dili] (00:02:14): ChaCha is that like peppercorn that you don't notice until it hits the back of your throat and then it fucks up your whole life. Stace [Nix] (00:02:20): Yeah. You're like, is this spicy? Like, no, it's not spicy, but you're like, yeah, it's spicy. Daniel [GM] (00:02:25): Before we get started, we have an important item of business to attend to. And that is that we have a new patron. Our newest patron is Martin from our Discord Channel as well. Martin is a great guy, super knowledgeable about RPGs. He certainly introduced me to a few new ones in chat. Stace [Nix] (00:02:49): Which is impressive. Daniel [GM] (00:02:52): And also some of us have even had an opportunity to play games with them. Right? Stace, Stace [Nix] (00:02:56): I played Vert with Martin for IsolaCon, which the first time I'd ever played the game. And it was a fantastic time. Martin was absolutely great to play with. I had a blast. I think we, even after we were done with the stream, we just kept chatting for an hour after the fact. It was just, yeah, Martin's cool guy. Alex [ChaCha] (00:03:15): Nice. Daniel [GM] (00:03:16): So thank you so much, Martin. Your support means the world to us. Martin (00:03:20): Thank you. Daniel [GM] (00:03:21): So who remembers what happened last time? I am going to pick on Sampson. Alex [ChaCha] (00:03:30): Oh thank God. Sampson [Dili] (00:03:33): All right. So basically what we did was talk to Stannis for a little bit, watch Nix swim and then drag us out of the cave. And then we got into a Fen, dealt with a giant crab monster, and then we started camping, but we also got dumped with a lot of information from Stannis. I don't remember if it was a last episode. So let's see. We figured out that Stannis Snow's Atalia's mom was called Saliana. We also learned that Jima is called Amorant's stone and is apparently a bad-ass. Stace [Nix] (00:04:12): We all knew. Sampson [Dili] (00:04:12): We knew that, but now it's a formal bad-ass. Marietta [Atalia] (00:04:15): It's cannon. Sampson [Dili] (00:04:15): She has a name and everything. Stace [Nix] (00:04:18): Right before she was sort of just a casual bad-ass. Sampson [Dili] (00:04:21): Oh, we also learned of the dialogue, which was this all encompassing criminal organization 100 years ago that for whatever reason broke down. And some of the bigger pieces that are broke into are the Knyxos, the handlers, and a new organization called the Agents. We learned that Atalia's mom was Stannis's handler, Stannis lost some shit in a blue ship that is flying around somewhere nearby. So that right now is our goal also danced at the [cloaca bloom's 00:04:52] last episode. And I can't get over that. Alex [ChaCha] (00:04:54): What? Sampson [Dili] (00:04:55): That's what he said. Alex [ChaCha] (00:04:58): I'm sorry, what? Stace [Nix] (00:04:59): When Nix's venom hit the critical organs of the crab monster, the cloaca blooms. Sampson [Dili] (00:05:06): The cloaca blooms. Stace [Nix] (00:05:09): Which better be the name of that episode. Sampson [Dili] (00:05:13): It's not. Stace [Nix] (00:05:14): The cloaca blooms. Marietta [Atalia] (00:05:15): So the crab got murder horny? Sampson [Dili] (00:05:20): I don't know, man. People Stace [Nix] (00:05:21): Respond to stress in different ways. Sampson [Dili] (00:05:23): Like it had to run off screen and take a moment to itself. No judgment. Stace [Nix] (00:05:29): I like the cloaca does more than... Right? No, I'm not up on my crab physiology. Sampson [Dili] (00:05:33): Yeah, it does. Alex [ChaCha] (00:05:34): It does. It's everything. Sampson [Dili] (00:05:35): Amen. Monsters in the ninth world do crazy shit. One almost ate Atalia because it's like, Hey... What does it say? Oh shit. Stace [Nix] (00:05:45): Told her, her mother was waiting in Shallamas. Marietta [Atalia] (00:05:48): You know, I don't really know if I want to see my mom, Daniel. I just want to let you know. I don't know. Alex [ChaCha] (00:05:53): But we can kill her too so it's no big. Marietta [Atalia] (00:05:57): Okay. That's not what I said. Daniel [GM] (00:06:02): There's other reveals from Stannis as well that Sam skipped over about somebody else in your past. Sampson [Dili] (00:06:10): Right? Tamara was a friend of Stannis. Stace [Nix] (00:06:13): I love a bad-ass bitch. And I'm sorry she's gone. Alex [ChaCha] (00:06:17): Just trying to help in her own way, her own misguided way. Sampson [Dili] (00:06:21): Oh, we're also going to this town called Elderbriar for a workhorse because apparently we don't trust Nix. I thought. Stace [Nix] (00:06:28): Nix wasn't good enough. Alex [ChaCha] (00:06:30): Why can't Nix just be a workhorse, it's fine. Sampson [Dili] (00:06:35): I know whenever she's strapped to the cart and it takes her a turn to unstrap. Marietta [Atalia] (00:06:38): I mean, when you got her a quick release system. [crosstalk 00:06:43] Daniel [GM] (00:06:43): I will say this as you guys have been traveling, Nix you've started to see the tiny flaw in your guy's plan in that the rope works great on level terrain or when you're going uphill. Not so great when you're going downhill. Marietta [Atalia] (00:06:57): Just like turn around and walk backwards with the cart. Stace [Nix] (00:07:03): So here's a question ChaCha may or may not have a mechanical steed. I keep forgetting that. She has a mechanical steed. Daniel [GM] (00:07:18): I feel like we had this conversation though beaus that only lasts for like 28 hours. Right? Stace [Nix] (00:07:20): That's a whole day. Daniel [GM] (00:07:20): Yeah, but that's again, one day. Stace [Nix] (00:07:24): One day we could all sit in the cart. We could sleep in the cart. Marietta [Atalia] (00:07:27): It doesn't have to eat, sleep or anything. It's just a mechanical horse. Stace [Nix] (00:07:34): I mean, are we within 28 hours of a place in which we could buy a house? Daniel [GM] (00:07:38): Yeah. You're within 28 hours of Elderbriar. Oh. Also Dili's having more visions of his murder robot, but that's something. Alex [ChaCha] (00:07:44): Listen, it's nothing. Nothing big happened with it. It's fine. It can be glossed over. Stace [Nix] (00:07:50): Just gloss over this entire subplot. It's fine. Daniel [GM] (00:07:53): I'm sure. Alex [ChaCha] (00:07:54): It's fine. No one needs to know. Daniel [GM] (00:07:55): I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Alex [ChaCha] (00:07:56): It won't be coming back. It was just a mushroom, induced dream. Stace [Nix] (00:08:01): Aren't they all. Alex [ChaCha] (00:08:02): Cloaca induced dream. Whatever. Daniel [GM] (00:08:05): So if you are... Well, I guess we're starting where we left off, which was Dili. You were explaining to Atalia your vision of the automaton and the queen spittoon. And then you froze physically and saw another vision of it holding up the bloody face of loan shark guy, looking in the mirror, which to you felt like looking into the mirror, but with the automatons face and it made a chittering noise. And then in that chittering you somehow understood a message of a [inaudible 00:08:40]. And then suddenly you're back where you were with Atalia. Just the two of you. Sampson [Dili] (00:08:48): Hanging out. Daniel [GM] (00:08:48): At the camp. Sampson [Dili] (00:08:49): Yeah. So when Dili comes out of this fugue state vision thing, he's going to start to shake a little bit and Atalia will see kind of like lines appear almost like cracked glass around his head, just slowly kind of spider web out. And he'll just be like, "Atalia, I can't keep doing this. I don't know what to do. It's said my name. Marietta [Atalia] (00:09:12): Said your name. I thought, I don't know automatons could like talk. Sampson [Dili] (00:09:17): I didn't, I didn't apparently they made it. So it kind of, but I don't know. Marietta [Atalia] (00:09:22): Can I do kind of any sort of like understanding Numenera to see what, if there's anything else I can glean from what he's told me about this connection? Stace [Nix] (00:09:31): I don't know. Daniel [GM] (00:09:33): I don't know if you could, I mean, you're welcome to roll, but I don't think there's really enough for you to draw more information. Marietta [Atalia] (00:09:39): Okay, that's fair. I don't know what to tell you. I feel like it really seems like you must have a connection with this thing. I mean, from everything I've learned, there's something going on here. So I don't know. What did you do to it? I mean, what did those plans say? I know you don't have them anymore, but you did build that automaton, didn't you? Sampson [Dili] (00:09:58): Not fully. I, again, I just made sure that the mental mind that is a brain interfaced with the body that they had already partially built, making sure old world mess mixed with the new world stuff that we're using. Marietta [Atalia] (00:10:16): Okay. I wish we had those plans or something. Sampson [Dili] (00:10:19): How do you do it? How do you just continue to live? Knowing that you might die soon? Like someone's trying to get you. I can't keep doing this. Marietta [Atalia] (00:10:27): Oh, I think so of it just kind of, because I have to. I know that's not the fun answer, but I mean, what would I do? Go hide somewhere and work in a market? I don't have people skills. And I don't know if you notice, but I look at a heck of a lot, like a certain lady that's pissed off a lot of people. Yeah. I don't know. I guess I just don't know what else I would do. Dili, I mean, you can keep running, you could go hide and settle down somewhere and maybe the automaton wouldn't find you, but ultimately there is some connection there. And I don't know if that means it'll be able to find you tomorrow, but chances are, it's very intrigued. And I don't know if it's in a positive way or a negative way, or if it's just confused or how it views its relationship with you. Marietta [Atalia] (00:11:14): I don't know how automatons think, but it seems like something that is intrinsically connected to you and you will have to deal with it in some capacity and you don't necessarily have to do that alone, but running away forever isn't going to really fix that either. You want to not be running or hiding forever, then you have to address it. Sampson [Dili] (00:11:36): Yeah. Yeah, it's... Marietta [Atalia] (00:11:39): I want to be able to just say, just like go hole up somewhere or start a new life in a new town, no one will ever know, you know. But the reality is that it's going to be there in the world. And if it doesn't catch up with you tomorrow, it will in X number of years and you're not alone right now. You know, you don't have to go face this automaton alone. You don't even have to do it tomorrow, but you got to start thinking about how to address it. Whether that's gaining more knowledge, meeting up with a former mentor who might know something more, I don't know, but you've got to start thinking, how can I solve this problem and not how do I protect myself from it? Does that make sense? Sampson [Dili] (00:12:22): So I think when you say solve the problem, the kind of cracked glass lines that have been appearing in spreading kind of stop and Dili just kind of, he stopped shaking, but he's still pale and just kind of like stares at the campfire that I assume we have. Solve the problem. Marietta [Atalia] (00:12:39): And you built it and them. Sampson [Dili] (00:12:44): We didn't use pronouns. We just kind of robot. Marietta [Atalia] (00:12:45): It feels like it has consciousness. Sampson [Dili] (00:12:48): Maybe. I don't know. Marietta [Atalia] (00:12:49): Like you said, it said your name, you comprehended your name by what it said or something. Sampson [Dili] (00:12:57): Thank you by the way, just for listening. Marietta [Atalia] (00:13:00): Yeah. And you know, well, I'm sure we can help you too. You don't, it's not just you. Sampson [Dili] (00:13:06): Yeah, yeah. Marietta [Atalia] (00:13:08): There's so much more for you to learn too. I mean, you're probably be a little excited about that. Sampson [Dili] (00:13:12): I don't know if excited's the right word at the moment. Marietta [Atalia] (00:13:15): That's fair. Well, I am, I would like to learn more. I feel like Charmonde was kind of limiting and that maybe I was never going to learn more about Numenera there. Sampson [Dili] (00:13:25): Well hey, if my robot doesn't kill me you want to learn about robots? Marietta [Atalia] (00:13:28): Yeah. That'd be great. I'm extremely fascinated actually. Sampson [Dili] (00:13:33): Yeah. I can take the next watch and let you go to sleep now. Marietta [Atalia] (00:13:37): Okay. Are you sure? Okay. Well wake me up if you have any other weird stuff. Because that the whole you stopping in the middle of the conversation was a little interesting. It was a little like, I don't know if you'd had your drink spiked or something that you were just like, not really there, but you were still, it made me a little uncomfortable. So you just let me know if that happens again please. Sampson [Dili] (00:13:50): Made you uncomfortable? Fuckin' taken out of here. Yeah. If something happens, you'll be the first to know. Marietta [Atalia] (00:14:08): Also, maybe we should tell the others because [inaudible 00:14:11]. We know them. Sampson [Dili] (00:14:15): I don't want to tell ChaCha, she might get angry with me. Marietta [Atalia] (00:14:19): Well, we could start with Nix and then we could all tell ChaCha together and Nix we'll be there. Sampson [Dili] (00:14:24): Do you think that's enough? Marietta [Atalia] (00:14:29): I'll be there too. We'll all be there together. I mean, I don't know. I feel like we got to be able to communicate, even if it's uncomfortable, we've been hanging out for like a month, sleeping up at woods and shit together. We should be able to communicate, right? But that's like teamwork. That's why they wanted, right? They wanted us to plan together. That was their thing. They were like, don't just do your own thing. You know? Like communicate let's plan together. So let's test them on that. Sampson [Dili] (00:15:02): Okay. Who's them? Who are we proving this to? Marietta [Atalia] (00:15:07): ChaCha and Nix! Remember they got so mad at me. Sampson [Dili] (00:15:09): Oh yeah. That's right. Marietta [Atalia] (00:15:13): I know it's been like a month. Sampson [Dili] (00:15:15): Well I also wasn't really there for that. Marietta [Atalia] (00:15:16): I know, because I left you because I'm horrible. Anyways. Sampson [Dili] (00:15:22): Well, you also saved me. So you made up for it. Marietta [Atalia] (00:15:26): Yeah. I don't know. Sort of. What if I hadn't done that. Do you think, I don't know. That was complicated. Let's not. Daniel [GM] (00:15:33): Okay so is Atalia going to sleep then? Marietta [Atalia] (00:15:37): Yeah. Daniel [GM] (00:15:39): Okay. So Dili you have your watch, you don't see much happening during your watch. The next person to wake up though is Nix. Not for watch. This is just Nix waking up in the morning. Stace [Nix] (00:15:50): Yeah. So she gets up she's in the cart. So she gets out of the cart because that's where she's was a sleeping. She walks kind of close to the main area and it's like, " Sup, Dili?" and then starts doing her pre run stretches. Sampson [Dili] (00:16:05): Hi, good morning. Still dark out. Stace [Nix] (00:16:08): Yeah, well. Time man. Sampson [Dili] (00:16:12): Yeah, yeah, time, yeah. Did you sleep well? Stace [Nix] (00:16:17): Oh yeah, that cart's is pretty comfortable, honestly. Sampson [Dili] (00:16:20): Even with the statues in there? Stace [Nix] (00:16:22): I kind of slept next to the statues, but there's just enough space, you know? Sampson [Dili] (00:16:29): A little sardine. Okay. No going to question it. I just don't feel like that'd be comfortable. Stace [Nix] (00:16:32): You should try it. Sampson [Dili] (00:16:34): Should I? Stace [Nix] (00:16:35): Yeah. I mean, I don't know. Do you think it's less comfortable than the ground? Sampson [Dili] (00:16:40): Yeah, I kind of do. I kind of feel like, a wooden cart, with stone statues or whatever they're made out of would be a bit more uncomfortable. Stace [Nix] (00:16:48): Well, next time you give it a shot and you tell me Dili. Sampson [Dili] (00:16:50): I would want to steal your favorite sleeping space. Stace [Nix] (00:16:53): Oh, I'm not sleeping in there, because it's my favorite. I'm sleeping in there in case the cart gets stolen. Sampson [Dili] (00:16:58): Oh, Oh, that's a thing we need to deal with. Holy shit. Gotcha. Right, right. Hey, since you're up, can I just pass something by you? Stace [Nix] (00:17:12): Yeah. Sampson [Dili] (00:17:12): Well, how would you tell ChaCha that her favorite bar friend might have been murdered by robot I built. And he just kind of smiles like ha. How would you do that? Stace [Nix] (00:17:29): Directly, I think, Dili. Yeah. Just put it out there. Sampson [Dili] (00:17:32): Right in front of her within arm's reach? Within short distance. Stace [Nix] (00:17:36): Oh yeah. I mean, ChaCha is spontaneous, but she doesn't want to hurt any of us, Dili. I think our bigger problem would be her running away to Sharmand and to try and see what happened. Sampson [Dili] (00:17:49): That's fair. Yeah. Stace [Nix] (00:17:50): Yeah, so we want to be close so we can catch her Sampson [Dili] (00:17:53): Right. Surround her. No, you have a face, like you say no. Stace [Nix] (00:17:59): I'm just thinking about that. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe just try to contain her long enough, but we also can't force ChaCha to stay, so. Sampson [Dili] (00:18:08): That's true. Stace [Nix] (00:18:08): Yeah. But yeah, I mean, I don't know if this one's going to get better with time. Well actually, how do you even, what makes you think that? Sampson [Dili] (00:18:18): Right. So I've had a few dreams where I am my robots that I built and I've seen kind of what the Knyxos were doing. And I saw that Pollos, our bright friend, was killed by a robot and it's functional. And now it's looking for me. Oh my robots looking for me. And I saw it kind of bust into the Queens spitton and shoot, punch first, ask questions later in its chittering voice. Yeah. [Carfa 00:18:50] may also be a little bruised. Yeah. Yeah. Stace [Nix] (00:18:53): Aw dang, you're having dreams? Sampson [Dili] (00:18:56): They were dreams. And then I had one, a couple of hours ago where it just happened while I was talking to Atalia, just brain left this place and- Sampson [Dili] (00:19:03): While I was talking to Atalia, just brain left this place and went to Charmonde. And the robot looked in the mirror, said my name like it fucking knew. So, hey, that's also a thing we're dealing with now, by the way. [inaudible 00:19:15] Stace [Nix] (00:19:14): Oh, and so you're sure that it was real? Like your consciousness traveled? Like projection? Or do you think you're having anxiety filled dreams, Dili? Sampson [Dili] (00:19:25): See? That's what I said. That's why I told Atalia. I thought it was anxiety or something. And then she scanned me and said, "Uh, probably not." So, fuck. Stace [Nix] (00:19:33): Oh, dang. She scanned you? Sampson [Dili] (00:19:34): Yeah, she did the scan thing. It's... Stace [Nix] (00:19:36): Yeah. Daniel [GM] (00:19:37): She loves to scan. Stace [Nix] (00:19:39): Man, how many times has she scanned you now, Dili? What is that- Sampson [Dili] (00:19:42): I think it was just the once, unless there was another time? Stace [Nix] (00:19:48): Don't worry about it. I don't think so. Sampson [Dili] (00:19:50): Why? How many times have you been scanned? Stace [Nix] (00:19:52): Also once, I hope. Twice. Oh, she scanned me twice, at least Dili. That I know of. Sampson [Dili] (00:19:58): That you know of. Stace [Nix] (00:20:00): Well, yeah. You see how much she scans? She's scanning things all the time. She's a persistent scanner. Mid-combat she scans stuff, just for funsies. Man, it's like, I wouldn't call it a problem per se. It's more of a idiosyncrasy. Yeah. Sampson [Dili] (00:20:20): A quirk. Stace [Nix] (00:20:21): Useful though. So you've probably only been scanned one time. Sampson [Dili] (00:20:25): Okay. Probably, yeah. I lost the thread of what we're talking about. Stace [Nix] (00:20:31): So, but Atalia is a good nano. So if she says they're legit and they're not dreams, then I would believe her, man. Sampson [Dili] (00:20:41): Cool. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. So anyway, I guess- Stace [Nix] (00:20:43): So what does that mean? That means that you have a connection and that it can communicate with you. Can you communicate with it? Sampson [Dili] (00:20:55): Do I want to do that? Because then it kind of knows where I am and it's, again, it's on a mission to kill me. So is that a great idea? Stace [Nix] (00:21:01): I meant can you disable it maybe? Or hinder it? Or fool it? Or something like that, man? What do you think? Sampson [Dili] (00:21:10): Maybe because I could just be looking at one of my illusions and say like, "Oh, look at this. I'm on an island. Try and find me." That might be something. Stace [Nix] (00:21:16): Yeah, but thank you for telling me about that, Dili. That sounds like it was pretty, a scary situation, so. Sampson [Dili] (00:21:22): Yeah. How do you do this day-to-day, probably going to die? How do you not break down in tears and crawl into a hole and die? Stace [Nix] (00:21:32): Well, Dili, first of all, the fact of the matter is is we're all going to die and we don't know when. So I kind of like to think of myself as like already dead. Sampson [Dili] (00:21:42): Okay... Stace [Nix] (00:21:44): And that makes me free, man. That means that every day is a gift that I keep, I get to keep doing what I want to do and what I love to do. Sampson [Dili] (00:21:52): I think you see kind of the Mac dot circle loading, buffering. Just like, okay. You already think of yourself dead... Stace [Nix] (00:22:00): Yeah. Sampson [Dili] (00:22:00): Okay. Stace [Nix] (00:22:03): And so time is a gift, Dili, is what I'm saying. It's a gift to us and we need to use it well. And so I use it to travel around, and help other travelers, and keep people from hurting other people, and doing what I love. Sampson [Dili] (00:22:21): What is it that you love to do? Stace [Nix] (00:22:22): Well, kind of what I just said. So it was inclusive of the other things, which is traveling around and helping other people. Sampson [Dili] (00:22:29): Oh. Stace [Nix] (00:22:30): Yeah. Daniel [GM] (00:22:31): You hear a voice from farther back in the camp and it's Stannis' voice. And she says, "What do you like to do, Dili?" Sampson [Dili] (00:22:39): Oh, good morning. I guess I like working on stuff? And I think Dili is going to have a little crisis because she doesn't really know what he likes to do. He's just kind of doing stuff. Actually I should say this. I don't really know what I like to do most. I enjoy fixing stuff, but I don't know if I would, just been kind of doing stuff since started apprenticing under Master Aces. Man, is my life just nothing? Stace [Nix] (00:23:08): Oh, are you kidding, Dili? You've made a badass [atamatan 00:23:12] that's out there killing Loan Shark Guy. You had a successful shop. You have three new friends, me, ChaCha, Atalia. We're traveling around. We're getting statues. You built this sick cart. You're doing so much shit. Sampson [Dili] (00:23:29): It wasn't really my choice though. Just kind of happened. Stace [Nix] (00:23:31): Oh. Daniel [GM] (00:23:32): Dili, I'll offer you an XP at this point. Sampson [Dili] (00:23:34): Okay. Take it. Stace [Nix] (00:23:36): Oh, no. Daniel [GM] (00:23:36): Who will you give the other one to? Sampson [Dili] (00:23:38): Oh, shit. Give this one to Nix. Because I think the vision last episode was intrusion. I gave that one to Atalia. This one's going to go to Nix. Daniel [GM] (00:23:49): Okay. Stace [Nix] (00:23:49): Thank you. Daniel [GM] (00:23:50): So ChaCha, you're waking up just at, and the first thing you hear upon waking up is Stannis asking Dili and Nix like, "Wait, who's Loan Shark Guy? And who's killing him right now?" Alex [ChaCha] (00:24:00): I think ChaCha's sleeping in a tree so she kind of peers over the branch really suspicious, like, "Okay, so who are we killing?" Sampson [Dili] (00:24:11): Okay, so you know the Knyxos, right? That's dumb question, you told us. I took a job from them not knowing that they were bad, and I was integral in the creation of a robot, [atamatan 00:24:26] that I'm now having visions of. It's [inaudible 00:24:32] of me, and in one of those visions I saw it possibly kill, probably did, a character in a bar that we call Loan Shark Guy because we don't know his name. Holy shit. What if that's Atalia's dad? Sorry, we're- Stace [Nix] (00:24:53): No one can have parents here. Sampson [Dili] (00:24:54): I just had a weird thought. Doesn't matter. Anyway, so that's Loan Shark Guy, and thing that is killing him. Stace [Nix] (00:25:04): Good news though. Daniel [GM] (00:25:05): What kind of [atamatan 00:25:07] Is this? Sampson [Dili] (00:25:07): Ah, destructive, all. I only worked on the [Metal Mind 00:00:25:13] and that was a crazy variant of the Relentless Reaper. So I kind of helped. Daniel [GM] (00:25:19): Oh, shit. Sampson [Dili] (00:25:20): Yeah, it was fucking cool until it got bad. And then it was bad, obviously. Daniel [GM] (00:25:27): Those things will travel all over the Ninth World. They'll travel through inter-dimensional space to hunt down their prey. Once they've got prey, they don't stop. Sampson [Dili] (00:25:34): I don't think Dili knew about the international space, inter-dimensional space. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Cool. Yeah. And I don't even know what body, because it's new body. It's the Metal Mind, but it's not the actual Relentless Reaper body. So, yeah. Daniel [GM] (00:25:51): Well, that will slow it down at least. Sampson [Dili] (00:25:52): I hope so. But we do know it's in Charmonde at least, at this moment-ish. Yeah. Daniel [GM] (00:25:58): Okay, but you think it killed this Loan Shark Guy? Sampson [Dili] (00:26:00): I would be surprised if he continued to live as there was a lot of ruptured skin. Alex [ChaCha] (00:26:07): ChaCha's going to jump, roll out of the tree and start jogging towards Charmonde. Sampson [Dili] (00:26:15): ChaCha? Oh, shit. Well, I can't catch her next week. Can you? Nope. Stace [Nix] (00:26:23): All right. Nix cuts her stretching short and... Alex [ChaCha] (00:26:27): Gets a Charlie Horse? Stace [Nix] (00:26:28): She's been stretching this whole time, by the way. She didn't stop. Sampson [Dili] (00:26:31): Stretching before a run? That's rough. Stace [Nix] (00:26:33): It's dynamic stretching. She's been doing skips. It's power jumps. Alex [ChaCha] (00:26:37): All during this conversation. Stace [Nix] (00:26:41): So she jogs after ChaCha. "ChaCha!" Alex [ChaCha] (00:26:44): We're going to Charmonde. Stace [Nix] (00:26:45): No, no. The [atamatan's 00:26:47] coming here to Dili. Alex [ChaCha] (00:26:50): We're just going to leave everybody dying? Stace [Nix] (00:26:53): It's a month away, ChaCha. I don't think we can get there fast enough. Alex [ChaCha] (00:26:56): You'd be surprised how long you can crawl along with wounds that bad. Stace [Nix] (00:27:01): I mean, before other people can help him. He had all of his bros. Alex [ChaCha] (00:27:06): They're probably dead. They're not as good as him. But I mean, I've managed to crawl along for weeks after being kicked out of towns. Stace [Nix] (00:27:15): He's in [Wordana 00:08:17]. I don't think he'll be crawling along that long, ChaCha. Alex [ChaCha] (00:27:20): Like it's not our problem that Atalia's mom's girlfriend can't keep her stuff and got lost into the big ship in the sky. We did our job. Stace [Nix] (00:27:32): ChaCha, the ship in the sky. Alex [ChaCha] (00:27:35): What? There's a lot of things in the sky. Just because there's one more doesn't make it awesome. Stace [Nix] (00:27:41): But if we get it, we could fly to Charmonde. Alex [ChaCha] (00:27:45): Or we could lose the statues, and then we lose his other job, and then Momma Jerrun won't even help us. Stace [Nix] (00:27:51): Right. Alex [ChaCha] (00:27:52): So we should go back because the Loan Shark Guy was going to help us. He probably got hurt for helping us. Stace [Nix] (00:27:59): He probably did ChaCha, but there's just nothing that we can do about it. Alex [ChaCha] (00:28:04): We can murder them all. Stace [Nix] (00:28:05): Well, that's what I'm saying, is when the [atamatan 00:28:07] Gets here we got to murder it. I'm for murdering the [atamatan 00:28:12]. Alex [ChaCha] (00:28:12): But I could get to Charmonde a lot faster if I rode my horse. Stace [Nix] (00:28:17): You could get one day out of that horse, ChaCha. Alex [ChaCha] (00:28:20): One day. Just going... Stace [Nix] (00:28:22): ChaCha, I'm not going to stop you from doing what you got to do. But in this case, I can't go with you. Alex [ChaCha] (00:28:29): I think ChaCha's going to slow down and kind of think, is it worth it? Odds are that Loan Shark Guy could get help, and she could murder the [atamatan 00:28:38] if it came and killed Dili. But we're not going to chase the random starship, right? Because none of us can fly. Stace [Nix] (00:28:47): Let's take it one moment at a time, ChaCha. Let's get to [Ever Briar 00:09:52]. Daniel [GM] (00:28:54): [Elder Brier 00:09:54]. Stace [Nix] (00:28:55): [Elder Brier 00:28:54]. Let's get the livestock we need to get this cart to move a lot faster. And then we'll just take it one day at a time. Alex [ChaCha] (00:29:03): I think ChaCha climbs on Nix's back. We should probably use the horse then and get there faster. You just seemed like you were having a lot of fun pulling the cart, so I didn't want to take that from you. Stace [Nix] (00:29:13): It's a lot of fun, ChaCha, but I am starting to chafe, so. Alex [ChaCha] (00:29:22): Oh, man. Chafe is a good way to ruin a hike. Stace [Nix] (00:29:23): All right, ChaCha. Let's finish what we're doing here. Let's see what we can find out about this ship from Stannis. Because honestly, if it's flying, maybe we really could get back to Charmonde a lot faster with the statues. Alex [ChaCha] (00:29:38): So what do we do if someone betrays us? Do we kill them? Stace [Nix] (00:29:41): I think you can't say what you're going to do in advance, ChaCha. It depends. Sometimes people have good reasons for betraying each other. Alex [ChaCha] (00:29:49): But we killed Tamara and she was trying to help Atalia, and we still killed her. Stace [Nix] (00:29:55): Oh yeah. She was, well... I just like to remind myself, ChaCha, that she was actively trying to kill me when I killed her. So it doesn't really matter what else she was doing. It was, that was my choice was that Tamara would die and I would not. Alex [ChaCha] (00:30:13): I mean, I would have killed her, too. I didn't know her and she was just a pee pervert. So even if she was helping Atalia. I don't really like pee perverts. They're not really useful. They make entertainers look bad. Stace [Nix] (00:30:28): What? Daniel [GM] (00:30:29): Flashback to the dark history of ChaCha. Stace [Nix] (00:30:31): I was just imagining Chacha had never seen an outhouse before. "Oh, what's this?" Daniel [GM] (00:30:43): What a strange little stage for me to perform on. Alex [ChaCha] (00:30:47): God, what whore had to teach her what outhouses were? "ChaCha, we have to wear clothes when we into villages." Sampson [Dili] (00:30:57): I like the idea that port-a-potties are a technology that made it to the Ninth World. But not toilets, just port-a-potties. Alex [ChaCha] (00:31:04): So I guess we're making it back to camp and ChaCha's just kind of sitting there debating life. Deep in thought about murder. So much murder. Sampson [Dili] (00:31:12): When you guys get back into camp, Dili will be standing up and be like, "I'm sorry, ChaCha. I didn't know that this would happen." Alex [ChaCha] (00:31:22): I mean, it's not like you did it yourself. If you did it yourself, then I'd have to take your hands. Sampson [Dili] (00:31:27): Oh, yeah. He'll kind of slowly put his hands under his arms. Just like, "Yeah. That seems fair, but I didn't do it. So that won't happen." Alex [ChaCha] (00:31:41): Right. And we're just all having visions. So we need, I guess share visions? Because I guess visions are helpful. Sampson [Dili] (00:31:49): We're all having visions? Alex [ChaCha] (00:31:51): When we were leaving Charmonde and Momma Jerrun was talking about some weird stuff, and I wasn't really paying attention anyway, I saw a bunch of bees. Sampson [Dili] (00:32:00): Like out the window? Alex [ChaCha] (00:32:01): No, just everywhere was bees. Sampson [Dili] (00:32:05): Okay. Alex [ChaCha] (00:32:06): Like the hive we just came from. Sampson [Dili] (00:32:09): So you saw the hut. Wait. Do you see the beehive? The bees that we encountered? Do you see the future? Alex [ChaCha] (00:32:17): Maybe. Maybe that's what changing the world is. We need to train to see the future and change it this time. Because this time when we go back, we'll hopefully go back to the right time. Sampson [Dili] (00:32:30): "What?" And Dili will just look at Nix and Stannis and be like, "What? Time?" Stace [Nix] (00:32:37): Nix just goes, "Time, man." Sampson [Dili] (00:32:39): I'm confused. Daniel [GM] (00:32:40): Stannis is just nodding like, "Yeah. That's deep." So we're going to hit the road? Alex [ChaCha] (00:32:45): Yeah, and we're going to use the horse this time next. Nix says she doesn't want to pull the cart anymore. Sampson [Dili] (00:32:54): I can change the harness. That's not too hard. I don't think. Stace [Nix] (00:32:58): She's going to use her mechanical horse so that we can get done with this mission a little faster, Dili. Alex [ChaCha] (00:33:06): Oh. I'm glad my brain wasn't the only one who went to, "Oh, Dili thinks it's because the harness, and Nix should keep pulling the cart." Daniel [GM] (00:33:19): Okay. So you're activating your mechanical steed? Alex [ChaCha] (00:33:22): Yes. Daniel [GM] (00:33:23): Okay. So you are going to, you activate it. The steed appears. You attached the cart. It's able to get you to [Elderbrier 00:33:32] in 14 hours. As you approach, [Elderbrier 00:33:35] is a fairly small village. It looks like it might be about 50 people. You can see, there's a little bit of excitement there. You see some of the people outside the edge of town. They seem to be moving these small flocks of these animals. They're sort of wooly, human-sized, wingless insects, but they seem to be hurting them like livestock. Daniel [GM] (00:34:01): As you come into town, there's a little bit of excitement you can tell, because maybe they're not used to visitors. Which Nix and ChaCha you are very familiar with in the broader aspects of the Ninth World. People aren't used to people moving between towns, especially not individual travelers. It's considered too dangerous to do that kind of thing. Daniel [GM] (00:34:21): And there is a woman who walks towards you and she is about middle-aged, dark hair. But you'll notice that her left arm, which seems to be moving just fine, seems to be completely made of ice. And she steps forward and says, "Welcome to [Elderbrier 00:15:39], Travelers. My name is Gayless. What brings you to [Elderbrier 00:15:44]?" Stace [Nix] (00:34:44): What's up, Gayless? That right, Daniel? Did I hear that correctly? Daniel [GM] (00:34:48): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Stace [Nix] (00:34:49): We're here for a mount for our a wagon. Daniel [GM] (00:34:53): "It seems like you have one," and she nods to your mechanical steed. Stace [Nix] (00:34:56): It's going to breakdown soon, so we really need to replace it with a live animal. My name's Nix. Got ChaCha here, Dili Atalia, and Stannis, and we're sort of on a mission. But I've been pull, before that horse, I was pulling this cart and it's not very sustainable. The chafing, you understand? Daniel [GM] (00:35:19): She's a little confused at that, but she smiles anyway. And then she looks, "Stannis, I recognize you. You've been here before. Have you not?" And Stannis says, "A while ago. It was a short visit." And Gayless says, "I see. Well, we do have her. Do you have money to pay for such a thing?" Stace [Nix] (00:35:41): Not me personally. Atalia? Well, I guess how much are they? Marietta [Atalia] (00:35:45): Yeah. Daniel [GM] (00:35:46): Well, about 10 shins each. Stace [Nix] (00:35:49): Oh, I got nine shins. Anyone else got a shin? Marietta [Atalia] (00:35:52): Yeah, that's fine. Right. Stace [Nix] (00:35:52): Oh yeah, we can do, yeah, we can. Marietta [Atalia] (00:35:52): No problem. Stace [Nix] (00:35:55): Yeah, we got money. Daniel [GM] (00:35:56): How many are you looking for? Stace [Nix] (00:35:58): ChaCha, do you know how many we need? ChaCha has- Alex [ChaCha] (00:36:02): I mean. Stace [Nix] (00:36:02): Animal handling or something, right? Alex [ChaCha] (00:36:03): Mm-hmm (negative). Stace [Nix] (00:36:03): No? Alex [ChaCha] (00:36:05): No. I think we should get two. Daniel [GM] (00:36:08): Yeah. They're roughly human size, Nix. So you can make some conclusions about their strength. Stace [Nix] (00:36:13): Shoot. You guys got 11 shins? Marietta [Atalia] (00:36:16): I've got 11. Alex [ChaCha] (00:36:17): ChaCha wants to just poke the lady's frozen arm. That's what she'd do. Daniel [GM] (00:36:21): Is ChaCha going to do that? Alex [ChaCha] (00:36:22): Yes. Daniel [GM] (00:36:23): The woman looks at you and she says, "Please don't do that." And then there is a slight shine and you see this sort of dagger of ice form in the air around her arm. "I don't like being touched." Stace [Nix] (00:36:40): I am so sorry for that. ChaCha is new to this. So how long can [huirks 00:36:50] pull a wagon like this without getting tired? How often do they have to rest? Daniel [GM] (00:36:58): It depends on how heavy the wagon is. But if I'm, I suppose you could get a good eight hours out of them at any given time. Marietta [Atalia] (00:37:02): Should we do four instead? Would that make more sense? Cart to preacher ratio? Stace [Nix] (00:37:07): Yeah, maybe we should get two teams. Alex [ChaCha] (00:37:09): Or, this is out of character. Get two, and then have Nix sleep in the back, and then switch them out. Nix in the- Marietta [Atalia] (00:37:19): No. Would four make us go faster, Daniel? Or make it longer? Daniel [GM] (00:37:28): It would make it easier. I don't know if you're going to get a lot more out of them. You might get a couple extra hours. It would mean that you guys could ride in the cart if you wanted to probably, much more easily. Stace [Nix] (00:37:39): I was thinking more of an Oregon Trail situation. Like two pulling, two walking, and then we switch them. Marietta [Atalia] (00:37:45): I don't know. They're still going to be walking though. Daniel [GM] (00:37:47): Yeah. They're still going to be walking. I mean the ones that aren't pulling, you're just basically going to get a couple more hours every day. Stace [Nix] (00:37:53): What if we did a team of four? Would they go... Marietta [Atalia] (00:37:56): Well, he said if we did a team of four, then we could ride in the cart. Daniel [GM] (00:37:59): Or you could get a couple more hours out of them. Marietta [Atalia] (00:38:01): Yes. If some of us ride Daniel [GM] (00:38:03): Get a couple more hours out of them. Stace [Nix] (00:38:03): Yes. Alex [ChaCha] (00:38:03): If some of us ride in the cart, we could do other things, like work on Cypher stuff. And I'll finger gun it, Dili. Sampson [Dili] (00:38:10): All right. Sure. Stace [Nix] (00:38:12): Yeah. If we can afford four, we should definitely get four, I think, if we have 40 [shins 00:00:16]. Alex [ChaCha] (00:38:17): What money does [Stannis 00:38:18] have? Daniel [GM] (00:38:19): Pockets full of money. That's what she has. Sampson [Dili] (00:38:21): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Alex [ChaCha] (00:38:24): But I'll give you 21 shins. Stace [Nix] (00:38:25): I have nine, so that's three. We can buy three. Daniel [GM] (00:38:30): Stannis will give you 10 shins. Stace [Nix] (00:38:31): Four of your finest [hercs 00:38:32], please, [Galas 00:00:33]. Daniel [GM] (00:38:34): That can be arranged. Stace [Nix] (00:38:35): What do they eat? Flesh? Daniel [GM] (00:38:37): Mostly berries. They can be convinced to... Well, mostly berries. Occasionally they will take interest in carrion if they're very hungry, but mostly berries. Don't worry about it. Stace [Nix] (00:38:51): What? Daniel [GM] (00:38:52): Nothing, sorry. Alex [ChaCha] (00:38:53): We can get rid of a body fast then. Daniel [GM] (00:38:55): They can be useful for that. Yes. Alex [ChaCha] (00:38:58): This is a good investment. Stace [Nix] (00:39:01): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Galas, as a group of discerning consumers, I would like to follow up on the don't worry about it. Although they're ethicacy as corpse consuming creatures is a point in their favor. I really want to know what we shouldn't be worried about. And trust me, we've been around. We've seen some weird shit, so you're not going to scare us off from buying them. Daniel [GM] (00:39:24): As long as they get enough berries, you're fine. If they don't get enough berries, that's when they start looking for carrion or other meats. Stace [Nix] (00:39:33): Okay. So if we don't feed them berries, they're going to try to eat us is what you're saying. Daniel [GM] (00:39:39): I did not say that. I just said they would get hungry. Alex [ChaCha] (00:39:41): Do they go cannibalistic first? Stace [Nix] (00:39:45): [inaudible 00:39:45] how do you feed them here? I don't see a ton of berries. Daniel [GM] (00:39:48): Well, that's almost everything that's around here. Most of the [inaudible 00:39:52] is we collect berries and raise hercs. Stace [Nix] (00:39:55): How many berries can we buy from you? Daniel [GM] (00:39:58): Well, how many do you want? Stace [Nix] (00:39:59): How much is a month's worth of berries? Daniel [GM] (00:40:01): Oh my. That's a heavy amount. They do eat quite a few berries every day. Stace [Nix] (00:40:06): Oh, man. These hercs are going to turn on us, you guys. Marietta [Atalia] (00:40:11): I guess you have to provide food for them. Sampson [Dili] (00:40:12): [inaudible 00:40:13]? Stace [Nix] (00:40:13): Will they eat any other plant matter besides berries? Daniel [GM] (00:40:16): We haven't tried that in a long time. Alex [ChaCha] (00:40:19): That's a no, so we just need to make sure we keep killing things. It's fine. Stace [Nix] (00:40:23): I guess that's true. I can hunt for us and for the hercs. But do we want four? Sampson [Dili] (00:40:29): Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Maybe we should only have two to deal with. Marietta [Atalia] (00:40:34): Okay. Well, we never asked Stannis about this stupid ship either. Alex [ChaCha] (00:40:39): But if they eat each other, it'll be fine. Marietta [Atalia] (00:40:42): Aren't we here to get her ship? Isn't her ship here? Stace [Nix] (00:40:46): Oh, we get the additional hercs as feed for the other hercs? Alex [ChaCha] (00:40:49): Yeah, so we have four. When they get hungry, we kill one, and then we have three, and then we have two. Marietta [Atalia] (00:40:59): I was just thinking we could ride in the cart, and then we would have whatever the distances that the hercs can do instead of whatever our walking distance is. But I don't know. Doesn't it- Alex [ChaCha] (00:41:06): There's also Stannis. Marietta [Atalia] (00:41:08): Yeah, there is Stannis too. Aren't we here to find her ship though, or am I crazy? Alex [ChaCha] (00:41:13): That was a random ship. Daniel [GM] (00:41:14): That's also randomly flying around. It's seen every two or three days. Marietta [Atalia] (00:41:21): Oh. Stace [Nix] (00:41:21): Did you build muzzles for the hercs? Sampson [Dili] (00:41:26): I can. I don't know if that would help because they would still attack, right? Stace [Nix] (00:41:31): What if Dili disassembled the mechanical horse? Could he salvage the Numenera IO from it because it's still functioning? So we just need to salvage the still living carcass of the mechanical horse. Daniel [GM] (00:41:46): He could try. He sure could. Sampson [Dili] (00:41:49): I can try. I sure could. Daniel [GM] (00:41:50): But your question about the cannibalists. Don't worry about that too much, but they're they're pack hunters typically when they go into that mode. Stace [Nix] (00:41:58): Oh, I see. Alex [ChaCha] (00:42:00): But if we break Stannis' kneecap, then we'll be fine. Stace [Nix] (00:42:04): ChaCha, we're not going to... Daniel [GM] (00:42:05): I'm standing right here, ChaCha. Alex [ChaCha] (00:42:08): You're not officially part of the group, so it's okay. Don't worry about it. Just like this lady is saying, don't worry about it. Nix is standing behind ChaCha going, "Yeah, don't worry about it. It won't happen." Daniel [GM] (00:42:23): That's actually a pretty good. Dili will lean over saying, "That's actually a pretty good guarantee from her." That's pretty good. Better than most people get. Sampson [Dili] (00:42:33): So should we do two instead of four? Alex [ChaCha] (00:42:35): What constitutes a pack? Daniel [GM] (00:42:38): Well, in the wild, they'll gather in groups, pairs or up to six or seven, sometimes 10. Alex [ChaCha] (00:42:45): So if we get two, they will need meat either way. Daniel [GM] (00:42:52): Well, it depends on how many berries you buy and how far do you have to take them. Sampson [Dili] (00:42:55): Yeah, I think we're getting hung up on the meat. So I think maybe two and then we just have rations for two for maybe however long it's going to take us to get back to Shallamas because then we can ditch the cart there and then sell these to someone there. Daniel [GM] (00:43:10): Oh, you're heading to Shallamas. Well, that's not a month away, I don't think. It should be a couple of weeks. Alex [ChaCha] (00:43:16): Is it because Dili is so slow? Sampson [Dili] (00:43:18): I'm trying to catch up, all right? Alex [ChaCha] (00:43:20): Cardio, Dili. Cardio. Sampson [Dili] (00:43:22): Yeah. It's hell. Sucks. Who would choose to do that? Marietta [Atalia] (00:43:27): Well, the nice thing about having a cart that's moving is that you can cardio until you can't cardio, and then you can just sit. And then you can rest and recoup, and then you can cardio some more. Alex [ChaCha] (00:43:37): So we only need three because we're going to make Dili run behind the cart until he passes out. Marietta [Atalia] (00:43:43): ChaCha. Alex [ChaCha] (00:43:44): And then we can switch him out. Marietta [Atalia] (00:43:46): ChaCha, no. Stace [Nix] (00:43:48): ChaCha's nodding like this is a good plan. Marietta [Atalia] (00:43:51): No. Sampson [Dili] (00:43:51): I wouldn't get that far. Stace [Nix] (00:43:55): All right. How much is rations for two of them for two weeks? Would that fit in our cart? Daniel [GM] (00:44:01): Yeah, I think it could probably fit it in your cart. It is something that's pretty rare to our location, so it does have value. Stace [Nix] (00:44:10): Okay. So what would the value be? Daniel [GM] (00:44:13): I think for two weeks worth, it's going to be seven shins. Stace [Nix] (00:44:15): Okay. Atalia will hand over seven. Marietta [Atalia] (00:44:18): Whoa, whoa. Were we going to... Stace [Nix] (00:44:20): Oh, Atalia. No, never. Listen. Okay. Galas, it's so rare to your location, how come the hercs haven't attacked you? Daniel [GM] (00:44:28): We have plenty here, but it's hard to find elsewhere. You're asking to carry things out. Stace [Nix] (00:44:33): Oh, you're exploiting us. Daniel [GM] (00:44:36): Yeah. Alex [ChaCha] (00:44:36): Yeah. So maybe murder this village instead of buying berries. Sampson [Dili] (00:44:41): ChaCha, no. Stace [Nix] (00:44:41): ChaCha. Sampson [Dili] (00:44:42): It's just the ecosystem here. Stace [Nix] (00:44:46): Can we just buy these hercs and this food and be done, please? Daniel [GM] (00:44:52): Certainly. I can have two hercs brought over to you and have some berry bushels brought over. Stace [Nix] (00:44:58): I will get the rest of them. Daniel [GM] (00:45:00): Dili gives you a thumbs up. Yeah. Alex [ChaCha] (00:45:03): Can we get a berry plant, a bush that's living? Daniel [GM] (00:45:09): If you find one in the wild and as long as it's not from one of our farms, you're welcome to uproot one and try to do what you want. Sampson [Dili] (00:45:16): Cool, cool. Dili's going to take quick note of the berries, the color of the shape, just to put that in his brain. Daniel [GM] (00:45:24): Okay. Sampson [Dili] (00:45:24): The berries have a black, blue, almost green sheen. If you think of art that's made to look like an oil spill on the ground, all those different shades of blue and black and things like that, that's what they look like. The berries are not perfectly spherical in shape. It has an odd shape. It's almost double-pitted. So they end up looking a bit like a peanut, except they are quite clearly a berry. Alex [ChaCha] (00:45:59): Like those weird kissing cherries. Sampson [Dili] (00:46:00): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Alex [ChaCha] (00:46:02): Or the butt cherries if you don't like kissing. Sampson [Dili] (00:46:05): Mm-hmm (affirmative). If you prefer butt to kissing, sure. Alex [ChaCha] (00:46:09): Yes. Stace [Nix] (00:46:09): [inaudible 00:46:10]. Sampson [Dili] (00:46:13): Oh yeah. Question, are these berries poisonous to humans? Daniel [GM] (00:46:18): I wouldn't try eating them, no. Alex [ChaCha] (00:46:20): Will you turn into a herc? Is that how you're getting more of them, that you're just capturing innocent passerbyers, feeding them berries and forcing them into manual labor? Daniel [GM] (00:46:30): She looks at you strange. No. Berries can't turn you into a herc. Stace [Nix] (00:46:38): ChaCha gives her a very, very hard [inaudible 00:46:40]. Sampson [Dili] (00:46:42): Another question, probably a bit more grounded. So are they poisonous, or do they just taste bad? Daniel [GM] (00:46:47): I just want a definite answer that one. I don't believe they're life-threatening, but they are not hospitable human digestion. Sampson [Dili] (00:46:57): Bad time but not the last time. Got it. Thank you. Daniel [GM] (00:47:01): Mm-hmm (affirmative). So they load up your cart with four enormous bushels. These baskets are about as tall as Dili. Sampson [Dili] (00:47:11): Oh, shit. Stace [Nix] (00:47:12): Are they as thick? Daniel [GM] (00:47:14): Yeah. They're basically Dili-sized, and they are full to the brim with berries. Marietta [Atalia] (00:47:19): Are they meat specific or just anything that's flesh? Daniel [GM] (00:47:24): Oh, whatever they can catch. Sampson [Dili] (00:47:27): How much of the berries do they eat a day so that they don't eat anything else? Daniel [GM] (00:47:33): Well, you've got two weeks worth of berries there, sir. Marietta [Atalia] (00:47:38): This amount- Daniel [GM] (00:47:39): I think you can do the math. Marietta [Atalia] (00:47:43): ... divided by 14. Sampson [Dili] (00:47:43): [inaudible 00:47:42]. Alex [ChaCha] (00:47:44): He doesn't want them to become obese and overeat themselves and then get lazy from the [inaudible 00:09:51]. Daniel [GM] (00:47:52): Oh, they never overeat with the berries. Alex [ChaCha] (00:47:53): Oh. Daniel [GM] (00:47:54): The meat, yes. Sampson [Dili] (00:47:57): Oh. Daniel [GM] (00:47:57): But the berries, no. Alex [ChaCha] (00:47:58): Does their blood sugar get high when they eat meat? Daniel [GM] (00:48:01): I don't know if we know the answer to that exactly. The big thing is that if they are eating meat, we have to get them berries right away or we usually have to put them down. Sampson [Dili] (00:48:12): You may have said this. They definitely choose berries over meat regardless of the state that they're in? Daniel [GM] (00:48:17): That's been our experience, yes. Sampson [Dili] (00:48:19): Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Marietta [Atalia] (00:48:21): [inaudible 00:00:48:23]. Stace [Nix] (00:48:22): Yes, please. Alex [ChaCha] (00:48:24): Dili, can you mess with this mechanical horse to make sure we have something that goes fast? When these guys start chasing us to eat us? Sampson [Dili] (00:48:35): We're not going to get to that point, but I will definitely do what I can with the horse. I do what I can with the horse. Daniel [GM] (00:48:42): So is your goal to try to get an extra use out of it, or is your goal to try to salvage it for IO? Sampson [Dili] (00:48:49): That's a good question. I'll ask ChaCha. Alex [ChaCha] (00:48:52): It can only carry two of us, so unless you're willing to fight Nix and Atalia to get on the horse to run away, I think we should salvage it. Sampson [Dili] (00:49:02): I will do that. I will salvage. Alex [ChaCha] (00:49:05): Because I don't think you'll win that fight. Sampson [Dili] (00:49:07): There wouldn't even be a fight. I'd just get squished, just explode. I'll salvage, I guess, the horse. Bring it behind the building and- Daniel [GM] (00:49:18): Okay. Sampson [Dili] (00:49:19): ... put a screwdriver in the back of its head. I don't know. I didn't grow up on a farm. Daniel [GM] (00:49:25): Okay. So you have light tools, right? Sampson [Dili] (00:49:27): I have crafting tools, unless there's- Daniel [GM] (00:49:31): I think we agreed that we were going to say you made light tools along the way since you have like weeks of travel. Sampson [Dili] (00:49:37): All right. I will do that then. I give up one Synth to make light tools. And then I do that. Daniel [GM] (00:49:45): Okay. Excellent. Okay. So now you want to salvage the horse, right? ChaCha, do you have a level for your mechanical steed? Stace [Nix] (00:49:53): While you guys were looking that up, Daniel, could Nix use [Confident Outlook 00:00:49:57] for salvaging and assist? Daniel [GM] (00:50:00): Yeah, you could because that would bring your inability to a neutral, so then you could assist. Stace [Nix] (00:50:06): Okay. Daniel [GM] (00:50:06): Yeah. Stace [Nix] (00:50:07): That's what I will do. Daniel [GM] (00:50:08): So it was a level three item. Marietta [Atalia] (00:50:10): Yes. Yes it is. Daniel [GM] (00:50:12): So this would be for Dili. This is a difficulty nine salvage. And you have an inability, so that brings it to a 12. But you have light tools, so that brings it down to a nine. And you have Nix's assist, which brings it down to a six. Stace [Nix] (00:50:28): Could ChaCha help? Daniel [GM] (00:50:30): ChaCha doesn't have salvaging. Stace [Nix] (00:50:32): But she is adorable. Sampson [Dili] (00:50:36): I will use a level of effort to bring that down. So it's a three. Alex [ChaCha] (00:50:40): If you get a one, I vote the horse becomes sentient. Sampson [Dili] (00:50:45): I forget to turn it off, so it just kicks me when I try to take its heart out. 12. Alex [ChaCha] (00:50:50): Yeah. Sampson [Dili] (00:50:50): Okay. Daniel [GM] (00:50:53): Congratulations, Dili. Sampson [Dili] (00:50:54): What do I get? What do I get? Daniel [GM] (00:50:55): You get two parts, three Synth and one biomechanical IO and one [voidstone 00:51:05] as IO. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:05): Voidstone, voidstone. Alex [ChaCha] (00:51:08): I finally had a good idea. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:10): So are there other [iotem 00:51:13] beyond the table than I'm looking at in [Destiny 00:00:51:15]? Daniel [GM] (00:51:17): Oh, there's shitloads of kinds. There's another book called Discovering Tomorrow. It's [crosstalk 00:51:23]. You don't need it as a player, though. It's more GM stuff. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:29): I want to know. I want to know. Daniel [GM] (00:51:32): Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative). All right. Cool. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:33): All right. Daniel [GM] (00:51:34): So you have successfully salvaged your portable steed. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:39): I did it. Marietta [Atalia] (00:51:40): Hey, that's pretty cool. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:42): All right. Daniel [GM] (00:51:43): Dili has IO again. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:45): I can be a right now. Daniel [GM] (00:51:49): Voidstones are badass, by the way. I would not let anybody else carry one because, I don't know if you guys remember, but voidstones can... If you hold a voidstone and you're not doing it the right way, it can cause a mutation. Sampson [Dili] (00:51:59): Cool. Marietta [Atalia] (00:52:01): We already have enough mutations in this party, so... Alex [ChaCha] (00:52:04): Stop being so prejudiced, Atalia. Marietta [Atalia] (00:52:06): [inaudible 00:52:08]. Sampson [Dili] (00:52:09): [inaudible 00:14:09]. She's an [ap-human 00:00:52:11]. There's a difference. Marietta [Atalia] (00:52:13): Oh. Okay. Well, then hand it over. It's my turn. Sampson [Dili] (00:52:15): All right. Want to see what it tastes like? Marietta [Atalia] (00:52:25): Mm, yummy. Daniel [GM] (00:52:27): Allowing a mutation to occur with it would exhaust the voidstone and [crosstalk 00:14:31]. Marietta [Atalia] (00:52:31): Okay, no. Don't give it to me. Sampson [Dili] (00:52:35): All right. Marietta [Atalia] (00:52:35): I already have a scar. We're good. Stace [Nix] (00:52:38): I'm curious. Daniel [GM] (00:52:38): Well, to be fair, it would be Dili giving you another thing that's kind of like a scar. So you've got these hercs. You've got these bushels. You've got your IO. Where are you going with all this? Sampson [Dili] (00:52:50): We look at Stannis. Stace [Nix] (00:52:51): Yes. All four of us. Sampson [Dili] (00:52:53): So where are we going? Alex [ChaCha] (00:52:56): We're going to Charmonde? Sampson [Dili] (00:52:56): Ship. Alex [ChaCha] (00:52:57): Shallamas? Sampson [Dili] (00:52:59): We're going to ship because we're going to pick up Stannis' stones. Then- Stace [Nix] (00:53:05): Don't we have the stones? Or we have the statues. Sampson [Dili] (00:53:08): Statue, yeah. Alex [ChaCha] (00:53:09): No one's paying us to get the stones. We were paid to get the statues and Stannis. We returned Stannis, and Stannis can leave again. Sampson [Dili] (00:53:18): But if we get the stones- Marietta [Atalia] (00:53:19): So do we need to go to Shallamas, or do we just go to Charmonde? Alex [ChaCha] (00:53:23): We need to go to Shallamas because that's where we... And we see if we can get new animals. Marietta [Atalia] (00:53:31): I thought Stannis had to report back to Charmonde, though. Alex [ChaCha] (00:53:35): No. Sampson [Dili] (00:53:36): Stannis needs to report to [Sallah 00:53:37]. Alex [ChaCha] (00:53:37): We are only looking for the statues. Sampson [Dili] (00:53:40): And we're finding Stannis for Sallah. Marietta [Atalia] (00:53:42): I just thought that Stannis was keen on finishing whatever tasks that she had started or something. Sampson [Dili] (00:53:47): Yes. Daniel [GM] (00:53:48): Oh, she is. Marietta [Atalia] (00:53:49): Which was...? Alex [ChaCha] (00:53:50): That's a Stannis problem. Sampson [Dili] (00:53:52): I feel like if we help Stannis with the stones, then that puts us in a good light with the Guardians of [inaudible 00:53:59]. Alex [ChaCha] (00:54:00): But remember, Dili, murder robot who's following where you've been. Where else has Dili been in the city of Charmonde besides the queen's platoon? Marietta [Atalia] (00:54:12): Well, he hasn't been seen anywhere else. Alex [ChaCha] (00:54:15): Doesn't matter where he's been seen. It's where he's been. Daniel [GM] (00:54:18): That's true. He was never identified at the queen's platoon. He does nervously look at Nix, like yeah. Stace [Nix] (00:54:25): It's why we hired guards, Dili. Sampson [Dili] (00:54:28): Yes. Stace [Nix] (00:54:30): I wouldn't mind getting back either, but I would like to hear more about this ship because if it's a flying ship, then maybe it can get us back faster. Sampson [Dili] (00:54:38): That's true. Marietta [Atalia] (00:54:39): Also, I'd like to be clear that we're not having this conversation in front of all of these villagers. Alex [ChaCha] (00:54:44): I assume we've left this village. Daniel [GM] (00:54:48): Okay. Are you having it in front of Stannis? Stace [Nix] (00:54:50): Oh yeah. Marietta [Atalia] (00:54:50): Yeah. I've definitely asked Stannis. Stace [Nix] (00:54:56): Well, it took us 14 hours to get here. Daniel [GM] (00:54:58): I just need to know what you guys want to do because I've got to go get the crystals either way, which means I've got to go get them now. So you guys can either come with me or we can part ways. Marietta [Atalia] (00:55:07): Where are the crystals? Are they on the way back to Shallamas? Daniel [GM] (00:55:10): They're in the ship. Marietta [Atalia] (00:55:11): Oh, they're on the ship. Alex [ChaCha] (00:55:12): That randomly flies. Daniel [GM] (00:55:15): The lift that I stepped accidentally that put me in the ship, it's not an enormous way out of the way. Maybe adds an extra day or two to our journey. Sampson [Dili] (00:55:24): Question. Did you know the ship was there when you stepped on the lift, or did you have to wait for it to- Daniel [GM] (00:55:29): No. Sampson [Dili] (00:55:30): ... get into the right position? You did know. Daniel [GM] (00:55:32): I stepped on the lift, and I was in the ship. I honestly cannot tell you how I got there. Sampson [Dili] (00:55:37): Okay. Then we don't have to hunt for it, at least, sounds like. I know it's weird for me to say this, but I feel like getting the crystals would be a good idea. I think that would help us more because it's going to take us a month to get to Charmonde anyway. And whatever happens with my robot, it's going to have already happened. Marietta [Atalia] (00:55:55): Well, could we get a message to Momma Jerrun? Sampson [Dili] (00:55:59): Stannis, do you have means of [inaudible 00:18:01]? Daniel [GM] (00:56:02): I don't have a way of reaching the collar from here. Sallah would, but I don't. Stace [Nix] (00:56:08): Which way to this [inaudible 00:56:09]? Daniel [GM] (00:56:11): It's to the north. It's probably a little, about a day, out of our way. If we were heading there, stopping there and then going directly to Shallamas, maybe a day and a half of extra travel. Stace [Nix] (00:56:22): Okay. So here's the thing, is ChaCha wants to get back to Charmonde. I wouldn't mind checking on my parents sooner rather than later. That's ultimately where we got to get these statues guys. So how about we go to the lift, we see what's up. And then, honestly, to give back to Charmonde more quickly, I'm not interested in collecting the cash from Sallah. Stannis can go. But if that ship can get us back faster, I'm interested. There's no reason for us to go back to Shallamas. Sampson [Dili] (00:56:55): Don't we need to confirm with Sallah so he can confirm with- Marietta [Atalia] (00:56:59): We could send a message. We could send a message. We could send a message from this village. Sampson [Dili] (00:57:03): From this- Marietta [Atalia] (00:57:03): ... send a message. We could send a message from this village. Daniel [GM] (00:57:03): From this village? Marietta [Atalia] (00:57:04): Couldn't we hire a messenger here to take a note to Shallamas? Don't they have- Daniel [GM] (00:57:09): There's not a local messenger. You might have to find somebody who is traveling along the road, because travel's not easy. You guys are probably the closest things to potential messengers that this village has seen in months. Marietta [Atalia] (00:57:21): Should really work on their postal system. Pony Express didn't give a shit, man. Sampson [Dili] (00:57:25): Pony Express didn't have to work with nine apocalypses. Daniel [GM] (00:57:31): Or our current president. Ooh. Stace [Nix] (00:57:37): On the way we can try to find a way to communicate with Momma J. All right? But guys, Atalia and Dili, I feel like you guys are playing a little bit fast and loose with the care ChaCha and I have for our friends and family. Marietta [Atalia] (00:57:50): We can go straight back to Charmonde if you want. Look, I'm not fighting one way or the other. What do you want to do? Stace [Nix] (00:57:56): I want to go see if this ship can get us to Charmonde faster. Marietta [Atalia] (00:57:59): Okay. Let's go do that, then. Have to get pissed at us for things we can't control. Stace [Nix] (00:58:04): I just don't have ... Nix doesn't have anything to say to that. I don't know. Daniel [GM] (00:58:09): Okay. Okay. So you guys are trying to get to that ship lift? Is that what's happening? Marietta [Atalia] (00:58:15): Yeah. Sampson [Dili] (00:58:16): I think. Marietta [Atalia] (00:58:16): We want to acquire the ship, and be able to get back to [crosstalk 00:01:18]. Stace [Nix] (00:58:18): That's the first step we have agreed on. Daniel [GM] (00:58:20): Okay. So as you're going, Stannis is saying, "The ship did try to throw me off as soon as I got on board, so we'll need to try to figure out a way past that." You guys are walking, and probably been about half a day or so. There's two things I want to address here, and one of them is I'm going to offer Atalia an XP. Marietta [Atalia] (00:58:47): Okay. Sure. Daniel [GM] (00:58:49): Who will you give the other to? Marietta [Atalia] (00:58:51): I'm going to give it to Dili, because I'm really impressed with his salvaging. Sampson [Dili] (00:58:56): Yay. Daniel [GM] (00:58:57): Okay. So Atalia, as you are walking, you guys are going over a hill and you trip over a rock. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:08): Me? I don't trip. Daniel [GM] (00:59:09): Yep. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:10): Daniel. Daniel [GM] (00:59:12): Yeah. Sorry you took the XP. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:14): Balancing. Come on. Jumping. Daniel [GM] (00:59:18): I know. I know, it's bad. I don't know. Maybe you were distracted by your own thoughts. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:21): Maybe I was playing with Jeskii's ear or something, and I was like, "Jeskii, I love you so much." Daniel [GM] (00:59:26): And Jeskii follows after you. Nix, you're the closest one to her when she does that. Stace [Nix] (00:59:31): Oh. Nix can try to catch her from falling. Daniel [GM] (00:59:35): You're not going to be able to catch her. You could try to chase after her. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:38): Wait. So I tripped. I fall? Where do I fall? Do I fall down a gorge, or what? Daniel [GM] (00:59:42): No, just a hill. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:42): Just a hill? Stace [Nix] (00:59:44): Just rolling down the hill. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:45): Do I shout "as you wish" as I fall down? Sampson [Dili] (00:59:47): Make that joke. Daniel [GM] (00:59:52): That's a character choice. That's character choice. Marietta [Atalia] (00:59:55): You hear something, but it's unintelligible. " Oh, such a good seskii." [inaudible 00:03:02]. Daniel [GM] (01:00:07): So Nix, you're chasing down the hill? Stace [Nix] (01:00:09): Yeah. Nix is going to scramble down the hill. Daniel [GM] (01:00:11): Okay. Atalia, you don't really take any real damage. It's just sort of embarrassing. Nix comes down as you're getting up and kind of getting your pack sorted. And Nix, you notice a small bundle that looks like it fell out of Atalia's bag. Stace [Nix] (01:00:27): Oh, Nix would pick it up. "Atalia, you dropped this." Daniel [GM] (01:00:30): It is a bundle of envelopes, and they are all addressed to Atalia in your handwriting. Stace [Nix] (01:00:36): Oh, holy shit. Are they open? Marietta [Atalia] (01:00:38): Oh, yeah. For sure. Stace [Nix] (01:00:41): Dude. You kept all my letters? Marietta [Atalia] (01:00:45): Yeah. Maybe. Atalia's scrambling up. She's so muddy. Stace [Nix] (01:00:54): Dude. This is so cool. Nix will pick one, and pull it out, and read it. Marietta [Atalia] (01:01:00): Atalia's dying. Stace [Nix] (01:01:01): Oh, shit. Yeah. This is the one where I told you about that prank I played at the proving ground. What did you think, dude? I mean, I thought it was pretty sick. Marietta [Atalia] (01:01:12): It was pretty sick. Stace [Nix] (01:01:13): I sewed everyone's pants shut. It was great. You should have seen them try to get dressed. Ah, man. Okay. [inaudible 00:04:19], what else? And she's just going through them, and pulling out random, and saying, "What did you think of this, Atalia?" Marietta [Atalia] (01:01:30): Yeah. I thought it was something you would do. Stace [Nix] (01:01:31): Yeah. Sampson [Dili] (01:01:31): Hey, are you guys okay down there? Down there? Marietta [Atalia] (01:01:32): Yeah, I think we're going to get going. [inaudible 00:04:36]. Better get to that ship. Sampson [Dili] (01:01:39): Okay. Stace [Nix] (01:01:39): Yeah. Daniel [GM] (01:01:40): Nix, one thing you'll remember is that at Atalia never actually responded to any of your letters. Stace [Nix] (01:01:47): Yeah, and that's why Nix was like, "Oh my God, what did you think of this?" Because she never responded to any of it. Marietta [Atalia] (01:01:53): Atalia's just dying. Stace [Nix] (01:01:55): Man, I didn't even think you read these. After a while, it was like journaling. Actually, this is why I got a journal, dude. Marietta [Atalia] (01:02:02): Oh, okay. Well ... Stace [Nix] (01:02:04): Yeah, because I was writing you, and then I didn't know if you were getting them, or if you'd moved or whatever. So I kind of stopped writing a few years ago. But, oh, you want to read my journal? Marietta [Atalia] (01:02:18): You know, that would be a really fascinating read, I'm sure. But we have places that we need to be going, remember? Stace [Nix] (01:02:28): Oh, yeah. I can ... Well, I don't know if I can read and walk. Anyway, you know you could have wrote me back and I would have read them too. Marietta [Atalia] (01:02:37): Yeah. Stace [Nix] (01:02:38): Okay. Oh, what about this one? Daniel [GM] (01:02:44): So as Nix is saying that, the camera pans back up. Kind of from Dili's view, where Dili's standing there. Dili, Stannis has kind of come up behind you and is just looking down with you. And what nobody else is paying attention to is ChaCha, who's on the other side of the cart. And ChaCha, you see a familiar figure form out of nothing. Alex [ChaCha] (01:03:05): Oh, no. Daniel [GM] (01:03:07): A figure of [inaudible 01:03:07]. Alex [ChaCha] (01:03:08): Oh, no. Daniel [GM] (01:03:12): It's his predator mouth, and he floats over towards you. And again, as always, his strange mouth moves. But unrelated to the movements is how you hear his voice. And he says, "ChaCha, I'm growing concerned." Alex [ChaCha] (01:03:32): But a new best friend said you can't be trusted, so I'm not sure why you're concerned. Shouldn't I be concerned? Daniel [GM] (01:03:39): What do you mean, new best friend? Alex [ChaCha] (01:03:40): I met a new one in the caves. Daniel [GM] (01:03:43): I wouldn't worry about them. Alex [ChaCha] (01:03:47): But if you can't be trusted, how am I supposed to change the world? Daniel [GM] (01:03:50): You're going to change the world either way, ChaCha. I can lead you down the path that brings that change, or you could follow the meek and nothing ever gets done. Nothing gets better. Alex [ChaCha] (01:04:04): What kind of changes? Daniel [GM] (01:04:06): ChaCha, I thought you would have figured out by now. Alex [ChaCha] (01:04:09): I can only kill so many people. Daniel [GM] (01:04:12): Oh, you don't have to kill anyone, ChaCha. We just need you to open the door. And that's where we'll end this episode. Sampson [Dili] (01:04:18): Buck, buck. Alex [ChaCha] (01:04:19): This fucking door. Marietta [Atalia] (01:04:25): Tune in next time, where we see if ChaCha just starts opening every fucking door and like [inaudible 01:04:30]. Stace [Nix] (01:04:34): Well, first we've got to get back to someplace that has doors. Daniel [GM] (01:04:36): Yeah. It'll become a farce comedy. ChaCha's just running through hallways and opening doors. Sampson [Dili] (01:04:42): Can we get the rights to the Benny Hill thing? Stace [Nix] (01:04:44): Dude. Daniel [GM] (01:04:46): That might be a little difficult. That's not available with my usual stock licenses. Sampson [Dili] (01:04:50): It's not on the public domain yet? Daniel [GM] (01:04:52): I don't think so. Stace [Nix] (01:04:52): I don't think it's old enough. Marietta [Atalia] (01:04:54): It's not old enough to know better. A little too young to care. Daniel [GM] (01:04:58): Yeah. So Sampson, something that Dili did this session that stuck out to you. Sampson [Dili] (01:05:04): Oh, man. Fucking Dili is finally on his way to not being a [inaudible 01:05:09] NPC. He's kind of starting to participate, I guess. Mostly it's talking to Atalia and Nix, and fucking figuring out what he's going to do now, because he's coming to terms that he can't just keep running. And also I didn't botch my salvage. That was pretty cool. Daniel [GM] (01:05:28): That is pretty cool. Yeah. Successfully, once you got Io. Sampson [Dili] (01:05:32): Listeners may not know, but I am not known for rolling well. Stace [Nix] (01:05:36): What? Daniel [GM] (01:05:36): I think they know by now. Sampson [Dili] (01:05:39): I'm never quite sure what- Marietta [Atalia] (01:05:40): You've rolled pretty well the last couple times, honestly. I've been pretty impressed. But you will go streaks where you roll impressively. Sampson [Dili] (01:05:48): It's the one with the kind of dimensionally things that we're dealing with between Charmonde and Shallamas. Because that session was like, I rolled a 1 and a 20, and then a 1. Or at least that's how I remember it. Daniel [GM] (01:05:59): Oh, yeah. Sampson [Dili] (01:05:59): It was bad. Daniel [GM] (01:06:00): Yeah, you did. Oh yeah, where you got sucked in the middle of one. Sampson [Dili] (01:06:04): Dili almost died. Daniel [GM] (01:06:06): Yeah. That was rough. Alex [ChaCha] (01:06:08): What? When did this happen? Daniel [GM] (01:06:10): It was the Into the Woods episode, with the clicking creatures from the other dimension. He got sucked inside one, and he took ... Alex [ChaCha] (01:06:17): Oh. Marietta [Atalia] (01:06:17): I remember this. Yeah. Alex [ChaCha] (01:06:19): Oh. Now I remember. Marietta [Atalia] (01:06:21): We had just slashed Armand. Sampson [Dili] (01:06:23): [crosstalk 01:06:23] five or six intellect points just across my pool. Just six points. Daniel [GM] (01:06:28): So we have a segment that we do each week called Player Intrusions. This is where we offer you, the listener and XP, to check out something that we think you would absolutely dig. This week, it is Alex's turn. Alex, what will you offer our listeners and XP to check out? Alex [ChaCha] (01:06:45): So going along with my theme of trying to be more specific and not doing these large, overarching, random ideas, I would like people to check out the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. Alex [ChaCha] (01:07:05): So the reason it has two different names is the overhead company, Natsume, owns the rights to the name Harvest Moon, but the people who actually made the games are now remaking a lot of them and calling them Story of Seasons. So the basic premise behind it is, "Oh no, your grandpa just died. But oh yes, you get his farm." It is a shit show, and it is a farming simulator where you also seduce people. So ... Daniel [GM] (01:07:37): Okay. That's very on-brand. Alex [ChaCha] (01:07:38): Yeah. Fix your farm, seduce some peoples. And the newest ones, STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town, I think it is. Well, that's what it's remaking. They finally brought in gay marriage, LGBTQ marriage. So you can seduce anyone with a heart indicator, which is kind of nice. Unfortunately, you can not steal people from their actual spouses yet. Yet. There are a few people I'm just like, "Hey baby, me and my farm could treat you better." Daniel [GM] (01:08:14): They haven't implemented prima nocta or whatever. Alex [ChaCha] (01:08:17): Yep. So, yeah. They introduced angora bunnies, flavored cows, I think alpacas as well. It's a fun little Switch game to play. And it has an easy mode now, so you can start with money and crops. Take it to that new chill level. Daniel [GM] (01:08:36): How does it compare with, say, something like Stardew Valley? Alex [ChaCha] (01:08:40): So Harvest Moon inspired started Stardew Valley. Daniel [GM] (01:08:43): Okay. Alex [ChaCha] (01:08:44): That's where all of that idea came from. Stardew Valley took it further. But yeah, the Original Harvest moon inspired Stardew Valley. So, they're very similar. You just don't fight anything. You won't die, per se, in Harvest Moon. People can hate you though. Daniel [GM] (01:09:01): Kind of similar to the Animal Crossing, where you're building a town. Although this one specifically is focusing on farming rather than community. Alex [ChaCha] (01:09:10): Correct. I mean, you can still be a horrible person, but most people try not to do that. I'm still trying to pick out who's going to be my future farm person/partner thing. I haven't decided what yet. Daniel [GM] (01:09:24): You haven't found a Westley. Alex [ChaCha] (01:09:25): Yeah. I mean, my heart wants to say, "Go with Popuri, that dumb bitch," but ... I think she's progressively gotten smarter throughout the games. The first one I played was on the Nintendo 64, and she just helped run the flower shop. She has pink ears, pink eyes, and she was just head full of rocks. But it was either Popuri the flower girl, Elli, the ... I don't even know what she did. She was just baking or something. Maria, the mayor's daughter and the farm girl, or Karen, the drunk. She was literally a drunk. That was her storyline. So, yeah. Daniel [GM] (01:10:12): Yeah. Choices. Alex [ChaCha] (01:10:12): These are some winning characters. They've introduced a new character, the Earth Weirdo. Go seduce the hippie chick in the tent, who'll ask you about your aura. Stace [Nix] (01:10:23): Oh, you don't even have to tell me to do that. Daniel [GM] (01:10:27): Okay, cool. If people wanted to tell us what they thought about the podcast, or about Harvest Moon or Story of Seasons, how would they do that, Marietta? Marietta [Atalia] (01:10:36): Well, if they were wise, they would start at our website, which is explorerswanted.fm, where they would see links to all of the following. Our social medias, which we are extremely active on. Twitter, where we're @explorerswanted. And we are also on Instagram, which is @explorerswantedpodcast. And then we're on Facebook as Explorers Wanted Podcast. And if you really want to hang out, and socialize with us, and interact, the best way is to come to our Discord server, which is Explorers Wanted. And there's links to it on all of the social medias and on the website. And we have a Patreon, which is a thing that really helps us. If you are able to support us through that, that would be really great. There's some great benefits for the tiers. One of them for one of the higher ones is that the characters do journals every month. So if that is within your means, we would love to have you on there as well. It's Explorers Wanted on Patreon. Daniel [GM] (01:11:29): Awesome. Awesome. If you enjoyed the podcast today, if you wanted to help us out, the best thing that you could do for us is to tell a friend. Tell them why you liked the podcasts, and why they should listen to them. Or why they should listen to us. The second-best thing you could do is leave us a five-star review on a podcast directory. Particularly Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. Those have a huge impact on people finding us. The five-star ratings are incredible. What makes the extra impact is if you leave a review saying why somebody should listen to it or why you enjoy it. That has a huge impact on us finding an audience. And we actually have a new five-star review. Stace, what's that? Stace [Nix] (01:12:13): Yeah. So Tenbones from the US of A left a five-star review titled Nube-Friendly Actual Playthrough. "I don't have a background with Numenera, and I don't feel like I am missing anything from the story. They do a good job of keeping the plot moving and exploring the world without getting hung up on the rules." And I will say, that's true. We do not get hung up on the rules. Alex [ChaCha] (01:12:37): Rules can't stop us. Stace [Nix] (01:12:39): So thank you, Tenbones, for that five-star rating. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Daniel [GM] (01:12:43): And Tenbones, if your user name happens to be a reference to Martin Tenbones from Sandman, ping me and let me know. But yes, thank you. That review came in on Apple Podcasts. Daniel [GM] (01:12:53): If you didn't like the podcast for some reason, then I think you're ready to hear this. Listen, I know you suspected it for a long time. You told people that you grew out of it, but somewhere deep down, you've known you are lying. I understand. You don't need to worry. The thing under your bed does exist, but it means you no harm. You don't have to jump into your bed or out of your bed. It is not going to try to grab your ankles. It doesn't want to hurt you. It doesn't even want to scare you, which is why it only comes out of the shadows after you've fallen asleep. So that it can slide up the side of your bed and rest its head next to yours. It makes a point of being away by the time that you wake, but sometimes you can hear it in your sleep. If ever you dream and hear the distant sound of the sucking of teeth, know the thing is there, cuddling close but not touching, for as long as the night can last. Daniel [GM] (01:13:55): If you want to reach out to us individually on social media, you can. You can reach me on Twitter @Andrlik. A-N-D-R-L-I-K. Stace [Nix] (01:14:04): You can follow me on Twitter at @StaceWindu. Sampson [Dili] (01:14:06): If you suspect you may have farted on the monster under your bed at some point you can find me @slampotato. Alex [ChaCha] (01:14:15): If you also feel like, damn, that monster's the longest-lasting and most healthy relationship you've had, you can reach out to me and we can reminisce about that @realtyunicorn on Twitter. Sampson [Dili] (01:14:28): Are you actually still terrified there's a monster under your bed as I am? If so, please tweet at me @imonahike. Daniel [GM] (01:14:35): Okay. That's it for us. Hope you enjoyed the show. We will be back next week, as we will for every week in the foreseeable future. Have a good night, day, or morning, or whenever you're listening to this. And ... Group (01:14:47): Bye.